Could you Please help me loud it. I am a year older 08/02.........
I appreciate God's love and endless goodness in my life .
Hope I qualify for Thursday In house , Thanks a bunch.
Happy Birthday Magic Ann!!!
*Sharon is typing a message*
This is by far my most precious #600 gown, in fact after buying I started running so the man will not call me back to say he made a mistake
...the bag is #1000 thou..kisses to everyone
Hahahahahahahaha Sharon you are too funny....
Sharon is our Professor of Okrika wears,she can buy a dress for 100naira and you wont believe it.....
Women friends ooo π
This should be an eye opener to married women.
My husband got my friend pregnant. This my friend was married and left her husband under 5 years. I didn't know she left her husband because of my husband. Fool like me will pick her up from her house and drop her. What surprised me was how she moved on so quick after divorcing her husband.
Happy Birthday Magic Ann!!!
*Sharon is typing a message*
This is by far my most precious #600 gown, in fact after buying I started running so the man will not call me back to say he made a mistake
Hahahahahahahaha Sharon you are too funny....
Sharon is our Professor of Okrika wears,she can buy a dress for 100naira and you wont believe it.....
Women friends ooo π
This should be an eye opener to married women.
My husband got my friend pregnant. This my friend was married and left her husband under 5 years. I didn't know she left her husband because of my husband. Fool like me will pick her up from her house and drop her. What surprised me was how she moved on so quick after divorcing her husband.
Everybody around me knew she was sleeping with my husband but non told me. All their excuse when I found out was that their husband's warned them to mind their business.
He paid for a flat and furnished for her, bought her a car. She got pregnant and when I asked her she told me one long story of how her new fiance travelled to Dubai. When she was sick, I brought her to my house to take care of her. It was one of the days she was in my house that I wanted to use her phone and text my husband, immediately I let in my husbands name what showed was "Lee boo" my body almost jumped out from my skin.
He paid for a flat and furnished for her, bought her a car. She got pregnant and when I asked her she told me one long story of how her new fiance travelled to Dubai. When she was sick, I brought her to my house to take care of her. It was one of the days she was in my house that I wanted to use her phone and text my husband, immediately I let in my husbands name what showed was "Lee boo" my body almost jumped out from my skin.
I opened the message and loo and behold I saw what I should not have seen. The US she was planning to go and birth her baby was being sponsored by my own husband. How she was telling my husband that baby needs his sperm, that it has been long he touched her. Infact I almost had a cardiac arrest.
I screenshot all the conversations and kept her phone before she came out from the bathroom. I forwarded all the screenshots to my husband to make him aware that I know. I went and told the security man on no account should he allow the girl leave the compound in case. My husband I guess told her what happened and she packed her things and was about to leave. I told her to stay, that she wont step an inch.
I screenshot all the conversations and kept her phone before she came out from the bathroom. I forwarded all the screenshots to my husband to make him aware that I know. I went and told the security man on no account should he allow the girl leave the compound in case. My husband I guess told her what happened and she packed her things and was about to leave. I told her to stay, that she wont step an inch.
She started crying and begging. I wasnt moved . I called my elder sister and she told me that my husband she knows can not do such, to the extent of sleeping with my own friend. My sister told me to urinate in a bowl and put salt inside that once my husband enters the house I must pour him the urine. And should make sure it's on his face to enter his eyes. That if its juju, it will clear.
Hmmm My husband came home and that was how hell let loose. He didnt believe what happened to him that day. He was behaving like someone under a spell. As if he was not aware of everything. I called our security man and asked him to search her bag. It was then I saw my picture and that of my husband pinned behind each other with some fettish things. And a list she uses to do incantations with my name written.
It was God that saved my life. I didnt know what she was up to. Maybe to kill me and take over.
She left my house disgraced. I dont know where she is and the baby she had for him.the last time she contacted my husband he told her to come for DNA. That was about 2 years, she hasn't come. My sisters please before you take any drastic step be sure your home is not under demonic attack. Yes some men are stupid but not all. Some of these men will be on their own and these desperate ladies will be chasing them. Some use perfume that once that man perceives the perfume he will fall in Love with them. Some put their own in their powder, and will attract men.
A lot of things are happening. Let us pray for them. There are men out there that are so good to their family but will still be going to one ugly side chic. Sometimes they dont know what they are doing. Till today my husband could not say how he started dating my friend. Anytime I bring the matter up, he will start crying."
SEE GIST!!!!....Urinate in a bowl and put salt?Shege Jagwa!!!
What a heartless friend....I guess your hubbys wealth was the attraction....
I am the poster, the guy sent me a message yesterday, I have deleted the message and I also deleted the like(just realised you could delete that too)
I see that majority believe I shouldn’t tell her, that is what I’m going to do.
Someone said I should remove eye from someone’s boyfriend, trust me I’m not interested in the guy, I just don’t want him to waste her time. I am that girl that won’t go out with my friends ex self let alone a current boyfriend. Guys have not finished.
