Stella Dimoko Reality Star Alex' New Photos ......


Sunday, March 24, 2019

Reality Star Alex' New Photos ......

BBNaija Reality star Alex looks good in these new photos she posted on her 'gram handle on Saturday....


  1. Beautiful lady I see here. How do I slide into her DM? Please help a brother.

    1. And fork and dump?

    2. Na all d men wey fuck u marry u?

    3. Anon Nawa 4 u o!why such bitterness?

    4. Anon 11:09 wat is dat supposed to mean? People like u are d ones dat push one into depression

    5. Beautiful Alexander love you to bad..

    6. Na white guy go marry Alex Laslas. Book this space. She be there spec.
      Let’s see which of them will settle down 1st.

  2. Replies
    1. Onebwey no one. Jealousy kill u dere

    2. An this small girl matter go give you Bo last last..oponu

    3. Thats Y i love her.. my one n only Mgbekes.

    4. I just hope her parents are living as good as she is. And apparently, she has no plans of returning to school.

    5. I hope to see her in this vehicle the next time I see her biko because babe can jump bike even under harsh weather conditions(And please even when traffic no dey aunty dey jump the bike)...

      Make the car no go turn to Audio Car

    6. Hope for yourself, ndi obi akpo, her family members are always around her most of the time and how's her plans going back to school your headache?

    7. Hi Alex anon 15:46, Olosho omo radarada. Stop living on blog posts about you. If you decide to live on the posts, pick good advices and keep it moving. Slut.

  3. Ndi forkunizer.

    1. Like u and all urs. Abi u b virgin? Mumu comment

    2. Fool u no de fuck? Idiot

    3. Ndi hypocrite

    4. @Angie

      So na only virgins dey comment for sdk blog okwa ya?
      All those (national tv) fork news from that double wahala na me dey generate am?
      Everything wey I dey yarn, na wetin I dey read here o.
      Na this sdk be my social media/newspaper o.

    5. @11:19
      (nee idiot?)
      I dey fork (legitimately) well well.
      In fact, I just finish another round of ikpa ike with my smooth nyansh.
      If you dey wait make I hail fork for national tv, na graveside you dey wait so.
      If that ya sign out na ya last name, make you hol am well o.

  4. While some were grabbing preeq, some were eating it raw😁😁😁

    1. Get over yourself already..... Don't you think you're to old to be talking nonsense?

    2. My friend get away from here...don't you think you're TOO young to comment on the nonsense? iye ogun

    3. ikwakwakwa...give them hot hot!Children everywhere

    4. The way this ToboG's preek has been hungrting me ehn!

  5. Sadness written all over her.

    1. Sadness written all over you. Sadness will always know sadness. Hater oshi

    2. 11.26 thank you.
      11.18 you are indeed sad!

    3. Just as it is written all over your destiny.

    4. Cry cry olosho

    5. You're the sad and bitter person

  6. Wow
    I like her height
    Beautiful picture

    1. I am telling you. Those legs does the magic.

    2. She's actually a pretty her so much. If she like let bleep any1 i don't care. Her pussy her privacy

    3. TeeJay
      Jezie nu gbaa nkwu nu eh?

    4. Alex has K leg😭😢
      Make she go hide

  7. Baby la Hot. Queen Alexander the Grate,her mothers daughter

  8. Queen Lexy, shine on!

  9. Purple Alexander
    Please consider modelling

  10. Alex, you are so and out...may God take you higher.

  11. I wonder why this Yeye Alex likes crying sha.Every time cry cry.Babe,you had better toughen up ooo.In this your Industry,you will be get a lot of heartbreaks but you need to put your shock absorber to good use.Ceecee said you had sex with Tobi and you come open that ya mouth dey wail.If I slap you ehh,your brain go reset.

    I wasn’t aware that Tobi Married madam bitters when they were in the big brother house,so my dear,you do not owe any ant any explanation.

    Nina slept with Miracle on live TV,nobody died.BamBam slept with Teddy A Too,nobody died.If you slept with Tobi,and soooo?

