''Yansh no get teeth but e dey cut shit'' -Waffy forefathers!!!
Your sister Unomah wishes you all of ''heaven's best now and beyond''

Happy Birthday Dearie!!!...Chukwu gozie gi!!!
Tomorrow is the Business post so save all your new Business ideas or updates,we will be tackling them all...Tomorrow is also the free advert in the comment section post and as addendum i might add the Boxing ring since Fridays are always boring..hehehehehhehehe#dramaqueenforlaif
Can someone who has gone through similar experience advice me? My husband's niece of 27yrs is staying with us because of NYSC. I cook her meal with ours before she returns back from work but she wont help me wash our plates but rather wash only hers. I don't complain.she hardly helps around for house chores doing iya Oko for me as regards Yoruba culture as i don't call her by her name even though am 11yrs older than her though I married very late.
When her mom calls who is also a senior wife to me,if she wants to ask after her daughter,she will say what of aunty? I just shake my head for their low nonsense mentality.I have infants am taking care of which is always stressful. I told my husband about this but all he said was that she wont be with us for life that I should continue managing. My husband do help if i tell him to even when shes around and he won't tell her to do it.I don't send her message or anything even if am about to faint with house chores.
I know shes not my maid but i think little help here and there isn't bad because i also stress myself in cooking for her too. What do you advice? Will be reading comments,thanks.
Can you imagine?Because you cook for her you expect to have her do your dishes?did she sign a contract with you?why are people like this?You want to use her as house girl or what?why are you expecting so much from her?I your house guest not supposed to eat food in your house?I don't understand this mentality and i cant deal with it......remove your eyes from this lady and face your home and chores,you sound so so petty...I am sorry if this might hurt you but its the truth....
Can you imagine?Because you cook for her you expect to have her do your dishes?did she sign a contract with you?why are people like this?You want to use her as house girl or what?why are you expecting so much from her?I your house guest not supposed to eat food in your house?I don't understand this mentality and i cant deal with it......remove your eyes from this lady and face your home and chores,you sound so so petty...I am sorry if this might hurt you but its the truth....
Dear Stella,
Please i will like to be anonymous if and when you decide to post this (not sure where this will fall) but before i proceed i will like to say thank you for your blog, i am a regular BV, God bless you for what you do.
Please would you be kind enough to use your platform to ask the Nigerian Customs what they have just started at the Lagos airport, i just got off the phone with my younger sister who just returned to Nigeria, she was away for about 10 days and bought some items for family (myself/ hubby too), her hubby and especially for her 2 kids and her friends.
These items were in 2 medium sized travel boxes. After picking her luggage she proceeded to leave the airport but she was stopped by customs personnel and asked to pay fifty thousand Naira, they stated it was charges and she told them she had only personal items on her and even opened the boxes to show them, they said the charges are for the personal items she bought and returned with, she was shocked and of course she asked when did this start as this was just 2 medium sized travel boxes that contained her own old cloths which she traveled with, they brought out some kind of paper and negotiation started as they said she could pay fifteen thousand and then seven thousand when they saw she wasn't willing to pay the initial amount(s) mentioned.
In the end she broke down crying cos she has been on this long flight, and she was tired of talking plus the money she had with her was for transportation to her final destination as she doesn't live in Lagos.
Please ma, help us ask our leaders (including those in this so called government offices) what they are up to. which way Nigeria. when did they start this? was it announced/ approved? they should please let us know.
We go to other countries and just walk in from arrivals, no one is searching the bags of the citizens or asking them to pay for the gifts they brought for their family members. Nigeria is getting worse by the day, so much to contend with, it is very painful and something has to be done about this.
Thank you so much and God bless you
*My dear i am sorry to shock you but it didn't just start,they have been on this for a while..if you don't let them rattle you they end up begging for anything small to hold body.....
I don't know but cant their names be forwarded to the appropriate authorities?
Is it possible to have the Holy Spirit and not speak in tongues, or speak in tongues and not have the Holy Spirit?
I once had a conversation with a pastor who insisted that if one didn't speak in tongues, she or he did not have the Holy Spirit. I disagreed with him out rightly because when Galatians 5:22-23 talked about the fruit of the Spirit, tongue speaking was not listed there. He cited an example in Acts 2:4 where when they were filled with the Holy Ghost, they immediately spoke in other tongues.
According to him, tongue speaking was the physical evidence of God's presence in them. When I asked him if it were possible for someone to speak in tongues without the Holy Spirit, he affirmed the possibility. So how come the reverse is not possible?
There's this lady I admire so much, her kindness, love for others, selflessness, zeal for the things of God and baffling humility but I have never seen her speaking in tongues while praying, at least not to my knowledge. The other one prays in tongues, but her conduct, lifestyle and attitude is nothing short of questionable.
If men were to judge, is it not the former they would see as spirit filled? Didn't the Bible say that 'by their fruits we shall know them? '
As for falling under the anointing, I wonder why some pastors would resort to turning someone to the point of dizziness so as to make one fall compulsorily under the anointing. I have witnessed people fall voluntarily under the mighty power of the Holy Ghost without being touched. A relative once mentioned that no matter how you push him, he would never fall as it is not scriptural to push people.
*Hmmmmm talking of people being pushed to fall under the anointing,it has happened to me before and it is so wrong...LOL
I distant friend of mine came into Abuja and called to tell me shes in town and had accommodation problem. She begged me on phone if she could put up with me for sometime and sort her self out.. I obliged her request and since May 2017 she has been in my house.
There's this lady I admire so much, her kindness, love for others, selflessness, zeal for the things of God and baffling humility but I have never seen her speaking in tongues while praying, at least not to my knowledge. The other one prays in tongues, but her conduct, lifestyle and attitude is nothing short of questionable.
If men were to judge, is it not the former they would see as spirit filled? Didn't the Bible say that 'by their fruits we shall know them? '
As for falling under the anointing, I wonder why some pastors would resort to turning someone to the point of dizziness so as to make one fall compulsorily under the anointing. I have witnessed people fall voluntarily under the mighty power of the Holy Ghost without being touched. A relative once mentioned that no matter how you push him, he would never fall as it is not scriptural to push people.
*Hmmmmm talking of people being pushed to fall under the anointing,it has happened to me before and it is so wrong...LOL
I distant friend of mine came into Abuja and called to tell me shes in town and had accommodation problem. She begged me on phone if she could put up with me for sometime and sort her self out.. I obliged her request and since May 2017 she has been in my house.
November last year I asked her what;s her plans and she told me she will soon be leaving. Since then shes still in my house.. The reason I got tired of her stay is because of her altitude.. She practically does nothing to the extent its my nanny that flushes her poo for her. Come and see how she scolds her anytime she forget to do her laundry.
I dont want to talk about feeding because she stays at home just morning and evening but her dinner is a must yet she has never bothered to ask me how manage...
If she stays up to 2yrs by May I may be forced to evict her.
*Come on,you call her friend and you cannot tell her the truth?..Please sit her down and give her a piece of your mind instead of discussing her with other people..It is possible that in the process of trying to form big babe,she does not know she is doing things wrong?Please talk to her one on one
Is it advisable for someones parents in law to live with them? my sis is based in Ekiti and she just told me that her dad in law is sick and the hubby wants to bring them to live permanently with them. They live in Lokoja and are very comfortable.
If it is your parents that had to go live with your sister over ill health issues,would it be OK?Please tell your sister to lie and let live..look for a way to accommodate them...
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we have an opening for a secretary/office assistant. location is abuja. please send CV to jidejashua@gmail.com. You must be able to read and write and also good communication skills. Successful person must be ready to commence immediately.
This amazing property on a hard dry land is selling at a distress prize. Located at a strategic location in Abijo. Twelve Million Naira is the asking (N12,000,000). Slightly negotiable for serious buyers only.
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Location : Abuja
Quick delivery to all locations.
