Stella Dimoko Ballot Box Snatching Statement -Your View


Thursday, February 21, 2019

Ballot Box Snatching Statement -Your View

President Buhari made a statement on Monday which a lot of people are reading various meanings into...
Whilst some are saying the statement incites killing/Violence,others feel he was in line with what he said....

Buhari is quoted as saying that “Anybody who decides to snatch boxes or lead thugs to disturb the election, maybe that would be the last unlawful action you would take.
 “I have given the military and police the order to be ruthless. I am going to warn anybody who thinks he would lead a body of thugs in his locality to snatch boxes or to disturb the voting system; he would do it at the expense of his/her own life.”
How do you see this statement?Do you think it was in order or are you among those who want the President to retract this statement to avoid any form of Violence?


  1. Replies
    1. Bigot 😎😎😎😎😎

    2. Lady bug be calm in your response, it doesn't make sense insulting people because they don't share your opinion or like what you like. Haba!

    3. So calling a person's dad and husband blood sucker is ideal, you all are hypocrites😎😎😎😎😎

    4. Lady mosquito...go and get rehabilitated first!

    5. Then I can call you a forlorn dingbat of the “face like compressed nyash” specie for calling another blog visitor a bigot? You see why two wrongs can never make right?

    6. Lady bug, I was going to address your comment before I saw the others.
      I believe you used the word bigot because you have heard others use it because if you know the meaning and you understand the question asked by Stella then you'll see that there isn't any correlation between your response and the question asked.

    7. Anonymous go and teach your history students the meaning of bigot, are you justifying the blood sucker statement 😎😎😎😎😎

    8. Lady bug and co , its you people supporting buhari that experience the Nigerian army bullets first hand, the bullet will NOT kill you , so that you can come testify !!!!!!! Idiots everywhere !!!

    9. Lady Bug worry not about all the ballot box snatchers here, the fact they are supporting a known looter without shame says it all.

  2. Back to daura...

  3. My own is that hope the Soldiers have been oriented on what a ballot box looks like, before they shoot those with lunch box!

    Stella INEC have laws and principles guiding any election...we also have punishment for electoral offenders in the constitution anybody found wanting should be prosecuted as provided by the law. We shouldn't give room for anarchy.

    My take!

    1. I will only ask you a question.

      The people coming to snatch ballot boxes, do you in all honesty think they come there with beer and food?

      These people come there armed to the teeth, and you expect the security officers to treat them with kids gloves, smh😎😎😎😎

    2. Lady bug you forget that when they snatch this boxes innocent citizens would be around the polling unit, what happens if it hits one of them? Would we now call that a mistake or say the president ordered it..
      I think the president should also think of the people at the polling units, arrest can be made and the appropriate law or action taken, not shooting that might hit an innocent citizen.

    3. 11.22 are you minding our blog insect. It/She cant even read in btw d lines. Turanci ba bu! Comprehension ibagha! ANyway, an insect doesnt go to bugs for life. Lmao

    4. All these things ladybug is tapping about, are you trying to say without this pronouncement ballot box snatchers would be allowed to stroll out with them? Your support of the wrong things is bewildering.

    5. 2015 same APC took Jonathan to court against sending soldiers to the street during election that they are meant to be in barracks. So why are they doing same thing they were against then? Is it in the Constitution? Is it death or jail sentence? Boko Haram terrorist are pardoned, rehabilitated and mixed up again into the society.

      Which offense is more costlier? Born to rule.
      When God says yes, no man, no other god can say no. Let us all try and vote. Make e remain to count.

    6. No sensible person will steal ballot box. When will we change as a people, all the president is saying is be civil and don't ruin Nigeria.

  4. Ladybug will come here and spew trash
    Chinchin like ladybug

  5. Foolish statement from a person who has no regard for the Law. For election purposes all the forces are under the command of the INEC chairman and he made a statement regarding this issue yesterday. Anybody that follows that Mumu order will have nobody but himself to blame at the end of the day.

    1. Snatch ballot box and DIE.

    2. Later you all will shouting lady bug, what has calling your president statement foolish got to do with this, you are quoting a law you don't even understand, mtsheeeeew 😎😎😎😎

    3. And you tha understand the law, may stray bullets fired as a result of shoot at sight order not reach your side because that’s when you’ll know that be careful no be for only them but us also.

  6. My own is this:why didn't he order the military to be ruthless with Fulani herdsmen killing people.

    1. GBAM!!! When he is the chief herdsmen,how could he?

    2. Blesynluv,gbam gbam gbam you spoke my mind,Buhari is delusional

    3. Selective Judgement

  7. In a democratic leadership, the military should not be involved in any way. The fact that this is even a topic of discussion shows the kind of government governing us.

    1. Everyone knows he is a DICTATOR-GMB!

  8. I agree with what he said.

    See, these thugs who usually snatch the ballot boxes don't go there unarmed, they are never polite when snatching these boxes, innocent lives have been lost in the process yet they still cost us good governance. Enough is enough, if they value their lives, they should only go and vote as civilized human beings and if they can't do that, keep off!

