Stella Dimoko Sunday In House Gists - Cheating Complaint Is Exclusively For Married Folks


Sunday, February 03, 2019

Sunday In House Gists - Cheating Complaint Is Exclusively For Married Folks

We are back with this cheating ISH but this post looks at it from another angle....

Do you agree that cheating complaint should only be for those who are legally married?This would mean that those dating and in relationships not yet formalised have no right to complain when their partner cheats...

Do you agree with this school of thought?


  1. Cheating is cheating. Weather dating or married..

    1. @The FAN girl don dey kopu
      I been think say you be marriage defender but na selfish one you be.
      So persin wey never marry go dey fork? Of course na marriage the perin go
      dey scatter dey go.
      make you carry that ya whip lash yasef for nyansh.

    2. Noooo Sic I mean courtship the type wey no dey fork😁

    3. Okay, if I come understand FAN, you mean say, Sisi and Bros, come dey follow follow, come say them no go fork
      Ok, sisi come collect escape velocity, sneak out go fork persin (especially when abroad or Yahoo show up), ehee
      The Sisi don cheat; abi?

    4. Yes ooo πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    5. U peepu no go wound perzin with lafta for this blog, una don forget say today na Sunday πŸ€”πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

    6. Unfortunately that is the topic of Toke's Vlog today

  2. No Stella I don't agree with such school of thought. Cheating is cheating, be it relationship or marriage. There shouldn't be a justification to cheat, not at all.

    1. Chief Pharisee
      Make you no dey quote bible again o
      Cos that Bible wey you dey quote call the one wey unmarried people dey do
      FORNICATION and God say make we FLEE FORNICATION; 1 Corinthians 6:18
      And the fornicators get chalet for lake of fire Rev. 21:8

    2. Anon14:17 stop constituting nuisance on this blog. Enough of your broad day madness ANG.

    3. @Princess
      Na Flee fornication
      or is it the lake of fire that is your definition of "nuisance?"
      I no manufacture any of the above na
      No be scriptures I quote?
      Abeg make you no dey read my "nuisance" again inugo.
      Keep forking; yes, you hear me right. Make I quote that one;
      Rev. 21:11 -make the one wey dey (vile), wey dey fork continue,
      make the one wey holy continue . . .

    4. ANG is a psycho. Very sick person carrying out her fantasy on this blog. Pervert.

    5. @16:01
      Liver no gree you carry ya ID nak that ya new name; that last word wey you write there?

  3. Lame school of thought! I do not agree

  4. Replies
    1. Eliza
      YOU sure say no be you be 'Sillymyopic" eh?
      So you come meet person today, una begin date,
      next thing na fork? If you come disobey God come dey fornicate
      Why complain when the bobo come find fork enter another "hole"?
      No be you choose the broad way wey dey lead go destruction?

  5. The single folks fornicating are cheating themselves and their creator.
    Sex is meant to be in marriage but mankind always wants to have her way. Really the women are to be blamed for this for a woman decides if sex should take place; to happen otherwise, it is called "rape" and the man is jail bound.
    So it is so weird and outrightly immoral for people in courtship/relationships to complain of the other cheating. You are just reporting yourselves to have broken the sacred laws of liberty.
    Please come to equity with clean hands and not soiled hands.

    1. When it's time to go to hell, I'm sure some of you can be bribed to take the eternal punishment.

  6. I disagree πŸ‘Ž, cheating is cheating

  7. Cheating is cheating. The same people that won’t agree with me are the ones that’ll say whatever a person does while dating is what they’ll do when they get married. So what will u term stepping out on your boyfriend or girlfriend? So ignore it because you’re not legal yet, then wait till u get married then they continue disrespecting you before you can say it?

    1. Sex before marriage is fornication; isn't it?
      So even when you get engaged, as long as your bride price is not paid, it is

    2. Shut up anon the Jesus deputy. It’s you people that will sleep with pastors in marriage yet come and form aunty Maria for us. Not everyone holds your beliefs or Christian beliefs so get out of here my friend!