Good day bvs. I got a new job in Ibadan after being jobless for sometime and I need one room accomodation, preferably areas around Aleshinloye, my office is in Aleshinloye. Pls just a small affordable ordinary room that I can lay my head after the day's job. I don't have the means to pay agent fees so I would prefer direct contact with landlord. I am a married man but my family will not join me now. Here is my contact 08123951966.
I will like to ask for the help of bvs especially the lawyers amongst us, My mum, my two siblings and I, just got 4 plots of land, one plot per person, we are currently looking for a Lawyer who can help us with a legit deed of agreement, someone who is very familiar with the job. We are low on cash as everything has gone to the land pls consider us when charging.
I can be reached on 09053009024 thanks.
SDK Lawyers wey una eeeeeeeh,work don land
*Come on,you call her friend and you cannot tell her the truth?..Please sit her down and give her a piece of your mind instead of discussing her with other people..It is possible that in the process of trying to form big babe,she does not know she is doing things wrong?Please talk to her one on one
Is it advisable for someones parents in law to live with them? my sis is based in Ekiti and she just told me that her dad in law is sick and the hubby wants to bring them to live permanently with them. They live in Lokoja and are very comfortable.
If it is your parents that had to go live with your sister over ill health issues,would it be OK?Please tell your sister to lie and let live..look for a way to accommodate them...
Do u want to b a Distributor with us? #Ask me
Do you have and event and need customised water ?
We customise to suit ur event(s)
Refreshening Taste Of Goodness
Best Price, Best Delivery
Call or Whatsapp me on 07062839998
Port Harcourt residents only
we have an opening for a secretary/office assistant. location is abuja. please send CV to jidejashua@gmail.com. You must be able to read and write and also good communication skills. Successful person must be ready to commence immediately.
This amazing property on a hard dry land is selling at a distress prize. Located at a strategic location in Abijo. Twelve Million Naira is the asking (N12,000,000). Slightly negotiable for serious buyers only.
Pls kindly call or WhatsApp 09097617898.
We stock the best trendy and classy fashion items at affordable prices.
Kindly check us out on our following social media platforms :
Instagram -@lovelywearsng
Facebook - @lovelywearsng
Twitter - @lovelywearsng
Email -nkoli22amy@gmail.com
Whatsapp -07035925584

Contact me for your wigs and weavons
Whatsapp 09067672340
Location : Abuja
Quick delivery to all locations.
Good day bvs. I got a new job in Ibadan after being jobless for sometime and I need one room accomodation, preferably areas around Aleshinloye, my office is in Aleshinloye. Pls just a small affordable ordinary room that I can lay my head after the day's job. I don't have the means to pay agent fees so I would prefer direct contact with landlord. I am a married man but my family will not join me now. Here is my contact 08123951966.
I will like to ask for the help of bvs especially the lawyers amongst us, My mum, my two siblings and I, just got 4 plots of land, one plot per person, we are currently looking for a Lawyer who can help us with a legit deed of agreement, someone who is very familiar with the job. We are low on cash as everything has gone to the land pls consider us when charging.
I can be reached on 09053009024 thanks.
SDK Lawyers wey una eeeeeeeh,work don land
Good afternoon wonderful people.
My family relocated to Ilorin Kwara State with only clothes due to hardship. I am pleading with anyone that has household items to sell at giveaway price or give out to help me. Things like mattress, small fan, a small television (even a box TV or black and white TV), a small stool, etc. My number is 0817 027 0021. Thank you and God bless.
Na wah!!...Please this is a long time BV and i have posted several things for her before..It is not a scam,please give what you have if you are anywhere around her or if you can send what you have to her and cover the sending fees cos she does not have so much.....God dey!
Na wah!!...Please this is a long time BV and i have posted several things for her before..It is not a scam,please give what you have if you are anywhere around her or if you can send what you have to her and cover the sending fees cos she does not have so much.....God dey!
I have two heel shoes to give out.
Size is 42
Colour is Red and Gold
One of the shoes is pencil. So any interested person must love wearing heels and should stay close to Ogudu for easy pick up.
Contact number: 09079414128.
ReplyDeleteI discovered something recently, when you talk to people, they confuse you even more but when you talk to God, slowly but surely you begin to find your direction, you begin to feel like things are slowly making sense and somehow things just feel right again.
It’s not an overnight epiphany, it’s not a magic wand that will finally wipe away your confusion, it’s just a small step in the right direction, an idea, a small decision or just a new sense of self-worth or wisdom that makes you feel unstuck and sets you free.
Talk to God if you’re confused about someone, he will either move your heart closer or push you away. Signs will show up, you will hear something about them, you will see a side you haven’t seen before, you will slowly begin to make a decision and you will eventually figure out if that’s the right person for you.
Talk to God if you don’t understand why certain things aren’t happening or why certain blessings are delayed, somehow he will give you reassurance that your patience will pay off, that he is planning something far bigger and greater than what you had hoped for. You will understand, in time, that maybe you weren’t ready to receive what you wanted when you really wanted it, you will understand that the things you wish or pray for change over time. You grow and you realize that what you wished for a year ago is totally different than what you wish for now.
Talk to God if you’re lost. You may not find yourself or your answers right away but you will find a thread of hope, a new piece of information, a gut feeling that propels you to do something you never thought of doing or take a risk you were afraid of taking or just take a leap of faith. He will give you courage, strength and patience to at least stay grounded until you find what you’re truly looking for.
The thing is talking to God doesn’t fix everything overnight, but it gives you the tools and the resources you need to overcome the confusion, overcome the hardships and stay hopeful that better things are coming your way.
Maybe we’re always looking for a quick fix, but quick fixes don’t last, they break easily. Healing takes time. Finding what’s really right for you is a long and tumultuous journey. Miracles take time but they happen and only God can make them happen.
And when you learn how to talk to God, solitude becomes sweeter and somehow you feel safer because you know that there’s nothing you can’t handle. Everything will fall into place. Everything will be okay.- RANIA NAIM
Anonymous asking for mercy aigbe's handbag, it's a CELINE handbag. You are welcome. Pls buy for two....
DeleteThank you merciful God.
DeleteYou're indeed faithful
Hello, any qualified pharmacist pleas advise me. What is the minimum number of durations between dosages?
DeleteI took my morning dosage in the afternoon around 2pm, how many hours do I have to wait before taking the next dosage in th evening.
*Its not a heavy drug, more of a supplement but it states taken twice daily and usually I do early morning by 10am.
Please advise.
Lol, they should advise you without knowing the name of the drug? Generally 2x daily means 24÷2 = 12 so every 12 hours. E.g. 7am and 7pm
Delete23:22 thank you!
DeleteI remember when I was in school, like I was literally forced to speak in tongues in Christ Embassy.
DeleteSo you passed through this in that cult in disguise. Thought it was only me
DeleteHello people!
ReplyDeleteFeels good to be here and catch up!
Allow your in-laws stays, this na health matter and also be ready to tolerate and understand them as they are old.
DeleteSdk mami I disagree with this your adage ooo. Nyash no dey cut shit after all some dey strong. 🏃🏃
I have serious plans and God help me, I won't let anyone know. I just discovered my hubby and his ex had a baby together recently and he has been sending stuff to her,yet he won't raise a finger for my kids or I. I am tired of the BS. I sex him more now, he won't even know what I know and the plans I have. Hmmmmmmmmmmm the heart of a woman who has been pushed is deep.
DeleteHappy birthday @ Oby.
ReplyDeleteAge gracefully dear.
I can't even clearly define the emotions I'm feeling right now!
ReplyDeleteI have been the one bearing the bulk of the responsibility for the running of my department in church. In fact every one sees me as the head of the department. I do must of the leg work, the planning and organization, formulating ideas etc. I’m the one they come to for answers about stuff regarding the department.
