Stella Dimoko January Twelfth Spontaneous Post.....


Saturday, January 12, 2019

January Twelfth Spontaneous Post.....

#anothersaturday #newday #newrunsandhustle #saturdayandmondayhavesamesmell #sweetsleep #meaninglesshashtags #newsong #newdance #omalicha #raisingkingsforqueens 

Una dooooh ooooooo..................
I am still soooooooooooooooo sleepy that i need to post this right now and go take a cold bath ahead of work today!

Please all the new BVs sending me stuff for Saturday in house news,there is nothing like that house news only comes Monday-Friday!

A BV who relocated to the diaspora some 6 months ago called me yesterday and we laughed and gisted for a while.....

She says to tell BV Eka Joy thank you cos she used you as a point of contact for her prayer point and God picked her call.

She said when Eka Joy travelled for the first time abroad and i posted the info and she was being bashed upandan by her blog haters,the BV told God to Bless her the way he has blessed Eka Joy that lives in Ikorodu (as she was being referred to that time)
She will send in a mail to explain how God picked her call after she tapped into Eka Jox.................

Today is the scheduled day for that talk with my Bambinos.....hehehehehhe i wonder what they wanna tell me...Will gist you people tomorrow..

Kisses to everyone!


  1. I missed this blog for so many days.. Holiday is over😎😎😎..

    Shout out to Mami Olori Orente
    Lady bug
    Cutest Pat
    Mami Castle
    Ms. A
    Teejay and to the rest of you guys😍😍😍😍😍

    Good morning BVS and Happy weekend to you all

    1. Welcome back Sonia. You were greatly missed.

    2. Sonia my love welcome back
      While you were away, I became a business mogul
      I am selling shoes and sneakers πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    3. There should be some kind of gist now,it's such a long time😎😎😎

    4. Welcome back. Where have you been

    5. Tappers association as per abroad na I'm be the biggest achievement. Any ways your boos and hubby has been paying my bills for yours nowπŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„ abroad na old time hustle for me .

    6. Teejay thank you so much...
      Olori congrats o!! Will definitely patronize you, but I'm not in Lagos..

      Ladybug you're right plenty gistπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I miss your wahala

      Bbjac Thanks love😍😍😍

      Ms. A. Thank you

    7. Welcome back sonia.

      Stella where is our nurse? I've missed her emergency column, I hope she is alright?

      Good day to everyone

    8. we buy condemned inverter battery 0814139511312 January 2019 at 09:50


  2. Long comment Alert!!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚... It's Saturday after all 😭

    I dont know why I remembered this but let me gist you guys... it's titled

    MY SCAM STORY πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    So, a looong time ago, I was just on my bed when my phone started misbehaving BADLY. it was a Bold 5. Screen touching on its own Etc. I got realy frustrated but managed to call my friend telling her I needed to change my phone the next day. So she talked me into one of these online sites that her bro got a phone there but I should meet at a public place Etc.

    So, I checked and saw a Q10 for a relatively fair price... the phone had just come out.

    I called the number and the man sounded really official saying he had just closed from work and what not 😭.

    He explained to me that it was a network branded phone and all that's why it was so cheap. I had the said network so it was okay. He asked me to come to their (the network) head office the next day cos only few were left blablabla.

    Knowing that O2, Lebara, Verizon Etc do it, I was impressed that Naija had started too.

    On my way to the office, I called. He said he just got in and asked if I had gotten an automated message, I said no. Shortly after, the msg came. It was from the network πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ asking me to fill out something then pay the money to an account and come to the office with prove 😭😭😭.

    Sincerely, I might have paid but ddnt have cash. So wanted to see him, fill all I needed then dash to the ATM πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.

    People of God, I got to the office, spoke to the receptionist, it was actualy a top Oga's name but I needed an appointment. I messged this man, no answer... called and called 😭😭😭😭...EL.Oh.EL. This man that was picking anyhow, refused to pick. After like an hr (in a strange office), spoke to the lady and she asked to see the "Oga' s" number, I saw the sarcastic smile and she asked for the story, I explained. That was when I decided to even check the account name, a different name, not company name, not the supposed Oga's name. In shame, I left but sent a stinker to him.

    Whenever I think of it, I just thank God for not having the cash on me. Mobile transfer wasn't a thing then and I thank God for the thought of seeing him before payment and sticking to it.

    For Christ's sake, I was a POOR student, probably my last money sef 😭😭😭😭. Do you have a scan story you wanna share?

