Hello Stella, Happy new year to you and yours. I am a silent bv and your blog has been a source of inspiration to me. Thanks for letting us share our stories to free our mind.
I've been reading your blog regularly lately. But the Chronicle of January 3rd really touched me and also when i read how a father killed his children cos of fake prophesy from a pastor. So I decided to share my story too if that's will make me free my mind.
I am from a family of 6. My parents have three girls and a boy. I remember when I just graduated from uni then, my mum was on my neck to get married. Not just me o, me and my elder sis. She is this kind of person that likes moving from one church to another looking for miracles and prophesies.
She and two of her friends. They know virtually all the churches in our locality and have been to nearly all the churches in town. Some times she will take us along but their prophesies are always fake and me and my sis will just laugh. I remember vividly when my she took I and my elder sis to her best friend's church for counselling. She said the pastor is a seer and can predict the future.
We followed her like a bull being led to the slaughter (as usual). When we got there, we saw the pastor praying and kabashing. The whole place was even dirty and stuffy. We sat down there and waited for him to finish praying. When he finished praying, he greeted us and told us that we came right on time. He said he just came in too and he decided to pray first. He said we should sow a seed first and my mum brought out 2k from her wallet and handed over to him.
He then told us to get brooms from the store behind the church and sweep the church. We picked up the brooms and started sweeping. Even my mum that doesn't sweep at home joined us to sweep and we were so surprised like so this woman can sweep like this and she doesn't sweep at home!
When we finished sweeping and arranging, it was now time for counselling. The pastor now said that when we were coming, he saw a baby following me and I was pushing the child away. He said the baby was crying bitterly but I kept on pushing the baby away. He asked me if I had done abortion before or if I just did one? I was so surprised and I said NO. He said his prophesies couldn't have been wrong. He said I should say the truth that I had done abortion. Why did I abort the baby, bla bla bla. I was so angry cos I was even a virgin then. Tho I had a bf but we were both celibate and we just started dating then. So where did the abortion story creep out from?
My mum was already looking at me with side eyes waiting for me to confess.
The pastor kept on insisting that it's abortion o. He then told my mum and sis to excuse us that he wants to talk to me alone. My mum told me to tell him the truth That he is a man of God and I should beg him for forgiveness instead of arguing. I didn't even know what to say. I knew I was in trouble cos obviously my mum had already believed him. My mum and sis went outside. Then the pastor now told me to confess o.
That he saw me with a baby following me but I kept pushing d baby away. He said I should tell him the truth. I just kept quiet. This time I was already crying. He said I should tell him about my relationship. I told him I have a bf but i am a virgin and never had s#x. He said how can I have a bf and still be a virgin.
He said at my age, if I tell him I'm a virgin then I am lying. (I was 23 then). He even said I am too beautiful to be a virgin. He said he is a man of God and he sees everything and I better tell him the truth else I will run mad. He started giving me instances of people that came to his church to lie and run mad after three days.
He said any body that lie to him will run mad after three days so I shouldn't dare lie to him that I should start confessing now else he will give me anointing oil to drink and after three days I will see the effect.
I was so confused at this point. How can I admit to something I didn't do. I was so scared but I stood my ground. I was just there crying cos I was innocent. My mum saw me crying and thought I was crying cos I was guilty not knowing I was crying cos of the lies this evil pastor was saying...
I was so confused at this point. How can I admit to something I didn't do. I was so scared but I stood my ground. I was just there crying cos I was innocent. My mum saw me crying and thought I was crying cos I was guilty not knowing I was crying cos of the lies this evil pastor was saying...
Well I told him I don't know what he is talking about and this time I was really furious. I made sure I stood my ground cos I was innocent. When he saw that I wasn't ready for his threat, he then told me to go that he will pray about it. He asked me if I do see myself in d water in the dream, I said NO. He asked me if I always have s#x in the dream, I said NO.
He then prayed for me after which we left o.
When we got home, my mum told my dad what happened and they started asking me questions about the abortion I didn't do. I told them the pastor was lying and he is fake. My mum started insulting me calling me all sort of names saying I should not talk about a man of God in such manner that I am the liar cos my secrets had been exposed.
