Stella Dimoko Spontaneous October Seventeenth Post...


Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Spontaneous October Seventeenth Post...

#wcw #womancrushwednesday #crushingonmyself #crushingonallwomen #specialbred #notafeministnotasexist #hustleralacarte #selfloverocks #nooneelsewillloveyouifyoudontloveyourself #suicidenotanoption

Good Morning everyone...........

I dont know why people just use their hands to create trouble for themselves!!...Kai!!

My Bambinos asked me yesterday ''Mama do you write anything about us sometimes? I said ''Sometimes'' and they asked me ''Are we super stars''?........
I am yet to reply,I told them i would explain today......I don enter!

Make i gist una

A Nigerian bro that i know here has had his life messed up because he went to get his wife from Nigeria after he got his papers after a long time of staying here...note that he didnt marry for his papers but got it after ten years and a Bambino son.

After 9 months,wife reported him to the Authorities and she has been taken into protective custody and relocated somewhere else..He was allegedly maltreating her and their kids and DV was insinuated.....I havent spoken to him but that is the word on the street ......Chei!!!

I remember telling him not to import his wife over when he sought my advice...Dont know why i said it but that advice pissed him off and he stayed away from me after that......

It is now the new trend in Europe for African wives to report their husbands and be taken into custody.They are given a new life,new apartment,kids settled and jobs gotten for them..I dont know if they plan it with the men .....i need to do some investigations and present it as a story....or do a post and see if they will comment and tell us their stories?A post i think!

Na wah...

Make una enjoy una day!!!


  1. Good morning lovelies

    My world came crashing yesterday, I lost my beloved mother after struggling with diabetes for 23years. She succumbed to it. My Gold, you didn't wait to see your grandchildren after all our struggles together.I remember all our gists, I promised to throw you and your hubby a wedding anniversary party come December.....My Jewel, I will forever cherish you.#Alabaromitilo#gonetorest
    😢 😢 😢 💔💔💔💔💔

    Bee10,Elegant,Cookie,prudent Tabitha,Cynthia... thanks for the love. I do appreciate you all.

    1. It is well.... My condolences to you and your family... Be strong

    2. Sorry dear. Please be strong. It is well.

    3. My condolences,this is really a hard one,may her gentle soul rest in peace, parents care irreplaceable, accept my condolences

    4. Olori orente... Pele. May her gentle soul continue to rest in peace . .So sorry.

    5. Oh I'm so sorry this happened olori. Be strong girl. RIP mama.

    6. OMG, so sorry orente. Mama has gone to rest. Heavenly comfort to you Amen.

      Don't know what to say again .

    7. My condolences to your family @Olori Orente..

      May her soul rest in peace.
      She is in a better place with the Angels and saints..


    8. My condolences dear. May her soul rest in peace. Amen

    9. Sorry about your loss Olori. The Lord comfort you.

    10. May mama's soul rest in peace...

      Olori, my condolences to you and your family.

    11. My Dear take heart, Mama have left this wicked world to a better place and may gentle her soul continue to rest in the peace. Amen

    12. May her soul rest in peace. Stay strong

    13. Oh Olori, the Spirit of God will comfort you in this trying time. Please be strong, it is well with you. May mamas soul rest in peace.

    14. So sorry dear. May her soul rest in peace

    15. So sorry for your loss Olori. She has gone to a better place where there are mo more pains or suffering. My condolence to your family at this moment.

    16. I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry for your loss. Please Take heart. Be strong. God will comfort your family. #wipeTears# @Princess Tever

    17. So sorry dearie for this painful exit. Our condolences to to and your family. May her soul RIP.

    18. May her soul rest in peace....Be strong.

    19. My condolences dear, may her soul rest in peace

    20. Oh dear. Olori there’s nothing anyone can say to console you. I know how I felt when my father died. I can’t imagine.......but take solace in the fact that she has rested from the pains she felt. May God comfort and bring you joy soon. May she come back to you soon. Please take heart. May her soul rest in perfect peace.

