Stella Dimoko Noble Igwe Reveals Reason Why Churches Thrive In Nigeria



Friday, December 07, 2018

Noble Igwe Reveals Reason Why Churches Thrive In Nigeria

 Noble Igwe might be shaking a table.....

What is your take on this?


  1. Our govt has failed us. There is recession n the land so churches and get rich quickly schemes such as MMM will always thrive

  2. This is very true. Statistics show that and it’s a fact that the Church business and ridiculous amount of Churches in Nigeria started during the time Abacha was running the country before that time Churches were not a business and were not erected like manufacturing plants they way they are now. During that period people felt helpless and just turned to Churches and God but the Churches took advantage of vulnerability of Nigerians and turned people’s plight and pain into money making ventures for their selfish purposes.

  3. He is so right!...
    Cos most people goes from church to church when things are not working well for them financially forgetting everyone cannot be rich!...

  4. DAUGHTER OF JACOB7 December 2018 at 11:44

    *side eyes* everybody wan talk.

  5. Stella definitely..poverty enslaves the mind cripples reasoning..frustration sets in....blame for solution brings one to the hands of manipulative individuals who will say what you want to hear not what you need to hear!!!!

  6. Yes because people are busy looking for miracles instead of work. We're too spiritual in this part of the world

    *Larry was here*

  7. on this topic, I agree with Noble 100%. The churches are one of Nigeria's biggest problems. We have the largest churches, the richest pastors, yet we are the poverty and corruption capital of the world. Nigerians practice religion, NOT Christianity. The missionaries that brought Christianity to us almost a century ago will be rolling in their graves when they see what the Christianity they risked their lives to bring and preach has turned into. Nigerian pastors are the biggest scam artists. it is a huge pity.

    1. ..and the pastors are loud and proud it cuts me deeply, i'm haemorrhaging.
      Imagine Oyedepo mouthing off "I'm so dangerously wealthy!!" God!!! Why not be proud of the souls youre bring to the lord? Or the people youve shown the true light & they repented

    2. Purely religion.

    3. Direct your frustrations to your failed government

  8. Most definitely,can you imagine Oyedepo bragging about being dangerously wealthy, mtsheeeeew 😎😎😎😎

    1. OMG!!! I commented before seeing this your comment!!!!! As in eh.... goose pimples catch me for prick when i read that!!! And that is a supposed man of God! Na daddy freez fot them

    2. Beth did he lie?

    3. Oxygen pls don't quote oyedepo out of context. It was more than monetary value. In as much as I agree that some pastors are scam, let's pls be objective with our criticism. Not done blindly or out of spite. No hasty generalisations.

  9. Ur poverty is in what context Bearded Dwarf??? Cuz I thought its the sheeples with money who make churches thrive!? and if u have money, how can poverty know u? or do u mean 'poverty of the mind'?? Hmmmmn!

    Kelvin DAT Edo Boi (Stellz Cousin)

    1. Kelvin there is power in the number.

      If you have about 500,000 people visit your church each Sunday alone, and each one of them should give 50naira at least.
      Do the mathematics and you should understand how much the number visitors translates into money. Whether rich or poor so long each person gives a kobo.
      I guess that's where igwe's coming from.

      If you want to quietly turn a millionaire overnight, if you can deduct just N1 from every bank account in Nigeria- though this is fraud but that aim would be realised.

    2. When a con artist manipulates & defrauds you, who do you blame? The unsuspecting victim?
      Yes, theyve agreed to remain sheep, but whoz the true wolf in perpetrators clothing?

  10. Most people rushing to church are just going there thinking they can use their money to bribe Jehovah and collect blessings from Him. God is not Ifa or mammon. Those of you that are going to carry your whole salary this January and give all those your werey pastors, I am sorry for you, God said He has sent His word into the world that IT IS A FALSE DOCTRINE and anyone who stubbornly continues to do this will get poverty as reward. Stella if you know the kind of doors that opened for me when I stopped paying all those fraudulent tithes and offerings, I cannot say it, I investigated the Bible thoroughly and got the revelation that the doctrine has been cancelled by the blood of Jesus and those who belong to Jesus must NEVER pay money for any of his blessings. I really thank God for opening my eyes. This 2019 will be very bad for tithe payers because they are living in disobedience. All I do now is help the poor/needy and I cannot tell you how blessed my husband and I have been, it’s as if we are living in another Nigeria and not the poverty capital of the world Nigeria.

    1. People pay tithe and sew seed with the expectation it will yield something. kind of like putting money in a business and expecting returns.
      People are not giving because it comes from their hearts and they want to. Many give so their prayer request can be answered.
      That is the plain truth about Christianity in Nigeria.
      Most go to church because they are seeking one breakthrough/miracle or the other and not necessarily to praise God.

    2. Well spoken, the church in this country is more of a problem than a solution, too many blind people roaming the streets.

  11. Enter your comment...truth

  12. ...not just poverty.
    Ignorance, fear, blind fate etc

  13. You will see a young that didn't go to school, no handiwork and the next business he will embark on is to open a church after washing hands in Ogun/Edo States.
    In fact, poverty contributes to it to some extents.

  14. Yes na, some pastors keep giving false hope, "yeeee 2018 is your year, somebody shout yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee".
    "I see 40 persons driving a car next year, can I hear an amen"
    That's what a Nigerian likes hearing.

    1. Daft brainless parrots.

      My year of kini kan kini kan.
      My year of gbo gbo ti gbo.
      My hour of yegbe yagbe.
      Una never tire????
      What has changed in your live?
      The problems that escorted you triumphantly through out the year and they not there to embrace you this year?
      So you mean with all your prayer prayer, your country cannot improve by one millimitre?
      Has your country gotten better or worse?
      Has your economy gotten better or worse?
      Has your educational sector gotten better or worse?
      Has your health care sector gotten better or worse?
      Which sector is alive and functional in this country.
      The only thing worse than greedy, blind leaders are blind, brainless, brainwashed followers.

      They call you shithole, you complain.
      What exactly do you think you are?

    2. Enough of these complaining, what do you all think we can do as citizens to make Nigeria better? Should we join civil groups, look for how we can protest and even make the legislatures and executive to be more accountable, should we insist on towns hall meeting quarterly, should we insist that nationals assembly should be one and the House of Representatives should be abolished? Please let’s reason together, abeg, if we complain from now till forever, we will maintain the status quo.

  15. Learnt not to judge anyone. There are so many needs and expectations. Most people believe that the only person that never fails is God hence the increase in church goers. God please heal the land. Reduce poverty and human wickedness in the land. Amen.

  16. poverty or problem and fear of the unknown?

  17. Why do u go to church, do u gO to church to be rich or go to church to serve God because He created u to serve and live for Him. Noble don't talk what u don't understand well.

  18. Its if church didn't thrive you want Islamic terrorists to thrive? Isis,bokoram,Taliban.Nobody can stop the spread and growth of if your rich or comfortable you won't go church. Pls stop this hasty generalization


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