Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative....


Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative....



Thanks Stella.
It's may be lengthy.

I came to the UK,7years ago.Met the father of my twins almost immediately I arrived.He is well to do so I will say it was all about the cash and he was a heavy spender. I got to know he already has a daughter from the person that introduced me to him,I confronted him and he said it was not intentional. 

I forgave him cause it actually happened before we met.Along the line we had a break up and boom!He got her pregnant again!We got back and I took in,I wanted to get rid of the pregnancy cos I didn't want,in the process I realized I will be having twins,so I kept it.After the birth of my kids,this guy got this same woman pregnant with their third child.At that point I knew it wasn't worth it.

 I decided to quit but dude won't let me be.Then his family went ahead of course with his consent to pay off the lady's bride price.He didn't tell me pop,I snooped and found it on his phone. I felt so betrayed! I have made my kids understand that we are no longer together but will try to be cordial cos of them.He really doesn't have strong bonds with the kids cos I am solely taking care of them since I birthed them.He comes once a while to see them.

Now he still begging for us to be together and all but my mind is made up and no going back.My question now is how do I let my kids go spend time with him at his base with his wife? I am not comfortable at all cos I don't trust him tiny bit at all.What do I do? I don't tell the kids anything bad about him. I would prefer they grow a little more,they just 5years.

*Get back with him as what?Your baby Daddys wife should not be a problem,please let your kids bound with their other siblings,I dont think she would mean them any harm...try and one time and see how it goes and also have the other kids come to visit,if their mama says no,then you too can say no to yours going over.....did i make sense?


  1. Stella you made alot of sense but chai that man is a public dick... We women love money sha

    1. Have y'all heard about condom?

    2. He is public dick, yeah . What about the lady? public pssy. When you see fire and still shook your head there. Boom he got 2 kids and you still went ahead and carry belle, come dey blame the man. mtchewww.

      You wives should get a big house and all live together abi what else I go tell you , as if you didn't see the hand writing on the wall already.

    3. This one is not ‘public’ it’s just polygamous. How did he mistakenly impregnate her the first time. The. She introduced you to him. Chai.. trying to wrap my head around how some people live.... smh

  2. Move to another part of the country and start your life all over.

  3. Lol. This sounds like Flavour's circle with Anna Banner and Sandra. Aunty borrow sense.

    1. Same scenerio that came into my mind as i read thru..
      Confused women & confused prick.

  4. I dont understand, the person introduced you to a man what?
    Its obvious they were dating before you came in.
    You are the side piece so maintain your lane, dont play the victim.
    You also mentioned ' it was about the money initially'...the guy apparently just comes around for the kpekus, nothing more, take care of your kids, let him come around once in a while and MOVE ON!
    P. PamπŸ’

    1. Exactly I wonder why a woman would introduce you to her own man...Madam talk true you went for him because of the money.

      Let him visit his kids and have play dates with the other kids, for now don't do sleep overs as your kids are too small to give you a feedback as to if they are comfortable visiting their fathers place or not


    2. Lol read well now. The introducer is not dating him. That's the person that told her he has a child

    3. May God bless you

    4. Chai! Same assumption I made @Anon 15:09. May God help us today on top this matter. Poster, may every spirit that is trying to heap undeserved blames on your head catch fire o!! May you not be misunderstood ever again. Haba! It is well.

  5. If you are ready to birth another child go ahead because that's what he is looking for. Please allow him have access to the kids but please don't leave them alone with him and the wife.

  6. So in this man's dictionary there is nothing like condom? His own is to be impregnating women up & down. But why is that woman like that, she knew she wasn't done with him yet she introduced him to you. What kind of wahala is all these? Is it bcoz this said man is wealthy & spends generously so ladies keep throwing themselves at his dick or that he is so good in bed. I'm just irritated about this chronicle.
    Poster so whatever you like with your kids since he doesn't really care. Don't let that he goat into your house, your twins can visit him under supervision cos I don't trust that man & the wife.

    1. Haba!!!! E don happen today. That was how I understood the chronicle too when I first read. May God help us all including Poster.

  7. If u are not comfy with them being there alone with her, then do supervised visits, go with them.

    1. Go with them and before you know belle don enter again.

  8. when the side chick gets short changed!! anyhoo, hes their father. You choose him to be your kids father so let him have shared custody with them.
    You knew the kind or man/father he was with his wife yet you stuck around cos of the my dear continue enjoying your BM status of a rich london spender.

  9. "You felt so betrayed?"
    You were the one that betrayed both him and yourself.
    You were in it "for the cash", did you not say it?
    The other lady breeding babies for him was in it too "for the cash"
    So guyman just dey fork two available holes in alternation.
    No be una wan "abroad and cash?"
    Market don land na? Will the girls ever learn?
    And you been wan shoot off those babies? Thanki you for sheathing ya sword and guns.
    Make you take good care of the babies inugo, the other lady don snatch vamoose.

