Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative.....


Friday, November 16, 2018

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative.....



Good day Stella and BVs. I don't no if I should send this as a chronicle.
Pls Dont mind my grammer.

I have been married for 4 years now and everything feels like going back for me but as for my wife things started moving good towards her direction. I Am not envying her but I dont seem to understand.

We have no kids now and Our parents are not on her neck for kids cos we are both still very young. The only thing is just that she complains about everything I do. My eating, dressing, talking even sleeping. She has stopped sleeping in our room for 8 months now. 

Things were going on perfect before our marriage and she is very caring and lovely infact all my family love her more than I do.

Tomorrow November 17th is our wedding anniversary and she insists I must celebrate it for her despite that she knows that I Dont have work and neither do I have money.

 I tried to explain to her but she won't listen. Anniversary that doesn't worth celebrating should not be celebrated as for our not having kids.
Pls Stella and fellow BVs I need your advice on what to do.

*Is there anything to advice?if you dont have a money or a job,then there is no way you can celebrate your wedding Anniversary.If your wife wants a party,then let her do it if she has money.
My Brother please dont stress yourself over this.

What kind of Job is your wife into?
Why dont you look for a way to get money and start your own thing?....From the very bad grammar i edited,I dont know your level of Education but it would be better than sitting and waiting for Manna to fall from heaven..

Happy Anniversary to you in Advance my Bro.....


  1. Did you just say you don't have work????

    1. First thing I sensed was you don’t love this woman so much but your family really does...

      I also sense jealousy. You insinuating that there’s something odd about her doing well after the marriage while you are not...

      I also sensed a few lack of communication in the relationship. A woman that loves you and knows you don’t have will manage with whatever you offer - you can offer emotional support, romance, understanding, a listening ear, friendship...

      I also sense that you have low self esteem stemming from your lack of material things..

      Oga, you’re the head of the home. You need to be all your wife wants you to be. Take charge. Find a job and earn something no matter how small. She needs to see you hustling.

      Finally, childrwn are NOt the only really for masrage. In fact the primary purpose for marriage was companionship. A wedding anniversary is to CELEBRATE the marriage and Not the kids..

      So get romantic...cook for her, buy ice cream. Promise her things will get better. Whisper your love to her.

      You do not only celebrate with parties and big outings!

      My 2cents

    2. Poster ,you are the problem here from your write up and I hope you change before it's too late.
      If there's no job and you're at home while your wife is out there working, kindly cook for her...make the home up instead of being lazy and still expecting the person labouring to come and do chores for you.

  2. So because of no child yet your wedding anniversary is not worth celebrating? Oga pray for your family and remember to always do house chores while waiting for a job.

    1. Are you minding the poster? As he hear wedding anniversary he mind din cut. Some women like celebrating their ist anniversary with or without a child. Itvdoesnt necessarily have to be a big parry. You can just buy her a gift or take her out. Try and be romantic for once even if you don't have money. Secondly, you said she is always complaining about the way you talk, eat, dress, etc. Oga if she complain a lot about these things pls try and change naaa. She has every right to complain cos she is your wife. If she doesn't complain who will???

    2. I wonder o!

    3. Fan, wetin you yarn there?
      Carry money load im pocket make im go jolly for 4th anniversary na?
      You don celebrate ya own anniversary this year?

    4. Why would you say because no child, your marriage is not worth celebrating? Dude you should not have said that biko. I wish you both the best and may God fix it.

    5. 😂😂😂 @ remember to always do house chores while waiting for a job. damn!

      oga, please go and hustle. your wife is losing all respect for you but can you blame her?

    6. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂

    7. Na your type dey reduce man to nothing because he no get job. I use to like you but I hate you now because of this you silly comment

    8. So it's just one year anniversary and you are pointing out that your parents are not on 'her' neck for kids. You seriously mean not on your own neck too but hers only? In less than one year?
      No comment sha but please, find something to be doing so you don't lose all your respect from your wife.'Everything started moving well for her and not for you, yet you say you don't envy her. So why point that out it it's not out of jealousy?

