Shout out to Taye,US based BV......I miss you!
Shout out to Tina,UK Based BV,I am looking for you babe..Are you OK?
I am in a very good mood today and excited because I dont have to cook Dinner...LMAO...........*Who understands my excitement?*
IN HOUSE MEMO...........
The person who posted a comment that they have been sending me advert and i have not posted and went on to say how i only post adverts for my friends here...LOL,aint you funny?What is your definition of friendship anyway?...........Keep your jealous and monitoring spirit aside and note these....
If you send me an advert and you dont see it after one week,then try to look for my reply in your spam cause i must have stated the reason why......some will send advert that is like a book for me to post ,some will send all their photos and i always ask it to be trimmed down,some even exclude contact ...Abeg i don tire.......Check out Olori's shoe advert,that is what i call advert!!!...Most of you dont even have text for your advert and expect me to help out......
If this advert thing will now make anyone to start disrespecting me,then we will stop it again and turn in house news into a boxing arena until it fades out.....
The only new year resolution i made and have been sticking to this year is ''If it comes with Negative energy,trash it''
''To do good to some translates into pure evil for some.....Can we ever please all?No,so i will just do what keeps my smile.......Yes i have some people i really like here even though i never met them,its not my fault if you and i dont click.....stop bad belle and cool down.
Send in your adverts and make it proper......
If you are a guy and ready for Marriage and want to settle down...send me your entry and i will post it inside IHN after i have done all the checks and verified that you are serious and not serial........
Singles Mingles update posting loading......
Hmmm Stella,
I posted last week in the first rumour has it comment section about how God turned my life around and made my good girl pay off.Someone asked i send you a chronicle to give a detail about my life to encourage others. A certain BV called baby fire refuted my story and I was happy seeing that.... because that has always been my prayer; that God gives me a testimony that seemed like a lie and her reaction has proven that he did.I am not upset,for i understand her doubts.
Still i pray, a miracle as big as mine, or better still, bigger(yes, i said bigger,because hey! this is God we are talking about here)than mine happen for her and everyone reading this.
First, i need to say this, hubby's dad is Nigerian while mother isn't and he wasn't born in Nigeria.
Mind you, am in Nigeria right now, came for a wedding which I will be attending tomorrow. Why am I here? I guess I came to "SHOW OFF", and please don't insult me, but when people have looked down at you for long, made you feel you won't ever amount to anything in life.
Trust me when you arrive,Stella, you want to show off with every fibre of your being. Tomorrow for every single insults they thrown at me and my family,they will all cower in shame.
Where do I even start from? Well my mother is a single mum since she left dad 15 years ago due to his infidelity,incessant battery et al, i mean, talk about emotional, physical, and sexual abuse. He takes the crown for it all. He had PhD in manipulations and he was a narcissist.
She left him when I was still a teenager and since I was the baby of the house she took me with her.
When he saw she has left, he immediately brought another woman in, less than a week and sent my big sisters and brothers out in the middle of the night.
My sisters slept in the church while the men slept in their male friend's house till the next morning.
They all contacted my mum and that was how we all started living together in that one room meant for only mother and i.
Life was not hard, it was terrible, my brothers who were already in school did all types of jobs to survive since dad said since mother has left him then automatically we are non-existent.
Family tried to intervene telling him to take care of his children but he refused and said he will do that only on the condition that my mum returns. We couldn't bear our mum returning to a life of misery( he ties her up and beats her,locks her in whenever he goes out, says she is too beautiful and he doesn't trust her, refused to let her get a job for over 28 years of marriage, sleeps with her friends) so we all accepted our fate and when people asked us of our dad we always said he was dead.
My brothers sold pure water, did bricklayer jobs, wrote papers for their mates since they were brilliant and one even drove a motorbike and delivers money back to the owner.
Yet they still complained of hardship, despite the fact,that they were in a federal uni which pales in comparison to the state uni my sisters went to in terms of finance.
MY two virginal sister's became runs babe, when my mother advised them to drop out since she couldn't support them in school. Oh! Mum had bought a kiosk and sold provisions in front of the house thanks to some of my father's family who gave her some money to start business.
Well, my sisters sponsored themselves through school. Mum pleaded with them to stop; but you can only force a horse to the stream, you can't force it to drink water.
They promised they would, but never did, till they graduated and served.
I on the other hand never got into uni till i was eventually 26 but still, dropped out, just after one semester. Why? No money.
Before I was 26 I tried my hands in many crafts ie. Beading, hair making, tailoring, to sustain myself and I also did house girl work,lol. yes oh, my rich aunt( yes no matter how impoverished our enemies are, we all have that wealthy person in our family who is the one everyone looks unto like a demigod) turned me into a house girl after promising me that she will help further my schooling, i got there and she sent her second house help away within the speed of lightening . Which meant at the time i had automatically replaced her.
Stayed there for three years, cleaning serving guests, going to the supermarket to buy foodstuffs, washed cars and wasn't placed on salary, Yet no jamb form and no show. so I left back to our house.
I was very beautiful and extremely prayerful Stella, and my mum would look at me and say "baby, you will be the one to take us out of this life of poverty, i know it".
We lived in a very poor area but still we had few yahoo boys around who would always pester me for they knew we were struggling.I would go on five days in a stretch without food but i still wouldn't accept a dime from them nor give them my time of the day.
That was how I learnt how to fast, that till today I can go on a 7 days dry fasting without food nor water. Talk about vigil, i am available, three days fasting too, well say no more, what of praying 3 to 4 times every single day, yes its no big deal and i go no where.
After all there was no food,so I thought, "I better make the most of it" by fasting and praying.
All the guys in the area pestered me but i dated no one. One insulted me and said I needed to go for deliverance, and I wondered, from who?
The lord Jesus Christ? lol.
I don't date to date, when I date someone I know he definitely has the potential and possibility of marriage in place and besides i knew they would demand sex from me and I never planned to kiss nor have sex till i got married at the time.
Eventually got into my first relationship at 24, he agreed to no sex but when he suspected in our discussions, i was a virgin he started troubling me for marriage just a week of dating.I was uncomfortable i wanted someone to love me because of my person and not a piece of hymen.
I told him to let me pray about it. What I saw when I prayed startled me!!!
In the dream I was about getting married to a different man from the one i just started dating
This man was his exact opposite in everything, though I couldn't see his face. Just when we were about to get married, a man appeared and stopped the wedding.
