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Monday, April 15, 2019

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative.....

OH DEAR!!!!................


Read how I broke an egg at the junction of the place where 3 footpaths meet below 👇. Its a long read.

My daughter's father left me when she was 1 year and 6 months! I never bargained for that. I went into the relationship believing I had reached my last bus stop. We really were in love or so I thought because all my "spec" expectations he met. 🤣The only thing he didn't have was money.

We were inseparable!

I remember how he would visit me and I will walk him halfway to his house, he would in turn walk me back half way and I will walk him back again. This could go on till 2am in the morning and then we would just decide to sleep at any of the locations. One day he just said "why don't you move in and lets get this show on the road" and that was it!🤣😍

When he changed suddenly, I couldn't understand what had happened! I still believed in that love meanwhile dude had moved in with another woman in her family home where she lived with her mum, her daughter and her siblings! It took his friend Jango to tell me. He left me with no certificate ( I had not gone to the university then) no job, fully dependent on him for EVERYTHING! This was before I began to sell okrika clothes, bags and shoes to survive and long before I wrote JAMB someone advised that I go to church as that was the only way to get him back.

I could never allow Jehovah witnesses access to my home to preach to me before this time and even people from Pentecostal churches who did door to door preaching met me with great resistance! I would just shut my door against them but when trouble came! I started welcoming every religion! I would sincerely open up and tell them all my problems and they will in turn pray with me holding my thin hands and calling on the most high as tears streamed down my face! I had lost so much weight! I was suicidal at some point because I thought being single with a child was the greatest problem any human being should have to bear. Society made it a taboo and I didn't want to be that woman. A first in my family till date! Not even the boys dared!

ow, baby daddy had this friend who was a "Woli" in a white garment church. He lived at the back of the house with us. Never paid rent. He had two girlfriends then. One named Shade who would be with him from Friday till Tuesday to be replaced by Nike from Tuesday evening till Friday morning when Shade would resume. This Woli used to see vision. Lots of men and women came from far and near to consult with him. Several times I saw under the coconut tree at the back of the house two photos of a man and a woman placed between bibles with a candle burning in between and prayer points saying,

"this man must leave his wife or wives in some cases and be with only "whomever" had presented that case.

Many people came back to give him gifts because the "work" he did, worked! One woman boasted about how his work removed 3 women and left her in charge of their man! I remember one time a fair complexioned beautiful woman who had the gift of praying with hibiscus flower petals spread over her palms to see vision for a former president of Nigeria, came to consult with him. That leader had sent for her when his wife died to consult. 

She in turn came to do her own work because she was going to ask that leader for $60,000 and she wanted him to drop it without argument, which he did. She came back to testify and bought 3 cars from baby daddy. I digress...!

Anyway, I then took my case to this Woli living at the back of the house as bestie of my baby daddy and reported the case. He asked for a few days to pray.

He came back to me after 2 days and told me to go to Tejuoso market where they sold "agbo" (herbs) and ask for a particular woman. I was to buy one egg from her. I was then to put that egg under the bed and every day read a certain Psalm and pray a certain prayer to recall baby daddy to come home. I was to start the prayers everyday by 12 am and finish by 3 am after which I was to take the egg by 12 am on the 3rd day and go to a junction where 3 footpaths meet. I was to pray over the egg, then hit it on the ground shattering it and I was to immediately move without looking back until I entered the house. He assured me that my baby daddy would return soon afterwards. I trusted him! I believed him! Many times I had cooked food and packaged for him as bestie to baby daddy. We never quarreled! I thought he liked me and that we were friends! I had no idea that he "didn't mean me well"😢😢😢

I did all that he asked and my relationship went kaput! That same week, baby daddy came home at 10pm and threw me out! He came with a carpenter whom he commanded to immediately proceed to remove all the doors in the house and since my house was so close to the road I could not stay. I had to pack my things that night and by 2am I was back to the house where I lived at initially where baby daddy and I used used to do the back and forth movement in the early days! It was a horrible time but I will not go into that.

