Stella Dimoko January Twenty Fourth Spontaneous Post....


Thursday, January 24, 2019

January Twenty Fourth Spontaneous Post....

#thursday #throwback #coldcoldday #itiswhatitis #hmmmmmmmm #mouthshutearsopen #earlyrisers #celebratingwhathasnotbeencompletedexposedtheflaws #motherhoodrocks #portionbyportion #fulloflawsbutperfect 

I salute you all!!!

Today we will have a post for everyone to advertise their products so their will be no in house news so to say on Friday but you can still send your stuff and photos for Monday.....PA Please remind me of this you hear?

I am still watching Maid in Manhattan with Marisa and Christabel..Please I am tired of this Marisa and her Shakara...WTF!! ....Every day breaking and making up tires one!!!..ah ah..Who watched this to the end?

No Bambino tales for now cos they have been having tests that are somewhat exams and have been reading and avoiding any drama......I am sure they will try to get me to promise them something if their results are good..LOL

Who else wakes up at 5am just when the sleep gets to the Sweetest part?I start making breakfast by this time...Motherhood eh,its like a course that you sometimes have to ask yourself ''Who send me'' but one you cant do without anyway.............

I start my day Blogging and still very sleepy so please forgive any Morning errors but you are free to yab me for any Afternoon errors.

Have a nice day and stay positive and Blessed....

Today is throwback Thursday?Abeg abeg abeg,after that 10 year viral challenge wetin you wan show us again?...LOL

Kisses to all!!!


  1. Wisdom is knowing when to shut your mouth as a woman and when to walk away as a man.
    Good morning my special people😍😍😍

    1. Larry wehdone

    2. Good morning love. Beautiful day tonyou

    3. What do you do when your mum is trying to poison your mind towards your husband? She claims he is her worse in-law and regret accepting him as her son inkawi because he didn't want my elder brother who is far older than me live with us when our marriage was barely 5 months old. Since then she has hated him and always make trouble and side talks. Sigh. She us angry I don't side her, I understand that my family can be troublesome esp my mum that's why I didn't want my brother living with us to avoid wahala, yet the wahala still dey. Please advise..she is good at twisting things to seem like the victim.

    4. Blessed morning to us all.
      Please what is the time for spontaneous post, ihn and chronicles? I
      Can someone kindly help? I want to be commenting actively with my changed no more reading mode🤩.
      Also Martins please help I noticed Chrome uses a lot of my internal space like almost 5 gig, I formatted my phone the other time because of space I don't wanna do that again so how can I stop the space utilization from Chrome thanks.

    5. Spontaneous-8am
      Minus one hour whenever there is a change of time in obodo Germany

    6. Anonymous 8:28 protect your mind. Dont let the seeds your mom plants in your mind settle. If she brings up any thing negative about your husband you can change the topic eg after she finish talking. Let her understand some decisions taken by your husband eg your elder brother's case is a joint decision.
      If its others she is telling negative things about your hubby ignore you know him better..
      My point is dont fall out completely with your family because of your husband but also understand you and hubby are now one flesh. Apply wisdom and tread carefully. Good luck

  2. Good morning all.

    May you receive divinely inspired wisdom, insight and ideas to break through in all areas of life today in Jesus most precious name... Amen.

    Have a fulfilled day.


  3. In the year 2008 I abandoned an mtn sim card I was using for another. For the last five years  I haven't operate my yahoo mail which I used in opening my Facebook account after I made Gmail my official mail provider.

    Just yesterday, I needed an important authentication code sent to that my yahoo mail but the password I typed was saying incorrect. I tried password reset and guess what? it was that sim card I left 2008 the code was sent to in order to get a password reset since it is connected to the Yahoo mail.

    So many thought came in me, what if someone has started using that line? How on earth will I convince the user to send me a code sent to the line that belongs to me without the person feeling I am trying to reset his or her password for fraudulent purpose.

    After a while I started calling the number but it was switched off. Then I had another thought, I called mtn customer care and a lady so nice picked up the call. I asked her how long has that line been in used? She said for long. I asked if she can tell me the name on the said line but she declined and said if I am having any name in mind I should go ahead and say it. 

    I mentioned my names and she said yes that is the owner. I told her I am the owner and wish to get back the line. She said very possible if I go to the nearest office with an identification and sworn affidavit since the sim pack isn't available. Wow!!!! That was it.

