Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative....


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Friday, December 14, 2018

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative....



Dear Stella,
I need help from you and your readers regarding an issue that has been really troubling me for some time now. My name is Amanda and I'm a Ghanaian in Accra, I met this young Ghanaian man a couple of months back who is doing very well for himself and fell in love with him only to find out he was married, he told me his wife had left him but I didn't believe it so I dug into the matter on my own. What I found out from his friends and family was horrid. 

He married an Igbo girl who came to school in Ghana and when he was with her he was a very young manager or a finance company and this lady convinced him to quit and venture into entrepreneurship that she would be there every step of the way. So he took her advice quit his job,started a business and married this lady against the wishes of his family and friends to the extent that he was estranged from his father.

Things didn't go according to plan because he couldn't grow the business and sustain the life the girl wanted to live, plus the girls parents were involved in every decision they made, from type of apartment to live in to grocery shopping list. Plus they kept on pressuring them to move to Lagos. After 2 yrs he couldn't take it anymore and gave in. Selling everything he owned here in Ghana to move to Lagos to make this lady happy. 

When they got to Lagos, he lost his estranged father so finances were low and from what I found out what was meant to be a two week stay in with his in-laws dragged to 2 months. So he told this lady he would return to Ghana make some money so she could rent an apartment then he shuffles between Lagos and Ghana continuing with his business,only for him to find out that whilst he was dealing with all these issues the lady had began cheating on him with someone at a company she was working with. 

This guy was willing to forgive her and take her back but she said no when she was caught and her parents supported her decision in wanting a divorce. Now she left the guy stranded in Ghana with no one to turn to because he had chosen her over friends and family. 

Can you believe that it has been over a year and during that time she and her parents have never bothered to finalise the divorce or even return the bride price and they have been telling people that its the guys fault, and he abandoned the lady. 

I even snooped on his phone and saw a message from the girls sister insulting him that he was broke and should go and find something to do. As a woman I find this behaviour abhorrent, a good woman is supposed to support her man when is down especially if he has made so many sacrifices to be with you. But that's not the reason I need help from you and your readers.

I'm afraid this experience will greatly impact on his ability to truly love me because anytime he talks about them I feel the pain and hate in his voice,it actually scares me that if this lady and her family don't come and apologise for doing him wrong and return his bride price and drinks since she wants the divorce he might do something to harm them.

 I don't know if I can talk to this lady to just come and apologise to him so he can move on with his life or I should be quiet. I would really hate myself later for knowing all this and not doing anything about it. Pls help me.

*Why have you concluded based on what your man told you?why dont you focus on how to make him forget instead of spending all your time gossiping about his past that you will never truly understand?its one persons word against the other.....

She should apologise for what?Are you kidding me?My dear i would advise you to mind your business and face the relationship and look for another way to support him,you will never truly know what happened until the man starts showing you his true colour....

Enjoy the relationship while it lasts and if it goes further than it is now then good luck but please,help him forget his past and move on


  1. See wahala!!!
    Abeg wetin concer you inside this matter?
    Fuck your prick quietly and stfu!!!!

    1. Trouble sleep
      Yanga wan go wake am!!!

      How old are you poster? Seems you are delusional with your love for this man. You want to enter a "readymade" problem with all seriousness.

      The baggage is too much, and the hatred has grown beyond what you can comprehend. Let him settle himself and his divorce issues first. You can keep the relationship but erase the thought of getting married to him outta your mind until the "storm is over"

      Grow up and mind your business.


    2. God, why do women love so much like this?

    3. It is only a FOOL, a very very big one at that, that listens to only one side of the matter and judges.
      Have you heard from the wife?
      Have you heard from the wife's family?
      Prick has been inserted into your brain.
      You are now feeling like a Godsend iyawo who will show the man what true love and loyalty is abi.
      I laugh in shaku shaku.
      You never see soneting.