He walked up to me and said"it's not yet time". I was shocked and asked "then when is the time, if not now", he replied, 5 years time. I woke up and told my mum the dream.
You see I have the gift of dreams and she always warned me if I dreamt about someone I should never tell them but rather pray for them, else they term me a witch, lol. With her support i knew the dream was from God and that gave me the strength to break it off with him.
Though I wonder when next I would meet another man who would accept my no sex and no kissing stance for it's so difficult to find one but I held to the word of God. Yet 5 years seemed like 50 in my eyes at the time.
But I had faith, I would have thought it was my imagination if not that God always spoke to me clearly through dreams. Hence why I was called Mrs Joseph.
You won't believe during those years men would look at me and look away most acted like I was invincible, mum was bothered I wasn't getting younger she prayed thinking my face was covered with a veil which prevented men from seeing or approaching me. Friends mocked me and called me Jesus' wife and they always reminded me of the five year mark. Just as i was about to give up 3 years in I had another dream.
I saw a very big vineyard? it was so beautiful with all sorts of fruits and workers were attending to it.
I approached them and asked who owns all these. They replied that it was me, i asked if I could take over now they said no and I asked why" they said it was not yet time", and I woke up. My faith became stronger and unshakened. Yet in real life I was struggling to feed.... making hair and I worked at a call centre then.
My sisters had already stopped their runs and were out of uni.Maybe because my mum pleaded or because they were done with school or because a close friend of theirs with the top connection died during runs... well we never know.
Mummy already lost her business while trying to help out with school fees matter and house rent. We tried during all those years to connect with dad but the moment he knows who was on the line he disconnects. So we finally moved on.
Mum no longer had her shop and we were owing rent. The landlord was tired of accommodating us and he threw us out. With no where to go we went to an uncompleted building and we stayed for a few weeks. We later joined my brothers but mum suggested I go back to her sister.
According to her, at least i will have enough to eat, bed to sleep, while they all sort themselves out. I can't write everything for it's getting too long.
Well I went back there with mum who was hoping her sister could render some assistance.
She told us to stay back for a week she was expecting some money. Well she stylishly turned us to house girls again,both of us. While in this woman's house I had the most beautiful dream of my life.
I saw a king sitting on a throne,surrounding him were other kings who brought gifts to him being the kings of all kings.
His throne was higher than the rest and his presence was enthralling. In the presence of all other smaller kings he called me forth to sit beside him and summoned to the king to bring forth his gift.He brought forth a golden necklace and gave the most revered king who held it and placed it on my neck in the presence of everyone. Mind you it was the fifth yea and my hope was running thin.
In wicked aunt's house, we served guests and did all sort of work with the cook in the kitchen.
She postponed helping us to three weeks saying she was sorry. I was upset but mum said we should be patient.
Stella do you know it was this same woman that pushed my mum into marrying my dad.She promised her she was going to send her to school but turned her into a maid.
When the suffering was too much for my mum to bear while living with her she decide to get married to my father as a means of escape.
This wicked aunty is a rich man's third wife and she had guests that fateful day as usual.I came to serve and the woman saw me and screamed" you this girl, where have you been, how is your husband?".
I greeted her and told her I wasn't married and she mistook me for someone else. Then she mentioned my name and asked me if I wasn't the one who came around 3 years back.
I said I was but I wasn't married. She said there was still hope then.
I asked her what she meant and then she talked about him. She asked for my digits so we could discuss better. Since i didn't have a phone yet so i gave her my mum's number, yet while at it, aunt saw us talking.
She rushed out and ask what was amiss. My mum saw the way she ran towards me and followed suit. I told her i was about to give her friend my number since she asked for it.
She said why would her friend ask for my number?,what do we have in common. Her friend then reminded her about what she discussed concerning me and how she mislead her into thinking I was married. Immediately my mum heard that, she blurted out"my daughter isn't married oo,she is even a virgin",.
Stella that was all ooo, the next thing I heard was a loud slap, oh it stinged. She slapped my mum and dragged us out of the living room. Called us gold-diggers, said we were salivating because we know her friend was rich.
She told us to leave her house that same day and surprisingly she gave us the money she promised which she has been withholding for long.
My mum has suffered too much for us. Talked about begging at under bridge ikeja, yes the same ikeja for alms. Now this... I told her to let us throw her money back at her but she said we needed it.
Well she thought she was smart, bad for her, her friend already saved the number and that was how our life changed for good.
I need to let you know, i omitted a lot of things because i don't want to be decoded. My family visits your blog. Yet i believe i was explicit enough.
Now before anyone says "your sisters did runs, so why judge others". Please what i did there, in "RHI" wasn't judging.It is called "imploration".
Who else is in the best position to implore these ladies? if not me.. People believe being a good girl is due to lack of opportunity or a matter of secluded lifestyle but that isn't true.
Most good girls(not virgins, girls who don't do runs and have contentment) have gone through what you are going through, but held on.
You are stronger than you think, you can do it too, with God on your side.
No matter what you go through, try your best to wait on God. He may take time but he never fails. People would mock you, be prepared for it. Friends would shame you,but don't you fret.He will answer you in a way that, you will be scared of the miracle.
A lot of people awwing at me now wouldn't be doing so if My life didn't turn around for good, forgetting, that isn't the essence of this story.
What am i saying is, whether you have all I have or not as long as you have Christ you can never fail.
So, in all, i want you to know whether God decides to answer you now or later, or in the next second, don't give up be patient and have contentment.It may take time it may not but it will eventually happen and you will eventually succeed.
*Love you Stella, God bless you and your bambinos*.
Hmmmmmm I dont know what to say.......Thank you for sending this in....
Hi Stella,
My name is Kay the small bv who met her hubby on snm and had a very quiet white wedding which i sent in pictures to you. I told you we opted for a small wedding after the huge expenses on our trad in order to save to have our baby abroad.
Anyway, we have a daughter now and she was born in Chicago USA and am the head of ******* in our company. I started my career as a receptionist 5 years ago. Dreams really do come through Stella!. (This is me sharing my testimony).
And before i forget, my first mail to you mentioned that my hubby's best friend sent him the link to the 2016 May edition of SNM and it was both myself and dh"s first time trying. Anyway, Hubby best friend is wedding in July to a lady from SNM too and my husband will be the best man like his besty did for him 2years ago. Seems like a fairy tale right?... I know. I wont be attending though cos its Abuja
Thank you Wonder woman.....
