Stella Dimoko December Fourteenth Spontaneous Post..


Friday, December 14, 2018

December Fourteenth Spontaneous Post..

#friday #goodday #restday #positiveday #onlygoodvibes #nobodybesaint #goodriddiancetobadnonsense #nasoesupposebe #shoutout #countdowntoxmas #isyourtreeup #everychritsmasdeserveagoodone #runawayboo #lovestillliveshere #itrustnoone #kiss #boyfriends

Good Morning!.....Hope you sleep well!!!

Just in case anyone is going around parading that we are friends?Please note that  i have no friends on this Blog and I am not in contact with anyone except the occasional mail to find out whats up or sort out some advert or Blog issue....If i am friendly with someone,perhaps,i know them outside of this Blog.....

This is just to avert any kind of scam that anyone might be plotting to use to scam anyone this Xmas and say they know me and i said its OK.

There is no direct in house news today,A post for you to advertise your goods and services will come up at 2 pm alongside the boxing ring post to sort out all the recent ish and walk into Xmas hand in hand....good?

Its a time for showing love and benevolence and because i feel so good and so excited about all the good things happening,I extend an Olive branch of love to all and Sundry...I wish you all lots of love today cos that's what i will also be getting...........

The Bambinos have three different lists for their Xmas wishes,I have checked the three and all na igbese but they are of the Opinion that they have been very good boys this year and deserve the

Do you guys also reward your kids according to how good they have been?

Have a love filled day and keep your hopes up!!!



  1. Good morning lovelies

    Good to be back home, the network couldn't allow me to open this blog...
    Chai I miss the single and mingle post, would have applied. lol.. Will have to do mine tomorrow, let me get my credentials readyπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    Ladybug how are you doing????
    Teejay hope you're doing good?
    Cutest Pat how is life treating you??
    Olori Orente hope you're doing great??

    I seriously miss you all jare and happy beautiful weekend to you all😘😘😘😘😘😘

    1. Welcome Sonia, where did you travel to.

    2. Welcome back Sonia. I am fine and doing good. Thanks a lot for checking up on me.

    3. We miss you too Sonia. Welcome back.

    4. Good Morning!
      10 Devious Tactics Of Manipulative People.

      You've heard the expression, “The best defense is a good offense,” and I fully endorse this strategy when it comes to manipulative people. They may not leave a purple trail behind them or flash a warning sign, but they DO show their true colours if you know what to look for. If you want to avoid the pain and suffering of entangling yourself in a relationship with a manipulative man or woman, you need to be proactive. In this post, you'll learn how to deal with manipulative people.

      Here are 10 signs of manipulative people that you need to watch out for:

      1. They hone in on your weaknesses: Manipulative people are adept at finding your Achilles heel and ferreting out your insecurities. They are keen observers of your behaviour and will ask probing questions to uncover any dark secrets or flaws you might possess. They might also cozy up to you because you are sensitive, warm, and generous — qualities they know they can twist for their own purposes. Manipulative people view your kind heart as a weakness, not a positive character trait. Initially, it might feel flattering that this person is taking such an interest in you. They might offer words of sympathy and support to divert you from their ulterior motives.

      And that brings me to the next tactic.

      2. They exploit your weaknesses and your generosity: Once this person has discovered your soft underbelly, he or she will come in for the kill. Manipulative people will use your weaknesses to bend you to their will. They might covertly threaten to blackmail you by intimating that they possess embarrassing information about you. They are masters at using your insecurities as a tool to force you to give up some part of yourself to serve their own interests. Or they will use the private knowledge and confidences you've shared against you should you try to push back or take a stand against their behavior. Knowing how kind and generous you are, a manipulator will ask too much of you and take advantage of your time and resources.

      3. They use guilt trips: One of the favourite traits of a manipulator is the guilt trip. “If you really cared about me, you wouldn't leave and go to that party tonight.” “A real friend would come over right now and help me clean the house.” This tactic works especially well on people who are insecure or people pleasers, and the manipulator often seeks out this type of person because he or she knows they are easy prey. But manipulators use guilt trips unsparingly and indiscriminately, even with those who might call their bluff. Manipulators like to divert responsibility away from themselves, and they take a weird pleasure in making others feel bad or uncomfortable. If you call out their behaviour on their guilt-tripping shenanigans, he will act indignant and offended. You are the one who isn't stepping up to help. You are the selfish, unkind friend, wife, child, or associate

      4. They play the victim: Guilt trips are just one of the many ways they will play the victim. A manipulator will do this not only to get his or her way, but also to gain attention. They will always “one-up” you if you share a challenge or problem. Your pain is never as great as theirs. Your difficult childhood doesn't hold a candle to the manipulators. Most of these people learn very early in life that if they act helpless, wounded, and incapable, they can get others to step up and take action. They can be excused for manipulative behavior or laziness because they are victims and “just couldn't help it.”