    1. This happens a lot especially when buying things on olx

    2. SDK data splash ������. Can't wait to join the next batch��. Who no like better thing ��

    3. Will try and read later😎😎😎😎😎

    4. You are not destined to be scammed by anyone, lol.

    5. same thing happened to me. I wanted to get a new phone so I was shopping online and checked a site (lemme keep the site anonymous), I saw an iPhone a used one actually and I called the number and we even chatted on Whatsapp. His profile picture was even a shop filled with phones and laptop (stupid me so after all said and done, I went to the address he gave, I got there and called him. he said he's going to send an account number to me and that I should pay into the account, when I'm done I should call him and he'll come to pick me up from where I am (was). na there my eye open o
      I then checked for the address given to me and I went to the mall, ladies and gentlemen the address doesn't even exist. it was when I was explaining to a man that he told me they're scanners and that they did it for someone recently. this person wanted to buy a new car and came all the way from delta state, paid into the account and that was the end they heard from the sellers
      so I sent a message saying I've sent the money and that he should expect alert immediately. after few minutes, I tried calling again and his phone was off
      so that's how my money for Don go if to say I paid
      it was then I know say awoof dey purge belle... I wanted cheap used iPhone ������������

    6. Ladybug you be case.
      Good morning bvs

    7. most time if it too good too be's not true.


  3. (*in Victor AD voice*)

    Lord as I dey grind, I dey hustle
    Bless me with this money
    Lord na your hand I dey
    I say make you run am for me.

    The street na by grace, no be who hustle pass dey carry first oh
    Na your grace I take dey live
    I no fit play attack and defence oh, at the same time

    Oluwa bless me 'cause I no fit dull oh. If we no make money, wetin we gain???

    This 2019 I am soaring high just like an eagle on a maximum velocity, accelerating on a high gear, firing at all cylinders. Better days are here and about to be written, it's all making sense now...  #Gratitude#

    1. Teejay 2019 is our year of exploit. @Blessed Princess

    2. Blessed Princess, it’s your year of exploit but don’t exploit us oo!!

    3. Annon 09:00 take is easy. This line is stale na. Please pick a hustle.@Blessed Princess

  4. Good morning all. Beautiful Saturday morning.

    May the blessings of this day locate you, may your labour bring sweet reward. After today is gone, may you be able to look back in gratitude and count your blessings.


  5. CHOLERIC:this person is adventurous, loves challenge,blunt, straight as a ruler, a stickler for rules,does not like assumptions but hardcore facts,steps on toes often because of their blunt nature,they are born rulers who doesn't like to show weakness of any kind. They see other peoples problems as an opportunity to show case their strength often to their detriment and immediate family because they tend to be strict.
    They take responsibility seriously, disciplined,gives and expects trust,hardcore critics,gets angry easily and can shout at one during this period which is often short lived. They MAY apologise and move on,even when they don't, they still expect you still expect you to me on,they find it difficult to say sorry because they tend to be proud. Because they tend to forgive easily and hardly bear grudges, they expect the next person to do like wise.
    Cholerics can be loving partners and parents but are good at hiding their feelings which makes people even their children and spouse perceive them as strict and hardened etc. They are stylish dressers, neat and extremely organised,love aesthetics. Expensive and tasteful things are part of them. Because of their nature, they tend to be trust worthy in relationships and MOST times stick that one partner for life.

    1. This is me right here.... Everything you wrote and described up there is me.

      I can't change who I am.... God loved me so much and created me this way.

    2. I'm sitting on this choleric table comfortably but mine is with a mixture of melancholy.

    3. Present. All correct Ma.

      One issue though, I bear GRUDGES. Once I circle your name? O.y.o is your name.

      Luckily God is beginning to retune some chords.

    4. Ms A,that's right. Self love is key. I started writing this because I have seen people misunderstanding some personalities here@ intelligentsia

      Xp,Mami.I think sometimes growth,exposure and experience can help us tone down on some of the traits.

    5. Very true, we aries are mostly choleriic.



    On a scale of 1-10, I would give BIRD BOX a 6.

    There's been an invasion of a horrific force that makes those who see it kill themselves in absurd and gruesome ways. From shooting oneself with a gun, to walking into the fire and jumping off a high ledge.

    The only way to survive this attack is to blindfold oneself when outside and grope your way to your destination. Indoors, the blinds and windows are closed to avoid accidentally seeing 'it' and committing suicide.

