Stella Dimoko Music Boss Ubi Franklin Opens A Can Of Worms On Musician Iyanya And Says He Has Photos OF All The Married Women He Slept With.


Friday, March 22, 2019

Music Boss Ubi Franklin Opens A Can Of Worms On Musician Iyanya And Says He Has Photos OF All The Married Women He Slept With.

This drama has no end oh.......See gist!!!

Ubi Franklin called Joey the Interviewer,a few days after Iyanya went public with his side of the story. On the phone, he sounded hurt, panicky and desperate to clear his name, like he had his back against the wall.

Before saying anything, he outlined all he had at stake: A son, for whom he wants to be a role model and his reputation as a businessman. Joey noticed Ubi didn’t volunteer any new information, except the bits that clear his name. He also repeatedly pressed for implicative parts of Joeys story, promising to show proof of his innocence. He didn’t.

Instead, Joey received a large batch of screenshots of conversations with Iyanya. The messages covered money exchanges and a number of requests from Iyanya to Ubi. Ubi Franklin was also keen to find out if Iyanya had spoken to Joey about Emma Nyra. He revealed that during her contract termination process, one of the settlement clauses was an Non Disclosure Agreement. In his words, the fine is N10 million if either party voids the specifications of the NDA.

They kicked off their conversation from how Iyanya’s name came to be excluded from MMMG Corporate Affairs documents. According to Ubi, Iyanya didn’t want to be a part of Made Men until they had to secure the bank loan for the business. He says it was during the application for this bank loan that Iyanya was made a director, as a requirement for approval.

Excerpts from the interview below....

What Happened With Emma Nyra?

We didn’t agree. You see, Emma Nyra’s situation, I cannot say much about it because I am binded by contract not to say anything about our situation. I am not going to say anything about it. Because if I say anything about it, I have a legal suit that I’m going to pay 10 million naira. So, I’m not going to say anything about Emma Nyra. If she does, I’d have to collect 10 million because me and Emma Nyra don’t really have any problem. Even when she had the twins, we spoke. I even sent her a message. So, we don’t have problems. These problems are problems Iyanya is trying to create to hype himself up.

Tell Me What You Know About What Transpired Between Iyanya And Temple Music?

Yeah, it was a one-on-one conversation we had at his house. He showed me a heated WhatsApp chat with the owner of Temple, them. That’s why I was able to believe he was having problems with Temple. When he wanted to leave Temple, I told him, ‘Don’t leave Temple the way you left Made Men’. Which is, relieve yourself, settle everything and go. I said, ‘The fact that you want to leave Temple doesn’t mean that you should fight them. It would now become constant. It can’t be like it’s the same thing you do everywhere you go. People would come and be putting some rubbish things around it.

People you collected money from to pay your house rent when your landlady chased you out. They gave you a car. You were stuck in America they paid for you. Have you spoken to Temple? Ask Iyanya if he told me that he had issues with Temple and he needed to clear up his contract with N60 million. Ask him if he told me that.

N60 Million, To Exit His Contract?

Yes. And I told him I was going to raise the money. Before I raised that money I spoke him. It took me 24 hours or less to raise that money. When I raised that money I started calling him, he was not picking up his phone so I just left it. So for me, you see all these things Iyanya is saying ehn, when I look at it I just laugh. Because I have everything to prove. I have everything to show. If this is what Iyanya is going to do after all my hard work. Now, you know what? People would comment and say ‘This Ubi guy, Ubi is like this, Ubi is like that’. You know why they’d say that?


All artist managers are hated. You know why? We do the dirty job. So I don’t expect anybody to like me. When we leave these artists and go that’s when you start seeing who these artists are directly and you start to see who they are. Please, what did he say about Emma Nyra?

That You Had Problems In Your Relationship And You Physically Assaulted Her Repeatedly..

Have you asked Iyanya what happened between him and Yvonne Nelson?

Was Iyanya Physically Abusing Yvonne Nelson?

