Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative....


Friday, April 12, 2019

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative....



Good afternoon Stella and blog visitors.I need your advice on this issue.

I finished secondary school relatively very young, I had to add a year to my age in order to secure my admission. I have completed my Bachelors degree. My main worry, is on the age issue, I want to stick to my actual age, my fear is will it be an issue in my career path? My national id card and voters card carries my false age.

Is there any way, I can correct my identity card to my actual age?
The only difference between my actual age and false age is just a year.
I don't have any political ambition.

I will read comments, I really want to use my actual age, I am 20 and I will be 21 by August.

*I think you should stick to your fake age and explain it to those around you who matter......or quit that story and just do your thing....
Why do you even need to reduce it again...
Oh BTW this faking of age thing is like a viral Orgasm now,so you aint alone babe geh!


  1. My friend that faked her age to get one bobo.... she reduced 4years from the age. The bobo loved her oooo after 2years bros found out and now nothing nothing😞

    1. Default....The Bobo Na Bastard

    2. Anon how.
      I know of one bros dating a girl he is far senior to

  2. Why una like stress like this? Stick to your false age mbok! It won’t reduce or add to your days on earth.

  3. Once you begin to lie, you have to lie a lie to cover another lie... so it goes.
    You are just a liar that told a lie and live with it. If you want to change, change everything about you beginning from your heart; repentance.

    1. Exactly. Very faulty foundation. And what was the rush for? Where were you running to? Later we will be saying government is corrupt. Na wa.

  4. Continue with the lies simple!

  5. Is it not affidavit you used for the fake age? I assume you also have your original birth certificate so I don’t see the issue. If you’re doing something that requires you to submit voters card and proof you show up with sworn affidavit to match the ID card. Vice versus for the documents that show real age.

    A lot of people do this thing and for different reasons, I’m not sure it’s that big a deal. If you decide to make corrections to show real age on the voters card and national ID then be ready for the stress that comes with changing IDs such as those in nigerian. It would even be more stressful than a first timers attempt to get one. Go and ask footballers about this fake age thing 🤐

    1. Your false date of birth will be on your school transcript, how will you change that? Even the voters card etc also has the false age.

  6. You dont have this and that ambition YET. Tomorrow is very pregnant. You never can tell.

    Try see if you can change if not then stick to it.

    1. I read the post and shook my head. A 20year old who doesn't know what will happen in the next five months sef is claiming she doesn't have this or that.

      Poster, if you're reading this, move mountains to get it changed. Just don't tell another lie as you're trying to correct what shouldn't have gone wrong in the first place, I don't know where you were running to that you couldn't wait just one year. It's not as if your intelligence would have reduced. It's your type the devil waits for.

  7. Had same issue, born 1981 but all my records have 1980. Been working with it like that for over 12yrs.

    Even my wife born 1981 thinks am older, who cares after 5 kids.

    Abeg just hope for the best in life.

    1. Is it not just a year, so why bother? I was also born in 1981 but it wasn't my mom that told me that, when my mon saw 80, she was like...who told u that? and I was my grandmother na, so it doesn't bother me I even believe it...

    2. 1982 with 5 kids wow. My guy easy oh,economy is hard.

    3. He beg you garri? Whats your own with the number of children he chose to have. This our generation sef!

  8. Yaba left escapee12 April 2019 at 15:07

    ....this isnt meant to be a chronicle na, normal SP question.
    Who your age even epp? Abeg shift.

  9. Get an international passport with your real age,do an affidavit for age declaration and attach it to your certificates if need be...

    As long as you have a valid idcard(which includes intl passport,drivers license,voters card and national id) carrying your correct age,you are good...

  10. Let it be. You can't correct it now, it will mean you have to go back and correct it which will effect even your WAEC result, except you want to rewrite it again. Continue with it.

  11. You need to come clean cos you will have to submit your birth certificate to NYSC, embassies etc. or did you forge that one too? Do not join the multitudes to do evil. If you ever go out of Naija and them discover that, them go suspect everything about you even ya name and degree.