    Na I understand why short kpegbu will never forgive you in this life because you slept with her husband.She is delusional.Somebody that doesn’t know she needs help.

    As for that Nina,continue burning your bridges ooo,time will tell.

    My dearest Alex,I love you and I need you to be strong.Life is going to throw many unpleasant things your way,and I pray you will be able to rise above them all.Na sleep you sleep with Tobi,you no kill person.


    1. What are you blaming Nina for? Did she tell Cece to blow out on tv? You and your friend no dey talk something? Did Alex and tobi not talk about the Mina thing? Did they not talk about bam teddy? Did they not talk about Anto and lolu? You fuck abi you no fuck she begin cry like who dem beat

    2. What is it with people talking about Nina and burning bridges. Towards the end of the show she had become quite close to ceec. She even told ceec that miracle told her that Alex and Tobi have been saying things behind her back and you want her to remain loyal to them? We're they loyal to her too? How come no one is talking about Tobi nominating her and still calling her bestie. Everytime Nina this, Nina that. You people should rest.

    3. She really needs to get herself together
      ..all this crying and I'm emotional is getting old. She needs to get herself together. It's possible she has adhd cos she is too hyper.

      Calm down are beautiful but you need to find your center and grow as a woman. You act very inappropriate and you call it being 'unusual'. I see you being very tactile with men who have partners(ie Alex ekubo) and it makes me uncomfortable. It is time for you to have sense . You are a grown woman now! Have some decorum.

    4. Anon 12.44 Alex and decorum plus beautiful can NEVER be put in the same group. They are strange bed fellows. They are not compatible. I don’t know why you people are forcing her to be what she’s not. It will blow up in your faces soon.

  12. Alex u don pimp ur ride?
    I like it. Purple 4 Royalty!
    don't mind haters...It was a consensual sex you and tobi had,after which you blocked him On IG.we confirmed it on AMVCA's Award night.


  13. Pepper them well well until Dem hug life wire...omalicha

  14. Please stop calling single girls ‘queen’. A queen is a MARRIED WOMAN, sitting pretty in her home, living well and taken care of by her husband. I hate the way you people call every Tom dick and Harry ‘queen’ . Do you know what it takes to be a queen? Please STOP DECEIVING YOURSELVES! A single woman can never qualify to be called a queen!

    1. So marriage makes one a queen? You don't sha have sense.

    2. Anon12:02, you r an obviously depressed married woman.

    3. Ouch, does it hurt so much? That in all your marriagehood, there was no award for you. In all your mrs-hood, no one truly cares? In all your caring for oga, no one to sing your praise and call you queen. Do you feel surrounded but alone? Are you the single ones for having so much attention? All that freedom? Did you finally realize society pushes you in but doesn't care? That you are just one of many, living ordinary lives.

      Honey, you don't own anybody's life. And no one is born to meet your expectations. In a world where the default is to bend, some have refused to bend, and that is ok. Some refused to be ordinary. So scream out if you must, and afterwards calm down. Then realize that the person you are really mad at, is yourself, for a reason you alone know.

    4. Anon12.29 sorry to burst your bubble as the single girl that you are. YES, only a married woman can referred to as a queen! If I don’t have sense then you are BRAINLESS .

    5. Anon 12.47 . ALL THIS GRAMMAR ON TOP OF MY COMMENT! Shuo! Go and marry then you can ‘belong’ to that category I spoke about, anything less than that is you just being delusional! You are the ones making all the noise because ya’ll single girls need to fill the void and make yourselves feel good. Married women do not need to make noise. Ode.

    6. Hahaha anony really struck your nerve. All the cap letters and exclamation marks. Abeg who annoyed you? Side chics or something?

    7. Rubbish! are a queen if you are an independent strong woman doing it for herself!. If have healthy self esteem, good boundaries and morals!. Wait for NO man before you realise you are a QUEEN.

    8. See them ‘single’ ladies with their crooked two left feet coming to hyperventilate under my comment. 😄. Una never see something!

