Stella Dimoko Actress Omoni Oboli Reveals Secrets Of Her Flat Abs


Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Actress Omoni Oboli Reveals Secrets Of Her Flat Abs

Nollywood actress Omoni Oboli has revealed why she looks so hot after three kids....


  1. She's testing the waters... she wants to dabble into diet, health and weight loss consulting.

    1. Gbam @ Anon.

      No be only one way dey lead to market.

      It also helps that she had her kids earlier, when her metabolism was higher. Good luck to them

    2. Same thoughts I had, good for you omoni

    3. anon ,we think alike, come lemme kiss you πŸ˜—πŸ˜—πŸ˜—

    4. Omo I did this, by the time I came back into d country pple didn't blv I had a baby,like flat tummy o but d dizziness, painful joints which has been diagnosed as Arteries, constant morning headache, I sha enjoyed all d beautiful compliments until I land for hospital.
      1st question, what is ur diet like,I been wan lie but i talk true
      Medication given, Madam go and eat proper FOOD and avoid Sugar, ur body needs fat and calcium otherwise u r calling for more sickness. Am back on 3meals, I ate gait meat leg like it was going out of fashion o,that cured my joint pains somehow but d belle no too fat like dat.
      I also think there is a healthy fat burner in Dog meat, because am sure over 70% of this calabar women r so fit! Even at old age they r still looking 30ish and all.
      Will continue wen I don gather enough fat to sustain me .

    5. You are right.

      Meanwhile, yes she’s had kids but her body isn’t any goal at all . Only lazy people will think this is goal she needs to go to the gym and build some muscle.

    6. Anonymous 13:50, you are a very dark soul. No matter how you pretend, it oozes out of your pores. You better learn to respect Calabar women who are far cultured than you and your generations. Oloshi buruku

    7. Anon 13:50, please why are you like this?
      Anyone who eats dogs or encourage the eating of dogs is a very wicked person.

    8. Why? All animals is for food. Why is eating dog different from cow or sheep or chicken? Is it because oyinbo said so? Pls miss me with the fake ‘wokeness’

      Even the Bible says in Acts 11 that everything that God made is good. It’s all a matter of preference

  2. I am sorry but genetics plays a huge role in "natural" body sizes and shapes

    1. That's what Lazy people say..

    2. Don't mind her, it's in her genes,her mum had a slim and slender figure

    3. over right dey worry sylvia.. some can reduce but not to the lepa size

    4. Your genes play the role while your lifestyle pulls the trigger !!

  3. Old age don dey show for her face gaan.

  4. Good for her. The way she id hammering on the number of kids she has carried though... people like us that are natural full, if we drop one tna to blow be that ooo.

  5. U go girl, rock ur body joor, nothing do u.

  6. Omoni, you are naturally on the slim side. you no be orobo right from time

  7. Replies
    1. Exactly my thought. All these stories is equal to keto.

    2. Shows Omoni just wants to be noticed . She been like this for some years and if she started doing all these keto writeup it within the last 2 years

      Her shape us due to genetic and having kids young but she just likes attention and notice me so she must post

  8. Flat tummy is good but don’t be too skinny. You need some curves, some junk in the trunk. Don’t be dry like crayfish and be flaunting flat tummy with flat ass. I eat what I like and I work out, also waist training is essential for flat abs.

    1. Stella,Anon 13:17 should be filed some where for comment section stress...or hilarious comments....l am still laughing.
      Someone said years ago that some naturally slim people enjoy making others think that they work so hard and their discipline level is high. That is not nice. Omoni is not my weight loss goal: she needs a hamburger with that her scrawny stature!

  9. That tummy I see over there is flabby. Talk another thing abeeg.

    1. Flabby?
      Iti mpako!

    2. It not toned at all. .. not big but very flabby

    3. Her body lacks exercise, goal is always not about getting slum but being fit

  10. Discipline is the keyword to dieting..
    Weight loss isn't magic.

  11. Aunty Omoni....nice one,even me have ne doing some for some yrs now without knowing what i was i know better.
    But wait oooo, did you wear that sleevless top in winter?

    1. no nah, na just to snap pictures, oga is holding her coat by the side, while her last son is doing the snappingπŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹after snapping she go quick quick wear am...

    2. πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€you get mouth sha

    3. Kidjo u no well I swearπŸ˜‚

    4. Same question on my mind! In this cold, maybe if she snapped inside the house we wont see the stomach abi abs

  12. Her tummy is quite flat but she doesn't have abs.
    Thanks for the tips tho

  13. I'm still looking for the abs.

    I don't do any of the above she mentioned (except number 4), but still have a flat tummy. Same as my mum and sisters. Genes?