Only to find out last night that HODs have regular meetings with the pastor, which I didn't know about and I have never been invited to any!
Instead it's the pastor's wife that represents our department!
I feel so upset and used! It's almost like monkey dey work, baboon dey chop!
So I'm good enough to do the hard work but not good enough to have an input at the pastoral level? This has been going on for at least 3years, since I took over from the previous person, and I'm just finding out!
I have absolutely no problem being used for God's work, but being used by man? It's not a nice feeling. I don't know if I can be as dedicated as I used to be. I mean why would you front as HOD when someone else does the actual work, not even as if we had a discussion about it and I was told what to expect. Why should I shoulder responsibilities while someone else occupies the office? Is it wrong of me to feel this way? There are other “little” things that I have noticed that i can't talk about and I’m just disappointed. Why must people also play politics in the church?
What would you do in my shoes dear bvs?
I'll be back to read comments. Thanks
1 Samuel 16:7 - But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
Delete@ me, my self and I.
DeleteThey might have used you, but God for your reward intact.
And non of your work feel to the ground.
Just try comport yourself and try as much as possible to be normal as possible.
Now what requires to be done as GOD, kindly forward to the Pastor's wife or Pastor himself.
If asked why, politely and gently tell them since you are not the HOD, it's appropriate you do so.
If they say you are, then tell them if they can make it official.
Are you doing the work for man to pay you or you are doing for the work of God to progress.
DeleteMy dear if you are tired leave the work and let someone else do it.
The better you people think without you God's work will stop. You are annoyed pastor's wife is taking glory. Why don't you allow God to reward you.
Na WA for una. e doing it
I understand how you feel and it can be painful.
DeleteIf the pastor's wife is reasonable, talk to her about the situation and ask that somebody be appointed officially as the HOD of the department. Tell her you feel like an official designation is necessary.
If she is not, relinquish your membership in that department and look for a different department where you will be useful to God but not used by people.
However, if they are the usual Christians that call themselves Christians and but act differently, you should look into changing churches. As long as you are clear that you are truly a child of God, leaving a toxic environment (even if it's a church) is a viable option.
Thank you all for your responses especially Highly favoured and anon 21:53.
DeleteAproko it would have been nice if you had explained further.
Yori yori try not to jump to conclusions so quickly. Ask yourself how you would feel if you were in the other person's shoes.
If you are genuinely serving in.this department from your heart, you are doing it for God. He who sees what you'd in secret will reward you openly
DeleteStop seeking the acknowledgement of man. Do it for God
Keep serving joyfully. If the work is too much,get two people and delegate to them. Stop cimplainico else you will lose your reward.
God bless you.
what do u do when u know whom ur enemy is bt they refuse to die after many years n series of prayers n only their death can bring u victory
ReplyDeleteLol. Who says only their death can bring you victory?
When a man is with God, even his enemies will be at peace with him.
Change your prayer point my dear. You might just be praying wrong.
Have you read in Psalms 23 where God says "He will prepare a bonqutleting table for you in the presence of your enemies?".
DeleteYou can't use prayer to kill an "enemy". God's words and plans over rules ours.
Me i don't pray for my enemies to die. Instead I ask God to keep them alive so they can see my elevation and blessings. The bible says he sets a banquet before me in the presence of my enemies
DeleteHahahaja God has a reason why they don't die. Just for them to know that God is still in your business
DeleteHow do you know someone else is not praying same for you and wondering why you are not dead?
DeleteIt's possible that the person is not the enemy.
DeleteIt's possible that you are the enemy, and God by his mercy is keeping you alive.
So your church teaches you to pray for people's deaths.
I say church, because I know it's not the Bible that say says 'Turn the other cheek' that teaches you that.
Can you see why I haven't set foot in church for over 10 years?
Go to Deeper Life
DeleteHappy birthday, OBY. LLNP
ReplyDeleteHow una dey ndi Pharisees and Saducees?
ReplyDeleteI salute o.
Make una no tepu o
Scribe, we r fine.
DeleteHaaaa,thank God i read before typing,wey i don ready to market my oil business to potential buyers
ReplyDeleteGirls, Ladies!!! the reason y ur bf or husband doesn't lash ur Abuna is Bcos it Oozes!!!! The Country is hot! clean well before man pikin Fent!!!
ReplyDeleteKelvin DAT Edo Boi (Stellz Cousin)
Kala tubo.
DeleteGood afternoon lovelies.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to your patronage.
ReplyDeleteGive freely and become more wealthy
be stingy and lose everything
5 nights of Glory continues
Happy birthday Oby.
ReplyDeleteA memo to Ola Yemi. If I make a post you can choose to believe it or not, but calling me a liar is a NO NO for me. Yori Yori I sight you, Congrats to you for the addition in your family. @Blessed Princess
ReplyDeleteMay God bless u
DeleteHow do i break up with my married man?
ReplyDeleteI know its wrong and i want to end it.
I just finished a round of fasting and i heard God ask me if i want to return back to filth this morning.
I don't want to go back and i have been praying God makes him hate me somehow.
He does so much for me, i literally don't spend a dime of my money. He's about to start up my business and take me on my first trip out of the country.
He takes care of his wife and he loves his kids so much and he doesn't joke with them.
I know this is wrong,but how do i cut him off totally (not temporarily)?
I did not prepare for it but finally did my First Bank Aptitude Test today oooo. It got to a point and I was just picking anyhow answer. I submitted 4 mins to the end of the test and got 52%. Abeg, what's my fate, what's the pass mark? Thanks
ReplyDeleteBest of luck dear.
DeleteMa'am do your chores, if that girl leaves tomorrow it's still your house.
Everywhere girl will become a woman someday, we will all experience motherhood and have a home to ourselves.
U try na. Yesterday I did very hard eeeh. I hot 28%. U are lucky. They might call u for interview
DeleteStella wetin you chop this afternoon. Abeg easy with your red pen. U Just lash advise like say u chop overfeeding. Why cnt that young lady help out with chores. A trained and sensible lady dnt wait to be told wat to do. Just help sweep! Wash dishes. Is not too much to ask. You live with them, is just a way to say thank you. If she stays alone wont she clean???? I hate that Yoruba mentality of calling small girl aunty 😂😂. Me I stubborn ooo. Reason I no dream to marry any of their demons. Choi
DeleteGod will break protocols for you if the job is the will of God for you.
DeleteForget pass Mark when God says YES
You guys should stop with the do your chores thing. Nobody is asking girl to become her slave but a little help here and there won’t hurt. I remember any time I traveled anywhere my mom would call on the phone first thing in the morning and be like go and sweep etc. Even my friend’s house where they have a cleaning lady, I wash my plates and any other plates I meet in the sink waiting for the lady. They will also say I should gather my laundry for when the woman comes. For what? When I have my two hands. All these iya oko nonsense should stop and it begins with the people reading this. People don’t put themselves in other people’s shoes. Exactly what my cousin did 7 years of staying in our house his only saving grace was that it’s not my house and his aunt was her words doesn’t want wahala but come see how his mom badmouthed her friend’s child who served in her house.
DeleteThat dirty friend should leave your house WTF? Your nanny flushes her poo? I’m close to throwing up now.
Thank you!!! Stella,I love and respect you a lot but Mehn, I DISAGREE with you on this one! Haba now!!
DeleteExactly kiks, Stella is so wrong. How can you stay in a house and not lift a single pin. The girl is insensitive . Madam, please call her attention to it, if she's your younger sister will you be quiet? Put her to order of course politely but she has to at least do the dishes for you.
DeleteDon't mind Stella with her off point advice. That girl can't even stay in my house simple.
DeleteI think it's d hand d wife gave her. You can't look at my face and not get to work. Mbanu
If you can't add little value to your struggling host, please don't visit. If the host has help, You should still try to contribute. Let your host ask you to stop and let the hel do it else, pull your weight.
