Stella Dimoko Boredom Eliminating Post


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Tuesday, November 06, 2018

Boredom Eliminating Post


  1. When a woman wants a break up she will just shut you out of life, ghost you or frustrate you until you take a walk and never look back.

  2. Exactly the position I am in. I have stopped complaining about his always being busy. I don't even call him again. If he feels like talking let him call.
    Iv met someone else already. When we start dating i will switch off completely. No time to argue. It sounds old complaining of same thing for a year.

    1. Just like me. I don't care what time he comes in he has the spare key that he can use, I'll just leave his food on the kitchen counter. I still collect the weekly allowance though.
      I'm young and beautiful with very amazing body people doubt I'm married and when I tell them I have a child they'll say it's a lie that I want to use it to turn them away. Even women and mother want me to marry their son or brother.
      I could remember when he called and told me in was in a fatal accident at 2AM in my mind I said you are still alive.
      I'm very happy he's away now all I think of is my girl and work. I'll definitely walk away from the fake-camouflage- marriage. I need love, real love, the way real Men loves their wife.

    2. @22:00
      And "Real women" wish their husbands dead?
      Sure you have "an amazing body?' When you jump off from that marriage,
      you will realize that what all those men want is to pound that your "amazing body" and
      nothing more.

  3. True for the men:
    "You are not chubby"
    *You start eating to and gain weight*
    "All you do is eating and you are fat"
    *You lose the weight*
    You are now skinny, no boobs, no nyansh. Me I no like bones"
    The truth: he is tired of drilling. The lady is to blame for opening her legs to the leech.

    For the Ladies: False:

    A week after meeting:
    "What's your plan for us"
    "When are you taking me to see your parents"
    "It's like we are just there"
    *She sees another "big fish"*
    We don't seem to have chemistry again. . . . *nag, nag, nag*

    1. @Dainty
      Thank you town driller.

    2. Kaiii endtime uber drivers. Town crier, Town driller and SDK Town painter abi beater lols


  4. The answer is True:

    But please note that if the man lives "abroad", no Nigerian girl breaks up with him. Even if he is a frog that lives abroad.

    1. I pray ubgo abroad coz the tin pai u die

    2. @GnM
      Truth dey pain eh?

    3. With your brain now many women didn't relocate themselves. Only a man can take someone abroad ?
      Many ladies don't travel with their money to do masters,PHD,nursing,IT etc.
      Only a man can take you abroad through marriage ?

    4. @Beds and Roses
      Did she say that women are not relocating abroad on their own? Read and understand before commenting.

    5. 21.40 my friend kee kwayet there osiso!

    6. This anon always talking about Nigerian girls and abroad guys pls come and tell us your story... You sound pained...

  5. Lol me I will complain that u are breathing too fast or too slow

  6. So so true.
    When I want to deal with a man or woman I keep mute and stop complaining.......It's a yes for all you do or say and them BOOM I leave you to do your thing or walk away jejely 😁

  7. For the girls, that's the plain truth! I'm at that point right now.

    1. Because you most probably opened legs, he don chop run.

    2. Not necessary for u to open legs my dear anon.
      Communication and relationship don't start from between your legs, you hear?
      Zip it,huh!
      Who commits to a guy who doesn't connect with them in the basics? Before migrating to sex?

  8. I won't say I know about the guys cos non has ever dared to breakup with me, its always the other way round
    About the girls, if I stop loving you I tell you straightup
    So I think its FALSE.

  9. True truer truest... My ex will even quarrel me for using too much toothpaste and tissue paper.. Very silly.. 😂 😂

  10. I don't think is true, the woman will want something to hold onto (domestic violence) so she will pick up fight and make sure to provoke the man to hit her (black or bloody eye)

  11. I just blank you. I wait for you to give 7-8 missed calls then when I finally pick I tell you I was sleeping or phone is on silent. Na u go tire finally

  12. Stella,

    If ur ex husband or boyfriend is / was a drug dealer, liar, wicked person, cheater, 419, ritualist, pimp &gigolo etc, or unstable & any criminal involvement, will u openly acknowledge him? Or happy to associate with him later ?

    Sorry oh! Certain characters r for jump & pass, chop & clean mouth, chew & spit out. That's all!
    Not worry of memory & reminders or acknowledgement again. U flush their image in toilet or burn their photo in a trash pit. Sprirtually erase them & cast them away...
    For good 👍 and forever.

  13. So true but sometimes you just act as if you care but deep down you have moved on


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