Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative.....


Monday, February 04, 2019

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative.....



Please i really need advice here about what has been bothering me for answers all this.:......

So since 2016,i got a crushed on a guy and we are from same State and local govt but when this whole familiarity started he was in the abroad doing his master's and we click till when he got back but instant of cementing our friendship as i always wished he got involved with another girl but fast forward to a year later he said they broke up and we got talking but up till now our relationship has not exist the friend zoon....

Like we are still not dating and is more than two years since we've known and despite we are in same State,we saw just once and since then it been one excuse from him anytime i initial the idea of us seeing again and even when i bring up the idea of us dating he is always like he have is not yet ready to be involve with any lady and to him 'despite he has lots of girls hoping to have a thing with him he is still comparing all to see which he can end up with.

But of late our communication is drastically relapsed then at least he also try checking on me via calls and chats but later on i became the only one doing all those but despite i really love this guy just like that even thou we are not dating and i have never receive anything from him financially or what so ever,i have never asked even thou when i got to our city of residence and things were very hard for me till later when I got a job but even thou am graduate the pay is nothing astonishing but am just doing it so to survive and this guy told me he owns a company but now am beginning to get confuse and even doubt if is true but with all those i still love him and would be happy if he can tell me the truth about himself but even if he doesn't have it wouldn't change my love for him.

But of recent he start asking me for financial help even thou am managing,its all started during December he asked me for 5000 or 10,000 to settle his staffs then truly i didn't have so it past then yesterday he text that i should pls borrow him 10,000 and now he is telling me he wants to do subscription for a land he bought but is no big deal to me to give him once am paid but lots of thoughts has been going-on in my head and i don't know if there is an agenda for all this despite he knows my condition of how am suffering,not paid enough and lots of responsibilities.And this is someone i look up to because he have siblings and friends but asking me about twice is what is confusing me,so pls all,i wish to hear you opinion on this pls and what you think i should do pls.

*From what i Understand,you thought he had money cos he told you he has a cmpany but he has never given and you have never asked and now despite not taking your friendship with him to the next level which is what you want,he is now coming to borrow money from you and despite being shocked you are considering giving him....

If you can spare,then give him without expecting a relationship in return but if cant then dont give...I think he is trying to take advantage of your feelings for him......If you cannot give and walk away without expecting anything,dont give and please forget about him,love is not by force!!!


  1. For a self acclaimed graduate,Your grammar is terrible, a total disaster.
    Meanwhile, that guy is not a serious somebody, don't give him shishi, he will run completely later on

    1. The grammar is very bad. If the guy calls and she speaks like this, he might be turned off. Let's be honest

    2. Advice her and leave her grammar outta it..shior!

    3. The guy can’t stand her grammar.

    4. I shouldn't have tried to read all thru, now I blame myself more cos your Grammer just made my headache worse

    5. Your grammar is enough to make one run mad.. Upon all the free English training from bvs, you still don't know the difference between I'm and am.. Anyway, you're busy trying to gain attention from someone that's clearly not into you.. Love yourself first.. Don't give anybody money, guy man wants to "guy" you.. Don't fall for "I want to pay my staff,I want to deposit money for a land".. Yen yen yen.. Receive sense poster

    6. I completely agree.

    7. My sister, I am sorry if I sound blunt but you are DESPERATE. Yes, love is real but not stupid. You love this guy but from what you wrote there, the feeling is not the same. Love is respectful, love gives peace and love is kind. Forget about giving you money or gift, he may not have, hr may be stingy or of the school of thought that you are independent and as such he can't give you anything.
      To be blunt, the guy does not love you. You are building that relationship with yourself and your thoughts. Why can't you step away from him? Give him space, open your mind to new experience. He might start missing you or come to realize what your presence means in his life.
      If you have money to gift out, give it to him without a condition. What type of boss is looking for 5,000-10,000 to pay his workers? Babe, please, I don't know how old you are but do not throw away your worth over a man who does not deserve you. Build back your confidence, carry yourself well, build yourself up, open your mind to new experiences and see what will happen. Peace!

    8. She only needs your advice not her grammar..

    9. She needs both please let's be honest. Had a hard time understanding her.

    10. Zikora thank you. Very desperate I tell you.
      Poster all this guy has told you about himself is all lies. He owns a company and he's begging for 5k/10k. Whatever he said about any land is also lies trust me.
      Did you by any chance meet this guy on S&M. He sounds so familiar with a guy I was chatting with. That is how that one formed all sorts of lies to me too. Was always asking to borrow money. After claiming he's a CEO and first son that has properties scattered allover PH. But you are begging for 20k and 10k.
      I just blocked the idiot. I never even met this one physically. Told him to forget me I have met someone I ain't interested in dating him.
      He even said he will comnit suicide and send me the video. Told him to go ahead. Very manupulative bastard.
      A man can never see my money God forbid.
      I am dating someone I met through a friend now and he's trying for me.
      Any guy that ask you for money is a NO NO in my vocabulary.
      RUN RUN far away. Imagine wasting 2yrs on a guy that doesn't even want or claim you.
      Don't worry he will soon share you his wedding IV and your eyes will clear.