    3. Sex Before Marriage is Also Cheating ooo, Cheating before God And your Future wife and husband..

  8. If you've commited to one person in a pure courtship it will be unfair and cheating the other partner if you go to seek another.
    How ever it's more greivious in marriage because sex is involved.
    But the world's standards of courtship involves sex these days.

  9. Naija babes don invent the vocab;
    "consummation of relationship". I come read am for this blog last weak come confuse.
    No be marriage them dey consummate again? But fork, Naija babes must fork now. Fork na the air wey them dey breathe. And when them consummate relationship finish, na to consume baby wey them chop belle full remain. Them go snatch husband from wifey, come snatch wifey from husbands. Come dey boast dey make them blog ID say them dey chop tohtoh.
    I taya o.

  10. ... um.. I hope y'all know cheating is not just bout 'knacks' though..
    This is for the 'pastor' who said sex is just for marriage.

    1. So define FORNICATION.
      Or henceforth desist from answering that name.
      It is not about what "pastor" said, It is about what
      God; Chukwu said.

    2. 14:34 quit being a nuisance. Emotional cheating hurts as much as physical cheating.

    3. @AdaBekee
      You simply needed to supu that new word "nuisance" that you learnt today.
      Goals achieved.

    4. Yeah, I needed to because your noise is too much and it is constituting exactly that - a nuisance.
      You have turned God, fornication, abortion into a joke with all your ranting. Nobody is going to take any of these issues serious with the way you talk about them. You think it’s funny with you littering multiple comments up and down the place but it isn’t. You are just preventing us from seeing reasonable comments.

    5. @Adaabroad
      So na me carry black cloth tie ya eyes from seeing (comments)
      Biko nne kepu ya

  11. I totally agree, cheating should be for married couples alone...I dont understand when a guy/gal is crying being cheated upon when you are just dating, the essence of dating is getting to know each other better to see if you are compatible then you take it to the next stage of marriage hut until then..... You both are doing osho-free which mostly involves multiple partners

    1. And when he/she brings such attitude into a marriage,you will still be among those to shout didn't you see it while dating

  12. I do not agree with that school of thought.
    sometimes,I wish we can have cheaters programme on etv in Nigeria.

  13. Cheating is cheating wether married or not.

    1. So you dey "bless", You dey curse?
      Make you choose one na?

    2. 14:35

      I don talk am say e never know wetin im wan true true talk with this moniker.

      Leave am, afi '2 bleesed'.

  14. Cheating is cheating. A relationship, whether dating or marriage is a commitment. Dating is a mutual agreement and commitment while marriage is a legal one. Cheating in both forms of commitment are wrong. By the way you don’t expect someone who cheats while dating to be faithful to you in marriage. If you know you cannot stay faithful don’t date or enter any relationship. Just pick and marry.

  15. It's dating that graduates into marriage, so both require honesty. I don't agree with that school of thought up there.

    1. Just as "honesty" is a virtue
      "PURITY" is a also a virtue
      Both virtues are clearly promoted by God
      So if you are impure/fornicate, do not talk about "honesty"
      Foremost, you are not honest to yourself and to God the creator.

      And if you have been impure/fornicate/abort and on wedding day, you enter a church in
      flowing white robe (signifying overflow of purity), you have also become dishonest by your actions; haven't you?
      Stop being dishonest to yourself.

  16. No I not with u on this whether married or courtship cheating is cheating..

    1. Let's face it
      If the officiating minister on your wedding day ask you if you have had sexual relations with
      this man before, will you answer yes?
      Why not?
      Answer; conscience!
      You know that it is wrong to fornicate
      But you do it nevertheless. Do not promote it because you couldn't
      discipline yourself to abstain. It is wrong.

  17. So many saints on here. What a wawu

  18. how dare you fornicate and shout cheating...thunder fire una dia...only claim fidelity when you are married cos that is the legal way...fornication is a sin. adultery is a sin. keep yourselves holy


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