    Make ladies wey dey visit this blog learn life lessons and not always fight like that
    chinchi woman.

  10. Let him continue to visit the children in your home for now. I think they are still too young and need great supervision at that age. If you send your children there now it will make five young children in the home, who will be looking out for your children's safety? You said he does not have good bond with them just visiting occasionally. His family chose that girl as a wife for him and he followed through, so who will be at that house that you could trust that would look out for the safety of your children when they are still so young. In three years time they would be better able to look out for themselves and understand danger. I would not allow them over there before eight years old just as a safety precaution.

  11. The wife has finally snatched the man.
    If you release your twins, she might summarily finish them off.
    Let the man come to see his kids whenever he wishes but don not be so foolish to part legs again because you will still get pregnant and may end up regretting it. He is now married, get that into your head. And stop being in it for the cash.

  12. Please change that title, the woman is the first deceiver here. She saw money and opened her legs asunder.

  13. All I read here was vaginal enterprise. Finish.

  14. This one na second Anna banner, actually you have no choice than to trust him, it is just pure motherly instincts to feel anyone will harm their kids, loosen up a bit and allow them go for hols. Ensure you give them a phone or if they are too young employ a nanny that will go with them. Their stay should not exceed 3days and I would advice you don't even allow them sleep over till the oldest is 10-12 years. If they are still too young just do outdoor stuff. People that grew up under the same roof with their dads and siblings still engage each other in battles that lead to them killing themselves so don't go out of your way trying to form "bonding with papa" person wey go love im pikin go love am, it comes naturally it is not forced. Most importantly ensure your kids are open and free with you to discuss how they feel about the other family. Kids have a natural, innocent way of sensing danger

  15. You people should be breaking these chronicles down in vernacular so that some of us can understand very well na. Let me see if I still understand small 'Engrish'

    1. A lady in the UK introduced you to a man in the UK when you got there seven years ago. From your narrative, one can safely assume she simply fell from the sky just to "introduce" you to the man. Her man!
    2. You started dating the man ozigbo because he is loaded.
    3. You now "found out" the lady in (1) above is the baby mama of this your ATM maga.
    4. He now "explained" how the lady "fell pregnant" and you 'forgave' him and continued because it happened before you two met.
    5. The lady now fell pregnant again after you resumed dating him.
    6. So, you too now fell pregnant, considered abortion but decided against it because you were carrying twins.
    7. The lady now fell pregnant again! So, they went to pay "off" her bride price.
    8. Mr. Sweet Banana ATM visits you and the kids once in a while and wants you to "continue" your 'affair'
    9. You want to know if you should allow your kids visit 'their daddy' and his legitimate wife okwa ya? Stella has answered that one.
    10. If any BV finds the part I missed where and when she called the woman in (1) above to ask her about her relationship with the man she introduced her to even after she discovered they had a child together, let me know please. Amebo na work.

    These babes ain't loyal mheeen! And it came to pass that you were beaten at your own game. That man's wife deserves a medal for so many reasons even if he's just a dogband but I also guess it's because of how the system works over there too. You have all the answers you need but just needed to unburden your heart through this 'confession'. It is well with you and your twins nne. The Lord is your muscle. Haba!!!!!

    1. What do you mean the inrroducer is the baby mama? Abi I no read well?

    2. I had to read again.

      She got to know that the man already has a daughter. It is the person that introduced her to the man that told her.

      I think its like that

    3. Thank you anons. My SIL also called my attention to it a while ago. You see why I needed it to be broken down for me by BVs who read and understood her punctuation better. I assumed she took over the man after she was introduced. My bad and I'm sorry.

      So, in this case Poster's only mistake was carrying on with the relationship after she found out the man was insincere about his babymama turned wife. Please don't allow your twins visit their dad at home alone (until they become teenagers or adults) but don't stop him from visiting you in your own home. And if marriage is part of your immediate or future plans, may God bless you with a great man who would also love your children as his. Just don't make the mistake of getting pregnant for him again unless you don't mind being a second wife who picks nearly all the bills alone since he's already showing symptoms of being a deadbeat dad. It's actually these men ain't loyal and I'm so sorry about my earlier assumptions and how it made you feel. Please.

  16. I dont understand this story o,do you mean the lady that introduce you to this man is now the wife?and before you met him they already have a child together.Are you sure you are not the home breaker here?

  17. ok,now i understand.