    11. @Miss Cherie pls differentiate between I'm and am because you might be helping a lot of people like me who doesn't know the difference

    12. 18:58 it's who don't know
      He doesn't we. She doesnt know. We don't know. They don't know

      I'm is I am
      Am is well am

    13. This poster why can't you just have sense with the everyday chronicles and advice been given on this blog? some people eeehhnn. naaaaaaaa wa! na very BIG OYO(on your own) by-force relationship you dey so. please move on and stop dating your self, and least i forget, don't give him any money. he's trying to take advantage of your vulnerability. Please move on so the right person will find you and love you rightly

    14. Really didn't get to rad her story cos her constructions were confusing my head. From Stella's analysis, babe run as far as your legs can take you.

  2. The guy is ready for a relationship just NOT with you.
    YOU are NOT his specs.
    He will CHOP your money and even your ponyor if YOU are NOT careful then run afterwards.
    I will suggest you face ya front and carry ya love where it Will be appreciated. Dont call peoplr dt dont call you.
    Dont borrow money to that guy either.

    1. He doesn’t love you. Your English has been discouraging him before you guys met and when he finally met you the table was shattered.

    2. Anon 15:24 your own grammar is not correct either.

    3. Better don’t give him 1naira, who raised all these girls abeg? Can’t you see the big sign, he isn’t interested in you, he will chop your money and friend zone you.
      How can a guy even tell you he is taking his time to know who is best, whateve crush you have for him better die this minute

  3. How do you love him, when he is not even your bf? Don't give him any money, and start looking for a boyfriend....Where is the problem here? The guy didn't like you after meeting you, don't you get it?

    1. The guy was bidding his time to see what you were like in person that’s why he humored you and kept in touch while he was abroad. Once he met you and didn’t like what he saw he has been avoiding you and even blatantly told you they were many girls queuing for his attention. Now he wants to take advantage of your love for him to get some financial assistance to you. Don’t give him and don’t feel bad about it.

  4. You sound like a little girl catching feelings for the first time.

    Newsflash..he doesn't wanna date you.
    You stop pushing, na your type dey cry "he used me"

    If I were u, I won't give him anything, to hell.

    But as love is making u mumu, go ahead, he will take d money, knack u n move on.

  5. Awwww sorry my dear. Got one like that in my life now. He has borrowed and returned. Asked for donations to things .He keeps enough going that it can feel like a relationship but also enough that he can say it's not .I see through him and just let him keep "playing" me. Guess I lack the energy to move him off totally. No sex but he stays around because I guess I'm good for somethings. As you don't really have money, just tell him you don't have .you've paid rent, you've sent to your younger sister. Your parents have to add money for you to pay your rent. If he's around you for the benefits, he'll pull back but he'll still keep checking on you once in a while because he's sure one day, he'll catch you at the right time and you'll send him money or do him some other favour so why throw you away

    1. Poster turn the tables and start asking him for money for your needs. Observe what he will do.

    2. 15:10 are you in love with him? Why not do away with him and create space for someone better?

    3. I'd already fallen in love with him before the craziness started.

  6. Love must be really blind..someone told u hes not available yet u are loving him,lies about what he does,have many ladies around him,u that is managing,has he ever helped u...hmmmmm if u have help but dont ever expect anything in return before u will now start saying men are scum o.

    1. Imagine dudu saying he has so many girls and compering them, asin....please hold your money. Tell him you don't have,

      In your mind dudu is trying to test you abi? Keep your moneyooooo, that guy is broke as f**k

  7. This is similar to yesterday's chronicle. Some of you women and low self esteem. No advise for you ok! Go back to school or something, your English sucks!

    1. This one no get sense join.

    2. honestly some of you on here are totally annoying...shooter and blackberry u think u can just insult people while sitting on your stupid fake high horses.. you think we were all privileged to go to very good schools? or you think everyone had it easy in life? some people have lowse lf esteem cos of how they were brought up and will only just learn with further interactions from others.. lets try to be reasonable and lady like in all we do in life. yes the internet offers some anonymity so we can come and say whatever we like behind the veils so to speak, but I think it is a shame that young people like you will just come and talk down on others anyhow. you talk trashy and then go about in real life like some classy women. shame on you

  8. The guy is not in love with you period. Borrow him money at ur own risk

  9. Mhhhhhh, Poster Nawa for you, can't you see the hand writing on the wall, ..The guy does not love you simple. Stop forcing yourself and don't lend him any money

    1. Babe, you're desperately desperate!! The guy man knows it, and wants to take advantage..

  10. Oh my God. Really struggled to read this..Bottomline, move on. He's not into you and is just using you. Have respect for yourself and move on please.