    9. Sorry,i missed the four -year part

    10. @ fan, someone that is broke has to do wedding anniversary? It is not everyone that is lucky to get hand-outs to establish phone business! Maybe you can help him out with some to celebrate, it won't be a bad idea... What do u think?

    11. Fan u sometimes sound stupid maybe in a bid to b funny. Hw much is ur husband's worth n how many times ve u subjected him 2 such mockery?

      Poster if u dont ve money stay on ur lane. Party nor b by force. U sound like u married someone above ur class n she's is beginning to realise that now. Trust me poster ure heading 4 divorce.

    12. Bia fan Emmanuel d day I go enter you for this blog eh,o ga emegi ka film. Just keep misbehaving
      in the name of commenting.

    13. Fan so if your husband no get work that's how you will subject him to ridicule your husband. am sure your husband is a firm man and he deals with you appropriately. For you to make this comment you are really a the type of woman who wants to be on a man

  3. How young are you two? Also, you don’t sound like you love this woman and she is acting like someone who has fallen out of love too. She is probably acting out because you can’t provide for the family.

    You need a job and you need one fast. Hopefully, you both won’t get into a fight on your anniversary because she expects something knowing fully well you can’t afford it and that is maybe her way of telling you to get off the couch and find a job so you can be able to provide her needs. Sorry about your predicament but you both also need to talk - sleeping apart is unhealthy and you neee to find out why she did that. Perhaps, you ask for sex everyday after she has gone to work and come home tired. You both need to sort this out, let her know you are trying to get a new job, let her know the places you’ve tried and failed. She needs to see that you are not having fun sitting idle. Happy anniversary!

  4. Real hmmm. Stella has said it all. Don't stress yourself over this since your wife knows you don't have a job or money. But going forward, try to gather some money together and start a business. You can start small, gradually it will grow. May God bless your hustle .

  5. Bros,look for something no matter how small. The way some of you will fold your hands and expect your wives to be the man is appalling. If you were not married, won't you feed and pay your rent? Just four years of marriage and she is already the breadwinner and you expect her to be happy with you.

  6. men don’t know how irritating it is for women when they have nothing to offer!...
    Why get married when you know you can’t take care of your wife?...
    It’s a man’s responsibility to take care of the home not the other way round!...
    Oga go and get a job even if na driving job instead of staying idle and waiting for your wife to feed you!...
    Most women don’t respect a broke ass horseband!...
    Meanwhile,stop being jealous of her!!...
    Next thing you will start accusing her of cheating...

    1. Exactly! And see how he subtly added that his parents aren't stressing her about kids as if he's not inside the no kids equation. And you can bet he talks shit to her. Broke men always use lack of kids, food or sex against their wives.

    2. The chairperson herself is here,Na dis kind story they burst ur speaker, U are really missed.

    3. Queen, I have missed you greatly, welcome.

    4. Queen be appearing and disappearing lol.
      Oga this your chronicle sef, it's like they forced this woman on you. It is well

    5. Anyone that disagrees with Q&B you do not upload such comments?
      It does not make for an engaging discussion and it is purely partial and unfair.
      When it is any other person that his/her comment had some disagreements and outright
      insults, you upload it.
      My comment under hers merely pointed out the fact that the man said "things were working well
      until they got married". He may not be the architect of whatever misfortune that befell him.
      Ask your conscience why you did not upload that comment?
      I may not have a blog ID but I've been commenting on this blog before you moved to Germany.
      I am not even in a hurry get one because of the nature of my job.
      Stella this is totally uncalled for and unfair.

  7. ""Anniversary that doesn't worth celebrating should not be celebrated as for our not having kids.""

    Hmmm...hopefully you guys have sorted out yourselves medically.

  8. If you lean from this you will rise above it.

    "Things were going on perfect before our marriage . . ."

    I copied this line for those ladies that date only guys whom "things are working perfectly for; the loaded ones".
    When I wrote yesterday BEP that I married my guy who had no "shishi", they all attacked me. It is not always that the loaded guy remains loaded for life.