DeleteGood afternoon lovelies 😘😘
ReplyDeleteWhat's up with the climate change
Rain in January, no Harmattan in December. Everything is just changing.
God is everything....
To the sister in law gist....Stella,its not bad if she helps with dishes.Its a normal thing to do.But me, I love doing things myself so I won't have bothered. Maybe you should tell her to help you instead of keeping quiet.
We are already in the raining season. Change is even affecting the climate and weather.
DeleteExactly,i don't know why some people are always afraid to talk. Me I will calmly and casually tell you to wash the plates. No need for anger, just say it and comot face. She has toddlers so imagine how stressed out she will be
DeleteAnyone coming to my house will at least help out a little. I told my sister inlaw that I needed someone that will help me do the house chores when she told me that her son wanted to come to my house. She quickly closed that chapter.
DeleteIf the girlgirl wa living in that house, wouldn't she take care of her toddlers and her home? So far the girl washes her own plates and is not constituting any nuisance to you or giving you extra work by creating a mess in the house please ignore her. Her stay is just temporary.
DeleteIf the girlgirl wa living in that house, wouldn't she take care of her toddlers and her home? So far the girl washes her own plates and is not constituting any nuisance to you or giving you extra work by creating a mess in the house please ignore her. Her stay is just temporary.
DeleteHannah shut up! Do you leave in Abroad or you are simply being wicked and mean.. This lady here complaining is a very gentle person but even my sister that is as gentle as a dove told her sister in-law,any body that will come to her house just to eat and cross legs should not come!
DeletePersonally I would have thrown that witch out of my house. Nonsense
I don't want to imagine that bcos I will never allow dat nonsense in my house.
DeleteWe ar in this same boatboat.. Nonsense with ingredientingredients.. I marvel at stella ,s comment at times... You can't come to my house to just eat and cross leg most especially if am older than you. You must help out with little house chores biko.. 11 years difference is not beans + the woman has baby to Carter for. Have!
Delete@Fan Emmanuel: Do you know that you can make your point without asking me to shut up? You are definitely very ill-mannered. Learn some manners.
DeleteFan you keep reaffirming everyone's opinion of you as a lousy, local, dimwitted illiterate.
DeleteDid you have to tell her shut up?
Who the fuck do you think you are to do so?
So people can't air their opinions in peace?
You're a clown. A laughable one at that.
In the girls home does she do NO chores. Does she not take part in cleaning the communal areas that she lives in. Does she for cook and wash others plates. Abeg what is wrong is WRONG.
DeleteHow can you cross leg and see someone struggling with chores and not care. A guest is someone visiting for a few weeks and I'm sure the lady would not mind if she is only there short term. If you are staying with someone for more than a month then you need to take part in house chores.
You won't even last 2 days in my house. Mannerless people everywhere
DeleteNo one should blame Stella, she hasn't experienced this.
DeletePlease your sister should allow her inlaw to stay with them jor, if the man is your dad,you won't asked us this question...
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday to you beautiful Oby
Errrm Stellz, u say? r u kidding??? maybe when that 27years old brat starts sending in her chronicles then u will advice her on what exactly?? Mehn some girls sha! can't deal! pls Cousin Stellz rewrite what u wrote! this is Naija abeg! so drop ur red pen in Naija terms biko, is beg I beg!
ReplyDeleteKelvin DAT Edo Boi (Stellz Cousin)
Sometimes Stella advise abi advice dey tire me..how can a 27year old adult don't have sense? Even in thethe abroad sef if you live with someone courtesy demands you clean the house you live in. Imagine the girl washing her own plate! Okpara Jesus.
DeleteWho is now petty in the two both of them? After they open mouth and start saying yen yen yen in chronicles
Lol you can say that again, the pressBreast master.make she write in our own vocabulary opiniontus.
DeleteNo mind 'em. If anyone is staying with someone, Help at least a little.
DeleteEven in the abroad, you help with house chores. She's no longer a visitor. She lives with them and is expected to help out. When I came to London, I Lived with a family friend for a month, and I helped with cooking, washing, cleaning, and even helped take care of her kids when the she and her husband were not around. Madam, you get patience walai...if na me she for don sit up or leave the house. Kindly ask her to help out around the house, simple.
DeleteEven me as Man will feel ridiculous! haba! some girls sha! later they will say DV shior!!!
DeleteKelvin DAT Edo Boi (Stellz Cousin)
ReplyDeletehappy birthday obianuju..many more years to you
ReplyDeleteStella, i disagree with you on the lazy niece post.
ReplyDeleteThey owe her nothing. And if that woman starts acting rash towards her, she will have to leave but downside is that the whole of her husband's family might hate her.
Madam, it is your fault, you made her relax when she first came and now she's used to it.
You know what? When you want to sweep, call her and say "let's sweep the house". Start at one end, let her start at the other end.
You want to cook? Let her pluck the vegetables while you make the base for the soup?
You want to wash? If you don't have a machine, you wash and let her rinse.
Still give her the yoruba inlaw respect thing while she's at it.
If she's not comfortable with it, she can leave.
How can you live with people and be utterly useless?
Thank you o. The rant pain me no be small. I have an inlaw living with me. This one is even a boy. Totally useless,i just kept quiet and was boiling inside. One day I had to talk sense into myself. Now ehnnn,he knows better than to misbehave with me. I don't shout o, I pass my message across the same way I would to my younger brother. Someone that will see his uncle washing car but will seat and be playing with phone,this is the same person that will wake up by 8 am and go straight to the kitchen as per house help his uncle married must have cooked. I change it for him sharply,co e and see him now. Husband material coming up. He's still useless to his uncle but that one no concern me. It's the one paining me sorted out.
DeleteThat Stella advise pain me enter bone..kai!!! 27year old? Not even 17
DeletePoster take this advice. In fact because she done fuck up start using her as a maid. If she can't do all this things that Bipolar listed ALONE let her leave your house!
DeleteGod bless you jare
DeleteI swear Stella advise pain me. What the hell! A 27 year old bitch crossing leg and doing nothing while I sweat away. If you're not ready to assist, go to your father's house. Stella with this your mentality, don't ever visit people for long because sooner or later, they will get tired of you. I am so mad at that advise. Madam poster, start sending her on errands, she no serious.
DeleteAs in ehn I don’t get it.
DeleteStella's advice can be so annoying sometimes. For peace sake stop cooking her food since she cannot wash everyone's plate. Let her cook herself and wash her plates alone.
DeleteI have not finished reading but I had to come and type this before I forget. Stella I do not agree with you re comment section rant, the woman who has her husband's niece living with her. So an adult can comfortably eat food that was not cooked by her and live in a house that is not hers and happily not help out in the house? No Way,that is so wrong, so wrong on so many levels. Why would you be living with somebody and you would not help out in anyway you can. The woman said she doesn't ask her to do anything but common sense is supposed to tell the niece that she ought to help in some way. Does she not do chores in her own house. Hiss. Lemme see the person that would come and live in my house and would not contribute to the smooth running of the house, I will quietly send you packing nonsense.
ReplyDeleteAnd the truth is at 27 the sil is even doing a lot by cooking for her, she should be looking about her own meals. I do not get how ppl take the hospitality and kindness of others for granted. She didn't provide the food nor cook the meal, so why can't she help to clean up the dishes and help with the general clean up of the house since she is not paying rent either. This is not a teenager she is a fully grown woman. Lazy beech. She probably deliberately requested posting in that area for this very reason.
DeleteHappy birthday . May buyers fall on us all. Good afternoon
ReplyDeleteIhn is fully loaded and I made it!!
ReplyDeleteThe lady that is housing her husband's sister has not probably heard the quote that says
If you show kindness and expect" it back,you're not yet kindhearted"
BTW...Its very wrong for one to be living in a house that's not her's and do absolutely nothing for the growth and happiness of the house!
This is Naija and courtesy demands.