    9. Anon13.19 you must be all that plus ‘married’ before you can qualify ! Anything less is delusions of grandeur! How can a single woman that is being banged by different men all over the place call herself a queen. You people are not well. Call yourselves ‘super woman’ but NEVER 👑 Queen

    10. Lol. There was someone with your mindset on this blog, until life humbled her🙂.

    11. Its funny that you think anybody that has sense more than you is single.
      I'm married btw, and i had to get a dictionary definition for you since you are to busy slaving for oga to check.

      the female ruler of an . state, especially one who inherits the position by right of birth.CanYou quote the source of your warped mentality?.
      Please, dont tell me your narcissistic oga.
      I could go on and give you a history lecture. But I doubt your weave is detangled enough to let it Seep through.

    12. you have issues to deal with .

      I am married ain't nothing wrong with being addressed as a queen if you are single!

      Something dey worry you madam?
      Is marriage all you live for?

    13. My fellow anons have said it all😁.

      So because you are single, that means you are having sex with men abi. I am single and I haven't had sex for 3 years. I know my worth.

      Being a queen has nothing to do with being married . You do know a queen can rule without a king. In fact when you are a QUEEN by birth and you get married, your husband becomes regent not king. What a woman is does not have to be defined by a 'husband'

    14. My fellow anons have said it all😁.

      So because you are single, that means you are having sex with men abi. I am single and I haven't had sex for 3 years. I know my worth.

      Being a queen has nothing to do with being married . You do know a queen can rule without a king. In fact when you are a QUEEN by birth and you get married, your husband becomes regent not king. What a woman is does not have to be defined by a 'husband'

    15. @shakara, I am not one of your candidates that you witches chased away on this blog and afflicted with calamities. There is no evil you wish me that can ever come to pass in my life, you will just notice it happening to you as you have wished it for me, exactly as you imagined it in your mind. You go fear.

    16. I am a QUEEN whether married or not, point blank period!!!!!

    17. You are very very very very very very stupid. This is me stating your case very mildly. Anu ofia. Better change your dealer, he is mixing chicken shit for you. Stanky.

    18. ANON 12:47

      I STAN YOU!
      YOU are the real MVP!

      Nigerian married women living Ordinary lives and feeling like gloried slaves. Mcheww

      As you so clearly stated, the default is to bend and anyone who has the courage to stand inspite of societal worn out expectations should be applauded.

      Marriage is not an achievement, Nigerian Women! Grow, Learn, Fly, Live....

      And Yes, I am married... Two decades and counting and I continue to loud it, especially to hubby, that I refused to be defined by my marital status.

    19. @ shakara I AM ON TO YOU! You go fear! I don’t have time for all these other ants 🐜 crawling all over my comment, but you, I have zoomed in on you because your first comment! You will NEVER say such to anyone again!


    21. This woman is definitely mad..She has mental issues but don't know it..Madam married woman..U said bcos single girls have many sex partners that they don't deserve to be called Queens? Did u get marriage as a virgin? How many man fucked u before u are lucky to get married to a dumb man(bcos it's only a dumb man that will put up with ur senseless way of reasoning). So u mean married women don't fuck around with different men too?

      U are a shameless and have low IQ to drop dis stupid comment..I pity ur marriage and ur in-laws..I can imagine d way u relate with then bcos ur head is not correct .Pls get ur head examined..No right thinking human being will drop dis kind of comment and be so proud to defend it .
      I'm sure u have an ID but u had to go anon to spill Nonsense..Why? Why not use ur ID so we can know who d stupid one is among us..Ode ni e.

    22. Madam married fool..What @Shakara said is true..Many have bragged with their marriage and life has humbled them..if u don't take ur time,it will humble u too.Go and ask those that bragged with their marriages here on d blog long time ago..Many of them have been humbled that why some changed IDs or stopped commenting..
      If u continue to be stupid like dis,life will humble u so that u will get sense by force..U are so silly..Useless and frustrated woman..I am sure u are miserable in ur marriage that's why u are Frustrated..No woman that is happy in her marriage will be Soo bitter..
      It's either ur marriage has packed up and u are begging ur ex husband to take u back or that u are in a loveless/abusive marriage.. Why are u pained by shakara's comment? Did she remind u of something that has already happened to u? She is not d one that broke ur marriage so take ur mumu grievance to ur ex husband who made u miserable..