    21. Do we have a choice when it comes?Absolutely no. So my dear take heart. Peaceful rest to your jewel.....

      chim-oma aka Miss Kapusu

    22. Accept my condolence. May her soul rest in peace.

    23. Olori, pele. Take solace in the fact that you did your best for her as a daughter, that you loved her and she knew it. She's in a better place of rest now where sickness has no more power. Ehin won a da. Olorun a duro ti yin.

    24. So sorry for your loss, may God heal your heart Olori

    25. Please take heart Olori, my condolences to your family. Mama may your soul rest in Christ Jesus.

    26. May Jah grant ur hrt d fortitude to bear this loss...

    27. My condolences. So sorry . May God console you and your family. May her soul rest in peace

    28. May the Good Lord comfort you and your family at this moment of great sadness. So sorry for your loss.

    29. So sorry for your loss olori. Take solace in the fact that she's in a better place.

    30. Accept my sympathy Olori. May her soul rest in peace

    31. So sorry for your loss, I can’t even imagine what you are going through, the Lord is your strength

    32. So sorry for your loss. May Mama's Soul Rest In Peace.

    33. Sweetlurlacollections(dealer in quality hand bags and shoes 07089721449...we deliver to your doorstep)17 October 2018 at 10:13

      So sorry Olori mi,I feel your pain.May Jehovah give you and your family the fortitude to bear the loss...take heart sis

    34. So so sorry for your loss dear. May our Good lord strengthen your family at a time like this.

    35. Kindly accept my condolences. May she rest in peace,Amen.

    36. My condolences to you and your family. Stay strong.

    37. Eternal rest grant unto her o Lord�� take herat Olori

    38. So very sorry for your great loss Olori....I pray for comfort for you and your household during this trying period. God be with you all.

    39. So sorry olori. The lord is your strength.

    40. So sorry Olori, may the good Lord be with you at this trying time. Pele.

      RIP ma!

    41. Sorry dear
      Try and be strong😓

    42. Oh God! I feel your pain Olori. May God console you and your family like he did us. (its been 3 months my mum left us). May her soul rest in peace. Amen.

    43. I’m so sorry for your loss, may God grant you and your family the fortitude to bear the loss. May your mum’s soul Rest In Peace.

    44. OMG!!! Accept my condolences sis
      Take heart, she's in a better place

    45. Sorry for your loss Olori orente. Eyin won a dara. Omo agbeyin iwo na

    46. So sorry to hear this. May God console you and your family?

    47. May God comfort you and your family.
      What a sad loss!

    48. my condolence..take heart my dear.

    49. Eeya...chai, my Olori. I'm so sorry for your loss😭😭. My condolence to your entire family. May God strengthen your hearts throughout this trying times. Ndo nnem.

    50. So sorry for your loss Olori..May God console you and your family amen.

    51. Olori, May her soul rest in peace. God grant you all the strength to bear this loss. I pray this brings you and yours closer to God

    52. May her soul rest in peace. Take heart olori.

    53. May her soul RIP

      Kpele dear

      My condolences

    54. So sorry for you loss. Pls take heart dear, may her soul rest in perfect peace. God will console you and your family

    55. Take heart dear, may her soul RIP.

    56. May almighty God console u and ur family.Amen.

    57. Olori darling. My condolence to your entire family. May God give you the strength to push forward.

    58. 😱
      So sorry dear
      Accept my condolences
      Rip to her

    59. oh dear, sorry for your loss olori. may her soul RIP

    60. So sorry for your loss dearest Olori. May Mama's gentle soul rest in perfect peace.

    61. So sorry dear.
      My condolence to you and your family. May her soul rest in peace. Amen!

    62. Eternal Rest grant her oh Lord! My condolences Olori, take heart.

    63. It is well with you Olori!may God rest the soul of your beloved mother and give your family the grace to bear in Jesus name. Amen.