  14. Yeah partly keto came to mind too.

  15. Omoni, please cut us some slag, you are not on any diet! You are just genetically blessed. My aunt has 4 kids and her tummy has packs, i mean muscles! She eats everything, and i have 3 kids, unless in winter when i drink a lot of coffee, my tummy has always been flat. It is genetic because my dad, looks very young and does not have a tummy. I don't deceive people with too much lies, tho i eat healthy. No eba, no white breads but still i won't say it is because of that. Ibinabo that has 5 kids and older than you, have you ever heard her tell you she is on diet? chioma and ufuoma too have flat tummies. You just like devious ways...

    1. God bless you @anonymous 13:35

    2. Afi cut us some slag naa! Using expressions you can’t spell. Lol!

  16. Bullshit....You had your kids when you were really and study has shown that women who gave birth at young age get their body back in shape real quick.

  17. bvs does acv really work for weight loss?I really need to she some weight off

    1. Yes it does(the one with mother in it)
      It helps curb hunger too...

  18. Omoni overdo too much. She always been slim but make so much noise about been slim and mother of boys

    Can we rest. There so many women like you

  19. Nawa o. Women.... We are our own worst enemies. Not one single comment even commending her for keeping in shape whether it through her diet or genetically acquired. Well done Omoni, you have done well. Its not easy to stay in shape whether through exercise, diet or genes.

    1. pele oooo maria iya jesu

    2. No mind them. I like women who take care of themselves after child birth. Genetic or not!! She try and she looks good. Bad belle people

    3. is so sad to see how women rarely show support force each other.

    4. 14:37 Loll and most of them are obese mini elephants half her age.
      She looks GREAT!!!
      There's nothing too hard in acknowledging people's efforts and waka pass unless of course jealousy as usual is choking you up like acid.
      Some of you who on a normal day would call her aunty look like her mother.
      With your breasts swinging on your belly button, stretch mark decorated grandmother wings, 6 month pregnancy looking stomach, thunder thighs and scaly skin that you are always looking for one low cost cream and makeup to cover up, you should be humbling taking notes.
      But which eye you wan take use write na, as evil tounge and mind don blind una finish.
      You can't be looking like an orangutan and still be bad mouthing someone who obviously enjoys taking care of herself and has the means to.

      Oya, let's wait for the usual retard who will crawl here and screech like a dying bat 'Welcome Omoni'. Mkpi.

    5. dont mind the witches on this blog. some people will just never have anything good to say about someone. her page her story, if you dont believe her or like her just move on.but they will click and read then spew bitter comments

  20. Omoni it have do already, your notice me is too much

  21. Liat. Genetics is a key factor in a person’s average weight throughout their adult life. Small time now she will start selling omoni fit tea

  22. A lot of female Bv's on this blog are bitter Kai...she is only giving free advice so it's either you take it or you completely ignore it but you don't have a right to insult her effort in helping people loose weight.

    Plus anybody can be slim forget that nonsense called genetic and stop been lazy aboutique your health.
    Of you eat right and practice some of these things mentioned in her post you will lose weight.

    Genetics has nothing to do with FAT. most people are FAT because they lack discipline when it comes to what they eat and their health those of you FAT people on this blog stop deceiving yourself and Start living healthy


    1. Please go and collect your fees from your biology teacher

  23. Blablabla... seriously if we watch what we eat we will be healthy with flat abs n some exercise.

  24. Ha ha ha ha ha. These Stella's BVs, una dey mouthed o! All dis talk unto Omoni diet post. Ha! Oya, Omoni,you don hear? E do! Dem say your own too much, make you rest!

  25. Omoni tnx for showing us you flabby flat tommy. Still searching for you abs you're talking about

  26. I wish I can follow this steps, but no, one minute am on diet ,the next minute am taking junks and coke, how can I discipline myself to eat healthy , am confused

  27. Omoni notice me is just too much ... make she take several seat. She not toned at all. Just a slim person that hardly eats and had kids young

  28. People with Afo beer are expecting Abs from Omoni. What a generation.🀣🀣🀣🀣
    Under your nose, she will market a business, start it up, Start making sales and even sell same product to You people.
    Their success and publicity sometimes depends on exactly what some of you are doing. Continue.

  29. I have 3 kids nd also boys like Omoni, my tummy is fkatter than this, and also I have shape I am a size 10 up and 12 down,no I don't do smoothies,I don't drink green tea, I eat every day normal food and don't even exercise.i guess I am one of those that nature is kind to, so it's not about rigorous regimen. Some ladies might do all these and still remain fat and flabby not its not their fault


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