(Laughs) It’s, not my mouth you’d hear that thing from. I promised not to say anything or put Iyanya out.

He Said He Saw You Beating Emma Nyra?


Did He Advise Her To Leave You?

Bro see, Iyanya is a big liar. He has been saying it for many years that he is going to use Emma Nyra against me. You understand? I did every work for Emma to make sure. I’m not going to speak about Emma Nyra unless she talks. We have a contract binding us not to say anything. Why didn’t he say on his interview that I beat up Emma Nyra?

He Did Say That…

Bro, I’d advise you not to. Because I would put out all the married women he slept with. Their pictures side by side for me. Bro I don’t want to talk. Because if you allow me to do that to him, I’d drag him through the whole of this country. I’m not scared of shit. What I want about this matter is for people to see clarity. If Emma Nyra has issues she would come and say it herself. Emma Nyra is a mother now. I think her focus is different. And she even wouldn’t want to be involved in all this. I wish Iyanya was a father. If he was a father, most of these things he is saying he would not do it. When I kept watching his interviews I kept laughing. Bro, don’t let me do this to this to this guy. If you’re writing your story, take out the Emma Nyra situation because if you’re writing about something like that, Emma Nyra needs to speak for herself and with the way I and Emma Nyra are tight, we cannot speak about each other. We had our whole issues and the issues were settled and I have a legal document to back it. So for me, leave her out of this and focus on something else. Write your post. See, I never really wanted to get to this point bro. For everything that happens, there are two sides to the story.

Do You Think You Treated Everyone Fairly?

I treated everybody fair. I’m not perfect bro. See, there’s nobody even you talking to me right now that would say they don’t have issues with people. Check the whole entertainment industry. Am I the first person that an artist is leaving my record label or an artist is having issues with me? I’m not the first now. When did artists start leaving record labels? Exactly, let’s be very diplomatic about this thing. Did they say that I had their money, I ate it and I didn’t give them?

t Was Just About You Not Treating Them Right That They Had Expectations And Those Expectations Were Not Met.

Okay, what expectations?

A More Hands-On Promotion And Marketing Perhaps?
Can I ask you a question? Iyanya says he was a partner and he was investing so why are they not blaming that on Iyanya? Exactly. Why is it that it is Ubi they are blaming it on? Why is it that they are all coming together to fight? Do you understand where this thing is going? You said you are a partner abi? You were investing. So why are they not fighting you? Is it that you gave me money to push your music and I didn’t do it? So you see the twist? Now, If they say that the label is not treating them right who is the label? Ubi, Iyanya. Why are they not fighting Iyanya?

Maybe He Has Done Nothing To Warrant That?

All these people talking, how much did they make me? Chibbz, how much did we make from him? The only person that can talk and I would respond to the person is only Iyanya and Baci. I know Selebobo would not say anything to you because for a fact he doesn’t have anything to say to you.

What Role Did You Play In The Tensions Between Iyanya And Tekno?

He (Iyanya) says Tekno is rude and ill-mannered. The issue between me and Iyanya that made me and Iyanya break up finally was that I hired a driver for Iyanya. Iyanya and the driver fought and he fired the driver. And Tekno hired the driver. Tekno was living on his own. So one day I now went to meet Iyanya that just in case you come to Nigeria before me, what I just heard is that Ken your former driver now works for Tekno. Tekno, on the other hand, said he saw this guy on the road, he had a baby at home and he decided to hire him. And he asked him what happened between you and Iyanya, and the guy explained his side. So he was like let me just hire the guy because the person you know is better than the person you don’t know. And the guy worked with Tekno for a very long time.

