Stella Dimoko Bron Again Rapper Lynxx Says Drinking Alcohol Is Not A Sin


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Sunday, December 02, 2018

Bron Again Rapper Lynxx Says Drinking Alcohol Is Not A Sin

Born again rapper, Lynxx whose real mames are Chukie Edozien, says it is not a sin to take alcoholic drinks.

The rapper who had reportedly been seen smoking at social functions refused to comment on reports of him smoking, he told Sunday Scoop, “It is not a sin to drink ( alcohol ). What was Jesus' first miracle in the Bible? He turned water to wine. I still hang out with my old friends in the entertainment industry.”

He argued that despite being a born -again Christian, he wasn't doing gospel music. He said, “ I am born -again, but I am not doing gospel music and I don't do secular music again too. I cannot call myself a minister of God just because I performed at a gospel show. I don't have a name for my kind of music. If I feel like praising God today, I will make a song about God, and it doesn't necessarily mean I am a gospel artiste.”

Lynxx stated that he hadn't released a new song in a while because he took time off music . “ I took a break because I needed to focus on business and my new found relationship with God in 2015. You could have a career but also have goals that might not be in line with what you do for a living. Sometimes, you have to make sacrifices and focus on other things before you get back to what you are known for, ” he said.

The rapper maintained that he had never regretted his decision to quit secular music. He added , “God is the most important thing to me. You can never experience Christ in His true form and regret it. I don't think there is anyone who can tell me that they have encountered the Holy Spirit and regretted it. It is impossible!”

After performing at the Catholic Church's Unusual Praise concert two years ago, Lynxx explained why he didn't perform at this year's edition.

“I didn't perform because I am now part of the community putting things together. I also wanted to experience the show, the worship and the praises. For me, I found fulfillment and joy in that,” he added.
From Punch


  1. Everyone with their own interpretation of what being a BORN AGAIN means and entails

  2. Will you keep kwayet Lynxx..Come out of the world fully and stop flirting with the darkness..You cant drink and smoke and claim born again..You look lost..come out fully from your old ways

    1. Yes you can. God never said don't drink. Jesus turrned water into why wine and communion is wine and bread

    2. See this anonymous o. Communion is bread and tasty time o. Lolll.

  3. Yes. He is right. Taking alcohol is not a sin, just like good is not a sin but drunkenness and gluttony are sins. Action, and intent is what matters when consuming any edible

    1. Drinking isn’t a sin, over doing it is the sin, doing things up to the point you loose a bit of you is wrong

  4. This foine man. Choi i have a weakness for fine men. I cant see a fine man and not drool. My village people are at it again ooh.

    Before taking alcohol no be sin na.

    1. How will it be sin when konji is clouding your mind.

    Leviticus 10:9 8Then the Lord said to Aaron, 9“You and your sons are not to drink wine or other fermented drink whenever you go into the tent of meeting, or you will die. This is a lasting ordinance for the generations to come,
    1 Pet. 2:9 9But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.

    1. Key sentence: when you go into the tent of meeting. Not when you are staying alone

    2. Are a son of Aaron?

    3. Anon 15:01 😂😂 you can't say oh...are you Abraham's son? Yet you want to partake of his blessings abi? 😉

  6. Lynxx, I get that you might think this. But you didnt have to say it out. Please you are permitted to still be in a spiritial quagmire, but dont lead others into that path.
    Its better you come out plainly and say you are still battling with certain things (who isnt??) But saying its not wrong to do them, doesnt make sense.

    1. Too much sense will not kill you. I had to go anon so that they won't term it Ass licking

    2. Read the Bible. He's right

    3. I Love You CHIKITO!!

      Everyone defines Christianity as it suits them.... Cos Jesus turned water into wine, the wine is alcohol, Shior !!