  2. People won't always be there for you when you need them the most, irrespective of what you have done for them in the past. The world is filled with so lots of disappointment and betrayal. I will understand for an outsider, but not from a blood. It takes more than just a blood to be family, it's all about who is willing to be there for you. 

    I have been broken, betrayed, disappointed, whooped and humbled by life. In all I will say, I have learnt the hard way, that the grass is not always greener as it seems. Nothing surprises me anymore. Friends and family are  just titles if love isn't real.

    Sometimes you may need to walk your path alone, no matter how hard it seems to be, they are the moment your character is being built unto strength.

    1. Well said, the Good Lord is our strength.

    2. I share ur empathy,no-one ever said it more!

    3. There are paths one must walk alone, regardless of how dearly loved you are. No one can go on that journey with you. At best they'd stay on the sidelines cheering you on. Understanding this frees us from the weight of disappointments and ultimately frees our loved ones from the responsibility of being everything to us.

    4. So true Afer Ventus. You said it well.

    5. hnnm almost same words I told a friend yesterday. she spent some of her youthful years taking care of her younger siblings but now that she is jobless, sick and no money they do not even care...her case made worse by a mum who loves you only when she has something to gain....anytime they call her is to reprimand her for one thing or the other. sorry but i told her to stop speaking to them till she gets her self them say hello and bye...blood is ticker than water stuff is all bullshit if they are not there for you at your lowest..if you have family who cares appreciate them and dont take them for granted. some people don't enjoy that

  3. Woke up this morning to my mums cuddle. Apparently, I was having a restless night when she came to check on me and she decided to stay with me.

    The feeling is something else. My mum my hero. God please keep my Eka long enough so I can spoil her silly. My mum my WCE.

    Good morning BVs.

  4. Good morning beautiful and handsome people of SDK. Welcome to women crush Wednesday.

    Always give thanks. The soul that gives thanks will always receive more blessing from God. Seeing a new day is reason enough to be thankful.

    Have a blessed and fulfilled day.

  5. I'm here for Olori, Stay strong, It's well Sister!!!

    God is still on the throne and hea still in the business of blessing people, he's unquestionable and he makes all things beautiful in his time!!!

    You're in my Prayers!!!

    1. Hailing Bambinos Super Stars yooo

    2. Hailing Bambinos Super Stars yooo

  6. Dear Anonymous,
    I woke up this morning thinking about those nights we shared together, our little innocent fights, the movies, the gossips(chai you too like amebo), the sumptuous home made dinners. I remember how I used to burst into the bathroom whenever you are having your bath and you will try to cover your lovely watermelons, the sezx that comes after our baths, the early morning rituals...I miss all these things and many more. It's unfortunate we ended everything so quick. I hope you are happy wherever you are...I wish you the best.


    1. name Please abi the Steff? @Princess Tever

    2. Don't lie against us biko.

    3. Konji dey flog you this early morning.

  7. Its a beautiful day ... Am looking all sporty����... May that u seek be answered "naha jesu christi"... Came to mark present... Dont know if its just me but once its 4:24am.. My body must wake up o...

    1. It's just you,carry your cross 😎😎😎😎

  8. Good morning people I hope the night was splendid?

    Olori orente the lord is your strength and remember your mum is resting be strong for your dad and siblings be assured God has given you another guardian angel. My prayers are with you

  9. Good morning all. Monday be nice to me

    1. No be only Monday,that's what happens when you do copy and paste 😎😎😎😎😎

    2. Monday I am sure will be good to you. @Princess Tever

    3. Haha haha... Are you taking us back.

  10. Blessed Morning BlogFam

    Stella,greetings from me to your Bambinos.
    They are super funny.

