Stella Dimoko TVC Presenter Says She Cannot Let Her Hubby Bath Their Daughter...


Wednesday, December 05, 2018

TVC Presenter Says She Cannot Let Her Hubby Bath Their Daughter...

Heavily pregnant TVC presenter, Morayo Afolabi Brown shocked me this morning on the show ''your view'' when she made a statement that would leave you wondering why she is still married to the man she loves so much but cannot let touch their daughter...

Morayo and her other colleagues were having a discussion on s#xual abuse viz-a-viz the relationship between father and daughter and if boundaries should be set in this kind of relationships.

 Yeni Kuti was also part of the programme and she argued her heart out......

Morayo who is pregnant with her 4th child said......

''I absolutely trust my husband but I won't take chances and have him bathe my daughter, because whether we like it or not, there is something flying in the air these days that is encouraging imbalance and immoralities''.

''I actually trust my husband but I'm just being careful because people that have experienced this kind of situation, also trusted their husbands and yet, it happened''.

No,Morayo did not react from pregnancy hormones,she only said what a lot of other women out there feel...women in insecure Marriages...WTF!!!
If you are married to a man that you cannot trust with your daughter and he is the father,then there is a big problem!!!......And if you cannot let your hubby bath his daughter then dont bath your son!!!

what is yours?


  1. Thanks stella.

    How can you remain with a man you think could "inhale what's in the air" and molest your child?

    Does she think bath-time is the only time that molestation happens?

    This is the result of talking too much.

    She just called her husband "a likely paedophile" on TV.


    1. Thank you at bipolar.

      So she cannot leave their daughter with him? So your daughter can not sleep beside the father? He Cannot change her diapers if she poops or is wet, he cannot dress her up etc. In short her husband cannot see a naked baby girl because she does not trust him , maybe the baby could lead her husband to temptation?? Wow.

      In short , if i were her husband ,this is a ground for divorce.

    2. I'm just here imagining how embarrassed the husband is feeling right now. Choiii

    3. I pity her husband.
      Why will I not allow my husband to bath OUR daughter? Na wa

    4. Am def divorcing too, omg the man must have done things to warrant this height of hypothetical accussation.

    5. Being prepared is not same as being scared. I absolutely support her view

    6. I support her view please. An Igbo adage says"Amu amaghi Nwanne ya" It means that penis doesn't know the difference between blood and outsider when it decides to misbehave. So many women have argued this before and end up being disappointed when they learned that their husbands are molesting their daughters. Believe me many families are ignorant of this. The day I went to my sisters house and see her husband bathing their 10yrs old daughter, I told her afterwards to stop that.

    7. It's not the matter of trust or not. It's called caution

    8. I think nobody has asked how old the child is first.
      I see nothing wrong in a father bathing an infant child. But I believe when they get to an age like 3 that they start being AWARE. I will want no male bathing them. Whether their father,brother,uncle.
      Its not because of abuse but in my opinion it's not proper. I also don't want a daughter to be too free with a male to the extent if let's say a male teacher takes her to the toilet she is comfortable with it.
      I don't have a daughter yet I have sons. I'm going to make her so aware of her body that no male whatsoever even if it's a teacher or classmate is going anywhere near her body. I in particular while growing up even as little as removing my clothes near brothers/cousins was prohibited.
      Just make your daughter aware of any male near her body is a no no.
      Besides as a mother pls tell me what I'm doing I can't bathe my child. Why the father ???

    9. @ Chidinma, since the penis doesn't know the difference btw blood and outsider, why are you visiting your sister? What if the husband tries to sleep with you or molest you?

      I don't think you guys know the gravity of what you are saying.

      If we are talking about men cheating, fine!!! But that out of all the females in the world , my husband will think of sleeping with his own daughter?? Never my husband cannot do it. I am married to a man who cannot do it.

      Yes, I can leave our daughter with my husband and the least of my worries will be molestation. Infact my brothers cannot do it.

      My dad loves women so much but never molested me or any of my sisters, never!!!

      Most of you are married to dogs, if you don't trust your husband with his own daughter then that means your husband can sleep with your sisters, his own sisters, your mother self or any female around since an erect penis does not know blood.

      So you will be taking your female daughters everywhere you go because ypu think their father can molest them? Why not quit the marriage and have peace of mind ndi I must die a MRS.