Anyways I never even thought about the danger of getting hurt by the guy, but now I know that’s also a risk. I just wish my friend will come back online and see him so she can at least know her stand.
My lips are sealed,To the bv saying I might be illegal, I’m on student visa, but she help me get work with someone’s paper so I can have income cos I’m in graduate school and classes are in the evening and on campus job won’t give me more than 20hrs a week, she is also housing me, so she’s my big sister and guardian angel all rolled into one hence why I’m so mad that she’s been played . I want to get my paper sha but for now I’m in status.
I also want to state here that this online dating is not so bad for those saying it never leads to anything, two of my friends in school are engaged to people they met there, it is paid subscription and there are free ones that’s for hookups but many people that pay for this one are actually serious people. I have also met really good people there. So I want to give it a good shot and hope something good comes out of it for me.
Thanks everyone, thanks Stella, you guys really are a family and i always learn so much here that’s why I sent this as it happened so I don’t make mistake
My dear,just mind your business you hear?
Your account could be empty without an alert...
Dear BV, Please lets be very careful.. There is a new *HIGH TECH FRAUD* in town called the *SIM SWAP FRAUD* and hundreds of persons are already *VICTIMS*.
*How it works*
*1* A new fraud called SIM SWAP has started. Your phone network will momentarily go blind / zero (No Signal / Zero Bars) and after a while a call will come through.
*2* The Person on the other side will tell you that he is calling from (your cell phone company)depending on your network and that there is a problem in your mobile network.
*3* He will instruct you to Please press 1 on your phone to get the network back.
*Please at this stage don't Press anything, Just cut the call.
If you press 1, the network will appear suddenly and almost immediately go blind again (Zero Bars) and by that action, your phone is *#HACKED*.
It is increasing day by day. Within a second they will empty your bank account and cause you enough damage.
*What you will experience*
It will appear as though your line is without Network, meanwhile your SIM has been SWAPPED.
The danger here is that, you will not get any alert of any transactions, so please those of us doing USSD Banking and Mobile Banking *BEWARE*. So please be careful.
Good day my fellow bvs, how are you guys day going?please mothers in
the house i am seriously in need of a new born (boy) baby clothes and
anything for new born that are not in use again for my baby as I don't
have much to get things for him.
please mothers help me and my baby in the name of God. May u all never
beg or lack to take care of your kids in Jesus name.
I can be reach on 08175013359.God bless everyone
On Monday 4th of February I saw an advertisement on jiji for bales of ok used clothes, I called the number to make enquires, he told me he stays in ABA and he has children bales 50kg for 35000,100kg for 70000.he said his number is not on WhatsApp but he will send me pictures from his wife’s number and he did, he also send 2 videos of customers that bought bales from him and they appreciated him for good business, although their face was not showing just the bale and their voice....
It was God that saved my life. I didnt know what she was up to. Maybe to kill me and take over.
She left my house disgraced. I dont know where she is and the baby she had for him.the last time she contacted my husband he told her to come for DNA. That was about 2 years, she hasn't come. My sisters please before you take any drastic step be sure your home is not under demonic attack. Yes some men are stupid but not all. Some of these men will be on their own and these desperate ladies will be chasing them. Some use perfume that once that man perceives the perfume he will fall in Love with them. Some put their own in their powder, and will attract men.
A lot of things are happening. Let us pray for them. There are men out there that are so good to their family but will still be going to one ugly side chic. Sometimes they dont know what they are doing. Till today my husband could not say how he started dating my friend. Anytime I bring the matter up, he will start crying."
SEE GIST!!!!....Urinate in a bowl and put salt?Shege Jagwa!!!
What a heartless friend....I guess your hubbys wealth was the attraction....
I am the poster, the guy sent me a message yesterday, I have deleted the message and I also deleted the like(just realised you could delete that too)
I see that majority believe I shouldn’t tell her, that is what I’m going to do.
Someone said I should remove eye from someone’s boyfriend, trust me I’m not interested in the guy, I just don’t want him to waste her time. I am that girl that won’t go out with my friends ex self let alone a current boyfriend. Guys have not finished.
Anyways I never even thought about the danger of getting hurt by the guy, but now I know that’s also a risk. I just wish my friend will come back online and see him so she can at least know her stand.
My lips are sealed,To the bv saying I might be illegal, I’m on student visa, but she help me get work with someone’s paper so I can have income cos I’m in graduate school and classes are in the evening and on campus job won’t give me more than 20hrs a week, she is also housing me, so she’s my big sister and guardian angel all rolled into one hence why I’m so mad that she’s been played . I want to get my paper sha but for now I’m in status.
I also want to state here that this online dating is not so bad for those saying it never leads to anything, two of my friends in school are engaged to people they met there, it is paid subscription and there are free ones that’s for hookups but many people that pay for this one are actually serious people. I have also met really good people there. So I want to give it a good shot and hope something good comes out of it for me.