      Choose a path lynx or not comment on such topics!! You can't even experience God in his true form and be this confused 🙄🙄

    4. Such an ignorant lad claiming intelligence! Show us where it is explicitly stated that taking alcohol or smoking is a sin! Pls don’t quote the laws given to DIfFERENT tribes of Jacob whom is also called Israel! But if you must quote those laws, pls also include wearing of cloths made of cotton and linen together, eating if certain meat, slavery esp in the context of slave master relationship! You lots projects your ideals on others as truth based on your understanding of a scripture that was written as a historical account of events that occurred to a certain group of persons centuries ago! Are you also aware that those laws where tribe specific? So which tribe are you? I mean you have to identify your own biblical tribe in order to keep the laws specific to you isn’t it?

    5. Such an ignorant lad claiming intelligence! Show us where it is explicitly stated that taking alcohol or smoking is a sin! Pls don’t quote the laws given to DIfFERENT tribes of Jacob whom is also called Israel! But if you must quote those laws, pls also include wearing of cloths made of cotton and linen together, eating if certain meat, slavery esp in the context of slave master relationship! You lots projects your ideals on others as truth based on your understanding of a scripture that was written as a historical account of events that occurred to a certain group of persons centuries ago! Are you also aware that those laws where tribe specific? So which tribe are you? I mean you have to identify your own biblical tribe in order to keep the laws specific to you isn’t it?

    6. Hmmnn.... Drinking wine or alcohol in itself is not a sin. DRUNKENESS or when someone is always INEBRIATED is the sin.

      It's advised as a born again christian not to over indulge. The excess of it makes it a sin.

      Also when someone gets to certain levels of leadership in church, you avoid it completely... cos you are now an example to others and you can mislead the gullible.

      It's by grace tho. God is still helping me. Beautiful Women and Shayo..Especially Shayo were my besetting sins. So far I havnt cheated on my wife. May God continue helping me Amen. cos I know these temptations will come.

      On 2 the Next!

  7. Yeah, I completely agree with him. Drinking alcohol is not a sin but getting tipsy/drunk is!

  8. I'll say this loud and clear, Lynxx hasn't really made up his mind about his being born again! I doubt if there's any much difference between the former Lynxx and this present one, Jesus Christ turned water to wine, but not to alcohol and I doubt if anyone at the wedding got drunk, I don't know why people keep bringing this wine issue and comparing it with alcohol.Go to the book of proverbs and see what it says about alcohol. It is OK to be battling with certain sins, but asking God for the grace and mercy to stay off sex them is the most important thing ... Lynxx go back and make peace with your God, cos the so called secular music you sing doesn't even make sense ,personally I feel you should retire from music and pursue Something else ..... P.s I didn't proofread this, so mistakes are mine, corrections are yours!

    1. Such ignorance claiming intelligence! Show us where it is explicitly stated that taking alcohol or smoking is a sin! Pls don’t quote the laws given to DIfFERENT tribes of Jacob whom is also called Israel! But if you must quote those laws, pls also include wearing of cloths made of cotton and linen together, eating if certain meat, slavery esp in the context of slave master relationship! You lots projects your ideals on others as truth based on your understanding of a scripture that was written as a historical account of events that occurred to a certain group of persons centuries ago! Are you also aware that those laws where tribe specific? So which tribe are you? I mean you have to identify your own biblical tribe in order to keep the laws specific to you isn’t it?

    2. How did you know the wine is not alcoholic? Even the white people who brought christianity to us have a designated smoking area in churches, and they dont joke with their alcohol.
      It is not even stated in the 10 commandment that thou shall not have liquior or smoke.

    3. @ Sue you are 100% correct. There is no European country that does not have a traditional national alcoholic drink, whether it be beer, wine, ouzo, vodka, schnapps,scotch..etc, even their children are allowed to have some shandy, radler or a little wine with juice mixed in soda or juice on occasion. The only ppl not taking alcohol are those who are into healthy living or who have health issues preventing them from doing so. Traditionally they had these drinks to help keep them warm during the long, cold winter months because in those times the houses did not have insulation and central heating, the alcohol was very important to the ppl. The consumption of alcohol is a way of life for them, it's a big part of their culture and they have no intention of changing that.

