Stella Dimoko Spontaneous Sunday Morning Post


Sunday, February 17, 2019

Spontaneous Sunday Morning Post

#sunday #itshooulda #itcoulda#itwoulda #shame

Good Morning to you all....
It is gonna be a really Beautiful Sunny Day but mostly importantly,let the Sunshine shine from inside......

Election no hold but life goes on...
If you are a BV who postponed your wedding to 23rd because of yesterdays election that didint hold,please do not postpone it again cos the election might be postponed again....

I have another tales from my Bambino series........

One of the Bambino almost choked me in a hug
After i Bought them the latest Nike shoes yesterday..........i was frowning knowingly and he said to me ''My number one mama,you are so special to me that i think that my girlfriend or wife might be jealous cos of how i will be loving you,you are my number one!''...I burst out laughing because the confession pass me....#waffypysching

Start sending in stuff for tomorrows IHN please!!!!


  1. Replies
    1. kiksinteriors for your furniture and upholstery.. 0703500099717 February 2019 at 08:15

      Happy Sunday BVs and Stella

  2. Finny, if your boo’s father is a retired air force man and he’s from Ad***** state, please he’s a married man and equally got emotional when he wanted his wife to marry him.

    1. Which other state in Nigeria starts with the letters A and d, if not Adamawa State. Block Head, why censor it.

    2. anonymous 8:06 some stories May seem eeriely familiar but it's not enough to start putting A and Z together. so unless you know this Finny personally, this revelation can mar her relationship. let's be cautious sometimes

    3. *shines eye* you say what? lol

      anon my boo is not from adamawa state. his dad is a retired "Nigerian Army" officer not Airforce pls.

      my boo has never been married. how do i know? i have been to his family house countless times and even spent easter holiday with them last year. his mom loves me like madt. so yea i am 101% sure he aint the one. thanks all the same. have a beautiful sunny day ahead

    4. Finny boo, when are we commencing wedding arrangements nah *wink*

    5. Ado -Ekiti @Anon 8:26πŸ˜‚

      Thank you all for your wishes,I heart you allπŸ˜™

    6. Mz Lynn darlyn no wedding arrangement for now biko. i cant afford to start worrying my pretty head over wedding plans till he propose again.

  3. Good morning all.
    Happy new week.
    If you are in a political violence prone area, stay low, watch out and be careful.
    Stay safe.

  4. Good morning my people! Good morning dear Stella! This your Bambino tale got me all smiles this morning. Our kids always have our mumu button. Motherhood rocks,all mothers gather here for selfieπŸ“·. Sons always have a special bond with their mothers. Sky nwanne ke ki mere? Happy Sunday.

    1. Pouts for the camera.

      As little as my toddler is, whenever I scold him or I give him that stop it side eyes this boy will start laughing and the next thing he will say is mummy how are you? πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚Infact ehn I will just start laughing.
      Good morning NK

    2. Selfie Time πŸ“·
      Good morning beautiful NK

    3. NK,I am here. I appreciate God for the privilege to be one.

    4. Elegant, i totally understand that mushy feeling, onoy sey in my case, na girls dem be πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    5. Wait...wait

      *rushes in adjusting my wig*

      Olori, Orire shift pls..



    6. I follow for the selfie as a father...fatherhood rocks! Nk nwanyi oma anom nma, anam akwado church kam jee nye testimony olu chukwu luru na ebe anyi no.

    7. See me for back, Lucille please shift a little let my face show.

    8. So sky you are a baby daddy true true?
      I have been hearing whispers here to effectively but I wanted to confirm from th horse's mouth. Hope you bar not sure deadbeat dad cod your comments reek of stinginess and brokeness

    9. 10:59 enroll in adult education and stop embarrassing your lineage with your English. I've got nothing but love for you.

  5. Update on yesterday SP, I was the loyal babe that was worried of her guy who traveled to Benin for the presidential election on Thursday.

    At about 1:22pm I got a text message from him “baby am deeply sorry abt my silence. I arrived safely tho late but bin busy with many family issues. currently in my hometown. I ll call u once am less busy plz forgive me! luv u padi” that was the message I got from him, I just say is alright thank God you are fine and take care.

