My birthday is on Saturday, 9th February. I know there's usually no ihn over the weekend so please use my pic as foihn sometime..
Happy Birthday love.....
Please bvs join us celebrate our daughter who is one year old today.
Please say a word of prayer for her!
Our heart is filled with so much joy.her birth was God.
Laboured for three good days.
happy birthday Cherish Oselumese.we love you so much.grow in grace and weapon formed against you will prosper.lines fall for you In pleasant places .we love you sooooo much.happy birthday!
you grow to see this someday;always know our love for you is unconditional!..
.mummy!daddy ND ur sisters love u!
bv tenth
Happy Birthday to your Little one
Eating Disorder- Anorexia nervosa
We live in a society where body image is highly important. This means we are constantly being told that how we look reflects our worth which can leave us feeling increasingly ashamed of our bodies if they do not fit the model of what a 'perfect body’ is. This can have an impact on self esteem. While these cultural and social pressures do not cause eating disorders, they can make those particularly vulnerable to developing an eating disorder feel more pressure to look a certain way and they can trigger an eating disorder.
Anorexia Nervosa is an eating disorder characterised by restrictive eating, intense fear of gaining weight, and a strong desire to be thin.
It can affect anyone of any age, gender, or background. Known causes include genetic predisposition and a combination of environmental, social and cultural factors. Symptoms of Anorexia are: dieting behaviour (e.g. fasting, counting calories), Radical changes in food preferences (e.g. suddenly disliking food they have always enjoyed in the past, reporting of food allergies or intolerance, becoming vegetarian), Obsessive rituals around food preparation and eating (e.g. eating very slowly, cutting food into very small pieces, insisting that meals are served at exactly the same time every day), Secrecy around eating (e.g. saying they have eaten when they haven’t, hiding uneaten food, eating in private and avoiding meals with other people),
Antisocial behaviour, Repetitive or obsessive behaviours relating to body shape and weight (e.g. repeated weighing, looking in the mirror obsessively), Evidence of binge eating (e.g. disappearance or hoarding of food)
Excessive exercising, Deliberate misuse of laxatives and appetite suppressants, Self-harm, substance abuse or suicide attempts.
Risk factors associated with anorexia include: Anaemia (iron deficiency), Compromised immune system (e.g. getting sick more often),Intestinal problems (e.g. abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhoea), Loss or disturbance of menstruation in girls and women, Increased risk of infertility in men and women, Kidney failure, Osteoporosis– a condition that leads to bones becoming fragile and easily fractured, Heart problems (e.g. cardiac abnormalities, sudden cardiac arrest) and Death.
Psychological treatment has been clinically proven to reduce the severity, impact and duration of anorexia nervosa.
Na wah oh.............
I have been praying for God to make my relationship ship with this guy end in marriage this year and God has answered my prayers he is about to come do the needful but I am telling God again I don't want him again because he is from Edo state and my people kick against it, saying there people are fetish,they really scared me about Edo people, His parents I actually think are fetish and he has a bit of that fetish mentality of visiting native doctors..
I'm so confused, I'm in my early do I start all over again ..?
Stella I beg post, I no this is not spontaneous post or Chronicles
*Didn't you see all these before you prayed for him to propose?
This uncle that I have been giving green light since and him acting like e no care. God catch am e called my no on WhatsApp at 6:30am, meaning e dey check my dp out ba? I texted him, you called? He said ''sorry it was an error'' Saw me the next day and kept a straight face. Now e no want to read my message again since morning. Na wa o!. Person wey dey read and reply within seconds before at even at 12-5am.
*Didn't you see all these before you prayed for him to propose?
This uncle that I have been giving green light since and him acting like e no care. God catch am e called my no on WhatsApp at 6:30am, meaning e dey check my dp out ba? I texted him, you called? He said ''sorry it was an error'' Saw me the next day and kept a straight face. Now e no want to read my message again since morning. Na wa o!. Person wey dey read and reply within seconds before at even at 12-5am.
Uncle dey shame?
*Continue forcing him and giving green light that is not needed until he gets turned on and comes to gbensh you and dumpy then oh..go and look for a man that is interested in you and leave this one alone!
Dear Stella,
I trust this email finds you and your family, well. I wasn't going to send you this, because I've sent you an email before in anonymous mode, and didn't want you to think I've come again.
But I can't sleep. Stella, I am afraid. Please, tell your readers:
Nigeria is in big trouble. Please, get your PVC and actively seek the face of God to know who to vote for.
Then, pray for God to forgive and deliver us. As a nation, we have sinned against God. And we can't continue to pretend otherwise. There's no point in saying we're praying, yet we continue to do evil.
Fast if you have to, the situation we're in as nation is much worse than it looks. I'm not being dramatic but think of it the way Esther thought, when she went before the king. This is how serious our case is. You don't want to know the kinds of deals being made behind closed doors by wicked men and women. Your children's futures are at stake. To make matters worse, some of you have nowhere to go. Some don't even have money for ticket to neighbouring Ghana. Beg God to give us priests and leaders after His own heart, and to reveal and release those ones He has prepared in hiding for such a time as this - because we're in a big mess.
Some of these people are completely concealed, some are hidden in plain sight. But the time has come. We cannot continue like this. Those who have been prepared - the Daniels, the Deborahs, the Josephs, the Nehemiahs, the Esthers, the Davids, whatever their spirits typify - know themselves. I'm not a politician; I'm not allowed to be. But I know from brutal personal experience that it is impossible for God to prepare a person for a role and they will not eventually know. Even if you're normally slow to understand things, the intensity, length and brutality of the training will make you understand what is happening. Some of the people God prepared, are even abroad for a number of reasons that have nothing to do with the purpose of God for this nation. Pray that they will come home, whatever it takes.
But do your part; vote. God will not come down from heaven to install a president. You don't want to by default, enthrone an Eliab when what we need is a David. We really cannot afford a situation where the wrong person becomes president cos we didn't bother to vote the right person. Our situation is bad already as it is.
For the Igbos shouting "no referendum, no election" and other things - I can't even laugh. Because if you ever find out just how badly you've been betrayed by some of those you trust encouraging you not to vote, some of you will die of heart attacks. And many of you will just rend your clothes, lie in the dust and cry till Jesus returns. Many of those deceiving you, can & will secretly fly out of Nigeria; it's happened before. Their children are not even in Nigeria. Don't allow the devil use you against yourself. Go and vote; there's still time to collect your PVC.
All manner of politicians - senatorial, gubernatorial, local government, and presidential aspirants plus their dogs and cats - have been doing that thing they do of seeking photo ops from traditional rulers' palaces to churches across the length and breadth of the nation. Some of them have knelt down, prostrated and faked humility, claiming to be asking for prayers. Some have made false promises they have no intention of keeping. We might say, "That's how they all are" but truth is we can't afford to make a mistake, this time.
Please, ignore the noise and the plenty film tricks. Look again at each candidate still in the race. Look at their real track record - what they've done before, not the spiel they've gotten their media agents to put out. Listen to what they're actually saying they will do, and what they say they have done before now. Even if they've not been in politics before or they lack "political experience", what about transferable skills? Look for those who have told the truth in their previous or current endeavours. Look at the track record of the people around them, in their personal lives and in their careers or businesses - evil communication will always corrupt good manners. Don't let a bag of rice or some currency notes, push you to destroy yourself. You may not be Opportuned to get to 2023 to rectify it.