  11. Thank you Lord for today... Beautiful morning to y'all

  12. The scent of ur hand still floats in my hands,the taste of ur Lip's still lingers on my lips,the sound of ur laughter stil rings in my eardrum and yet i still want more of u
    Even after each day of staring into your eyes
    Even after the passing of each throes and thrills of passion with you
    I am still left high and dry like river Jordan was in the bible
    I feel so helpless, just like a kid
    What is it about you that has left me with a scorching thirst for more of you
    All it took was one look at you
    And I know I had lost my soul to you
    One look at you shows there is something special about imperfection worth fighting for
    Worth exploring ,
    There is a reason for the French phrase LA petite Mort
    Which translate to the little death
    Because every night I keep having little death in your arms
    And yet I am still left with a tingling feeling in me each morning
    Wanting more of you
    Every second, every minute,every hour spent without you
    Has left me burning up
    With a sensation felt like never before
    Even after my desires have been quenched by you
    I still find myself wanting more,needing more and craving more
    Oh God! what have you done to me?


    1. Association of epistle gang😎😎😎😎

    2. Na konji just dey rush una today.

    3. Sky,Anonymous has replied.

  13. Has anyone done fried yam business before,can I get 1k or more daily doing it and how much is the start up capital? Tired of staying at home without a job.

    1. Just make sure it's a T-junction and your sauce is irresistible,with 5k,you can start 😎😎😎

    2. If you are friendly with those frying yams and akara, they will tell you how much to start. Don't let them see you as a competitor when asking them. Politely do it.

      You might want to start with 2k considering you will buy oil, charcoal, etc.

      God bless your handiwork as you start this business

    3. Fried yam..
      If you can start selling very early in d morning..
      It will be nice..
      By 12pm u can close for d day..

      May God bless your hustle

    4. Start already!!! Package well ie be neat and very presentable. The economy requires thinking outside the box. I admire you for even contemplating it. Good luck.

    5. You don't need to ask anybody. Just look for a bust corner and set yourself up. Check how much others sell and how they slice it. Make your stew delicious. If You can, sell in the evening as well.

  14. Early morning burn out at the gym

    So baby girl is learning snooker. And last night I played a 3 man game and beat 1 person to the 2nd position

    Just got to the gym. With my black sports bra, black sports leggings, pink sneakers, black wig and pink face cap
    Gym slayer

    Brb guys

    1. Alice in Wonderland 😎😎😎😎

    2. Hahahahaha please someone should bring snipers

    3. Sprays sniper with kerosene

    4. Wearing Wig to the gym? Just hope it holds wen u undertake strenous tasks...
      Seems to me u have ulterior motives!

  15. Pls who has an idea if Ikoyi registry is the only recognised registry for weddings in Lagos.

    This is the most important one to me and I don't want to make mistakes. I have googled and it suggests otherwise but then all the pictures of people I saw who did the registry wedding were all in the ikoyi registry.

    I even took the pain of going to make enquiries from the one closest to me and they said it's not true that they also do registry weddings there.

    Pls Is there anyone here that did somewhere else in Lagos and which registry was it?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. On another note. What does it mean when you boo doesn't believe in court wedding.

      Asking for a friend

    3. A law has been passed that the only recognised registry is the one conducted by local government,so go to your local government office and make enquiries 😎😎😎😎😎

    4. @Eka joy, I did mine at Yaba Registry then but I hear Ikoyi registry is the more recognized. You can go there and make more inquiries. All the best on your wedding preparations.

    5. Eka Joy, Ikeja Registry (the one close to Ikeja-along) is equally recognised. Mine was done there and the staffs at that time were very helpful.

  16. I feel like sending my nude to my girlfriend tonight.

    1. Very good,no need telling us,we actually don't care what you do with your public part😎😎😎😎😎

    2. Congrats oya send. After that send to me too make I see your pimpim

    3. am patiently waiting to revive it, you have delayed it for long

  17. Lol yes your Bambinos are super stars.
    I am my WCE and twice on Wednesday’s, I fine die.
    Men aren’t as smart as they think they are, the women probably do it alone because they don’t like the man but use him to enter yankee first or the men truly maltreat these women. I know of someone who imported his wife and after a child he told her he wasn’t doing again, hit her once which she reported. After some time, he told her drop the child and go back to naija. She refused and did the same thing to him.