    1. Exactly @Cynthia,they won't be coming with brooms or umbrellas to snatch the boxes. Snatch the box and you will be dealt with;our vote must count.

  9. Celebrity party and cooperate first grade Ok gowns 0708471475421 February 2019 at 10:40

    Its all shades of wrong. It will not only deprive the electorates from exercising their franchise,but will also give the security agents a reason to kill innocent citizens.

    If the security agents are present at the polling units doing their job, what will give a thug the nerve to cause mayhem?

    That's my take, please as a president, mind what you say.

    1. Exactly. Even without that statement the security forces know what to do

  10. Celebrity party and cooperate first grade Ok gowns 0708471475421 February 2019 at 10:41

    Its all shades of wrong. It will not only deprive the electorates from exercising their franchise,but will also give the security agents a reason to kill innocent citizens.

    If the security agents are present at the polling units doing their job, what will give a thug the nerve to cause mayhem?

    That's my take, please as a president, mind what you say.

  11. The statement coming from a president is bad because people misinterpret it. Remember the last time Buhari made a statement like "if he loose the election, blood will roll" Do you know how many people that died after he lost?. Nigeria force men always look for a tiny reason to kill. The other day we heard of Custom officer shooting someone in Broad day light. They may even kill an innocent person who comes to vote and then throw a ballot box on him/her claiming they snatched ballot box. Nigeria doesn't have CCTV to monitor all these, so many things will go wrong. Innocent people might be killed.

    1. You just quoted a lie. “If he loose the election, blood will roll”. The expression is not only wrong, but the quote is more terrible. No one even says “blood will roll”. In which English? Head will roll or blood will flow? If you want to make a comment, be sincere and honest. Don’t let your emotions drive you into posting lies.
      Now your opening line is just too contradictory. You say the statement is bad because it is liable to misinterpretation or it is bad for what it is?

  12. I stand with Buhari, snatch ballot boxes at the risk of your life!

    Instead of all to give warnings to see planning to snatch ballot boxes they ar busy analysing and dissecting Buhari's statement of fact!

    I dare anybody to come ot with the aim of snatching ballot boxes one Saturday, he or she would be ruthlessly dealt with at the detriment of his or her life!

    Ballot boxes snatchers are enemies of the state and will precisely dealth with as an enemy of the state!😎😎😎😎😎

    1. Lady bug stop talking trash ....your a disgrace

    2. anon 11:09 we in this apc whatsp group talk less.just go snatch ballot box abeg.put your action for where your mouth and hands they.

    3. You’re drinking too much these days. And it’s cheap brands. What did you just type up there?

  13. I dont care who wins this election, because as far as I'm concern they are the same...But as a president mind what u say,people are looking up to u and takes what u said seriously..
    Stella we live in the north,far north for that matter,belive me they are just waiting for something to trigger violence and they will start killing,not themselves but before u know it,it will become religions fight,the killing of Christians, that we will have to be running up and down...
    we live in constant fear in this election already,now with what he said,lots of people are already traveling home with their children.
    That statement is too harsh and is encouraging violence....

    1. sister,though i support apc and buhari,pls becareful okay? go out amd vote and return home.nothing will happen.this election will be the most peaceful no harm will befall all of you.goodluck m success.make sure you vote a leader of your choice.

    2. God bless you for these words. I wish ladybug was in the north for this election. She’ll never be careless in her utterance again.

  14. Are you a 'THUG'? Do you plan on engaging in Ballot box snatching or being unruly during Elections? If Yes, then you should loose sleep over Mr President's statement.

    If you are like the millions of other Nigerians who plan to go to their poll Units, cast their votes and wait for the results to be announced..... then, you have nothing to be afraid of.


    1. Until they kill you and throw a ballot box on you. Shebi you read about the narrative Nigerian Customs gave on that 5k killing?

    2. Anony 12.25- Idiots without PVC like you are the loudest noisemakers. I will vote. My neighbourhood is not your type and we dont have Ballot box snatchers. But, see ehn, na your type wey dey plan rig bullet go touch.

  15. The statement is as barbaric as the person that made the statement. He would have said anybody that snatch the ballot box will face the law. This is democracy not Military regime. Tinubu have done his posssible best to paint this statement but to no avail. Mr President please retract this statement. Thanks. @Blessed Princess

    1. The Buhari i know will never retract this statement. Buhari is standing on it like an iroko.

      Maybe Mr Lie Moha will rephrase it in d press

    2. I dont support any political party. I am a Jehovah whiteness. I stan for the man after God's heart to win.

    3. You are Jehovah WHITENESS, who is Jehovah blackness?

    4. What is Jehovah whiteness? Jesus oo

  16. Their cup of tea.Both the snatcher and the snatchee

  17. Where was this energy when the herd's men were killing people in Benue and Jos. He was acting like an ignorant idiot then. But when it's something that affects him directly he's so alert and issuing out orders. This man is so selfish and incompetent and its so sad to see people still support him.