Thanks everyone, thanks Stella, you guys really are a family and i always learn so much here that’s why I sent this as it happened so I don’t make mistake
My dear,just mind your business you hear?
Your account could be empty without an alert...
Dear BV, Please lets be very careful.. There is a new *HIGH TECH FRAUD* in town called the *SIM SWAP FRAUD* and hundreds of persons are already *VICTIMS*.
*How it works*
*1* A new fraud called SIM SWAP has started. Your phone network will momentarily go blind / zero (No Signal / Zero Bars) and after a while a call will come through.
*2* The Person on the other side will tell you that he is calling from (your cell phone company)depending on your network and that there is a problem in your mobile network.
*3* He will instruct you to Please press 1 on your phone to get the network back.
*Please at this stage don't Press anything, Just cut the call.
If you press 1, the network will appear suddenly and almost immediately go blind again (Zero Bars) and by that action, your phone is *#HACKED*.
It is increasing day by day. Within a second they will empty your bank account and cause you enough damage.
*What you will experience*
It will appear as though your line is without Network, meanwhile your SIM has been SWAPPED.
The danger here is that, you will not get any alert of any transactions, so please those of us doing USSD Banking and Mobile Banking *BEWARE*. So please be careful.
Good day my fellow bvs, how are you guys day going?please mothers in
the house i am seriously in need of a new born (boy) baby clothes and
anything for new born that are not in use again for my baby as I don't
have much to get things for him.
please mothers help me and my baby in the name of God. May u all never
beg or lack to take care of your kids in Jesus name.
I can be reach on 08175013359.God bless everyone
On Monday 4th of February I saw an advertisement on jiji for bales of ok used clothes, I called the number to make enquires, he told me he stays in ABA and he has children bales 50kg for 35000,100kg for 70000.he said his number is not on WhatsApp but he will send me pictures from his wife’s number and he did, he also send 2 videos of customers that bought bales from him and they appreciated him for good business, although their face was not showing just the bale and their voice....
After several calls and enquires I decided to patronize him on Thursday 7th , he said I will pay 50 percent up-front and balance up after I receive the goods, so I sent 20000 to the account details he sent. I called him and he said he will go to Gigmottor park to send the goods, few minutes later he called that he is at the park but I need to balance up before he can send my goods because that is the requirements from the logistics department of Gig motors....
He later sent a video of Gig motors park and logistics department but I didn’t see the bale he wanted to send to me, so I told him I can’t send the balance until I receive the goods tomorrow, he just ended the call, I called severally but he insisted that no balance no goods, that was when I sense the scam, so I told him if he can’t send the goods he should refund my money, he said he can’t refund my money, when he noticed that I’m not ready to pay anything until I see the goods he just blocked me on WhatsApp and refused to pick my call.
That was when I knew it was all a scam from the beginning. One of the number is named yakubu alamant on Truecaller , I checked that name on Facebook, its a guy sitting in barber’s shop, I don’t know if he is the one or not, also they mistakenly sent a video of a lady dancing in a place that looks like a barbers shop. Please help to attach the lady’s picture, she is part of them. The WhatsApp number is 09039199720,the other lines 08169270694,08107153533.
The account details is 0793019964
Na wah oh!!!!
Friends help please. I'm based in Bayelsa but the state is very dry. No job opportunities cus its a civil service state. Now I've been able to save up to #360,000 + getting a 30k Monthly stipend from N-power.
I want to relocate to pH for greener pastures cus i believe its better there But another mind says i should stay back here and set up a small business for myself! But to be very sincere,business its not my thing. just giving its a thought since there are no white collar jobs. Mind you, I'm 32yrs old and living with my parents with 6 younger ones. Bvs please advice.
Should i continue staying in my parents house then go into buying and selling or i should relocate to pH to start a new life? Maybe something good could come out of it?
What would you be doing if you relocate to Port Harcourt?Relocating is expensive and would take the bulk of your saved up money

We bake the most delicious, yummiest cakes and pastries with premium ingredients. Best quality and 100% fresh baked treats guaranteed. Pre order 48 hours upwards. We deliver within and around Uyo. WhatsApp; 08036413534
We also have amazing Valentine's Day packages. Details in flier.
1) A mini-flat inside Femi Okunnu Estate, Jakande
Rent :700k
Service charge:100k per annum
2) A one room self contain in Bakare Estate Agungi
Rent: 500k per annum
Call for further enquiries 07064440129
Adorn your wrist with our sophisticated male bracelet....
Let your ears do the talking with our non-tarnish earrings....
Each item comes with a unique box.....
Show some love,buy for somebody...
We deliver nationwide....
Call/Whatsapp 07089721449 to order
FB page:James Omolola Ogunsade
I love anything designers.
My fav is GUCCI.