  2. Stella just stated my thoughts.
    Poster mind your business and infact just mind your business. Too much baggage for a relationship abeg

    1. Biko relationship is not what this man needs now. He needs to grow his business or find a job. Have his feet firmly on the ground as a man before even thinking of other aspects of his life.
      Don't get involved, let him settle his ishhh with his wife by divorcing/return of bride'price.
      He a friend to him while he is doing this. Do not be in any rush to marry this man except you want to be the bread winner.
      A man cannot be a husband to any one except he has sorted his own life out by himself.

  3. Hmmm......seems you have believed this man hook line and sinker but I think there's is more to this. Please face your relationship and let the ex be. You can't judge from his alone.

    1. AUnty abenna you just want us to give you the go ahead and date plus marry this guy. It’s okay, go and marry him, if you enjoy it fine, if you see chumtin na you know.
      He told you his wife is the devil and you believed everything

  4. Mumu girl!!,,
    Is that what he told you?...
    Have you asked the girl her side of the story?...
    Mtcheeew go ahead and marry him but don’t come here to disturb us with stories that touch the nipple later!...

    1. Lol. All hail the queen

    2. All hail the Queen!!! She back B***es

      We lurveee you
      From team anonymous bvs

  5. What is your business? Look at you already acting like you know all the answers because a man you are in love with told you one side of the story.

    Please tell me what right thinking man would up and resign to start a business simply because his woman told him to? She was a student then o so what was she going to support him with? Her ikpu? Madam, this man isn’t even divorced yet and it’s not your place to set things right between him and his enstranged wife. Were you there when they made their vows? This is how you women act like you’re the best thing, you think he would love you different when the lady apologizes? In the midst of his pain as you claim, you’re still thinking about yourself. Your want him to hurry with the divorce and marry you sharp sharp as per queen of the coast. Tomorrow now you’d slip and carry belle then come and tell us how he promised you his last name. “Don’t angry me please”

    1. All I am seeing poster are red flags, red flags and more red flags. Free yaself, wear your Nikes and tear race, guyman is not even divorced.

    2. All I see is "Don't Angry Me"

      Brodashaggi I hail o

    3. My dear you've said it all. We need to tell ourselves the truth

  6. Call the lady for what, your busy body is too much, abeg calm down and allow the guy sort out his problem with his ex, how are u even sure he will marry u, better respect ya self.

    1. Maybe she nor get work also na

  7. Affi the counselor and mediator of marriage. Mind your business is not a sin.

    You want to tell our sister what to do as per your bros needs help.

    Allow them to be because at the end the wife might come back. What happens when she comes back,what will you do

  8. Stella couldn't have said it any better.
    Take her advice.
    This one na international brouhaha sha.

    1. Abi ooo, brouhaha across borders

  9. This whole scenario paints him as an angel. Why dont you try and reach the girl and find out what went down. Not because you want to join the pity party, but because you deserve to know the other side of the story. It is then you can truly take a decisive step.

    Meanwhile, I'm at country club, a party is on going. Who else is here? Mehn, this plate of semo too bhadt, the pieces of meat na die! How do I even start? Reminds me of Stella's BEP post of Party food.. . .

    Ok make I try start somewhere...

    1. She should reach out to the other girl as what?
      The present girlfriend or wife to be? Just asking

  10. Concentrate on your relationship with him...
    Were u there when they started?do u know the promises he made and never kept?u just concluded that she is the bad husband and wife issue o....

  11. I stand with Stella, like prick,

  12. I don't trust people o, especially men when it comes to marriage and breakup issues. Men can lie, hmmmmn. Men generally don't own up to their faults in a relationship.
    You don't have any business with what went wrong in his past relationships. Yours is to make sure that he is fully divorced then you take the relationship from there. I don't even like men that talk too much. Best of luck.