  11. My sister please use this God given brain of yours ahn ahn

  12. Poster please use that money to buy fried rice chicken and salad with a bottle of chilled coke.He is not into you at all.Love yourself more

    1. This combo is only 800 in chicken republic you will have a lot of change to even buy pizza... at the age I am I can never do any relationship that involves money

  13. You dey worry say im no "cement" ya relationship?
    Okay o, make I yarn you correct yarns . ..
    Im no go even use saliva gum am.
    Persin tell you say im get "factory", wetin im dey produce for that factory
    wey im dey borrow money pay workers?
    You sure say you no be one of the products of that im factory?
    Make you better carry cement/concrete seal ya agada o
    If that kin guy come score goal, na vamoose o
    Make you just siddon look, dey observe am
    And dey pray.

  14. think this is some sort of relationship test? Well's not. If you can spare, then dash him because the possibility of getting it back is slim. But don't give him because you think that he would want a relationship with you afterwards. My dear this guy is clearly not interested in you and would use you if you let him. So just move on abeg

  15. This is the most horrible written English I've read in a while. Move on with your life & better your career as this guy isn't a keeper. Do not give him your money except you just want to give him, but I bet you, he WILL never pay you back!

  16. I don't like people with low self-esteem, especially women. Do not give this guy any money and forget love or any form of relationship with him. Please, work on yourself, get busy , make money, socialize more and you will have enough guys to pick from. Try getting this guy out of your head or mind, please. Na you go tire o, the guy will continue to ask you for money till you realise that he doesn't want you. Forget him. Best of luck.

  17. Please drop that time waster.
    Not only is he unserious , but also broke. Cry if you must, but please leave him. A better and more reliable man awaits you.
    Btw, 2 years is too long a time for such situationship. Next time, if you start having feels for a man, ask him to define things.

  18. My dear poster anything you try to force is not it. Are you an ATM? Despite knowing your financial state he is still milking you. He has carefully friend zoned you so in future you can't say he deceived you. If you like don't run, remain for him to use you till you get his wedding IV. He obviously knows you are catching feelings and wants to take advantage of you. Even if such a person marries you he will never care for you. Mtcheeew

  19. Please drop that time waster.
    Not only is he unserious , but also broke. Cry if you must, but please leave him. A better and more reliable man awaits you.
    Btw, 2 years is too long a time for such situationship. Next time, if you start having feels for a man, ask him to define things.

  20. Na WA for this one. From the way you described everything, if I were in your shoes, I will just lend him this once without expecting anything other than my money in return

  21. Na waoh, you are considering giving money to someone that cannot even spare an hour to see you. Love is really blind to you.

  22. madam desperado cool down, this guy is not interested in you. free yourself and have rooms for other guys. love is not by force.

  23. Please don't try lending him money. He knows very well that you love him, hence would take total advantage of you. From what you wrote, you are not even financially okay to lend.
    Please be confident and love yourself first.

  24. O ga o. He doesn't want you but he wants your money. Please,don't force your love on anyone,if you can part with your hard earned income,no wahala because he isn't gonna pay you back. Please look elsewhere for love

  25. madam desperado cool down, this guy is not interested in you. free yourself and have rooms for other guys. love is not by force.

  26. Love happens.Shit happens too.Don't cry over this guy.
    This guy doesn't deserve you.
    The writings are clearly written on the wall.Waka pass,Love yourself,Develop yourself.
    your man will locate you.

  27. How did you guys decode what the poster was trying to communicate?

    Na wah for grammar o

    1. Lol, we are good at puzzles. SDK BVs rock for real.

  28. Today Chronicle no sweet.

    1. Hahahahaha omg this is too funny. Bad grammar messed it up. E no sweet at all. Not too many people responded self. It was so hard to read my goodness.

  29. Maybe is your grammar that is driving him away from you. Don't borrow him any money, because he will not pay back.

    1. U are wicked huh

    2. @ Egidi

      The person that gives...lends!
      The person that receives...borrows!

      "Maybe *it's*"

  30. Stop catching feelings for him..
    He is not into you.....
    You deserves better..

  31. Don't give him.stop communicating with him

  32. Don't give him.stop communicating with him

  33. Cut him off already, move on,haha what sort of woman are you ,begging for love that does not even exist?Then brush up your English, its embarrassing!!!!!!!!