Arnergy Solar Limited which is one of the leading solar energy Organizations in Nigeria, is recruiting to fill the position below:
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Location: Victoria Island, Lagos
Job Description
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1. Education and Experience
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Please send your application letter indicating the applied position and curriculum vitae, no later than 8th of March 2019 to :;
Only selected candidates will be notified
Kuins' Signature Cakes Enugu
Our cakes are great in taste, top notch creativity and excellent delivery services in and out of town.
Traditional wedding cakes are going for as low as #35,000, yes! You read it well....
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Let's take the stress of haggling from you, let's give you original condiments to make your soup taste great!
We sell hand shelled melons for 220 per cup.
Ogbono=600 per cup.
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Call or WhatsApp: 08096662621.
Location is Lagos. Delivery nation wide. Thanks for your patronage.
Are you in search of English plain and pattern fabrics at wholesale price.... search no more. We sell QUALITY Plain and Pattern fabrics at wholesale price and our prices are pocket friendly.
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To place order Call/whatsapp: 08032206366
Nationwide delivery| Serious buyers only | wholesale price available|
Olori House of OKrika sneakers and shoes
New Arrivals
Super Cute sneakers and shoes available.Sizes 30-40 for #1,500 only
While sizes 42-48 is #3,000.
Sellers buying from 10 upward will pay #1,200
Watsapp..... 07064356845
Delivery is nationwide
Have you been gifted Itunes gift card,Amazon gift card,Google play gift card and any other gift card? Look no further I redeem gift cards at reasonable prices. Cash out now now!!!
Contact me on: 08129068991-WhatsApp only
I need a BV who can put through on how to go about mini importation. I want to get goods via that means and I'm having some challenges on how to order and shipping.
For your gorgeous, trendy, unique, quality and affordable beads, please whatsapp Steph's Beads on 08084069663. Thanks
A 2 bedroom flat is up for a rent at Ipaja Lagos.The house has tiles everywhere, water, security, light etc.interested person should contact me on 09058227813..
1. Gorgeous wedding dress vendor, that I can rent
2. DJ services
3. Okuku stylist (already have a makeup artist)
Please be affordable, we are on a tight budget. Kindly WhatsApp me on 08039274854
My name is Ogugua, I am a blog visitor. Please, help me to locate blesgnluv a blog visitor too, she mentioned it on Monday 4th March 2019 spontaneous post of a doctor who specializes in treating hormonal imbalance in Enugu. Please I need the address or phone numbers of the doctor and blesgnluv. Help a sister. Thanks and God bless you so much .....
blesgnluv please send me a mail or post the name of the hospital in the comment phone numbers will be enabled.
Hyundai Elantra 2013 (Nigerian use) was bought brand new.
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Asking price...3Million, Negotiable. Lagos residents only please.
I can be reached on this number...07010956109
Hmmm Stella,
I posted last week in the first rumour has it comment section about how God turned my life around and made my good girl pay off.Someone asked i send you a chronicle to give a detail about my life to encourage others. A certain BV called baby fire refuted my story and I was happy seeing that.... because that has always been my prayer; that God gives me a testimony that seemed like a lie and her reaction has proven that he did.I am not upset,for i understand her doubts.
Still i pray, a miracle as big as mine, or better still, bigger(yes, i said bigger,because hey! this is God we are talking about here)than mine happen for her and everyone reading this.
First, i need to say this, hubby's dad is Nigerian while mother isn't and he wasn't born in Nigeria.
Mind you, am in Nigeria right now, came for a wedding which I will be attending tomorrow. Why am I here? I guess I came to "SHOW OFF", and please don't insult me, but when people have looked down at you for long, made you feel you won't ever amount to anything in life.
Trust me when you arrive,Stella, you want to show off with every fibre of your being. Tomorrow for every single insults they thrown at me and my family,they will all cower in shame.
Where do I even start from? Well my mother is a single mum since she left dad 15 years ago due to his infidelity,incessant battery et al, i mean, talk about emotional, physical, and sexual abuse. He takes the crown for it all. He had PhD in manipulations and he was a narcissist.
She left him when I was still a teenager and since I was the baby of the house she took me with her.
When he saw she has left, he immediately brought another woman in, less than a week and sent my big sisters and brothers out in the middle of the night.
My sisters slept in the church while the men slept in their male friend's house till the next morning.
They all contacted my mum and that was how we all started living together in that one room meant for only mother and i.
Life was not hard, it was terrible, my brothers who were already in school did all types of jobs to survive since dad said since mother has left him then automatically we are non-existent.
Family tried to intervene telling him to take care of his children but he refused and said he will do that only on the condition that my mum returns. We couldn't bear our mum returning to a life of misery( he ties her up and beats her,locks her in whenever he goes out, says she is too beautiful and he doesn't trust her, refused to let her get a job for over 28 years of marriage, sleeps with her friends) so we all accepted our fate and when people asked us of our dad we always said he was dead.
My brothers sold pure water, did bricklayer jobs, wrote papers for their mates since they were brilliant and one even drove a motorbike and delivers money back to the owner.
Yet they still complained of hardship, despite the fact,that they were in a federal uni which pales in comparison to the state uni my sisters went to in terms of finance.
MY two virginal sister's became runs babe, when my mother advised them to drop out since she couldn't support them in school. Oh! Mum had bought a kiosk and sold provisions in front of the house thanks to some of my father's family who gave her some money to start business.
Well, my sisters sponsored themselves through school. Mum pleaded with them to stop; but you can only force a horse to the stream, you can't force it to drink water.
They promised they would, but never did, till they graduated and served.
I on the other hand never got into uni till i was eventually 26 but still, dropped out, just after one semester. Why? No money.
Before I was 26 I tried my hands in many crafts ie. Beading, hair making, tailoring, to sustain myself and I also did house girl work,lol. yes oh, my rich aunt( yes no matter how impoverished our enemies are, we all have that wealthy person in our family who is the one everyone looks unto like a demigod) turned me into a house girl after promising me that she will help further my schooling, i got there and she sent her second house help away within the speed of lightening . Which meant at the time i had automatically replaced her.
Stayed there for three years, cleaning serving guests, going to the supermarket to buy foodstuffs, washed cars and wasn't placed on salary, Yet no jamb form and no show. so I left back to our house.
