Stella Dimoko Socialite Laura Kanu Slams Troll Who Asked Her About Her Sister In Law Amara Kanu


Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Socialite Laura Kanu Slams Troll Who Asked Her About Her Sister In Law Amara Kanu

Laura Kanu wife of former Footballer Ogbonna Kanu asked her Instagram followers to ask her anything and she promised to be as Sincere as possible.....

Guess what they asked her?



  1. Yanga dey sleep, trouble go wake am.... 😏😊.

    1. Omooo, true talk

    2. This family are just so proud.

    3. When Amara was getting married to kanu that year Laura was still in secondary school, but look at Laura looking older than amara that have offloaded 3kids.

      Biko amara is not in her trashy, razz league. She can't go low to her level. Amara has international recognition as Kanu Nwakwo's wife, that is level. Abeg who know Laura?

    4. Amara no be Laura mate, dem no dey same level at all, who be Laura? When inferiority complex dey worry person it's brings out the witchcraft"y" in that person.
      How many years Amara don marry Kanu now, have we ever heard her make noise or gone gaga on social media.
      Person wey her sister raise capital for to open boutique sef dey make noise😏😏, abi the house boy wey Laura put for house sef one call himself footballer πŸ˜³πŸ™„πŸ˜πŸ˜? He's not internationally recognised. Laura, you can't dine in the same place with Amara.
      I hope Amara puts this Mgbeke in her place by ignoring the fool. Classless thing 😏😏😏

    5. But thats the difference, Amara is know as Kanu's wife, Laura had established herself as Laura Ikeji before marrying into the Kanu's family. Besides Nwankwo K, which other Kanu is known? None, but people know/knew of Laura before she even married......thats the difference.

    6. People (some lagosians)new laura and that was because of linda ikeji please and nothing else. Amara aint same class with laura please. Besides i like laura

  2. Madam Stella, I hail thee ooo
    This our aproko ehhh.

    I wonder what Laura is feeling like anyway? A bag of money? Oh please!! She should do her thing without sounding bitter towards her co-wife.

    1. They are not co-wives. They not marrying the same man.Cant you just write their names?

    2. They are co-wives! By marrying brothers

    3. Anon 18:47 has possessed her possession oo, no time! Please are you Amara kanu?

    4. I am not Amara, but Google are your friends. Co-wives, are women married to the same man. Smh..oya, Google it.

    5. Anon 19:32 the confidence in your ignorance is irritating. Hope you have learnt what co-wives mean.

  3. Oh well...some questions are not to be answered, honestly.

    1. The classless Mgbeke should have stopped at "we are not friends" but she won raise awareness as her boutique don dey go down. No customers anymore.
      Person living under her sisters mercy coming to fight Amara that God has blessed.
      Laura, you no get respect oooo. The familiarity wey this social media dey cause sef ehn 😏🀷🏾. Does Laura think she and Amara dey same level πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜œ, she come stupid put Kanu matter sef.
      Laura, ure an idiot. Omo oju o rola ri ni e.

    2. Honestly.......the whole thing is so annoying....who is Laura

  4. Hian! See gbege! Laura, Laura, Laura, apply a little wisdom please. It's okay not to be friends and be sincere about it, but that comment about achievement in ten years is a no no. Be guided abeg!

    1. That 10 years achievement comment was necessary because amara tried to portray her husband as a lazy underachieving freeloader who stole her son's ticket but what has Amara herself achieved?

    2. She doesn't know anything. Isnt she senseless like that. How can someone be bragging about January and what nonsense achievement.

      Who knows tomorrow? No one!...some pple will just be talking like they lack white matter in their brain.

    3. Last last she didn't achieve jack! Ode girl

    4. Laura thinks achievement is by who makes loud noise

      empty vessels make the loudest noise .

      What has laura achieved

    5. You people are wicked ooooo, Laura has achieved a lot nah haba. Her sister opened a boutique for her and she dances on Instagram everyday, you people think it's easy to dance everyday to get customers. Oya try it nah🀷🏾🀷🏾

  5. What has she achieved? Apart from beinh uncouth....unu nor tolo wa
    Better don't start what you cannot finish..ewobi

    1. I wonder what she has achieved o. Where was when we started hearing about Amara 10-11years ago? Hia!

    2. She dances on instagram.
      Is it easy πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Do you know the effort it takes to shake your bum bum.
      She is also managing a multi billion dollar Luxury Clothing and accessories line...... hahahaha.