So Iyanya started accusing me, of using Tekno to disrespect him. That how would I know that Tekno is about to hire his own driver that he sacked and I allowed that happen? That’s how he turned and said he wants to leave the record label. Every time issues happen he says that I am the one not making them, Tekno, to respect him. I’m like bro, Tekno is a man of his own. Everybody, they are men. And I don’t think any of these guys disrespect you, they respect you. From Selebobo they respect you. They call him “Baba.” They don’t call him by name. Do you understand? They call him Baba. They don’t call him by name. Ask him what happened between him and Tekno and what happened between him and the driver Tekno hired? Do you understand?

Already, everything he said is a lie. A lot of the things he said are lies. So, there is a legal document that is going to be sent to him soon for him to retract everything he has said because he is lying. Whatever I tell you I have proof. You see the story I told you about these women? I have proof of it and I warned him. I said ‘Listen, I’m going to spoil your career, let it go’. Do you understand? I’m going to let it go. Now he is the one going to tell you that I beat up Emma Nyra.
Interview by Joey Akan of nativemag


  1. See how Ubi is singing
    Jamming everybodys head
    I hate when men fight dirty in the mud
    I am out

    1. I might not like Ubi ehnnnnnn, But Iyanya is the one jamming everybody's head!!

      Let the roll in the mud please, we want to read!!

    2. Of course u didn't see what Iyanya said na

    3. Get out abeg. You people should leave Ubi alone. Let him talk. Frr people to say their minds. Iyanya started the singing so let Ubi clear his name. A name his built for so long and someone will come and rubbish it and some Annons will be talking rubbish

    4. Ubi is not perfect but Iyanya started all these. Obviously trying to revive his dead career but he took the wrongest route ever... You have issues with Ubi Franklin, why are you mentioning Emma Nyra?

    5. Two grown ass men singing like parrots.
      But Stella didn't report this story well. It is making Ubi look like d only devil when they are both at fault here.
      Emma Nyra has moved on into a new relationship,had kids. Iyanya pls stop mentioning her name to score cheap points against Ubi. Why did you bring up her past saga with him.

    6. maybe lilian will also have to pay 10million if she talks about how he abused her, thats why shes been quiet.

    7. You guyz should allow the guy spill

      Waiting for Iyanya to come and let us what happened to Ubi and Hot hot

    8. They both have proof. His ex-wife has pictures of her battered face.

    9. UBI kept giving us chronicle for 2yrs plus after Lilian RAN out there marriage, Ubi tried to lure Lilian back with a magnificent Restaurant he built for her but nwanne saw and heard enough and did a Ben Johnson without looking back, Ubi managed to get over things and started openly flaunting d likes of Tboss and Cece although each claimed Dey knew him from b4b4, Ubi denied beating Emma severely but d report from in-house was contrary, Ubi has graduated from small fry industry girls to ‘ Madams’ from USA to d point of making more Babies including d ones he made b4 Lilian. There was a certain story from in-house gist of how he connected Yvonne to big fish after he tried his luck but d Ghanaian lover girl turned him down sighing , she doesn’t mess with 2 friends. Hankle connected her to a big fish in d Abuja, just like he did Tboss. Anyways Ubi , wen EVIL trails a person Upandan, it doesn’t take long to explode. Iyanya is no SAInt but let’s wait and watch

  2. This is becoming childish from two grown up men. Smh...

    1. Nothing childish. They are clearing the air. Free them. Is good for their system

    2. Last last, it's Iyanya that will tell the world what really transpired between Ubi and Lilian. I used to really like Iyanya but not any more

  3. Ubi Franklin shut up and I will say it again shut up. I don't know what the problem is and at this point I really don't want to know. Ubi Franklin you don't know when to stop. Last time I check you are a man

    1. Why will he stop?? Wasn't it Iyanya that first granted interview about all these?? Wasn't it same iyanYa that said he was beating Emma?? Why is he using others to fight Ubi?? Stop what?? Please sing Ubi......

    2. you open that your basket mouth gbaga and shut up someone that can feed you till you kpeme

      mumu girl

  4. This guy is a professional blackmailer & common thief

    1. And what is Iyanya??

      I don't like Ubi but Iyanya should fight his Battle alone and stop dragging people into it!!

