What are you doing today?...I am here thinking of how to get exciting posts for you guys....LOL
I am also here thinking of what to eat and thinking of how to get the Bambinos to where they want to get to........
Hmmmm Motherhood has so changed my life,sometimes I get so stressed that i think i cant take one more and sometimes i want more stress........Motherhood rocks and i wish it on every woman reading this now!
Hello stellicoco.. Lemme lick ya ass small(no homo o).. U re omeogo( generous heart)..omotekoru(golden daughter).. and finally the queen of blogosphere.. Thanx for having a heart of gold darling ... Forget say we quench ontop dis blog o.. I have learnt so much from it positively... And am still saying thank you for what you did some years back .. It made me choose the part i am on now and i don't regret it... Hope i qualify for foihn.. Kisses to my bv neighbours . Side eyes at ladyB..(holding my rambo spray
There is always a first time to a thing in life but a last time I can't guaranteed. Reasons are that most things in life are hardly given up on, mostly when they have become an addiction. It will interest you to understand that, it is not as if the urge to give up such act or attitude isn't there but the force and discipline to pull out entirely could be lacking.
Breaking loose over an addiction is such a strong battle that doesn't comes easy. Addiction goes beyond mental state and sometimes emotions. In order to defeat such act, the mental state and emotions that created them in the first place need to be work upon towards it eradication.
A man who constantly indulge in po#n has the tendency to masturbate frequently, and can even end up being a rapi#t. Now understand this one thing, the brain and the mind works in uniformity. What the mind captures, it transmit to the brain for interpretation before an act is been formed. The very reason the mind serves as the power house and needs to be guided at all time.
There should be a last time to a thing in life if we truly desire a change and turn around. It's so unfortunate, that a good number of persons didn't live to give up bad act, as some died in the process and others are still battling with it. It is of a great testimony hearing people talked about how they gave up smoking, drugs, pornography, masturbation, womanizing, Pre marital s#x, adultery, drinking, gossiping, stealing, cheating and fraud.
Giving up on an ugly act and attitude requires; A STRONG WILL POWER, DISCIPLINE AND MENTAL STRENGTH. Do you notice most times you said you have given up an act, you still go back to them? The year is almost running out and there will be so lot of resolutions for the coming year, but how long can those resolutions last?
I think one of the major reason people fall back to an addicted lifestyle is because they tried using force to stop it. Remember, addiction didn't take over one in a day or even week, rather it does gradually over a consistent act for a long period of time.
To get freed, a gradual and consistent process should also be applied. Like they say, easy does it. The mental thinking should be worked upon, the mind at the other hand needs to be trained on resisting those urges and finally there should be a strong will and discipline in controlling ones perception of things. As a lady there should be a last time you would open your legs for a man who isn't your husband, until you get married. For when such stand is been taken, I think senses will befall the men with wandering deek.
Remember, it is not an easy task but certainly very possible.
Hmmmmmmm one can also be addicted to good things and not only negative things...There are two sides to every coin and when writing on the negative,also try to highlight the positive so that we do not dwell too much on negative things...it'S consuming and takes time.
So, the husband of 3 years cheated about 3 months ago. I only got to know because I got an infection and as he was the only one i had been with, I confronted him and he confessed to cheating, albeit giving the BS story of "not entering fully", then apologized.
This fungal infection ( that is what the Doctor called it) has refused to go. I use mycoten, it goes for like 2 weeks and then the scratching starts all over again. Anyone who has successfully gotten over this kind of infection, please help, how did you do it?
And as for the husband, We have 'settled' the matter, but I cannot get over the betrayal and pain. I do not know if I can stay in a marriage like this. I will rather be single and happy.... I can't get over the betrayal...
*Fungal smelly infection...Jesus!!!
Did two of you get treatmnt for this?please do otherwise you will keep getting back from him...And if he is still seeing THE PERSON WHO GAVE it to him and she is not treated yet,then you are in a forking dangerous health circle....Na wah oh.
Dear Stella,
This Lagos is becoming something else o. Especially with these pressure mounted on our girls in their 30's who are yet to settle down.
I was discussing with my niece who severally had to call me to speak with her mother (my sister) who wouldn't allow her breathe over this matter!
