Stella Dimoko CCTV Exposes Undergrad 'Taking' Her Boss' Money...


Thursday, April 25, 2019

CCTV Exposes Undergrad 'Taking' Her Boss' Money...

A lady who is an ND II student of Business Admin in Yabatech, Lagos, was caught after stealing from her boss. 

Ayodele Gbenga Oladimeji posted on facebook..

''This is Ife Aboyeji, a ND ii Student of Business Administration in Yaba College of Technology who was on SIWES in an organisation and carted away with over 500k within her 3months in the organisation.

Investigation reveals that her father is an accomplice as he has been benefiting from the proceeds of theft.

Train your kids well so they don't end up being an embarrassment to not your family alone but the society. Yabatech management must take actions as her act has brought disrepute to the institution''.

National helm reports she
 was caught red handed both by her boss and CCTV after stealing N500k cash.

It was learnt she had first stolen some money and no one noticed, so yesterday she went again to steal in the morning and no one also noticed.

She allegedly went back again for the third time in the afternoon to steal again and that was when her Madam walked in and caught her. The CCTV footages were later reviewed and all her previous atrocities came to light.

watch the video if you can


  1. Abasi'm mbok!

    When the village people step up on your case mightily...they will not only disgrace u they will disgrace ur entire lineage.

    1. Please don't bring in village people here, it is greed
      A lot of girls in this country are greedy and I hope you are not?
      Talking as if you don't have your uncles and cousins in the village

    2. It may not necessarily be greed but it is what it is(.....stealing) and it is bad!

    3. 11.58 hahahaha oginidi?πŸ™„
      bro I am not greedyπŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

    4. Anon 11.58 aka ANG

  2. When greed and wanting to belong will not let them be. See the shame and disgrace she has brought on herself now. I so detest seeing ladies stealing.

  3. Fine girl you should not have done this. Why bring disrepute to your mother?

  4. Thief,barawo...when stealing entered ur blood,u will end up disgracing ursaf..I hope she is arrested.

  5. I agree that she stole, but calling her father who doesn't work for your organization or have access to your boss's bag an accomplice is defamatory to the Father and he should Sue who ever put out this post...who ever put out this post shaming the Father and her family is Mad, infact the boss the organization and the person who posted this are all MAD.


    1. Do you know if her dad knew of the stealing and partaking in the sharing of the proceeds? Will dey just call the dad if the girl didnt at some point mention him in the own case

    2. What if she confessed all the details. They could not have called her father's name just like that. She was caught red handed and likely spilled it all when confronted.

  6. One day for the owner . BTW , I'm yet to collect my SIWES money o. At a point, I thought it was scam

    1. It will definitely come, after giving up, the money hit my account in March when I least expected it. I screamed that day. .

  7. is it not better and less shameful to be caught at gun point robbing CBN professionally rather than in this manner. So your own siwes was to advance your robbing skill and experience. the internet has got your shame for life

  8. Kai the girl needs deliverance from the spirit of stealing.

    Her father is a foolish man for pushing her. See how she has been disgraced with her names and picture gracing newspapers.

    May God help our wards Amen

  9. kia see embarrassment. And she kept on going back.

  10. Where so many students are looking for companies to take them for SIWES, this one took the opportunity and blew it. Issorait.

  11. Will that solve her problem forever? See the way she has dented her image.

  12. Her village people don finally catch up with her. Imagine the disgrace she has gotten herself and her generations unborn into.

  13. Integrity is key, just do the right thing even when nobody is watching. Ill gotten wealth that will grow wings and fly away, vanity upon vanity.

  14. Why now? Stealing is bad, look at the embarrassment you brought upon yourself and family.

  15. This one's village people are in full bloom.

  16. Imagine? I hate thieves, especially female thieves, see how she disgraced her lineage.

  17. 99 days for the thief one day for the owner, such a fine girl stealing,the things poverty can u make u do enh,hmm

    1. Stop blaming poverty for bad habit.
      Stop it. What's bad is bad is bad, leave poverty out of it.
      So many people are penniless but they will never think of stealing.

    2. So many people are struggling but will never ever steal, they will rather beg. Poverty is not an excuse.

  18. This Thief got no conscience at all, imagine stealing 3times a day like square meal. Thank God she was caught. What a shame

  19. Hmmmm......see how someone just used her hand to spoil her career cos of 500k. After spending years in school.
    I hope she will be employable after this. Cos once you Google her name this will come up.

  20. kai...what a disgraced. she don graduate from school be that. sorry for her.

  21. This is disheartening.. she soiled the reputation of our school and department.. Business Administration ti rogo ni YCT bayi..

    1. As in ehn! I don’t think she’s from business administration tho, smbs depts do proper IT and not SIWES, only science departments like food tech,polymer &textile and engineering do SIWES.

    2. I'm on IT... I did 4 months siwes..and I'm a bam student.. They just started the siwes ish for social sciences last year or so..

  22. Adanma😘!!! Jelly Sandals, Jelly Shoes & More.... @0803715164925 April 2019 at 11:26

    SPEECHLESS in capitals!!!!

  23. “3rd Time is definitely a Charm”

    Mumu Girl, instead of you to focus on your SIWE, na to thief when you fully saw the CCTV


  24. Sad really. There's a lot of hunger in the land, it is however no excuse for her action.

  25. Yabatech will disown her. Shame!

  26. Interestingly, a shop owner caught someone shop lifting. Rather than report the victim, he decided that the victim must need it steal. What did he do, he walked to the victim, added more things. The victim was scared, but the shop owner was so nice about it and told him that he is sure he is stealing out of need. Now that is worth emulating. Don't be in a hurry to condemn people, you have no idea what is behind their actions.An act of love can save not scare them for live.


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