Stella Dimoko Big Brother Naija Auditions Ends With A Wedding Proposal,Crazy Dancing,Crazy Hair Do's And A Surprise Visit


Sunday, February 03, 2019

Big Brother Naija Auditions Ends With A Wedding Proposal,Crazy Dancing,Crazy Hair Do's And A Surprise Visit

Auditions for Africa's biggest reality TV, Big Brother Naija which kicked off on February 1st 2019 across 8 cities in Nigeria including Lagos, Abuja, Benin, Port Harcourt, Warri, Calabar, Enugu and Ibadan came to an end Yesterday, February 2nd 2019.

These are the five things you missed at the auditions.....

1. The Marriage Proposal: 

Yes! A marriage proposal happened during the Big Brother Naija auditions. A BBNaija hopeful, Thompson Alade proposed to another contestant, Jessica Arowolo at the Lagos audition venue.


2. A Dance Battle

The Big Brother Naija contestants are not chosen via a dance competition. However, minutes after some potential housemates were called into the audition room they challenged themselves to a dance battle.


3. Bassey's Fun Chat Session with BBNaija Hopefuls: 

BBNaija alumnus, Bassey stopped by the Lagos audition venue to chat and take pictures with some of the potential candidates.


4. An opportunity to make new friends and reunite with old ones: Considering the fact that thousands of people attended the auditions on both days across the 8 cities, there's a probability of making new friends and possibly reuniting with old ones.


5. Incredible Fashion and Hairstyles:

This year's Big Brother Naija audition participants came with some amazing fashion trends and weird hairstyles.

From BHM


  1. The lady proposed to happens to be my cousin's friend.Terrible idea if you ask me.

  2. The proposal biko I don't like.

  3. see our naija youths? i can bet my cjocolate round ass that 70% of them dont have PVC and wont vote. oooh and whose son is that with a pink hairdo? ooooh lord please dont let my baby tboy ever tow this lane. let him grow to be a fine, young, responsible and inteligent man. who will work to earn an honest living and not have any interest to go to any national tv to fuck, smoke,drink amf waste his time. Amen

    1. I say a resounding amen to that, and my boys too in Jesus name I pray.

    2. Amennnnnn! our children will never live worldly lives but righteous and responsible lives that will glorify GOD and be blessings to us in JESUS NAME AMEN

  4. Useless proposal, they haven't got into the house, they want to start yeye drama, they should both forget the audition and face their broke wedding plans 😎😎😎😎😎

  5. Them go propose in public
    Pound in secret
    Abort in secret
    Breakup in secret
    Come fight in public (social media)

    1. Do they "pound" in secret these days. Is it not on national television that they do it?

    2. Some people can never mind their biz in this country🙄

  6. Proposal in a crowded, stuff, people-fainting place.

    Na! I'll pass!

  7. That proposal get as e be
    All the best fun won
    Blessed Princess and Oki royalty,how far

  8. Mtchewwwww...if only we can channel this energy to developing ourselves.
    TeddyA already said it., BBN secret pass secret cult. There's more to it than meet the eyes.

    Anyway, no be everybody go blow thru bbn but is there no other reality TV show that can accommodate everybody willing to be a yeyebrity? 🙄🙄

    This year own go fatal pass fatality.
    Let's get ready for numerous fan pages on SM. Fights, gossip, hate speeches, fakeness & name calling.


    1. No.

      It is you people that have the time that can 'get ready', I came into 2019 to make mo' money.

      Not sit infront of my T.V picking nose and screaming Team kini kan kini kan ati be be lo.

      I'll pass, thanks.

    2. Anon 15:09
      You that is forming mo’ money in 2019 but can be reading news about Bbn that hasn’t yet started and commenting on it, it is still same you that will read all the fights, fake speeches, gossip etc on this blog and comment. So Odunayo is right, get ready cos it will be fatal

    3. 16:56
      Are you allergic to punctuation or just never heard of them.
      It's a pity I do not understand your native dialect.
      It will be 'fatal' for you, not for me.
      I don't waste tim on what is of no interest to me.

    4. But here you are commenting several times on what you claim is unimportant to you. Lawl! You funny.

    5. Sorry o Ade Beke,

      Take this 10naira.

      I did not know that you were in charge of collecting money from people who comment multiple times.

      Take it to add some value to your life.

      Oversabi frog.

  9. I don't understand why he has to propose there. Dem make mistake.

  10. Some guy on my fb, annonced that he made the first phase, he had over 300 comment congratulating him.madness!

  11. This kind Wedding proposal Get As He Be ooo..Is it For Real Kwaaa.

  12. is that lady carrying noodles on her head,or am I not seeing clearly

  13. This is wats called real naa wa oh. Pls oh my honest question, have they been dating b4 or they just met at d audition. Oh boy

    1. Of course they've been dating before. How can he just someone there and propose to her??? If na you, you go accept?

    2. Not at all.
      They just met at the audition.
      He happens to always carry engagement ring in his pocket evrywia he goes and she kukuma looked like a singu sista.
      E bend leg and say e shu kuku shoot his shot without knowing her name sef.
      That is wat happund.

    3. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaaa 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

      Chai! Stella your bvs get kolo ooh. @15:11 You no well sha.

    4. Hahahahahahahaahaha

      Many are indeed mad

  14. Bbn is a program for immorality

  15. Is the proposal for real or just for the show?
    Crazy hair styles

  16. Dont mind those guys proposing stuff...all they seek for was public attention🙄

  17. The guy wearing a black trench coat with an inner white shirt standing next to the guy wearing a pink hoodie, looks exactly like A$AP Rocky!! Num 4, Picture 2. That's a striking resemblance though.

    1. And?
      Me sef I resemble Bianca Onoh and Genevieve.

    2. @Homeland security, yes! Had to do a double take. Definitely A$ap rocky's doppelganger.

    3. So true he looks like Asap rocky

  18. Good for them.

  19. Me myself and I knows that I won't vote for anyone. I'm still trying to recover the money I using in voting for Efe

  20. If they like they should do wedding there sef🤷 what I know is that my shinshin no go enter their pocket this year🚶🚶🚶

    1. Hahahahaha
      They say you should be ready.
      Na wa.

  21. Na them sabi, wedding or proposal is their own cup of bitter leaf water. Who cares ?

  22. Hopefully, they won't turn themselves to something else just to enter Bbn!

  23. ...Na wa for una ooooo!! chochochochocho!!! ha a kilode give it a break plz.


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