      - Barrie Davenport

      ................... TO BE CONTINUED
      Thanks to the anonymous advice on plagiarism.

      DID YOU KNOW: That I've been a blog visitor, long before IDEATO BRIDE became LOLO IDEATO

    5. @ Fly Hildago, DID YOU KNOW that I've been a blog visitor long before Linda Eze became Queen and the boss?

      BTW, where's Lucabracee, the celebrity nyash opener?

    6. And so?
      If you've been a blog visitor before the owner created the blog, so?
      Are you looking for award or trophy like those jobless louts?
      Oya take this biscuit and lolly.
      If some of you spend 10 percent of the time you spend here looking for importance and validation here, and put it into your lives, you will see some semblance of improvement in your lives.
      But do you lot have any sense?
      Kwentinue klowns.

    7. "Did" you know or "Do" you know?
      Madam epistle writer.

  2. The pot of Grace that you are feeding from will not cease, the benefit you are enjoying in God will not stop, you will not drop from whatsoever height you have attained in life (AMEN)!
    Good morning Beevee's ❤❤


  3. Being good at what you do gives you an edge over others that you don't need a sign post or advert to attract customers. A good work speaks for itself and is already an advert to the public.

    If you must learn a skill, it shouldn't just be all about the money you will make from it but more importantly, the quality service you will render.

    Your service and consumers satisfaction should be your top priority and focal point, and when you do that, believe me, you end up creating a niche for yourself.

    Good Morning!!!

  4. Harmattan has not even landed fully but sore throat wants to finish everybody.

    Pls, I need home made remedies abeg. I'm taking meds already but I'm on operation #ThisSoreThroatMustGo so I'm ready to try every sensible remedy I get.

    Ola, please don't be too quick to enter taxify, you will finish your money. Not sure where you reside but Kaura is very keke area so you will see Keke to almost everywhere. "Along" is also not bad and luckily, its comfortable (since its car not bus) and easy to access. Also, you can use regular taxis. As long as it's not late, regular taxis are everywhere. Be wise... every extra penny is necessary Oh!

    That said, "Sleep well Bro. (Dcn) Chika. You are a legend, a very very very humble soul. Not many even knew you had achieved this much, Yet you loved God with everything. As you are lay to rest, may May God console the family and people you left behind. We love You!"

    My heart and prayer is with you BV Emeka. May God console your family. It is well....

    Have a blessed day people 😘😘😘

    1. Raw garlic chopped into small slices, put in your mouth and suck it, swallow the juice... Warm water in a cup, squeeze lemon juice into it and add half a teaspoon of honey and powdered ginger (if you have any).

      Use the lemon honey water to swallow the garlic in your mouth... Continue with the recipe and your sour throat and every other unwanted bacteria will be gone in few days.

      Garlic, lemon, ginger and honey cures everything.

    2. Pele dear... Just go to any pharmacy close to you, you will be fine... That thing can pain eh

    3. Sorry jare, make Vitamin C your daily medicine, it will reduce most of these waka pass infections and dseases.

    4. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
      Tried along on Wednesday, see me see trek...

      Covering short-long distance with trekkingπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

      E go better sha..

  5. The pot of Grace that you are feeding from will not cease, the benefit you are enjoying in God will not stop, you will not drop from whatsoever height you have attained in life (AMEN)!
    Good morning Beevee's ❤❤

    1. Amen. and God should provide for those who don't have

    2. I said Amen the second time.

    3. Hahaha beloved ogini. No be like trouble maker

    4. Lol,make una no vex. Na mistakeπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  6. Replies
    1. Good morning, someone should please tell Nepa/Phcn to give us light biko. All they do is flash it for 30secs and that's all for a day.

    When you are at the TOP, be careful of the monster called PRIDE. Pride will make you look down on the people who haven't attained your level of success.

    When you are at the BOTTOM, be careful of the monster called BITTERNESS. Bitterness will make you jealous and think that other people are the reason you haven't made it.