    Someone told me on SP yesterday when i said hope this guy is not with another woman, not to think πŸ€” about a woman, I was even planning to go to the park to ask questions as someone on SP asked me to do. I have already deleted him and whatever we have in my head, I have ended whatever that join us close to each other cos this is pure wicked from highest point. My great family I want mature idea on how to treat his fuck up, I don’t want to see him again, I don’t want to wait for his more lies, the attitude he put on is enough for me to understand that the main chick is in Benin, me here is his side bush meat. I have moved on already no time to wait. Please advise a sister.

    1. kiksinteriors for your furniture and upholstery.. 0703500099717 February 2019 at 08:17

      Chei ..Pele.just forget about him and move on

    2. Just move on please and make sure you dont look back.
      Leave him for God to punish Him at his own time.
      Then, wait for God's restoration.
      The process will be hard and painful, but you will eventually forget him.

    3. That guy is wicked. Kindly dump him and move on. No point treating any fuck up.

    4. Awwww...this is so sad. So me sef,babes pls be strong. I don't know how far the relationship has gone but pls just move on from him, he will be back apologising forgive him but he doesn't deserve you. Be strong

    5. The most mature way to treat his fuck up as you call it is to do nothing to him.
      Let him know that you know what he did through a message and then cut him off totally, on all social media accounts, block his number from calling or texting you.
      Do not read any messages from him sent through another number, do not speak to him if he calls with another line.
      Let your friends and family that know him, know that you're no longer with him and that no begging will be entertained.

      Focus on yourself, your healing and improving yourself in all areas.
      Always remember that, the more you value yourself, the more value a man will place on you.

    6. My dear sister abeg throw that man far away from you oo. Na side chick you be to am. Let me tell you a bit about myself before I got married my mother introduced me to a lawyer in Owerri he name is chidi he said he wants to get married to me. We exchanged numbers he calls me every night we talk do you know that this man asked me to buy MTN SIM card so that we can do free midnight call because I was using Airtel then. I did all he asked me to do. I even borrowed money from my mother and traveled to Owerri to visit him. Instead of taking me to his house he took me to a hotel gbenshed me raw and told me we wants to go get me food he ran away and didn't even pick my calls next morning I left the hotel and took a bus back to Abuja after 2 days he called me begging that he wanted to test my anger level. I was shocked how can you test the anger level of someone you just met. I cried to God for the humiliation,he begged me I accepted to give him another chance,he came to Abuja this time called me to come meet him in a hotel I went there he told me he was hungry we went out to eat he collected 2k from me to pay the cab driver we went to the hotel I slept there we gbenshed again in the morning I woke up and left without looking back I blocked his number. I told my mother all that happened between us. My mother felt so bad even cried with me. Since then I learnt on a hard way. He was a broke ass lawyer and manipulative person. I moved on but I never forget that experience now am in a better place. I live in Europe and married with 3 kids so move on and keep searching for the one.

    7. You just concluded without proof that he is cheating on you? Just laidat??😨😰

    8. Thank you all for your word of encouragement,let me move to blocking him on all social media including his calls. I will do as you all have said, no need to treat his fuck up.

      Election didn’t hold yesterday yet we all didn’t die. I cannot kill my self cos of one prick. Life goes on. Thank you great family once again.

    9. follow your intuition, dear. im not going to advice you to stay in a relationship that you already cancelled. obviously, there's no trust and you clearly don't know this guy enough. as for the guy, i'm inclined to believe that you are not his priority. No one absolutely no one is too busy to make a simple phone call to his loved one when it's not the case of empty battery. with the way you were worried about him, it's not fair to send you such mediocre text message. again, follow your intuition

    10. Na wa o anon 8:45, that Chidi should be killed.

  6. Morning lovelies,issa very cold day here,your Bambinos sure knows ur mumu button,God bless and keep them for you

  7. Good morning lovelies and Happy Sunday ♥♥♥

    Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff they comfort me. Psalm 23:4.

    Our God is a powerful God who shows mercies forevermore! Just ask for His mercies and He show you. He also gives grace abundantly to the most undeserving...

    And I prophesy into the lives of all expectant fathers and mothers and all those hoping for the fruit of the womb, you will come out shining in the name of Jesus. (Amen)

    Kikikikiki..... Stella, the bambino's have your password for real.May God continually bless your homeI love your relationship with them Iya boys.I pray to be cordial with mine like this when they eventually come.

