Stella Dimoko Adaeze Yobo Gives A Shout Out To Her Children's Nanny


Monday, January 14, 2019

Adaeze Yobo Gives A Shout Out To Her Children's Nanny

You dont know how much of a family member a Nanny can become until you find a good one...

Footballer's wife, Chief Adaeze Yobo is grateful to her children's Nanny, Edna for taking care of her children.

Sometimes I wish i had live in NANNIES cos it seems these Nannies have it easier handling the kids......Those of us who came far without Nannies were sure lucky..


  1. Replies
    1. Those in Nigeria have it easy I will say. Not here biko.
      I'm off work today and i am just sitting to have a cup of teeth since I dropped the kids off in school at 8:30. I have to start arranging lunch, dinner, swimming bags for after school, what they will eat in the car bla bla bla.
      But I'm still grateful to God πŸ™πŸΎπŸ™ŒπŸ½πŸ™‡πŸ½‍♀️

    2. Very difficult to have live in nanny in the abroad

  2. Replies
    1. My nanny is sitting on this table. Very kind hearted woman. She went for 5 days, thos were the longest 5 day ever. Thank God she is back to take control of the house. I can not comma kill myself.

    2. Yollar 15:10 you cannot comma kill yourself. But you can Comma kill your self opening toto wideeeee and pushing out children you can't take care of without nanny.this is LAZINESS.I'm sure your mom raised you up with the help of nanny.instagram wives

  3. Haaaaaa.. I can so relate. Just about the same age and size. No driver, no maid yet. Up till now, the agents are giving stories and it's mid month. I wan die.

  4. Replies
    1. God bless mine.God just dashed small me a good one.When she told me that she needed to go for Christmas,I agreed but thinking of how to manage with out her, especially when we travel to village.before she travelled,I gave her plenty gifts for her and siblings that she started rejecting some cos of too much loads.she travelled and came back after some days and said she wants to travel with me to villa so that I can enjoy my holiday well.I danced eeehh.And see how every one in the family kept on praising and asking me how I got her.

  5. Oooh! So na the nanny dey always give her those shots she regularly takes at her 'door studio'.
    Nice one. Welcome back nanny.

  6. Where is the Nanny in this picture? @Blessed Princess

    1. I was hoping to see the nanny too lol

    2. She's usually on her page. Think she posted her bday celebration b4.
      They treat her like a part of the family,which is good. I usually see her taking strolls with the kids in my estate.

  7. Shout out to my nanny too, good woman, I dont joke with her at all

  8. I totally understand this.
    If you have a good Nanny, you have gold.
    I always see her Nanny in most of her photoshoots, it tells a lot. Being good is not a guarantee that you will get a good nanny though, Just be good anyways.

    If there is anything I knew quite early, it is the fact that I could NEVER work in a school.
    Thank you Teachers. Thank you for holding it down for hours. You all are Speshul *In my girl’s voice*

    1. Honestly. God bless our good teachers and nannies.

    2. Honestly,nothing as good as having a good nanny. You have peace.
      If you have a mother that is retired too and can help is gold.

  9. My problem right now, my husband's niece that is waiting for admission and has been helping me out with the kids stayed back because her mom is sick, Choi!! I have hear nwii πŸ˜•πŸ˜•πŸ˜•
    Even to come online na wahala, thank GOD extra mural classes resumes today, I will be free till 4pm..phew!!

    1. Extra 'moral' classes

    2. Anon 12:07 ... it is extra mural

    3. @ anon 12:07, what I wrote is correct, check your Oxford dictionary. Thanks

    4. Mumu anon. Shez right

  10. My current worry mow is that my nanny wants to go due to circumstances beyond her control. I have been purging non stop, i dont know what to do. How will i cope. My office location is quite a distance from home. I am a single mom of two. Thoughts of starting all over makes me anxious. God help me, kids are 4 and 18 months.

    1. anon u need a good nanny that can takes good care of your kids? I am a nanny who is looking for job because the woman I was working with relocated last year.
      'reply me if u are interested

    2. Worry not! I don't have a nanny and I have 2 kids plus I don't have a maid but someone comes to clean and I am proud to say I look nothing like my age and look far younger than my husband.

      Don't you have a husband? If you do. Start delegating. You can't do it all, after all you are also contributing financially to the home. Get him to bathe one of the kids and prepare their school basket. While you cook and bathe for the other kid.

      Enrol them in a creche/school where they close late. When you get home, give them snacks and rest for at least one hour before you resume with them.