    When you are on the way to the TOP, be careful of the monster called GREED. Greed will make you impatient and make you steal or seek shortcuts.

    When you are on your way DOWN, be careful of the monster called DESPAIR. Despair will make you think it's all over yet there is still hope. #copied

  8. Men are really complex.
    Someone I know during our convos sware to me he doesn't like virgins, he likes experienced girls, in fact in his words "he doesn't like small small girls". from 28 is ok, Full legs and body according to him. Finally he met someone new after his last experienced relationship failed, alas the new is a virgin. Imagine my shock. Slim sef abi skinny. The man can talk too much for a man oo I feel for the wife to be cos the very night she came around for the first time, he called me and was like" She's a virgin oo I won't touch this one till after I do something" he described how they both ended in the room in details. I was enjoying the gist so I was just listening.

    He's my 'G' & is so comfortable talking to me. Like I mean when he's having a fight, he calls to inform me saying talks with me always calm him that others would just leave him in the same state, major decisions he calls to ask for my opinion, the day he wants to go see her people he called me to gist me how far. His last failed one na so too. He's just fond of me "I think". When I asked him, this things you tell me do you tell your girl too. He said ehen now so in my mind I was like why the need to tell me too. Once he told me stuffs and called later to gist me about the same thing he told me weeks back forgetting he's told them before. Deep shits oo.

    I'm worried for him. I hope he doesn't tell every dick Tom & Harry he talks to all this details.

    1. πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

      Please what are we to learn from this??

      Sorry oo don't b offended

    2. Lol....sometimes people find it easy telling you things about them, that does not mean that they talk too much or that they tell same to every one. I have a friend like that, he tells me things about his girlfriend's ish, always wanting me to help in making his private decisions about his relationships and finances.
      Good morning beevees

    3. Your own is loading. He is telling others about you too.

    4. 8:40 leave am.
      She is enjoying the jist.
      Your vuvuzela mouthed friend is also spreading your own like whooping cough.

  9. Thank you Lord for being Emmanuel, "God with us" help us to be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another just as you forgave us in Eph.4:32.

    Show us creative ways to love and care for those outside our home. Teach us to be a giver, teach us to do act of kindness to those who are in need at this time of the year in Jesus Mighty name Amen.

  10. Yeah! Its the end of the week,TGIF.Kudos to those that are givers here,I pray God blesses you the more. Stella,may God continue to strengthen you. As this year runs to an end,may we not remember it for an unfortunate incident.Amen.
    My Santa must locate me this season and I know it'll be an unforgettable experience *hopeamnotdreaming*

  11. The new Huawei Y9 is everything

    Good morning people

  12. When I want to com and shout firssssssst at exactly 8.00.
    Post a comment box no gree open
    Village people what is it now ??

  13. Make sure you tell your family and friends wherever you are going to this Christmas period ooo. “I DEY COME OOO” nor be address

    Stay safe everyone

    1. This is a very important message!
      God Bless you Isaac.

    2. And you men are very good with I DEY COME. Honey you said you're going to? I SAID AM COMING.. Umu nwoke sef

    3. December have come this one have showed face.

  14. A woman who practically unveils her body in the name of fashion suffers from low self esteem. #lakunlelaniyi

    1. Is it your body or self esteem?? Abeg face front

    2. Really? Nudity some say is a fashion. Lol

    3. Olayemi Lilon Eku Friday.
      Bawo nkan.

    4. Hahahahahahaha @face back
      Hahahhahahahahah @ Lilon

    5. Anon 8:32 you are wicked. I no laugh ooo

  15. Good morning y'all.
    Did you sleep well?
    Grateful for life

  16. Spontaneous friday😎😎😎😎😎😎😎

  17. Good morning beeveeleons...😍😍😍😍

    I love you all..
    Keep spreading the love all around..

    You wants to win Ankara giveaway??


    Only exclusive to Abuja residents.!!!!😍😍😍😍

    1. Ola I want to win your Ankara o, I will use it and do two wrapper with blouse, I pray God blesses me with money to sew it. But I am not in Abuja. I'm in Lagos.

    2. Won't you use Ankara and do Santa for me.

    3. Ola I want ooo.. From Sunday I will become Abuja BV

    4. Ankara man, I saw your single and mingles request. I will advise you to grow your business well before adding woman too your matter. Before one Jezebel will come and wreck you. You are still a young guy not up to 26 yet

    5. Ha Okezie, you are here too?
      Na every where your bowl dey?

  18. Lagos traffic is a wa oh! Good morning people of God. My santa came early from Manna bee I met her on this blog and its been back to back of surprises God bless you so much.