Elections are not won with likes on social media posts. Stay safe on election day. But vote. When Nehemiah was given permission to go and rebuild, he and the people he went with, BUILT. They prayed but they physically BUILT. This isn't just a civic duty; this is something you now owe yourself AND YOUR CHILDREN
God bless you, Stella.
AMEN......This mail gave me goose bumps!!!...STOP SCARING US ABEG!!!
I am writing this in respect to my cousin who died on the 28th of January. He actually committed suicide.
We got the call that night that he had died and the next day, my mum rushed down there. It was
when she got back, she told us everything. According to the mother of the boy (my mums sister and aunt), she had gotten home that day and met the boy already dead, she saw a note he wrote before taking the poison. In the note, he apologised to the mother and told her to take care of the younger ones.
Try these stain-proof and leak-proof period panties. Available in 4 sizes.
Prices range from #600-#700
Call or whatsapp 08151357196 for further inquiry.
Delivery nationwide
Stain proof pant?WOW...great but why should a lady's pant be stained during period?
Hand shelled melon (Egusi)=220 per cup.
Ogbono=600 per cup.
Catfish=250 per one.
Call or WhatsApp: 08096662621.
Location is Lagos but we can waybill.
Accommodation Needed
I am urgently looking for a room self contain to rent between Agbule - Egba to Agege.
Contact me on 08069351749 (WhatsApp only) please it's urgent
For your millinery supplies, training and order placement
Call/whatsapp 08037581517
Location Asaba, Delta State
Delivery Nationwide
This is for blog visitors who needs home tutors/lesson teachers for their child or ward.
I stay at ajah in Lagos, any parent who needs a lesson teacher around ajah,lekki, vi and it's environs should contact me on +234 703 284 1903.
I'm a teacher with masters degree and a passion to impart knowledge.
For all trendy fashion statements for Men, Female, Boys and Girls, from Turkey, U.S, U.k items at a discounted price, the lowest you will see anywhere. We sell Dresses, Shirts, Jeans, T-shirts, Shoes, Bags, Human hair wig etc.
Visit us at No. 6 Marian Road Calabar, Beside Farb-Afrik Head Gear, before Okoro Agbor Street. (We can deliver to you any where you are)
Phone No: 08097321923
25% Off on all items, come with a friend or refer someone and get 30% Discount.
Valentine is here again.
Here are some of our perfect bedsheets and duvets to crown this season.
soft, durable, non shredding and 100% cotton Duvet set just 15,000
Single bedsheets and single duvets are also available.
Also in cartoon characters.
Kindly call to pick yours 09072300391
IG: hf.cotton.bedsheets
Precix Cakes
Cakes for all occasions
Abeokuta #Ogun State
WhatsApp or call 08037758532
#Cakes made with so much love
I have a double drawn human hair for sale. Its 16 inches long and comes with a 3 way closure and will be going for 30k, for that price, its a huge steal. My location is Abuja, but I will be willing to send to anyone. I can be reached on 09050808731, what's app only.
Tomorrow morning is the last day for taking orders.
I am also running a 30% discount(N25000) for all Calabar bvs for traditional marriage cakes as it's the season of love.
Birthday cakes and wedding cakes would be discounted too.

Hello lovers, When you shop with us from now, February 11th-14th, we will be showing you love like never before.
* Free delivery in Lagos on every item you purchase and those outside Lagos get 500 naira off their delivery fee(i am nice like that).
* Free pack of chocolates with every item you order.
* And every order above 10,000 naira also gets a free gift added to the package.
What are you waiting for, the chocolates and gift no kuku plenty. Start placing your orders now!!!
Send a dm to our instagram page @affordableshoes_etmore or send a whatsapp message to 08088411932
I CAN BE CONTACTED ON; 08157108321
Our company is a tech start-up in real estate and we need the services of an administrative assistant.
Successful candidate will be responsible for
Data entry on our web and CRM platforms
Clients follow up via emails, sms and phone call
Handling incoming calls and other communications.
Minimum OND qualification
Any experience as an admin assistant in related field.
Job Type: Full-time
Salary: ₦35,000.00 to ₦45,000.00 /month
Kindly send your CV to
2. Co-founder Chief Technology Officer (CTO).
The CTO is responsible for overseeing all technical aspects of the company. We expect you to be versed in the most recent trends in database development, web app, and using frameworks like LARAVEL.
The successful candidate will be offered equity in the business. There will be no salary until the business starts to generate sustainable revenue.
Please send your CV to
*Continue forcing him and giving green light that is not needed until he gets turned on and comes to gbensh you and dumpy then oh..go and look for a man that is interested in you and leave this one alone!
Dear Stella,
I trust this email finds you and your family, well. I wasn't going to send you this, because I've sent you an email before in anonymous mode, and didn't want you to think I've come again.
But I can't sleep. Stella, I am afraid. Please, tell your readers:
Nigeria is in big trouble. Please, get your PVC and actively seek the face of God to know who to vote for.
Then, pray for God to forgive and deliver us. As a nation, we have sinned against God. And we can't continue to pretend otherwise. There's no point in saying we're praying, yet we continue to do evil.
Fast if you have to, the situation we're in as nation is much worse than it looks. I'm not being dramatic but think of it the way Esther thought, when she went before the king. This is how serious our case is. You don't want to know the kinds of deals being made behind closed doors by wicked men and women. Your children's futures are at stake. To make matters worse, some of you have nowhere to go. Some don't even have money for ticket to neighbouring Ghana. Beg God to give us priests and leaders after His own heart, and to reveal and release those ones He has prepared in hiding for such a time as this - because we're in a big mess.
Some of these people are completely concealed, some are hidden in plain sight. But the time has come. We cannot continue like this. Those who have been prepared - the Daniels, the Deborahs, the Josephs, the Nehemiahs, the Esthers, the Davids, whatever their spirits typify - know themselves. I'm not a politician; I'm not allowed to be. But I know from brutal personal experience that it is impossible for God to prepare a person for a role and they will not eventually know. Even if you're normally slow to understand things, the intensity, length and brutality of the training will make you understand what is happening. Some of the people God prepared, are even abroad for a number of reasons that have nothing to do with the purpose of God for this nation. Pray that they will come home, whatever it takes.
But do your part; vote. God will not come down from heaven to install a president. You don't want to by default, enthrone an Eliab when what we need is a David. We really cannot afford a situation where the wrong person becomes president cos we didn't bother to vote the right person. Our situation is bad already as it is.
For the Igbos shouting "no referendum, no election" and other things - I can't even laugh. Because if you ever find out just how badly you've been betrayed by some of those you trust encouraging you not to vote, some of you will die of heart attacks. And many of you will just rend your clothes, lie in the dust and cry till Jesus returns. Many of those deceiving you, can & will secretly fly out of Nigeria; it's happened before. Their children are not even in Nigeria. Don't allow the devil use you against yourself. Go and vote; there's still time to collect your PVC.
All manner of politicians - senatorial, gubernatorial, local government, and presidential aspirants plus their dogs and cats - have been doing that thing they do of seeking photo ops from traditional rulers' palaces to churches across the length and breadth of the nation. Some of them have knelt down, prostrated and faked humility, claiming to be asking for prayers. Some have made false promises they have no intention of keeping. We might say, "That's how they all are" but truth is we can't afford to make a mistake, this time.