I will do anything to have this Gucci customised Cotton Duvet set. What about you?
Just Holla and it will be all yours.
IG: hf.cotton.bedsheets
Duvet Set 15k only
Delivery nationwide
I have these Beautiful fancy slippers for sale. Its hot selling now because it's a new design and not everywhere. We also have jelly open toe shoes, slippers and sandals which is very good for this rainy season. Children slippers is also available
Wholesalers also needed. Call or whatsapp 08036365250
I need a fairly used baby walker for a baby girl. Location is Surulere Lagos and the Walker has to be in good condition and the price reasonable abeg o.
I can be reached on 08022168647(phone call).
Hello Bvs, I have Ori (Shea butter) for sale.
It's raw. Unrefined.
Can be used orally to heal cough.
Good for the skin regardless of complexion.
Great for hair.
A moisturizer.
Eradicates rash and fresh scars.
200g = 300 naira
I am based in Lagos and deliver beyond borders.
I can be reached on 07066126976
Ori is truthfully a must have in every home.*
That smelly Ori is used on the hair????how?

The account details is 0793019964
Na wah oh!!!!
Friends help please. I'm based in Bayelsa but the state is very dry. No job opportunities cus its a civil service state. Now I've been able to save up to #360,000 + getting a 30k Monthly stipend from N-power.
I want to relocate to pH for greener pastures cus i believe its better there But another mind says i should stay back here and set up a small business for myself! But to be very sincere,business its not my thing. just giving its a thought since there are no white collar jobs. Mind you, I'm 32yrs old and living with my parents with 6 younger ones. Bvs please advice.
Should i continue staying in my parents house then go into buying and selling or i should relocate to pH to start a new life? Maybe something good could come out of it?
What would you be doing if you relocate to Port Harcourt?Relocating is expensive and would take the bulk of your saved up money

We bake the most delicious, yummiest cakes and pastries with premium ingredients. Best quality and 100% fresh baked treats guaranteed. Pre order 48 hours upwards. We deliver within and around Uyo. WhatsApp; 08036413534
We also have amazing Valentine's Day packages. Details in flier.
1) A mini-flat inside Femi Okunnu Estate, Jakande
Rent :700k
Service charge:100k per annum
2) A one room self contain in Bakare Estate Agungi
Rent: 500k per annum
Call for further enquiries 07064440129
Adorn your wrist with our sophisticated male bracelet....
Let your ears do the talking with our non-tarnish earrings....
Each item comes with a unique box.....
Show some love,buy for somebody...
We deliver nationwide....
Call/Whatsapp 07089721449 to order
FB page:James Omolola Ogunsade
I love anything designers.
My fav is GUCCI.
I will do anything to have this Gucci customised Cotton Duvet set. What about you?
Just Holla and it will be all yours.
IG: hf.cotton.bedsheets
Duvet Set 15k only
Delivery nationwide
I have these Beautiful fancy slippers for sale. Its hot selling now because it's a new design and not everywhere. We also have jelly open toe shoes, slippers and sandals which is very good for this rainy season. Children slippers is also available
Wholesalers also needed. Call or whatsapp 08036365250
I need a fairly used baby walker for a baby girl. Location is Surulere Lagos and the Walker has to be in good condition and the price reasonable abeg o.
I can be reached on 08022168647(phone call).
Hello Bvs, I have Ori (Shea butter) for sale.
It's raw. Unrefined.
Can be used orally to heal cough.
Good for the skin regardless of complexion.
Great for hair.
A moisturizer.
Eradicates rash and fresh scars.
200g = 300 naira
I am based in Lagos and deliver beyond borders.
I can be reached on 07066126976
Ori is truthfully a must have in every home.*
That smelly Ori is used on the hair????how?

IHN has landed. Tomorrow would be so tight on the island axis in Lagos
ReplyDeletehappy bday magic Ann. @sharon did anyone ask you to declare your assets? any time you come here you always tell us the price of your dress. Issokay sha. the other long story up there is too hard to believe. madam stop exaggerating. she did not use juju on your husband. your husband is a drama king! see the way you paint your husband white. So any time you tell him about the incident he will start crying. Lol. but he didn't cry when he was gbenshing her and even got her preggy. yinmu. the both of them fooled you. not just your friend alone. did you really urinate on a bowl and added salt? double yimu. I still find it hard to believe. check your husband very well. he only cried cos he got caught and the because he'd miss the p****
DeleteO Lord save ur children from plastic friends really gutted.