I was very beautiful and extremely prayerful Stella, and my mum would look at me and say "baby, you will be the one to take us out of this life of poverty, i know it".
We lived in a very poor area but still we had few yahoo boys around who would always pester me for they knew we were struggling.I would go on five days in a stretch without food but i still wouldn't accept a dime from them nor give them my time of the day.
That was how I learnt how to fast, that till today I can go on a 7 days dry fasting without food nor water. Talk about vigil, i am available, three days fasting too, well say no more, what of praying 3 to 4 times every single day, yes its no big deal and i go no where.
After all there was no food,so I thought, "I better make the most of it" by fasting and praying.
All the guys in the area pestered me but i dated no one. One insulted me and said I needed to go for deliverance, and I wondered, from who?
The lord Jesus Christ? lol.
I don't date to date, when I date someone I know he definitely has the potential and possibility of marriage in place and besides i knew they would demand sex from me and I never planned to kiss nor have sex till i got married at the time.
Eventually got into my first relationship at 24, he agreed to no sex but when he suspected in our discussions, i was a virgin he started troubling me for marriage just a week of dating.I was uncomfortable i wanted someone to love me because of my person and not a piece of hymen.
I told him to let me pray about it. What I saw when I prayed startled me!!!
In the dream I was about getting married to a different man from the one i just started dating
This man was his exact opposite in everything, though I couldn't see his face. Just when we were about to get married, a man appeared and stopped the wedding.
He walked up to me and said"it's not yet time". I was shocked and asked "then when is the time, if not now", he replied, 5 years time. I woke up and told my mum the dream.
You see I have the gift of dreams and she always warned me if I dreamt about someone I should never tell them but rather pray for them, else they term me a witch, lol. With her support i knew the dream was from God and that gave me the strength to break it off with him.
Though I wonder when next I would meet another man who would accept my no sex and no kissing stance for it's so difficult to find one but I held to the word of God. Yet 5 years seemed like 50 in my eyes at the time.
But I had faith, I would have thought it was my imagination if not that God always spoke to me clearly through dreams. Hence why I was called Mrs Joseph.
You won't believe during those years men would look at me and look away most acted like I was invincible, mum was bothered I wasn't getting younger she prayed thinking my face was covered with a veil which prevented men from seeing or approaching me. Friends mocked me and called me Jesus' wife and they always reminded me of the five year mark. Just as i was about to give up 3 years in I had another dream.
I saw a very big vineyard? it was so beautiful with all sorts of fruits and workers were attending to it.
I approached them and asked who owns all these. They replied that it was me, i asked if I could take over now they said no and I asked why" they said it was not yet time", and I woke up. My faith became stronger and unshakened. Yet in real life I was struggling to feed.... making hair and I worked at a call centre then.
My sisters had already stopped their runs and were out of uni.Maybe because my mum pleaded or because they were done with school or because a close friend of theirs with the top connection died during runs... well we never know.
Mummy already lost her business while trying to help out with school fees matter and house rent. We tried during all those years to connect with dad but the moment he knows who was on the line he disconnects. So we finally moved on.
Mum no longer had her shop and we were owing rent. The landlord was tired of accommodating us and he threw us out. With no where to go we went to an uncompleted building and we stayed for a few weeks. We later joined my brothers but mum suggested I go back to her sister.
According to her, at least i will have enough to eat, bed to sleep, while they all sort themselves out. I can't write everything for it's getting too long.
Well I went back there with mum who was hoping her sister could render some assistance.
She told us to stay back for a week she was expecting some money. Well she stylishly turned us to house girls again,both of us. While in this woman's house I had the most beautiful dream of my life.
I saw a king sitting on a throne,surrounding him were other kings who brought gifts to him being the kings of all kings.
His throne was higher than the rest and his presence was enthralling. In the presence of all other smaller kings he called me forth to sit beside him and summoned to the king to bring forth his gift.He brought forth a golden necklace and gave the most revered king who held it and placed it on my neck in the presence of everyone. Mind you it was the fifth yea and my hope was running thin.
In wicked aunt's house, we served guests and did all sort of work with the cook in the kitchen.
She postponed helping us to three weeks saying she was sorry. I was upset but mum said we should be patient.
Stella do you know it was this same woman that pushed my mum into marrying my dad.She promised her she was going to send her to school but turned her into a maid.
When the suffering was too much for my mum to bear while living with her she decide to get married to my father as a means of escape.
This wicked aunty is a rich man's third wife and she had guests that fateful day as usual.I came to serve and the woman saw me and screamed" you this girl, where have you been, how is your husband?".
I greeted her and told her I wasn't married and she mistook me for someone else. Then she mentioned my name and asked me if I wasn't the one who came around 3 years back.
I said I was but I wasn't married. She said there was still hope then.
I asked her what she meant and then she talked about him. She asked for my digits so we could discuss better. Since i didn't have a phone yet so i gave her my mum's number, yet while at it, aunt saw us talking.
She rushed out and ask what was amiss. My mum saw the way she ran towards me and followed suit. I told her i was about to give her friend my number since she asked for it.
She said why would her friend ask for my number?,what do we have in common. Her friend then reminded her about what she discussed concerning me and how she mislead her into thinking I was married. Immediately my mum heard that, she blurted out"my daughter isn't married oo,she is even a virgin",.
Stella that was all ooo, the next thing I heard was a loud slap, oh it stinged. She slapped my mum and dragged us out of the living room. Called us gold-diggers, said we were salivating because we know her friend was rich.
She told us to leave her house that same day and surprisingly she gave us the money she promised which she has been withholding for long.
My mum has suffered too much for us. Talked about begging at under bridge ikeja, yes the same ikeja for alms. Now this... I told her to let us throw her money back at her but she said we needed it.
Well she thought she was smart, bad for her, her friend already saved the number and that was how our life changed for good.
I need to let you know, i omitted a lot of things because i don't want to be decoded. My family visits your blog. Yet i believe i was explicit enough.
Now before anyone says "your sisters did runs, so why judge others". Please what i did there, in "RHI" wasn't judging.It is called "imploration".
Who else is in the best position to implore these ladies? if not me.. People believe being a good girl is due to lack of opportunity or a matter of secluded lifestyle but that isn't true.
Most good girls(not virgins, girls who don't do runs and have contentment) have gone through what you are going through, but held on.
