Stella Dimoko Iya Ibeji Series - How To Hear From God


Saturday, October 20, 2018

Iya Ibeji Series - How To Hear From God

There is a reason the mouth stays closed and the ears stays open.....

I got a lot of questions from THE GUCCI BAG post asking me how to hear from God. I remember asking same questions many years ago.

Let me share what worked for me.

1) DON'T SEEK THE VOICE OF GOD. If you don't know how to hear from God then its dangerous to seek his voice as you will be prone to hearing different voices.

What to do? Seek to know God and you can't know God outside his word. There is no short cut to this. God is revealed to us through his word.

Sometimes studying the word can be a drag (I'm just being truthful). But I notice this more with the king James version. Then I discovered New living translation (NLT) and The message translation (this translation is out of this word) 

Please note that these translation are not saying something different they only use modern day English.

For those that find reading the bible studious i will suggest you start from the new testament, read about Jesus and get to know him for yourself, not what other people or your pastor have been saying about him. Then read the epistles, these are letters to the new creation church. From the epistles you will know, 1) who you are in Christ. 2) what his death burial and resurrection means to us now. 3) what you are /have in Christ. And so on.

2) HE IS NOT ALWAYS THE SMALL STILL VOICE. God sometimes speaks In a small still voice but not always. Sometimes he is so loud you will wonder if the next person heard him. Remember when he spoke to paul the people heard him like thunder.

3) JUST BECAUSE THE VOICE IS QUOTING SCRIPTURES DOESN'T MEAN ITS FROM GOD. The devil quotes scriptures too, he did to Jesus.

4) EXAMINE EVERYTHING IN THE LIGHT OF GOD'S WORD. God will never ask you to do anything contrary to his word. In as much as the devil can quote scriptures he
tells us to do things contrary to the word. 

4) OBEY THE LITTLE THINGS HE TELLS YOU. As someone just hearing from God I doubt if he will tell you to part river Niger or sow your car(I said doubt not never). But as you do the little he tells you his voice becomes clearer.

Finally don't be sacred that you might miss his voice, I still miss it too. We are all still growing in faith.
If you have your own particular way of hearing from God, please share with us.


  1. Mama twins you are correct.

  2. Mine is small still voice,dream and lastly bible voice.Sin has made man to be far from him.Thanks Iya Ibeji.

    1. Bible voice or Bible verse?
      I am confused.

    2. Me I come confuse too ooo!

  3. For me you could hear God when you create a personal relationship with him. Usually I end my day by telling the Holy Spirit to wake me up by 5am, so I start with praises, a little prayer then I read the Bible, mediate on the word and pray. By so doing, even when I sleep in the afternoon he speaks to me through dreams, at night etc. I was aware of my environment and the communication was there. Sometimes I wake up at midnight pray and by the time I sleep back I get messages and directions. But these days I have been so distracted by the noise in the world that I can barely hear. He still wakes me up but the body can be so weak. Am still praying to building that relationship I once had.

    1. How about waking you up to "watch with him even if it is one hour" during the watches of the night around midnight?

  4. Don't read the Bible like a literature. When you want to read the Bible go to God in prayers to give you the mystery of the chapter or verse and work with it.

    God speaks in a mysterious ways to those who wants to hear him speak.


  5. I love this.... NLT version is bae😍

  6. Most educative post i have ever read online. Bless you for this.

  7. Thanks Iya Ibeji; it is not always that one reads something as refreshing as this. Especially "reading the New Testament about Jesus and not what your pastors tell you about him .. ."

    A lot of people have replaced the word of God with "my pastor said . . ." and that is a recipe for a life of bondage, fear and murmuring.There is no substitute to the written word.

  8. God speaks through dreams to me.I still yearn for hearing him without falling into a nap or when I sleep. These days I dont hear anything again sef, dunno what went wrong. Not like I used to hear him everytime I sleep b4 but I just know something isnt right. What to do? Any advice Iya Ibeji?