Please, ignore the noise and the plenty film tricks. Look again at each candidate still in the race. Look at their real track record - what they've done before, not the spiel they've gotten their media agents to put out. Listen to what they're actually saying they will do, and what they say they have done before now. Even if they've not been in politics before or they lack "political experience", what about transferable skills? Look for those who have told the truth in their previous or current endeavours. Look at the track record of the people around them, in their personal lives and in their careers or businesses - evil communication will always corrupt good manners. Don't let a bag of rice or some currency notes, push you to destroy yourself. You may not be Opportuned to get to 2023 to rectify it.
Elections are not won with likes on social media posts. Stay safe on election day. But vote. When Nehemiah was given permission to go and rebuild, he and the people he went with, BUILT. They prayed but they physically BUILT. This isn't just a civic duty; this is something you now owe yourself AND YOUR CHILDREN
God bless you, Stella.
AMEN......This mail gave me goose bumps!!!...STOP SCARING US ABEG!!!
I am writing this in respect to my cousin who died on the 28th of January. He actually committed suicide.
We got the call that night that he had died and the next day, my mum rushed down there. It was
when she got back, she told us everything. According to the mother of the boy (my mums sister and aunt), she had gotten home that day and met the boy already dead, she saw a note he wrote before taking the poison. In the note, he apologised to the mother and told her to take care of the younger ones.
They asked the mother what could have prompted him to do something like
that, she said she didn't know but indirectly was blaming the father. Said the father was fond of insulting the children every time, refused to pay for their fees, always compared the children to other kids and said that those kids making it don't have two heads. Claimed that his parents died at a young age and he was left to fend for himself all alone so they shouldn't depend on him. It was an everyday occurrence that got really bad that the first son left the house for over 6 months and the father doesn't know where he is till today and even said at least, that one cant depend on him......
Again, one less mouth to feed (only the mother actually knows where he is), the first child; a female (she was seated there that day) said the father said worse things to her, told her that her mates that are getting married to rich men and lifting the parents out of poverty don't have two heads and shes being useless at home (this is a graduate still job hunting), she said she had to leave
the house when the insults and comparison became too much for her. He then moved to the other one that killed himself and was always insulting and blaming the children for his misfortunes, told them to start making money now and they should not be useless, he called them all sort of names
He was a young guy of 21 still seeking admission and had already learnt a trade). The day before the incident happened, he got into an altercation with the father.
that, she said she didn't know but indirectly was blaming the father. Said the father was fond of insulting the children every time, refused to pay for their fees, always compared the children to other kids and said that those kids making it don't have two heads. Claimed that his parents died at a young age and he was left to fend for himself all alone so they shouldn't depend on him. It was an everyday occurrence that got really bad that the first son left the house for over 6 months and the father doesn't know where he is till today and even said at least, that one cant depend on him......
Again, one less mouth to feed (only the mother actually knows where he is), the first child; a female (she was seated there that day) said the father said worse things to her, told her that her mates that are getting married to rich men and lifting the parents out of poverty don't have two heads and shes being useless at home (this is a graduate still job hunting), she said she had to leave
the house when the insults and comparison became too much for her. He then moved to the other one that killed himself and was always insulting and blaming the children for his misfortunes, told them to start making money now and they should not be useless, he called them all sort of names
He was a young guy of 21 still seeking admission and had already learnt a trade). The day before the incident happened, he got into an altercation with the father.
Now you may be wondering where the mother is in all of these? well she was there. She said anytime the father started his usual rants, she would take the children outside the house and start begging them no to listen to him and
take no offense and just pray that God should bless them in all their endeavours, said she would kneel down and apologize to the man not to be angry (all those 'abiyamo' things na). Guess it became too much for the boy and he had gotten depressed that he felt taking his life was the best thing the day he took the sniper.
Now parents, please learn to stop blaming your children for anything, stop the comparison.
Growing up, my mum did the same thing; comparing us to the other kids that they were more hardworking than we are in house chores until we told her to stop it that we didn't like it as we were beginning to have low self esteem and she eventually stopped. Parents need to stop this.......
Stop the comparison because you don't know what the children, that you're comparing yours with, are capable of doing. Turns out those kids mother actually compared them to us and said we were respectful and easy going. You might not know it but your words actually affect your kids even
though they dont act like it. Instead, train your own children the right way and also, stop blaming them for your misfortunes. They didnt ask to be born....
take no offense and just pray that God should bless them in all their endeavours, said she would kneel down and apologize to the man not to be angry (all those 'abiyamo' things na). Guess it became too much for the boy and he had gotten depressed that he felt taking his life was the best thing the day he took the sniper.
Now parents, please learn to stop blaming your children for anything, stop the comparison.
Growing up, my mum did the same thing; comparing us to the other kids that they were more hardworking than we are in house chores until we told her to stop it that we didn't like it as we were beginning to have low self esteem and she eventually stopped. Parents need to stop this.......
Stop the comparison because you don't know what the children, that you're comparing yours with, are capable of doing. Turns out those kids mother actually compared them to us and said we were respectful and easy going. You might not know it but your words actually affect your kids even
though they dont act like it. Instead, train your own children the right way and also, stop blaming them for your misfortunes. They didnt ask to be born....
There are fascinators to suit every woman, whether you're looking to make a statement or add a touch of glamour to your outfit. So if you think they won't suit you, you probably just haven't tried the right style yet. A trial would convince you!!!!
I make Beautiful Hats, Fascinators, Turbans Bridal headpiece and wedding handfans etc.
Call/Whatsapp: +2349068001869
A registered business in all ramifications has more advantages when compared to an unregistered one. let us help you put that business idea into a tremendous profiting experience experience.
Register that business idea and company today .
Business name for as low as 15,000
Limited Liability Company (one Million Naira share capital ) for as low as 50,000.
please call 07068739545
In need of cashew nuts, bitter kola, kolanut, cocoa powder, cow horn, unrefined Shea butter.
Pls call us on +2349030539748 or send us a mail to
In the spirit of Valentine, I would like to train two bvs for free on mini importation from China and also interested bvs, stay at home moms and those who are ready to make extra cash I can train you for just 3k.
I have been a bv for over 7yrs and still can't get enough..... Stella we die here.
There are fascinators to suit every woman, whether you're looking to make a statement or add a touch of glamour to your outfit. So if you think they won't suit you, you probably just haven't tried the right style yet. A trial would convince you!!!!
I make Beautiful Hats, Fascinators, Turbans Bridal headpiece and wedding handfans etc.
Call/Whatsapp: +2349068001869
A registered business in all ramifications has more advantages when compared to an unregistered one. let us help you put that business idea into a tremendous profiting experience experience.
Register that business idea and company today .
Business name for as low as 15,000
Limited Liability Company (one Million Naira share capital ) for as low as 50,000.
please call 07068739545
In need of cashew nuts, bitter kola, kolanut, cocoa powder, cow horn, unrefined Shea butter.
Pls call us on +2349030539748 or send us a mail to
In the spirit of Valentine, I would like to train two bvs for free on mini importation from China and also interested bvs, stay at home moms and those who are ready to make extra cash I can train you for just 3k.
In this mini importation business, capital is not a problem you can start with 15k capital and make huge profit, now is the time to start something for your self. You can send a text or call 0705 364 9792.
I have been a bv for over 7yrs and still can't get enough..... Stella we die here.
Try these stain-proof and leak-proof period panties. Available in 4 sizes.