DeleteOmo c gobe o. Na so my gfriend don date one guy for over 4yrs o, wen dude got a high ranking job ,things started changing, he will come and ask her to wash pussy with a diffent soap, not rob cream or spray anything. He go dey supervise d bathing o. How did I know, one day ard 2am she came and knocked, that I shd give her soap I haven't opened with tears, I no argue na so I give am...meanwhile we bought shopped for toiletries like 3days prior,wen I asked her, she mentioned many many funny funny things d guy has been doing. Omo I use tongue count my teeth o, because she became extra desperate to get pregnant for dude ,na only GOD in heaven know wetin d man suspect to mk am think such. Na wa for Women and Jazz o! That means d baby wasn't for ur hussy o. Kai at d mention of DNA she disappeared. Urine and salt, jazz nullifier. I don learn
DeleteHappy birthday to the beautiful celebrants. Sharon is a BV I just love. I think your dressing on a budget thingy is cute, abroad you could get a show to showcase your talents for it. Maybe you should try blogging on it.
Delete@Modella you like busy body sha. How is her "declaring her assets" affecting you?? If you don't know, what she does shows that with a token one can actually look good!
DeleteTriple yimu for you.
@modella,pls dont beat me!!
DeleteSharon, you are beautiful and I love your smile.
DeleteMadam that they said you should urinate... your husband just displayed correct Nollywood for you Kikikikikikikikikiki.
I'm sure they told him the best scenario to utilise and get himself out of this mess.
Anyway, I'm happy he's stopped cheating on you.
Please be careful and don't stop praying and protecting yourself.
To think that the ones we call friends can do this to us? Then what will enemies do?
God help us all!
@anonymous17:02..tank u
DeleteChummy Cho I have noticed you o. Take your "yinmu" and shove it up your ass. defender of the universe.
Delete@mrs Sharon, you know say i nor fit beat you na. You are my sisiπ
So what about the pictures she saw. And fetish things. I am sure he planted it there too. Or maybe she put sugar to make it sweet. Oya Na, explain that one.
DeleteWelcome IHN
ReplyDeleteMy customers where art thou?
Good afternoon
That long gist up there just reminded me of an e-book I just finished reading... Isokene(stop my wife from smiling) by opeyemi Akintunde.
Delete@prettiest rose...pls give me what happened at the end. Am tried of reading ππ
DeleteWas reading the Episodes shaa. Someone just sent me the book
Good afternoon bvs
ReplyDeleteGood day all
ReplyDeleteStella everything is smelly to you kernel oil is smelly original too is smelly. Abeg u might say anything until person business.
DeleteHappy birthday birthday Maggic Ann, age gracefully.
Scary story up there, Lord have mercy!
Who knows about yam roasting tradition for married women in Nsukka?
ReplyDeleteHelp me with the details please
DeleteHope is not that tradition u eat whatever dey give u, then if u mistake cheat on the man , na madness o. Its rampant there but I don't know if yam roasting is part of it. Wicked culture
DeleteNsukka people help her out na
DeleteLovely people, Good afternoon. Stella nwanyioma God bless you
ReplyDeleteYayyyyy IHN is here. Bvs let's go there.Stella maam8 i dey hail oooππ
ReplyDeleteStellz i always look out for IHN sign out meme. Love you Stella mamaπ
ReplyDeleteEnter your comment...God bless my ex C
ReplyDeleteYou're one of the Good men out there
Why you no hook am, why let a good man go?
DeleteGod Almighty,On this blessed day, protect us from being leaking buckets; those who follow up their good deeds with bad ones. May we not be among those who pray, fast & give charity but curse, swear, gossip & backbite without batting an eyelid. Keep us mindful of such behaviour._@muftimenk
DeleteAmen!!!!!!!Thanks Tante Stella for posting my advert...May God's goodness and mercy locate you and yours now and forever... Amen
DeleteThis one na real hot gist. And all ingredients are easily accessible Don learn π
ReplyDeleteLie lie,so it is d urine dt clear his sense,oga is acting film
Deletethank you Ola yemi. Exactly what I wrote up there. Some women will read this now and start throwing urine at their husband once they find out or suspects he is having an affair. Oga hot caught and was feigning innocence and crying like a baby. the woman sef nor smart. why save his number as Lee booπ she snatched someone's husband and saved his number as Lee boo while staying in the same house.
DeleteSo she should have saved it as My friend's husband and still do everything she did?
Deleteohh boy u go fear gist oo so many desperate friends out there may God help us as we help our selves
ReplyDeleteNaija girls doing juju to snatch horseband no be news na.
ReplyDeleteE don tey. Friend sleeping with friend's husband don tey.
Them go do anything to go born pikin abroad. Na dat one attract ya friend pass.
Most of them sisis wey go dey throway stones come crucify the babe don dey do am tey tey.
Good afternoon beautiful people. I'm in my first trimester and my saliva production is on overdrive. I can only chew gum to swallow it, so 8am to 4pm, I must be chewing gum or else I get nauseous within some minutes, if nothing is done asap, I'll start throwing up. The thing is I don't really like chewing, my cheeks and jaw ache so badly, my mouth feels heavy everyday. Please advise,what else can I do? If you say tomtom or other candies, how many will I lick before I close from work? Something has to be in my mouth to avoid being nauseated, please suggest other options for me, God bless you all.