    Now I see the great importance of the sim card registration carried out years back. The government that brought that initiative did very well I can tell you. So a line of 11years abandonment can still be retrieve? This is really interesting.

  4. It a cool morning from my side , bvs there is this cute bag mercy aigbe traveled with last year December ,it a mixture of white ,brown n black. I need to get mine too and I don't know the name, please don't laugh at me it paining me gan sha. I must get mine too . Stella plz post

    1. You don't have reasonable thing to say this morning?

      Omo characters dey here.
      If you take a picture of the bag and take it a shop, or ask a stylist to search for it for you, you will die ba?
      You need name and surname of the bag???

  5. Good my people, please I need help on how to stop my sugar cravings, like taking Pepsi, junks and all sorts, this is one of my new year resolution help a sis.

    1. Anytime u see Pepsi or junk food, start thinking of all d poop n catarrh you've seen on d roadside.

    2. Blackberry you be case. @Blessed Princess

    3. BlackBerry why are you like this na😂🤣🤣🤣. But I swear down! Thinking about that will help.

    4. Take lemon and warm water, first thing in the morning and the cravings will go

  6. Hello bvs, the weather in here is weather go two. This minimum wage thing will it reflect in federal government workers salaries ,including the new intakes that just got appointment?

    1. Pls,try and stop because diabetes is real and it comes with its own complications like kidney problems,high blood pressure. Try have a water bottle beside and drink water instead. The earlier you stop,the better

  7. Blog visitors who has tried the banana recipe thing for TTC, and how will I do it am finishing my period tomorrow, I pray I get a bfp this cycle, TTC no be better thing, the way people use pity eye to look, Chao and my marriage is just a year . Womb watchers on social media are there, I uploaded a picture few month ago, a friend commented " congratulations ma'am you look bloated" I felt like slapping her from the phone , aproko..... it will end in praise.

    1. People are testifying to it,jst dnt stress urself,it will come very soon.

    2. Anon 08:02. Blend 2bananas finger, a tin of milk, a tea spoon of bicarbonate soda. Blend all smooth and drink first thing in the morning. This should be done first thing in the morning immediately after your period. Have faith in God,and drink. You will testify soon. God has never failed.

    3. 2 banana +2egg + 1tin of milk + 1 spoon of biocarbonate all blend together.pour in a glass cup, drink on empty stomach.u will drink it on saturday.congrats in advance.make sure u see ur hubby that very day u took work for me and it will work for u in Jesus name.

    4. Just one year and you are already like this , please calm down inugo?!

    5. What a stress. When you don't find husband they are on your back. When you find husband they are still on your back to get pregnant. When you do have a baby and if it a girl they are still on your back to get a boy. When you go get the boy they tell you two children is not enough you should have another,. When you have another they tell you three is weird and you should even it up and have four instead. Just do you and don't live your life to please these ppl, they will never be satisfied and will just add stress after stress to your life. Ain't no baby gonna be conceived in a stressed out body.

    6. Its not easy, mine is 2years and people have turned me to prayer point. God answer all of us TTc

  8. There is nothing more rare,nor more beautiful Athan a woman being unapologetically herself,comfortable in her own perfect imperfection. To me,that is the essence of beauty. Steve Maraboli.........good morning and happy Thursday to us all.

  9. Dear BVs. Please I am moving into a house that once had different occupants. Please what can I use to clean the toilet to make sure I don't contact any infection being that I am a woman. Secondly, what can I use to make the toilet really white and sparkling? Thanks in advance.

    1. Use sponge iron wt harpic to wash,after dt use disinfectant

    2. First of all wash the toilet wth ia mixture of detergent, disinfectant and air freshener. Then, pour a generous amount of bleach( jik) in and around the toilet, cover and leave it over night. The next day, apply toilet washer and wash with your toilet brush. The bleach would whiten your toilet bowl. Finally Prince with hot water and lime juice.

      But if u can, just buy new toilet seat and get a plumber to change it. Especially if after all the cleaning, the toilet still looks bad.

    3. Hydrochloric Acid. You can ask a plumber to get it for you. Please, be VERY careful with it and do not keep at home.

    4. You can go to where titles are sold and ask to buy chemical to clean toilet.

    5. Buy thick bleach, pour it in and leave it overnight. Then wash in the morning. Also try and paint the rooms.

    6. Mix salt with hot water, add super blue omo, dawadawa, and little curry,then if you see goat meat water, add like 2 cup..