    3. I am disappointed by this her comment.

  6. Replies
    1. She's not wise at all. She has just told those trolls what they've been itching to hear about she and d other woman.

      When i have issues with someone and a third party or even fourth party wants to stylishly know if indeed there's an issue probably to satisfy their inquisitive minds or even devilish plots, i simply talk so well about my enemy to their hearing...i will say so many good things abt my "enemy" to their hearing.

      Not every question is an innocent one...some pple are just asking so that they will go dance and clap in their bedroom.

    2. What a vein family,for them life is just about flaunting wealth .

    3. By the way it's vain, and they really are vain. Awon omo oju o rola ri. Forcing themselves on men just to get pregnant, nonsense idiots 😏

  7. This woman Sabi make mouth.if not because of her sister, I won't have know who she is .

  8. I saw the comment and was not surprised at all. I guess she's still sad about the call out on her husband by Amara regarding the ticket of her son.

    Well not all sis-in-laws get along so well. To thy tent o isreal. Friendship is not by force, who get time?

  9. This Laura just wants to be dumb forever,what has she achieved if not for her sister helping her and her husband's life ,even ogbona is living under the mercy of kanu Nwakwo...She is so fake,wana be oshi,everything for d gram,the mumu house boy husband wey no get money,the annoying part is that y troll Amara that does not give a fuck abt u ,useless girl

  10. Huh ma'am Laura pls easy. You guys are not dragging husbands. I wonder why your husband can't put u in order. Or is he a girl pant? Sorry just asking

    1. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ she wished her husband is the king...hehehe but that one is just a palace guard

    2. U bv's are wicked oooo, this one make my wings fly ooo @ Palace guard. Stella your bv's are wicked ooooo πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    3. Palace guard kwa πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    4. πŸ˜‚ palace πŸ’‚.😁

    5. Anon20:36..SDK Bvs?they spit venom. They are so savage I tell you.πŸ˜‚

  11. I saw it.that was immature of her.must the world know.just ignore....I wonder when will inlaw quarrel stop.its not good

  12. I guess she is still pained because of how Amara called her husband out. But to me that statement was uncalled for. She should have just ended it with ." We are not friends period" we all know and understand.

  13. Laura shouldn't have said this,well I trust Amara not to reply her.

  14. I guess she is still pained because of how Amara called her husband out. But to me that statement was uncalled for. She should have just ended it with ." We are not friends period" we all know and understand.

  15. She should have left it at "we're not friends". Many women married by brothers are not friends. It is completely normal. It's world people that want to force two women of different ages, different lifestyles, different tastes who had their own lives and friends before to become BFFs when the only thing they have in common is that they married men who are from the same lineage.

    But this rubbish of what she has achieved since January, cannot be done by Amara that quietly raised children and completed her education out of the public eye? It's like stupidity is in Laura's blood; it's not only with the one that was looking for billionaire husband and driving miles to collect D. Until people start putting her family history together and calling her "woman from a family where women try to trap men with belle and try to buy/bribe men to marry them quick to save them from shame", Laura won't respect herself.

    1. Anonymous 18:41, may God bless you for this beautiful comment. Its a big shame, she no even fear comparing herself to Amara. She's just a pig that should never be battled with, someone that her sister forced down people's throat on social media.
      Nonsense, so for her mind now she marry footballer πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜.

    2. Amara didn't quietly raised her children. Social media wasn't this huge when she gave birth.
      Is she not everywhere on Instagram these days. I just had to unfollow her because she was posting too much. She's not private as you lots claimed.

    3. The only thing I noticed about Laura is her english. It's the poorest I have ever heard though. Just like a 5yr old child. No single vocabulary in all her videos. Well...she says she is a graduate. Watched her on youtube and was disappointed to say the least.