ReplyDeletePlace bitter kola in your mouth. Do not chew or swallow. It helps
DeleteAww,sorry I know how it feels, luckily for you agabalumo (cherry) is in season now,it helped me a great deal in my first pregnancy, it's Soo good,you won't spit at all,I can lick up to 20 a day then, but during my next pregnancy it wasn't in season I suffered Ehn.wish you a safe delivery dear.
DeleteNote: I chew it with the back, it helps cos it somehow bitter takes care of the nauseating feeling welllll
DeleteSorry Vic,
DeleteI guess it will reduce after the first trimester.
Try to be eating crackers biscuit from time to time, the yellow sachet one.. Or any dry biscuit... I wish you safe delivery
DeleteBitter kola or brisket bone
Deletecolanut is working for me that red one...
Deletemake sure u always have a bottle of water, hot preferably and put some LEMON not lime in it.
DeleteI am lonely, nobody is ready to listen to me,nobody likes me. this life is not worth living!!!
ReplyDeleteChai, low self esteem.if you need someone to talk to we(I) are here.God bless u
DeleteBetter do a re-think of that statement. There's more to life than what you can ever imagine. you are stronger than you think and you can still pull through. Just keep moving. You will get there. Life is beautiful with you in it dear. Hugs
DeleteLearn to love your self first.
DeleteI am ready to listen baby and I like you!
DeleteI am sure there are others like me.
E-hugs ❣️
Get a hold of yourself, please. You are loved, greatly.
DeleteI am ready to listen, kisses and hugs, dearie .
I'm here!
DeleteI'll listen.
Don't be lonely. Ok
Come on the next SnM and I'll look out for you especially ok?
Don't be lonely, you've already got a friend in me.
*SnM is for friendship and networking too.
Happy birthday Magic, may God make it memorable
ReplyDeleteBeautiful bracelets
That story up there is scary
DeleteBirthday celebrant happy birthday to you. I'm also Feb 8 can't believe I'm getting old oh. My mum used to call and pray for me but this year my mil prayed for me instead. I know you are at peace. Madam sharon I love that bag ohhh. Stella good shea butter does not smell. I bought one Ghana shea butter it's too good to be true. It doesnt have any smell and it's white. You need to see my mother in law's skin and my baby. They look good. So it depends. Lovely day everyone.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday Adele Love & Magic Ann.
DeletePlease how do i get the ghana one? 9ja product na apology
DeleteTank u ma
DeleteHappy Birthday Adele love.
DeleteHappy birthday ma...tank u
DeleteHappy Birthday to you. May God preserve and prosper you forever. Congratulations.
DeleteHappy birthday Adele love, live Long and prosper
DeleteMomma is in a better place, continue to be strong
Happy birthday to you. long life and prosperity.
DeleteI'm telling you.
DeleteNigerian ori that be smelling like Ori.
Oh Abasi mi..what else will it smell like na? I one I am isn't so bad and it's very effective.
DeletePlease mothers in the house, please how long does one bleed out after a miscarriage of 3 weeks.
ReplyDeleteSo sorry for that. God will replace in no long time kkk
DeleteSorry to hear.
Have you seen a doctor? Why don't you?
About a week or 14 days depending, some 3weeks
DeleteAha them don come
DeleteUna don shoot off babies come hide as ghost come dey yarn eh?
Make you go see dokinta if you no wan bleed come mod o.
And make una chegharia wey dey kill pikins throway.
Please be reasonable ANG...I've been there too,had two miscarriages and it was a terrible feeling, poster asked a reasonable question and all you could type is that rubbish up there...Poster it should stop in 2weeks but please see your doctor. God will wipe your tears,you will rejoice soonest...Amen
DeleteANG is being an idiot as usual. Just ignore her.
DeleteGood day all.
ReplyDeleteGood afternoon people, happy birthday to you glam shine, Sharon you look really nice this your gowns them dey make sense oh
ReplyDeleteTank u
DeleteSharon where is ur base?I need okirika bag
Delete@ola I dey sokoto ooo,this far north dey kill business for me.
DeleteI’m just wondering if the outcome would have been different if the betrayed woman’s friends let her in on it rather than minding their own business, oh well π€·πΎ♀️.
ReplyDeleteGood afternoon to us all. May God continue to bless our hustles.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday to you, Magic Ann. May you prosper in Good health and peace of mind. Congratulations.
Pretty Sharon, kedu.
May good customers locate all the sellers.