6 years later I received a call; an international call. Turned out to be the bestie of baby daddy calling me from the UK where he had relocated. He began to beg for my forgiveness. I insisted he should tell me what he had done against me that needed forgiveness and he answered by first asking me a question. He said,

"after shattering a fresh egg can you piece the shell back together again?"

I said 'no!'

He then confessed that, that was what he did to my relationship with baby daddy. He shattered it! I was shocked to say the least! He proceeded to say he was not the only one and that baby daddy's family had a few days before then come to spread some stuff in front of the house to separate us. He said he wanted only good for baby daddy and that both he and baby daddy's family did what they did because the lady he was with had promised to take him abroad and would only do so if he sent me away!

 It is funny how he could have believed this when the woman didnt have a job, lived with her mum with her daughter from a previous marriage and had never traveled! She still lives at Shaki crescent with her mum! A much older woman! She threw him out while she was still pregnant and his family and hers went to war till this day.

Anyway, I forgave him but it taught me to fear! I could not and hardly share any story about my relationship with people till this day! Two Christmas celebrations ago I invited baby daddy for lunch in VI and he came. This was 16 years after everything. He came with his friend and when that friend saw my daughter and I, he said to baby daddy,

" I cannot believe you left these two people I am seeing for anyone else in the world!" What happened to you?"

He could say that because this was an improved me! A woman who had been to hell and back and is now standing strong in Christ! I carry that light and it makes me formidable now but it wasn't always so. If he had known me when I was jobless and needy he would have advised baby daddy to choose abroad too, so I hold nothing against them. My scars built me! I have a heart today because of this! Love shattered my heart but experience of pain has given me a new one! I operate from a different level now and that is why can forgive anything!

I in the restaurant on that day opened up and told baby daddy for the first time what his friend Baba Jeje had done with the egg saga. I saw him surreptitiously, wipe tears from his eyes several times. I was teary too because we knew we were lovers; great lovers but events and time had taken its toll. He was willing for us to try but I had lost all feelings except that of nostalgia.

I just thank GOD for today. HE knows best!

I hope this blesses someone.


  1. Didnt understand anything.

    Who is baby daddy, beastie?

    Was so confused I stopped halfway.

    Anyway thank God for you.

    1. Baby daddy bestie is the baba that did the jazz to scatter her relationship.

    2. There's nothing confusing there, go back and read with an open mind.

    3. So many women did jazz to marry there husbands, either tru a seerer , pastor or what have u, d most common is baffling there head and giving whoever the spouse pix very common. A lot of u married pple r living with other pples Natural husbands which una take by force. What a story. Tank God u found jehova

    4. Are you sure you don't have dyslexia? Anon 15:06?

      There is so much happiness when one comes to terms with any situation, embrace Christ and love oneself!
      There's always an inner peace!

    5. Everything happens for a reason and our best mission in life is to know God and give Him pleasure, at the end of it all you are doing just that so that's all that matters.
      You are not totally blameless cuz you sought the power of the devil to tie down a man you dint create but everything surely happens for a reason.
      I am so happy for the woman you have grown to be.

  2. Queen come oh, food don done

    1. She is actually a good writer. She obviously has acquired an education and mixing with the right class of ppl. She managed to capture the story in a way that would have been confusing and her state of mind shows she has been successfull.

      Meanwhile...who is the former president who lost his wife?
      No be my mouth them de hear say teacher no wear pant come class.

    2. How can you ask my best friend to do jazz on me!?

  3. Story is so incoherent

    1. With unnecessary exclamation marks

    2. My dear enjoy the story and leave punctuation marks.

  4. I'm shook. This is how folks inadvertently be the architect of their own misfortune.

    i'm glad you rose like the ashes of the phoenix. Thank you for this piece and God bless you and your daughter.