    Me I don decide say, I never go believe any age wey any Naija girl give me. This one na reverse though; she reduce am to enter school. If any Naija girl tells me her age, in my mind I go add 10 years. If you believe Naija girls' them age, you go believe say them don remove the things wey dey kill persin for motor.
    Ndi Pharisees😊😊😊😊

    1. Nawaa oo, u go add 10!? Abeg 10 years is too much...

      Hmmm u go fear Naija ppl, I always shame when I need to tell hubby's age😂😂😂😂 Fake age 10 years younger than me oo.

    2. To embassies? Which embassy require a birth certificate for adults? Unless there is something wrong with your passport, embassy does not ask for birth certificate. Lol

    3. Annon 15:11, your second paragraph got me smiling if u see me and I tell u my age aswear u go increase am for me.I don't look my age at all,u can't even judge through my face.

    4. Which embassies dyu submit birth certificates to?

    5. I'm not the annon above,however, i submitted my birth certificate at the British deputy high commission, in lagos. When i needed to process my son's first british passport. They requested for my original birth certificate as well as my husband's
      (the long form/full version).They asked for every damn thing,right down to antenatal records,evidence of marriage,work id cards for both of barely fell short of requesting for a dna test.

  12. Since it's just a year, let it be abeg.. After all, age is just a number..


  14. Stick to it. No need changing it back.

  15. There is no point changing it. It makes no different. Stick to the false one you have been using.

  16. poster if this is your problem, then you don't have problem.

    I know of a lady that changed her age from 1971 to 1979 when she got married to her husband that was born in 1979.

  17. Since your identity cards bears your false age, just continue with the lie.

  18. I dont believe in reducing or increasing my age.
    What is mine will definitely come to me irrespective.

    Why didn't you correct it after u gained admission since that was the purpose?
    Why go ahead with your ids.
    When I come out of school, organisations like banks will verify. And you can loose job opportunities because of that.
    I think you should correct it and free yourself.

  19. Please, go and do statutory declaration of age with your REAL AGE. Discard abi return the national ID and voter's cards that have your fake age on them. I hope you don't have an international passport yet.

    It's better you rectify it now that nobody knows you, oh. Career isn't the only place where a lie can destroy you. You may not have political ambitions and you may not be a "jim-jim Christian" but your conscience is warning you now for a reason. Go and do the necessary before the lie you told in the past enters your future and bites you.

  20. You shouldn't have falsified your age to begin with, especially since it's just a year difference between your real age and footballer's age. One year goes by quickly if you find something worthwhile to take up your tine before Uni. I suggest that you stick to the lie you started. It would be too cumbersome and suspicious changing your age on your documents especially since you must have sworn an affidavit to change them in the first place. When you meet your husband, not boyfriend o, make sure you tell him this before things get too serious.

    1. It is this kind of lie that can either break a relationship heading for the altar or scatter a marriage that has already happened.

  21. Happy weekend jare
    This one no get problem.

  22. Lie lie Association. Deal with it for the rest of your life...

  23. Lol you want to go bacak to your real age because as you get older it is "better" to appear younger agewise.. During your teen years you want to appear older now as you get older you want to appear younger. Umu nwanyi

  24. This is no problem, just stick to the fake age.. but make sure all your documents and id carrys same age.

  25. Do not stick to the false age, you can request for another ID Card.
    All the best !

  26. I hope the false age is not what you have on your SSCE certificate else it would come back hunting you...while trying to rectify the lie...ensure you harmonise it with the age on your certificate...

  27. This is not a big deal I changed my age in Jss1 when I was the youngest in our play group and everybody were oppressing me, I just woke up one day and told them I'm not born 1991 but 1990. They didn't blv it then they asked everybody in our group to bring their birth certificate the next day so we will know who is who. When I got home that day I just changed the 1 to zero with the help of my brother. That's how I gain my Respect in our play group. When my mom saw the birth certificate she freak out, went back to the hospital for a new one but they refuse to give her. So I've been using it like that since then. All my documents carry 1990 my boo knows I'm 1991 tho he even thinks I'm younger and lying to him. But till date all my friends thinks I'm 1990 so it's no big deal.

  28. Lie lie Association. Deal with it for the rest of your life...


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