  16. The both women must not be friends
    Laura bringing Amara down isn't good because Amara fought with your hubby.
    You don't treat people bad like the way you were treated bad in Mother Theresa's words. The consequence of the fight Ogboonna and Amara had, it's why you Laura is working harder to pay the bills KingKanu used to pay before for his brother.
    Aside the boutique which other job does she have?

    1. Dancing in Instagram videos, and being the towncrier of her father's house are the other jobs she has. It's not easy at all.

    2. This is hilarious. Savagery at its peak. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    3. πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ™Œ she’s a writer naaaaaa, did you forget? A copy and paste, writer! 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣

    4. Even the danceing , she's tried. It's not easy to pretend on instagram.

  17. Imagine this ugly animal is one to talk? Laura? Kai

    1. You spit fire, may you not marry a man that will kill you for it.

  18. It's like you don't know that being the sister of a blogger/family towncrier is an achievement?

  19. January and 10 years comparism.
    That's the height of delusion.
    She should have just been civil for that part

  20. Am seriously praying so amara can reply her....chai, ogadikpokpo

    1. Amara won't reply her, Amara wasn't brought up in ajegunle. Even before amara married KANU, she's always been from a prestigious home. She is a niece to the late Angela (can't remember her surname now). Even amara's parents where born into wealth, so how can you compare her with a gutter woman like Laura who's only claim to fame is Linda ikeji. Someone who saw and was raised in poverty till God remembered her sister. Uncouth girl who instead of a mouth, has a trumpet.

    2. Amara won't reply. Many women who married the successful brother, will not reply the lousy girl married to the sponger brother in a family. There's just no point cos silence can be the best answer for a fool. You don't understand how it's paining Laura that Amara isn't giving her face irl or acknowledging her even on social media.

    3. Such disrespect! Laura seems like the type of woman that comes to you in friendship, with an ulterior motive. Something tells me Amara may not reply her on social media, she probably knows some of her secrets to be confident enough to throw that shade. She's holding power over her now

    4. Amara would not reply her. She is so classy. She can't descend so low like the town crier

    5. If Amara replies the pig then I would think there's something wrong with Amara.
      Amara and Laura are not in the same class at all, Laura is not a well brought up child and her sisters acquired wealth has gotten into her head.
      Person wey dem force into people's throat on social media dey compare January achievement with 10 years hard work, i just laff. What a stupid thing, insulting Kanu and his beautiful wife Amara.
      Laura must think the house boy in her house can be classed as a footballer?
      What a pity, omo oju o ro lari. How many years has Amara been married to Kanu, we no hear wahala but this one enter, na so so wahala. She sef won say she be celebrity as her sister dey call her.
      Oniraanu eda 😏😏😏😏.

    6. Gbam 😘

    7. Ebby4me God didn’t remember her sister, Goodluck Jonathan did. She was fucking goodluck and he’s the one that bought that mansion for her too, the transfer was made through tompolo.

    8. I thought you ppl said is dasuki? So who bought her bentley. May God bless me so that ppl will doubt it.

    9. ☕ don't mind me sipping small small this morning

    10. The GEJ thing is true. Of course she tasted some of the money Dasuki had. Who employed Dasuki? GEJ! This was one of the reasons why Tsolaye Jeremi had cold feet.

    11. @Ebby, oh she is Angela Onyeador’s Niece?? I know she is from a good home.

  21. The fat loudest ikeji mouth has started again, we all know you working hard to pay your bills cos Ogboonna got no money to give you. He got kids in uk to pay child support and you know things aren't that rosey for Kanu like before to spare For ogbonna. Aside the boutique Laura has, what other achievements does she have. Amara is blessed with her hubby she does not need to work her butt like you. Amara is classy you Laura is Razz, Amara wrote a book before you published that your primary school book. Amara is beautiful effortlessly but hey you Laura hmmmm no word for that.
    People are managing to like you a little because of how you closed your unmanned gutter for sometimes now, don't even resume Internet bulling on yourself Laura cos you got too much cockroaches in your cupboard.

    1. The way u brought Laura down is not fair. Amara degraded her husband publicly, calling him names and all that. You cannot blame Laura for reacting this way. We all react in different ways. Laura has the right to react in a negative way. U cannot blame her. And to be honest, Laura has done well for herself.