    10. Stella that is her view. What is yours ?

    11. At 13 my dad still baths me. He was working in another state so whenever he's around he my mum goes on leave from house chores and everything.

      I can't fault her comment. She is the one married to her husband so she knows him very well. We have heard of father's abusing their kids,brother's having sex with sisters and their likes.

      I know a dad that was abusing his son. I've read of a brother having sex with the sister.

      She's entitled to her opinion.

    12. Anonymous 20:15, your eyes will soon clear. @ Swag keep allowing your husband to bath your 20 yrs old daughter. You will soon write chronicle. Because you think that all these anonymous post we read every day is false? Let me tell you, 80% of child molestation stories we read every day are done by families, fathers inclusive. Keep living in denial

    13. Chidinma biko who do you this kind thing? If you were feeling sleepy is it not better to chill and comment the next day? It is you and your household that will write chronicle.

    14. Bath or no bath. A paedophile is a paedophile. It's like saying rapists rape because of what you are wearing. Which is so not true. A rapist rapes because they have a predisposition and propensity for rape. If you can't trust a father with his own daughter then maybe you shouldn't be with that man. It is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Are we saying he can only develop feelings bicos he is seeing his own daughter naked? "the only way he can ever be aroused by such depravity is because he is predisposed to be that way and even if his child is covered in hijab, he will still be aroused.

  2. Why not if the girl is less than 7Yrs? This is nonsense joor

    *Larry was here*

  3. The problem is that she sees the girl as MY daughter not OUR daughter. I will advise the man to get a DNA test for the kids.

    For the bathing there is no problem, perhaps she is saying something noone knows

    1. That's another angle @ your first paragraph.

    2. I can also tell you that her hubby maybe 100 percent innocent, she’s just being cautious or would I say scared, it may seem one kind but that’s the way she knows how to handle hers

    3. My dear the child belongs to the husband...i have a friend that doesn’t even want to leave her baby girl alone with her husband and the baby is a carbon copy of her dad...she said she doesn’t trust her baby with her husband bcos the man is a serial womanizer so she feels he can molest her baby

    4. Smh@brisbane. How does the child belong to the husband So people still think like this in this day and age? Smfh. The child belongs to both parents.

  4. Anyways na she get her husband so she knows what he's capable of doing so I don't blame her. She didn't make that statement in ignorance. But any unmarried woman who moves around with this dangerous mentality needs help, if you think that men shouldn't be allowed to bathe their INFANT female daughters so that they won't be tempted to molest them, the world should just end already.

  5. Different mindset Stella. The presenter must had a horrific childhood you may not know. It could be she speaking out of her own experience or another person's experience. Days are evil and things are happening. No one truly knows what lies in the heart of the closest human being whom you call a friend /spouse or even sibling.
    The devil moves like a roaring lion seeking for who to takes a person who truly has the fear of God to resist temptation of any sort these days. Her take! To each his own.

    1. I was just going to say she has probably been molested or abused as a child. It probably stemmed from that. A normal father does not abuse his own daughter..thats sick!


    2. A big misnomer, we keep selling to the public is that Evil is male. This is why we keep seeing the males as the villians, and females as the victims.
      Evil has no gender pls. Women can cause about the same harm an average man can.
      We need to stop tagging any random man as a potential villian.. This is where this kind of talk stems from!

    3. No it stems from statistics. Compare statistics between men and women who commit these act and that’s where it stems from not just in Nigeria but world statistics which now makes it fact.

  6. Stella, I think women that make statements like this are less than okay upstairs. They are carried away by the whole women vs men fight especially online that they forget that everybody is an individual and the same way there's bad men, there's good men too.
    If my spouse said this kind of thing that this woman said about me, I don't know what will become of that marriage. She spoke very foolishly! How can you be with a man you do to trust to bath your own daughter.
    I echo your sentiment Stella, if her husband can't bath their daughters, then she can't bath their sons. After all we hear stories of mothers having sex with their sons even into adulthood

  7. Look at you!I bath and dress my daughter and she is eight years old

    1. Enter your reply... I thought u 'was' give away princess? now u a man? wowzer!

      kelvin DAT Edo Boi (Stellz Cousin)

    2. Princess you are a man ??
      I thought you are female o.

    3. Looll...this slip-up is Loud!! 🤣🤣

    4. Anyone can comment with unknown. Besides, giveaway princess adds her prefix after each comment

    5. This is not princess. She signs out as "@giveaway princess"

    6. They are 2 different IDs. I have noticed their different comments. I just thought the other unknown was a lady not knowing it belongs to a man.
      Tever/giveaway princess always adds her tag after each comment.