    1. Exactly Perxian, we are mostly the architect of our own misfortune

    2. Perxian, sorry to digress, do they pay to get a divorce and how much? I'm undergoing through this right now.

    3. Hi anon, there are no fixed fees for divorce but I paid for court fees, legal fees and filing fees ie if you are the one that filed. The amount vary from State to State too.

      Keep ya head up, I'm sending you love & light.

    4. ....rose like a Phoenix from the ashes

  5. Awww, I lik you and your show of strength in knowing when to walk away from the past. I pray you find love again that is if you want that though.

    1. I have learnt in all my experiences a good lesson. Never take your partner's friends as your own friends . They will always have their friends back and not yours. Don't be fooled peeps. A bitter lesson but also a guide to me

  6. This writer is still looking for validation and if husband persists small, she will fall again. I have meddled with spiritual and I know it’s real but somehow I feel like yours is the man’s fault. He fell out of love but you didn’t so it means the jazz did not work. If you know what ajantuka ni ti agba mean, you’d know that whatever it is the egg is, is not real!

    Anyway I like that you have found yourself. Pls be careful because if the bestie is still there, how are you so sure that he won’t be doing some other diabolical things.

    1. Lady T/worth more than a thousand dollars15 April 2019 at 16:24

      Well, it won't work because she has a relationship with Jesus. And at the name of Jesus every knee must bow.

      ...she was ignorant in the past and her desire to get back with her probably blinded her from seeing the real truth. Its well poster. God is faithful and always has a plan.

    2. Well said lady T

    3. why do some of you like typing rubbish? how is she looking for validation? what in the story says that? where in the story did she say she still has feelings for the guy? do u think atal? rubbish

  7. 😮

    Well I'm happy you're in a better place now?
    Let me ask you, Would you rekindle your love for him?

  8. This world is too deep!
    Things are really happening.
    I only read all these things online because, I neither go out nor make friends.

  9. So you’ve been single for sixteen years. My dear move to your baby dada Biko

    1. She can still find a better person you know

    2. how do know she has been single, somebody that was in need and not committed to anybody. maybe she was doing pay as you go. I don't advice her to move to her baby daddy, that guy head is not normal again the have use jars to scatter it ooo. madam if you no see better person to marry continue as you being doing. marriage stress no be here if you have the financial power you can have another child

    3. @charity bino.. Y would a guy in their right mind want to be with a woman that has pertaken in egg jazz ...u babes sha na wa ..u will now deceive one new guy that u are clean ..but u've bin jazzin up lyk guru marahaji

    4. Anon 16:30 pay as you go ko, everywhere you go ni? You think everyone is like you abi? 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

    5. 😂😂😂😂 Guru maraji.
      Anything jazz is not good, doesnt end well... if you alter natural anything u see u take

  10. Hnmmmm. Na wa. Things are really happening.

  11. Honestly, desperation is never a virtue! Self love & respect will always take anyone to unbelievable heights in life.. Thank God for U, dear poster!

  12. Ma! That is all I can utter!

  13. It is well with you poster... Thank God for giving you a forgiving heart and giving you strength to pull through your pain all these years

  14. Honestly, desperation is never a virtue! Self love & respect will always take anyone to unbelievable heights in life.. Thank God for U, dear poster!

  15. Do all these work?
    I don't believe it.Smash egg to separate people?
    Dude is irresponsible.If you were with him i doubt if you would have turned out well.

    Everything happened according to divine plan

  16. There are so many people whose lives are been ruined today by their own greed,family and friends I hope they let's be weary of fake prophets who mix juju with their Christianity abeg.


  17. Hmm!things happen,anyway,you're changed person now,believe me,I'm not judging u but for me,no matter wat someone does to me,I can't go fetish cos I believe it in turn harms the person who consults it,it backfires a lot,thank God for your redemption.A story with a great lesson,thank God it happened DAT way,ur would've been wicked inlaws might not even let u live to tell the story..


