Stella Dimoko Wordless Post.....


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Saturday, December 01, 2018

Wordless Post.....


  1. This is getting serious, don't know what to believe anymore....

  2. Anybody that believe this double nonsense is as foolish as it comes, mtsheeeeew 😎😎😎😎

    1. Youre the foolish one here!
      Youre so ignorant, even if facts are on your forehead u wont notice...
      You think its 2be trolling up and down?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. You want to derail this post abi😎😎😎😎😎

      Non of your foolish fellows will see this now,but by the time I reply in your own coin,they will start crying like a child denied of toffees 😎😎😎😎😎😎

  3. Nnamdi Kanu don kolo finish. How can?

  4. Why are Nigerians like this? Lol....this kind of article reduces ones IQ, and u would see educated people spewing trash with confidence, who's the first successful human clone? Is it pmb? Lmaoooooo!

    1. I taya BB. The IQ of people is declining rapidly!

  5. The facts are becoming increasingly difficult to ignore or argue with, concrete facts!

    1. Only smart ones wouldnt ignore it without questions.

    2. What are FACTS there? Taking pictures at different positions, shades and times? Ah, prove to us say you go school na.

  6. We've seen in "movies" where the cloned president did something great for a country.but this one is doing the opposite 😔 😔

    1. Hes a puppet.... what can he do?

    2. The joke is on you. Movies to real life?

  7. Is this even possible? This is a whole country o & not some America make believe world, Some things are better off un_debated.

  8. I saw the one Buhari was writing with right hand and Jubril with left hand just to prove the same thing. Same reason why the cabal said Rat entered aso rock, meanwhile the code to Buhari's office rejected Jubril's hand. Interesting! Now am beginning to believe them. Nothing last forever. The cabal is holding this country hostage. If you like believe it or not.

    1. Yes oh.... and why has Zara suddenly gone quiet about her father on twitter? Her last tweet about him was when he left to the hospital, his last recorded treatment.

    2. They are really holding this country but God pass them

      I have heard too much and even saw some things

    3. Someone with double/two faces is talking about hearing and saw some things. They know themselves

  9. ......... And we wonder why they call us "Black". Some people are so black, it's blocks their neuro signals.

  10. Both ex President Olusegun Obasanjo and Abdusalami Abubakar has called on the man in Aso rock to address this issues of double, even if it is for a minute. Yet he is yet to do that. I watched a video of their next level launch, the man addressed Osibanjo as His excellency and his supposed wife as Mrs Buhari. Doesn't that speak volume of itself? Why hasn't they arrest FFK so that the case will go to court and the truth reveal. There is more than meet the eyes.

    1. Lols..Ezege I know say you won't miss this post.

    2. Wow! Daftness of the highest order. Osinbajo shouldn’t be addressed as his excellency? Even a state governor is addressed as one not to talk of the Vice President. Mrs Buhari is the wife of the president not the First Lady of Nigeria. Wow! You really suck.
      Go watch Arnold Schwarzenegger’s movie on cloning to learn about how long it takes to clone a person, especially for a person of over 70 years of age. Read a little of genetics and cloning (you won’t understand it much because it is too big for you but you will manage), you will at least help yourself understand genetics 101 not the foolishness you are digesting from a double in Israel by the name Jack who is claiming to be Nnamdi Kanu the coward killed by the Nigerian military. If your point of reference is from such coward, Nnamdi Kanu and the two Ghanaian and Ethiopian you read on FB, then the level of your ignorance is worse than your bad English grammar and literary construction. I hope Sky is not as badly informed as his professor of gbagauns’ friend. Education is power but yours incapacitated you. What a pity!

    3. @19:18 you claimed to be educated and see nothing wrong for an acclaimed President to addressed his vice as his excellency, oh dear me... I will take it from any other person but not from a president. if he address his vice so, what then will the vice address him? Go and watch that video please. When it was rumoured that Obasanjo was dead, didn't he come out to refute it? Why is he taking time to speak out to Nigerians? Even Obasanjo attested that world leaders have been calling him to ascertain what it is about the double. There is need for the Aso rock occupant to speak out and clear the doubt. Until then we will keep on believing what we heard until prove otherwise. Never was it said that he was clone rather there is a double of him claiming as an impostor was the assertion.