    This poster is just passing through a phase in life and it is a pity that the wife is not supportive. The lady married his money and the money is gone.

    1. The only wrong thing you said yesterday was saying they will become old and unmarried. Not all women end up unmarried because they reject poor men. If you don't wear the shoes, you don't know where it hurts.

    2. @15:42, keep your no shinshin to your self.. Jeez, trying to force your lifestyle down our throats. No woman,I repeat no woman, would want to be in this sort of situation where she's the bread winner while her husband sleeps at home, watching TV with no sign of wanting to do anything.. You think it's easy? Being a wife to a lazy husband? Who on earth would be happy in that kind of situation?

    3. @19:56
      Was that what you read yesterday -that he stayed at home watching TV?
      Sorry nne. We just both left school and got married. It wasn't as if
      I had shishi myself. Wedding is different from marriage okay.
      Nobody has "forced any lifestyle on anyone" we are all airing our opinions here.
      If you learn, you are good for it. If you don't, it is entirely your choice.
      You are not held at gunpoint; are you?

    4. @20:34.. Abeg shut it.. Where did I quote that your husband was staying at home watching TV.. Please I was talking of chronicles poster.. Keep misquoting.. Airhead.. Keep your "I married with no shinshin to my name" nobody gives a flying f**k.🤣🤣🤣

    5. @22:22 You mustn't cuss okay. Learn to make a statement without cussing. Be civil.

    6. Anon 22:22 beht why is this topic peppering your body like this sote e turn into aggression.

  9. Feeding and caring for a lazy husband can be draining. It's possible she's not seeing you put effort into making yourself better hence that attitude from her. As for having a child, Gods time is the best.

  10. From a man's perspective, Bros go and make money whether by working or doing a business. If after you bring in your own quota things don't change, please send Stella another Chronicle, we'll take it from there.

  11. Guy go hustle make money. No woman likes poverty. She's just bn irritated bcos you've nothing other than your blokos to offer her.. Pls don't even contemplate breeding children in poverty. Double your hustle guy. Look for who to give you Keke napep on instalment and take it from their.
    Honestly, poverty is disgusting.

  12. some marriages are sweet, some are bitter why? when you marry the wrong person. some women feed the home, pay all bills and no one will hear peem outside and they still love their husbands. i don't wish it for anyone though for the woman to be the bread winner, it can be frustrating.


  13. "Anniversary that doesn't worth celebrating should not be celebrated as for our not having kids"

    In other words you would've gladly celebrated this anniversary if there were kids. In case you don't know, you might be the cause for una childlessness. Silly jobless man. No wonder the wife gets irritated by you.

  14. All the ladies that were shouting yesterday 'avoid broke guys"
    How far?
    If he gets broke after una don marry all of una go begin dey tanda
    for road corner dey wave vehicles down na; akwukwu kwu moves you know?

  15. Its easy oo bros!!! But this phase will pass

  16. Happy wedding anniversary to you poster. Don't worry before your next wedding anniversary, God will grant you your heart desires.I have one advice for you though, get something doing and love your wife wholeheartedly.

  17. Young man go out there and make a lot of cash, join the rich gang and watch your wife worship and lick the ground you work on.
    Don't be surprise that your wife might have done family planning behind you.
    It is only a broke man that guide his wife/girlfriend jealously by crossing his hand around her waist while walking on the road.
    Make cool cash, spoil her with dollar bills and watch her hold your arm as if you are walking her down to the alter while taking her to your Ferrari so that your driver will drop you off at the airport when going to Miami food weekend. Even if you snore while sleeping , she will be bragging about it by telling her IG followers that your snore is golden sound .
    Ladies like money.

    Money make bitches bow for even the ugliest man on earth.


    1. 'Even if you snore while sleeping , she will be bragging about it by telling her IG followers that your snore is golden sound'

      Absolutely right!

  18. I deduced from your story that your finances went South prior to your wedding and there has not been any progressive financial change since you got married.