    Malorie has lost her only sister and the man she had come to love. She must find a way to get to the safe house with her two kids. To achieve this, she must paddle the boat blindfolded through the river till she gets to the rapids ( i.e the area where the tide of the river is high and dangerous). One of the them must take the decision to look to determine how they'll steer their course and not miss the chirping of the birds which is an indication they are close to the safe house.

    The high point for me was when the little girl with her soulful eyes and angelic face bravely says 'she'll look'. I felt tears well-up in my eyes and anguish for her plight.

    The movie lends support to the blind and their struggles in an UNUSUAL way.

    On the Jeff Bezos story, Danielle Steel's 'Power Play' taught me that the higher a man climbs the career ladder, the more they become power intoxicated and reckless. They feel they can indulge in whatever catches their fancy; have illicit affairs and get away unscathed unlike the woman who becomes more conscious of her position, is under constant pressure to prove herself and has a high reputation to protect.

    1. Hmmm... I will give it 7.5 shaa.
      I love your take on the movie though. Try and see "a quiet place" if you haven't.
      Happy weekend.

    2. thanks for this dear, I might go see this instead of the lionheart abi what's it called.

    3. Jeff Bezos..own is midlife crisis got a better hold of him.
      Many men become misearable in their marriage & life after the age of 45. Some women too regret what they r & where they r in life post 45 yrs old. But more men will act upon it & do something drastic like having affairs, ditch their wife & family, go on an adventure, seek for entirely new life different from what they have.
      It's a human phenomena. U just pray u dont jam a man who will waste ur youth & many years in marriage only to dump u & move on because of his madness.

    4. Happy weekend to you too Mike
      Kidjo you are welcome
      Anonymous, that's another angle.

  7. Good morning lovelies πŸ’ŸπŸ’ŸπŸ’Ÿ

    I saw the definition of walking with the Holy Spirit yesterday. I got cute shoes for my twins yesterday not knowing that at NHN War room,I am going to still receive them. My twins.... Your momma is so ready. A bag is full already for your clothes and shoes and I won't stop buying.♥♥♥♥

    To everyone waiting for the fruit of the womb,please let your faith be strong. Never get tired. This Year 2019,we are celebrating over 20 homes the SDK way in Jesus name.πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Congrats to you😘😘😘😘

    3. We can not be tired is. Our names are ready, no shopping remain.

    4. That's the spirit 😎😎😎😎

    5. Amen. I think i need to start buying things too. The doctors said they had removed my womb, but i know God said i will be mother to children. I believe in the God of extraordinary. My testimony will be mind blowing. Olori thanks for lifting my soul

    6. Anonymous 8:14
      My number is up there πŸ‘†
      I will try and see if I can enable the email

    7. @Olori a big AMEN to your prayer. Again I just notice the change on your ID yesterday. A big congratulations to you. I am so happy for you. I really mean it. My prayer for your business is that In the nearest future, there will be only two sneakers seller in Nigeria - OLORI SNEAKERS and others @Blessed Princess

    8. OlΓ³rΓ­ darling, your prayers have been answered. Nothing will stop you from carrying your bundles of joy this year.

      Don't forget to visit a town in Ibadan IgbΓ³ Ora for a short holiday (when you have time)
      For you never know where you will conceive your twins.

      You and yours are fertile and fruitful in Jesus Christ name. πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ€—πŸ€—

    9. Yaaaasss mama. Blowing a baby cyclone your way. 🀣

    10. Amen. I key into your testimony, I will share a miracle that sounds like a lie soon. Amen

    11. 2 bleesed 2 curse12 January 2019 at 08:55

      Olori this year wont pass you by

    12. Olori, this year is indeed your year! Amen.

    13. olori Amen to your prayers

    14. So shall it be dear Olori, you will dance your dance with your bundles of Joy, THIS YEAR in Jesus mighty name.

    15. Blessed Princess, I owe you something 😘😘
      Thanks for always being there

      Ms. A, during my leave period in March... I will try and go to igbo Ora. Thanks mammi♥♥

      My blog family.... I love you all πŸ’ŸπŸ’ŸπŸ’ŸπŸ’Ÿ

    16. Amen Olori, the good Lord will answer us all this year

    17. Amen to your prayers olori. From your mouth to God's ears.

  8. Replies
    1. Try again baby
      You are owing me gist oo

    2. But, you're not the first today, lol πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚
      Hello Princess πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ€—πŸ€—