Happy birthday oby the church girl 😜😜🏃♀️🏃♀️🏃♀️🏃♀️. Nne imaka
ReplyDeleteGod is the greatest ♥️♥️♥️
Have a nice day y'all
Ah Stella, this your response to the Years old inlaw no follow rara. Only a stupid person will sit and lazy round the house expecting to be fed and taken care of without thinking of doing anything. If she wasn't in the house,the poster would do her house chores without complaining. The moment you agree to stay with someone make yourself useful!
ReplyDeletePoster so sorry for your stress. Please ignore her but gently and subtly let her know who the boss is there. Aunty radarada.
You're mightily blessed!! E get as Stella advice dey dey som kain tains!
DeleteIHN tii dee on a rainy afternoon!! God bless all the sellers. I’ll post mine tomorrow for Sdk’s living around Agbara, Opic Estate..
ReplyDeleteGood day all. To the woman complaining about her in law ,just do the chores you can do but let her help you around when you are cooking in the kitchen,if she's alone,she go cook now. Stella,to be sincere with you,its not easy to be doing housechores with small children becos people like me will appreciate a little help here and there cos it goes a long way. My advice is just take it cool becos she wont stay permanently with u.she too go marry and she go understand better....Good day all
ReplyDeleteIHN tii dee on a rainy afternoon!! God bless all the sellers. I’ll post mine tomorrow for Sdk’s living around Agbara, Opic Estate..
ReplyDeleteIHN E kaabo, hello everyone
ReplyDeleteYes Stella God is the greatest.
ReplyDeleteMrs Dee you can have the holy ghost and not speak in tongues.
And you can't speak in tongues (biblical tongues) if you are not filled with the Holy Ghost.
The criteria for being filled with the Holy Ghost is being born again.
Once you are born again, you have Him.
The decision to speak in tongues or not, is yours.
you are very correct except for your last line. speaking in tongues is a gift and if you don't have it,you don't have it.its like saying the decision to see vision or not is yours
Delete@ Eviction blog visitor,you friend is selfish..
ReplyDeleteSit her up and talk sense into her,after that if she didn't change,you can now take action.....
God bless the givers and receivers...
I won't bother my self again ma'm. She will leave my house by fire by force latest by May. Stella this your advice is not needed cos you don't wear my shoes.
DeleteYou are too patient. May is too far I kuku trust myself.
DeleteWhy send the chronicle if you had reached a decision?
DeleteMrs Dee,there are FRUITS of the Holy Spirit and the are GIFTS of the Holy Spirit. Speaking in tongues is o e of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. If you desire it,you will have it. It's a very great weapon for Christians. Many to. Especially when words fail in prayer, switch to tongues. I'm happy I have this gift.
ReplyDeleteMrs Dee speaking in tongues is not the evidence that one has the holy ghost.the number one evidence that you have the Holy Ghost is an inward change manifesting outwardly ie your character and conduct.
Deleteso you can speak in tongues and not have the Holy Ghost(that is when you are the one who taught yourself) and you can have the Holy Ghost and not speak in tongues.this is because it is a gift and not everyone will have it
Stella this your red pen today,
ReplyDeleteTo the lady complaining about her sister in-law, let her be she won't spend more than a year right, before you know it one year is over.
Stella this your advice no follow at all!!! Courtesy demands you help out in a home you're living in,and the woman has toddlers for GOD's sake!!! You can imagine the many chores she does daily
DeleteMrs Dee,
ReplyDeleteWhat most (if not all) Christians do these days is not speaking in tongues.
The very first outpouring and manifestation of tongues was in languages other people understood!
If the very first one! A model for others was that clear? How come it metamorphosed to gibberish overtime?
They spoke in tongues because they needed to reach out to other languages outside the Jewish languages! For the sake of the gospel.
2.) The Holy spirit gives the gifts as he wills, please note the GIFTS of the spirit is different the FRUIT.
A true Christian should have ALL of the fruits
But the Gifts? The Holy Spirit gives as he wills.
(Can't remember the text exactly that proves that but I'll go check and come back with it.)
So yours might be teaching, healing or prophecy. Tongues might not be included.
If he could get baptised? And observe the passover feast? Then he would have spoken in tongues too.
The Spirit of God doesn't cause havoc, except you are his enemy.
So if the Spirit "descends" on you and you start being violent, unruly, distracting?
You might just have been demonised.
💯 likes to you.
DeleteGod bless you. You just hit the nail on the head. What 'christians' do today in the name of speaking in tongues is just saying gibberish.
DeleteActs 2:1-12 'And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.
2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.
3 And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.
4 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.
5 And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven.
6 Now when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own language.
7 And they were all amazed and marvelled, saying one to another, Behold, are not all these which speak Galilæans?
8 And how hear we every man in our own tongue, wherein we were born?
9 Parthians, and Medes, and Elamites, and the dwellers in Mesopotamia, and in Judæa, and Cappadocia, in Pontus, and Asia,
10 Phrygia, and Pamphylia, in Egypt, and in the parts of Libya about Cyrene, and strangers of Rome, Jews and proselytes,
11 Cretes and Arabians, we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God.
12 And they were all amazed, and were in doubt, saying one to another, What meaneth this?'
Since the era of tongue speaking by our Pentecostal churches, how many have you seen speak French, Hausa, or German eithouw a foreknowledge of the language? My people perish for lack of knowledge indeed!
Thank you! You totally nailed it. What is "urhobo see urhobo call urhobo nack urhobo thank urhobo sack urhobo"? Or "baba raca racarishika ra karaca"? Puh-lease!! Can't you speak French, Chinese, Spanish or Aramaic abi wetin for a change? Every time, same tongue, same rhyme, same sequence as if The Holy Spirit gives the same message year in year out. Speaking in tongues in Nigeria be like e get pattern wey different from dem apostles era. The thing tire person.
DeleteHappy birthday to the celebrant. To the woman that has her husband niece staying with them. I feel you should start sending the lady on errands. Call her by name and ask her to do somethings for you. Most times people staying with us are afraid to do things in the house because they don't want us to feel bad if they do it wrongly. Even in our homes. Most children will Never do anything in the house except you ask them to do it. eg. please go and wash those plates while I attend to the baby. Or while in the kitchen, you might ask her to help you peel the yam etc. Please treat her like your own younger sister though its difficult to please human.
ReplyDeleteGod bless those posting jobs. May only good employees rush you... Amen
Call her by name kwa?! Someone she has been calling 'aunty'. She should suddenly change it and on top of that start sending her on errands? Then she is automatically calling for war. That is why it is said that 'don't start what you can't finish'. As you have started calling her aunty, changing it to her ordinary name means you are ready for war not only from the girl but from your husband's family.
ReplyDeleteGOD is bigger!
ReplyDeleteIt's so wrong of your Sis-law staying with you and not assisting with anything. Just ignore her and keep doing the one you can. It may also be due to the fact that you don't call her 'aunty' as that's the culture which you are married into, so she may also not be happy with you.
ReplyDeleteI know you are older than her but just try and add 'Sis' to her name if you don't want to call her aunty just to make peace but that is their culture.
Wait oh!!! Lemme get something straight here, so in Yoruba culture, you call your older and younger female in-laws auntie? Waawu!!!
DeleteLol @ Amanda... That is part of their culture, they can even call a 5 year old uncle sef.
DeleteI can't even clearly define the emotions I'm feeling right now!
ReplyDeleteI have been the one bearing the bulk of the responsibility for the running of my department in church. In fact every one sees me as the head of the department. I do must of the leg work, the planning and organization, formulating ideas etc. I’m the one they come to for answers about stuff regarding the department.
Only to find out last night that HODs have regular meetings with the pastor, which I didn't know about and I have never been invited to any!
Instead it's the pastor's wife that represents our department!
I feel so upset and used! It's almost like monkey dey work, baboon dey chop!