  34. But Nne you know this guy has no interest whatsoever in you na, why are you doing this to yourself? He already told you he’s looking through all the girls that are interested in him to know who he will pick, do you want to be 2nd or even 5th choice? There should be other men interested in you, face those ones nd leave this one alone, forget that abroad thing.

  35. Your grammar is terrible for a graduate.

  36. I think the only sentence I could remember fro. This chronicle is EVEN THOU! EVEN THOU. Ok poster pls follow stella advise.

  37. Girl keep your money. Don't regret in future.

  38. Why would you want to force yourself on a man? This guy clearly don't have any feeling for you in any way.
    If you want to lend him any money, do it as a friend and give an amount that won't hurt if you don't get it back.
    If you ever force yourself on this guy, he will use you troway but that's your choice anyway. I know you will still do what your mind and body is telling you to but not to worry, we still dey here.

  39. Please dear seriously work on your English - written and spoken. You need to start communicating like a graduate. It can open doors and opportunities for you in various areas of life. This is my advice for you.

  40. You see how you allow your village people embarrass you, you wrote it under a post, was insulted and advised but you weren't satisfied ode

  41. Eyyya poster the guy doesn't want you ok. Focus on your job and leave the guy alone. Don't waste time chasing shadows. Your own guy will locate you.

  42. Enter your comment...Hmmmmm, young lad. relationship is not by force, thus, you don't try forcing a man to be in a relationship with. with the look of things, the guy doesn't want you for anything. so stop trying to force him to be in a relationship with you and don't give him any money or you will regret it cos your next chronicles will soon come. try and see.

  43. Please my dear, leave this guy alone. He doesn't love you at all. He just wants to get some money from you. Period!
    Someone claimed that he has a company and he is asking for N5k/N10k for staff salaries.
    Haba!! Please take a walk before it's too late. This guy is not meant for you.
    Also, try as much as possible to improve on your written English language.
    I wish you the very best!

  44. Please my dear, leave this guy alone. He doesn't love you at all. He just wants to get some money from you. Period!
    Someone claimed that he has a company and he is asking for N5k/N10k for staff salaries.
    Haba!! Please take a walk before it's too late. This guy is not meant for you.
    Also, try as much as possible to improve on your written English language.
    I wish you the very best!

  45. Msteewww.... it’s like you have plenty money you are not using. You better keep your money and use it for something else, that guy is not ready for a relationship and I don’t think he is as rich as you think he is...

  46. Horrible grammar hooking up with a self acclaimed 'hot catch' master's degree holder? No can do. Work on your spoken and written english skills,hold on to your money and lose that leach of a guy.

  47. Jesus wept!!!

  48. Stay away from that Godforsaken being,ladies wiseup, know whom to Spend your money on,besides even in a relationship,any guy that keeps asking money from any girl he dates every now and then,no matter how small must be pathetic! !

  49. Your english is terrible to start with. Try and improve on your self image for future men but right now that guy has no feelings for you please,leave him a alone. You cannot force him to love you.

  50. Honestly cut off from him, he's not interested in you and is already seeing someone else. Guys know when you're Desperate and like them too much, most times they want to take advantage of yourself, which is what is going on with your situationship. Please don't give him any money,he might just be looking for funds to take his gf out or buy her a gift on valentine's day. Focus on you and improve yourself in every way,don't be desperate(allow guys to do the chasing),show subtle signs, don't be so eager to render financial help to your bf(its a trap and you might be hooked till the end)
    Best wishes!

  51. Poster guy man is completely turned off o. Move on! You’re cock blocking yourself. Do you know what you could have achieved in terms of dating? You could have met someone else much better but nooooo, na this emotionally unavailable man you wan marry. No wonder why some women end in a shitty marriage when the signs are clearly there. Pick up your self worth on the floor! Get this dude out of your life! You’ll be hurt for a while since you’ve invested so much emotions but eventually you’ll move on. That’s if you’re ready to move on. If not, then continue to torture yourself. Some women sha kai! And oh Do NOT GIVE HIM ANY MONEY!!!! Wake up!!

  52. Does if mean people only lend money yo someone you are in a relationship with? The man should cut you off for basing your possible assistance with him on your expected return of a relationship with him. You are the one who isn't a genuine friend

  53. grammer police una welldone oh. if you have nothing to say just shut up and let those with only advice type. poster the guy obviously does not love you. you are dating yourself. he has sensed your love for him and your desperation that's why he wants to take advantage of that and use you by cleaning out your finances. if you borrow him money I can bet my royal arse he wont pay you back. calm down. trust me if a guy likes a babe he does the chasing. if he still friends zones you the he is JUST NOT INTO YOU...

  54. 11:27 yours is the most stupid comment on this post...only a fool will not think this guy is lying. with all his lies you think he means well abi? a business man will not have other friends to borrow money from? u are sick


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