      I come from a drinking family and even though I drink very little these days there is always alcohol in my home, as it is something I grew up with. There is a variety of alcohol at every party and dinner that I host. For me it's just a part of proper hosting to ensure all guests are taken care of. I also serve sparkling grape juice for those who don't drink. There is nothing to drink in heaven so all drinking has to be done down here. Have your wine, liquor, beer and all while you are alive because there is none to have in heaven, not even water is there.

  9. He is very right. Drinking alcohol is not a sin... Our Lord Jesus Clearly told us that what Goes into a man does not ďefile him but what comes out of him. So getting drunk and behaving stupidly is what makes it a Sin not Merely drinking 3 cents though

  10. @smurfete how can you spew so much nonsense in just one statement. Write with actual fact, wine is alcoholic. A non-alcoholic wine is called juice. Wine is made by the fermentation of red, blue etc depending on the colour of grape is fermented. If taking wine is a sin then you should as well not eat cake and most pastries because wine is usually added for preservation purposes. Furthermore, most roast and/or grilled meat are prepared with wine. They first soak them in wine before seasoning. Excess of anything is a sin be it food or wine.

    1. And m sure you are the one that called non alcoholic wines juice abi just cause its not alcholic,even the people that made this wines dont call dem juice

    2. Anon 15:06 there are non alcoholic wines and they are NOT called juice. My brother in law takes non alcoholic red wine to help with his cholesterol because he detests alcohol as a Christian.

    3. Non alcoholic red wine?!

    4. Ralu, your brother in law is most likely drinking sparkling red grape juice or plain red grape juice. There is nothing called non-alcoholic wine. Wine is traditionally made from the fermentation of grape juice, when this happens it moves from standard grape juice and becomes wine. Grape juice on its own can be had, when they want to make it festive they add carbon dioxide and call it sparkling. There is nothing called non alcoholic wine, unless it is a marketing ploy. True wine is always containing alcohol, without alcohol it's just grape juice.

    5. @There is nothing called non-alcoholic wine.

      Please curb your ignorance, there is non-alcoholic wine. Red and white they have non-alcoholic wine.

    6. Yes kamikaze non alcoholic red wine so I don't know what you are lmao at 😩... that you don't know that something exist does not mean that it's not available kmt.
      Anon please I don't have strength to explain what I've drank with him to satisfy my curiosity. Tastes exactly like red wine sans the alcohol.

    7. Raul m please don't speak like an illiterate. Read the label properly it says either grape drink or grape juice. There's no such thing as a non alcoholic red wine.

    8. Supporting Ralu M, please go into any store in the Western world and even in Eastern Europe and ask for non-alcoholic wine. There is non-alcoholic. I guess you are used to the sparkling non-alcoholic beverages they sell in Nigeria. Ordinary Sainsburys and Tesco supermarkets sell non-alcoholic red and white wine. That you have not seen it doesn't mean it does not exist.

    9. To add, don't come back here to defend yourself. Check these out -

      Ariel Cabernet Sauvignon, (NON ALCOHOLIC)
      Sainsbury's Alcohol Free Red Wine
      Sainsbury's Alcohol Free White Wine
      Sutter Home Fre Non-Alcoholic Sparkling Wine
      Eisberg Chardonnay 75Cl Alcohol Free
      Freixenet 0.0% Alcohol Free Sparkling 75Cl

      Do keep up.

    10. Anon 21:45 I should not speak like an illiterate? On this issue the jokes on you sweetheart. Imagine spouting such ignorance with such boldness and adding insult on top! If you are in doubt, Google is there to enlighten you and not just to open SDK blog so zip it! Read the label properly my foot 😩
      Anon 22:41 please don't stress yourself...anyone who's not open to learning will always operate with a closed mind.