Prices range from #600-#700
Call or whatsapp 08151357196 for further inquiry.
Delivery nationwide
Stain proof pant?WOW...great but why should a lady's pant be stained during period?
Hand shelled melon (Egusi)=220 per cup.
Ogbono=600 per cup.
Catfish=250 per one.
Call or WhatsApp: 08096662621.
Location is Lagos but we can waybill.
Accommodation Needed
I am urgently looking for a room self contain to rent between Agbule - Egba to Agege.
Contact me on 08069351749 (WhatsApp only) please it's urgent
For your millinery supplies, training and order placement
Call/whatsapp 08037581517
Location Asaba, Delta State
Delivery Nationwide
This is for blog visitors who needs home tutors/lesson teachers for their child or ward.
I stay at ajah in Lagos, any parent who needs a lesson teacher around ajah,lekki, vi and it's environs should contact me on +234 703 284 1903.
I'm a teacher with masters degree and a passion to impart knowledge.
For all trendy fashion statements for Men, Female, Boys and Girls, from Turkey, U.S, U.k items at a discounted price, the lowest you will see anywhere. We sell Dresses, Shirts, Jeans, T-shirts, Shoes, Bags, Human hair wig etc.
Visit us at No. 6 Marian Road Calabar, Beside Farb-Afrik Head Gear, before Okoro Agbor Street. (We can deliver to you any where you are)
Phone No: 08097321923
25% Off on all items, come with a friend or refer someone and get 30% Discount.
Valentine is here again.
Here are some of our perfect bedsheets and duvets to crown this season.
soft, durable, non shredding and 100% cotton Duvet set just 15,000
Single bedsheets and single duvets are also available.
Also in cartoon characters.
Kindly call to pick yours 09072300391
IG: hf.cotton.bedsheets
Precix Cakes
Cakes for all occasions
Abeokuta #Ogun State
WhatsApp or call 08037758532
#Cakes made with so much love
I have a double drawn human hair for sale. Its 16 inches long and comes with a 3 way closure and will be going for 30k, for that price, its a huge steal. My location is Abuja, but I will be willing to send to anyone. I can be reached on 09050808731, what's app only.
Tomorrow morning is the last day for taking orders.
I am also running a 30% discount(N25000) for all Calabar bvs for traditional marriage cakes as it's the season of love.
Birthday cakes and wedding cakes would be discounted too.

Hello lovers, When you shop with us from now, February 11th-14th, we will be showing you love like never before.
* Free delivery in Lagos on every item you purchase and those outside Lagos get 500 naira off their delivery fee(i am nice like that).
* Free pack of chocolates with every item you order.
* And every order above 10,000 naira also gets a free gift added to the package.
What are you waiting for, the chocolates and gift no kuku plenty. Start placing your orders now!!!
Send a dm to our instagram page @affordableshoes_etmore or send a whatsapp message to 08088411932
I CAN BE CONTACTED ON; 08157108321
Our company is a tech start-up in real estate and we need the services of an administrative assistant.
Successful candidate will be responsible for
Data entry on our web and CRM platforms
Clients follow up via emails, sms and phone call
Handling incoming calls and other communications.
Minimum OND qualification
Any experience as an admin assistant in related field.
Job Type: Full-time
Salary: ₦35,000.00 to ₦45,000.00 /month
Kindly send your CV to
2. Co-founder Chief Technology Officer (CTO).
The CTO is responsible for overseeing all technical aspects of the company. We expect you to be versed in the most recent trends in database development, web app, and using frameworks like LARAVEL.
The successful candidate will be offered equity in the business. There will be no salary until the business starts to generate sustainable revenue.
Please send your CV to
IHN is here......good afternoon good people
ReplyDeleteStella, ladies underwear get stained during period as a result of heavy flow.
DeleteIdk, about product advertised. Answering your question
Happy Birthday Busola the girl with the heart of Gold
DeleteHappy hamattan pple
ReplyDeleteI come visit single and mingle yesterday wan know wetin dey yapun. I wonder say na sisis full there and all of them come hide for ghost mode dey search (hunt), why?
ReplyDeleteMake una dey bold tell these men (forkboys) wetin una dey look for. No be to come with ID come pretend say marriage no dey important, but when hunting time come as sdk provide platform, una go all hide for ghost mode. Why una dey behave like Pharisees come dey make una hunting be like say im bad?
And the few men (forkboys) wey show come dey yarn nonesense. One just write say im dey uk, im no tell us whether na man or woman she dey look for or wetin im dey do. I sure say AHH (Abroad husband hunter) sisis go full im handle come dey beg sef. Like one sisi wey post her own ten times.
Naija girls!
First to comment Lol
Please any information on the yam roasting tradition for married women in Nsukka will be highly appreciated
ReplyDeleteOnce you eat the yam, your toto becomes the sole property of your husband ( as it should anyway) but in this case if you ever decide to step out , you will run stark raving mad...
DeleteSo I heard...
DeleteNsukka deje nu ime agaa?
Biko which part of Nsukka does this yam roasting ish cos i am from Nsukka, spent all my growing up stage there but never heard of it.
DeletePlease, somebody should show me what I an not getting right.
ReplyDeleteThis is the second microwave we will purchase, yet I'm still unable to operate it. The first was a second-hand and since there was no manual, We gave it out to BIL. We visited his house and I wondered how the food he wanted to re-heat was ready within 2 minutes unlike me that would spend up to 20 minutes trying to defrost frozen soup without any success.
This one is LG product. I've read the manual upside down and I'm yet to figure out why it takes so much time.
I've kukuma turned it into a store.
Abeg no one should laugh at me 😂😁😁
Sorry oh, just luck to get a good microwave... The one we are using now, is like the 3rd one and is LG... It's very good
DeleteInstead of coming here to ask, you should have asked him or told him yours isn't working and ask if he could come around and help since U can't understand the manual. It's that simple, ask questions.
DeleteTurned to store? 😂😂😂
DeleteDrop the model number and size let's assist
DeleteYes Castle, I store ngwo-ngwo like bread, children's biscuits and sweets there. I've looked for the manual now to locate the size and number, seems I've misplaced it. Thanks Anon
DeleteAsk your bil for help then since he has one
DeleteStop lying you bought 2nd hand microwave with funny texts written on it. Maybe chinese
DeleteThanks so so much Stella.
ReplyDeleteDear blog fam,
I have beautiful new arrival.
Your Valentine isn't complete without my duvet and bedsheet on your bed.
Kindly call and pick your choice.
Hahahahaha you want us to fuck happy abi
DeleteWishing you plenty customers o
Good afternoon everyone!
ReplyDeleteThe best movie so far in 2019... POLAR!!!!! DAYUM!!!!
ReplyDeleteWait o, what's this Cathedral bells am reading here? Is it what I think it is?? *Smackslips* 😚
Kelvin Dat Edo Boi (Stellz Cousin)
That boi n gal that were found dead inside pink motor in Maryland. Yu sabi any🤔😐
DeleteIt would be tears galore for their families.
⛪🔔 Cathedral bells means big extra big breast. It was during blog drama season Hanty Xhlrted P gave The General's Wife big breast the name.
. Miss Aboki d Hausa girl want to shine with the title as a trouble maker she is nd 2ndly she carry big breast too. U wan pwessss?😃
I sabi the boy o...him been dey toast me dah year, but I no gree. Na Igbo boy from abia state. I got goose bumps seeing the news. Noting dey this life sha Chai!