  18. TheBeautifulWife17 October 2018 at 08:07

    How can you be a parent and leave your child to stay in an abusive marriage, just because of "what will people say"""

    Now I know why she is always sucidal 👾👾👾👾👾😖

    1. Shame that so my daughter wants to make me a laughing stock.

      Foolish parents with pride

  19. Tell your Bambinos that they are super stars already, me like their way. And I like to read about them.

    1. As in eh. They're super stars o. Please tell them that.

  20. Good morning Stella and all bv's,may God ease all our affairs today and always .Amen have a pleasant day everyone

  21. Morning good my pple
    Hahaha the kind of masquerade they have on this angle of the earth na funny ones. How do u get to paint yourself using charcoal and engine oil then u now wear mask untop scorching sun?😂😂😂😂 This was how one of them masquerade met with a man that refused to drop small money for them decided to hug the man who was on his way for a wedding. Na so masquerade body stain the man cloth. LMAO 😂

    Wow this is d season of yams...I am loving every bit of it. I love to eat yam in any form.
    Stella bring the gist on a beg.

    Splendid Splendid day y'all

  22. Warm kanafuru greetings to you!!

    Sprinkle a lil on your oatmeal,absolutely delish!!

    1. U want to start kanafuru business on the blog?

    2. Eka,na so dem dey start,small time now,she go dey advertise kanafuru with testimonies 😎😎😎😎😎😎

    3. I laughed out loud at your comment yesterday. Like you, I absolutely love the aroma of cloves. Enjoy!

    4. Oh Afer Ventus, it's such a gorgeous scent isn't it? :)


    5. @ lady bug
      lmao! you're a nutcase, asweardown!!!!!
      they'll start looking for investors as well (sebi olawealth has shown them d way)

  23. Crushingonmymum

  24. Good morning all. My wcw goes to you madam Stella. You're such an amazing person. Is any one here into forex trading please tell me how it works. The gains and the loos cause i got involved without knowing much about it. Do have a blessed day every one.

  25. Life of an immigrant..
    Na so this old woman pick me in one of the streets of Canada. Now I am resting well in her house with a cup of warm tea. She wants to adopt me. Bless the lord. She has no children of her own and she's rich. Am I not

    When things gets better for me I will bring shoki to d house

    1. Please have a good mind towards her and treat her well as well.

    2. Hahahaha congrats.

      Do the old woman well and don't allow the devil to use you.

      She took you in with her good heart. Return such goodness to her

    3. Please appreciate her and love her genuinely. Don't take her for granted.

    4. Please love her and don't take her for granted. Please don't allow greed get to you this one you are already saying she is VERY RICH.

  26. Gud morning all...God bless us all

  27. "Silly daft schmuck" Jesus! Lady bus is that what u were called?
    "Abrasive lunatic "? Na so dem call my single and searching married uncle.

    1. You are having the symptoms already,do seek for help😎😎😎😎

    2. I swear till today I still laff when I remember that abrasive nuisance.

  28. Sound like a planned matter o... Stella why u advise him not to import his wife? Thank God her prayer against antagonist was answered

  29. Kisses right back ma'am. Good morning sisters & brothers on this blog ville. Have a great day.

    Oh! Its only a matter of time before the government becomes strict about that arrangement

  30. Good morning everyone.

    Person! Olori. Please be strong. Sorry about your mum. I can't say the pain will go away cos it won't but know that God will ease it and comfort you anytime you feel the pain. This was how I felt too when I lost my dad. May her sweet soul keep resting with her maker. It is well dear.

    Have a blessed day everyone. Thank God for life.

  31. We buy bad/condemned solar inverter battery contact us 0814139511317 October 2018 at 08:21

    Great 👍🏻

  32. Olori orente,may the Lord strengthen you as never before. Accept my deepest condolence.May her soul rest in peace.

  33. Good morning good people
    Olori orente..may God comfort your family and give you the fortitude to bear this irreplaceable loss. Pls be strong.