She actually believed the pastor.
She called me a slut, abortionist, spoilt child, etc. I cried out my eyes that night. I said I won't go to church again. Throughout that period before I finally went for NYSC, my mum kept using it against me. That year was the worst year of my life. I lost my self esteem and was depressed cos nobody believed me.
They thought I actually did abortion and was a spoilt child. There was a time I was sick and my mum took me to the lab for pregnancy test. Lol. Well I thank God for where I am today. I was discouraged from going to church then. I just hope these so called pastors will stop destroying homes and preach the word of God instead of confusing innocent people. Parents should also learn to trust their children. Some of these pastors are fake.
I have so many other stories I would really love to share here about my encounter with these pastors but let me just start with this first. Anytime i think of this incident, i am always very sad. I feel like exposing him but God is the judge. I am actually doing fine now and so far so good, God has been faithful.
People should learn to pray and fast on their own and stop depending on pastors and fake prophesies that will ruin their lives. Imagine someone killing his children because a pastor labelled them wizards. It's alarming that things like this still do happen in our society.
We should be wise please and learn to pray on our own too. God answers prayers and I am a living testimony.
*Wow,this is really serious...Some of these people are not really called by Go to become Preachers..they do it cos of monetary gain.
Good that you were not intimidated into confessing,imagine if that was a small child?May God help us oh
When you do not read the word of God, especially the teachings of Jesus, you become a slave to these so called "pastors".
ReplyDeleteWhen you know the word, the word will set you free. And if Jesus sets you free, you will be free indeed.
Have you read your Bible today?
Fake pastors destroying homes and relationships since 1920
DeleteImagine these so called fake pastors defrauding and deceiving people upandan! Even those that God did not even flash will still say that God called them. For what na??? To scatter marriages and destroy homes? Some will say they've been to heaven and hell fire and fought with d devil. yinmu. Things like this still happen everyday. We just have to be careful. Anyway it's a pity people are too blind to see them cos they want quick miracles. While some are just too lazy to pray. especially ladies! You can easily pray on your own and God will answer. you don't necessarily have to meet a man of God to lay hands on you before you will receive your miracle
DeletePoster will they ever learn? Don't be surprised after reading this your chronicle someone is typing to ask if she should continue with her marriage plans cos her pastor has seen that her fiancee is not meant for her. Ndi goers
ReplyDeleteHahahaha... I swear
ReplyDeleteThank u for this.
ReplyDeleteTWO of the MOST POWERFUL psychological WEAPONS of RELIGION are FEAR and GUILT.
ReplyDeleteMost of these preachers are FAKE.
ReplyDeleteThat was how one that calls himself a pastor said I should bring FOOTBALL and WHOT for liberation.
May God help us and direct us to the right step.
Cusxa like seriously??🤔🤔🤔
DeleteYes o... That if I play the ball and WHOT with a guy in their ministry,and I win, that I'll get married before october last year. Lol
DeleteOh my God! Was that how Jesus performed miracles in the bible??? By gambling and playing football in church??? This is really funny
DeleteI've had a similar experience. I was 16 and freshly our of secondary school when that evil man of Satan accused me in front of my elder sis of committing abortion. ..
ReplyDeleteIt's a long story, that period wasn't funny at all.
In my rich world, we don't take all these gods of men serious.
ReplyDeleteIf you enter your house and see a Yahoo guy and gods of men/pasotors, kill the gods of men 1st before the G-guy because G-guy will flex you well before rendering you useless but gods of men/pastors aka glorified Yahoo guys will rob you mentally and financially before rendering you useless .
That's why they are called "yahoo men on suit"
DeleteIt is written in the Bible that not all that call me father father is my son; and also judgement will start from the church!! End time is near indeed..
ReplyDeleteI can imagine how you felt. I blame those going around churches looking for what not
ReplyDeleteNa wah
ReplyDeleteLol. Sounds like my mother's pastor. Last year, I overheard a conversation where they admitted their pastor really doesn't know if someone is possessed or not. But they pressure people to confess to what they know nothing about, including children. After that, they tell the parents or guardians that the children have covenant with water spirit!