    I also deduced that, your wife maybe the one footing all the bills, hence the complaints or naggings.

    Now with all these stress she's been giving you, I don't see where she's complaining about you not working. No woman complains
    about a hard working man, if he still loves her and make out time for some good loving, irrespective of the man hours he puts into work.

    Unku get a job, do business, hustle for money and see if your wife's attitude will not change overtime.
    Na money, owo, kudi or ego na be the issue here. Kachiko

    Like I said earlier if she no change, please come back, make SDK Counsellors analyse and dissect your matter.

  19. Mr man first of all you need a job, you need to clean up. May God provide job/hustle for you.
    From your story it seems your wife no longer find you attractive & might have fallen out of love, & I think it's you financial status that contributed to it, plus the fact that she might have been infatuated. As for the sleeping in separate rooms na wa!have you changed from what you used to be in the first year of marriage & when you both were dating? You need to bring back the magic. Which ever way you both can fix this, stay put & stay strong, don't argue or quarrel with her, always talk to her with understanding & love no matter how difficult she poses. Be patient & you will have your wife back. May God visit you both & make you both fruitful.

  20. Oga please go and get a job first before sending chronicle...shuuu.

    no job, no money, no anniversary too😕
    Come on!

  21. Women are so quick to call a man lazy when he has no job. How sure are you he hasn’t tried looking for a job? A woman that complains about everything you do is running out of love for you. This is when you should need her most for encouragement and support while you try harder. Some comments make me sick. Marriage sometimes is just to life women out of poverty and sort out their bills under the guise of falling in love. Bull crap.

    1. Which stupid encouragement? Is he a baby? He should keep looking for encouragement instead of him to double his hustle, Its like you don't know it's draining for a woman to shoulder all Responsibilites of the house. Even the bible said a man that can't provide for his family is worst than an infidel and that has failed woefully. If a job isn't forth coming he should put in his in other things(legit of course) while waiting for a job to come thru,e reach to fall out of love

  22. Hmmmmm. It’s difficult in marriage where the man has no money.

    Get something doing quickly before she runs out of patience with you. You won’t celebrate because you don’t have kids? So you have no money but don’t mind having kids and leaving the whole financial burden to her while you do what?

    Go find something to do and stop whining. Get some money and even if it’s a simple dinner you cook treat her to one. It’s all about effort. She’s busy paying all the bills. What excuse do you have not to make any effort On this day that seems quite important to her?

  23. I hate when full grown men sit at home everyday doing nothing,Mr man nobody likes poverty or anything affiliated to it,go and work and give your family a better life.. And yes! you must do that wedding anniversary,your wife has done nothing wrong.

  24. Mr Man this jealousy you have for your wife is blocking your progress. You sound bitter and shady. Some of you will forget about personal hygiene when you're broke but expect to have your stinking balls licked. You complain day and night about your situation without lifting a finger but still expect respect of a provider.

  25. Oga pls forget about anniversary and look for something doing... There are lots of job opportunities for men compared to females... There is uber, taxi for hire purchase and lots more. Do u know how much they mak U sit at home and expect the poor woman to be ☺ abi

  26. Maybe you appear dirty. Couple with not having any source of income. How do you expect her to sleep with you? Tufiakwa!!!!

    This can actually put her off. I can't stand a filthy man, broke man. Check yourself, eating habit, dressing, appearance.

    Please, let her be. If you were to have money, she no for see your brake light.

    You said you are both young,,,,
    Really, how young? Why did you rush into marriage if you couldn't shoulder marriage responsibility.
    You are now trying to say she brought you bad luck.
    Oga, go out and hustle and have a chat with your wife. Let her know you would have loved to celebrate the wedding anniversary but lack of funds.
    Join your faith in prayers. But if you make it later and decide to show her pepper,Na you go carry am.
    For now, I stand with her. You men think it's only you that can frustrate partners.
    Abeg if you can't stand the heat, go outside. Prove youself

  27. Heya!!! Not having money or kids is not an excuse not to celebrate your anniversary especially being married to someone that it matters to.