  9. Made it today. Cheers to the freekum weekend.

  10. Lols @ your Bambino's meeting
    Eka joy is blessed

  11. Thank you Lord for the gift of life. Stella happy discussion to you and Bambinos

  12. Woooooow Ekaaaa joyyyy.

    I love love. I tap into love mbok

    1. Are u sure u read the post well? Ewo lo kan love?

    2. Dont tap oh, DO NOT TAP!!!
      Others are tapping from you beloved, wishing to be the PA you are, youre here going to tap venom....
      Have you licked Tik Tak? Its very sugary on the outside & very bitter on the inside (Sugarcoated)

    3. EkaπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚, all join now,at least na live carry you go abroad, that's what beloved is tapping into πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜ŽπŸ˜ŽπŸ˜ŽπŸ˜Ž

    4. People NEVER learn.
      Keep tapping into what you NOTHING about.
      As a palmwine tapper that you are.

    5. I'm not tapping to what the poster tapped into. I'm tapping to Love.

      I tap into love because my going to abroad is already settled in Jesus name.Amen.

      Lol. I read the post very well.

      When you have true Love/agape Love, my dear you have everything.

  13. I am happy
    Very happy .
    Look at small me o . foam just like that
    Morning all

    1. Person dash you foam?

    2. Which foam?, Mouka foam😎😎😎😎

    3. Vera nnuku
      So foaming in the mouth is now an achievement?
      Yaba left escapee, come and carry your sister o

    4. Yaba left escapee12 January 2019 at 09:07

      Abeg i dont know her.

    5. Hahahahahahhahaha

      Mama nnuku come and correct this your gbagaun eh

    6. Lol.. I meant "fiam" just like that. Not foam o.
      Elegant wait for it , its happening already .
      Will bring all when it very ripe and sweet. Y'all will love it , I promise
      @bug lemme o .
      @yabaleft I will not know you too ijn
      @meena thanks mami . corrected

  14. 2 bleesed 2 curse12 January 2019 at 08:03

    So i just dey look all our pants in the bathroom and am like see Benz. I have been too concious lately, the thought of someone stealing my pnat has been freaky scary. I have been thinking of disposable pant. Wear and burn.

  15. Awwwww bv, I am so happy for you. This country isn't for people like you and I. We will all get there by God's grace. Me I'm just jejely counting down.

    Pls enjoy your new country abeg and may it bring you immense joy and blessings.

    1. Lol@ isnt for you & i.
      So the country is good for who na? Teejay? Eye go soon clear for some kind guys

    2. D day will come very soon by God's grace

    3. Start counting down with % like the last one😎😎😎😎

    4. See you. Do you think you are better than people in this country? Or because your partner is in a small country where people pay 250 to extend their permits? Mtcheeeew! As if abroad na one place whe all dreams come true. Don’t deceive yourself. It is not all rosy and gold.

    5. Ladybug, e never reach time for the % countdown. You know me na. I must do am

    6. Eka make I do flower girl follow you nah,maybe me too go jam my own for thereπŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰ I love weddings alot

    7. Just as eka joy met her prince charming. God please do it for me too...

  16. Good morning to everyone,
    May today yield more positive fruits, and may Almighty God bless us mightily...Amen...still on my bed thinking of which market to go buy few office wears....

  17. Good morning house

    Vote for our beloved Stella to win the African female bloggers award 2019 . Let's make her win.
    Use this link

  18. Good morning and a beautiful day to us all. To God be the glory forevermore.

  19. I'm that anon that cried out for help, and my special thanks goes to bv Jennex and Stella for reaching out, I appreciate you both, may you never know hunger in your family. Amen!! The way I rushed to the market when I got the alert eh, Lord have mercy, baby ate and slept well last night. God bless and enrich you both. Amen.

    1. Good for you, now start thinking of what you can use your hands to do😎😎😎

    2. @Ladybug you no dey use ear hear giveaway. Are you the Giver? Please let her be. @Blessed princess

  20. HELLO Wonderful BV's,African Female Bloggers Award 2019 is up..Have you voted with your device and that of your neighbour already??? #Wink


    Or use this link below:



    1. Just voted. hey guys lets vote and bring this home. We are leading already lets keep it that way.

    2. I have already voted, they only allowed one vote at a time.

      Stella Dimoko, is ahead as at the time I voted. I hope we'll bring this win home.

  21. Sorry, I got to that post really late, like 5hrs after it was posted. This is why I'm bringing my 2cents here. E ma binu for the carry over

    I actually don't know why Nigerians must complain about every fucking thing!!!