    Lafreshest, how's you been a while
    Fab momma, I miss you

    Stella, bring us all the juicy gist on IG, from Davido and wizzy with the t.lolo babe he bodyshamed to Gbenro ajibade et all.

    1. kiksinteriors for your furniture and upholstery.. 0703500099717 February 2019 at 08:19 like amebo like me.. Happy Sunday to you

    2. Kiksinteriors..... Who doesn't
      This blog..... We live hereπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    3. Good morning Olori. You've been MIA since Val's day😎😎.

      Yes, Stella bring that yesterday's RHI (or what should I call it) from IG here biko. The real decoders are here!

      Happy Sunday everyone.

    4. Choice momma, and I am backπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  8. Good morning beautiful family, happy Sunday to everyone. Wishing everyone a happy and beautiful week ahead.

  9. Where are the heavy weights and shakers of this blog?

    Yaba left escape..

    Its now filled with regular people

    1. Doppelgang is not a shaker of this blog jo

    2. kiksinteriors for your furniture and upholstery.. 0703500099717 February 2019 at 08:20

      They got tired of typing and are now anonymous

    3. Happy Sunday Regular blog janitor.

    4. Hahahahaha Beloved. Your mouth eh

    5. Kiks, even if they enter anonymous we'll still know. And its true the blog is filled with regular people

    6. Also Nwa Amaka.
      The General’s Wife
      Money makes men etc.
      I miss Ezewanyi the most.

  10. I want to say a bigger THANK YOU to all who wished me a worthy celebrations of our birthdays to me and twinnie. God bless you all and just know that celebrations will never seize in you and your families Amen. The Peace of God overtake your homes Amen. I really enjoyed myself.

    Beer in the morning to step up and then in the night to step down. Thank God nowadays beers don't shack.

    To Waiting Mothers it was in the dream that the voice that talked to me said ttcing is limitations. It was if I was having a conversation and I told the person speaking it is on the blog I first heard the word ttc.

    Just know God has heard and changed your name because you are awaiting the arrival of your children Amen.

    Good morning beautiful people h

    1. kiksinteriors for your furniture and upholstery.. 0703500099717 February 2019 at 08:21

      Happy belatedl birthday

    2. Amen
      Happy belate birthday to u and ur twin,Gid bless u more...

    3. Happy belate birthday to u and ur twin...God bless u more..
      Amen to ur prayers

    4. Happy belated birthday to you yori yori .

    5. Happy belated birthday dearie

  11. @BV I AM - First of all, I HAVE NOT GOTTEN TO THE PEAK OF MY CAREER. Tbh, I actually had a major career setback last year that got me rethinking my life. And not even all the people 'I thought i knew' could help me. Stella, @same girl and @chike were privy to this. Piece of advice: no one should ever get too comfortable in being planted in any organization or sector, until they begin to gain international recognition. Okay???

    Now, i also regret not studying medicine and na my stubborness cause am oh no be say I no sabi book. I was counting 7 years +. Lol. But I cant live there, its in the past. You see, i eventually read a very niche aspect of agric, for my first degree. If I was looking for a job with that, I would be repeating your story now. Shebi you know?

    You wanna know the real reason why I saved all I could to get an MBA? My first job was a sales job and as I got further into management, i knew i needed 'back up'. I got that job NOT by my qualifications but based on my very basic skill of knowing how to talk to people convincingly and make them trust my sense of judgement. Its a God given skill, i didnt learn it. I am also a pusher. If there is no door, i break the window and enter. And thats how I make a living - by connecting people, making them think and solving seemingly complex revenue-generating issues.

    However, my natural ITK moves that makes me dip my hands into other stuff, got me combining BD with other management areas like HR. And luckily for me, SMEs need all the skills you can bring to the table. All this made me decide to get a general management degree, and it has made me even more rounded enough to do mgt. finance. Right now, I dont work for an SME anymore but no management arm can job me with hype. People are shocked at how much I know a little bit of this and that. All I have previously learnt has come in handy. So no regrets!