So I'm good enough to do the hard work but not good enough to have an input at the pastoral level? This has been going on for at least 3years, since I took over from the previous person, and I'm just finding out!
I have absolutely no problem being used for God's work, but being used by man? It's not a nice feeling. I don't know if I can be as dedicated as I used to be. I mean why would you front as HOD when someone else does the actual work, not even as if we had a discussion about it and I was told what to expect. Why should I shoulder responsibilities while someone else occupies the office? Is it wrong of me to feel this way? There are other “little” things that I have noticed that i can't talk about and I’m just disappointed. Why must people also play politics in the church?
What would you do in my shoes dear bvs?
Who sells shoes for large feet o?
ReplyDeleteSize 42 and wide?
Corporate shoes? Flats and heels?
I have reached out to so many shoe sellers here, they never have my "oshoffa feet" size.
Help someone! ANYONE!
I have size 42 shoes, sandals, flat and heels. They are Italian. Send me a mail if you are interested.
DeleteBM you cancheck gbemisoke Sheraton instagram. They have up to size 44 sef.
Stella, ur red pain for the lady that has her husband's niece living with her is really amazing. As in so so amazing, I can't even believe it.
ReplyDeleteAll I can say is that the niece has no sense whatsoever. She is rude and disrespectful and I assure you that the culture played a vital role in spoiling this particular lady.
You are already calling her aunty na, why will she now come and help you????
I remember when I first met my boo's mum, I greeted her very well because she's a mother and she responded very well and then I greeted his cousins (guys)
But she jokingly said I should greet them well that don't I know that they are my husbands (yea, yea). I smiled and knelt and did as she said
After I went to my boo and told him how I didn't like that and how disappointed I was in the fact that she could make me do that
And he immediately called his mum and asked why she'd say that. Then the mum told him she was only joking oh. She came back to me and now told me with laughter that u went to report me to my son abi', I just laughed and said, no na, that I only gave him a run down of how everything went down.
She actually then told me that she didn't mean for me to feel insulted and I told her that wasn't the issue and the issue died down. She never asked me to do such again. This was in 2015.
Till today we are extremely close, just like mother and daughter.
My point is, for those that have not entered yet, pls don't start what u can't finish. Most of these little girls and guys u extend such courtesy to end up abusing it.
Who are you that u will come to my house, invade my space, eat my food, sleep on my furniture and u can't do as little as wash plates or sweep the house??? That lady lacks home training. Or she was trained and just refused to take it.
I would tell u to maybe ask her from time to time to help u do one or two things and watch her reaction. From her reaction you'd know what to do.
My problem is with u chroniclers is that u never come back with updates for us to know what u did and how it panned out
*Red pen
DeleteYou've said it all.
DeleteI've not see anyone or anything that'd make me call one small rat "aunty" or "brother mi"
Culture kee you there!!
Eka Joy you spoke well. What rubbish!
DeleteBiko that sister in law is not a guest, she is part of the household as she will be living with them for months, since she can wash her plates, what stops her from washing others? But I will advice the woman to listen to the husband, as the girl will not stay with you forever
ReplyDeleteThat pushing fake pastors do when praying for someone eh, so not funny. Reminds me of a time my sister was going through a phase of not eating because she wanted to be skinny like those anorexic models. My mum said she was possessed by strong demons cos she didn't understand why a person would not just eat. So she took her for deliverance and carried me too for good measure in case those demons were thinking of entering me too. We came back with banging heads that day from all the spinning and pushing and pulling plus baptism of spittle. It wasn't funny oh but still my sister refused to eat 😂😂 the pastor finally proclaimed that power pass power, my sister's demon was not ordinary they were a legion. 😂😂😂.
ReplyDeleteOnce I see you bringing your cursed hands towards my head that you're praying, the way I'll dodge you ehn you may likely fall cos you won't see it coming, it would become a case of pastor falling under his own anointing.
Hahahahahahaha. keto don turn legion
Delete'Pastor falling under his own annointing'. Lol.
DeleteLmao but on point!
DeleteStella your sense of reasoning can be really warped sometimes.e dey tire person,honestly.
ReplyDelete@Stella,i dont agree with you on the house chores issue raised,how can you go to someones house,eat free food and cant even help,its not nice at all,so i will take care of the house,look after kids and still be cooking for one yeye niece.When wives dont wwant hubby's family to visit,una go dey yab person..mtshewww
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday OBY the Bible reader.lol. God's blessings.
ReplyDeleteYour husband niece is so wrong. Since she wants to be doing iya oko, know that her days are numbered in your house.
Good afternoon BVs. Happy birthday Oby, Long life and prosperity.
ReplyDeletePoster, pay no attention to Stella. The girl is lazy and rude.
ReplyDeleteI'd go full blown crazy on that lazy brat!
Inukwa, I cook and you can't do the dishes. That day, you leave my house. Doesn't she work in her father's house?
Poster, stop tolerating BS. You could pass for an older sister. Put your foot down. Talk to her and if she doesn't heed to corrections, THROW her out.
Rubbish and ingredients!
Stella, your red pen was totally off. Next time, jump and pass.
Happy birthday oby. Ebony beauty.
ReplyDeleteThis SDK’a red pen on the lazy niece matter get as e be. A guest staying for one year is no longer a guest. She is an occupant of the house and should therefore contribute to the running of the house in kind.
ReplyDeleteHow can you be eating food not cooked by you and be comfortable not doing anything? Haba! Even if you are calling the person Aunty, it doesn’t mean you can’t tell her to help you with some things.
Anyway, your husband helps out so you have no cause to worry. Just ignore. Sometimes go out with your immediate family and eat dinner if you can afford to, then when you return home, tell her you have eaten so she should cook whatever she wants for herself. It is not everytime you will be allowing someone vex you in your own home.
It’s not easy I understand but you will do your best and ignore. I mean, how can she wash her plate and leave the others when she is not the one that cooked. Some people have no usefulness at all. She too go marry one day now.
I don’t pretend for any in- law and I don’t start what I can’t finish. I call all my in- laws younger than me by name and it is not even an issue when we are not illiterates. My MIL might have issues with it, I don’t know and I’m not bothered and it’s been some years of marriage.
Exactly. Even the in laws older than me with 2 years, I call them by name.
DeleteGod bless uu.. This inlaw inlaw syndrome that hv eaten deep in some ppl,s head baffles me.. I am an inlaw to someone too and I know when to draw the line, I behave my self very when they are present so I don't expect any stupid inlaw to come and frustrate me in my own house. I only call the ones that senior brother and aunty hence is ur name biko. Even though we ar age mate I wl address u by ur name and I don't pretend to be who I am not and I thank my inlaws are getting use to that. My hubby is a no nonsense man and his family are all aware of that, if u intend coming to our house get ready to behave yourself. Long Hiss!
DeleteStella I totally disagree with u!!!! In fact pls remove that thing u wrote there. First! She’s the husbands niece and she and her my doesn’t respect her enough. She eats and washes just her plate? Christ that girl is t just stupid, she is wicked!!! Let me tell u stuff, this her mentality will be netted to her 100 folds. If she can comfortably sleep, bath and feed in my house, there’s nothing wrong with helping out here and there no matter how little. Don’t make the woman look stupid, she is ur uncles wife for heavens sake!!!! I’m sooo upset on her behalf. Madam, calm down. Pretend like she doesn’t exist. One day, just one day, monkey go enter market, e no go return. Ignore and keep being u, but reduce ur chit chat with her. And call her BY HER NA NAME. Not d stupid aunty or woteva. Chai
ReplyDeleteAs in. Aunty oshi wo, iranu
DeleteStella u nor try for that ur response on the in-law tin! Pls wake up, it’s happenin in Nigeria where there is culture. Madam ignore the stupid girl. Life will one day teach her a lesson. Listen to me, don’t let this make u and ur hubby quarrel. Life must teach her manners one day. Mark my word. If not in ur house, it will be in her husbands house. Ignore and do ur tin. She’s a very foolish girl
ReplyDeleteThe lady who is housing a 25yr old lady is not asking for a maid. This is Nigeria. When you stay in someone's house courtesy demands you help out. As much you can. So because she is 25yrs and a corper she can't help out. No worries. Her day is coming. Shebi she will marry. So because she is a visitor who will be there for a year she won't do anything. Its well. Its not an entitlement, its just life.