    You think the guy that is going on his knees, spending money on a romantic proposal and ring isn't excited enough to be marrying you??? So because you are returning the favour with a little scream or even a loud thing, it is now a crime or shows that u are more excited that he is about the wedding ???

    I wonder the kind of men y'all date. If u are not excited that ur boo is taking ur relationship serious enough to take it to the next level (which no matter how 21st century u wanna feel, u wyll still feel bad doing it yourself) , then u are ur own

    Y'all should keep taking advice from these supposedly 'woke' individuals. Na una know.

    I even wish I can redo my own engagement and get myself on video screaming my head off!!! Nonsense and ingredient!

    1. Ekayjoy go back to that post and read what Annon 09:50 under my comment said. Everything she said there is hundred percent correct. @Blessed Princess

    2. Lt me tell you, there are some wokeness on social media you just have scroll pass, that post was one of them, dem never born the idiot that would tell me my excitement or scream was too mcuh during my proposal, mtsheeeeew 😎😎😎😎😎

    3. LOLL.

      You deleted this comment where you had already posted it yesterday on the appropriate post and 24 hours later brought it here.

      Every one has already moved on o but mbanu you must drag everything as the resident rottweiler that you are.

      A brand new day but your own day must start with war that you've kept simmering on your kerose stove since yesterday.

      And this is just 5 percent of your personality in real life o.

    4. This morning with this kind of bad taste coming from a supposed teacher? Wow! I really pity children who take you as their teacher. The way you comment speaks so much about your personality. Your guy must be strong hearted to accept someone like you. You are really a pained person. Please take time out in solitude to reflect on your life and why you always spew venom and display anger in your comments. Is it a complex that you suffer from? What is wrong with you? Please calm down a bit. This is not helpful.

    5. Yen yen yen @anon 8.33. Come with another line. This one is boring already

    6. Thank you 08:33. She is truly a pained person. Abeg, no carry your bitterness go abroad o. Some of them there no dey take shit o. Dem go just waste you. Better be careful. Abeg, 21st century, grow up small. Just wise up.

    7. Anon, they will waste you!!! Oloshi pained butter fool! They will waste you and ur jealous sef

    8. πŸ˜‚ don't mind Ifu. If the knows the meaning in Efik she will change her name. She's really Ifu. Mtcheeeeew

    9. Eka Joy eeh...Why are you stubborn like this? Are you not supposed to be PRAYONG MORE? To lock down the blessings and ceremonies ahead of you?

      You're here exchanging threats like you don't know the devil hates good news.
      Limit your expository comments and hold this down. You need it your family needs the celebration.

      Wake up young woman. There are "Destiny destroyers" everywhere.

    10. My dear Xp, the God that did it for me without going to any house of pastors to ask for it. The God that opened that road even without me asking for it is not about to let me down.

      I was never a good girl when he did this for me. I don't have to stress myself on anyone that thinks they can take my good away from me.

      I won't have to pray sef before their evil wishes return to them a thousand folds.

      So no worry yourself, what is sealed in heaven can never be scattered on earth.

    11. I will so scream that it will deaf Ifu Ennanda's ear...someone that is crying everyday on social media about her ex that dumped her. Nonsense

    12. Ladies that are saying they will scream, is the guy doing you guys a favour by proposing? If no, what is the fuss about? Why won't the guy scream if you say yes? Ladies wise up. @Blessed Princess

    13. Eka, the three anonymouses above are just right about who you are. Don’t you have a way of thanking God and celebrating good health in the morning? Wake up and start with bitterness. The comment there is really true. You are a pained and frustrated girl. Take Xhlrted P’s admonition instead of the stubbornness you are displaying here. It is absolute foolishness, not bravery or wiseness. It is people like you who join their partners abroad and start problems. Please help yourself. It is not every time you have to show the Rottweiler in you. Behave like a grown up please.

  22. See how God blesses people. When others were busy doing savagery contest on Eka's head, a smarter person was asking God to bless her same way and He sure did. We all need to learn from this. They say if God blesses your neighbour, do not envy the person because it only means that angels are in your vicinity. It's up to the more sensitive person to key into it. Cheers everyone.