    So let me advice you my darling, put your certificate down for a minute and take a good look at your God given abilities. Let those childhood imaginations go, cos Nigeria has changed!! Assess your macroenvironment and plug into something. If you like children, work in a school. You could own you own school one day, you know? I know a babe that earns 200k working as a school administrator here in Lekki. No jokes and she read physio 🀷🏽‍♀️If you like technology alot, find work in an IT firm. Its not by knowing the latest gadgets. Lol. Intern if you may and see where you would get to. If you are an organizer/perfectionist, apply for work as an admin assistant, maybe specialize in document control. If you have a lovely voice and you speak quickly and eloquently, please apply for a job in a customer service unit. You like ensuring people do the right thing at the right time? Apply for PA job! You can become an EA to a top executive one day. @BV Jennex is an accoutant currrently doing mgt. operations now.

    Nne put that your geology down and find food chop first!! Oil companies cant hire everyone of us naau. Life is not a one way street. And you will surprised that while on your alternative job, you will meet someone who will connect you to your dream job. Try it and see! Good luck dear.

    1. Chikito baby, I too gbadu you o.

    2. I have seen the one wey concern me Gaskia.

      Just this morning I taught about doing MSc in This lucrative Radiography


      Let me go and Google more and further career choices.

      I am a Science Student and I love burying myself in books. But let me go and make this money first.

      PA to EA toh bad *Shines teeth

      Thanks Chikito, you see why I love you.

    3. I AM, chikito has blessed you with her wisdom
      Chiki, how are you??? Been a while

    4. Hello Chikito, please can you be my mentor?

    5. I've always learnt a lot from you Sis. Amongst other things, be a pusher! Hnmmm I'm taking this with me. God bless you babe and good to have you here.

    6. Thanks for this Chikito. I'm motivated right now.

    7. Thanks Chikito
      I love writing. Which short course or exam can I write to improve my chances of getting a job? Also which jobs can I apply for after completing the course? Thank you once again

    8. Very sound advice!!!! Chiki baby😘😘😘

    9. Thanks people!

      Na election make me look phone oh. Lol

    10. Miss Chikito, please reply me. Are you currently single?

    11. This is nice@chikito,thanks for sharing

    12. Motivation high now . God bless you for this Chikito darlg.

  12. I have never seen someone as dirty as this my sil. She came over to my house Friday evening to spend the weekend with us.
    She is married but her husband is not in town. We ate dinner and I made tea she said she doesn't want cos she's on her period okay.
    The next morning she asked me for pad I said I don't have and God knows I don't(I'm pregnant but she's ny aware).
    Imade breakfast she ate without brushing her teeth not taking her bath. She asked for tissue which I gave her, it was the tissue she used till evening then when my husband the brother came back she asked him for 500 then she went to buy pad. Someone on her period didn't bath throughout the day and now I have made tea with fried egg and she's eating already ha! SMH. She came with a bag of and when I asked her why she didn't come with her charger as she has been dragging charger with me she said so she won't forget it here, like you are going for the weekend no toothbrush, no charger, no pad nothing.
    She's not broke but she's too stingy even to herself. She's a beneficiary of Npower, she has a business and her husband is okay too so I don't just understand her at all.
    All her wrapper is even stained with blood, so annoying at 30

    1. Na wa. Me I will ask her to go and take and bath in a stylish way o.

    2. Her own is too much, please should come and be going it has do her. Like who does period with tissue papers anymore?

    3. You sef, dont you keep extra brush in your house? The time you use to type all these you could have used that time to embarrass the lady by supplying her those things so next time when she is coming, she will know where she is going?
      I have a friend that I cant describe how dirty her house is. When she comes to my house, it takes 10 minutes for her and her kids to turn my house upside down, I bring out my bad character by almost sweeping her off her feet. The moment I tell her I'm coming to her house, she begins to clean with lightening speed cos she knows what I will tell her.

    4. The worst type of stinginess is being stingy to one's self.. My bil is in that WhatsApp group.. Smh

    5. 😩😩😩😩😩
      Just kee me!!!

    6. Have a sister like this too. Don't mince words with her. Can't stand dirt and she will comfortably sit and her children will turn the place upside down. My cane no Dey far now

  13. Good morning all!! INEC na real scam.
    HR has sent mail reversing our day off on monday *hiss* see my colleagues and I, planning to paint the town red tonight and sleep off the day tommorow 🀣🀣

    Who saw that video of an INEC official in Abia State with already published results since friday? This country na scam oh. Real scam.