    7. Giveaway Princess is a scammer, I'm waiting to laugh...

  8. 'I've been waiting for this post Stella. Tired of typing so let me copy my comment from somewhere
    "Morayo, don't mind them. They're all crazy. My own father abused me severally even into adulthood. When I was a child, he would wake me up right beside my mother and take me to his room. Not to talk of days my mother was out of town. I was eight. It went on for years. And he's not the supposed illiterate or ritualist stereotype. We belong to the so called elitist class. A teacher. I'm 32 now and I'm still dealing with the trauma. What I expected you to add is that it is no longer gender based. People are become more perverted everyday. A sick mind is a mind. Paedophiles could be gay as well. So it's not only about daughters. And mind you, we hear of sisters and mothers abusing boys too. Also, all these so called house girls... hmmn... let me not talk. Uncles, aunties, neighbours... you don't want to imagine. Even slightly older or more exposed children's friends. So this enlightenment should not be for mothers alone. We should be proposing practical preventive measures that cuts across board. I don't blame you at all, aunty Morayo. I'm with you on this. It just doesn't end there. Doesn't stop at bathing nor the girl child."

    1. Sorry about your experience.

      But frankly, from what you wrote, not allowing your father to bathe you would not have stopped him from molesting you.

      He was a sick, pervercious man and that's it. If it wasn't you, it would have been another girl child.

      And i would like to ask, where was your mom in all this?

      Did she know?

      Did she remain married to your father knowing what he kept doing to you?

      Morayo never said she had been molested and she will be a fool to have seen traces, even slight traces of her husband being a peadophile and still stay with him.

      This is a grave accusation she made on TV.
      Her husband could lose his job over this.

      I mean, the human closest to him just said she cannot leave a child around him.

      If you, dear 17:24 says something like this, maybe it would slide because of your experience but how on earth can you bear the last name of a man who you cannot trust with your child?!

    2. Because you were unfortunate enough to have a sick man as a father does not mean that every man out there is a potential incestuous pedophile who would molest his daughters. I wouldn't blame you for agreeing with the Morayo lady and I can only understand her POV only if she was molested by her father as a Child. Other than that, it's a very dangerous and damaging mentality to have. If you cannot trust your husband with your baby girl, I honestly do not know what to say to you.

    3. Wow.. Starker. Using the word'unfortunate'is too deep. She shared her story and pain, empathize with her and state your point.
      I know you didn't mean it as an insult, but that word hurts.

    4. anon 18.19.. I'm telling . The man could lose his job in civilized countries. Very dangerous statement that was made.

    5. Mz Lynn. How on earth could the man lose his job in civilized countries.
      She did not accuse him of anything.
      He did not commit a crime.
      In civilized countries, you are innocent until proven guilty.
      Employers do not simply watch or hear stuff and terminate an employee based on hear say.

    6. Thank you Anonymous 17:24. It's very common now from both fathers and mothers. Sisters, brothers, cousins etc. She has chosen her own method of being cautious, you can choose yours without condemning her. I stand with her 100%

    7. CPS would show up in that house in a heartbeat

  9. Her daughter, her choice, her marriage...I hope she doesn't end up making her husband insecured in his home or around the children.

  10. Stella, things are happening in marriages these days,and a lot of women have trust issues about their horsebands....

    I witnessed one in my previous compound, where a man will bath her daughters from head to toe without washing her punani then calls on her wife who happens to be in the kitchen to come and wash the childs vagina only. I was shocked,okay I dismissed it that it probably just that day but it's repeated itself next day. So the man bath his daughters while leaving the vagina area for his wife.

    What will you say about this then???