    1. Abeg rest, must everybody tap into it, were you ban from tapping, what has being smart got to do with this😎😎😎😎

    2. It's because you don't have sense that's why you can't understand what I wrote. 😎😎😎😎

  23. Good morning!
    Did you sleep well?
    Grateful for the gift of life

  24. Good morning all, beloved, I received the data giveaway from Isaacson yesterday, thank Stella.

  25. I'm just here to say good morning. Hustle continues...

    Poor dad says 'money is the root of all evil. Rich dad says 'lack of money is the root of all evil'. "Rich Dad Poor Dad"

    1. Jostified mum have strawberries, corn and mango come in now??? Waiting excitedly for this.

  26. Congratulations to the Bv who used Eka as a prayer point of contact.....that is a great way to put in your faith and believe in God to quickly work,I do it all the time and to me that with enough praises and worship quickly rushes God to shower us with blessings of what we humbly ask for and trust in him for always πŸ’―

    Have a lovely weekend everyone and stay safe (hola at your boy for data,payment of DSTV and GOTV subscriptions and also everything cryptocurrency and iTunes😊)

  27. Martin I've gone to the page.But how does one know if the voting is successful or not.

    1. When u go back, it tells you u have already voted

    2. It says thanks for voting.

  28. Good morning everyone,weekend things Baba God is in control. Sdk regards to your bambinos.

  29. This month seems like a one minute man. This is the first janaury i have seen in my life run fast like one who is being chased by a mad women Kilode? Its damn too fast.

    That being said nobody told me being an adult sucks like hell gooosh.

    Whats happening bvn? Any latest good news or drama?

    *sips kunu*

    1. Its good so january salary can come fast.

    2. That's true, imagine January that used to be 4months in 1 . Thank God for everything.

  30. Beautiful Saturday morning, never let anyone take away your shine, always believe you can make it.

  31. Oba to fi Sanmo bo ra, ayeraye ese. It's another weekend, let's
    endeavor to relax and spend time with friends ..

  32. for the single ladies

    Don't pressurise yourself into desperation,if not you will sell yourself cheap... David Ibeyeomie

    1. single men nko.

    2. Yaba left escapee12 January 2019 at 08:34

      Desperation can hardly hide sha, it shows in your action, choice of words, even the air you exhale, it shows... but u still have to try to be subtle, give out mixed feelings, but dont confuse yourself in the process sha.
      Even when you go to the market & see something u really love to own, then you say to the trader "Chei i don de find this dress/shoe since 1992" "I need this thing for one wedding 2mr"..... just expect him to inflate the price for you. Its a human feeling to feel desperate & pressured, but we should learn to mask it to keep our value up there.

    3. Yinmu 😎😎😎😎

    4. Hi,I am the one who posted the advert for hand shelled melons. You said you buy around your area @300 per cup while I sell at 200 per cup which makes 5 cups 1000. So how's is that expensive? 300×5= 1500 while 200×5=1000. So which is cheaper?

    5. the word STEAL is an American slang for cheap,sorry if my choice of word passed d wrong impression...ur eguisi is cheap

  33. Good morning

    Sweet sleep chaiii 😴

  34. Goodmorning all. Stella i got my own data yesterday thank you. God bless. Beloved thanks.

  35. I used to know MC aka Oluoma and Koko Zaria at Oshodi...they were common touts begging and extorting money from Danfo drivers within Oshodi-Mafuluku Road axis at a time when one Bomboy from Imo State was the leader of Agboros in Oshodi. The Dethronement of Bomboy was bloody... MC Oluoma's elder brother Igida-duro...was killed during one of their group fightings and the whole Oshodi closed down that day. Bomboy was later attacked with a mysterious ailments TB Joshua couldn't cure and which killed him within those days. He is now late.

    Then MC founded the group called Loin Junction aka 36 kini (36 Lions). The first car MC drove was given to him by ...Pasu, an old and unfunctional Cherokee Jeep.
    But the whole story changed in 1999 as soon as Tinumbu discovered that they could be his political assets. One of the first thing they did with the help of Tinumbu was to remove Alhja Animaroof from being the Iya-Loja of Oshodi because her son Kendo was a member of PDP. He Asiwaju Tinumbu also gave MC Oluoma a Lincoln Navigator SUV. Today he MC is a multi millionaire.
    The rest is now history.