Tank u
DeletePls,help me out.what gift of #2000 can I get for hubby for Valentine? That's the amount I can afford because am not yet working. Pls,help out. I don't want wrist watch or boxers. Suggestions please
ReplyDeletePerfume - smart collection
T-shirt - 3k
Boxers! Naija baes most beloved gifts... Anybody gimme boxer lassan I go call amadioha for them ni
DeleteA bracelet or customised T-shirt or facecap
DeleteA set of manicure,A beautiful mug with his name on it,a sweet face cap if he likes cap, Pep has this jump pants( trousers) its not up to 3k, men love it for sleeping, slacks just d pants
DeleteSee those lovely bracelets up there,they are 3k-4k and comes with a unique box
Deletehmm things are truly happening and you are such a nice friend to her.madam fan I know you'll like this one
ReplyDeleteChai see Gist oo @ HOT GIST FROM THE COMMENT SECTION. See how i am glued to my computer at work.EHEN! Things are happening oo
ReplyDeleteMadam new born.what's your location.If you are in asaba or its environs,it will be easier for me.your number is not going
ReplyDeleteI am in Lagos ma, wish I could get it but we are not in d same state. maybe network problem. tanks ma
DeleteIt's 'IHN again, Thank God it's Friday (TGIF). For the Professional Akoko buyer, please show me the way ooo..
ReplyDeleteFor the woman that a friend betrayed, it is well
IHN is here. WOW! so urine with small salt inside is a deliverance tool for juju things? My anty must hear this
DeleteThe poster with a bad wa ooo
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday, Magic Ann. LLNP
ReplyDeleteWhich blog visitor get that mouth wey wan make ladder climb am? ππ
ReplyDeleteI heard a new one today on SDK blog. Pour salt in your urine and throw at someone if you suspect he has been jazzed. It is well ooo..
ReplyDeleteI have always had that urine neutralizes jazz
DeleteYes, our urine is very powerful
DeleteThe way I've been craving for cake and then I come online to see this. TJ, you no buy cake again
Good afternoon everyone.
ReplyDeleteComment section, I read dat story on Facebook few days ago, things are happening.
Those advertising, more customers come ur way.
Amen!!! Thank you
DeleteHmmmm. women will always be women. They will always protect their husband while the side chic will always remain a devil. My dear. I no blame you. What the lady did was very bad. Of all men. Why your friends husband. That is pure wickedness. But madam. Your dear husband was not jazzed. He entered the relationship with his two eyes. What do I even know.
ReplyDeleteThe lady that her friend bf contacted her Online. In as much your conscience is clear. You are acting like a true friend. Please let it slide. Seal your mouth and waka pass. Love is delicate. Even in family. If you too put mouth in your parents quarrel. Your parents will ask you what is your business. Please face front.
Control ur mouth
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Magic. God bless your new age!!
ReplyDeleteA woman doing jazz to steal her friends husband. Ladies be careful with people you call your friends oo. You hear my best friend, my besty, my this and that. For me I no get best friend ooo just acquaintance at all.
Scam and fraudster every where you go and turn.We all have to be careful. Imagine if you have paid the full money. Please find a way to get your money and even report to your bank ooo.
The poster selling those jelly shoes,you did not put price,Why na?
Stella Nwayioma. Daalu oooo.
ReplyDeleteTanks Stella for posting for me, may d Lord bless all d mothers in d house, may u all never beg to take care of your children in Jesus name
ReplyDeleteHello beautiful people. Happy birthday to the celebrant, Sharon I love your the stories up there, ife neme
ReplyDeleteTank u
DeleteThat okirika Bale scam is very rampant. And people are falling G prey because of greediness. How can you buy a Bale of children clothes for 35k? That was how one bv Momma Ella was calling one unbelievable price for okirika men items the last time saying she has their contact. And bvs were asking for how to contact her. I pity you all
ReplyDeleteSharon u look so good please where do u buy this bag
ReplyDeleteTanks...come sokoto
DeleteSharon you could start selling OK bags since they are more affordable over there. Buyer will pay for shipping. If you have someone in the South you can trust, ship all to the person who wouldthen be sending to buyers as they place their order with you here.
DeleteThanks Stella for posting my advert.
ReplyDeleteJust as you apply hair cream that's the same way Ori is applied, Stella.
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting too. I think I know why the pictures wasn't used, I am sorry about that.
DeleteGod bless you, Stella.π❤
Happy Birthday magic Ann
ReplyDeleteI love your smile
Stells, ori is butter which is a sealant to lock in moisture.
You just rub in between your palms to melt it of it is raw and not whipped and apply directly on your hair.
It makes my natural hair soft and eo manipulate. Hope this helps.
Goodafteroon everyone.
ReplyDeleteπππsee fine gal...pls anybody that need a foot ball player should come and sign me o,I can play for Africa..
ReplyDeleteI don learn new thing today, salt and pissπππ
You are beautiful dear.
DeleteWe learn every day π¨π¨π¨. Stella thanks for sharing.
Yes you are fine, inside and out.
DeleteTank u Ada and anonymous
DeleteBeautiful sharonπππ
Deletekeep being simple
A player...jisike.