ReplyDeleteAnd as for the lady whose in-laws are relocating to stay with her. Why can't they stay with the daughter? Its easier. Cos there is nothing the lady will do that will be enough. And she has to take care of her own home. But if they are with their daughter. Its OK. She can do what she wants its her parents.
Exactly the same thing I thought. Doesn't your husband have sisters? In laws are better off in their daughter's place, the sons can be sending money and stuff for upkeep.
DeleteMe personally wouldn't want my in-laws staying permanently with me. Visit...yes, but staying in toto? No.
Lovelywears concept,your things are expensive compared to other Instagram sellers.I follow Sibi's concept too,you price is always higher than hers.Not cool
ReplyDeleteI thought I was the only one who noticed. I wish us well in our businesses o. I'm not trying to run anyone down abeg.
DeleteIf you live with someone, common sense should tell you to be of use in the house.
ReplyDeleteCommon sense.
And that common sense should be used by males and females.
If it is sweeping, cooking, running errands, taking the kids to school, market runs etc.
Also, if you have a job, pay for utilities.
It can be electricity, water, gas, security, monthly gardener or whatever you choose.
It shows you have good upbringing and common sense.
Don't sit down and balance watching DSTV, enjoying the AC, waiting for people to tell you what to do.
You are an adult with two eyes open.
Use them.
If you offer and they refuse, keep offering and finding a way to do some things.
Or if you refill the gas as soon as it's empty, will they tell you to pour the gas out in your room?
If you renew DSTV subscription will they stop watching the TV?
Some people are so ill mannered, so lazy, so slothful and greedy that I often wonder if they were raised by wolves under the bridge.
They will suck you dry for everything you have but it's forbidden for one kobo to drop from their hands.
Kisses anon.
DeleteYou have said it all anon 14.43. Some people dey try sha, I don't know the kind of training they received to think it is okay to stay in people's homes and not help out with chores or bills no matter how small... I don't just get it!
DeleteI mean seriously! How hard is it to use your initiative and pick up broom to sweep or go and buy fuel for the gen or wash the car, or pay LAWMA bill, or buy dispenser water or bags of pure water, etc etc just make yourself useful and add value?
DeleteSomebody is feeding and housing a whole adult.
Do you think it is easy? In these times?
You have freedom to use all amenities and the only thing you can do is wake up by 8am and do your morningexercise of scratching armpits and yawning like a lion. Then immediately wander aimlessly into the kitchen, eat food that fell from Heaven and then plant yourself like a flag infront of the T.V.
And you want to tell me you are mentally balanced?
For the lady with the niece in her house. I advise, you live in your house like she is not there. With that, you will not get yourself worked up over nothing. If she was not there, you will still do these things yourself. So relax, stay your lane and give yourself peace of mind
ReplyDeleteStella your advice no follow at all, when my sister-in-law was with me, I told her as long as she was in my house, she will clean the house and cook, she did it till she left for her NYSC like she said. My husband knows I don't have time for all those nonsense and won't wait the throw such person away. Call her by her name, send her on errand and tell her that you can't cook for her to eat and she will wash her plates alone. Whatever it is you want her to do, tell her to do it and if she refuses, make food for your kids and hubby and wash the plates and pots before she comes back. She MUST be responsible. Inukwa must she help out. Nonsense and ingredients.
ReplyDeleteLOVELY STELLA, Beautiful BVs un well done o. Rain is here again o. Thank you Jesus.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday Oby God bless you, is not nice to live with someone in a house and not ready to help.
ReplyDelete27 years old niece helping out in the house should be something she does even without asking, at least the woman is already accommodating by cooking meals for her, so washing the dishes shouldn't be a stress for her.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday to the celebrant, more blessings.
Ahịa ọma (good market) to the sellers.
Any relative that Is living with me as long as I am older than they are is expected to do chores around the house no matter how little. You can't come and balance and eat free food and expect your jackie to do everything for you. Bro in law is sitting on this table.
ReplyDeleteYou don't mean it.
ReplyDeleteI need a footballer husband oooo. No time
Welcome IHN.. The BV that post vacancy, I truly appreciate I have applied.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday Oby
ReplyDeleteStella,on the in-law issue your point is wrong. Courtesy demands she do one or two things in the house to show appreciation, its not every family member that will accommodate you. I guess her behavior came from her mother with the way she calls and ask of her daughter using "aunty" but the girl is meant to have sense,its not everything an elderly person tells you that is right and she is forgetting that she is a woman,what goes around comes around o.
The lady that is looking for lawyer that will do deed of assignment for them on low budget fear God o. You bought plots of land then to pay lawyer,you remember low budget later you people will insult lawyers that are looking unkempt. I reject your kind of client in my life
I say a very big Amen to your paragraph 2. I am a lawyer and these type of clients is what I will reject for myself. How can you buy land worth millions and you are saying low budget when it comes to drafting agreement. God forbid clients like this coming my way again this 2019 as I now know my worth.
DeleteStella no let me change an for you this afternoon oo. Lol
ReplyDeleteThat your response to that lady complaining about her husband's niece is making me boil. She's an occupant of that house and not a guest. As long as she lives there courtesy demands you help in the home. Let's look at this. I cook, you come back and eat and then wash only the dish you used while leaving others. You don't sweep or mop or do anything. Lol. They never born that kind of human being.
You will go back to where you are coming from asap. This is Nigeria!
Stella,this your advice about that niece matter no enter at all.Maybe as them dey call her Hanty,the thing don enter her head so she sef come dey behave like one.Who is her housemaid that will cooking for her everyday when she is not a child.Of what use is she in that house?is she paying rent?Free food,free accommodation,and I sure say ordinary milk she no dey buy for the house from that her allawee.Poster,your husband is weak sha no vex.You better stop calling that nuisance Hanty.27 years Omo ale jati jati.
ReplyDeleteSome in laws sha, you can't live in my house and eat without trying to help out.
ReplyDeleteThat lazy niece needs to be corrected immediately, how can 27 year old lady be so lazy in the home,its totally unacceptable to me.
ReplyDeleteI don't believe in speaking in tongues. People who claim speaking in tongues act the same way as ppl who are under a demonic possession. I cannot see God doing his/her business in the same manner that demons do theirs. There has to be a distinct manner in the way the two sides operate.
ReplyDeleteStella forget that, my niece or hubby's niece cant be a guest in my house the 27yrs old aunty knows what she's doing
ReplyDeleteSo who else went to Twitter to get the lowdown of that tide2019 call out?
ReplyDeleteSo it apiazz dat the groom was currently knacking not just one but many girls o. As in one said she slept in his house 2 weeks ago. Even helped him pick suit, not knowing Oga was planning to use it as wedding suit for his wedding day after tomorrow.
E con say e get broomstick penis.
But e day knack am sha with d penis like that.
I trust the wedding go hold even with all the Rd flag, red blanket.
Chai I sorry for the bride sha.
Pure scum.
Even com ugly join e scumishness.
If it was a woman that men were calling her out like that, would they not have killed her by now???
it's raining here oh, heavy rain
ReplyDeleteGood afternoon everyone
Stella this your advice no follow.. Madam I blame you o. How can you be calling someone you are older than by over decade Aunty??? A Corper?? As what??? In your house again?? You married late so you should lick their bum bum in gratitude forever or what??