    All of us, including the writer of this post knows that election and electioneering in Nigeria is and will remain deja Vu. Goodluck Jonathan tried playing saint and he can now count the costs. APC are not ready to take them, the game is to win at all costs. After all in Nigeria the winner takes it all. PDP should therefore get ready to match APC, money for money, touts for touts and so on. And those who have their voters cards should be ready to strike a harder bargain with their cards, don't vote until you hear 'wetin dey'. After all election comes once in four pretence!copied

  36. A big Amen to your prayer Olori..We all shall carry our babies this year.
    Goodmorning everyone!

  37. Oh yeah, yesterday was awesome. The feeling i got from you bvs was something else. Thank you thank you thank you. As you celebrated me yesterday,i pray celebration never cease in your life. And to you ma'am Stella you're a blessing to this generation.just keep doing you and the Lord won't fail to continually bless you. Thanks once more to all and do have a wonderful day.Good morning.

  38. See life have taught me to be geniunely happy for people when good things comes their way. You never can tell, sometimes therein lies ur own happiness too but no some people are so full bitterness that they cant even swallow their own saliva due to its bitterness. Oooh i am happy for that bv in the abroad.

    Hehehehehehehehe sdk i need to hit ur mail, as i need better concrete advice from u not ur loud mouthed judgina bvs oooh ,but i no say u go bash me sha no yawa after the bashing comes the advice. Let me settle in in this new apartment first. Please someone should start a moving company biko. Like a company that takes care of moving items and properties, cleaning a new apartment, furnishing and other things haba. I cant even feel my legs due to stress.

    Oooh how i hate to move ehn.

    1. Are you learner?, there are so many companies that deals in that depending on your location 😎😎😎😎

    2. I am talking about in this our obodo jos. I dont know or have seen any one.

  39. Morning bvs...
    Please what the fucking hell is "menses"???what manner of of word is it?The way it's being pronounced is so annoying.I have begged my mum to stop using that word ,aaaaaaargh

    1. Menses

      It's in the dictionary sef. Menstruation is stressful to pronounce. Menses is the short cut

    2. At G and M,have you heard women that were born 1930s or40s pronounce it???Annoying as hell,they pronounce its as "meses" what in the name is meses???I hate it

  40. goodmorning bvs.. testimony time
    so i tapped into that bv's testimony that was seriously cabashing for her menstration to flow after sex.. and it worked for me.
    Stella i didn't get a data giveaway..i use a small phone that can't screenshot did that disqualify me?
    kindly remember me

  41. Good morning to the sdk family!

    Eka Joy is really blessed, God can change anyone story, and those that used to laugh at you will be the ones joining others to rejoice with you.

    Stella abeg, let your Bambinos speak and do not forget to share with us, lol πŸ˜‚. Your kids are blessed and very smart too.

    I have so much to do today, I thank God and I pray He grant me strength and courage to do all that I can.

    Shout out to you all.... Fabmum, where are thou and how's your lovelies?
    XP momma, Holla at us for we miss you here 😘😘
    Sandy yo darling 😘😘
    BV Omoyemen 😘😘
    King xoxo mystery 😘😘

    Time to start my chores.

    1. Thanks sweets. I'm here already.
      May the Baskets of Blessing in
      2019 forever be dropped at your doorstep!

  42. We woke up at midnight to the quarrel of two couples.the wife said the man suddenly woke up and was beating her asking who are u.what am I doing here.u are not my wife is in USA with two kids. This woman here she has a baby.the man was shouting what have u done to me.i don't know u. I don't know that baby.somebody help me look for me wife.nor be small gbege last night.the drama lasted two houts with this woman saying she does not know what the husband is saying.that she did not meet d man with a woman.the man go try wan slap her.las Las he did not sleep in the house

    1. The jazz have cleared simple.

    2. The slumber man is awake!
      Whether we want to believe it or not, this shit happens a lot.

      A man met a woman in Nigeria. The woman immediately fell in love with the man, (they call it love at first sight)it didn't take long before the woman prepared his documents and shipped the man to Europe. After a while, the quarrels started, no one knew why this loving lively man suddenly started abusing his beautiful woman. Anyways, rumor has it that the man did not marry the woman with his clear eyes, (Ikeja Registry marriage) he woke up one day and didn't know where he was. He was asking after his wife, kids and his business in Nigeria and the European woman could not give him answers. He has since ran back to Nigeria, went to his wife and kids and apologize.

      Some women are desperate like that.

    3. It's either the wife jazzed him or someone jazzed him outside to forget his wife. Either ways, there's a jazzing of somebody involved.