  9. Mine is through dreams,this post came d right time as I was still telling God today that I want him To establish my gift of prophecies.... Ive been told in my mums church to always come for prophets ad prophetess vigil every Thursday by 3 different prophets but my mum is cele,and besides I dnt like vigils. I think i need to sacrifice some time for God alone.I see vision,I dream dreams that do come to pass,but on that vision,its not always clear.At times when I see something, it happens the next day or days after or weeks.I keep them to myself tho while I forget some,its when the vision comes to pass I remember I had seen this somewhere in s trance of dream before.I really need help,I want God to use me.I hope to be an Evangelist too.God help me I'm dating a Christian boyfriend and he's a leader in RCCG.It will boost my Christian life.

  10. 👌,I was just telling someone that sometimes I wish God will just sit like man and jist with one to know what his plans for one is and here you are talking about how to here from God.

    The Spirit is same afterall.Kudos!!

  11. I hear God like its my mind speaking to me. Every time it happens its always 100% accurate
    . If its an instruction and I do otherwise,I always regret. So now,I obey o even when it doesn't make sense. The Holy Spirit is the best gift to any Christian.

  12. May God create in me a new heart and renew a rite spirit within me,i always wake in d midnite,bt to pray is always tedious fr me,God pls i wnt u to fill me wt ur holy spirit,let me kno Right frm wrong.

  13. I have been praying to hear from God for sometimes now. I dream after my night/early morning prayers, but I forget them at times. God help me oo

    1. You can ask the Holy spirit to remind you.
      And again to hear from God you must see your prayer as a dialogue not a monologue, don't just say Amen and walk away, wait and listen.

  14. I really wish to hear from God directly. At times I feel the Holy Spirit ministering some things in my mind. It comes as a thought most times. I really want to hear from God clearly .


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  15. I hear God in my quiet time. When i ask him to speak to me and i listen. A friend of mine taught me the secret. I call it seeking God.

    Now no matter what issue it is or whatever area of my life i need answers to, when i seek i must hear him on the issue. Now this takes patience, don’t think its once and u must hear. It could take days, weeks, even months, but one thing is certain, if you seek God genuinely and seriously u must hear one day.

    For example i was tired of my only hustle and desperately wanted to add more. Thought of alllll the business I could do but none seemed like anything. Started somethings but failed. Now God is the only one that knows the plans for our lives and knows what he has planned to prosper us, so he alone can tell us what exactly to do to make money, if God designed my life to be a farmer and make an empire out of farming, but then if i look at my neighbor who is making it big as a banker and decide because he is successful at it I’m also going to become a banker, yes I would make enough to get me by but would never hit that jackpot like if was to be a farmer because its not my destiny.

    So my friend advised me, you need to seek God. Now in my quiet time and own space. I drown out all the noise of the world especially the noise from my mind. And I meditate. U can sing worship hymns briefly, read bible verses, (please no kabashing ,no prayers speaking too many words before the time God is speaking you would be kabashing and not hear it.) and i start to say what i want to hear from God: God please speak to me, I want a new business, I want to do more, please lord what can i do, please Lord I know you hear me, speak to me( now it could be about any life issue actually. Life partner, marriage, career just name it) now after you’ve asked listen. Be quiet and listen. While you’re at it and u feel like sleeping, sleep off, God can give u the answers u seek in ur dream. Otherwise u will hear it physically live and direct . When i heard my answer it was like film trick ,because i did it not cos i had faith but i was like i have nothing to loose anyways. When God told me what to do i jumped up, I thought someone else was with me in the room. Now I sprung into action immediately and today that business is bringing in multiple millions of naira that I don’t even do my main hustle anymore. This is too good to be true. At the beginning there were challenges, it was hard, tough and rough but because i know its God that told me to do it, because I heard it straight from God’s mouth and it wasn’t just some random business idea i had, I persevered, broke in, broke even and now im enjoying and happy.

    Don’t forget it takes patience. If u don’t hear today, u will hear tomorrow, next week, next month, even next year.

  16. Thanks for sharing your experience.. I'll work on myself from now..


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