DeleteEnter your comment...How do I get my ex off my mind? My marriage is miserable cos I can't concentrate. I keep regretting my decision to marry hubby. He is not a bad person but we have too many differences
ReplyDeleteI need to make my marriage work cos I chose to be here.
Singles, don't allow society to pressure you into doing what you will regret
Make you carry ya hand scatter am o.
DeleteNo dey marriage dey look for husband.
No tempt ex o.
Stop calling or picking his calls, sms, etc.
Deletestop stalking him either on social media or otherwise.
Start praying you forget him.
Start giving forceful good thoughts and attention to your husband.
Look out for the good in him and dwell on them.
Expect nothing good from your husband (so you won't be dissapointed) and give your all and best and never stop giving.
Always remind yourself, there is no way out. You are stuck with him for life(if that's what you want), it will give you beautiful ideas on how to live happily with him.
Sorry dear, if your hubby is not a bad person, then look inwards and see if you can make some changes too.
DeleteCan two walk together unless they agree? Amos 3:3
You made your choice please make it work... If you can both of you should seek the help of a trusted counsellor...
Leave him and go marry your EX...Anyways, pray about it, I was in your shoes few years ago, I regretted marrying hubby, I kept praying and trying to love and it just happened, now his the best thing that happened to me after sliced bread. Be wise, learn to love him, teach him to do things you feel is not doing right. God bless your home.
Deletelike you said you chose to be there.the only thing you can do now is to make your marriage work.any other option is better imagined.stop comparing your hubby with your ex and focus more on his good side.if you have differences that is why you are there to compliment him
Deletethanks for this advice.
DeleteWhat specifically is the problem?
DeleteHappy birthday, Dear. LLNP
ReplyDeleteGood afternoon beautiful people.
ReplyDeletehappy birthday busola ND the cute baby.
do have a beautiful day everyone
Goodafteroon everyone.
ReplyDeleteSo true @ the sign out meme,Bubu still dey kwara but roads has been blocked since 7am here,there's God ooooo
ReplyDeleteGood afternoon to us all. May God uphold us forever.
DeleteHappy Birthday to beautiful Cherish, our name sake. May God preserve you and may you grow in God's wisdom and strength. Congratulations, Proud Mom.
Pretty, Busola, happy belated birthday to you, congratulations.
More good customers locate the sellers in Jesus Name, Amen.
IHN don land
ReplyDeleteHeavy period dealing with me
God please let this be the last for this year, Amen
Baby dust fall on me
Amen. You will have yours soon
DeleteMay God grant ur heart desire.
DeleteThat pant up there na blanket them use sew am?
ReplyDeleteMe I never see that kin pant before o.
hahahahahahahahah leave me oooh
DeleteBuy it first and tell us how it is
DeleteThis Yori, wetin be ya wahala sef?
DeleteI no go ask question before I come spend my money eh?
As this na online na, I no fit touch am.
Seller abeg no mind Yori girl, make you help me answer my
question. which material im be?
Rivers State is lit. The Rivers are flowing already at the Adokiye Amasiemeka stadium. We are on ground at the moment. No shaking. Excess morale. Reporting live from the Adokiye Amasiemeka stadium.
ReplyDeleteSnap pictures for my eyes only. Enjoy your day
DeleteThe traffic at the airport road, was something else
DeleteWell-done oh @teejay, no come back empty hand oh...
Delete@Sonia that's to tell you the lock down is massive. I repeat again, we are on ground. Yori Yori how do I send to you naa? Thanks @Na Godwin.
Deletewhat a massive crowd..
DeletePDP all d way!! The North, South, West And East We Are All Atikulated.
Meanwhile in Abeokuta, the crowd disgraced APC . They were throwing things at Buhari..
DeleteBuhari: APC
Crowd: Ole
Did you see Davido?
Deletelove and election week
Ms A darling, I saw ur shoutout, thanks so much. Love u plenty, regards to your boy. Hope he is better
ReplyDeleteCynthi darling and olori momma how una dey. Sharon Sharon I dey hail you
Ehmmmmm Lolo Ideato bride how are you doing, even though I'm not a huge fan I must admit I've really missed your comments same thing with you swaggie, chikito, Doppel. You guys should come out joooor
Duchess momma, my head is hurting
DeleteHow's the day going
Duchess dear, I gallant o. Thank God for life. Trust you're good too.
DeleteI am a mum of two,I wear size 6,I hardly eat,max twice a day..I want to buy Apetamil,Is it okay ?any side effect..
ReplyDeletePls eat and add weight pls.8 or 10 is OK.I wonder how u will marry,stay in ur husband's house and not add.was size 8,gave birth.I am now 10.I love it.bum bum don come out.clothes now fits.
DeleteMadam, please see a doctor for medical advice. Don't use your life to do chemist's trial and error.
DeleteAnon 15:20 is it her fault she's not adding,everyone's body differ
DeleteTwice a day is ok, just add fruits , lots of veggies and water.
DeleteAnon 15:20 keep wondering o. See how you said it like she or her husband are not doing something right. If you added doesn't mean every other person will add. Bodies differ,theres no big deal there.
DeleteHappy birthday to Busola and Cherish.
ReplyDeleteLovely fqcinatirs and cakes.
This mental health thing is a serious thing. I guess no one at this point has the right to call someone mad until he/she has been examined in a mental institute.
Thanks dear
DeleteHappy birthday Busola and Cherish baby...
ReplyDeleteSorry about your cousin death.. why will he take his own life because of his dad??? It's well
Hope your journey back was smooth.
DeleteSonia - If you have parents that love you and fear God, you don't know what God has done for you.
DeleteJust because someone's reproductive system or organ works, doesn't mean they should use it.
I became bornagain when I was a teenager, not because anybody preached to me but because I told God, "If You are real, show Yourself to me." The Scripture that He gave me and I have held onto since is Psalm 27:10.
Weakest of the bunch. Stupid. Dumb. Ugly. Fruitless tree. Liability. Whore/ho. Useless child. Fat. Failure. Rejected. Barren land. This thing. Cursed. Life full of abandoned projects. Will never amount to anything in life. God's mistake. Waste of God's time. Evil from the womb. No man will ever be stupid enough to marry you. Unforgiving. Demon possessed. Bad luck. The wrong child...
The above are some of the names that my verrrrry religious parents would call me. I must have heard them a million times. They were names that my siblings were encouraged to call me. These were the names I heard from the time I was old enough to understand English. My mother told me that nobody would believe me if I ever told anybody. She would even tell me that I should pray and call on God to see if He can deliver me because I was a witch from the womb and that even God knew that I deserved to be hated. I used to pray and wait to be told that I was adopted cos then the maltreatment would make sense. I still remember sh*tting myself at the age of three in Reception 1 cos I was so scared of adults that I couldn't tell my teacher that I was pressed. I'm not adopted, and I didn't live with aunts or uncles.
I'm certain that if God didn't catch me when He did, I'd have killed myself long before now. I used to ask God how I offended Him, that He would punish me with such parents. My father is now dead but my mother is a pastor. My husband asked me to visit her not long ago, just to see if she has changed. She hasn't. We don't speak anymore; there's nothing to say.
If you have sane parents who love you and fear God, you don't know what God has done for you.
Eayah it is well with you. I wonder how parents who have children will curse them as if they asked to be born.