  13. She has moved on, why do you want her to come back and apologize for vomiting? Face your front abeg madam!

  14. For the man to still talk about his ex with so much anger means he has not moved on.. My dear. You are a side chic. The real wife might come back any time soon. You did not tell us your age. Don't be too sure of this your guy. There are so many men outside there without too much baggage.

    1. Poster won't the baggage be too much for you when you add them to your own? Oh I get it, you are in love, rove wantintin

  15. Poster mind your business.
    Leave that guy for your sanity and allow him to heal.

    PS: he is waiting for the bride price and drinks? He gotta be kidding me. The only thing they will give him back is the bride price.

  16. That is why I love my partner. Majority of the time he will tell the truth and say, this lady did not wrong me, she's a very nice person but we just could not make it work plus I was immature . Another friend told me her husband said to her, my first wife was a good woman but I was too young to appreciate her. I was abusive to her and I deeply regret it. She felt so happy that he spoke the truth. However majority of men lie. They lie about their past, accuse us of all sorts of atrocities and the next woman falls for it. When will women stop being their own worst enemies? I bet you if you find out the truth you will run for your life . Most women don't want a broken home and will do anything to keep their marriages. Don't be the architect of your own misfortune. Karma is a bitch

  17. You are head over heels in love with this man.. You completely feel sorry for him.. To the extent you want to take up his battles.. And the respomsibility to male him happy.
    You are investing too much, emotionally and mentally into this person.. And losing yourself already in the process.
    A man that wants to come for you, should be able to sort out his past issues without roping you in.
    Be careful.. I see you getting grossly disappointed!

    1. I am not understanding poster o.nor be say the man wan wife u or propose

  18. Poster face your front. Concentrate on your relationship with your guy if you have interest. Leave him to handle his ex issue. It should not be your don't need to involve yourself. Think of how to make him forget the past. You are a third party to the issue. What you were told may not be what actually happened.

  19. Love is shacking somebody. Now you have become Queen Amina of Zaria. You have made your self his champion and defender. But before you ride off into a battle that does not concern you, better shine your eyes.

    1. she think say she be "VOLTRON"

  20. My dear, make sure that divorce is finalised.My husband of 15yrs had a similar issue before i met, the lady run away from home with a rich man only to come back when my second child was on the way.He has been the best thing that happened to me. i wish you well sha

  21. Poster, free this man and give him time to heal. You cannot come between married couple. Allow him to sort himself out first.

  22. Poster there are 3 sides to this story... His, hers & the truth. So don't swallow his story hook, line & sinker
    2ndly, a man who is still having hangups and bitter over his failed marriage and still living from hand to mouth has no business diving into another relationship talk less of marriage. This is one baggage he alone has to deal with and that is the only way he can be able to fully meet with you halfway less you suffer and pay for whatever fallout from his previous relationship.
    Then MIND your business and keep your itchy fingers from calling that woman. It doesn't concern you.
    If he wants a divorce, he would have gotten one by now so don't allow all these talk of waiting for drinks and brideprice fool you. Next he will tell you they have not returned his kola nuts and tubers of yam.

  23. Is it only me or the anonymous 15:35 and 15:45 comments are almost as if they anonymous knows the poster. because the poster said the man was doing well for himself when she met him or i am not reading the same post.anonymous please if you know more about this case please reply and gist me. dear poster if he has money forget about the ex and enjoy with him.Life is too short

  24. Poster you are in love with an emotionally damaged man. My advise to you is leave because you will lose yourself in all this drama. He will put that anger in you. You will pay for someone else's mistake. He needs at least few years to get his ex out of his system before he can date. If not, you will just continue to be a rebound who will just suffer from his mood swings.

    He won't trust you because he was cheated on, he will be prone to anger, he would be short tempered sometimes violent, all these why you try to play the angel. My dear you will just suffer. Leave that relationship.