Delete@olori tanks
Delete@sky..I no dey joke
nice gown, you go borrow me to wear for Valentine's day oπ π π maybe uncle go propose gimme if I wear your gown
DeleteMrs Sharon crush, u pwetty like that o
DeleteMadam Hot Gist 'Goodmorning morning' waka pass no more frenemies.. this world is evil... be careful GOD has saved your home
ReplyDeleteAh, this gist carry weight o. Some friends are mean. Thank God for the deliverance.
ReplyDeleteStella,I used ori on my hair and few months later, it got fuller, longer and thicker. It gives me joy anytime someone asks me if I'm wearing a wig meanwhile it's my hair.
ReplyDeleteSo true...It works so well, I even use it with Damatol hair cream..
DeleteI'm in love with a guy from Port Harcourt I see myself settling down with. My fear is my parents are tribalistic and Muslims.
ReplyDeleteThinking of how to convince them gives me migraine. Thinking of getting pregnant and and damn the consequences but he's against the idea of pregnancy before the wedding.
Oh lord, guide me through.
Calm down o. It's not everything one uses ogboju to do. Talk with them first and see their reaction. You knew all along who your parents were yet you continued the relationship. Whatever you do, don't Use a pregnancy to force them to accept your decision
DeleteKeep praying about it. And wait.
DeleteStella so you don't know people use Ori for hair, it's very good for the hair and skin, even for consumption. It's also good for babies
ReplyDeleteComment section Gist be thanking God for revealing your evil friend. That is how God exposed my wicked friend. Because she helped me to get a job in her establishment she now expected me to bow to her, she became jealous because everybody liked me instantly and I was good at the job. Soon any error in the department she'll say it's my fault because she was the head of department. She started bad mouthing me to the manager and accountant, when her trouble became too much I just resigned from the job and that still didn't make her gossip about me reduce even though I was no longer working with her.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday, Magic Ann.
ReplyDeleteThe sign out meme thoπ€£π€£
ReplyDeleteWelcome oh IHN is here. To the celebrant, Happy birthday to you. Pls the Ori seller that Ori you are selling is it the original because i am interested oh.Oh the woman needing new born clothes i do hope you will get it. Good day all
ReplyDeleteYes, it is. It's unrefined, haven't been mixed with anything so you can use it orally too. Very very good.
DeleteThat urine thing works wella, my cuz told me he experienced one himself, a calabar house help jazzed her madams husband and he threw his wife away, married her, built house for her parents, infact she had it all, she had 3 children for him, his wife called a pastor and he told her to pour her urine on him, immediately she did that,the man regained his senses. He couldn't believe he threw his wife out of the house. There are mysteries in this world we don't understand
ReplyDeleteI don't even know which one to comment on all na hot gist. The woman that was betrayed by her friend, thanks God for your life that she didn't kill you.
ReplyDeleteWicked friend....
In fact, anytime my husband chats too much with any lady I am not comfortable with I will pour urine and salt solution on his damn face.
ReplyDeleteLol...thanks for cracking me up...make him no drink the piss come turn to another thing oooo...
DeleteKare,omo re bi iyan
DeleteLmao! Gush!
DeleteSee them begging for baby things. That is how they will be fucking anyhow and getting pregnant and giving birth without planning. Later they will say children are blessings. Children are blessings yet you are begging for baby things. Shameless women.
Anon. 15:44,Be nice. It's not a crime to be in need. Keeping quiet, doing nothing and dieing in silence is foolishness. You call her shameless? Well, if you are so blessed and swim in abundance, cover her shame. We all know how the country is now. Look around or even within and see many graduates who have been laid off and can't feed their families. Don't be too quick to judge. You don't know her story. If you don't have to give, thank God you aren't in her condition and move on.
DeleteHappy birthday Ann.
The bv with hubby under spell,thank God for you. Enemies pretending to be friend.
Bv abroad, mind your business o.
DeleteToday is my day of rest. Plus malaria wants to finish me. God pass am. That lady seeking advice on relocating from Bayelsa to PH, u need a job to sustain moving to PH. Take that from someone who grew up there (me). I have also relocated, but OH is beta than Bayelsa for me any day anytime. Never limit yourself by saying you are not business minded. House rent will first cut your savings when you relocate to PH exceot you have where to stay till you find your feet.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday Ann.
The bv with hubby under spell,thank God for you. Enemies pretending to be friends.
Bv abroad, mind your business o.
Happy birthday magic Ann God bless your new age, Sharon nice dress and bag pls where can I get to buy I need some for myself.
ReplyDeleteTank u,come sokoto
DeleteWomen are their own enemies...
ReplyDeleteStella, thank you for posting my advert. God bless you big. BVs, I dey wait una patronage ooo πππ π€
ReplyDeleteLovely cakes! The picture showing your Val package is small and I can hardly read anything on it or know the price of a regular cake
DeleteThanks Olivia Pope's Bestie. Sorry about the pictures, but if you click the picture and zoom on it, you'd see it more clearly....or better still, let's chat on WhatsApp. Thanks again.