    Let me go to church oh. Remember to Pray for Nigeria and vote too!!

  14. Yesterday was sanitation day for me. I washed and cleaned everything and everywhere. I even ironed some clothes, me that hates ironing. My joints ache.

    I thought of someone I've not seen, called or thought of for a long time yesterday afternoon, and in the night he called. It has happened to me a number of times. Either the person calls or I hear that they died. But last night really shocked me because I wasn't expecting it at all. Infact he said he woke up looking for my contact, had to search diaries, go and facebook and finally called a mutual friend to ask for my number. Lol.

    Mehn, the way cow head and kpomo is dancing in my stew eh, una sure say I go concentrate for church?

    My heart goes out to the Igbinedions, Osasu especially for losing her baby brother. The family would be so devaststed. May God comfort them.

    Good morning Stella and BVs.

    1. Castle do you know that abstract image they use to represent when someone is thinking or dreaming? It usually look like a cloud... yes.

      You see, when you are thinking or dreaming about something, it sends signals to the cloud and most of the time your thought is transmitted(by the cloud) to the person or thing you are thinking about and force them to reciprocate. It is a natural phenomenon and very powerful. This is why the mind is a very powerful part of the body, as a man thinketh in his heart, so he is.

    2. I haven't read your epistle in a long time! Nwanyi na ife.

      Igara worry wa?

    3. Wow Sky, thanks. It's amazing really.
      IPhie dearie, something's cooking, ok. Nwanyi na ife really. So you still remember I gara worry wa? You must really like the story/man. Thanks a lot.

    4. Sky thanks for the bday message,I appreciate

    5. Much love Ed... 😘😘😘

  15. Happy Sunday everyone....

    Stella, your kids are just too funny. God bless them.

    Enjoy your weekend y'all.

  16. Kai! Gbenro and Osas eeh! I wish they'll work on whatever is the issue!

  17. Good morning everyone and happy Sunday.

    *Jamb Update

    The following persons has been picked for the jamb pin giveaway. Someone will contact you for the registration.











    ....That's all. May God bless the beautiful Angel that made this hugely possible. May your ocean never run dry.

    Good NeWS .... I want to start compiling the next batch data giveaway.. Send a screenshot of your old comment. Your number and your network.

    Please if you want to send me a comment you made in 2014, also show me a recent comment join am. Okay

    My official blog mail remains

    Have a beautiful Sunday everyone.

    Today's mass was moody. Even the priest felt the moody atmosphere. He now said, the state of the nation is not pleasing but God knows the best. We should all remember to vote on Saturday, and come to church next Sunday with our previous palm. In preparation for the Lenten season.

    1. Can I also apply?
      Pls dont call me greedy,hallelujah challenge is finishing all my data ...thanks

    2. Me too o, I want to apply.

    3. πŸ˜™πŸ˜™πŸ˜™πŸ˜™πŸ˜™

  18. Eyin Jesu

    Eyin Jesu

    Fun jo 'kehin to sokale

    Eyin Jesu

    Eyin Jesu

    Fun jo 'kehin to sokale

    Eyin Jesu Eyin Jesu

    Fun jo 'kehin to sokale

    Eyin Jesu Eyin Jesu

    Fun jo 'kehin to sokale


    Happy Sunday

  19. Stella check Ghana web. A pastor is predicting somethings about the election. I think it's time to pray more. 1st I was not believing all these prophesies but if more of them are saying almost the same thing, let's be careful.

  20. Stella ur boys are sweet....makes me want mine alreadyπŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

  21. Happy Sunday bvs, how do I send in stuffs that I sell for IHN?

  22. Good morning and happy Sunday all.

    1. Unknown, pls I have been trying to reach you but your contact ID are not available. Pls contact me.

  23. Good morning Stella and bv

  24. Good morning dear BVs. Malaria is a b**tard o! I can't believe something that small can knock me down like this. Anyways, i give God all the glory for His healing touch.

