Stella Dimoko Measles Epidemic Sweeps Across Several Countries...


Thursday, April 18, 2019

Measles Epidemic Sweeps Across Several Countries...

A measles outbreak is currently sweeping across the world.

Among the countries affected by the current epidemic are the United Arab Emirates, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Madagascar, Myanmar, Philippines, Sudan, Thailand and Ukraine.

The outbreak has resulted in the deaths of many – with young children the majority of the casualties.

Worryingly, a significant spike in cases has also been recorded over the past few months in countries with high overall vaccination coverage.

They include the United States of America, Israel, Thailand and Tunisia, with the disease spreading fast among clusters of unvaccinated people.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), measles cases increased 300 per cent worldwide in the first three months of 2019 compared to the first three months in 2018.

Measles is one of the world’s most contagious diseases, with the potential to be extremely severe.

The WHO statement added that the recent increase follows consecutive increases over the past two years.

“While this data is provisional and not yet complete, it indicates a clear trend. Many countries are in the midst of sizeable measles outbreaks, with all regions of the world experiencing sustained rises in cases.”

Measles is preventable by vaccine but a pointer to the epidemic is the fact that vaccination rates are declining.

According to the most recent statistics, measles was responsible for 110,000 deaths globally in 2017.

Nigeria is presently excluded from the list of countries affected by the global scourge but stringent preventive measures including a rigorous vaccination regime would have to be followed to ensure that this remains the case.
from 1stnews


  1. Thank God for Nigeria. Our prince had it 2 months ago and is now very very clean and very free.

    If your child has it, the remedy is not too much and your baby will be fine.

    At least I know the symptoms and the cure

    1. Show the WORKINGS of the Symptoms and CURE please.

      I'm happy your prince is cured

    2. Yes oh. In the US here. Patient Zero is an Israeli who brought it back from Israel last October but do you hear the government ‘louding’ it? Mba!!! To say Na black man bring an come, it would’ve been all over the news that it was brought into the country from Africa, how traveling to a Africa is dangerous bla bla... now that it is our beloved Israel, mouth shut cos Israeli money Issa goal

    3. Anon, you’re so right. It started here in Brooklyn. You know it’s their domain.

  2. Replies
    1. Please measles is not caused by heat. Don't go about saying what you don't know.

  3. OMG, what can one do to prevent it

    1. Vaccinate. Avoid contact with affected person and or areas.

  4. Mango leaves or bark to the rescue!

  5. My niece is currently suffering from it. It itches so badly.

  6. Stella it's true oh!

    I am in Ukraine and the pastor of my church had it and only just recovered completely recently. He is middle aged and this sickness was so severe for him with seizures and he said he had even accepted death. But thank God, he recovered. His wife and kids also had it but mildly, as compared to him.

    In my university they have posted about it and warned us to ventilate our rooms and surroundings and report to the hospital as soon as we notice any strange symptom.

    I have no worries though because I was vaccinated. My roommate is Nigerian and has also been vaccinated. Most of us Nigerians (and Ghanaians too) are not really bothered but the whites are very afraid as vaccination is not common here (and not compulsory too) and is also expensive, so most of them don't vaccinate their kids.

    A Ukrainian friend confided in me on Sunday after service that she was not vaccinated and she is afraid because there is an outbreak both in her uni and in her hostel. So sad.

    May God preserve us all. Amen.

  7. Had this years back as a teenager, omo the itching no be here, just took a nap one hot afternoon and woke up to itching, of course I didnt know what it was I continued itching and even went to shower hoping that would bring reliefπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­ the rest is best left unsaid. Couple of months after chicken pox showed face too.

  8. I contracted it as a little girl. I was taken to the hospital but my Mother still used palm wine to treat it.

    She will put Palmwine in her mouth after telling me to open my eyes wide, then she will spit it into my eyes. She applied it all over my body too. I cried ehn

  9. If you know ur child keep having temperature even after using pcm and antimalaria... Plz suspect measles immediately coz some don't even bring out any hitching and rashes till u start taking measles drugs n liquid like 7keys, it will definitely come out

    1. Please don't spread ignorance, what is measles without the viral exanthem (rash), measles always has a rash, that's why its measles, it first starts with a fever, then a rash, nothing like measles drugs or 7 keys a supplement bringing out the rash, it follows it's natural progression.

  10. Its a viral infection and is self limiting, but can affect the eyes.

    How wont there be a pandemic when some folks deliberately refuse to get their kids immunized claiming one conspiracy theory or the other.

    Death from preventable diseases is one death too many.

    1. Not only refusing to get their kids vaccinated but poor handling on the side of the health workers. Some health care providers don't store the vaccine at the required temperature. Your baby can be vaccinated but not immunised.

  11. Ministry of health, pls make available the OPV vaccine against pneumonia given to 3months old babies available in Crossriver state

    1. OPV is Oral Polio Vaccine. I guess you meant PCV, which is PNEUMOCOCCAL CONJUGATE VACCINE.

  12. When people will not vaccinate their kids abroad because of one conspiracy theory bs, saying vaccines are made with aborted foetus and heavy metals. Thereby dragging science back to the dark ages where preventable diseases killed people in large numbers. why won't there be a breakout.

  13. baby is due to be vaccinated next week. God help us ooo.

  14. Why is Nigeria not in that list. Cases of measles everywhere. I guess high temperature contributes to the spread.


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