    I'm crushing on myself today, it isn't easy, a daughter, a wife, dil, mother and a staff oluwa in agbara mi.

  34. Hmmmmmm,might be the reason why mine has refused to take me over after several years of marriage and 4 kids,naija women be spoiling show for their fellow women

    1. Yours is different. You are a Nigerian wife. He obviously has a family over there

    2. You are a nija wife here while he has another one there.

      It is well with you. Me I no fit. We must go together. No stories

  35. Oh Lord! Did I hear correctly or could I have imagined it? My lil girl just called me 'maama'. This is the happiest day of my life!

    And I was typing an epistle before it happened. Till tomorrow guys. Let me bask in the euphoria.

    1. Congratulations dear. I can't wait to have kids

    2. Hahagaha enjoy castle. Greet our princess for me

    3. Thank you Lolo Ideato, God will grant you your good heart desire. Thanks Yori Yori Princess and Afer Ventus. May happiness never depart from y'all.

    4. Awwwwww congrats Castle! What a beautiful feeling😊kisses to her❤️

  36. A beautiful morning to us all. Some people dream of success, while other people get up every morning and make it happen.
    Do make today count and also remember to put a smile on someone's face. Have a wonderful and fruitful day

  37. It’s no longer weird to hear the excited yelps of “lafiya” and the echoing response from the other side of the street in a strange language you’ve never heard.

    It’s no longer weird to see them on the sides of the street, bent in prayer.

    They’re here!

    In the one you call Mallam, for the extra pieces of suya. The Aboki, for the cheapest vegetables – all you have to mumble is zo ma na or something that sounds like an attempt to speak their language, they like that alot.

    They’re here!

    In the bike man, the one that charges the cheapest rates. It’s not even surprising, and they’re hard to miss – what with their glistening black skins and yesterday’s clothes.

    They’re here!

    In your compound, mending your shoes and selling all sorts of leather – bags and shoes.

    In the teen girl watching you from behind her veil, a bucket of whatever, balanced on her head, and as you march to school in your ironed uniform, her eyes seem to say, it should have been me.

    They’re here!

    In the lanky young man, with the curls that are not from Jerry’s. His distinct features give him away – you see, once again, they’re hard to miss.

    You wonder till you find out, that you both share a faith, but then you know, in the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t matter. Your people have been taught to hate his, and rightly so. His people have been known to hate yours, you don’t know why.

    You can watch from a distance – Oh, you can even get close but can never bring home.

    So you see, it’s forbidden, even before it starts.

    The nights are relatively quiet, the mornings too – it really is a quiet village. They seem to have an affinity for same and tend to run away from the metropolis.

    You pass them on the street and they pass by you too, a silent nod of acknowledgement and even if you’re terrified when you hear them speak their language in the bus, you pretend to not be, but you say the Lord’s prayer just in case, and hope he’s not busy with people he had told on whatsapp to forward to 15 contacts or die.

    As the chickens come to roost, you wonder how long the peace would last. How long it would take till they missed a cow or a little boy went missing in the bushes searching for odds and ends.

    How long it would take till they come looking for the cows, or the herder boy in your lodgings.

    Then the long knife will be used to tear open your stomach, incase you had swallowed them

    #1nigeriangirl #original

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. double wow!

      they truly are here!

      ...some of them even 'guard' our houses while we lay snoring in bed.....

  38. So reports have it that Nigeria is the poorest country in the depressing.
    Today is International Day For The Eradication Of Poverty.
    To everyone out there hustling to make ends meet,may your efforts be blessed. No need to talk about our failed government.
    Good morning everyone.