ReplyDeleteI am so pissed off... I had cause to stay with my uncle and family for two months in 2015, during that stay my uncle's wife would not let me do any house chores, but I noticed nobody sweeps outside so I just started waking up early to sweep it and take out the trash. When the guy that was staying with them left, I had to take over car washing, like I wash two cars for him and the wife every morning before I dress up for my own work, with my Cardi B nails. It's so wrong to be in somebody's house, eating the person's food and be utterly useless in the house.
Stop calling that girl Aunty and start asking her to help out. If she feels you are stressing her let her go and rent self con and stay.
How does someone enter kitchen , carry food and then wash only her plate, leaving the rest in the sink? Who does that?
That's all I saw in this IHN🙄
Stella you have to change that ur red pen to black pen in fact burn the pen. which Kain advice be that mbok?
ReplyDeleteHonestly that girl is utterly useless! Pls if u ever call her aunty again, I’ll personally come and beat u. Wot arrant nonsense!
ReplyDeleteIn fact I’m seriously posed! Pls don’t let her be the devil dat will cause u and hubby to quarrel. Manage her without involving ur hubby. It’s either she behaves or she walks away! Remember do not let the goat make u quarrel with ur hubby. Wisdom girl!!! But she should conform or back off!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Oby. As for that 27 year old, that has refuse to help with house chores, i blame you poster. Someone that is staying for roughly a year, even if her fish brain cant reason well to help, as you noticed her lazy ass you should have sat her down and talk with her. Let her know things she can help with in the house. She is not a visitor, na family she be and all this calling younger in law aunty / uncle, i just dont understand. Anything you are not comfortable with, reject it from the very onset.
Her mother is very very very silly to be asking u about her as Aunty. But u know wot? It’s ok, it’s time to play the mind game. Wot of Aunty? Oh she’s fine!!!! But u? Kemi or whatever she call her self! She’s ur junior!!! Don’t sell ur right! Wisdom to deal quietly with her stupidity without allowing her to ruin ur home plssss. I can relate with ur frustration. Stupid foolish girl. Karma will visit her. @ 27 she’s just doing NYSC and yet misbehaving. Smh.
ReplyDeleteStella wen u ain’t sure of the right advise to give, Pls pass over!!!! @ the niece issue. So upset.
ReplyDeleteStella,abeg, give me space here. I am the person that wrote about the 27yr old niece from my husband's side that Stella posted about in the comment section. E ka joy talked about feedback.let me give you the little feedback that happened today. I do wake up like 5:30am to take care of my children because of school bus,after which I'll do housechores for almost 7hrs non stop......cleaning,sweeping,mopping etc. I told her to pluck vegetables, she said later,I insisted,she told me to put it on the table,I did. When she didn't do it on time,I told my husband (before he went to wrok) that he shld tell his sister to do the vegetables,he was siding her,later he told her to do it. After doing it,I thought she wanted to cook it ,she said no.I did the cooking. I observed from her reaction that she's annoyed am sending her message of which she did t lift a pin to help today except plucking of the vegetables. Tonight,when my husband comes back from work,after everyone has eaten,I will tell her my mind. Pls,what are the things i can tell her that will look matured and sensible because i have to tell her a piece of my mind..........stella,pls,post,i need feedback and I'll give you all feedback on SP tomorrow morning. I don't need her help but she must help out in the kitchen even if she can't wash my plates when she's around
ReplyDeleteYou can tell her to help out and let her decide in what aspect she wants to help out but asking an adult to wash plates in your kitchen as a must is a no no for me..my mentality is different so all those calling me out excuse me....it means nothing to me,infact i dont even like any help in my kitchen and i dont take it personal...haba!!!!
DeleteYou don't have to tell her anything so you won't be quoted since your hubby is siding her. Send her on errands, like pls wash the plates in the sink, sweep the hus b4 you so I can mop them later, on Saturdays share the chores btw the both of you. When or if she refuses you mk your home very hot & uncomfortable for her, she will run away.
DeleteDear Poster @Anonymous 17:21, I'm glad you did a feedback and hope you see this.
DeleteI always tend to be diplomatic and calm about issues especially when it involves others. This makes things easier to handle and helps avoid conflict.
I would suggest you speak to her as one adult to another. Appeal to the humanity in her. I'm not saying be apologetic in your speech o. Please don't get me wrong. But something polite and unassuming in the spirit of giving her the respect you would appreciate if in her shoes.
I envisage a conversation like
"Sis (or whatever you call her. Btw, this culture of dehumanizing and practically suppressing a woman at the point of marriage is completely unacceptable but unfortunately, it's not a battle we can win today so I won't dwell too long on that), it would mean a lot to me if you can join me in the kitchen when I cook if you're at home at the time. I feel overwhelmed sometimes with all the house chores and your help will be appreciated."
You can also ask her nicely to do a few things for you from time to time.
Almost everybody I know responds to politeness, kindness and respect. I hope she's not an exception.
Like others have advised, it is your house. She will leave at one time or the other. Do NOT give her or anyone else the power to take away your joy and peace of mind. If you try being nice she rebuffs you, leave her be and gently count the days until she leaves.
Take note to avoid such next time though. You can tell your husband, I love family but will not be amenable to having your folks stay with me who are younger than I but can't be treat as younger ones because of some culture barrier. Henceforth, be very selective about who gets to spend extended times at your place.
I hope this helps.
Kudos to you, Sis and to the plenty women holding it down in the home.
Madam she has to help you, courtesy demands that she helps you. SDK forget that mentality what ever you are talking about, are you even sure you can house some1 that won't help you? Let's stop dishing out advises we can't take abeg,
DeleteTell her to assist with house chores, like sweeping . if she refuses. She should cook by herself
DeleteTell her ur kitchen is open she should cook by herself
Delete@ 19.35 you are right. Nobody will even house you abroad without you lifting a finger. Is it not ths same abroad that they kick people out for trivial issues? Who will be cooking free food for you for that long? They would have reset her brain.
DeleteMy problem with that idiot is that she is very wicked. If you are not a witch, how can you not help? You don't need to be told, it is the right thing to do.It is not like there is a help in the house? Does she not do anything in her own house? And your husband is so pathetic and annoying, oh how I hate such men. He is so scared that he can't open his mouth to tell his niece to help? Nonsense!!! If you guys can afford it get a help make you no die of work.Working 7 hours at a stretch for what?? No go kill yourself oh.
ReplyDeleteStella ur mentality is different because you're in Germany? pls don't throw ur values into the gutter
ReplyDeleteOne of the reasons I like visiting this blog as against some others is because of the way visitors are able to disagree with Stella and voice out their opinions when she fucks up,there’s little ass kissing here truth is always said when there’s no ass kissing.
ReplyDeleteMy dear assign a particular chore for her to do every day, like sweeping the entire rooms and parlour, before leaving for work.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much Stella for posting,God bless you very much. And shout out to all my lovely BV's for your patronage always. I so much appreciate the love shown towards my business. God bless you all.
ReplyDeletePS-Always as of SDK discount 😁
Stella, to ur comment section response. There was no where or place she said it’s a must the stupid girl should wash plates please. No wonder u were quick to respond that way cos u obviously didn’t read her writeup well. Excuse me is tooo!!!
ReplyDeleteYes u dot like help in ur kitchen becos u probably have a dish washer, and every other needed kitchen modern tools. Wake up madam! It’s not that rosy in Nigeria. How many ties do u cook ur meal urself morning afternoon and night??? Unlike a Nigerian wife. Abeg excuse me Stella.
ReplyDeleteAunty Stella, miguo. I be think say you be proper Warri girl. Warri no dey change values even for abroad o. How can you type that kind advise and still justify it. It is just common sense and courtesy to help out when you are staying with someone especially older folks. That sister in law is just wicked, mean and rude. Aunty Stella, no use this kind mentality show Warri o, better pull am for Effurun round about unless we go help you enter Mercyland pull am for you.