      Ubi seems very cunning, having receipts for everything🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    2. That's how to treat ungrateful people. Have you watched EMPIRE.learn from that. Always remain the boss and don't let people you help rubbish you.

    3. @Cookie
      Having receipts is his only saving grace now, as Iyanya is out to ruin his personality.
      Iyanya started all these by roping other people into his fight with Ubi

    4. How old is Ubi? So you want to ruin other people cuz Iyanya called you out? Who does that? Why not talk about his relationships with Yvonne or Freda if you must go this route?

      I am all open for you to fight Ubi back if you wish but let your focus be on Iyanya. Emmy Nyra was your gf and I am sure you have also slept with married woman.

      You are too immature and shameless if you mention those names how does it affect Iyanya? You are ruining the women not him. He stands to lose nothing. Better be sure you have solid evidence of them else you will have cases to answer in court, oponu.

    5. Yes Anon and that's the most important thing..... You can't come to a battle field with Arms!!!

      Let them spill ehhhhhhhh😂😂😂😂

    6. Stella didn't post the first interview. It was Iyanya that threw the first punch by saying Ubi used to beat Emma Nyra and he even adviced her to leave.
      Not like I am supporting that woman beater Ubi but this is a response to Iyanya's interview.
      Ubi being a pig that he is kuku decided to wrestle in the mud.
      I hate men that have issues and bring in women they have slept with into it. I find it totally distasteful.

    7. B & R , I get your point that Iyanya started it . They are both degenerates with wandering dicks, zero morals.

      But my question is who is Ubi ruining by spilling those names?? Definitely not Inyanya.It is the women. If Iyanya mentioned your gf, mention his gf . Don't go and destroy other lives because of your vindictiveness. I am not in support of married women cheating at all. But check out what happens if this idiot spills their names,, their husbands, children , relatives.

      The ripple effect and the consequences are dire so If Iyanya says you beat Emma, then talk about his ex girlfriends too.

    8. Ubi really want to die this time.... You haven't heard of that sentence "fear women".
      Hope they won't all gang up and off you to keep their secrets safe.

      So you short man, you were busy sending Ubi details of women you slept with eh! Fooling them and laughing at them with your follow short man. Today the chicken has come home to roast.. he has the tea on you.

  5. This guy sef, now I understand why Lilian can't say shit. He really fights dirty. what the f

    1. Yes, he does......

      Iyanya should better be careful and face his music

    2. Why will he not fight dirty?
      I am a very reserved person but if someone tries to tarnish my image, i will go from 0 to 100 real quick.

  6. Replies
    1. Yes...I am short and we don't take nonsense. Mess with us, we rubbish you. We fight dirty. Ask hell rufai😃

  7. So he was keeping pictures of those ladies? For what exactly? To blackmail Iyanya in future? This is an immature and brutal child in the body of a man.

  8. Dear beautiful Lilian Esoro, I am sorry for thinking you were the problem in that marriage because Ubi was also showing us pictures of him massaging your feet and cried at your wedding. He is clearly a narcissist, manipulator and an abuser. I am happy you ran and didn't look back.

    1. 😒😒😒😒😒😒😒

    2. Yeah right!!!

      Y'all and double standard sha.... SMH

    3. Cookie, you and I are in the double standard boat together. Thank you

  9. This is becoming very irritating

  10. Let me see those that will come and ask why Ubi is doing this on social media, forgetting that Iyanya always attack first.

    Oya na, let the Ubi bashing begin

    1. Like attracts like, are you different from Ubi? When the hatred in you is too much. I keep wondering why a young lady like you is so bitter. Change or else you be a terrible wife and bad example to the children. Eka repent please repent .

    2. I feel sorry for Eka husband to be. He will need his relations around else Eka will finish him

    3. Chile, what is this heifer talking bout??

      Ubi beat Emma Nyra, had issues with Selebobo, Inyanya, everyone, his wife left him and DV trailed their relationship demise and you are here talking about bashing..