    I don't know what kind of person she is but i believe most ladies like their partners "making an effort" and not necessarily the whole razmattaz that surrounds the celebration.

    If she is a simple person like me😊,she wouldn't mind the little gesture cos you both have a lot of anniversaries ahead to celebrate so I will advice you do one or more of the following👇:

    -Wake her up at midnight,pray with her, reassure her of your love and "do the do" i mean the most romantic do ever.

    -Thank God your annivesary falls on a saturday,oya look for something in the house and whip up breakfast in bed.

    -Write love notes and drop in strategic places she will bump into them(Under the pillow,inside her shoe,her handbag, makeup kit,car,book,bible,kitchencounter) she needs to find more than 5 ni.

    -You have data to browse right?, get your family and friends to wish her HWA.(I pray this reminds her of the reaaon why she married you in the first place.)

    -Send her whatsapp or sms messages in the course of the day and just tell her you ❤ her.

    I would have said you should borrow even if its 5k and get her chocolate or thongs or ice cream or pizza or anything nice she likes but I don't know how you will pay.

    Pls Sir, get a job no matter how small.Love and respect sometimes flies out of the window if lacking in a relationship.

    All the best

  28. Oga poster your wife dey swallow pills for your back because of your financial situation, thats why she's not bothered. Wedding anniversary ko wedding anniversary ni. Wicked woman

    1. How is she wicked? You want her to carry pregnancy, give birth (which means she’ll miss work). Hurry back to work without getting much needed rest while shouldering all financial responsibilities concerning medical bills from pregnancy and childbirth, caring fur the baby, nanny fees when she gives back to work, baby supplies etc on top of the household responsibilities she’s already shouldering alone? She better swallow those pills o! Until he gets his act together and can take care of his family instead of insisting on more baggage in his broke state. The wife knows what she’s doing. The responsibilities she’s shouldering already might be choking her, she doesn’t want to bring an innocent child into the equation just to suffer. Poster is the one who needs to go get something doing and learn to think more responsibly for the sake of his family and innocent unborn children..... Just Me

  29. See the way you guys are shouting go get a job! As if it that's easy wey una see work sef for this country and even if there is its based on who you know. No wonder some of you ladies are unmarried and lonely because of your mindset.person wey no get today go get tommorrow.pls oo I am not the poster before you guys will kill him emotionally with your hourful words

    1. Are you minding all these self entitled lonely ass women. Some of them here even feed their husbands oh.

    2. Hurtful words I mean. Chai to comment wit puffin no dey easy o.all thanks to GLO wey no allow me browse my favorite blog

  30. When I was trying TTC I wasn't really happy so I find it hard to celebrate anything including my birthday hubby will be the one insisting that was just 1year o ( we have kids now) talk more of 4yrs.poster I understand where you are coming from. Try to get back on your feet you hear it is well with you.

    1. But if he doesn’t have a job and cannot celebrate simple anniversary due to lack of funds, why is he thinking of children? It’s common sense now. He said they’re still young, so there’ll be plenty time for kids later. Right now is the time to focus on and quadruple his hustle

  31. If you don’t have anything to celebrate about your anniversary why stress yourself? Since your wife has something to celebrate let her go ahead and celebrate it. You said your wife has not been sleeping in the same room with for eight months now, how will she fall pregnant? If you are not happy being married I advise you take a break and clear your head.

    I think your wife no longer love you, you irritate her, are you sure you are neat? Is possible you use to be sweet, presentable, before you both got married and now you have turn into something else. Check yourself first before you complain, do you have good breath? Is possible cos you are lazy that is why your wife is avoiding you, marriage without money is not sweet.

  32. I still don't know what most couple do during courtship..u both need marriage counseling

  33. Celebrate the anniversary for your wife. She knows you have no money but wants you to plan something to shoe you still care. She has been through a lot .instead of comforting yourself by saying I have no money but she has no kids why not sit her down and thank her for holding you up all these years

  34. Poster, go get a job to fetch you money .

    Tomorrow being your anniversary, you can appreciate her by telling her how she has shouldered the responsibilities in the house if that's the case .