    1. 😍😍😍😍😍😍
      You don enter Lagos sharp sharp???

      Aiit.. Safe000

    2. Nne we are lucky like that. Manna Bee may God richly bless you

    3. God bless her
      Manna Bee that relocated abroad. I will soon join you there. This Naija have finished

    4. Mummy jπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
      Naija never finish ooooo.. We just dey start with our hussle..

      Honey n milk brekete

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Congrats....Gid bless u manna bee

    7. Manna Bee God will bless and replenish you.

      Had to delete the first one, I don't know what changes the words after typing

  19. Issa bright morning people!
    Now I know it pays to surround yourself with positive and mature people.. Just when I almost got back to my default settings STELLA was there to call me back in her own rigid kinda way... Lol.

    Let's be blessed!

  20. *Paniculates πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸƒ

  21. Epistlegang take note.famzing Stella upanadan.kikikikiki😎😎😎😎😎😎

  22. My mother is beginning to annoy me. How can a mother say she will make me uncomfortable in the house because I'm not yet married. I lost my job and I've been on the look out still nothing. She was a housewife for over 30 years my dad didn't complain, just because I cautioned her boys to be doing cleaning up after themselves in the kitchen as I wont be doing their dishes anymore. She bounced on me that my presence is also worrying her.
    it is well. Nobody knows the pikin wey go become king. Nobody knows tomorrow. My story can change any day I hope she will remember all her hateful words in due time. I pray i forget them too.

    1. My dear, double your hustle for a job! Nothing worse than an unsupportive mother or family members when one is down, they can make your situation worse and even make you question your confidence.

      Even if you don't have any work to go to, get up in the morning, do your house chores, clean up and go out.
      Just go somewhere, don't allow anyone to frustrate you because you are unemployed for a moment.

      May God grant you your heart desires.

    2. sorry about that please don't take her words to heart. just do your part in the house someday u will leave for good.

    3. Sorry dear,God of 11th hour will visit u

    4. My dear move out. The environment may even be hindering your job prospect. My aunt was like that. I moved out of my aunts place and got a job before the end of two weeks. Look for a friend or acquaintance that you can put up with in another area of the state where there are great chances of getting a job

    5. Pray to God that you get a job and then move from the house.
      Some mothers are like that.

    6. No vex
      I pray u get a job soon..

    7. You won't need to move out anymore after getting a job cos they will start worshipping you

    8. Stay strong, it will happen very soon

    9. Ild suggest u register to learn a it sewing, catering, event planning or so. It could be a 3 months or 6 months training, that way you get to leave the house everyday and can also be searchin for a job along side. If at the end of the skill aquisition u still havent gotten a job, u can start up something on your own. Whichever way its a win. While stayin away from the house to avoid your mum, u are also equiping yourself. That was my plan during nysc, i told myself i would not stay at home at all but was fortunate to get a job immediately after service

  23. Good morning stella good morning house have a lovely Friday.

  24. Bvs make una see something oh..
    Few months ago I notice say I dey very "wet" I discovered it was just discharge (watery and plenty) it even soaked me, like urine but there was no bad odour. Last night I observed the same thing. But it was clear (transparent) and thick.
    Is this normal?
    Please I need advice/help

    1. Nawah
      Was it mixed with slippery stuff?
      If yes, it means you are ovulating

    2. It maybe infection,cos ovulation discharge is always thick,slippery and egg white,dis one u describe is nt ovulation is infection,treat urself

    3. It's called squirting. You have nothing to fear. Goggle it

    4. I don't know about yours but mine flows like tap for one week. Before I use to vex buy I've accepted it the way cos there are people that would love to trade places with me.
      I came late for sp today

  25. Ubicried all night ...saying it's just d devil's work ....kikikikiii who devil don epp?😎😎😎😎😎😎😎
    Top notch.....

  26. I will reward them when they are here. I love kids! I love sharing gifts as well, especially seeing the cute smile on their faces.

    Una Good morning oh. Have a blessed day my people...