    1. @anon 15:40 I concur with you ooo! It backfires a Lot!!! It opens the door for other several demonic attacks too in ones life. Not good atall. Poster thank God for life.

  18. Thank God you moved on and developed your self

    I have heard so many stories of these woli (prophets) praying for couples to go separate ways just to pave way for side chick.

  19. God have mercy!

  20. Majority of these Wolis are just Devils in human skin, gush!

  21. Very greedy and useless family, poster thank God you have sense enough not accept his proposal, even if the man is good that kind of family he comes from is terrible.

  22. I thank God for making you who you are today.A Strong,willful,determined,successful young beautiful young woman.
    I pray all SINGLE WOMEN AND MOTHERS rise above their fears and ashes and learn from your experience.
    I hope your daughter is as strong and beautiful as you have turned out to be?
    My regards to her.
    May God continue to bless and keep you.

  23. Chaii this life!!! Poster is it already well.

  24. Infact im speechless.Poster God will always be your strength.Pls think prayerfully if you ever consider having this man back in your life..and If you have totally moved on im happy for you.Sixteen years is no joke at all.

  25. I'm going through something quite similar right now and it hurts so much. We were so in love for 3years, infact people say our relationship was a model to them. He suddenly changed in the 4th year, I'm so confused by this change, I can't make sense of it at all. I'm only thankful we're not married and do not have kids yet.
    My heart has bled and bled, now I have just turned completely to God. I need healing, I need wholeness.
    How did God heal you poster?

    1. Keep focusing my dear.
      It happened to me too. I didn’t think it was working until I woke up one day and didn’t remember his name.
      You will see
      Don’t worry

  26. Do u still want to date your baby daddy or not?. That's why it's not always good to love a mere human being with your heart. Ladies love with ur brain and not ur heart. Stay away from your baby daddy and his bestie before they go diabolical on your case.

  27. Hmmmmmmmmmm. Person Don suffer for love o.

  28. Wow...this world is something else. White garment churches..

  29. Sisi ya tori touch me no be small.
    Wetin I (wan make my Naija girls) learn be this:
    1. No fork before marriage no matter how persin dey chant "I love you, sweetie' incantations
    2. Make una no seek God enter persin wey dey follow devil (fornicating with women), im lifestyle no match wetin im dey say im be.
    3. Make una no dey shut Baba God out of una lives
    4. Abroad/money/marriage -even Naija dudes fit somersault hang for air when them show (not to talk of Naija girls)
    5. Being a single mother no be the end of this life and adding Jesus join the equation make you whole
    6. Make you no stoop swallow ya vomit/shit/ukwara or any doty thing sake of say you wan answer persin wife.

    But will my Naija girls learn?😢😢😢😢😢
    Ajuju n' ese okwu? 😜😜😜😜😜

    1. I be ogbonge naija babe but I dey gbadun your tori.

    2. @tabitha
      Them go soon brand you man

  30. Yarning dust. Pointless chronicle


      Is everything okay ?

    2. Anon 16:35 must be Queen and Boss of Amadioha. I swear down.

  31. Every juju has expiry date. Funny how the prayers you prayed from 12 midnight to 3am to recall baby daddy did not work but smashing the egg to scatter you both which you did ignorantly worked. Is that the egg was more powerful than your midnight prayers?

    Stella I think you should do a post on those that married with juju, obtained things through dark powers etc what they going through and their experiences.

    1. That post will be an eye opener

  32. Even if the Woli had not worked against you and you got back with baby daddy back then eventually, your relationship would have crashed, still. The devil does not give gifts without sorrow my dear. Now that you're in Christ you must know that very well. Thank God for how he turned everything around for your good. Never allow foolishness and desperation lure you away from him again because the devil doesn't give up. He uses our weaknesses to try to trip us up through trials and temptation. Whatever God does not settle with his words, promises and his hands in your life should remain as it is. Never go looking to idols for solutions. Cheers

  33. Wow!!!! It is well with you. Your man will find you

  34. All because of man...
    Moral of the story: Woman, build yourself up.

  35. In other words you are looking for validation to go back to your deadbeat baby daddy?

    Do what is in your mind, there was no need for the epistle.