    4. "A couple" not "two couples"

    5. That is serious. Hope the guy wasn’t having a diabetic episode. Sometimes when the sugar level drops so low, the person becomes disoriented and would not recognize people. It happened to my Cousin’s husband. He was a Professor in North Carolina. She had got back from work and once she stepped into the living room, he started to chase her around because he was disoriented. He was naked too. My Cousin ran out of the house and dialed 911. Luckily, responding Officers and the Fire Department recognized the signs immediately. They gave him a tube of sugar or whatever it’s called abs in a flash, dude became fine.

  43. Good morning everyone.. Woke up feeling hungry 😩How long does it take to boil rice? I don't think I can wait.. Off to mama put joint.. Have a nice day yall

  44. Good morning stella, happy weekend house I really want to hear what the Bambinos want to say.

  45. Stella please give us the gist how you enjoyed your day with the bambinos...

  46. Good morning all, Saturdays are for resting...

  47. Today is a lovely day 😚
    Good morning all...

    Quick question though, what improvement do you think the laundry you currently patronise should make?
    Any ideas?

    1. I will appreciate if they do small repairs to a torn area and buttons.then if you don't call or send text for collections ,start it

  48. Good morning bvs........God bless our hustles,Amen

  49. Let me eat from my earned income,Oh Lord;temi o Ni soro se lodo re Oluwa.Good morning everyone.

  50. Good morning lovelies. Happy New year and a special thanks to y'all for being part of the Happy-Successful 2018. The year is looking good already.
    Rounded off special prayers lastnight to fortify family ahead, so had to stay away from lots of activities online and wherever. That's apart from the very difficult December but in all my Aunt with multiple births lost one of the newborns, dedication service and celebration of His Grace and Favor still held for the survivors. Then my Daddie came on stronger. 2 tablets he forgot when coming were bought from a big big pharmacy in Ikeja which turned out FAKE. This country. He drops effervescent Sandox in water, gulps and swallowed those tabs thereafter and that was it. In all we thank God. Xmas was good! They fly back when he's much stronger in Feb into the able hands of our eldest sister, old men need special treatment. He will get it.God is merciful!

    From a place of love I blow kisses to Stella Kork, King XOXO Mystery, Ijay, Bee10, Beloved, Ms A, Kemi, Castle Windsor, Awele, Bimpe,
    Chocolate, Afoma. Look no further. I am HERE. A little time and I'll keep tabs.

    Logging into this blog from the hinterland was the most difficult. What do people gain from blocking other people's progress sef? Had to open an old saved post, refresh the home page to open over 140 posts to catch up. Una continue. God pas Una.

    Still under tension a bit as our family has embarked on a long journey back to Lagos, Parents-in law diverted our kids to Enugu so they go jump and ride and make serious NOISE for them. Only me and DH came back immediately to resume work. So we await them while I prepare one or two delicacies as requested. Freedom is about to end. Kikiki.

    In 2019, let's resolve to surmount obstacles and emerge Victorious. Devil and his Cohorts hate Good News.
    Pepper them!

    Anam abia.

    1. *pandiculates*

      XP is back!
      Welcome back Mooma. Thank God for his mercies.

      The year sure looks good.


    2. Welcome back Xpee,hope you prayed for us

  51. Goodmorning madam Stella and blog visitors. My baby is 4months today...little by little she is growing healthy and more beautiful, looking at her alone gives me joy. To all those praying to God for fruit of the womb, this 2019 is your year.

  52. Yes its to be genuinely happy for someone when something good comes their way, u never can tell if it's what will bring ur long awaited joy.
    Good morning everyone, happy weekend.

  53. Happy weekend my fellow BVNs


  54. Good morning Stella,my mummy, Oga teejaay good morning, sky dear what's up? Happy new year dear, chike hope you are good, Nk momma, olori momma, Mrs Sharon, kidjo dear, what's up, Ron dear, how are you.... beloved dear thanks so much I got it ..... Have a luscious day everyone

  55. I keep seeing myself in secondary school uniform, also in my secondary school, sometimes going for lecture for my previous year in the University. please can Anyone interprete?

  56. Bv OYO aka Grace found me
    It's been a while, how are you and your family? How is your babay's health now? Happy new year.
    Pls check your mail.

  57. Olori a big Amen to ur prayers about us waiting on God,did u attend one night with the king last night? Papa done nail all the wahala on the cross.Rejoice my sis

  58. Good morning Bvs.
    Stella, waiting for your bambinos tale tomorrow.
    Eka, who God has lifted up,no man can bring down. I wish you all the best as you prepare for your wedding. Let the countdown begin.. 😘.


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