    1. It's normal na, might be the mom is worried he won't clean it well. Like most times when hubby bathes our 1 year old, when I'm drying her up to get ready to dress I find out he doesn't really clean the private well and most times its like he just jumps the part. You know girls are complicated na and if you don't wash in between the lips the private can smell

    2. He may not know how to wash it well .
      Nothing wrong with that.

  11. She shared her view, what's happening now can make one to be suspicious I think she's trying to protect the child, too much stories going on in the world ,she's trading the cautious path please

    1. I just don't understand why bvs here are bashing her. Anything is possible No be this world wey we dey again?

      I still remember how a mum was told that her kids (a boy and a girl) were busy getting down. Mama pikin no gree. That was how she fought and insulted her neighbors who caught them in the act. One fateful day, mama pikins saw what she couldn't believe.
      For this presenter I don't know the level of trust she has for her hubby.

    2. Una no know una fellow bvs before??? I no just wan talk put before the regular idiots say I talk just to be on the opposite side of bvs'views. I no get strength today jor.

    3. You guys are the idiots, selfish and thoughtless with no self worth . Infact most of you are failures and should be taken to a mental institution,
      If she does not trust their child with the father then why exactly did she marry him or why is she still with him?

    4. Shege anon 23.25. Sometimes it’s better to keep your mouth shut and give the impression that you’re STUPID than open it and remove all doubt!

  12. I had a severe pain due to nasty fall,my husband bathe my girls because their vjay smells whenever my help bathed them,I am okay now but hubby helps out since I sent my help packing. Not all men are paedophile

    1. Thank you annon17.45. Not all men are paedophile please.

    2. God bless your hubby and all the good men out there. When my dad stopped bathing me, my older brother took over and there was no rubbish.

  13. I feel so sorry for the man she married, this is a disgrace.
    So shes saying she sees the possibility of him being a pedophile, some ppl dont know what to keep away from public, tufia

    1. Exactly. Some things are better kept to oneself.

  14. Me I agree not because of anything flying but because one day an 'uncle' might start touching her and she will think since daddy does it then uncle can do it ..

    1. then the same argument goes for mothers and sons. you should also say aunty can do it because mummy washes the boys private

    2. Anon 23:11 This is not battle of the sexes. This is about doing everything to protect your children, boy or girl!

    3. God bless you anon 24:11
      People are seeing this as a battle of the sexes. I feel uncomfortable when my child is naked around anybody! I mean any freaking person! It has nothing to do with the person, you can’t control or see people’s thoughts. I don’t even wanna feel anybody is thinking some sorta way bout my precious princess, call it paranoia, this is my own personal decision. I will do exactly same for my son when I have one, people can think whatever they like.

  15. I want only male children
    Nothing concern me with this talk.

    1. Boys are also abused.

    2. Yes they are @commonsense
      But if you weigh the rate btwn boys and girls you would see girls take the lead.
      Apart from the abuse talk .. I am just saying what I want

    3. Nnuku I think boys are taking the lead now. The rate at which maids and some horny old aunties abuse boys is high.

      I think the reason why we don't get to hear about guys is because they don't bleed or get injured and all.

    4. And they also enjoy it

  16. Hmmmm Stella until you walk in people's shoes eerr, you won't understand things they say. I do not need a sooth sayer to tell me, that woman has ever been abused by a closed trusted family member. My dear Stella forget talk. Even if she has never been opened about it, this statement gave her up. She needs therapy. This is a statement of someone who has ever been abused but bottled it up.

  17. Adabekee and G&M, you guys are on point. She probably grew up in an abusive environment and could be a product of incest as well. Her husband could be a pedophile as well. If her case is non of the above, then I think her husband should get her to apologize publicly. I think she is just a stupid person with trust issues.

  18. Jesu!!! What will be her husband reaction. Stella reach out to him na lets know how far.

    1. As in eh, how will the man feel? Some things are better left unsaid. Nawa o.

    2. ‘How will the man feel’ Is what has given most men the power to get away with all sorts.

  19. I like her guts sha. You say things the way it is.

    1. The sad part is by the time they finish threatening her and pressuring her she will come back and say ehn it was pregnancy hormones, 'ehn it was not what she meant', 'it was village people'.