    After few days, you can have a heart to heart talk with her concerning everything about your marriage.
    Good Luck

  35. Did you get her pregnant and she refused to deliver? Which one is your parents aren’t giving ‘her’ stress?

    Nonsense brokeass husband don’t go and find work be looking for woman that will kill herself for you. No job and you can’t even perform at home to make her happy.

    I’m sure expect her to make the money and still serve you as a ‘woman’

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Most people on here are castigating the dude cause he is broke and jobless? Wow! Even jobless oloshos join pass insults? Half of the people on here are big time beggers and baggers. The downfall of a man is not the end of his life! Dude will pick up! He can't celebrate jackshit cause he is broke. Hypocrites everywhere, half of those critics will lend a helping hand to their spouses if they find themselves in this suitation. Most women on here forgets that marriage is suppose to be a two way thingy... When he is down you lift him up and vice versa! Financially, emotionally, mentally and all. Whatever happens to all these? What do I know? What I see here is that, his wife married for convenience and not love! She will walk away soon..
    Dude, start making plan B cause that woman will walk away soon!

    1. He’s broke yet he’s low-key pressuring his wife for kids. Urey dey smell!!

  38. Poster you played safe with your words because you didn't want BVS to tongue lash you, as you portrayed your wife in a very bad way. You know that if you had outrightly painted her black, people will come for your head, that was why you played safe. You indirectly wrote there that she is the cause of your problem. You also robbed it on her face by writing that she has not yet given birth to children, which means that is what you say to her at home. A woman that doesn't care as you wrote is still the woman telling you about your anniversary. You are a bitter, sly and manipulative man. I am sorry for that woman you are marrying. You are the type that will be pulling her down, still pretending to mean well for her. You think you are too crafty to hide behind your phone and pull your wife down by pretending to be the good one. Repent and have a good heart towards others and see doors open for you.

  39. Poster you are very annoying and you deserve whatever treatment you are getting from your wife. What do you mean your parents are not stressing her? Are they suppose to stress your wife for delay in child bearing? Your marriage is not worth celebrating because no child yet, is that all she is worth to you; baby maker? You said your parents love her more than you do, I pity that woman for marrying a man like you. I hope she dumps your lazy broke ass soon.

  40. Poster you aren't a broke ass and there's nothing wrong with feeling the way you feel. Try and look for smt doing, we know the country is hard and getting jobs aren't easy, but God will see you through and bless you with children. Do feel sad or bad about the treatment from ur wife,it shows she didn't really love you, may doors open for you and may his light shine on your path.


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  41. The catasrophe/ troubles of seeking for "perfection" is a #1 issue for all these broken & sad nigerian marriages today. Many young girls in desperation to get married or attach to man at any cost, or older women in desperation to answer Mrs, or families and relatives or church groups plot & scheme to marry off members no matter the odds.
    In the end it will unravel that it is a wrong match!!! Maybe someone very lazy, delusional or greedy & eager to pimp & exploit a partner in marriage. Or even serious mental illness hidden to be only unleashed on their spouse & intimate relationship partner.

    *how can any grown up adult be happy & feel good with yourself not working, or using your mind well or put your life into something productive daily??? Even Obama that is already retired today in very..very young age is still actively & productively pursuing other interests daily!!! He is waking up everyday to be part of something positive as a member of the soceity. While there r plenty so many men just sitting around, or waking up each day doing nothing good or positive & productive to make money or contribute economically to society. Either they r depending on others or scheming & manipulative against others to exploit & enjoy from another person's labour & toil.
    Curses of laziness is a big waste of the human mind for good use!!! Tufiakwa!

  42. So because things are 'going well for her', but 'not for you', 'you just don't understand'.
    If things were going well for you and not for her, I'm sure you would understand, you would understand very well.
    Understander general.
    Mtsheeew, poverty-stricken people always thinking like poverty stricken people.


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