ReplyDeleteHahahahahaha the man na gangster...He actually gave us brooms to sweep for him? Hahahaha
ReplyDeleteThe problem is that most Nigerian Christians don't even read the bible or Koran, so they believe everything their pastor,priest or Iman tells them. Ignorance of the word of God and poverty mentality is Nigerians biggest problem. My people perish because of lack of knowledge.
ReplyDeleteHungry people parading as pastor exploiting the gullible ones.
ReplyDeletePoster, thanks for this. There are many fake Pastors and Prophets around. They keep thriving because our people keep encouraging them. Poverty and fetish mentality are factors aiding these god of men, men of God.
ReplyDeletePoster, if I were you, I would have suggested that my parents take me for virginity test , just to prove the Pastor wrong though they( Parents ) don't deserve your winning their trust because they believed the Pastor over you.
One pastor told my friend that her first child will be a boy na so my babe sow seed of 20k. Now she don deliver a beautiful healthy baby girl. Majority of pastors are scammers
ReplyDeleteMay God help us
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteLol... Chai! See free money. This is real business o
DeleteThe same way false prophets manipulated my husband and we are currently separated. What didn't they accuse me of? And he swallowed it line, hook and sinker.
ReplyDeleteI have tabled my matter before my Maker who will reward every man immensely for whatever he sows. Their lies will be what will manifest in their lives and as they are trying to destroy that which is precious to me, so shall whatever that is precious to them be destroyed.
DeleteAmen sis
DeleteIn as much as there are fake and lying prophets. There are also true men of God.By their fruits you shall know them.
ReplyDeleteIn all God is the Almighty God and He knows His own.
My mil that believes evrytin they tell her should cm and read,hers is worse cos they drain her pocket,and will still cm to her shop to eat free,I just pray dat she is saved before it is too late,that's ow one of their fake pastors of their ulo ekpere came to the house one early morning,to pray and was telling us we have an enemy and that hes out for my hubby,I was just staring at him,while saying back to sender and my mil was busy saying these children dey wont hear ohhh,na just drama abeg,after evrytin he was nau asking for money..hahahahahahahah just tnk God I left that house for my sanity..
ReplyDeleteany pastor that ask you to pay money fr anything lyk counselling and prayer is fake.... I don't lyk to all dis ministry I prefer kneeling and pray for my own salvation,Jesus didn't die fr only pastors,he died fr everyone and everyone has access to him equally
ReplyDeletethis fake prophecy is d cause of so many homeless kids in calabar and akwa ibom.. poster u would slapped d demon speaking to him out of him ....BT he may say that u are also possessed with 24 demons
ReplyDeleteMy people perish because they lack knowledge. Your mother shouldn't be taking you to see a pastor at your age. Most times, people leading you from one mountain to another are actually behind your problem and so take you to their members who swindle your money and render you mentally unstable. Know who you serve, pray for discerning spirit and never pay for counselling in whichever form. CCC does free consultation and counselling. Always be bold to tell a pastor/ prophet a message isn't for you if he tries to force one on you
ReplyDeleteExactly o! I remember when I was in uniben, my friend dragged to her fellowship. that was how I got there and all of them were speaking in tongues. even my friend that invited me was speaking in tongue and was pinging with her blackberry then. she wasn't even concentrating. All of them were busy forming eye service. When the pastor was preaching, he said "you cannot be bigger than your pastor, you cannot be greater than your pastor" all of them were busy shouting "yes sir! ride on sir we love you sir! I was shocked. how can a pastor tell his people that they cannot be greater and bigger than him? all of them were still saying "yes o, you cannot be greater than your pastor" the pastor asked them again "can you be better than your pastor"? all of them shouted " No Sir, how can I be bigger than my pastor". That was how I carried my bag and jejely sneaked out. After that day I warned my friend seriously never to invite me to such fellowship again. What nonsense. mtchew
DeleteLol.... modella ooooo😂😂😂
DeleteThe one who was busy following me up and down from one mountain to another was my problem. God showed him to me in my dream since then I stayed away from him. Na you they carry me up n down na you they kill me. Who does that. Today he has taken over everything in the home. Controlling and manipulating. We need to be careful who will share our problem with. There so many snake n rat in the name of I am helping you.