    7. Pay those professional cleaners to do it for you.

      They use chemicals to clean the house, especially bathrooms.

      When they are done, the tiles will be white as new.

    8. @beast na sacrifice she tell you say she wan make,na wah

    9. @ handsome beast pls get busy ya life this morning.

    10. hahhahahahahahaha, you're truly a BEAST! hahahahahaha. The goat meat water got me reeling with laughter...

    11. You can use jik or hypo. Just pour it inside and around and leave for some time then scrub. Do this 2 to 3 times, not necessarily the same day

    12. Change the water system...It's not expensive.

    13. Buy acid from those people selling tiles, pour it into the toilet and wash next day

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Whats happening to my whatsapp?
    Is it just me?
    I'M OFF!! it wont even update.
    Martins any clue?

    1. Hello,kindly look for A friend that has an already updated whatsapp on their phone,then send it to your device through "Xender" and install..

      Your chats wont be wiped and your whatsapp would be updated,thats the trick too if you dont want to use your mb for download/update..

      It works on all android device..


  12. Maid in mahanttan is very annoying and yes Marrisa shakara was irritating to a point. Have a blessed day people

  13. Morning lovelies,issa beautiful day,God bless all that concerns us,do ve a lovely day

  14. Why does things have to be difficult. meet the man of your dreams, fall in love and then tribal issues spring does one go about this heartache????

    1. Did you just discover that you were from different tribes now?

    2. No....we were hoping for a different outcome...
      We were hoping for the best

    3. Anon 8:04. where are u from?

    4. You should know what your family's intake is is regarding tribe and if you decide to remain there na you sabi. Why stress yourself falling in love when you know there is a stumbling block

  15. So female bvs in the house.
    how do you ladies cope with a boyfriend that has degree in mispronunciation of words. Example:
    September, he calls it seKtember.
    "Hotel" is "hoiktel".
    Dick, he calls it diG
    He spells "Am i " as "are mine'
    He also calls me a good " cooker"😭.

    I really love him and his book smart but word games ain't tight.

    1. If you really love him manage him like that.

    2. Dear anonymous if you can't withstand him please walk away, there's no management in marriage ooooo.

    3. 2 bleesed 2 curse24 January 2019 at 08:23

      This one made me laugh oooo
      Lolzzzzxxxxx i am sorry

    4. Does he have money

    5. If you really love him and he will willing to change, organize a private tutor for him.

    6. Lol...I used to be friends with one who usually asked me "are you still in work?". 🙄
      To think this dude graduated with 2:1 from a private uni.

    7. Had thesame problem with my flatmate. She pronounces Urinate as Unirate and so many others. I used to try to correct her as the English mistress that I is but I finally gave up.
      If you can't correct him, try and live with it. Once you get used to it, you won't feel embarrassed anymore. After all how many Nigerians are good in English, especially with all we display here.

    8. Hehehehe Dolapo see how you dey fall Ambrose hand..

    9. He's book smart but can't spell? That contradicts all the things you just said.

      You can help him by advising him to take elementary english courses online, so that he is taught foundation english from scratch again.

    10. Reasonable Doubt it’s very possible. I know someone who graduated some points short of first class, masters holder, uses big words correctly then says something like “ I cares”. 🤦‍♀️ That’s just one. Whew!

    11. CORRECTION FLUID BUT YOU CAN'T SPELL. What is his book smart? Next time try he's.

    12. You mean he calls his own dick... dig 😂😂😍

    13. Am sorry but I couldn't stop laughing, see as tears full my eyes 😂😂😂😂

  16. Good morning lovelies ♥♥♥

    Popcorns are normally fried In the same pot,in the same oil, at the same time, under the same heat conditions but they do not all pop at the same time. When flood comes, fish eats ants and when flood recedes, ants eat fish. Only time matters. For making soap, oil is required. But to clean oil, soap is required. This is the irony of life.

    Everybody needs somebody at any point in time. Do not despise or treat anyone with scorn when they are excelling or failing than you. There is time for EVERYTHING and for EVERYONE.Keep working hard and connecting with right people, your time to pop up will soon come.💪 Go Forward💪

    1. #word! good morning momma, good morning Stella, good morning blog fam.... Up and thankful... Have a blessed day ahead...