      When you are at work. Try and rest when not busy. It's not every conversation you contribute to. Spend less time being a gossip and purge your mind to absorb positivity ( there are a lot of negative people in the work place)

      In every thing you do. Rest and good food is very important. Sleep at least7hrs every night. At work catch at least 30mins rest and when you get home, catch at least 1hr rest.

      Most of these maids and nannies are nightmares and I am glad I have found a way to cope without needing them.

    3. Anon 12:31,"don't you have a husband" you asked?.. A question meant for a person who clearly stated she's a single mum of two. Just wow.
      Make we dey try dey read to understand before writing epistles. Tainku.

    4. She said she is a single mom!!!!

    5. Cool down na. Maybe she didnt see,lol.

    6. My bad! Anon 11:30 skip the husband part. I always wish I can be of help to young mothers.

      I am having it easier now than when I had maids. When I had maids, it made me lazy. To even cook sef na war! Then I used to occupy my mind with junks because I had so much spare time. But now, I am on the go and the time I have to myself instead of using it for "junks" I use it to sleep and rest and eat and of course read sdk blog!

      These maids and nannies dey fear me. Funny enough I have never had a bad experience.

      Do whatever works for you but please always rest and take good care of yourself. It's when you are healthy, you can give your kids your full and healthy attention.

      @Yori I might take that typewriter as my blog id if I am ever tempted to get a blog id

    7. Anon 12:31. Every woman isn't the same. That's how i decided not to get any Nanny for my kids I ended up hypertensive with other health challenges. I was advised by my Dr to get one. These men are not very helpful most times. You gotta get one πŸ’

  11. Nice one Adaeze you are lucky to have a good nanny

  12. Great Adaeze ,nice one !

  13. My nanny is Godsent.She is so awesome.

  14. Good nannies are a proper blessing I swear. Just pray not to meet evil nannies oh, they will put the fear of the Lord in you for days.

  15. She's lucky to have a good nanny.

  16. Awww! This is so nice of her to appreciate her nanny. Very few people who have nannies will do this.

  17. As much as it is a good thing to find a good nanny, it is also nice that we treat them right, what some of us private lesson teachers and nannies go through in the hands of some parents is unprintable.
    They'll want to turn us to slaves, forgetting that we also have self dignity, esteem and needs too.

    Imagine, I was contacted by a parent that needs my services for his children, initially, his request was for 2 of his kids,later he added one more..... Without an increase in the pay, I didn't object, I needed the money. On the start day, his wife cunningly told me that I'd be picking up the kids from their school by 2:30,imagine!
    Whereas lessons commence at 4.
    This was not in the agreement ooo

    Some of these parents think we teachers don't also deserve rest.

    It's not easy handling kids, so appreciate nannies and teachers when you see them.

    1. I hope you didn't accept all that nonsense?

  18. I'm very sorry to say you have failed as a mother and as a woman when you feel you can't "handle your home" when your nanny is raised these women? So if there were no nannies you cant put your houses in order and take charge of the children you bore? Even when you are a stay at home mom.throw the entire bulls hit away!and to think this is coming from a stay at home mom. Instagram and Facebook mothers.

    1. Failed? Is it exam,are you the one marking the sheet.
      And so what if you need a nanny as a stay at home mum. Won't you go out and have a life. Each woman knows what works for her. I'm yet to see her husband complain.

    2. She did not say don’t have a nanny... but I personally cringed reading that caption up there. She sounded totally helpless., couldn’t get her children in order and didn’t know what to do with them simply because a nanny wasn’t around? So that means the nanny is in charge in her home? She’s the one training the kids, putting them to bed, sorting them out in every way... Wowwwww

  19. Adaeze Yobo is just lucky. A good nanny deserves all the accolades.

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  20. Lazy women....people abroad has 5 or 4 kids and single handedly take care of them without Nanny and still do 8 hrs job.Be there shouting nanny this nanny that....long hisssss

    1. Reason many of them are depressed and looked older than their age.
      The fact you can't afford one doesnt mean you should knock others.

    2. You don't look better than them please.

    3. Have a nanny, by all means but as a mother, you should be careful that you don’t abdicate your role to a stranger or you risk becoming a stranger to your kids as they grow

    4. I agree anon 01:45 my toddler is already like a stranger to me after less than two months with a nanny. I am sending the nanny away not just because of that but my baby is imitating her bad behaviors as well.

  21. God bless the nanny.


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