You are stronger than you think, you can do it too, with God on your side.
No matter what you go through, try your best to wait on God. He may take time but he never fails. People would mock you, be prepared for it. Friends would shame you,but don't you fret.He will answer you in a way that, you will be scared of the miracle.
A lot of people awwing at me now wouldn't be doing so if My life didn't turn around for good, forgetting, that isn't the essence of this story.
What am i saying is, whether you have all I have or not as long as you have Christ you can never fail.
So, in all, i want you to know whether God decides to answer you now or later, or in the next second, don't give up be patient and have contentment.It may take time it may not but it will eventually happen and you will eventually succeed.
*Love you Stella, God bless you and your bambinos*.
Hmmmmmm I dont know what to say.......Thank you for sending this in....
Hi Stella,
My name is Kay the small bv who met her hubby on snm and had a very quiet white wedding which i sent in pictures to you. I told you we opted for a small wedding after the huge expenses on our trad in order to save to have our baby abroad.
Anyway, we have a daughter now and she was born in Chicago USA and am the head of ******* in our company. I started my career as a receptionist 5 years ago. Dreams really do come through Stella!. (This is me sharing my testimony).
And before i forget, my first mail to you mentioned that my hubby's best friend sent him the link to the 2016 May edition of SNM and it was both myself and dh"s first time trying. Anyway, Hubby best friend is wedding in July to a lady from SNM too and my husband will be the best man like his besty did for him 2years ago. Seems like a fairy tale right?... I know. I wont be attending though cos its Abuja
Thank you Wonder woman.....
Arnergy Solar Limited which is one of the leading solar energy Organizations in Nigeria, is recruiting to fill the position below:
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Kuins' Signature Cakes Enugu
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Super Cute sneakers and shoes available.Sizes 30-40 for #1,500 only
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Have you been gifted Itunes gift card,Amazon gift card,Google play gift card and any other gift card? Look no further I redeem gift cards at reasonable prices. Cash out now now!!!
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I need a BV who can put through on how to go about mini importation. I want to get goods via that means and I'm having some challenges on how to order and shipping.
For your gorgeous, trendy, unique, quality and affordable beads, please whatsapp Steph's Beads on 08084069663. Thanks
A 2 bedroom flat is up for a rent at Ipaja Lagos.The house has tiles everywhere, water, security, light etc.interested person should contact me on 09058227813..
1. Gorgeous wedding dress vendor, that I can rent
2. DJ services
3. Okuku stylist (already have a makeup artist)
Please be affordable, we are on a tight budget. Kindly WhatsApp me on 08039274854
My name is Ogugua, I am a blog visitor. Please, help me to locate blesgnluv a blog visitor too, she mentioned it on Monday 4th March 2019 spontaneous post of a doctor who specializes in treating hormonal imbalance in Enugu. Please I need the address or phone numbers of the doctor and blesgnluv. Help a sister. Thanks and God bless you so much .....
blesgnluv please send me a mail or post the name of the hospital in the comment phone numbers will be enabled.
Hyundai Elantra 2013 (Nigerian use) was bought brand new.
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I can be reached on this number...07010956109
Ndi Pharisees wey carry fake afo ime ekelekwa m unu
ReplyDeleteNdi Sadducees wey tepu valentine belle, ekelekwa m unu
Ndi Pharisees no na di dey look for di, I salute una well well
Ndi Pharisees wey like Nicodemus see Jesus last night (come chegharia) well done.
Eka how is wedding preparation ? Will your husband pack his hair or plaithe all back for the wedding or will he retouch?
DeleteI feel like I will have multiple testimonies this year, Lord please make me a wonder 🙏🙏
DeleteAnon 14;20, you are stupid
DeleteAnon marriage is about who loves u;values u:respects you; whom u are friends with;communicates dear if d guy makes hair and even if he is ugly though have not seen his pic.and he gives her peace of mind.pls mind ur business.i have been married 7years.if u are married u begin to look less on outward and look inward.marriage is a long term thing;ur peace of mind and happiness should come tops.
DeleteGood afternoon fam
ReplyDeleteThat poster's testimony touched my soul. Take your time and show off biko. It's allowed! Thank God for your testimony. God is great. Pray for God to send me my own half oyibo boo biko 🙏
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteHey y'all!
ReplyDeleteIhn has arrived , have done documentation at nipost for months now but no capturing yet, am tired , please will the minimum wage reflect in our salary because their pay is poor, and will they give us our backlog ?
ReplyDeleteWe are in this together o, I did mine Sept last year. I just pray they pay backlogs o. I guess you 're in Abuja?
DeleteI just feel like _____________. Who can guess accurately what its on my mind. A reward goes to the rightful answer.
DeleteYou've started with your never seen reward 😎😎😎😎
DeleteU feel like sleeping right?
DeleteBuggy Buggy how you dey naaa. We don't shout when we give and reach out. Good Christians don't do that you know.
Deleteyou feel like eating cowleg and oha soup abi no be so?
DeleteTeejay where is sky
DeleteYou feel like writing.
Kuin's cake please add your address will contact you soon
ReplyDeleteI am in Enugu..
I will locate you with the address.
Independence layout phase 2, Christ the King can call me for description if lost. 08058418988
DeleteBe back to read comments
ReplyDeleteNa only USA and UK based brog visitors dey receive shout out?
How about we wey tanda Naija?
Ndi abroad, una don dey muscle us o eh?
Una wan make abroad (husband) hunters shoot?
LMAO 😁😁😁😁
DeleteStella wants to pepper that anon
Abeg, which anon.? The one wey yarn ataba yesterday?
DeleteYes now, the anon that was ranting that Stella ask after her blog friends only
DeleteGood afternoon. Where is Ruben Abati? @Blessed Princess
ReplyDeleteReuben Abati is married, leave him alone.
Delete😂😂🤣 anon you harsh o
DeleteAfternoon lovelies,issa sunny afternoon, God bless all that concerns us👋👋👋👋👋
ReplyDeleteSdk's Singles n Mongles be doing us proud..💕💕💕
ReplyDeleteI'm still searching ooo, abuj preferably😍😍😍😍
Stop illegal gbenshing so you can find what your searching for.
DeleteHe that have started a good thing will bring it to perfection... Amen
ReplyDeleteAmen o
Deletefrom a place called port Harcourt
What happened there danny? Are you sure you aren't my neighbor.