  20. I agree with u Stella. If husband can't bathe daughter them wife can't bathe son too.

  21. We are missing something in her statement...there's something in the air this days that is causing some imbalances and immoralities... Honestly,am not trying to be religious here but we are living in end times..I know of a father that was sleeping with his daughter for years.No sane man would want to do that.but there's these evil spirit that manipulates people to do what they ought not to do..e.g why would a man start sleeping with his secretary, or house help or sister Inlaw..may God deliver us from all evil

    1. There's nothing in the air. It's always been like. It's just that everything is just a click away today.

  22. She is very correct on
    This days things are not to be taken lightly again Biko
    I was disvirgined by my father @7
    So it's very possible, believe it or not

    1. Jehovah nke usu nile nke ndi agha!!!

    2. 😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨

    3. Omg!!!!!🤬🤬🤬🤬

    4. Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesu
      Kai this is bad

    5. Things are really happening!

    6. Awwwwwwwmmmmm. This breaks my heart. A 7yrs old girl is so innocent with a pure heart. They have genuine love for all. They are yet to understand life. I am so sorry poster you went through all this at a tender age. It hurts more that it's from someone who was meant to protect you. Ha!!!! Sad! Sad!! Sad!!!

    7. @1812. I hope he is no longer alive because hmmm. Make I nor curse am.
      It is well with you. Just imagine. At age 7. You are strong. Please, if you are married and have kids and your papa is still living, keep them faaaaar away from him.

  23. Maybe the reason she said so is because, the husband will touch the place, wash it n that means his fingers will rub around the inner n outer folds, fine, he does it without feeling weird cos its his daughter but then she might not be comfy with d idea of her husbands finger cleaning there. Its just like a dad n his daughter bathing together, will u allow it?

    1. My father bathed me till I was about six.
      Men of nowadays sha...

    2. Yes o, that is the reason she said so. I agree with her though.

    3. Castle my dad bath me too but he always say bend down and wash your bum bum well by yourself.
      Na when I begin get koko for breast he dey pursue me enter bathroom ...

    4. My dadddy did this, my father did that...

      We are not talking about Papa Nnamdi.

      We are talking about a very perverse generation of men who are like animals on hind legs.

      Men who rape babies.
      Men who rape little children repeatedly and force them to swallow sperm.
      Men who rape their own sons anally.
      Men who rape their daughters, anally, vaginally and orally.
      Not oyibo men.
      Nigerian men.
      Enough of pretending we don't know it's happening before us.
      You people need to get your necks out of the sand.
      Read the news.
      Sometimes go to court and hear TERRIBLE cases that will make you want to vomit on the court floor of fathers raping their daughters and sons.

      Sometimes go to children's ward in hospitals on humanitarian visits and see children whose vagina and anus have become one dues to sexual molestion.

      All by their FATHERS, most times hidden or even enabled by BASTARD mothers.

      Enough with 'My daddy','My father'. Good for you, you were not raped or sexually abused but your father is not the bench mark for all other fathers. Very soon stories like yours will be the minority and people will be swapping stories on whose experiences are more gory.

      I agree that there's definitely something in the air and it stinks more than shit.

    5. Anon I was answering Blackberry's question. Don't burst an artery please.

    6. 20.11 I hereby award you a certificate of excellence on this issue. You injured the head of the nail!

    7. Whether I burst an artery or not is none of your fucking business.

      I was speaking to people who can handle intelligent discourse.

      I do not at any point recall mentioning your name.

    8. She wasnt talking about all men. She stated her husband and this is why we all are shocked. Well I am!

    9. Abegiii, So because some men have done or are doing it means we should generalise that all fathers are capable of molesting their daughters.

      I hear people say most married women's first child belongs to an ex. Is it okay to generalise that all women are promiscuous and we should castigate all women because of careless statements like these?

      Common this is not fair. There is nothing in the air. All these evil you hear of has always existed. Technology is the reason why we all hesr about all these sick stories. 20 years ago there was no social media to report all these nonsense.

      Not all men are sick, not all men are bad and if you as a married woman cannot leave your daughtdr with her father, you need to get out of that bondage.

      How careful can you be with a paedophile living with you under the same roof? Is it only through bathing a man can molest his daughter??

    10. 23:44

      Gosh, I feel like I'm talking to a wall. A very thick dense one at that.

      OBVIOUSLY, not all men commit these terrible atrocities.
      The onus is on us to acknowledge the terrible present day perversion of our society and if possible find solutions. This woman has stated her opinions.
      Whether you agree or not, is your business.
      She's not telling you how to take care of your child.
      She's telling you how she takes care of HER children.
      How difficult is that to understand???


      I would take one of her that a billion of you fearful, lily livered, sycophants.

      Nyen nyen, 'my daddy', 'my daddy', who cares about your daddy????

