Stella Dimoko Stella's Singles Mingles Update.....


Friday, February 08, 2019

Stella's Singles Mingles Update.....

We have a Singles Mingles Valentine Edition Loading so we would like to discuss about the things we are doing wrong that might be hampering us.........

I want to highlight some things i find strange and then you can take it up from there and/or update us on your Singles Mingle status or you wanna talk about someone who is serial? cause there are too many of them now!!!

-Adding or accepting someone and expecting them to start chatting immediately and when they dont you assume,its they are a scam!

-Hiding your photos or misrepresenting what you look like...

-Expecting to find Mr/Ms Rich
-Expecting to get a proposal one week after you are contacted--(This is for the Ladies)

-Allowing him eat the Cookie too soon
-Creating an impression of who you are not....

These are some of the problems i have been able to pick out from complaints on the Single mingles ..

What recurring complaints have you noticed?


  1. You pple will keep going in Circles, d men will continue to fuck u all for free , d girls will b duping and hopping to d next man if you don't call them out. Or report to Stella with there full names, otherwise the cycle will continue and d good forum/ platform will eventually be closed. Drops mic

    1. I keep laughing at all those girls that think sex is all that matters in a relationship. For all those that say after sex the guys run should have this to think about.1, was Meghan a virgin when Prince Harry fell in love and married her? She was a divorced lady and above 30yrs of age. JJC was Funke second husband and a lot of girls are in their 2nd marriage not just second marriage but married to a second very rich man. All those that keep saying if you fuck him he will run, you that has not been fucking are you now married? Even who get bad character self the talk of chop and run guys. Even as a girl is all the guys that you have had sex with that you would love to marry? If a man is connected to you,he is connected and nothing can stop him from or no sex

  2. When someone say I am so so and so old. Indicate the average age of those she wants to contact her and you see someone 20 years lower than your age contacting you and telling you age is but a number. Next thing you will hear is. I can I see your nude picture.

  3. met two close frnds here I dey knack them wella. thou I never knew in the first place nt until I accidentally saw one of them pics on other's phone. I cant just quit one for one, cause ono has PhD in doggy while other one bj fit format my memory card . theory of a two bad girls

  4. met two close frnds here I dey knack them wella. thou I never knew in the first place nt until I accidentally saw one of them pics on other's phone. I cant just quit one for one, cause one has PhD in doggy while other one bj fit format my memory card . theory of a two bad girls

  5. The man wanting to eat the cookie and insulting the lady if she chooses to close legs like a mermaid.
    -The man wanting the lady to post nude pix.
    -The man wanting the lady to chat every second and deleting her or being insulting if she is busy or unavailable.

    -Married men stay off and concentrate on your spouses. This is not an avenue for away match.

    I think mutual respect, emotional stability and maturity is all that is required to participate effectively in SnM.

  6. I have never participated in the singles and mingles post.I love to do so someday.Can't wait to find my Mr Russell soon hopefully.........

  7. this time i Will try to participate.

  8. I participated in the last one, met someone that we became just friends but he insisted I travelled down to his place of residence before we can start a relationship, I did not agree so we remained just friends. I like and respect him alot and he does same

    1. He doesn't respect you else he won't ask you to come first before he can start a relationship with you,what happened to him coming to see you. M sure he wanted you to come so he will ask you to stay in his place then he will want to have sex with you, that type can tell you that he needs to have sex with you before you guys can start a relationship. So he expects you to leave what you doing to come see him for someone that wants to start a relationship,his a big joke

    2. He just wants to sleep with u, a guy who likes u would come look for you, he doesn’t want to waste transport to come see you, if u had gone, he would initiate sex nd slowly drop conversations

  9. The question is why give him the cookies at all before he pays the dowry?
    It is a stupid thing to do and a lot of girl regret it. My friend's relationship was going on well until she submitted the cookie after one year; one full year. Once the brat ate it, he dumped her without any reason. He is probably coming for this next single and mingle.

    1. I hope your friend wasn't collecting money, cause I don't see why you'll hoard the "cookie" and still be collecting money. Nonsense!!

    2. That guy was never going to marry her. He waited to chop the cookie hereby wasting a whole year of her life, maybe if he had chopped it sooner, he would have left earlier and given her room to find her love.

      Well, just saying sha

    3. @Eka
      So your solution is to "give it earlier" and know what he want?
      So how many people have you given the cookies and how many will you
      still give?

      Don't just come here "saying sha". Say meaningful things.

    4. Anon whether you give or not a guy that will stay will stay, it's that easy. Some people had sex on their first date and today are married

  10. I did meet a friend via single and mingle. We still chat till today its been two years I think.we are both women and she's married while I'm not but we are cool.
    Some good for nothing guys also added me but I blocked them as soon as they exhibited their foolishness.