DeleteDanny, good afternoon... how are you today?
DeletePls come back & reply me, just type "Fine" is ok.
Lol@ just type fine.
DeleteDon't bother, I don't think he comes back to read
Lol danny is always on his own.u deserve an award
DeleteBv that talked about didn’t leave any contact or information about what you are importing,from where etc.i might be able to help,depending on what you’re importing and from where.
DeleteSo how does she contact a ghost?
It's a sunny day! IHN, welcome. Wow @ the testimony up there, my testimony is on the way.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous on my matter,you are reminding God to perform a miracle in my life so my testimonies can shame you.
Sign out meme is the bomb!
Abeg, let's hear word!
DeleteEveryday anonymous on my matter, mtsheeeeew 😎😎😎😎
Ladybug. Calm down nahhh.. Lol
DeleteIt's a sunny day! IHN, welcome. Wow @ the testimony up there, my testimony is on the way.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous on my matter,you are reminding God to perform a miracle in my life so my testimonies can shame you.
Sign out meme is the bomb!
Shift, we don hear 😎😎😎😎
DeleteLol lady bug sometimes you force laughter on me. Abeg free I AM naaa. Wetin she do you?
DeleteDon't you dare give up until you disappoint those who think you are nobody. God is changing your story.
ReplyDeleteGood afternoon lovelies...
ReplyDeleteMay God make your testimonies permanent and also give me a testimony that sounds like a lie.
Stella, me i didn't see your reply and I have sent about three mails since the last time you replied me pls maybe you check your spam too pls.
Amen dear......
DeleteLol... At your last paragraph after the memo. SDK I am a guy ooh and ready for marriage. I am crushing seriously on a BV here, she has taken over my thought lately. Yes I have seen what she looks like. BVs should I mention her ID so you guys can beg on my behalf?
ReplyDeleteMtsheeeeew, the bv must be a newbie to accept 😎😎😎😎
DeleteTeejay no one cares! stop littering the blog with your status if you want to marry , marry if not face front . I bet you will still not drop any name.
DeleteYes o Teejay correct guy. Name the Bv, we go beg on your behalf. Hahahahaha
DeleteBuggy you still follow me reach here? Newbie or old bv does that matter? All that count is what I want. Na because of you I no want mention her name here, so you won't troll her lolzzz.
DeleteI accept my love, let's get married already and have our baby in the abroad. Don't mind the jealous female bug
DeleteMention her name ooo
DeleteCongratulations in advance..
Hahaha 14:44 easy on an old man like me naaa. What I do in Jennifer's voice. Is it not SDK that stated it above about guys ready to mingle and settle lolzzz.
DeleteYou have said this before. Why not use your God given mouth to talk to her
DeleteTEEJAY my number one fan...Don't I just love you? Jisike oo nnam
DeleteYou're hardly a catch yourself tj
Delete15:22 thanks a lot. E-hugs and kisses to you dear.
Delete@Zeexa Love you are right about that. How do I go about it naaa knowing that her email isn't enabled on her ID, else I would have slide in.
@14:51 that abroad part sweet me ooh I no lie. At least the green card go make sense. But why you come dey anonymous naa? You be ghost?
Good afternoon lovelies
ReplyDeleteWho has cold water to give me???
My head is hotter than fire
Money no go kill me, business no be beans
Stella, I can't thank you enough for always being there
No vex, Ejo. 😘😘😘😘😘😘 Thanks momma.
Olori, let me pour you cold water from my end. How's business going? More money fall on you jare...
DeleteThose shoes are so neat.
DeleteOlori momma😘😘 eku marketing.
Olori, you've really grown oooo. Could remember the first day you started with your rubber 'batas'on your leg wey fine pass mannequin leg.. Smh.. Stella is really a philanthropist.
DeleteStyles 😘😘😘😘
DeleteChoice momma ♥♥♥♥
Jisike Nne, God’s favori and blessings will continue to be upon you 💕😘
DeleteEnchantress,dalu nne😘😘😘😘
DeleteThank God for the testimonies
ReplyDeleteUna see me see success ooo... I copied and sent the saraki joke and the tail in front joke to my husband yesterday night... He totally ignored the saraki joke and responded "tail in front... that's what your interest is"... Since then he has been forming for me... Abeg BVs wetin I do?
DeleteSmh, men and malice ehn
DeleteGood afternoon to us all.
ReplyDeleteMay good customers locate all the sellers.
To God be the glory forevermore.
Hi,Ron! Hope you are fine. You've been MIA.
ReplyDeleteHi Ivah, i'm fine Sis. Phone's got software issues but i should be getting a replacement soon. I've missed our chats. Hope you're good?
DeleteRon darling, show face here. Very sound lady.
DeleteBlog boo, see as you dey tease me? *smiling Sheepishly*
DeleteWonderful testimonies!
ReplyDeleteGood afternoon everyone
Good afternoon beautiful BVs. Bv with outstanding miracles, good is gracious. It pays to wait on the Lord, but it is not easy, though.
ReplyDeleteThe bv that got married a virgin , your story is inspiring. God bless you
ReplyDeleteKai na that cupcake enter my eyes ooo. Una guru afternoon just like our husbands have gone mad story book.
ReplyDeleteLet's enjoy today. Love you all.
Congrats to the girl getting marriedy selling to all . Congrats bv Kay
Ndo Stella,I can imagine your annoyance.Nigerians have this nasty attitude of talking anyhow even when one owes them nothing.The person or people complaining about adverts,please don't put sand in other people's garri.How many bloggers do you see post adverts for free.God bless you Stella for the help you render to people.Amen.
ReplyDeleteHmmm.... The lady that post that story of her life up there.... You are not aloneooo.. My story is similar to yours but in all we thanks God for the gift of life. I am not there yet but am better than who I was and I also know that some day my story will change for good. The difference between you and I is that my mum died when she was about to reap the fruit of her labour which made her efforts went in vain. Yesterday make it exactly 1 year that she died. Till today I am still suffering from emotional disability most especially when I think of how she suffered with her children.
ReplyDeleteRest on Ma'Mi....
It is well dear..
DeleteMay she rest on
May her soul continue to rest in the lord..Amen
DeleteDon't be sad, her reward is in heaven! Try your bit to make her proud and do something in her name if possible. So sorry for your lose. May her soul continue to rest in peace.