    2. Lmao πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ @primary school book omg!

    3. πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

    4. I don't support you insulting her. She is a She is on our side so is Amy. .

    5. πŸ™†πŸΌ @ Primary school book πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ but Y ds kin casting? Meanwhile which of d books mbok? Is zit Lancome or Macmillan?Ur mouth bad lefπŸ˜‚

    6. Amara is not classy abeg. She looks like an mgbeke. With her dead hair and white and black dress. I'm not supporting Laura but Amara is not classy at all.

    7. Being classy is not just about dressing..Some of you are very dumb. She wears what makes her happy, not what makes you happy.

    8. You dey mind the fools? They think class is by dressing and hair. Babe is on the cover of an international magazine, she's friends with Queen B's mum and their likes...babe has more than class.

    9. My friends went to Laura's shop and shamefully left. The shop is about 0.11m in size and the clothes there are no better than Aba made. Laura doesn't wear a shit from her shop.

      But I reminded my friends that Amazon starred from the warehouse. We should not despise the little beginnings.

    10. An uncle that steals my game ticket deserves public humiliation. BAd enough, he claims its his.......Uncle OLE

    11. Anon 19.12, is she you? Are you her? Is her you? In short, are u Laura?

    12. Anon 21.30 is definitely Laura. Will you keep kwayet?

  22. Childish response, she lacks diplomacy

  23. What a rude and mannerless reply.Mtchew.

  24. HHahaha laura is just giving her tit for tat. shebi Amara insulted Laura's husband, so Laura s insulting Amara as well. Laura hustles sha, that i like about her. Her hubby? No way. I don't end him and her constant shoving him down our throats. He isn't a catch. He is old. Doesn't have money. Some times i feel laura is trying to shade Linda sef, that she gat a husband while Linda didn't see who to marry.
    Infact all of them dey craze sef.

    1. Tank u..
      When Amara was insulting her husband, u were praising her here,now laura is doing the same and u are insulting her.
      Anyway laura talks to much..

    2. Yeah I think she was just waiting for an opportunity to call Amara out. And I like it! Tit for tat

    3. Hehehe Bianca..i also feel she sometimes shades her elder sis. Deep down, she wishes to be Linda. I'm sure Linda knows too. People saying Amara is quiet, Anita Okoye is innocent. I just laugh. I prefer loud people. U already know if they like u or not.

    4. Which tit for tat when that agbaya refused to respect his old age,🀣 this insult to Amara no enter at all at all jare.even Laura's shadow knows she's just bragging she has nothing.

    5. Is everything OK? Asking for a friend oh

    6. Would your comment be different if it was Lola Okoye that made that comment about the otjer Okoye wives? Answer honestly ooo

    7. Anonymous19:14 Your head dey there.I feel so deeply too. She unconsciously pushed Linda to desperately need to marry and have her own child.She can never be like Linda. All these jealousy siblings.

  25. Real Housewives of Kanu reunion hosted by Ebuka.

    Amara to Laura “Really?, listen, don’t come for me and I won’t come for you, point-blank-period.

  26. Wisdom is NOT an Ikeji trait. πŸ˜‚

    1. Anon 19:01 you are very right! Seconded

    2. They need a complete dose of Solomon's pill!

    3. Lmao πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
      They are in dare need of Solomon's Capsule πŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

    4. Allah! You hit the nail on the head...🀣🀣🀣🀣

    5. Anon 19:01, in all sincerity, you are right!

    6. #They are in dire need.....

  27. They can't be friends because amarachi Kanu is too classy while hanty Laura ikeji is just too lousy and also an attention seeker

  28. Story, Laura is not ashamed of her self, that both herself and her husband are notorious for feeding off their rich and famous older siblings.

    She should hide in shame jare.

    1. πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£, you bv's are wicked ooooooooo

  29. Laura and Amara friends? How? Wetin concern vulture with barber?

    1. Choi! Savagery at its peak.

    2. Shakara, you are too mouthed jor πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    3. @ shakara Jesu oluwawa oooo, ur very wicked hahahahah, Vulture kwa? Hausa will say Inaruwana Ngwuru the Kisu.