    4. Eka joy, see how happy you are, that a Man, Nwoke is opening his mouth and be saying trash, He his going to expose the married women Iyanaya splept with, Like seriously , such word coming out from UBI,

    5. @SIDE CHICK: SHUSH IT🤐,you don't know her! Don't come to this blog & deface people😠! You too want to trend bah🙄 This is a new year abeg! #internetbully

      ... Jesus is my worth!

    6. Eka please marry and relocate so that you’ll be more enlightened and receive sense because the things you’re teaching those kids with this mindset of yours leaves much to be worried.

      No one is saying he shouldn’t sing or defend himself, but is that his defense on all the allegations? Do you think I’m a court of law, showing pics of married women will count for anything?

      Why is he asking about Emma Nyra? He should bring out receipts to defend himself not receipts threatening cheap blackmail.

    7. Priceless jewel I ain't your type to drag you in the gutter like Ubi franklin. Trend ? Hahahahahahahaha

    8. Priceless Jewel, its a totally new year for me, I ain't gat time to argue with fools. Pls don't also argue with them, they are not worth shit

    9. If you no get time you for no come back.

  11. It is either this Ubi has some ace up his sleeve in the form of protection or he is downright unintelligent and reckless. How can you threaten or blackmail many people publicly? The witches and the powerful(who can afford to pay assassins)among the women involved have started making plans to 'fix' the problem. I am having a bad feeling about all this. Even if he stops talking he has revealed what he has in store. It is well o.

    1. At least, we will know who assinated him, Let him talk!
      Shameless ashawo married women of this generation!

    2. He has solid backing from the brotherhood. Remove the cult power people will fry him alive.

    3. The guy no wise now.let them continue.

    4. And I warned ubi about saying anything about those pictures, the guyman no dey hear word, now before he will release the names or pictures of those women, they might just as well take him, be careful what you spill ubi, it haff do

    5. Which solid backing? This chicken? This is just to get Iyanya to shut up. Ubi mention the names and see what will happen to you. Just open your mouth and you will wish you wish you never existed. Se ori e buru ni?

    6. @ 10.17 he can't hear because he who the Gods want to destroy they first make mad.

  12. 2 broke boys
    What did ubi and Emma nyra sign sef
    Tekno please don't put mouth into this at all....

  13. Ubi should answer the question.did he cheat Iyanya or not,did he remove his name from the cac papers.not bother us with his private life whom he slept with, he didn’t rape them.ubi is guilty of ubi gagged Emma nyra not to tell what happened between them.i am sure he settled her heavily to keep quiet.too bad.

  14. He indeed has all the documents.... lol, but wait pictures of married women you really kept that for future use? You're evil, man

  15. i see why madam hot hot left this goat. jeeez this man is so damn petty and childish. Imagine a grown up asa man talking like this.

    is he going to swear he has never slept with any married woman? ekwensu

    1. Did you read Iyanya's interview?

  16. Now we know why Lilian didn’t say shit when their marriage crashed...this Ubi talks too much abeg

    1. I always laugh when I see people call jot hot mature. Any time a married woman has issues with her husband and brings it to SM, everyone will be like madam can't you keep quiet and be like Lillian. Lillian that is scared of Ubi. He has a lot on her and she knows the day she talks he will ruin her. Ubi is a crazy person and she knows it, why do you think she quietly ran away without drama. What kind of man makes his ex sign an NDA? I'm glad it's coming out little by little. So please let's stop using Lillian as a yardstick to measure how women are supposed to act during a break up cos she's living in fear.

    2. Are you guessing based on things you've read or were you actually there or are you a friend of Lilian or Ubi?

    3. Anno 9:28, thank you very much, you just took it out of my mouth, They all dont know what lilian went through and also the much information and evidence ubi has on her, reason for her quiteness

    4. At least Ubi can't blame Lilian for exposing him, he has done a very nice job of exposing himself.

    5. Bollocks @He has a lot on her and she knows the day she talks he will ruin her.

      So does she. Pictures of a battered face. Tell me, which is worse?