    Whatever he's facing is him and his wife's business not yours. I know you feel pity and that will draw you in and think oooh I love him and if I leave him, i'm afraid something bad will happen to him.. Trust me nothing will happen that hasn't already happened before. Go find a man who isn't emotionally damaged to love. Sometimes love's not enough. Poster RUN RUN RUN... YOU ARE WARNED.. RUN.

    1. Poster pls take the advice from makoko talking from expeexperi

  25. Ghanaian women, you people do too much mumu for Nigerian men.

  26. Poster since you made it obvious you are a Ghanaian; take this advice from me another Ghanaian. Don't be stupid and naive. Leave another woman's husband alone, you have no business there.

  27. Madam allow the guy to heal first o! As e be like say he still dey hurt before ........

  28. Madam let this man hheal. He seem to be in love with his ex hence d pain

  29. Hanty poster, mind your business!!!!

  30. Madam poster, let the man heal, do u know if he is still in love with his ex.

  31. Hmmmm....does the guy's surname begin with Y? Does the ex's name begin with C? Is the ex frm Anambra? If yes,fleeeeeeeee frm that man.....i mean run fast fast.....He is mentally ill....i mean stark raving mad....
    Do ur investigation without bias and you will discover the truth.....dats all i am going to say.....Ciao

  32. I wonder how this is your business poster. Better pack well, the guy may very well be lying to you.

  33. How old is this poster sef? You reason like a child. What do you mean by should you call her to apologise? Apologise for what exactly? If he chooses to hold on to bitterness from his past relationship rather than work on forgiveness and healing himself, then that's on him. I agree with most BVs who have said to leave that man. He is emotionally unavailable. If you continue this relationship without doing the right thing, you are likely to regret it 9 out of 10 percent. Leave a man with ex issues.

  34. If the relationship goes bad, it is you people that will say she didn't do her home work, or find out the truth before advancing with him.

  35. Poster you can never say what happened, is only the both of them that can tell you what actually happened. I have been there before, never you put your mouth between two people who where in love or got married before, you cannot know the tru gist until you being both together and hear from both side. If you talk to the lady now you will hear another version.

    One year is not a good time to ask for a divorce, divorce is after good one year, some court will not want to even grant you the request for divorce cos they are thinking you both may settle, if you want him to move on with you, face your front and stop putting your mouth into things you don’t know where and when they both started. I will not buy the gist of you saying the girl’s family did not so well, if he wanted to end the marriage he should have step up by getting a divorce paper and serve her family, so not allow the guy to sweet talk you into looking at the girl as a wicked soul, dig more before you make your conclusions.

  36. You are very funny poster.Ehen?
    Only him is the victim in all these abi.

  37. Thank God I read this chronicles, I was almost in the poster's shoes but I had to Run! I can't handle such baggage and when the man is making it look as if the lady is the bad one,my sister be very concerned. Like Ali Ababa said when someone gives you a reason to be concerned my sister,be very concerned. Always trust your instincts. Do not make important life decisions based on emotions or else you will be sorry!

  38. As long as the wife is still alive, poster he is not your husband!!! You’re committing adultery! Stay away from that man and let him work on his broken self/marriage!

  39. I just love all these comments, it shows that many of us still have good heads on our shoulders.this story sounds like a pained baby man acting out, forming victim. So my dear pick up your shoes and disappear from there .

    1. Poster, you do not need permission to marry a bitter man. Go ahead if that rocks your boat. Asking his "wife" for to apologize is just plain childish because as you said one year is adequate enough for him to move on if she is truly evil as he painted. It's clear he has no mind of his own and you better be careful. This story is very inconsistent with logic. I see a bitter man with so many excuses for his poor choices. Mind your relationship but be very cautious before another lady posts a chronicle about how you abandoned him.

  40. Poster please run for your life. That guy is bad news. Second time of commenting.

  41. That guy try na . I mean how can you move from one country to another because of a woman. me that will not move from my room to the junction for a woman. From the comments its clear people know these couple,one even said anambra.we want to know full story so we can advice better.


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