DeleteMay Her gentle soul Rest In Peace. Don’t worry she is watching and smiling down on you. Same with our late dad. I worried so much until I saw him in a trance and he told me to stop crying and worrying that I did well for him. He wants me to take care of our mum. He looked all fresh and happy. From that day on, I did as he instructed.
DeleteTake care of yourself and anyone else, sure that will make her happy. 😘 you will be fine.
It is well ma'am !!
DeleteAmen to your prayers....Thanks very much to you all for your words of encouragement.. I truly appreciate.....
DeleteGood afternoon people, I feel down, not sick, not depressed, not encouraged either, just awkward feeling.
ReplyDeleteSorry dear. Some days are like that.
DeleteIf you can play some gospel jams, it will change your mood.
DeleteSomeone recommend a song by Hillsong yesterday titled Season. Try get it.
It's well with you
Thank you very much.
Deleteteejay and highly favoured.
Honestly I listened to that song last night and it has been on replay. Had to check for the lyrics so I could sing along, had no idea when I started crying. That song is so relatable. Who ever recommended that song ystday, God bless you. I believe that my season will/has come.
DeleteIf you watch CNN right now, una go see as Catholic dey prosecute/fire priests wey fork.
ReplyDeleteThe Penteco people suppose learn from this one o
NO be where pastor go fork, father children outside marriage, marry baby mama
come dey jump upandan for pulpit and them go dey hail am?
Anaghi ekwere ihe ojo egwu.
The Catholic church don't condone crimes or vices. I am proud to be one.
DeleteAfter how many centuries did the catholic church start firing priests for impunity? Didn't they use to cover up unspeakable abominations for hundreds of years?? Leave that thing abeg!
DeletePoster good girl - I am thanking God on your behalf. The God that used the odds that were supposed to be against you, to bring His promise to pass in your life. Ah, this God can strategise, sha! The Master Chess Player that nobody can beat. The Greatest & Most Creative, Imaginative Storyteller of all time. The Writer of love stories where His stamp is unmistakable - award-winning romance writers on earth are still learning work. The One whose productions Hollywood are still trying to ape. The only Director that doesn't need more than one take to get the perfect shot. I'm imagining that day you went to your aunt's house, thinking it was business as usual - not knowing that Heaven was rejoicing because God was saying, "The time has now come for Me to show off, up and out for My daughter!" All the time your aunt was doing what she was doing, God was giving her Psalm 2:4 treatment.
ReplyDeleteNah so. I bow to worship this God. Indeed He is the I AM that I AM.
DeleteYou've said it all!!Awesome God!!
DeleteThat poster’s story inspired me and brought chills to my body. I’m married though but it made me reverence this good God that is a game changer.
DeleteHe is God that moves behind the scenes and affairs of men,
Changing lives,
Changing destinies,
Rewriting our stories,
Giving us new chapters and books entirely.
Thank God for you!
I swear...HE is The Master strategist...The All knowing who lives in eternity...Nothing comes to Him by surprise...Anon14:37 thanks for helping me write about My Lover...HE is super awesome....To the poster,you made God proud,He sure hasnt even started with you cos HE will so show off with you...yes, HE does show off with HIS faithful kids. I love you JESUS...for life!
DeleteGod bless you Anon.Your praise really touched my heart. God will surely grant you your heart's desires this year.
DeleteJehovah overdose!!!
DeletePraise the King of kings and the Lord of lords for His marvelous works. He is ever faithful to all who believe. So happy for the sister's outcome: let all lying tongues be put to rest now and 4ever.
ReplyDeleteHi Martin, my phone's been down for over 3 weeks now. Just got a 'blank cheque' for a new phone & i don't wanna overdo it. Could you suggest a good 3G Ram /32G ROM phone? I want something with a very good battery life (minimum of 4000maH) and not more than 80k - 90k.
Whoop whoop whoop!!!
Deletehuawei phones are very good, camera, battery life etc. Nova 3i, Y5 prime, Honor 7 ect.
DeleteHuawei Y9 is very good. It costs 76900, 4gig ram, 62 gig rom 4000mah battery
DeleteThry will launch Y7 prime soon. 3gig ram 32 gig rom 4000mah battery. It will be cheaper than Y9
@Ron,you can buy Huawei Y9,it's within the price range and very good..
DeleteCheaper prices is the iland genesis 3 lite,it's sold for #28,500 with same battery capacity but it has two gig can leave it if you want 3 gig ram..
Do you like Samsung? Go for galaxy J6 or the J6 plus..they have everything you want in a phone but the battery capacity isn't up to 4000mah..3000+ but it's good if you ask them..
There are so many phones but go for the Y9 or Samsung ok..I will check for other samsung within that price range later if you are interested or you can just get my mail from SDK and mail me so I won't forget ok..
Good Afternoon everyone..
Samsung J8 will do
DeleteSurviving on my own is hard plus Temptations everywhere, Lord am grateful.
ReplyDeleteThat encouragement up their is a motivation
Thank you poster and Stella for posting it
God bless you both.
DeleteAngels on this blog please say a prayer for me,let me receive the positive news that is about to change my life for better this week.Thanks
ReplyDeleteIt is done in Jesus name. Amen.
DeleteCome back and testify soon.
May your heart expectations be materialized in accordance with God's plan for you in Jesus name..Amen
DeleteIt is settled for you in Jesus mighty name... Amen
DeleteGod will show up for you!
DeleteIt is settled in Jesus name.
DeleteStop it,Stella doesn't post her friends advert only,I have contacted her like 5 times through email she posted my advert 3times without pay and the others there was a reason for rejection which I saw in my spam with explanations. I'm not a popular bv I just read and drop comment once in a while but I read this blog everyday,world people with complain
ReplyDeletethose complaining about Stella posting their advert for free should go to Za oza blog and see
ReplyDeleteLet me start by saying i'm not here to spoil anybody o or their business and also all of these is for the good of our dear stella and bv's. Teh person redeeming gift card are sure you're genuine and will not run with our money because many fake sellers are out there...I'm concerned because i have been scammed a lot of times though
ReplyDeleteGod bless me with a responsible boo for my birthday, excited about single and mingle,I know a lot of people that got married from there
ReplyDeleteIhn don't land. Good afternoon everyone. Pls Stella,don't stop the advert. I intend sending mine as soon as am done working on my collections. To the poster with boosting testimony, I say a big congratulations to you. May that which is giving you reason to rejoice not come to an end.