      We are talking of what is happening in THIS PRESENT DAY.
      Not asking you to raise your hands and comment if your fathers did not poke your bum bum 35 years ago.

      Unevolved clowns.

    11. Anon, Pls be my friend!!

    12. Sure Zee!


    13. I love you anon!

    14. Dear Anon 07:58, you hit the nail straight right on the head! Can we be friends? 1st time of reading from a well learned person here. E-hugs and season greeting

    15. You are the one that does not get it. It has always happened. Child molestation has always happened, do you get it??? There is nothing in the air that has not always happened. You guys should stop staying with men you don't trust. You are the selfish and myopic ones who stay in this sort of marriages for selfish reasons.

      About 15 years ago or more, I was in Fountain of life, pastor said come out if you have been molested by your father, people came out.

      You guys should quit the delusion, evil didnt start today, ritual didnt start today, rape, even gays have always existed.

      A child belongs to the man and woman so who told you the woman alone can take this decision!!! So you get it,it is their child not her child.

    16. So you think all these pedophilia just started with this generation? Or the last one? A big fat NO!! It’s just that people are hearing more about it cos of social media plus people are more open to talk about it now

  24. I thought morayo was more intelligent before this comment. Why does she want to use a single comment to destroy her marriage. Her husband happens to be a pastor. Shame on her. She really surprise me

    1. Pastors sef dey sin na . that aside
      I guess she didnt explain it well sha
      She doesn't have igbekale oro (how to table talk)

    2. If people have a different opinion than you, it doesn't give you the audacity to question her intelligence.

      Nigerians are like smelling sheep.

      Unable to think coherently and originally. Always following the crowd like zombies because they are afraid to hold unpopular or different opinions and always quick to mock or shut others down when they choose to hold different opinions.

      You are DAFT.

      The simple thing would have been to explore where this statement is coming from not bringing up her 'marriage', 'husband', 'pastor' 'intelligence' like a DAFT person.

      In a smart society, this comment will inspire viral conversations as it's high time people to acknowledge some hard truths.

      But this is not by any stretch of imagination a smart society is it? Just a nation filled with innumerable DAFT people who will now congregate here with their decayed yellow teeth and screech, 'Welcome Morayo'!!

      Mtsheeeew. Such a pity.

    3. 20.30 if u are the same anon 👆 there I award you a certificate of excellence again and again on this issue. You have finally scattered the head of the nail.
      Nigerians ehhn?? Fear their mouth o.. If you no strong to stand by what you strongly believe to somersault enter inside lagoon b your fate las las

    4. Shame on you too...
      People will just sit down nd keep typing rubbish
      I respect this woman for her statement now.

    5. 22:06 Yes, I am also 20:11.

      I am used to having unpopular opinions here in Nigeria.
      It doesn't faze me.
      It's one of the ways I know I'm actually thinking right.
      Because, 'popular opinion' in Nigeria is empty, vacuous and puerile.
      Only worth its weight in air.
      Don't follow popular opinion.
      Think your own thoughts.
      And be bold enough to stand by them.

    6. We are alike. Blowing you better kisses here 😘😘😘. "Think your own thoughts !!!"

    7. I am blown away by your level of intelligence, pls create an ID and air your views more on this blog. God bless you!

    8. I love you still,anon!going through the post,I saw nothing wrong with it but the comment section blew my mind.I had to ask myself if these people are in this same Nigeria that I am bashing morayo like that.

    9. I'm in awe by your level of intelligence Anon. Dang! Something about you and GnM feels like me (having unpopular opinion). Hugs dearies

    10. Look at them, what has she said that is making you guys grovel? Pathetic lots.

  25. My mum had had us before going to the university and it fell on my dad to bathe us most times. It was normal. Well it’s her opinion and I think what will make her husband feel bad is mostly the reactions e.g Stella’s reaction.

  26. Morayo, am so with you on this. Can't allow my hubby bathe my daughter too or any of his male relations or mine bathe her either. Yes! I so trusted hubby but I don't want to give chances. If only you people shouting how will her hubby feel if he hears this hear or see little of how some fathers became their own daughter's sexual abusers, you will marvelle and keep mute.

    1. My dear, these days, men molest boys, women molest boys, men molest girls.. The world is evil! But it has no gender. Tackle the individual.. Leave his or her gender aside.