  27. School is closing today

  28. Good morning all
    Who send me message? This thing no easy rara. I don slim finish, infact am looking for my bumbum, who see am??? Stress is bad oooo.......
    Ehen the whole gist is out, who see am? Who read am?? It started as fairytale and ended like....... But the man is my spec Sha. Fleshy,older and handsome (nice combination). If you understand this last paragraph, say L J J πŸƒπŸƒπŸƒπŸƒπŸƒ off to the market

    1. I saw it. L J J.
      Well, I don't have any specific comment until I hear from the other side, their story. But that our Aunty no dey lie.

  29. We've not had light for days

  30. I woke up so early this morning because a call came in all the way from Australia πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί!

    Yeah, today is a very big day for me. I will miss my first test in school (but, I'll be writing the two subjects in February next year) because I have another very important issue to go sort out... I want to be done and dusted with it.

    I thank God for the strength and courage He has gifted me, I am now psychologically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically ready to go through with this and starts the new year in a new spirit.

    Life goes on and I believe the best is waiting for me in the nearest future.

    Is Christmas here yet...
    @HQcocktail,i am not on WhatsApp but, I will find you on Instagram.

    You all have a beautiful day and be nice to others....

    I heard santa πŸŽ… is looking for me...

    1. And sleep made me miss my Friend's call from China😭

    2. Ms.A wish you all thats good and wonderful, when one door closes another one with good things will open.cheers Omoyemen.

    3. @Ms.A can lactating mother use ur recipe up there for sore throat?

  31. I want human hair wig for Christmas

  32. Morning lovelies,enjoying the holiday like kilode,God bless all that concerns us,yes i do reward my daughter in my little way if she falls between 1st to 3rd in her class to encourage her to maintain the position and work harder, do ve a lovely day

  33. Ehn my dear Yoruba people is it that your names are unisex?
    There are no separate no male and female name?
    Everything join abi??
    I've given up o.
    I've seen Femi and Fela (females)and Abimbola (male)
    E just remain to see Gbenga (female) and Kikelomo (male).

    Na wa.

  34. Good morning everyone,i need some love too,i pray God's blessings never depart from me. Waiting for the boxing ring sdk Hmmm.

  35. #morning bvs.. sickness free me oh

  36. Good morning and a beautiful day to us all. May we be favoured today and always.
    Yes, I reward my Children with whatever I can afford.

  37. Good morning everyone and have a blessed day.

  38. Good morning from the city of KD where the harmattan resides. Have a beautiful day.

  39. Good morning😘Up and grateful

  40. traffic everywhere during Xmas period no be here. Everyday nasoso traffic.

    my Santa angel where u dey? bless me this period, I really really an angle in my life

    una goodmorning

  41. Good morning bvs.pls after using any restroom ( hotel or restaurant).make use of your own toiletry.Bad guys r exchanging the hotel tissue with theirs.let's all be careful

    1. Ah Wicked People Everywhere.. Thanks For D Info

    2. Do you have proof?
      I guess NO, right?
      That is how you people will read rubbish in those your Facebook groups and bring them here.
      You might as well go out with your own cars as bad guys are rubbing juju on the seats in public transport. Go out with your own air, the bad guys have poisoned the air outside your home. Don't buy anything in the market anymore, they have exchanged them. In fact don't even use the toilets outside at all, the bad guys have sprayed stuff in the toilets. Mumu

    3. So let's say you even use the hotel tissue placed there by them (according to you). How they enter female toilets in a HOTEL or RESTAURANT with full roll of tissue and leave with full roll of tissue is what I won't even discuss now.

      Soooo, once you wipe your butt and flush.
      They will magically appear and dip their hands into the toilet pipes and bring it back?
      Or are you the ones that wipe your anuses and place it in the bin???

      Please elaborate further.

    4. So we go de waka with rolls of toilet paper now.
      Na wa!!

    5. Anonymous8:41, so you're among the many ignorant Nigerians that destroy soakaway by throwing your used toilet paper and sanitary pads into the toilet without considering the hazards you are causing.

      Please, your used toilet paper, sanitary pads etc are to be dumped in the bin.

    6. This is not a joke... This is so true.
      Some guys even go as far as changing the bedsheet of the hotel room before bringing the lady in.
      I wish I can say more, a lot of things are really really happening.
      Stay woke.