She gave me different scenarios of young men she had met but one in particular struck me and i thought to share this with you.
According to her, they met in at creamery. The very popular one which was her place of refuge whenever she needed to calm her raging nerves. She said while waiting to get a signature mix, a young man next to her asked that she tried the mix with a bit of alcohol. They both got talking afterwards and he seemed like a nice man. Of course he was single and very much interested in her.
Days went by and they decided to hang out and spend some time together. The weather got in their way of going to the beach. Eventually he suggested that they chilled in a nice lounge (side eyes). From lounge while having a few drinks and assorted orisirisi. He wouldn't let her go home and succeeded in convincing her to spend the weekend with him at the lounges' hotel( what do they call it?) I asked her if he didn't have a house? She narrated how he said his mum stays with him (And so what?)
She got convinced again that his decision was in a bid to let their relationship grow first before announcing to the world(so his mother alone is the world?).
It was time to hit the sack when she found out he was shying away from her. She moved closer and said as she tried to touch him below the waist, she realised he was as clean shaved as a tortoise but couldn't find the occupant of the area.(I adjusted my gele to allow the gist enter well).
She claimed his genital was the size of a 5year old boy. I asked if it was because of cold, the weather outside plus the Air-con inside the room?. I even said maybe the drinks they took had too much ice-block!.
After she gave me a mysterious stare, i removed my gele and put it on my lap so i can see her well.(my sight suddenly became blurry).
She said after touching to see if it will increase it only became worse as it looked like it would fall off in a few seconds!
Her mother came into the room wondering why we both had a concerned look.I pulled her to sit and did a summary as my dear niece continued.
The young man was able to wear condom (clears throat), penetrate, he thrust like 5times and arrived! He did not touch her for the entire weekend till they parted ways on Monday morning!.She said he has been calling her phone non stop but she has not been able to decide her take on this.
I asked her to show me the young man's picture. He was such a handsome fella in 6yards of husband material. (Deep sigh). Which book do we write this one Stella?
My sister went to her room and returned with Jerusalem water to sprinkle on my niece's head!.
*wow,let her take his call and hear what he has to say,not taking his calls can also damage his mindset,he did not create himself,did he?
Hello Sis. Stella, how are you and your family today? I have been a consistent reader for years tho I do not really comment. There is a piece of information I intend to share with you and pls you are free to confirm before u publish. Recently I was accused of some financial stuffs which really are fictitious just to break me but I have relied on God and my lawyers to help me out of the mess. I have spent money, time and sometimes I really become so depressed and feel like dieing seeing my business and family suffering because of my absence. Now to main reason I am sending you this mail.
My adjournment was a few weeks ago and upon getting to the court at ogba where my natter was to be heard we learnt that the magistrates are not a rounds (applied to over 6 different courts), so were locked up in a court cell, my sister i almost died. The cell was so dirty, littered with over a million nylons and food packs, smelling like there is a dead human in it. I was offered an opportunity to sit outside the court cell but I refused because the warders wanted me to pay then 3k for it but I decided to feed all inmates with the money instead.
The lavatory in the court cell was full with all the excretes pushing our of the toilet hole. Then I asked a warder why the cell was that dirty and you know what he said, IT IS MEANT FOR PRISONERS!!! If u don't like it pay and come outside, fresh man like you.
We were all there for about 8hours till we were shipped back standing in a black maria van stranded for another 1hour.
See for this country to change for good, all citizens whether accused or free must be treated right, the court or government pays a cleaning company to take care of the court and in the cells but they rather clean the courts and leave the cells that way because we don't respect ourselves, we don't think the next man deserves the best, the people in small office don't even do their jobs or they select who to service. We go to police to accuse people of things they didn't do, or blow up what they actually did to get them to surfer for no reason because we are just full of hate.
The law enforcement agencies go round street pick up people and then to courts and then prison so that they can get paid the 10 or 15k Lagos state government pay them. Why rip people off, suffer them to raise money. I know a lot of people will be like this doesn't concern me cos I am not in jail (I was like that too until now).
Sorry, about the typos and all I had find a source to send this to you. Please go to ogba magistrate court cell and confirm this for yourself. This cell explains why Nigeria is the way it is today.
Take care dear.
Love your blog.
I really don't know why people hate on privileged kids.