      Lillian is quiet because of her son. She needs that constant flow of money from Ubi for their child.

  17. Ubi ubi,this guy talks too much,behaving like a sissy,see someone that is pregnanting women left right and center .mtcheeeeewwww

  18. I have the feeling Ubi has something on Lilian, the reason she was quiet when he was steadily dropping shades when the broke up. He seems manipulative and vindictive. Tueeh

  19. How is this even a threat? He had consensual sex with married women at least he doesn’t beat women like you Ubi.
    My own anger in all of this is that Iyanya and co knew Ubi was an abuser and he abused Emmy Nyra for years but they kept eating and drinking with him until he showed them pepper too.
    Very terrible person this Ubi.

    1. He is a very terrible, narcissistic, abusive,egoistic, manipulative human being, like he actually saved married woman's pictures hoping to use them one day, it that even normal. Emma nyra really tried. Only evil people like him will support him.

    2. A creep, this guy. Very terrible! Ayaya ayaaa🙆🏾‍♂️

    3. This why I love you doppel, you stand with truth most times without sentiment, unlike sister eka bitter that is up there supporting nonsense just because she does not want to follow public opinion. Later she will say she is the only sensible in this blog.

    4. God bless you doppelgänger for saying the truth

    5. It is very much a threat. I am too sure those women are influential women. Even the woman that gave them the loan I bet my socks off she is high up in the bank and Iyanya was her lover. Those married women have plenty to loose and so those Iyanya.
      If they were anyhow married women it won't be nothing. They may even be in govt or married to politicians by which Iyanya won't be safe. So he has plenty to loose. He will be dragged.

    6. Eka na person??? For her mind she is being objective and she is the most intelligent by.

    7. You have said it all Doppel 👌

  20. Ubi is all of this necessary. Short men with their wahala.

    1. Did you ask iyanya this question when he talked about Emma Nyra?

  21. Don't ever fight with short people.They keep a record of everything,see how he is singing like a song bird

    1. Because their anger dey come all the way from their feet as they are very close to the ground. OMG!!!!!

  22. Ubi u are a boy not a man it just show how dubious u are. What all dis u are saying , we shall expose u n we shall see who laurgh last .am with iyayan bcos u are crook, theif....Ole ......wicked short devil playing n using people .

    1. Could this be Iyanya talking? Oya na we dey wait.

    2. Move away don't know business. Don't bite the hands that Fed you. NEVER.

  23. The full interview is very interesting. This is just an excerpt. The Joey Akan guy writes really well. Check

  24. There's a lesson from the whole detritus I read up there. Never ever let anyone into your secrets. Never! Not even your mum. Mr Running Mouth has pictures of the married women his shameless friend slept with because Mr Shameless must have sent them to him. If Mr Shameless hadn't let him in on those married women, Mr Running mouth wouldn't be issuing threats. Keep your shits to yourself people.

    1. Apt. Thanks my dear cus you've said it all.

    2. Somethings cant be kept a secret... except u wanna live like an island

    3. Don't mind him, he has pictures of them cus he sent nyanya to them, wasn't the one that sent nyanya to carry that woman's bag at the airport. Blood gigolos

    4. Who said. I have had affairs with married men no one knows about. I am that secretive;not even my close pals knew. No one wld ever think a good girl like me will do such. But I needed the money plus the guys were exciting to me.
      Today my husband thinks I am a saint.

    5. Then live like an island.

  25. He disgust me. So immature and articulate

    1. Immature and articulate, you say? Sis, for or against.. which one are you doing so I know how to respond. You re giving mixed signals.

    2. When you dont know the meaning of a word and its proper usage.
      Afi immature and articulate na 😂

  26. Lilian God has vindicated you !! Na one chance marriage you enter before. Ubi May God help can grown up men be fighting like primary school children ? I tire for una matter.