    4. Lmao! Almost spilled my remaining tea ☕ on the ground.

  30. Okokobiokoooo! Nne, isi gini? It's like this girl's eyes want to see her ears without a mirror this evening. Let me buy one plot of land and drink water first, ayam coming...... LMAO!

  31. At least she's being sincere. I guess she's still not happy about Amara disgracing her husband. She's human and her utterance is based on how she feels. A recent incident taught me not judge people when I'm not wearing their shoes.
    Everyone will be alright las las.

    1. Gbam at Castle Windsor

    2. The best comment here so far.
      Like I really don't understand what all the unnecessary bashing here is for, when she answered sincerely to a question she was asked.🀦 I would do same,fuck whatever..

  32. Attention seeker. She deserves it. Yanga dey sleep trouble go wake am.

  33. The other response was totally uncalled for, haba!

  34. Precisely what I was searching for, appreciate it for putting up.

  35. Amara Kanu is very very classy.

  36. Laura is suffering from some mental issues. That IHN guys should come and tell us.

    Babe is pained. Comments on instablog has finished her.

    Amara is CLASS!!! Laura can’t come close.

    Laura begs for attention, attention begs for Amara.

    Amara is too classy and won’t offer ranting dog a response

    I pity Laura tonight. She’ll be so pained that she’ll sleep on Instagram and YouTube tonight

  37. Amara that has raised a 14 year old boy(teenager ooo) cannot achieve in 10years what you have achieved in January... Kia!!!! Ooh Lord!!, take not your wisdom away from us.
    That was how your blogger sister kept disrespecting Amara by always cropping her out of pictures with Kanu to post only Kanu, until driving through traffic for the D humbled her and she was forced to post Amara on her blog along side Kanu. Choi! Mmadu dα»‹ mana Mmadα»₯ adα»‹ghα»‹ (lack of wisdom).

    1. keep quiet n reason for once!

    2. Anon 23:38, read what you wrote under my comment and truthfully tell yourself if you made any sense. Ezi bida!!

    3. Well said Elladuchess πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎ. She will never know, wisdom is far away from Laura. Shikena 🀷🏾🀷🏾🀷🏾

  38. Social media na bastard honestly.

  39. She keeps shouting hardwork and i jydt think to myself, what da fuck does this woman do again except waking up to go make noise, snap pictures and dance in the shop her sister opened for her.

    1. My dear na that hardwork thing she screams everytime that baffles me ooo. People that really work hard no see mouth talk am sef. Someone always trying to convince people that she's working hard, it's all fake.

    2. 'Waking up to go and make noise got me.πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£ U guys are really mean aswear. What is 'importanter' is she makes cool Mola from it..😎

  40. No comment yet🏍️off to Instagram πŸ˜‚

    1. Hope uve come back hereπŸ•ΊπŸ½πŸ️🏍️ to read comments cos the comments here na die 🀸🏽‍♀️🀸🏽‍♀️🀸🏽‍♀️🀸🏽‍♀️

  41. An eagle and a vulture cannot be friends. One feeds off other people's notoriety and achievements. The other hunts for their own achievements. Amara I have seen alongside her husband here on a national programme on ITV in the UK. Laura as far as I'm concerned is a razz uncouth local champion who married a fellow leech.

    1. Pls lemme like your comment

    2. πŸ’―% Truth!

    3. Gbam πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘ŒπŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎ. Laura won't try this nonsense again.

  42. Laura, please face your husband and leave Amara out of your mouth

  43. That Jeremy guy dodged 25 bullets by avoiding this family....just see razz behaviour on another level...local fowl feeling funky!Amara has been married to Kanu for how many years now and there has been no scandal.....smh

    1. Ayam telling you, not one scandal.

  44. Laura why nah?You shouldn't have stoop so low,anyways I have your cure.Send me a mail,I will send some drugs for wisdom .I’m a healer not a curser

    1. Ha ha ha πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  45. Ugly and razz lol.Amara ignore the mucheche abeg.

  46. She dished it back to Amara directly. Last last dem go dey alright.

  47. LOL...
    Fight for your "houseband" since he has no balls.

    Chinedu, (Laura) send ticket money.
    Chinedu, send pocket money.
    Chinedu, there is no fuel.
    Chinedu, did we get the party invite?