    2. Good one Oloroli momma, I'm inspired.
      How re u doing?

    3. Aries queen 😘😘😘😘

    4. True word! Trust you're doing great today Sis. Have a blessed day.

    5. Real words olori.Good morning people.

    6. Word. @Blessed Princess

  17. Hmmmmmmm motherhood ain't easy at all. I'm just super grateful to my mother in law who wakes up and get my daughter ready for school before the arrival of school bus. I don't even want to imagine how I will cope when she leaves. She does all the house work God bless you ma. Lovely day everyone!!!.

    1. Wow!Gud mil,is been long I heard positive news abt mil

    2. Reward her and express your gratitude. Let her know that you do not take her help for granted. Keep her in your prayers and thank God for her.

      I have no desire to be a mother in this incarnation. Been in others and decided to rest my ass in this one and focus solely on me.

  18. So Oby Ezekwesili has withdrawn from the Presidential race? Goodness and Mercy, Who is that person always on your case in every BEP? Stella I watch from my neighbor's wondow so I don't really watch everything. @Blessed Princess

    1. Liar,everytime u watch in ur neighbour's window

    2. is dia any TV give away coming up,ladybug customers

  19. Good morning bvs,has anyone being diagnosed with Pedunculated fibroid,I just got diagnosed and I am already having mixed feelings about it,I am not married talkless of having children,my doctor said I shouldn't worry about it,it is well

    1. OMG!! Fibroid?? I'm so sorry. May you find healing. ❤️

    2. Get on a low estrogen diet. Do not consume any soy products at all, no matter the amount of soy involved. Keep away from soy completely!

    3. CELLGEVITY Lagos ...0818006888624 January 2019 at 12:22

      If you can, Please try cellgevity. It will help you.

  20. I wake up at 4:30am on Tuesdays - Fridays and 4:00am on Mondays, it's not easy mennn but it is well. I'm still feeling sleepy at work sef.

    Mrs A, how is your son doing? It is well with him in Jesus name. Hugs and Kisses to him.

    Good morning everyone. Do have a blessed day

    1. May God continually strengthen you sis,it is not easy

      I wake up 6am everyday

    2. I just started a new job and I have to get up 4am. It wasn't easy at first but I'm getting used to it now. I missed my last job but when I think of the pay, I get motivated but I really miss my sleep mennn.

    3. I really couldn't do it. If I have to wake up before 6am I am too miserable. The only good thing about waking up so early your prayers are more effective, something about praying at those hours gives more power to them.

    4. @Cynthia...Pele dear. I still remember my days of getting to work 5.30am in VI. I so love my job now, 7.30 t0 8, I leave the house and still get to work 8am and before 5.30pm and home.

  21. Good morning and a beautiful day to us all. To God be the glory forevermore.

  22. 2 bleesed 2 curse24 January 2019 at 08:08

    I do not understand the reasons why groom wear dark shades to their wedding,is it because they are shy or what?i hate that thing

  23. So I am hearing that u have to get the 10years validity passport for 72k as 5years own is no longer being issued.

    This isn't even rumours as I heard directly from the person that went to try.

    What is this country turning into?

    1. This is so absurd and not funny..God help us oo

    2. Which means that the country is encouraging more people to travel through the desert. @Blessed Princess

    3. Too much for a passport. Not as if the passport is strong self. Smh...

    4. This country is just so frustrating. Thank God for God!

    5. Lol @Teejay. For real though, why is a weak passport so expensive? They are probably doing it to deter the ppl going to Libya.

    6. dia plan no go work,dem wan tie us fr Nigeria

    7. Nigerians, the new 10 year validity passport is not available to the public yet some people have affixed a price on it scaring potential procurers. ..
      Please ignore that story, it's all speculations. When it's ready, the price would be communicated by Immigration personnel

  24. This priceless gift of life,I'm so thankful,Lord. Sweet morning to everyone.#EnuOpe

  25. “Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God’s kindness: kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile.” ~ Mother Theresa. Good morning

  26. It's my day, happy birthday to me and all celebrants. All I want is for GOD Almighty to blesss my husband and I with healthy male identical twins. May this procedure be a huge success in JESUS name amen.