DeleteI believe what God show me through dream than what one fake pastor will say. Though there are still genuine ones. God will give us d spirit of discernment.
This is probably the reason I hate my mother today because of so called pastors. I will put my story out someday. It took the grace of God I didn’t commit Sucide. Thank goodness where I am, I realized family is overrated.
ReplyDeleteI’m beginning to think so @ your last line. I do so much and can die for family but some things that have happened make me wonder if it is even worth it. I’m so sad and disappointed
DeleteMaybe I will just focus on my parents and damn the rest
Poster thank you. There are fake pastors everywhere deceiving people. Giving fake prophecy up and down. That was how one told me that I have done abortion before and that is while I am ttc. Can you imagine the rubbish. Ihave never slept with any man before I got married. It was hubby that dis virgin me after our wedding.I left that place n never returned till now. The funniest thing was that the woman who took me there told my parents in law n they started saying rubbish indirectly. I told them to go n ask their son how he met me. Fake pastors causing trouble in many homes.
ReplyDeletePoster , I laughed throughout reading this because something similar happened to me. I was 24 and a virgin and my own virginity was worse because I've never had a boyfriend nor kissed a boy. So no amorous contact at that point, imagine my shock when a pastor said it's because of abortion I no get husband. I justill started laughing, stood up and walked away. My friend that took me there was angry, that the pastor sees and blah blah. Told her this your pastor is fake why should I recall an abortion I've not done? Where will the pregnancy come from.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, my friend is still blindly following that pastor several years later. She left her marriage because the pastor said so, she almost lost her son because the pastor said she should use holy water instead of taking him to the hospital. The latest thing that made me angry, our group of friends wanted to help this my friend outo by contributing money for her to start a restaurant, to my utmost shock my friend said her pastor said there's no way foreward if she embarks on the business. I was just thinking that God have mercy, this is a graduate doing my pastor said this or that. Even illiterates will have better sense, how many years you have been following this pastor still you have nothing to show for it. When we (our friends) decided to contribute 500k to help her start a business, we thought it would be better than giving her 5k or 10k everytime. I can't type again, the whole thing just tire me.
You said *some of these pastors are fake*, but believe me, ALL of them are fake including the Adeboyes, Oyedepos, Okoties, Oyakilomes, etc. All Nigerian pastors are nothing but a bunch of crooks! Having this knowledge will do you a whole lot of good. The world is moving so fast and all we do here is discuss religious bunkum. With all the religious shit, Nigeria still houses the highest number of the extreme poor in the world! What an irony. We also have the richest clergymen in the world! The best thing you'd do for yourself is to stay very far away from anybody calling himself a pastor. They're nothing but ravaging vultures.
May God increase your wisdom
DeleteIgnorance every where you go
ReplyDeleteEnd time pastors everywhere.
ReplyDeletewhat happens to kneel and pray for one self? I dont find this wahala in my church, I love being a catholic and i dont rely on a priest to pray for me. I join mass, to learn a word of God, and after, i take my time reading my bible, that way i come face to face with my lines of solution for the issue in hand.
DeleteI had been to almost all Pentecostal churches, they way they handle mass and offering is something else! to some churches they dont except coin offering, i heard a pastor saying it will ruin the offering is either the equivalent of 2 dollars and above or nothing!
You can't see a pastor without a consultation fee, oh my God.....what is that? I understand, Catholic teachings must go deeper and deeper to help their believer solve their issues when they seek a hand of God, if you omit some few conservative ways of Catholics teachings, I think is the coolest church I have known! and I will keep a Catholic until i die. we dont ask for offering to see padre, we dont say this coin is not good enough seed, we give prophecy that ruin peoples life, we dont stage miracles to attract believers.. THANK YOU ALL FOR READING. IN JESUS NAME AMEN!!
Hahaaahaa I remember vividly wen I was still in school my gf invited me to her church naso I gooo d pst called me out dat I have a sister blablabla ha me see tire na me be only girl ooo even my friend knows mk I not fall e leg naim I agree Cox of he gullible members lolz I jejely go BK to my seat my gf just open mouth tire lolz