  39. Top of the morning to all SDK faithful, may your day be smooth and hassle-free

  40. I know a lady who claimed DV and went to UK and later husband joined. That one was arrange. Desperation can make people do and undo mbok

  41. Beautiful morning all. Opened facebook yesterday and saw my friend lost someone special to her. It hurt me and don't know what to do. All I know is that God will comfort her and her families. Lost the dad some years ago, the mother 2 years ago and now this. Heavenly comfort my dear.

    I read SP yesterday evening because network was stupid and saw where a lady was afraid because of young people dying in her husband family. I never believed that the devil will put an age limit for a family until I saw what happened to my neighbor 2 years ago. The age limit was 50 years and he attends MFM. The way they were praying I did not know it was to break that bondage. The guy clocked 50 and did party and Thanksgiving. On Monday he was struck dead because that limitations were not broken.

    Madam who is afraid please do all you can. Intensity prayers. See your pastor to help you and your husband to break every age limitations.

    It is a covenant entered and such covenant needs to be broken. The yoke of the devil is seriously heavy and brings so much tribulation.

    Give Jesus the chance to take over your family. It is well. Don't mind people that says it is African mentality.

    Most don't know what their ancestors did. They should go and ask questions.

    It is a lovely day all. W
    Before you go out.

  42. Have you ever asked yourself "how did I get here"?

  43. please o when do you start disciplining a child? Mind you my baby is just 5 months plus

    1. Are you being serious right now?,why in a haste asking question on when to start disciplining a child when you just had a baby,you must be a disciplinarian 😎😎😎😎😎

    2. Na wa. Allow your baby to be herself.

      You can start by 2 with small small corrections. You know children are smart.

      From 8 months they have started their smartness. So allow her to be naughty

    3. 5 months is the best time to start disciplining a baby, So you can start it now. @Princess Tever

    4. Hahaha discipline as in spanking or scolding? Abeg calm down she's just 5months, what could possibly make you want to discipline a baby? Please don't. Wait till she's 3years at least.

  44. Who is she that cometh forth as the morning rising......

  45. And so my ppl it has happened, yesterday i asked my “bambino” (lemme steal stella’s word) what he’d like to become, this boy stared straight ahead and told me he wants to be a military man, i thought i didn’t hear him, but he said it over and over again.
    This is my worst nightmare, his father is also a military officer, and i have never wished that for any of my sons.
    I have been praying against it, and now this boy has picked interest, of all the professions of the world, na military this boy chose. God! This is heart wrenching.

    1. How will you use Bambino when it doesn't describe your son,I don't blame you,Una just like follow follow😎😎😎😎😎

    2. You are not serious and you want to get HBP.

      Better allow him to do what he wants. You don't know along the line he might change his mind and be what he has chosen.

      Don't kill yourself. Stop asking him


    4. Bambino is the Italian word for a male child. Bambinos when referring to more than one child of both gender.

    5. 9:59: 'thing' or 'it' is more apt.

  46. Special shout-out to all women who defy the odds and make the most of every opportunity they get to empower themselves. SGWBg who deceive themselves with godly quotes should collect their own hailings from TM and TD. Na so e be this morning.

    Chidera the Ajumbaise/fabric merchant, I hail o! I couldn't reply under your IHN comment when I saw it yesterday. I felt you might not see it that late in the evening. I am good dear. Thanks. I will try to come on early today/tomorrow to share my Ajumbaise story for weight loss and how a friend's younger sister is also using it with "Bara" -melon pod to successfully treat multiple fibroids. That should be under your IHN comment. God truly works in diverse ways because she was planning to travel soon for a surgery. I can see you have added plain/pattern to your business. You did not come to play on SDK o Chibaiby! Only you dey hustle and expand at the same time. Kudos to you, Castle Windsor, Olawealth and Martins. You are awesome examples of how to use your Internet time wisely. God bless you more and bless everyone with an honest hustle.

  47. Pls what can possibly be the problem when you are TTC and having irregular periods of 38days to 60days interval, as in for two months, I may not see my period and doctors said I am fine, that I should continue taking wellwoman.
    Pls what can be wrong?