    11. You're wrong there, please visit google anything that passes through fermentation is alcohol,the question u ask is the percentage bcos there's nothing like non alcoholic, it's either juice or alcohol

    12. Shinel's no you are wrong. Please do not be dumb and leave people who know how to discuss this.

      FYI -"Dealcoholized wine starts out as real fermented wine, but before it's bottled, it's either filtered or put through a spinning process that removes both the water and the alcohol."

      Now, you need the Google you just suggested. Do keep up.

  11. I don't think alcohol is a sin,BT too much of everything is bad.

  12. There is no place that it is said drinking alcohol is a sin, however, drinking to drunkenness is a sin. So if you cannot control your drinking or you become drunk easily then it is better not to drink at all. Alcohol is also toxic to the body, so health wise it is not good at all, but there is no sin in drinking in of itself.

  13. My problem in all this his explanations is that Lynxx is the only son of his urbane ,rich & aging parents & he has refused to marry or give them grand children. Dem do u ni? What exactly is your problem getting married Lynxx? Each time I see him, I imagine how worried his parents must be..

    1. You are way too caught up in these ppl's lives. So you want to live your own life and his and his parents too? Not even Satan is as ambitious as you are in getting involved so deep in ppl's life.

    2. They have enough grand kids already. so relax!!!

  14. Is alcohol a sin? It depends on how you look at it.
    On its own, it's not...over indulging in it however it's a sin, and the bible specifically said it's for fools and to drown ones sorrows in.
    Then you look at it from the context of someone else falling into sin or temptation as a result of seeing you taking that bottle of star or shot of whiskey; that brother or sister whose faith is still shaky or who you're still trying to lead to Christ or who knows you're a church worker or a minister in the church. Then by your action you have sinned. If an action will make someone to sin (irrespective of that action not been a sin) then don't do it.
    A lot of people look up to you and with this you have let them down and you can't say whose faith has taken a hard knock as a result of this. Just like some of us bragging how they will happily wear bum shorts and skimpy gowns in the compound even though there's a foolish man somewhere falling into lust courtesy of your dressing; you don't care because you have it so you will flaunt it and do #pepperthemgang for the wife 😩.

    1. Raul m that's why you drink in appropriation. Not like a douche or hobo.

    2. Anon 21:48 did you even read what I wrote? Who's talking about drinking in moderation? I'm talking about the image one projects as a believer and the importance of knowing that it can derail one still struggling in the faith and then acting accordingly. Please read and try to understand what I'm talking about.

  15. LOL. One of the poorest people on Earth are always concerned about what the Bible say instead of doing things to better themselves and lift them out of poverty. Being a Nigerian should be the greatest disgrace in life.

    1. @Being a Nigerian should be the greatest disgrace in life. Such stupidity. Go to Afghanistan then you will see disgrace.

  16. I guess he's a Catholic, they take alcohol, one time I was working at a posh restaurant and some 4 guys came in and ordered stout and legend, later the owner of the place came in and was addressing them as father this and that, I was shocked, the guy and a lot of his friends from the church smoke too and they always told me its not a sin.

  17. Anon 17:18, I hope you are not a Nigerian ?

    I don't like your last sentence.

  18. Spices in your head all catholics drinks n smoke ? Stupid fool, such a myopic writing. If u don't know what to say or not sure just keep shut n learn from others . idots

  19. Is drinking a sin? To even ask this question and argue that drinking alcohol is not a sin shows that many so called born again Christians are not filled with the Holy Spirit. You have not received the infilling of the Holy Spirit as John 14 explains. Please dear Christian, go and study the book of John 14, then move on to Acts 2. When you are drunk in the Spirit, filled like Peter to the extent that people think you’re drunken with wine because of the way your lifestyle changes and the Holy living you adopt in words and deed such that people think you’re crazy because you don’t act or think like the world, then you won’t argue for alcohol not being sinful.
    If you are so closed minded to think Jesus turned that wine to alcohol, please don’t argue with me, get to heaven’s gate first in your alcohol infused breath and see if the angels will let you in.

    1. Fake Christian who is reading the Bible upside down.


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