DeleteJust continue to be you and also turn every negative to positive and also love your children and call them beautiful names.
My friend calls her son President. President come here, go there. President do this do that
I feel you Anon 1530. I thought I wrote this except that my parents will add beating join. They will even force me to repeat certain abuses to myself. I thank God for your life. I was lucky to escape abroad when I was in my 20s. I still keep in contact with my biological parents to give them upkeep. When I came home I refused to stay at their place. Now they are old and feeble and wonder why none of us will come and visit them.
DeleteWow anonymous, I can only imagine..
DeleteThank God you survived!
You're strong
Thank u
DeleteAnon 16:19 - I was also physically beaten. I only mentioned the verbal and psychological abuse because that's what the person whose cousin committed suicide, focused on in her email to Stella. But I was also physically abused.
DeleteMy father would tell me that he would kill me, and nobody would care or ask him anything. I believed him cos I knew he was serious. He would see me coming from say one side of the house, he would be coming from the other, but he would rush me and push me to the ground, hiss and leave me there. And I was a very puny child. After each beating, my mother would tell me to "forgive quickly because more is coming and you'd better be prepared cos God isn't a fool for giving you the parents He gave you." That's when she would tell me I was evil from the womb, nobody would believe me if I talked about it, and I should pray and see if God can deliver me. I remember when I was made a school prefect in secondary school, I don't know who told him but he was so shocked that he asked whose decision it was to make me a prefect. He actually said, "But you are useless and good for nothing. Why would anybody - principal, teachers - make you a prefect." And I was convinced he would come to my school and tell the principal to de-badge me or something. But I finished my tenure without hearing anything like that. My father was a terrible man, but my mother was and is still evil. She tells lies that are not just dangerous, but the type that will make you question your sanity. It got to a stage I secretly began to record our conversations cos she would lie in such a way that I started wondering if I have memory problems.
If not for God, I wouldn't be married. My mother's evil nearly ended my marriage before it began. Before official introduction even happens, there's that stage where your suitor sends messengers to ask around your village to see whether road clear. The horrible things that were flagged up that my mother had done, only God saved me. Cos my mother had been and is still lying. All kinds of lies that my parents had planted over the years, that had been following me around, that I didn't even know about. Some people were told I was a prostitute; me that was a virgin till marriage, oh. My husband insisted that the messengers look properly, cos he was sure something was wrong with the picture they were being shown. That's when the truth came out and I was able to get married, cos people I didn't even know stood up for me. They were like, "We don't punish young women who are trying to do the right thing, for the wickedness of their parents." If not, that's how I'd have been single and I won't even know why - cos any man that came to marry me, would have been shown that false picture.
My mother is NOT allowed anywhere near my marital home. She will never be allowed to see or speak to my children. I won't even let my husband speak to her. A woman who can do even half of what I have been through, to her own daughter - I don't want to find out what she can do to my husband and children.
Are you sure you were not adopted ? Honestly, I think there is something they have hidden from you. Sorry about what you went through, so sad.
DeleteAnon 17:56 - unfortunately I don't have any reason to believe or proof to suggest that I am adopted. There's a pretty strong facial resemblance between me and some of my paternal cousins. My father was so cruel that if I wasn't his biological child, he would have derived great pleasure from telling me so. I was named in his Will; he definitely said I was his child. Plus if I was adopted, I think it would have come out just before I got married cos when investigations are done for marriage purposes, it's not done on just one side of your family. My father and mother are not from the same village; I find it difficult to believe that elders in two different villages would all hide something like that.
DeleteAnon 17:56 - I also feel that there's something I haven't been told yet. Whatever it is, I pray that God will expose it.
DeleteI was nominated for an international award for an aspect of my work, a couple of years ago. One of the highest honours in the industry. While I was waiting for a decision to be made, my mother told me how that when I was 5yo, I was supposed to win all the awards for my year in school. That she and my father went to my classteacher and the school headmistress, and agreed that I should be left with only two prizes. And the rest should be given out to other pupils. She talked about how it was such a big deal (apparently it had never happened before in the school or in my family) that one of my uncles called her and my father on the day of the awards and told them, "This girl is your Tai Solarin. She will bring you glory and honour, treat her well." The scary thing is I still remember that prize-giving day like it was yesterday. It was a Saturday. And I remember the big hall, the entire school, the flashing lights of the cameras that photographers used at the time. I remember the part about being compared to Tai Solarin because it was such a strange name to me. I also remember the two prizes clearly, but a few years ago is when I knew what led to that.
She said it so gleefully and in front of a third party. And I kept thinking, "Why are you telling me this now? Nearly 30 yrs later? In front of someone else? And why now when I've been nominated for this really important award that I'm honestly wondering if I'm good enough to win?" She did it to demean me. To let me know that even if she couldn't influence anything this time, she still didn't think I should win anything. I won the international award. Looks like God does help tailless cows afterall. You're probably swearing by now that I was adopted lol.
Whatever is hidden, will be revealed. It's only a matter of time.
Wow. I just thank God so much for your life. You are a survivor, well done. Please never ever let your mum move near the home and marriage God has blessed you with. You can still support her financially but please do so at arm's length.
Deletejeez! Goose bumps all over reading your story. When destinys child sang am a survivor it was for you. Can imagine the kind of hell u must have gone through
DeleteWow. What did I just read? 😢😢
DeleteGod helps the tailless cow after all.
Chai. I love you
Every 4 years Election will be bloody!
ReplyDeleteEvery 4 years pple will die
Every 4 years prediction that the country will divide after elections blah blah blah!!!!
Still we are standing, commenting, gbenshing and life goes on! Am not bothered again! Cuz the Country will still stand! No one actually wants to die!, Except for those zombie 'Northerners' tho' ... Viva la Nigerie
Kelvin Dat Edo Boi (Stellz Cousin)
see "kwesion" wey sdk dey ask mbok this hot afternoon. why wont a ladies pant stain during ******?sometimes is flows like wikki spring and bfor u say sdk e don stain u.
ReplyDeletesometimes na positioning, wen u put d pad wrongly it shifts and booom u don stain. sometimes na yeye or fake products. those ones that dont stick to the pants and will be shifting from one corner to another. i dont use tampoons and i am not sure i can. so yes sometimes we stain and quickly wash up and replace with a new pant/pad.
I really wondered about her question. Perhaps she has never experienced heavy flow. I had a friend back then who only spotted during her period.
DeleteThe only thing I want to do is just sleep but I keep waking up from the kain sleep because my mind is troubled
ReplyDeleteI don't have energy do do anything
I don't want to see anybody
My mum asked for my pictures since last week but I've been avoiding her because she will see through my fake smile and start worrying
Lord have mercy on me. I used to be a happy person but I don't know how everything fell apart within a short time
God please fix me
Only you can make yourself happy. If truly you love yourself, you will get up and do what makes you happy.
DeleteWe are in the world where we are faced with challenges. I won't call it problems because challenges brings the best out of us
Stay strong. It is well with you .
Yes we are all human with different challenges but I tell you this God is too faithful to disappoint.learn to speak good to your life...there is power in the tongue and praise him in your difficult happy dear.
DeleteMay God fix you, may he calm the storm...Receive peace that passes all unserstanding. You will be fine.
DeleteMy dear, the lord shall perfect all that matters to you...
DeleteBe still and know that God is on the throne...
Sending you warm, biggg hugssssssss!