    2. Is it only men that molest girls. it also happes the other way. i know someone that was molested by her nanny for several years. my husband bathed for my daughter when she was little. if I'm on call, will i prefer a stranger or outsider. as she got older, she washes her privates herself. dont i bathe my son?

    3. Chioma Okeke, receive sense in Jesus name. It is not only through bathing your husband can molest your daughter. Shame on you women who selfishly stay with these unstable dogs you call husbands and protect them.You claim to be staying because of the kids but that is a lie, you lot stay for selfish reasons .

  27. Some ideas her best left in the mind

  28. Nothing will happen to her marriage IJN, she is only trying to educate d mass. But got misunderstood

  29. I don't blame the woman, lot of things happen right infront of thw one's that are even shouting trust upandan. Daughters are molested everyday by their fathers. Yes not all men are sick and actually the sickness is not written on their foreheads. It goes beyond bathing though

    1. My dear the world today is evil. Evil keeps multiplying on the daily and people these days see some kind of evil as normal. The devil is never asleep. Even the ones that seems to love the Lord more than some sinners are never above temptation. Reason why we should always call on the spirit of God to always be with us and deliver us from evil.

  30. There are several reasons this woman will have this mindset.
    She might have been a victim. Or she has witnessed something similar, heard horrific stories or he has given her reasons to think he would bed any female.
    If the last is the case, she doesn’t have any business sharing same space with him.
    What happens when there is no nanny? When she is so ill she can’t bath them?
    I remember saying as a single girl then that I will be the only one that will bath my kids.🙄These days the relief I feel when I know someone as good as me is there to do it, is pure bliss.
    The stories I am reading here breaks my heart. So sorry.

    1. Thank you oh Iphie, how can you share the same space with a potential paedophile??

    2. How do you identify a potential paedophile?

    3. Zee abeg helep me ask am.
      Maybe there is a billboard on their head na
      'I fuck kids for a living'.

  31. The truth is that it's weird for most men washing their daughter's vagina.. That's why you see them asking the girls to end and wash themselves... However, she shouldn't have said this on national TV, except the man has given reasons to distrust him in the past.

    1. Well maybe he had given her reasons then

  32. I wish I could be a fly on the wall in their home tonight.

  33. I totally understand where Morayo is coming from, and I don't think she was molested, she has said it several times she got married as a virgin. I believe everyone should be allowed to air their views without undertones being attached . Don't be surprised the husband has nothing against her stand. They know what works for them. She has even said she will forgive her husband every sin he commits, even adultery. The only one she never will is- INCEST.

  34. I am with morayo on this, once a girl is 7 years old their dads should not be allowed to bath them anymore. I was in my sister's place last weekend and the daughter of 7 years was gisting me how one boy in her class use to touch the sisters privates. Also how one girl was abused by the uncle that use to bathe him

    1. Did she state an age though?

  35. She does not want her hubby to bathe their daughter. Na by force? Most Men will not even go a good job anyway.

  36. My uncle bathes his 7 year old,i don't feel comfy with it but what do i know?

  37. I understand where she's coming from based on the society and the evil things happening under our noses, abominable things that wouldn't even cross ones minds a decade ago is now common place.
    That is how she wants to deal with/process the information she's confronted with, deal with yours anyhow you like but calling her names is absurd.
    We have seen women/wives have sworn for their husbands with their lives and what happened? It did them like film trick. Women who kept quiet and allowed the beasts they married molest their own kids or househelps...someone else child all in a bid to protect their marriage. *spits*
    The heart of a man is desperately one can know it.
    My mother will say...I will never vouch for anybody, not even my children except the one in my womb, for the one I'm carrying on my back might have plucked oranges without my awareness.
    Will I do what she did? No I won't BUT I won't sit down and blame her for doing what she did.

  38. So let's all come to the conclusion that ALL men are evil, sick paedophiles.

    ALL Women are angels with hearts of gold.

    Male = Evil.

    Female = Good.

    Since Miss A and Miss B were sexually abused by men when they were little, it means that there is no good man out there anymore.

    Our fathers, our husband's, our brothers, our sons...they are all sick, perverse idiots and should never be kept in the company of a female...whether young or old.

    Now that settles it.

