Stella Dimoko Rapper illBliss Says Social Media Keeps A Lot Of People Enslaved And Depressed


Thursday, January 10, 2019

Rapper illBliss Says Social Media Keeps A Lot Of People Enslaved And Depressed

Nigerian Rapper IllBliss says the high rate of depression is caused by the social media .......


  1. This is for young girls especially. They are so impressionable and easily deceived. That is the reason a lot of women are not married. They want their marriage to be like what they see posted.

  2. It is those that want to feel depressed because of SM that will feel so. Wetin concern me with someone else's success? When I know everyone has his/her time to shine and a lot of these show-offs are just not genuine.

  3. Your colleagues have come out to say thesame and we have heard

  4. Then deactivate yourself from social media

  5. 2 bleesed 2 curse10 January 2019 at 13:26

    Most people cant overcome the temptation of not showing off..
    I respect stella,olamide,Genevive and some others for this. It takes alot of maturity to stay calm

  6. A wise weed smoking Jamaican legend said "Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds".... he was right! Slavery comes in different forms, & social media has crippled & crippling many minds without them knowing.

    1. Say Bob Marley. The “wise weed smoking Jamaican legend” is irrelevant. We understand you don’t know who said it.

    2. Anon 16:16.
      Youre just looking for talk from Oxy, i hope he doesnt answer you, find your own signature & leave his own, we've recognised him as the one that talk to wise people.

    3. Looool not surprised anon 16:43. Abi na Oxy go Anonymous mode to respond to my comment? All the same, the both of you need very hot kunu to stay woke.

  7. Enslaved is when you wake up and first thing yoh do is check your social media.
    Enslaved is when you're constantly refreshing your feed, checking to see who has liked and commented.
    Enslaved is when you stalk people you don't know, eagerly watching for their posts.
    Enslaved is when you criticize strangers and have an opinion on their lives, simply because they choose to post certain things about them for you to see.

    On the 1st, the Lord laid it in my heart to take a fast from Instagram. I chose Instagram because I was addicted so bad. Data here is nothing, so I was always refreshing, scrolling, my relationship with God was on the line.

    I'm still on the fast and sometimes I forget and I just go to my apps on my phone searching for insta before I remember. But honestly, I know that I did well. I read book, I am reading my Bible a lot,and praying more too.

    Whatever has a hold on you, whet her social media or anything, know that you do not have to live a s a slave to your desires. Know that all these things were made for you, and not you for them, so they are not the boss of you. Know the distractions and avoid them. Don't let anything blind you to your purpose. God bless you.

    1. 13:31👍👍👍 I'm ready to marry you if you are a lady and single just because of this your comment....

    2. Sky, go learn you graphic design with proper colour mixing first before you start talk on getting ERECTion.

    3. Annon 13:31 you spoke to me directly. I have picked up some lines from your comment

  8. True, only when you take everything you see on social media with every hook and sinker.

  9. Is not by force to be on social media.. Simply deactivate

  10. Well most of the people who will read this are already slaves to social media just they don't know.

    Lips sealed and watching

  11. That is how that stupid havilar woman was throwing shade last year and said that any fasting that is more than three days is nonsense but this year she is doing 21 days and even posting a very laughable video of she and her staff doing worship to break their fast.imagine d number of ppl she misled last year. Believe all their nonsense on Instagram at ur peril

    1. Havilah was shading her twinny na,I wonder how u pick up a phone and record u and ur staffs worshipping God and post on social media,so that people can clap for you.???may social media not make us offend God sha.

  12. Well to those who cash out from social media, keep on cashing out but for the others...🤐 I believe social media has come to stay all we need to do is apply wisdom and brake when it comes to sharing our personal affairs


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