    1. No she has no desire to go back to him. If you read her last paragraph you will see that. Don't forget they have a child in between. So no matter what, their paths will cross.

    2. @reasonable doubt, YOU ARE SO INSENSITIVE AND WICKED, did she mention that she wants to go back to her baby daddy? Read this story again, she just wants someone to learn from her experience. You Nigerians never read to understand. Read your stupid comment again and slap 👋 yourself! Ewu Nigeria

    3. reasonable doubt you just proved to me you are truly and comprehend before vomiting will baby daddy never get to meet his child?

  36. Things are happening ooo.
    But truth is that baby daddy never loved u because he was the one who asked the other lady out before she started making all her promises.
    So move on.
    Don't waste ur life.
    Love again.
    Life Is too short

  37. oh dear, what can the matter be? 3x
    Johnny's so long at the fair...………………...

  38. Exactly, had nothing to do with any egg. Most puppy-love relationships don't make it to marriage. It's usually based on excessive emotions, sex, and has no solid foundation. That emotional attachment makes it toxic, and breakups usually become disastrous and suicidal for one or both parties. One party wants to jazz the other one into loving them forever. They go from being lovers one minute to killing each other the next minute. Toxic toxic toxic! Those that make it to marriage hardly last. Egg or not you guys had like 10% chance of working out.

    Marriage is for two READY MATURE independent minds, who have something doing with their lives, other than the relationship. It is based on discipline, responsibility and hard work. This selfless love outlives the wild reckless love of the young. It is warm, mature and understanding. Young ones let us pray for this love. Poster, life happens to us all. Count your blessings and stay good!

    1. I'm not the poster but your words spoke to my situation. Thanks.

    2. Great advise! I also experienced this puppy love BS and it crashed. Now that I look back on it, I'm glad I went through it because it made me focus on myself,and learn to seek out mature like minds.

  39. Celebrity party and cooperate first grade Ok gowns 0708471475415 April 2019 at 18:22

    Your sincere midnight prayers is what's working for you now, just that you channelled it to the wrong place. You weren't married legally but praying to God to bring your partner back. Gods ways are different and he heard your prayers, you wouldn't have made it today if you were still with him.

  40. You write soooooooo well.
    Your narrative style is so catchy, I loved the 'deviations', the vivid imagery employed and the deep messages embedded in few words. I don't know what you do currently, but you can add writing to it. We are never too old to try.

    I'm glad you're a stronger and more beautiful version of you. I hope you will give love a chance once more. I know how one wrong love can often mess us up for a lifetime, but you can be an exception if you want to give love a try again.
    If your baby daddy needs any help to reorder his life, you can help him, so your daughter can have a daddy she will be proud of.

    All the best lady.

    1. shut up you are the poster. keep praising yourself. beautiful ko

    2. Anonymous 14:24, go and play with your clit! You seem starved...

  41. touche...
    Glad you conquered..
    May we continue to discover ourselves!

  42. Waooh! What a chronicle.

    I thank God that you are able to move on. May God heal your soul.

  43. No be clear eye a man go take abandon his babe and move into a woman's house in her family home where she lives with her mum, her daughter and her siblings. No be clear eye baby daddy take leave you to go and live with that woman. But you were young and inexperienced. You were surrounded by traitors and evil doers. Dem don jazz baby daddy tey tey, it could even be his bestie that did the work for the woman. Wicked people scattered what would have been a wonderful union between you and him. But thank God you have become a stronger woman from that terrible experience. This story is full of lessons about the wickedness of African people.


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