ReplyDeleteCongrats to you all testifying.
ReplyDeleteI am definitely the next one in line for that miracle that looks like a lie.
Stella, mami. Pls don't stop the advert.
It has helped and it is still helping me and i am sure many more people here.
And I know God is blessing you in return for this goodness. In many ways you don't even know.
And do you know what it means for people almost everywhere praying for you on a daily basis for changing their financial status?
Pls ignore the haters and the chairmen/chairladys who feel it is their right. Nah ignorance dey worry them.
Edakun mami.
Good afternoon bvs.the hospital name is God's own hospital and assisted 15 hillview street independent layout.he handles fibroid issue too.u will thank me later
ReplyDeleteMy area those days at Enugu. The serenity over there is second to none. Sometimes I am tempted to relocate back to Enugu.
DeleteTeejay i am telling you ! I visited Owerri, Lagos (Island - VGC) and Enugu in December. Enugu beat them all hands down.
DeleteYou can say that again at 16:30. Owerri is so rough to stay.
DeleteEntitlement mentality everywhere. Something you're doing for free. Beautiful sneakers, Olori😘😘
ReplyDeleteStella is an angel in human form
DeleteI can't write my success story without her name
I love you so much SDK, even my hubby knows
Choice momma, thanks so much 😘😘😘
Married women,how do u ignore ur husband that keeps female friends?.so so nonsense
ReplyDeleteWOW! This is a great testimony. May God give me and my sister a miracle that sounds like a lie this year 2019. Amen.
DeleteWow! what a mighty GOD we serve. the testimony about the wicked and decietful aunt is da bomb. thank God Almighty who never fails HIS own. I was exceptionally lifted and blessed. More grace.
ReplyDeleteMore great customers(not alaroro own ooo) fall on the sellers ooo
Poster.May your testimony be permanent,In Jesus Name.God indeed makes all things beautiful in his own time.
ReplyDeleteIhn don land. Been busy all day. Stella i love you, keep being you. You’ve got such a big heart. The things you do here for your blog visitors other blogs no go try am. Abeg advert people wey dey complain, biko free stella. Una welldone ooo!
ReplyDeleteGoodafternoon lovely beevee' una dey o?...Mrs.korkus, thank you so much for the great work you are doing in our lives and most of all for letting God use you in humility and love..God bless you and your precious family!
ReplyDeleteDear poster,your story is really inspiring and I can relate very well and I am praying for a testimony like yours this year so I can also come testifying....
ReplyDeleteIndeed a testimony that sounds like a lie. God indeed makes all things beautiful in His time. To everyone believing God for one thing or the other, He will surely answer us all Amen.
ReplyDeleteGod is Great.Testimonies everywhere.
ReplyDeleteWow wish I was patient. I married as a virgin but I wasn't patient for the one God would send. It's not God's will I'm leaving, it's hard to make this decision he hasn't done anything but I was unequally yoked.
ReplyDeleteWait on the Lord.
He saves the best for those who trust,wait and obey.
Wish I could just go to heaven tired of this world.
godliness with contentment is great gain. thank you so much for sharing your testimony and amen to the prayers. i also pray that God continues to increase your joy and makes your testimony to be permanent. Like Joseph may he used you as a deliverer in your family and the nation. I would love to hear the full testimony, cause it sounds like so much was missed out.
ReplyDeleteGood afternoon Bvs, Today is such a beautiful day cos its my day.Happy Birthday To Me, SDK bvs pls wish me well. Thanks
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday Darling.
Happy birthday Lily
DeleteWorld people will never stop being world..SDK biko continue being the nice you that you have always been. Please don't stop the adverts oo. It has been helping my business since 19 gbogboro
ReplyDeleteStella,you are a blessing to many;please don't stop being the kind hearted blogger. Beautiful afternoon to everyone.
ReplyDeleteHello Ihn
ReplyDeleteSome BVs are the most ungrateful people on the planet. Stella posts everybody's adverts as long as you MEET her criteria. Do you know the VALUE of the adverts she gives you guys for free?? I was so touched by what she has been doing that I asked for her rate card so I can recommend her to all my contacts. People fear God and be very very grateful o
ReplyDeleteThank God for your testimony ended well like mine did, it does pay to serve God. Wish my mom was alive to enjoy all she laboured for.
ReplyDeleteI'm not a popular BV but Tante Stella has helped me numerous times to post my advert..She won't post if something is not ok with the advert you sent and she will always reply to let you know what's wrong...Thanks ma'am for your kindness towards me,God bless you ma.
ReplyDeleteYes oo
ReplyDeleteThe Perfect Planner!
The Best Strategist!
The Lender of last result!
The Holy ONE that worketh at the 11th hour!
Faithful to His Words!
Consistent Father!
mehn...poster, your testimony be giving me goose bumps
💃 for you.
Ma'am Stella has not left a single of the adverts I send un-posted(😀),if it has any issues she replies you with what to correct!!
ReplyDeleteGod bless you for always ma'am!!
Me too ooo
DeleteAnonymous 14:48. I posted the advert for the gift card redemption be rest assured your money is safe. There's no ripping off. Thank you Stella for this opportunity.
ReplyDeletePoster with the miracle story , your story really helped to strengthen my faith the more. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteGod bless you
DeleteBeautiful testimony....Had one today. It is still cooking...God is really faithful.
ReplyDeleteFor His child's sake he can create a space out of the blues for you.
Aunty Stella post advert for everyone. She did mine without even knowing me ooo.
Those testimonies up there touched me, God sure answers prayers and I know my testimonies are close at hand. Who says Stella doesn't post adverts? I've made several sales and clientele from adverts she posted up for me, yet she doesn't know me AT ALL! Stella, please keep being good and don't allow naysayers words get to you. Love you ma'am!
ReplyDeleteThe BV with the beautiful testimony, that was very inspiring. Your testimony is permanent in Jesus name. I was able to deduce the following from the story:
ReplyDelete1. She was prayerful
2. She had a vision of the appointed time for her miracle
3. She was willing to wait though her situation was unfavourable but she trusted in God.
4.She served guests as an househelp for 3 yrs. It was what God needed to showcase her to her future mother in law.
5. She was undefiled.
In conclusion,as a single what do you see? Are you sensitive enough to hear when God is talking to you? May the Lord help us all.