    Abeg am i the only mom who gets angry when hubby beats or punishes a child? πŸ™πŸ™ I prefer to beat them myself

  25. I need a serious relationship. I want to get married this year. I am a very busy dude. No time to socialize. I tried some numbers from the last SnM. God! An avalanche of girls with "am" for "I'm"; "your" for "you're" "ur" for "your" ; and several lines of Mumbo-Jumbo. And they want to get all your info at a dial. Why would I expose myself when I'm thrown off by your writing? Where are the posh and intelligent girls that anonymously drop lines here please? Come out of your cocoons.

    1. Are you a footballer? I can only marry a TDHRF man this year.

    2. Guy,you didn't specify age range, physique, et al.
      If the above is your only criteria, then contact me.
      Because I know someone that meets this and more.
      She also, wants to get married this year.

    3. Drop your contact for me to reach you.

    4. In addition to your contact, indicate the age and tribe of a woman you are looking for.

    5. @Beloved shot your shoot.

      I wish both of you well 😘😘

    6. We posh and intelligent girls have given up on SNM because of guys like girls you mentioned above. Also why not ask Stella to post on IHN on Monday and I will contact you if you are serious.

    7. I'll contact you if you leave your details.

    8. Abeg shift! Many of you claim to like intelligent women but can't stand us when we come close. You will still find faults. Look how conceited your comment reads..... Who did you put inside a cocoon but yourself who doesn't socialize? Aren't there women at your workplace, in your neighbourhood, on social media or even amongst your family friends or friends of your relatives? Don't you have sisters or cousins who can refer you as a 'sweet guy' that you IS naau?
      Enough with this S n M complaints. Alot of us never see better guy for this blog for how many years and we are not on here ranting. It is working for people it works for.

      @09:59 be careful and good luck!

    9. LOL you are too hard on them. why not start with the bvs their comments impress you, seek them out. also, being too busy can be a turn off.. find time to socialize, don't be dull. good luck!

    10. Chikito you know the guy before? 😱😱😱

    11. I find those annoying too, wish I could drop my number tho. Too shy..

  26. XP mooma, good morning. Saw your message yesterday. Hahahaha
    I don't want to join epistle gang nne. I don't think I can keep up.
    Let me just maintain my 'where two or three lines' are gathered comments...except when the Spirit leads.

    Happy Sunday BVs.

  27. A new phone and a new laptop,all came as a gift. indeed Tihte makes way for favours..Godbless my uncle.
    most times people may want to favour by there might be an obstacle blocking it,and tihte opens it

    i am a testimony of tithe,dnt let freeze deceive you,tithe opens doors,dnt bother about what happens to the money, heaven records it for you..if some1 gifts me money I pay tighte

  28. Good morning and Happy Sunday Stella and bvs
    Bv courage pls I mailed you since yesterday no reply, I need more enlightenment on the smoked bushmeat business you talked about in the business ideas post of yesterday, I want to know if the restaurants do order and pay upfront. I'm looking for a business I can start without capital. Pls if you see this, you can send me a mail by clicking on my blog id. Thanks and enjoy your weekend

  29. Pls bvs i ve not been going to church for over a year oo.... Hope am alright. ..

  30. Good morning and Happy Sunday to everyone.

  31. Good morning Stella and bvs, happy Sunday.
    Bv courage pls check your inbox I sent you a mail since yesterday no reply. You can click on my blog Id and send me a mail. I need more enlightenment on the smoked bushmeat business you talked about on business idea post of yesterday. Do the restaurants order and pay upfront? I need a business I can start without any capital. Thanks.

  32. Good morning beautiful people. Have a blessed day today

  33. My kisses to your Bambinos, Stella.😘😘

  34. Good morning all, thanks Chikito for that piece of advise. I want to double my hustle this year. My salary is not enough for me again. Thinking of a lucrative business I can venture into.

    ......I can't believe that I've been at home since Thursday evening up till this moment without going out.

  35. I'm suffering from severe insomnia, bvs pls what can i use to induce sleep, I'm pregnant though. I feel so heavy i can't even sleep during the day too

    1. The lord is ur strength... sorry dear!

    2. Some pregnancies cause insomnia, you’ll cope better with time. Just get as comfortable as you can on your bed and no need to induce sleep

  36. Thank God for a new day.
    Stella,your bambinos rock😘.
    "All things work together for my good because I love God and I am called according to His purpose ".This is my declaration always.


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