DeleteYou will be happy again!😘 😘
you are displaying symtoms of depression, you need to see a doctor
DeleteI see signs of depression. If you have a good friend, maybe share your issues. If you can afford a shrink go see one. If you believe, soak yourself in God's Word and positivity. But whatever you do don't give up. XOXO
DeletePlease make it a conscious effort to be happy. You only have this one life, let nothing steal your happiness in it abeg. It's well.
DeleteWhoa! Beautiful face up there. 😶
ReplyDeleteStella thank u! Che bubu kisses.
ReplyDeleteHappy bday to your baby girl💖
DeleteHappy birthday to your baby!
DeleteThank u
DeleteGood afternoon SDK and bvs. happy birthday to my birthday mate@bisola
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday to you too @ms tee, same goes to @bisola.
DeleteThe lady that wants to Undo prayers. No need. Just tell him your people will disown you if you marry him. Edo and juju 5$6. One leg for church, the other leg for juju. Go to their backyards you go see where they worship their ancestors and the houses where they keep it are mostly Hut.
ReplyDeleteMy former church members from Edo, they don't serve one god. God Almighty and the other god. If one no answer, the other one go answer.
No one should come to me ooo. It's true and they don't hide it. They plenty for my former church that is why I had to leave.
Beautiful cakes calling my name. God bless you all as you get calls for selling.
The, lady that wants to give herself HBP on election matter. Abeg relax.
Idont know if you don't know the Almighty God we serve. All evil plans are back to senders. So me na sleep or watch tv that day. Nigeria is our own Jerusalem so no idiot will turn this country upside down .
Yorim Yorim not all Edos oooooo. Even though its common but there are still some exceptions
DeleteIs that the best you can come up with? Ewobi!!! they don't need to insult you, you are cursed already that's why you keep on moving from one church to another. how are you better than those that serve juju and God at the same time? Ewe dan. Even if they do, is it your f***** biz? always moving from one church to another. what exactly are you looking for???
DeleteBeautiful baby, happy birthday to you..
DeleteBusola,belated happy birthday too.
Walk in love .
yori if you have PVC try and vote.if everybody stays back to watch TV who will vote
DeleteHahahaha I knew I was gonna see Yori Yori's bestie, Modella here.
DeleteYori Yori some Edo people I know are very nice and not fetish. They're also fire brand Christians. It was an Edo lady I met on this blog who drew me closer to God. Her light shone so bright I knew for sure she was a born again Christian.
So please don't generalize my dear.
yori yori pls be careful of what you say. not all Edo people are fetish. some people in other tribes are fetish too. you can't just generalize just like that. I thought you were wiser than that. i wonder the kinda hatred you have for edo people. stop judging others cos of what you've seen. don't go to hell cos of this your unruly behaviour of judging other people meanwhile you are not any better. we all know the kind of person you are here. so don't judge cos you sin differently OK. we all are sinners but God is just too merciful
DeleteWas it Lady Igho?
DeleteNo shining, not Lady Igo. A young lady named A****** who I met through Stella. She lives in Lagos now.
DeleteReally? ALL Edo people? What a wicked lie to tell.
DeleteThen, "God has plans for this country so you'll sit indoors, watch television and sleep on election day." Shebi you hear yourself? I pray you do not have cause to personally regret this your decision to outsource what you should do, to God. Else you will change church more times than you have already as you're running from Edo people.
Customer fall on all the sellers. Just so happy about the outcome of my business meeting today, thank you God for your faithfulness.
ReplyDeleteHappy birth to u little angel. May u grow healthy under ur parent care..
ReplyDeleteAmen.thank u
DeleteGood afternoon lovelies 💟💟
ReplyDeleteSo hungry.... Side eyes at that eating disorder
Happy birthday to your cute baby, Bv Tenth
Thanks dearie
Deletesdk this ya sign out post is the bomb. me i kukuma know how to be on my lane. people see it as me being proud or arrogance but i see it as MMB (minding my business).
ReplyDeletelady 🐛 saw your comment on spontaneous i said in the broom post you're getting a share somewhere I wasn't wrong little wonder why you've been supporting bubu and chanting can get the job and support someone else na.
ReplyDeleteI feel sick. Harmattan please leave alone. Good afternoon Stella and to everyone.
ReplyDeleteSee them shouting "money must be made this year." You'd think they're serious business people, unfortunately, they aren't.
ReplyDeleteI ask you for price and you telling me to inbox you. I greet you ma!!!
I don't have messenger app and can't be bothered.
Some of you aren't serious. Nonsense!
Be waiting for people to inbox you, you hear?!
Kikikikiki 😂😂😂😂
DeleteMy choco Don vex, money must be made🏃🏃
Ha! That sign out meme is for me o. I don't greet and pass, I like to carry people's wahala on my head and it's put me in trouble countless times. I'm an introvert though, hardly socialize.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Bv Busola.
Happy Birthday baby Cherish. Congratulations Bv Tenth, your baby looks well taken care of.
the sign out meme is for my sis in-law.who makes friends with all the women in the street in this day and age
DeleteThanks dearie
DeleteThere are men, and there are men!
ReplyDeleteThere are preeqs, and there are preeqs!
There are fucks, and there are fucks!
Man pass man!
*oh my!*
St.Frankool, where are you?
You number 1 fan is missing you greatly.
Villager, where art thou?
MonkeynofineTAFIAmama, where is you?
Lippie? Justice needs to be done somewhere.
Who else?
There are some persons comments here that annoys the heck outta me and I would like to reply 'em.
Then I say to myself, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and comments, everyone has their own point of view in life, respect their opinion,so, swallow saliva and waka pass!
And, I do just that.
But, there is this one person I knew/know I couldn't have ignored the comment(s) if I had started commenting when the person was commenting. Jeez!
Anyways sha, lemme continue minding my business.
Una wehdone ehn!
SDK mama🙌🙌🙌❤❤❤❤
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteComing back to read more comments
ReplyDeletehappy birthday baby girl
ReplyDeleteDon't try to get everybody's approval – just focus on becoming a better person. To think that everyone is going to like you in a world where many don't even like themselves, will exhaust you more than it will enhance your life.”
ReplyDeleteThat write up there is nothing but the truth. Parents should learn never to compare their kids with anyone. I will use my family as an example
ReplyDeleteWhen I say I probably have the best mum in the world, y'all think I'm just saying that cos she's my mum but she is
My younger sis is doing way better than anyone of us, including me but my mum has never mentioned anything like that. All she does is pray we all do well. For this I am very grateful, who knows, maybe if she had been, I would have become jealous/hateful of my sister.
Then my childhood friend, same age as I am, we grew up in the same compound sef so my mum knows her very well. She currently lives beside my house in the house I helped her rent. Now she's been married for over 6 years with 2 kids, yet my mum has never compared me to her. She has never asked me 'what am I waiting for....' If she had, maybe I would have fallen into the wrong person's hand by now.
Seriously, parents need to mind the kind of things they say to their kids in anger so they don't push them into doing the wrong thing
DeleteYour mom is a good mother
God bless your mom Eka. It is really hard being from such families, but by the grace of God.
DeleteGod bless your mum
DeleteHappy birthday Busola and Cherish. God bless you both.
ReplyDeleteThose hats and fascinators are beautiful...
Thank u
DeleteHappy birthday bisola and baby cherish.beautiful and yummy cakes.