    1. Happy birthday. God has answered you already, just believe

    2. Happy Birthday dear, your testimony is settled in Jesus name Amen...

    3. Happy birthday to you.your prayer have been answered already.enjoy.

    4. Happy birthday dear. God bless you.

    5. Happy birthday dearest. Enjoy God's goodness Amen

    6. Happy birthday ma'am. From your mouth to God's ears. It'll be a success & you'll come back rejoicing in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen. ❤️

      It's my younger sister's birthday too. 😁😁

    7. Happy Birthday Anon! God would grant the whispers of your heart

    8. Happy birthday to you Anon.

    9. happy birthday ma, and a big AMEN to your prayer

    10. Happy Birthday dear. God bless you

  27. I wake up by 5am too, say my prayers and then head straight to the kitchen. Make breakfast and lunch for my LO and also pack just breakfast for DH tooo. by 6.30, im done with all the packing of food boxes and bags. I get my LO ready for the school bus by 7am; the bus is always on time. Hubby leaves too by 730. Once they all move out, Im so relieved. I take a shot nap for 15 minutes just in time for my water to heat up. Afterwards I tidy up the house, get dressed for work and by 815 im out of the house.

    Its a crazy routine, I must confess and sometimes I just want to take a break from everything but then man must hustle. I realized our parents were able to cope because there was always a relative staying with the family even neighbours were part of the family process but in recent times the story has changed. It's now every man for himself.

    It's not easy being a woman ooo abeg we deserve some accolades.

    Good morning people

    1. *short
      Some days I wake up 4am if I have laundry to do; I stil wash with my hands also when there's a report waiting for me and most especially on meeting days when ive to be at the office by 8am

    2. More Grace to succeed dear...

    3. Crazy indeed, but it helps to take the boredom of life away. Get some girl time to yourself, go to the spa and get a massage. Always take a little getaway even for a weekend away so someone else can do the cooking and clean up after you for a change.

    4. I agree with you, most parents then always had relatives living with them. And they are now wondering why mothers of these days are stressed.
      Packing of food boxes is work o my sister. I was just angry about the stress this morning especially because I didn’t sleep well at night. Even though Hubby usually helps out with washing the dishes and bathing, I realize all those little little things like preparing tiny meals and packing lunch boxes are still stressful or rather time- consuming at times coupled with the hustle and bustle of Lagos

    5. Anon 9:18
      so i sent this ya suggestion/advise to hubby & guess what his response was, "YAWNS"!hahahahahaha! Nigerian men are all the same, especially when they have a very hardworking woman at home.
      @Duchess: it is well with you Sis. May God continue to give us the strength to do more. I know one thing for sure: our kids definitely appreciate all our efforts. they do!

    6. @Duchess the Lord is your strength

    7. With due respect Duchess, you are just stressing yourself for absolutely nothing.

      I actually was reading and thinking you were a single parent until you said 'hubby leaves by 7:30am'.

      Ha! So while you are up, 'cooking', 'bathing', 'dressing', 'boxing food', 'escorting child to school bus' etc etc what exactly does your husband do????

      Apart from getting out of bed, dressing for work, picking up his packaged food and heading out the door, what else does he do?

      Why can't he bathe and dress up the child?
      Or you don't allow him bathe the kid? Tor.
      Why can't he accompany the child to the school bus, since the bus comes by 7am and he leaves by 7:30am?
      Or its not a 'manly' thing to do? Loll.

      There are so many ways to maximise your time, so that you feel less stressed, especially when you have a supportive partner. Not the kind of partner who will yaaaaaawn when you want to take an hour to pamper yourself, or get home by 5pm and be waiting for you to come home by 8pm to make eba and ogbono soup for him. Not that type. And you need to be smart about it too.

      In 2019, guess what?
      You can actually pay someone to come in and clean, sweep, mop, wash and do market runs.

      You can buy a washing machine and dryer. There's even this contraption that irons clothes in 5 minutes. I've forgotten the name. So that the time you spend washing/ironing 50 clothes feeling like a hero, grinding pepper with a grinding stone etc, you can spend it on more impactful, brain tasking pursuits.

      The reason why a lot of married Nigerian women look so stressed and haggered and are generally short fused is because they take too much on their selves even while holding a 9-5 job and other responsibilities.

      They are ignorant about managing their time effectively and they are too afraid to confront their husbands and ensure they step up to the plate.
      Are you lot attracted to suffering? Loll.
      I don't get it.
      How much is a washing machine?
      How much is a dryer?
      Prepare meals a night before so all you have to do, if anything, is warm up the next day. There's this Nigerian instagram lady who shows how to prepare kids meals for schools in less than 10 minutes on her page.
      Teach kids how to bathe and groom themselves from an early age.
      Unless you are the type of parent who likes washing their children's nyansh even up to the age of 15 as I see we have dem type plenty here.

      This isn't 1982.