  27. Lessons learnt from this story up there??? Work,mingle,marry,acquaint with Ubi Franklin at your own Risk...He digs the dirt on whomever he comes in contact with and uses it as a hold over the person.God fobs!!!

  28. Do business with Ubi at your own peril.Be friends and keep secrets with him to your own detriment.

  29. omo see blackmail in another level ooo. he is indirectly saying drop this matter or i will expose you. Iyanya better man up

  30. u guys think lilian is not talking cos she is mature yen yen yen.....let her talk peem and Ubi will open her yansh wide...when u deal with people like Ubi just code everything and never leave evidence. am not really sorry for Inyanya too. you dont go on social media and accuse people then just expect them to keep queit when everybody is bashing them on your behalf...they sha should stop already let another scandal see

    1. I tire oooh!!!

      Iyanya started all these.... Even the one of beating Emma, na Iyanaya talk am first.....

      My own is, let them expose themselves!!

      All.of them are Mad🤣🤣🤣

  31. I hope donjazzy is not the Genesis of this shit. I hope he didn't encourage iyanya to come tarnish Ubi. And hesh laughing in the background.he knows people don't like Ubi like that , and he's using it to his advantage.
    Ubi, I say ...say it as it is. If he thinks he can rubbish you, rubbish him. Las Las, everyone will be alright.

  32. For everyone who was hailing Lillian for being mature and classy,now u see the real reason here,her ex hubby is a sissy,he has a lot to spill, if she dares to make a noise.ubi the manipulator,u will soon meet ur match

  33. Ubi is extremely talkative and its disgusting! Guy, you look like a damn fool dragging this out talmbout everyone hates music producers yada yada. Man-Child, people hate you..ONLY YOU.

    If Emma Nyra had to bind you with court orders not to tell her business, who knows what Lilian Esoro did.

    Ubi yo mouth licks more than pressed bladder and every time you grant an interview, you end up making Iyanya look good.

  34. Off🏃🏃to Joey's Twitter page. Part 4 of this story will carry fire 🔥

  35. Ubi,if you are man enough and your mama born you well,release those names!..
    Do it and see if you will see tomorrow!...
    Idiotic fool!...
    I pity people that run shit with this bastard!...

    1. Nothing will happen to him. Empty threat.

    2. They are saying pictures and you are here screaming names. What can you do? What will you do to him? Queen and boss of the kingdom of darkness!!!

    3. Queen name must be inside the list😭
      Nne stop panicking, shit go land for ceiling fan.
      Iyanya list coming soon.
      Grab your copy nowwwwww.

      Signed Ubi

  36. Here we have it. This is the reason none of his women speak on him. He gets them to sign none disclosure agreements. This is why Lilian can’t talk.

    They asked him straightforward questions and he is talking about Yvonne Nelson.
    Now he is threatening to release photos? Indirectly reminding Emma of her contract with him too.

    If they said Ubi did this shit, he did it! Same guy that sits infront of the pew waving his hands up high. Don’t trust these people.

    1. Iphie, he is Responding to Iyanya's latest interview.......

      If Iyanya can talk dirty, he can too!!!

    2. I mean. how can everyone be having issues with you..ONLY YOU. UBI is the problem!

    3. Iphie there is an interview Iyanya granted just before this. This is Ubi's response.
      However Ubi being d parrot he is decided to take it ALL d way south.

    4. I’m a little behind on this gist my loves.

  37. Why bring his personal life into this? too wrong Ubi, too wrong. weda he slept with married women is not your business. face the problem at hand.



  40. It's funny how people are attacking Ubi meanwhile if you have been following the issue you will know Iyanya granted another interview and talked about Ubi's private life and he is returning the favour. Both men are useless let's say the truth and stop attacking one side, if dey have business issues focus on that and leave private matters alone.