    7. They have come here with their false alarm. That is how they will be circulating rubbish on whatsapp and the rest

  42. No problem you sabi give olive branch any how after you don do finish


  43. Is God not good?just started takin this pessary(2nd day) and the fishy odor is gone fiam.can't wait to finish the dosage on mondayπŸ’ƒ

  44. Morning BVs...thanks fr your contributions to my comment yesterday, some comments were funny sha, like those who think its not possible to have men who are still virgins. Thanks to the only objective comment there by one BV who adviced never to take ppl's advice here hook like and sinker cos no relationship is d same, what works for mr A might not work for Mr B and further advised that one rather have sex because he or she wants to and not because it will hasten engagement or marriage. Thanks that was a wise one. ‎

    1. I'm a 29yrs old man and a virgin too. I don't see the big deal.

  45. Lol @ your bambinos Stella. Abeg get them what they need, they sure deserve it for the tea they make for you and the wet kisses every morning.
    As for me, I'll get a pass this year but I know that from next year, my angel will start making demands. Oh I can't wait! Mummy I want this, mummy I want that oh lawd, i honestly can't wait.
    Yesterday I bought her a Christmas straw hat and a little doll as gifts, I couldn't stop thinking, oh I don follow for people wey dey buy Christmas things for their children. That feeling...
    May God bless all the women who desire this with the fruit of the womb.
    Good morning Stella and BVs. Nkiru dear, I saw your shout late, your baby is fine. Kisses to you, Malin and your entire family.
    Have a nice day y'all.

  46. I just discovered that my cousin has been secretly wearing my pants.
    Who does that. To think that she is nonchalant about the whole thing. Vex htust dy catch me since morning

  47. Lady bug 😎 😎 is missing today. Buggy where at thou

  48. 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

  49. Cold eh!
    Let me run along


  50. If you are healthy, Thank God.
    If as a woman you go through your monthly cycle without pain and excessive bleeding, Thank God.
    If as a woman the only time you bleed is during your period, Thank God.
    If you do not have symptomatic fibroids, Thank God.
    Yesterday I went to a multi specialist hospital and I saw their price list. I just pulled my husband to the car. See prices!! Heavy ones!!
    Maybe that's why some women reject CS especially when they are not patients a government hospital, N500k fa.

  51. Lagos gives new meaning to the word “filthy.” Sheesh! Everywhere stinks.
    This harmattan people have been calling, I haven’t see its brake lights.

    In other news, atheists and non-atheists how can y’all say that Christianity is made up and the Bible a fairytale? But you listen when satanists speak. Like I’m not even understanding that foolishness. That’s how one was just mouthing off yesterday.
    Even the devil knows that God is real. In his bid to discredit God, he actually acknowledges Him. Only difference is he calls Him “the False God.”
    An excerpt below:

    “Did Eve die when she ate the fruit, children? No. Of course not. The False God lied to Eve because he desired to keep her naked and ignorant in his garden. But our lord Satan inhabiting a snake, gave Eve knowledge and set her free.”

    Better wake up today.

  52. Thank you God for another beautiful day.

  53. Bv Choice where is the name of that baby cream na? The one that made your skin to glitter. Dont let me enter the new year like this bikonu.

  54. Somebody praise the Lord on my behalf. If not for God's unlimited guidance, I prolly would've lost use of my right fingers now.

    So I happened to work late last night & missed the staff bus going my route. I entered a danfo & sat by the door side,, the bus entered a big pothole & the door came closing with such mighty force that everyone shouted 'Jesus'. For a split second, I imagined my hand on the door that minute & the force of the impact.

    Oh God!! Who am I that you're mindful of me.?

    Lots of thoughts was going thru my mind when I got home, was that how I would've celebrated my big day & Christmas in the hospital nursing stitched fingers? πŸ™„

    And to think I never liked Lagos buses. *whew*

    Thank God!!

  55. Hello happy people
    Happy weekend to you all
    We are preparing for my children's Christmas Carol in their school. They are so excited. It's been a long time they attended a school function. They have been out of school for sometime now. See me in tears when they woke up by 5am and asked me to come and bath them for Christmas Carol. It gives me joy to see them happy like this.

    1. Yeah Mrs Gee I know that feeling, seeing your kids faces lit with pure joy.
      May God watch over all our children

  56. Good morning dear Stella! Up bambinos see correct children! Stella dem suppose request o! Castle I greet you! Sky whats up,Yorim I greet you,OLori how are you? PA De PA. Beloved you be better person you dey active this morning? U still dey Akure? Anon @ 8:46 your cousin wearing your pants? Are you serious? Please be careful oo! You better talk to her na. Me I can't share pant with even my sisters. The one she is wearing don't take it back. Just make sure you are watching her. Keep your pants away from her reach! Kisses to everyone 😚😘😘


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