      Make your time work for you as a woman/mother a and wife.
      Otherwise you will be drained on every angle. Your husbands are not just there to provide penis, they need to take care of those children in every way as well.

      Errr, So at night what happens? That is after going through kids homework and ensuring it's correct, feeding everyone etc. You will start the cycle all over again? You will bathe them, prepare them for bed, go an iron the 50 clothes you washed as a hero that you are, go and bathe, go and prepare for the sex you might not be in the mood for, go and... go and...LMAO, I hail!!

      Mehn, so grateful that I escaped #average right from childhood. Nigeria will do everything to make you less than in every imaginable way possible.

  28. So I didn't sleep a wink overnight. This has never happened before. I took injection yesterday evening as part of my malaria/thyphod treatment dose. I think that's where the problem stemmed from. Health is truly wealth.
    NB:To the bv asking after Maraji, she's back on IG. She posted a video not long ago

  29. Top of the morning blog FAM... Make Una dey help me pray that I should be shortlisted as one of the INEC electoral staff...I need am badly🙏🙏

    1. God will grant your request, just believe. It is well in Jesus Name, Amen.

  30. Good morning lovely people. I'm really very worried because my almost 9 years old daughter started menstrating yesterday. She will be exactly 9 in February.she has been crying since yesterday. She refused to eat and go to school today. I couldn't even go to work today because of this situation. Should i inform her teacher about it because she is not used to changing pads and the rest. I'm really feeling very emotional about this. Any mother in the house can you please encourage me. Thanks alot

    1. It is well with you ma,please be strong.

    2. don't worry I almost fainted when I saw mine, she will adjust. But 9 years is too early na haba. you should have that talk now as in now now now.

    3. I feel you, please encourage her and lecture her on everything she needs to know about menstruation and make sure you monitor her so she can be changing her pad when nevessary.

    4. See the beauty of womanhood and not the problem.

      What I typed disappear. It is well with puffin

    5. I could remember when mine started, my mum really did not tell me much. I was wearing two to three pants anytime I am seeing my period. @Blessed Princess

    6. Do not inform her Teacher o, she might not like it. Has she being tutored about menstruation before now if no,then do it. Teach her how to go about it, she will do just good. Let it just be between you and her for now, please. Congratulations.

    7. Take her out for ice-cream or to the movies. Make it a happy moment for her. Nine years old is too young to really get deep about what is happening to her body, but you have to tell her something and explain the importance of good hygiene at this time. As she gets older you can explain everything including the bird and the bees. Ensure she always have a pad at all times in her school bag because this won't always happen at home and she needs to be prepared.

    8. Awww. I feel for her. I started mine at 11 and never told anyone. Luckily my school uniform was navy blue. I didn't understand why my thighs were sticking together. I kept putting my pants in the toilet. My mum caught me the second month. Maybe you should keep her out of school for this first time but inform the teacher.

    9. Hmm ma you have to seat her down. Educate her on what is all about. As a girl! This is what she have to go thru. Teach her how to use and change her pad!! Also follow up on her next period date so that she will always get to hv her pad in her bag incase of emergency. Pls sex education is important at this stage. With time she will get use to all of this and you wont have to bother anymore huh. Goodluck.

  31. The good Lord will make a way for us where there seems to be no way.

    Good morning house, may we all have a blessed day

  32. Good morning everyone, please where can I buy used mannequin?

  33. Good morning guys. Retired slay queen and any other person with input please what do you think about HD flawless loose setting banana powder? Also what mid range foundation in terms of cost will you recommend that can give me full coverage but not look too cakey? Also please abuja bvs where can i get original makeup that the price is not hiked up excessively? Thank you.

    1. Check Sahad stores for your foundation, concealer, eyeshadow etc. You can also check Amigos for your mascara, bronzers et al. L.A girl PRO coverage is very light and nice. Pocket friendly I must say.

  34. Good morning Sdk and fans
    I wish you all a great day.

  35. Ever faithful God, you've done what no man can do. Thankful heart

  36. Good morning everyone and enjoy your day...

    1. Good morning my beautiful sister. God bless you plenty. This new year brings in great joy to you and your family Amen

  37. Good morning all.
    Please who knows the current cost of getting Nigerian passport in Rivers state and getting it within a week?