    1. Ann:14:03 is because of people like you that rich handsome guys like me will never take part. To you sex is all that matters in a relationship. If you like fuck on the first day,if you like fuck on the wedding day. Who wan go,go ,go. Don’t people get married and divorce that same year. While some had sex on the first day and the man marries her.I believe your among those girls that the only thing they can offer In A relationship is sex so why won’t a man fuck you and walk?

  11. I participated in the last edition, he stated he wanted fun in his comment, I thought the fun was just someone to chat with, I added him up, we clicked, then I realised what he meant by fun, by then like 50 shades of Grey, the Anastasia in me was awoken, so I played a bad girl, lol, chai, I did stuffs, we disndi gbenshing oo cos distance was involved, a very very very long distance I must say. suddenly I fell in love, everything was fine till I asked for little assistance and dude became so busy. I always knew he was busy, but did create time for me, but now, dude got so busy that we hardly talk in a week nor he read my chats and reply me easily like before, so I felt maybe it is the assistance I asked for, so I told him to forget about it. We almost quarreled but dude gat my Anastasia mumu botton then I played the Anastasia thing again. But then, after that, I broke up with dude stating that I am a sucker of a little attention, I am getting really seriou with him (maybe he doesn't want it), so I opted for been just friends with him. I didnt get a response from dude but I still called severally and we spoke for few seconds. I still like dude alot but He gat to make me know he wants me too. Till then, I am just a friend.. All the same, I know I am a fun to be with /crazy and loving woman, I will meet my prince charming

    1. That guy doesn't want anything serious with you. He's only going to waste your time.

    2. U r cheap, reason he will squeeze u dry and trash u. All shades of stupid I must say. Give urself brain ,block him, he he really cares let him search for u desperately to the point of assisting u, otherwise continue with ur cheapness while he participates again and find a woman who values and knows her self worth.

    3. Fifty shades of Grey...I still have the softcopy of the Fifty shades trilogy in my phone, time to finish am no dey. I was 'jejely' reading it when I was preggy but since I have delivered, I'm yet to pick a book and complete it. Motherhood eeh...chai.

      I have never participated in SnM so I have got nothing to say but I like as Stella wants to have different sessions for the old and young...I think it will put a stop to all these age ish.

    4. You came on too strong, next time, go at their pace, if u sense any form of detachment along d line, u detach too, nobody came to this works with another person's placenta.

    5. Until you asked for assistance? Aren't you ashamed of yourself? Why were you asking for assistance? Is he your father? I'd do more than he did if I were in his shoes. What's with you girls and begging? I detest begging with passion. You met a guy on social media, and you're already asking him for "assistance"! Do you know the damage it does to your rep? I detach myself from a girl the moment she begins to make demands off me. Am I running a charity program? It's a damn relationship! I don't want to believe this forum is populated by beggars. You hardly meet a girl on this blog without being asked for " assistance" almost immediately. Stella, teach these leeches the virtues of hardwork and self-respect. And they do it with a sense of entitlement. They believe breasts and buttocks is all they should peddle to get all they want. I'm so disgusted.

    6. Annon 18:28. God bless you plenty... U read my mind and expressed the opinion of many guys.

    7. THANK YOU @18:28.

      Some of them don’t have much to offer, except to paddle boobs and bums around thinking you’d be enticed, and when you make a step, the next thing fiaaaammmm β€œpls could you assist me with so & so amount β€œ .... like seriously? Now Now Now?!

      Low self esteem women everywhere you look..tueh


  12. You will say you need someone funny and witty, they will add you and start cracking jokes ( I go die/ akpororo kind of joke)!!! Like WTF!
    Is it so much to ask for?
    Of all the guys that added me, only one made an impression! I chatted with this guy for two whole days, the chat was going smoothly like we have been friends for years, until we remembered we hadn't said our names!
    That is totally the kind of guy I want to meet! It didn't work out though cos he was confused though πŸ™„πŸ™„.
    Some will add you and start asking jamb questions, mtchewww.
    One added me and refused to show pics, he said he wasn't a picture kinda guyπŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ, and he wants me to leave my house to go see a faceless human? Tufia! E never reach like that.
    I met another one that said he is a 37 year old virgin!
    Wetin Musa no go see for gate!
    I don tire biko.

    1. Hahahahahahhaha..... see me laughing like a jackass inside the office.

    2. be character ah swear!

  13. There is a certain Chuks that is always prowling the streets of SnM. A confused fellow.

    1. Is it only Chuks..what of that stupid Emmaneul, Emanuzo oil and gas or so. I am using police to look for that one all over Abuja and I know they will get him some day. Fool.

  14. Dammy with fat cheek is a serial snm customer.
    Mister 32yrs leave people sisters alone stop deceiving and taking advantage of single girls on this blog.
    After messing them up you will come up with stories of how how one esther is pregnant for you.
    Or stories of how you couldn't stay with your ex cause of genotype issue

    Stay the hell away from snm mister network engineer.Liar liar liar

  15. Too blessed to curse8 February 2019 at 14:42

    I participated in the very first snm 2015 and made a friend here who is in the UK.
    We are still very close pals.