ReplyDeleteThank u
DeleteSo many lovely items for sale. Beautiful fascinators, yummy looking cakes, etc. May customers locate you all.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday to our baby. Tenth what did you give to our princess there
ReplyDeleteSee how beautiful she looks.
Happy birthday to Busola
Wishing you God's blessings Amen
Poster for prayer to reverse prayer - are you sure it's God that answered you? Just cos you prayed for something and it came, doesn't mean God answered. You've made that request so many times, super-imposed your own will over that of God, demons picked it up, and packaged & presented to you what you asked for in your own "infinite wisdom". Unless you want us to believe that God sent you a man that visits native doctor? What would He gain? Pls, don't accuse God of what He didn't do - after you opened your eyes to try and jump into fire that you're sending yourself.
ReplyDeleteIf you marry the wrong man, "I'm in my early 30s, how do I start again?" will be the least of your worries. You will suffer. If this sounds scary, good! You should be very afraid. Man that's still supposed to be trying to impress you, is going to juju. What do you think will happen after he has married you?
I didn't say you should marry or not marry. Go and fall flat before the Living God, and repent of placing your will over His own. Repent of making marriage your god - that's the only way you'd be negotiating with the demons for proposal from a man that visits juju places and has other habits that you're too afraid to mention. Ask Him to deliver you, and to help you wait on Him - however long it takes. If you were willing to date someone who is definitely not a son of God, to the point where you were desperate enough to want him to propose, it means your own leg no strong. I hope for your sake that he hasn't carried your name to any of the juju places he visits. If you don't wait on God, you will end up with something that is definitely not an Isaac and you will send chronicles.
Thank you...I read and shared your sentiments but didn’t have the energy to type...God has no business in that so leave anytime you want to
DeleteI did one razz thing,I order a dildo from Jumia and it’s like very big.ovulation konji makes me crazy I can fuck anything,but I only do this inside my head and not I kuku ordered dildo cos my boo no dey around here.i just hope it’s safe and hygienic to use those ordered from jumia o.plz if you know where I can buy good ones apart from jumia Abeg help a sister.thanks
ReplyDeleteGo to virtual zee owned by Pete Edochies son Uche. They have nice sex toys
DeleteHappy birthday cuties.God bless you both
ReplyDeleteThank u
DeleteHappy birthday to baby cherish and Busola,God bless you boths greatly.
ReplyDeleteThank u
DeleteHappy birthday Cherish. She will grow in grace.
ReplyDeleteBelated happy birthday Busola.
Amen!thank you
DeleteHappy birthday Busola and little babt Tenth. God bless both of you real good.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful fascinators up there.
The bv that wants to unpray her prayer, you are funny I swear
@nkiru saw your mseaage late, just recovering from my hot semo and okro..
ReplyDeleteLol😂😂😂. Ola you are so funny! I will be in Abuja soon. So I will hit you up on phone or come to your shop! I hope you Ankara no dey fade ooo. I no fit shout.
Deleteand I thought ola was serious and different kawai. Instead of now answering d questions his abroad customer asked since morning, he is still going on and on about the watery okro and cement like semo he ate. Issa pity for you. Simple questions. Ur ankara no dey fade? U dey sell batik? Kariya ne. Na okro and semo matter be the koko. Later una go dey find investors. Shiooor kelebe.
DeleteAnon 17:17, you people are always too quick to judge! Haba! Just 1 minute after Ola responded to madam Nkiru, he sent in another post answering her question. But no o, you just surfaced at 17:17 & decided to judge him. Awon aunty judgina!
DeleteSorry I forgot to answer you..
ReplyDeleteYes I sell Holland batik, are you in Abuja? I do home delivery
That suicide thing eh! I am a survivor. My mother made me feel worthless, always comparing me with others. I was never good enough. She preferred my younger sister and made it very obvious. My eldest brother too was not my Mum's spec. So both of us found our home was very uncomfortable. I drank insecticide at a point but survived. Then I tried taking lots of valium 5tabs but our house help saw me and informed my parents. I was rushed to the hospital early and survived. My dad-God rest his soul was so calm and didn't want to offend my Mum and I found that very annoying.However I understand why now. My eldest brother left home once he graduated. We only saw him when my father died. After the burial he took off again. University was an escape for me. My first marriage was immediately after NYSC, to escape staying at home with my Mum. Predictably it crashed after a few years and 2children. God gave me a second chance and I re-married but I am still 'messed' up till date. My eldest brother was brought home on a sick bed, he eventually died. My Mum's fav daughter died few years back. Mum's 2 fav sons are alive though but I am the only female now. She has been so very nice to me the past few years and I have forgiven her for everything. She didn't know better. But parents, mothers, easy with the expectations abeg.
ReplyDeleteOMG please be strong.
DeleteOur late former landlady that is what she did. The ones that spent well on Is her favorite. The ones that don't, Is an outcast.
She had six, four are dead. 2 are in overseas
It is well with you. God will give you peace
Today is bright it's bright and fair oh happy day the day of joy today is bright it's bright and fair oh happy day of joy.
ReplyDeleteTenth, happy birthday to your baby
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday Busola
Good afternoon house
Thank u so much
Deleteongoing PDP CAMPAIGN RALLY in Adokiye Amiesimaka Stadium@PH see crowd Davido just Performed right Now. WOW I STAND WITH ATIKU AND OBI
ReplyDeleteUP PDP!!
Stella post am oh
I hear say teejay dey there. make you locate am.
DeleteGod bless you Stella for encouraging and supporting small businesses like mine. Thank you so much for allowing God use you to bless me and others like me. I pray for you from the dept of my heart today, this is the least you will ever be in life in Jesus name. You will always be a reference of greatness and a yardstick with which success is measured. Thank you Nneora. #Pure Abakaliki Rice#
ReplyDeleteSide 👀 @you Stella.
ReplyDeleteYou know yourself.
My mum did exactly the same thing. Both she went as far as embarrassing me in public. I remember one time she was shouting on me and the okada man asked if that was my aunty I said No that she was my mum...another one thought I was the maid. I forgave her but I never forgot and as a result will never be close to her. I can go weeks without calling and I will be fine. Her fav daughter is at home with her so they should enjoy. Even my dad did the same, after school told us to go and marry like seriously? Anyways, I'm just waiting for everything to fall into place and I will leave without looking back
ReplyDeleteI Don blow..... Thank you Mama for the advert. Oya all the ladies should start placing their orders for their Fascintors 😁😁😁😁
ReplyDeleteI love that last quote.
Happy birthday to our baby
Happy birthday Busola,your new age is blessed.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday baby Oselumese,the meaning of your name is lovely. I haven't seen you but I already love you.You will be a light to your generation in Jesus name. Aunty loves you 😘.
The truth is Nigeria need prayers especially for God's mercy. It is well with Nigeria.
Amen.thank u so much
DeleteBv Tenth why did you risk your life and the life of your child by allowing yourself to labour for three days?
ReplyDeleteYou people should stop this 'Hebrew women thingy and stop twisting the fate of these babies. Prolonged labour is one of the causes of children with brain disability. It affects the child's brain. It can kill you or the baby. Use your brain pls.
Thank you Stella for the posting my ad. God bless you.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe all these sad stories I read here, I wonder how parents can be wicked to their own children, my parents definitely fell straight from May God heal all who have had sad parent relationship.
ReplyDeleteIn house face fine oh