    4. Stella please release this on this beautiful Saturday. More daftness with sick rationale. Who did this to you, boy? That it is against ethical norm and principle of position morality for a president to address his vice as ‘his excellency’? To address him for what he is is wrong in your own shade of blatant disregard for defined constitutional recognition of position? Wow! A basic or less basic Pol Sci 101 course for less educated like you is highly needed. Boy, the joke is on you. You even bring the word educated when you know you do not merit the certificates that you carry and bear. Your level of literary construction is an absolute proof. I need not debate about that.
      Furthermore, that Obasanjo was said to be dead is a non issue. Was he in power when it was said or after he was out of power and no longer in public sphere? Such correlation betrays logic.
      You know, in your usual fallacies, claim that ‘world leaders’ are requesting Obasanjo to clear the air. Boy, are you serious? Which ‘world leaders’? ‘Nnamdi kanu’ thé coward or his double in Israel? Or his jacks killing themselves in Nigeria?
      And you just proved the weakness of your statement: “until then we will keep on believing what we heard until prove otherwise”. Apart from the sadness in this irrational submission, I need not speak to the construction itself. And until then for us, we will continue to serve you some sense of education and orientation to rise beyond mediocrity to mediocre intellect.

    5. Teejay please work on your tenses. I just skipped the two comments with all the shelling.

    6. I swear this anon 21:33 is that political anonymous. Na only him dey enter teejay badly with heavy comments. I raise Beyoncé hand for you o. Abeg mellow down small. Teejay Na emotional guy but sometimes him too dey insult people

    7. So how come the buhari has not been frequenting London for medical checkup/treatment ever since the last one where he spent months that resulted in his rumored death! The buhari we know would have been travelling almost every month for treatment or checkup but this imposter hasn't. So does it mean that the old man does not fall I'll anymore or has been completely healed?

  11. If someone with proof can not come out to categorically say what he knows about this, then they they should forever hold their peace. why disturb people without concrete proof/ evidence.

  12. This present president (jubril) don’t know how to speak Fulani. Also the real buhari can’t speak English fluently for at least 2 hours without adding hausa-fulani to his sentences or speech, but this present one speaks English fluently for more than 2 hours and even speak English to his aides, which the real buhari won’t do.

  13. BV's stop living in denial,the in aso rock is not buhari take it to the bank and cash it.president buhari was dead and was buried in Saudi Arabia.I won't speak further.

  14. Only in Nigeria...

    1. Only in Nigeria foolishness is a proof and reference point to stand with.

  15. Mtcheeeew whether jibril or Buhari, what difference does it make. All we want is good governance. Since the certificate saga is no longer holding, it is this rubbish.

  16. people don't know most presidents have a double. Nothing new here.... We just want a good leader thats all.

    1. Another daft first sentence. MOST PRESIDENTS? Which countries? Elaborate on your most? What nonsense!

    2. Anon you are the daft one . Better go read about it. When people hear things there intelligence never got them they insult people

    3. Anon 21:43. “When people hear things there intelligence never got them they insult people”. Please, where did you school? With this level of English, I am sure intelligence is far from you. Secondly, mention names of works on the subject to prove your intelligence. Not mere speculation. Then mention names of MOST PRESIDENTS who have or have had doubles. Olodo!

  17. To those insinuating low IO, the use of body double is not uncommon but it’s usually very temporary. I hate to think anyone will do it on a permanent basis if the real guy is dead. In Nigeria though,nothing is impossible as some people cannot afford to lose political power

  18. Joseph Stalin had a body double read history

  19. The only problem here is that the presidency has not disclosed the nature of the president's earlier illness.

    Perhaps Buhari had an ear surgery, hence this. But since they take us as fools not to let us know, then we are allowed to make a mockery of them and doubt their existence.

  20. Whoever that believes this poo is gullible. Same way Cambridge Analytica was paid $2m to raise propaganda that Buhari want to islamize Nigeria. If I'm even to believe anything, I can't believe anything started by Nnamdi Kanu. He was the one who started this nonsense.

    I refuse to believe it because fake news is everywhere.

    I remain an unrepentant supporter of Bubu

  21. Buhari is dead and gone. Aisha knows the truth. Zara knows the truth. But the allure of power is mind boggling. Just like Yar'Adua was held hostage in coma in Aso Rock while his cabal milked Nigeria for months until they couldn't hide it any longer.

    1. Dead or not. APC will be gone next year.

  22. This cloning news is getting more ridiculous by the day 😩😩😩 I'm ashamed of this country and with the way we are going, our redemption is far!
    Lots of educated illiterates everywhere and that is the most dangerous set of people...clone a 70years+ old man? Do they think that this is a grade B Hollywood movie?

    1. People actually meant body double and that is very possible.

  23. I'm telling u, lol..stark ignorance, confidently displaying illiteracy.

  24. PDP Calm down, buhari got a face lift amongst other,he may look younger on d outside but trust me d main engine on. D inside is that of an 80+ old man


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