  48. Some women are so wicked. There was this pregnant under-aged girl my neighbour took in. She was brought here from Badagry by a supermarket owner to work as a house girl. The girl will finish her housegirl duties in the house and go over to the supermarket to sell for madam and then close by 10pm. This girl will eat little food in the morning and will work until after getting home by 10pm. Long story cut short, a customer got her pregnant and the madam sent her packing. The customer ran away and no one knows where he lives or any of his people. we heard they used to meet in the supermarket toilet.
    To the glory of God, the girl delivered baby girl 3days ago, she did not go for any antenatal or enter any clinic till 9months. When she wanted to deliver, because of lack of cash, they took her to a herbal birth attendant home and she delivered safely. No baby things or delivery things, we the other neighbours had to contribute and buy delivery things and little clothes for the baby girl. Now she is still there because of non payment of 15k delivery charges. The owner of the place has been threatening that she will not bathe the baby again. The girl is an orphan. We don't know any of her people except the supermarket owner. But when we informed her, she warned us not to disturb her anymore. Kwara state is dry as a result of salary the government is owing workers, my family inclusive. We are being owed 10months salary going to 1wmonths now. I feel so much pity for this 17yrs old girl. All I could do is to share my little food with her. I am preparing to take food to her this morning and then go to work from there. Pls who knows how we can tackle her madam without spending money cos she has connections and money. At least let her return the girl to her people in Badagry.
    Stella pls post, I don't know if it is suitable for IHN I would have sent it.

  49. Stel, I'll write you on this issue of European wives, or German wives....

    Good morning all.....
    Have a fabulous day....

    chim-oma aka Miss Kapusu

  50. Thank God for the gift of life. Good morning all.

    May we all have a blessed day

  51. Stella, the thing with Naija / African men bitten hard after importing wives from back home in Europe is double edge sword. It works both ways!
    There are many black or Naija or Ghana or African men who are devious, cunning, dangerously manipulative and wicked to the hardest core. They really have no single good intentions when they are marrying and sponsoring any woman or girl as spouse. There are cases now where the women will arrive in Europe and then the men will leave them hanging, frustrate their permanent residency papers or easy access to citizenship for the women. Please women, shine your eyes with these so called abroad men! The men will collect, borrow serious money from the girls and their families with pretences of in-law things and the same time dupe and con the girl and waste her resources, time by hooking and setting her up in total failures abroad.
    If you are writing any thing, please try and expose both sides of game / this wicked acts from the men and women as well. Our men are not always all innocent!!!
    I just came back from Europe this summer and I saw it first hand on 2 cases from people I know very well now. And it is hard breaking for the women or kids caught up in this tricks and very manipulative games.
    The bottom line is that Nigerians are not marrying for love, but rather other underlying reasons often motivated by greed and twisted mindset and fantasy ideas of life perfection.
    ***If you love somebody and marry them, you will not make them get stranded! You will never put them or leave them alone in a vulnerable and risky position to face trouble in a foreign country.
    This thing is very heartless.

  52. olori Orente, it is well with you and your household. Accept it as God's will, he will see your family through this trying times.
    Good morning blog family.

  53. Olori Orente, so sorry for your loss. The Lord comforts you and your love ones.

  54. Good morning my beautiful bvs. Wishing you a wonderful day


    To vote @stelladimokokorkus as BLOGGER OF THE YEAR

    Text sma18 stella to 33352

  55. Good morning everyone .
    Olori so sorry for your loss. God comfort you and your family.

  56. Olori sorry for your loss, I know how you feel...May her soul rest in peace.


    To vote @stelladimokokorkus as BLOGGER OF THE YEAR

    Text sma18 stella to 33352

  57. Olori am so sorry abt the lost of ur mom, the pain is out of this world I hope u get over it cos is hard, is been 1yr I lost my mom the pain has refuse to go but what can we do in all tins we give thanks to God Almighty.


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