    1. God bless you for this write up. Let ignorant people keep supporting lies...

  18. Only PDPig supporters and members who are planning to rig the elections will cry over this. They tried rigging the elections with CJN and it didn't work. They tried with already thumb printed ballot papers, it didn't work. They tried bribing Inec staffers with millions of dollars and it didn't work. Buhari has blocked all their chances of rigging. We are watching to see what they'll spring up with on Saturday. All Buhari is saying is let there be free and fair elections just like the one which brought him into power. It doesn't matter who wins. But who ever tries to do mago mago, snatch ballot papers etc, be ready to pay for your life! And we are right behind baba

    1. But Buhari has already said nobody can UNSEAT him. @Essah this statement is what Nigerians wanted him to use for Fulani herdsmen but he was quiet all the while. Those killers will spring up again after the election. Watch this space. @Blessed Princess

    2. Did Eesah ever speak up against the marauding murderers?

    3. You are a hypocrite
      During the slaying of Nigerians like you by marauding criminals
      Your mouth was heavy with concrete abi?

      Now you ginger like cricket wey fall for ogogoro!!!

    4. Na now dey break about?

  19. The President shouldn't be heard uttering such a statement. We already know the security officers don't value life any little thing they have pulled the trigger. Why use live ammunitions instead of rubber bullets knowing fully well that they can aim and kill the innocent ones.

    These APC members are blood thirsty individuals.

  20. Bubu Pls Rest In Peace 4+0
    Ballot snatcher or not
    Vote Wisely.. power of 30k no sell your vote oh

  21. i love nigerian.we can talk,quote laws,quote constutution,inclyding amended version to defend wrong doings.none of them will quote laws and constitution asking politicians to give us good roads,increased allowance,good health,affordable loans and etc.
    enough is enough,we are stubborn and most times needs iron hands.1999 cases of ballot..they follwed constitution,even if few arrested.. 2003 same ballot shows that the constitution wasnt favourable because politicians send this guys amd bend the law to favour them when now,if you go and snatch. you might pay for your life..saving us the stress of wasting precious time on that. and no way politician can bend the take is..if you love yourself,do what is go near ballot box oh.just vote and jejely stay afar.i support buhari on this.

  22. The statement is on point, in 2015 some thugs with guns came to our polling station and burnt the ballot box with all the votes cast when it dawned on them that their party was losing.

    1. Just leave these ones, most of them have never voted before or witness election crises, they sit comfortably in their mall hole typically yen yen yen 😎😎

      No need for Mr president to talk again, I dare any of their cohorts to one out on Saturday to snatch ballot boxes, he or she wl ibe finally meeting their ancestors 😎😎😎😎

    2. Na still APC carry Jonathan go court make soldiers no enter streets 2015 cos they wanted it to favour them. Why so low now?

  23. It's in order considering how elections used to be. No one should be afraid of the statement except those planning to snatch ballot boxes

  24. Theb remove chief judge. all talk no action.
    Then make noise for all the rerun,all talk no action apc win.
    election,they are still making noise.
    Apc winning on saturday.nobody go do anything.
    if you no fear,go snatch ballot box.
    pdp empty barrel with too much noise.paper weight politician full pdp.
    atiku can never win an election again.the time he was suppose to win..he allowed obj decieved him and gave his chance to obj.same obj black listed him.
    i dont regret voting buhari in 2015.. and i will still vote buhari on saturday.baba is doing a good job.if you no like my comment abeg,try go snatch ballot box on saturday.

    we go celebrate by this time come next week.UP buhari/ osibanjo.
    God bless nigeria

    1. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ shouting without action 😎😎😎😎😎

  25. This message is for ballot box snatchers not for prospective voters. Why are some of you tearing pants on top? Baba have spoken and so shall it be.
    I support him 100%, you people can not continue forcing ur candidates on our throat let our votes count too.

    Snatch ballot box at ur own risk.

  26. It is high time we face the reality, if you want the president to be begging people not to snatch ballot boxes, you are on your own. Snatch ballot boxes at the expense of your own life, it is as simple as that.
    Anybody can shout, na you get your mouth. No body can intimidate anybody with ranting, we all have our PVC.

  27. My own is that we all want a free and fair elections.As he is the chief security officer of the state there are ways for him to deal with ballot boxes being snatched. After all we have the law enforcement officials that should be their jobs to protect lives and also to safe guard the boxes. We don't want anyone losing his or her lives all because of the elections.

  28. Those shouting free and fair election, was 2015 election free and fair? Wasn't it rigged by Buhari and fellow APC members. Didn't we all see how under aged children voted at the North. The earlier Nigerians wake up the better

  29. God save Nigeria. We truly need good leaders that have the people at heart.

  30. The statement will only affect you if you have the intention of snatching Ballot box. But if u don't why should it bother you.


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