  41. UBI is a manipulator, a cheat, a wicked person and has an evil mind. This one can kill you while smiling at your face, i wonder how people will feel about doing business with him now.. shebi Don jazzy no be manager too? Ever heard any bad thing someone had to say about him? No!! Ubi is just bad news abeg.. his downfall is coming pretty soon and its gonna be from someone he also trusts.. Agbaya Oshi

    1. Donjazzy, Bankyw and a lot of others I can't remember. To even be a manager one has to be mature, no leadership or people skills, always fighting and falling out with the whole world.Why is Ubis own different? Useless diabolic thing.

  42. Ubi, you talk too much please. I don do

  43. These 2 grown men should stop this fight already

  44. I will say it again,many Nigerians are too too sentimental,now y,all are attacking Ubi cos you just don't like him and forgot that Iyanya started all this,our people don't like weighing things well before diving in to attack cos of sentiments,Iyanya started this and i can never blame Ubi.

  45. Nawa for this guy.Talkative!!!

  46. if you must come to equity, you better come with clean hands.

    Did Inyanya come to equity with clean hands?

    All is fair in love and war

    Inyanya woke up after a great hiatus, and started spilling tea, started revealing secrets concerning his former business partner. Oh well , his business partner took it a notch to spill Inyanya's secret just a tiny bit and all of you are crying.

    You either fight or relax. If you come prepared for a fight, you better be ready because you don't know what your opponent is coming with.

    Inyanya, if you were such a good person, why didn't you say something when Ubi was beating Emma. Why didn't you raise an alarm and walked? You didnt because it was benefiting you and you didn't want anything to distract your stardom but as soon as it stopped benefitting you, you want to spill. The truth is, you aren't spilling because you care about Emma, you are spilling because you want a comeback after losing everything due to mismanagement and the fact that you love to be a kept man and a boy toy.

    Call Ubi whatever name you want to. He may be a bad husband or bad in boyfriend/girlfriend relationship but he is a good business man. Ubi has come to understand that human being will always switch up on you so he keeps receipts as backup. There are people who are chronic liars and only receipts can make them say the truth...isn't that why the court always ask for evidence?

    In a business relationship, you keep receipt. Inyanya you better go to court with Ubi if you have anything against him or you go to business school. A good alternative is learning from Alaba boys.

    I would prefer if Ubi hired a PR firm to clear his name because clearly Inyanya has nothing to lose.

    Inyanya started all this, singing like a canary, Tekno said, Emma said forgetting he who stays in a glass house should not throw stones.

    Birds of same feather, just that one has more business sense than the other.


    1. You are my favorite on this blog, you are very objective and no sentiments, you are Intelligent, XO love you, see how smart you are.

    2. Spot on jare!!!!

      Were we not here when the whole thing happened?? I don't even care what's wrong or who's at fault but anyone blaming Ubi for talking must have his/her head checked!! For ordinary blog, we see epistles flying then imagine real businesses!!

      Iyanya didn't come with clean hands, he's jamming everyone's head and trying to score cheap point!!

      UBI reminds me of THIRSTY in Empire🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    3. Spot on jare!!!!

      Were we not here when the whole thing happened?? I don't even care what's wrong or who's at fault but anyone blaming Ubi for talking must have his/her head checked!! For ordinary blog, we see epistles flying then imagine real businesses!!

      Iyanya didn't come with clean hands, he's jamming everyone's head and trying to score cheap point!!

      UBI reminds me of THIRSTY in Empire🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  47. Ubi and Iyanya = 2 short men. Need i say more?

  48. And tomorrow, someone will want to say Ubi isn't devillish. No wonder Lilian ran without looking back. I'm not saying Iyanya did right, but how did Ubi get the pictures he's talking about? Like play, like play these two boys will destroy each other. They both believe the other has more to lose.

  49. Ubi seems like a horrible person. He reeks of pride!! If you like give the list to CNN let them broadcast it as breaking news, we don't care!!


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