  48. Amara no behave well when she abused Laura husband on social media. Two immature women

    1. Abegi you know the rubbish wey Amara for don dey swallow since from dat low life brother in law? Any woman will react the same way if e reach matter wey affect her children? As of Laura and her siblings one day monkey go go market, he nor go return. Her mouth dey run like menses now when she know say her family coma plenty? make she continue village fowl like her

    2. Anon o444 let me tell you, everyone is bashing Laura because she is Ikeji's. Read your comment. And do you know what, the Ikeji's will keep being on our faces. That name is already made like the Kanu's as well. It's ok for Amara to insult her husband but it's not ok for Laura to insult Amara. Both women are in same class.

  49. How can Laura say such nonsense.what exactly has laura achieved bikonu. This babe is just too loud.if nt for anything, Amara has been married to that family long before you.had children before you. Why not accord ur senior wife some respect. Ur type bring serious quarrel amongs brothers.

    1. Amara will not get any respect from Laura. That day she publicly insulted Ogbonna was the day she lost that respect. Amara went low. Laura is paying her back.

    2. Anon 05.50..... see Madam Laura

    3. Am not Lauea anon 1156. Let's be truthful.

  50. I don laff belly tear. Nigerians really came for Laura. Amara doesn't need to respond at all.


  51. Make we talk true o. I don't like Laura at all but I don't blame her for insulting Amara because Amara humiliated her husband before. I would do even worse if someone insults my husband publicly. Truth be told pls.

    1. So your husband can go around snatching food meant for his nieces and nephews all in the name of “your father is my brother”? I don’t blame Amara at all. Laura is the one who should have cautioned her husband and advices him to allow their house flees to bite him a little instead of always going to leech off his brother and keep him away from his children. How can you unashamedly get your brother to drop his little son and take you to a game instead? How? And I’m sure that was one of the many things he had been doing that amara eventually had enough of. She probably thought it would stop or at least reduce once the guy got married to Laura but instead, it intensified even more. Now, he would start leeching for himself, new wife and baby while denying his brother’s family of more and more things as a result. Who would take that too? I don’t blame Amara at aaaaaaall

  52. She go soon apologies d way she did to CeeC when her fans descended on her. What is she feeling like sef?

  53. Wendy Williams look alike. You can't buy class , it's inbuilt. How dare you, Laura? Thank God say na Kanu get d Scala, she for take Amara clean shit.

    1. True oh about the lookalike. Tranny looking.

  54. Do you know what Amara has been passing through in the hans of her brother-in-law? The fact that she fought for her son is what I respect more about her, you don't cross the line when one's child is involved. Me I will break the internet to fight for my child, right or wrong I dont care. Laura that couldn't say thank you to Emoney when he gifted her 500k after she begged to be blessed, nah when them attack an she come dey yarn nonsense. Stupid girl...achievement indeed.

  55. Laura is dishing it back to Amara as she did to her husband.
    To be candid no woman will sit down and allow her husband to be insulted publicly.
    This is tit for tats. now the slate is clean.

  56. See this bleached,money hungry laura o.Classless and manipulative girl.You met your match in the lazy Kanu.

  57. Chai Amara don suffer for that dwarf okuko igbo (local fowl) hand.

  58. Amara lost her class & respect when she insult her brother in-law publicly Who's Laura's husband over a ticket as if her husband is a kid that's is flogged to give the ticket to his younger brother, I have nothing against Amara & Laura but they are both on the same class "Dependents" one by marriage ,one by being a sibling to a rich woman non of them have actually achieve much except being opportune to cross part with rich husband & rich sister respectively

    1. How is Amara dependent on marriage? What happened to “what is mine is yours” in marriage? Lol! But let’s be honest, Laura will never allow any extended family to come and continuously infringe on her children’s right with their father, her sharp mouth alone is enough to chase relatives away but she can allow or support her husband to do that to his brother’s kids.

  59. There's definitely bad blood flowing between the Sisters-in-Law. Laura sounded really bitter by that comment and it's understandable given what happened btwn her hubby and Amara. We don't know their family dynamics so I won't judge. Don't have anything against Laura except her attention-seeking, gbaza-queen attitude irritates me.


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