    1. Call the office or go online. I do not know.

    2. Go to state Secretariat on aba road opposite military hospital n ask.

  38. Bv Meena how far? How are you enjoying your new industrial machine? @Blessed Princess

  39. Beautiful morning all. God is good by adding an addition to my family.

    Our newest princess was born on Monday. So many goodies. Wishing everyone a beautiful day

    1. Glad you have something important to occupy with. Blessings.

    2. Yori good morning, where have you been?

    3. Congrats on the arrival of your newest Princess. God bless and keep her. Amen.

    4. Now i see why you've not been commenting as frequent. Congrats on the new bundle of joy. May God bless and keep her, in Jesus name, amen!

  40. This early morning School runs isn't easy at all. My son has to be in School by 7am as the School gate is locked at 7:15. If we don't leave home by 6:45am, we won't be able to beat the crazy 7am traffic. Waking up at 4:50 am to prepare breakfast, bathe and dress him up, feed him, package his breakfast and rush off to school really takes the grace of God. May God continue to bless all mothers and visit all those who are looking up to him for this wonderful gift of children. Just know that this year, the Almighty will visit you and fill your mouths with laughter. It is well!

    1. School gate should be locked 7:45am, what kinda slave age is this?

  41. Good morning everyone. Blessed day to us all

  42. Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain. (Psalms 127:1 KJV)

    If God does not help you no man can. All power and dominion comes from Him.

    No wonder the Psalmist rightly prayed; “Give us help from trouble: for vain is the help of man” (Psalms 60:11). The help of man is very erratic, he promises you the world today and before the end of the day you hear the man is no more. Put your trust in God, He never makes empty promises. Who can open the door when God has shut and who can shut the door when God opens it? When He favors a man even nature will respond to such a man.

    There was famine in the land of Samaria, it grew worse to the point when women began to eat up their children to survive.

    A particular woman who felt the deal she had with another woman to eat up their babies turn by turn was not followed cried out to the king for help, but the king answered; (2 Kings 6:27 NLT) "If the LORD doesn't help you, what can I do?" he retorted. "I have neither food nor wine to give you." this simply implies that man’s help is limited, and very unreliable. Have you gotten to that point where friends, parents, business, medicine, and anything or person that you trusted failed? (Psalm146:3) Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help. It’s time to look unto Jesus. Say to God if you don’t help me no one else can.

    Watch out for His intervention upon your life in the name of Jesus. “May God Send thee help from the sanctuary, and strengthen thee out of Zion;” (Psalm20:2).

    Say this prayer:
    I receive divine help in the name of Jesus. I call forth every of my destiny helpers from the North, East, South and West in the name of Jesus. Amen.
    Good morning and have a fruitful day.

  43. So excited today, I got something i have been searching for , for a while. To everyone who is praying for something. Don't give up. Your time is coming. Keep the faith. God bless you all. I greet you Stella. Do have a pleasant day too

  44. Good morning Stella and Bveeees! I love the rain falling right now but the heat last night no here..Heat makes me purge but I feel much better now

  45. Please bvs, what questions can a presenter ask guest speakers on the topic: THE 21ST CENTURY MARRIAGE:ILLS AND REMEDIES? Pleaseeeee bvs help me out with questions biko.
    Stella, please post.

    1. Can ask questions like what does he or she think about 21century marriage! What makes it diff from marriages of then. Factors that have affected 21century marriage. Remedies for it

    2. Google.

      I know questions like this guest speakers would have known what they will ask so as not to fumble.

      Abi na church program you are going for that they won't let you know the questions to ask.

      Just google likely questions. That is why you have data

  46. you get depressed when you focus on your problems
    Good morning Bvs
    Day 4 of 5 Nights of Glory

  47. Good morning enjoying the cold weather.have a lovely day.

  48. Amen, thanks Stella and good morning to you all.

  49. Good morning bvs...seems nobody watched the candidate yesterday...

    1. Which candidate or what candidate.

      No one is interested again as buhari and atiku did not debate. Others that did will not receive much votes.

  50. Amen to your prayer Vivacious Viola

  51. Goodmorning.. please Martins can you give me the link to the bussiness ideas post,i have been going back to older post i cant find it.Please anybody that has the link should post it please.


  52. Please don't let any one scam you of your hard earned money, Nigerian passport (5 year validity) is still being produced and doesn't cost more than 28k. The 10 year own is not available yet for the public... I read in the news that the Immigration boss said it would be available to the public from April .
    eka joy, inform your informant

    1. abi ! i just checked NOW online ie applying for a new passport and it was even showing 17k

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. Good morning all, our day is blessed


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