  16. I gave up on SnM, some younger guys seem to think they are doing you a favour. Some guys refuse sending their pictures. Some expect you to leave your base to go and see them immediately while they claim busy. Some expect you to always initiate contact and conversations. Some can't date you if they feel you are not prosperous enough. Some take ages to respond or are too quick to want your details. Some only want the cookie. Some insult you and your picture. Some are only interested in a certain type and won't give others a chance. Some are plain rude. Some are scammers or serial daters looking to scam you for cookies and other things. Mtcheeww.

    Anyway I may participate in the one for older persons, maybe I can find a kind and mature person there. Though I have also encountered some old fools, hence my giving up.

  17. I have never been lucky with SnM,maybe God will pick my call this time around. I'll suggest stella should limit it to particular sex and age range for each edition so that old people like us go see our mates.

    1. How we wan find boo na if it’s limited to a particular sex range?

  18. I participated just once, I prayed to God not to participate more than once and get my husband and my God answered, a lot of men contacted me, three proposed marriage in less than a month. I prayed to God to choose one for me and he did. Happily married to by king, expecting triplet soon. I will spare time one day to send my story in full to that other ladies can learn from it. Sis Stella thank you alot for this platform and dnt ever be discourage because there are still lot of serious men who are seriously participating. I pray before this month end I will get enough time to send my story in full. God bless you sis Stella

    1. Please send because it is a testimony for real.

    2. I'm really waiting for this story
      Give us hot hot

    3. Wow, you went with the right mindset, had the right attitude and got yourself the right man for you. See why we should never joke with prayers? God is involved even in our love life if we can only let Him.

    4. Wow...congrats,I tap the triplet in Jesus name Amen

    5. Wow...congrats,I tap the triplet in jesus name Amen

    6. Yes oh. God is very much involved in all areas of our life. I always try my best to seek God's opinion before doing anything.

    7. This is what I want to hear. Something that will encourage one to participate.

      Congrats dear.
      Plz send your story soon.

  19. I have a girl that we are friends now and I would love to explain because I know she doesn’t see us as friends and I don’t know what to do to make her see us as just friends because we are different people.

    She got a job in another state recently that pays twice the amount she earns in GA and it wasn’t small issue to convince her to go. I mean I don’t even earn up to half of what she earns in GA. I haven’t had sex with her and don’t plan to so that it doesn’t look like I left her after I got what I wanted.

    I really don’t know how to make her see that we can’t be together and it hurts me to know that we will talk about it sometime and she will find out. She has low self esteem already and I’m just scared of what she will do to herself when we have that discussion! She is one of the sweetest person I know and I just hate that one day, we will have to end this.

    1. The earlier the better. Just tell her the truth in a way that is not harsh. If not you will be leading her on.

  20. Ok lemmi try an Update..he called me up and we chatted and all that..after months.,we ought to see na.,we fixed time and date and that day..I get a message apologising that he won't be available and since then.,not a word..ok bye!πŸ˜‰

    1. That one doesn't know what he wants. Forget about him.

    2. Hahahahaa, he chickened out.

  21. you hardly meet beta guys online. very rarem what u see are time wasters and mother fuckers

  22. Please always hint us prior to your next single and mingle

  23. Ubanagum can you stop participating in snm already? My ears are full. You will be telling friends the exact same things, u no dey tire?

  24. Getting married to the man I met during Oct 2016 SnM tomorrow

  25. I'm @ the anonymous that talked about having a fifty-shades of grey-like affair with someone on s&m . I really appreciate the next comments after my first comment but this is o inform you that I ain't cheap, I just decided to try something different... I wouldn't assume he wasn't serious too cos I dnt conclude on someone easily, but maybe we are meant to be a pair or not. Like I said, I have no hard feelings of whatsoever.. I believe in Que sera sera, whatever will be will be. Stella deserved an update so I made it available to her

  26. Congratulations to those that found love.... we will keep trying till we get d right dude. For now no cookie tins😎

  27. πŸ˜‚@wettin musa no go see for gate

  28. Pls does anyone know one old man called Abass?
    He said he's in the US,he likes to ta ok dirty, promise marriage and also prouse huge funds

  29. Pls does anyone know one old man called Abass?
    He said he's in the US,he likes to talk dirty, promise marriage and also promise huge funds

  30. I just want a sensible young man who does not have time for games. That's all. Like can my husband just hurry up so we can start fucking already. Tf? Out here smoking weed and watching porn by myself pretty tits are on a clock my nigga? Hurry up

  31. can't wait for the next snm to surface. I just like the fact that so many guys want to chart with me though some are fuck boys but I know I would meet my heart desire on this platform. kudos to you SDK.


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