    23. imagine ! Asides her warped mentality the idiot is a blog bully ...afi zoning in. IJIOT do your worst

    24. You say banged by many men? Isnt your husband banging other women and bringing his dick to you, making you recipient of all the numerous bugs he has collected around, eventually making you a dustbin worthless queen by association. You are so dumb i swear. Married without atom of sense

    25. @baby fire, those women on the blog that their marriages packed up were probably not strong enough spiritually to withstand and send back the evil arrows you people sent to spoil their marriages because of your jealousy, if u try it with me, you will all regret the day u were born. No wonder u all keep disturbing Stella for singles mingle post😃, your hearts are so dark and full of hate for happily married women but you are desperate to marry too. If u all like, continue gnashing ur teeth under my comments, u will never be able to eat my own marriage the way you did the others. I do the eating. Nobody can eat/destroy my blessings. Witches.

  15. She come make purple color fine for eyes

  16. Why does she hang her neck like that? Just wondering aloud....meanwhile I hope she actually is feeling the way she's acting in the picture??? You can't buy class

    1. Where has your own class taken you to? ewu

  17. Hahahhahahaahhaha....cee c matter can make some people die by fire...u fucked tobi...everyone knows about it...but we were just waiting for d right time... Ntoiii

    1. Obviously target must have dropped you as a child. If you're above 12 and you typed this then your head should be examined. You all knew, she fucked Tobi, now everyone knows.... eh heh?

      You don't fuck? Ceec doesn't fuck? Your pastor doesn't fuck?

      Nna eh..

  18. An mgbeke will always be one regardless

  19. Nice question @Tobie

    it was recorded since February. and these ladies have reconciled.

    it unfair for biggie not to make it clear to the public that the reunion isn't live but prerecorded. but no,he's making his money from the negative vibes.

  20. Please, this reunion is not live o, I think it was done february..y'all should stop fighting over already settled issue.

    1. You dey mind children of I no get time to fight o,I never even fight myself finish...Hian

  21. While are people surprised that Alex slept with Tobi,it is expected now because tobi was constantly telling Alex that konji want to kill him. When they were packing their belongings before the show ended,tobi was seen putting Alex's pants in his bag and Alex was laughing about it. Me I wasn't surprised oh.

  22. Damn!
    This girl is beautiful!!!
    I had to zoom the pix a million times.

    1. Then you sure have a met a lot of ugly girls in your life time to put up the Damn....

      Biko change your circle babe is just regular abeg

    2. Nwa anambra please send in your pix through Stella.I want to admire your yam leg.
      Agadi na gwo oveh ki bu truly.
      Madam with the right circle,lmao.

      Damn!Alex you are so beautiful!
      Ifukwaru ukwu,ifukwa height, ifukwa skin,anam guba?
      Taaaa! Take your self elsewhere and leave my comment.

    3. Agadi your pain is just that anon inserted'damn'?

  23. Bia tj d law, if I slap u enhee.. u go remove ur eyes wey my baby dey.

  24. I luv mi some Alex. She can never go wrong in my eyes. Was Ceec married to Tobi wen d sex tin occurred? Or were they dating? Of cos not, they didn't (**DATED**) so let Alex breath. Besides I tot Ceec said she wasn't interested in Tobi? She'd swallow her pride n make up wit him, it's very obvious she's madly in love wit him. My opinion o. I don't want dose unruly fans of CeeC who find it hard 2 understand b4 abusing pple.

  25. Alex la hot!..You gallant.

  26. Hot pant what happened to the marmiad Stella style stellS has been preaching about??sny 🤦 .Hiv is real ooh

    1. You ended talking senselessly.


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