    1. Na ur own personal conclusion be that. Keep it in your file.

  39. Women always trying to demonize men, the same way we read about stories of Fathers molesting their daughter we read about mothers sleeping with their sons even into adulthood. Any woman that uses the term “My Daughter” “My Son” already has issues. You can’t humiliate a man just to air your foolish opinion. How will your daughter see his dad when she grows up to see this video. Simply tell us you’re an insecure woman we will understand

    1. Alert, paedophile father on the prowl, same as 23:12.

      This is how they argues baseless points.
      Anywhere a woman speaks up, it is immediately battle of the gender. Your stinking smelling egos will not even allow you to see and smell the rot around you.

      You men that can't keep your penises in your pants want to now start forming victim???

      But you don't remember you are a penis when you are ramming your penis into the anus of that 11th month old baby girl.


      'Yes Ma'am?'

      'Go and shit on your head today.'

    2. Get lost joo, did your dad or brothers molest you? You think every man is a pervert.

    3. Don’t mind the useless men. Statistics has shown that they are at the very top of the food chain when it comes to sexual acts against anyone even animals.

    4. Lmao, conji that will hold Nigerian men that they will be looking for cow and goats to fuck? Don't we see pictures of their atrocities everyday? That's why you see animals birthing such strange looking creatures that later die. TUEH!!!! Spits!

  40. Thanks @lady Taylor's. I was gonna ignore @snarKer's ignorance, but thanks for encouraging me to respond.

    @snarker, me I wasn't unfortunate o. I just pray for you that your generation won't experience such. I insist that I stand with Morayo on this. Take it or leave it, she is absolutely correct about 'things flying in the air'. It may not necessarily be spiritual. I have forgiven my father and I have moved on. And yes, he EARNED the forgiveness( I don't have enough time to go into explaining how). Yet, it is difficult for me to completely forget my experience which is why I said I stand with Morayo on this. Why can't we just avoid inflicting this avoidable life long pain on somebody all together? What does it cost us? Bashing like you're all doing to Aunty Morayo?! Bash her all you want but for me she's doing something about it which is a great start. Not like you and plenty others who still live in denial while lives are been ruined. Again, I smile at your ignorance cos you people have no idea how rampant this evil is among us. You call me unfortunate because I'm owning up? I'm doing humanity some good at least. What have you done? That older lady that took your virginity at 14, ain't you still inwardly mad at her? That you didn't tell anyone about it, does that make it right? I have done my own little findings and I have come to the conclusion that boy-child abuse, is the main reason men turn out to be the demons they are when it comes to love and relationships. It is the reason why they don't see any need for emotional attachment after having sex. They don't see anything special in sex. This is because, many of them spent their teenage years being used as sex objects by older and more experienced women who didn't and never loved them so pls they quietly ask in their heads what's the relationship between sex and love? They say to themselves, "Mother loved me but she didn't have sex with me, big deal!" Sorry for the digression but if you give it a thought, you'll understand what I'm saying. Anyways, I stand with Morayo and I'm in my house, come and beat me. I agree with her. God help us. God give us strength over forces bigger than us. What if something was oppressing my father then? Who knew who he offended that decided to punish him like that. This is Africa. Today, he hurts more than I do on this matter and has done everything humanly possible to redeem himself and earn my forgiveness. I can say it anywhere today and boldly too, that that man loves me more than my own biological mother. How about that? Yet, I'm the victim here. I am the one who has the video tapes in my head. I was so little yet every second is still vivid. I can't erase it and it plays by itself once in a while. So if I had a mother like Morayo who would have gone to any length to prevent it, won't I be happy for it? I'm sure Morayo was only trying to say to each and everyone one that "This shit is real and we need to do ANYTHING(if it has to be not allowing your hubby or anybody else bath your children) to prevent it.

    All of us cannot begin to leave our marriages at every little fault or weakness of our spouses. But Prevention is better than cure, they say? Ask spouses who stick with their spouses despite discovering their HIV plus statuses. Ask them. They know themselves. But again, "Prevention is better than cure". Adequate and accurate education is all we need. Do you know how many people still live in denial of the reality of HIV/AIDS for instance? The most sexually reckless person can significantly reduce his/her chances of contacting the virus with adequate knowledge where as an ignorant virgin might easily catch it. I'm done talking joor!

    1. Well said. It’s great you were able to forgive him. Kudos for speaking up.

  41. If this Motunrayo thinks so poorly of her husband, why then did she marry him? If the guy is indeed innocent, I feel sorry for him.


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