  18. madam you're a side chick, and you know it from the beginning cos you mentioned you were just there for the cash, so deal with your issue, you wanted to snatch that woman's husband but her God pass you

  19. Please don't send your kids over there to stay until they have grown to a reasonable age when they can fully express themselves and tell you what goes on while they are there. For now,you can take them along on visitations if they must go there and go back with them. Don't leave them there alone please. Thank you

  20. Am I the only one who was genuinely dizzy reading this? As D.I.Z.Z.Y.

  21. as for me, their father can come and see them at my place. my kids will never go to another womans house, NEVER. her kids shud not come close to me too. i have business only with the father of my kids. if they grow up and want to bond its their business but for now, i wont associate

  22. both of us know say Okafor's law go soon happen again. Lol

  23. Complicated story, complicated life. Why do some people like living lives that are messed up? You should have left him alone once you found out that he wasn't loyal.
    Follow your kids on supervised visits until they are grown enough to take care of themselves in his house without your presence.

  24. Supervised Access: You are in the UK there is something like contact centres. Your kids can bond with their step siblings in parks, play centres, the mall etc. The wife and you most be willing to work together. If you are not strong enough to keep your legs closed if he comes over then have someone else at home.. Both of you made the babies so you both should be matured enough to raise them but like i said start by meeting up with in public places. Good luck

  25. Are you sire you didn't snatch him after she introduced you to him? Cos I'm sure she didnt introduce you to him to date him, you on the other hand got carried away (you sa A case of sleeping with friends boyfriend or baby daddy). If my analogy is wrong then apologies , but look at thr mess the kids now have to go through cos of your decisions.they are his kids after all i will suggest a cordinated visit first until you are comfy enough to send them over. Meanhile He is just trying to find a way to come back into your life and keep smashing you just so you know.goodluck

  26. This has got to be the most misunderstood chronicle ever. I had to read again. What ever you do, do not go back to that man. As his play thing? If he wants to be in his children’s lives, work out something I don’t particularly like the idea of going to their home. You don’t know for sure how the woman feels about you and the kids.

  27. You got what you deserved.your desperation got you into the mess you are now.well I think Stella hit a point why not give it a trial since he want to bond with his children.

  28. The person that introduced him is NOT the other lady, she only got to know from the person (introducer) that he has a child.

  29. with the increase in the number of baby mamas and papas, I just realised that 60% of Nigerians who re single don't use condom , 20% re lesbians, 20% re gays😊😊

  30. Madam your matter is vert simple. You were a side chick that got played. Since he is not providing for the children, there are certain things you can do. You can get the Child Support Agency (if it still exists) on his ass. Also, he can see them via a contact centre so he doesn't some to your house and the children don't go to his. Finally close your legs as I suspect yous till like him despite your protestations.

  31. In all d countries in Europe,UK is where u find d highest number of single mothers..just like a tradition or something

  32. Poster you bad ooo.. See the way you packaged the story to suit yourself. Why come here to seek advise when you can't tell us the truth? I know your kind. Your friend introduced you to her man who had money and you snatched him. I know that very well because we have seen your kind many. New arrival from Naija with hot body to meet rich dude. He dey una body. But the guy is smart too. Truth is you tried to trap him with the kids.

    You need those kids to secure your stay in the UK FACT. Now you are angry with him and you want to take it out on the kids. Shame on you. He's their father and no pain you feel will take that away from him. All these frustrated BVs urging you to not allow him have his kids won't be there when your kids starts carrying knives and twerking online because of no daddy influence in their lives. First of, you have no legal rights to prevent him from seeing his kids. You live in the UK that means he can have his access on weekends. You live in a country with laws. The guy will probably not want to fight you because he's matured but your kids will suffer because of your wickedness. Yes I said it wickedness because I felt if from your write up. Only wicked people steal their friends relationship and that's what you did.

    My advise to you is start taking responsibilities for your actions. You seem to place the blame solely on his and wife's feet to suit your narratives. Do not, I repeat do not prevent him from seeing the kids and having them over. Part of having money comes with certain kind of responsibilities and I have the feeling he's responsible because you opened your legs for him multiple times even when you knew he was engaged to your friend. So you have some kind of degree of him being the man of your dreams. He's not in a lawless country where kids can be harmed. Don't let your kids suffer from actions they have no control over.

    And to all the frustrated BVs saying not to let him have his kids over, shame on you. Hes their dad for Christ sake and he have equally same love as the mother. What is wrong with all of you? Do you all realize that men have feelings? That we are not just some kind of creatures made of iron. That men sit and cry over their kids as well as women? So you want the man to not have his kids over? Kiss them goodnight sometimes? Take them to park without someone looking over his shoulders. Put your self in his position. Please stop giving frustrated advise from your fucked up situation. Think before you talk. Stop propagating hate on men here. Not all narratives by women are true. Jezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    1. Are you the baby daddy \community prick cos you took the whole thing very personal & your rant is top notch


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