I am not from the upper Nigerian class more like the upper middle class and I get people hate on me too on the regular for no just reason. If you understand what others go through the only feelings you'd have is pity, honestly. People expect so much from and of you. You get little to no help because everyone assume your parents give you everything you need.
The parents have high bars set for everyone and can be extremely verbally abusive on the slightest error made. Yes, they provide you with the basics but most time dictate your every move in return except of course you are a rebel. The experience might be different for everyone. My cousins can be very funny, dad sends them money to celebrate their birthdays and they feel he gives us ten times more on ours.
They don't know the guy man likes helping others and disciplining his children. I can't wait to be free.
*na wah!!!! ....I hope this rant helps?Cos i really dont understand why one would be a kid with privileges and still have this mindset oh....
PLEASE BVs I'M IN DIRE NEED OF A HOUSE IN ANY ESTATE IN LAGOS...very clean 2 bedroom flat with 3 toilets at least(1 in each room and 1 for visitors) and in a very good environment. MY BUDGET IS SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND NAIRA and i don't want agent and agreement to be anything exorbitant thanks.
Anyone with direct link please contact me 08038021960
Good day Stella, I am a low key b. V and a Nigerian studying in Kenya and I will like to get business ideas I can do here. Like goods I get for check prices in Nigeria and where I get get them. I will like businesses like ankara or hair or something that wouldn't be too heavy to carry. I will be grateful if you post this in ihn so that I can get suggestions of fellow b. VS. Thank you and God bless
I have some neatly used baby things (mainly for a baby girl) and a few other kitchen utensils to give away.
You may contact me on 08025191577. Location is Abuja.
Honda EOD for sale, everything is working perfectly just buy and drive. It can used for uber or Taxify. Price 800,000. Location lekki. Contact 08092182222.
Bank used standard Toyota Yaris 2013, purchased brand new
Make: Toyota
Model: Yaris
Year of Manufacture: 2013
Trim: 5-Door LE Automatic
Colour: Black
Condition: Nigerian Used
Transmission: Automatic
Mileage: 108703
Registered Car: Yes
Asking price: 1.8million
Negotiable: yes
Contact: 08063552150
Good afternoon SDK family.
For your trendy, affordable and classy female clothes, shoes and bags, I've got you covered. Your patronage will be highly appreciated as this is a start up business.
There will be a discount for all BVs.
I deliver nationwide.
To place an order ,
Call / whatsapp : 08067170731
Instagram @jk_apparel.
Email: jkapparels@gmail.com.
Olawealth CHRISTMAS sale
We now sell Guinea Brocade of different colours. At just #5500 at 5 yards!!
Guineas you can use for more than 20 years and gift to your children..
It can be used for souvenir for that your handsome charming Boss at the office.
Christmas is coming, buy all what you need for the season now..
So that your amaka tailor will not disappoint you..
WhatsApp; 07037210981
Instagram; olawealthq@gmail.com
Our shirts are crafted with an obsessive attention to details, because YOU our customer is at the heart of our uniqueness...
Send ur shirt size and get a shirt (official or casual) for 6k each. let's make some nice designs for you...
WhatsApp/ call 08080617502 to check our samples.
IG: Heritage_couture_
We deliver nationwide (not free)
Made in Nigeria
Giveaway coming very soon
Location: Marwa, Lekki (off pinnacle filling station road, 2nd roundabout).
Size: Approximately 15 sqm - It's ideal for a small business.
Rent: 750k per annum
Service charge: 120k per annum
2) Self contain in Lekki from 600k upwards
3) Mini flats in Lekki from 800k upwards
Call/whatsapp for enquiries 07064440129
Are you an experienced Tailor interested in working in one of the fastest growing Fashion/Design Houses East of Nigeria?
Are you a Fashion/Design Intern seeking for new opportunities to enhance your skills?
Are you desirous of learning Fashion/Design?
if your answer is yes, OMALIFIED FASHION HOUSE has a place for you.
Contact us on 08178515265 or omalified@gmail.com for immediate engagement or #1 Chief Amobi Lane, Behind Pascal Dozie Drive, Owerri, Imo State.
Limited spaces are available!
Discount awaits our friends from SDK!
We set the pace in modern Fashion/Design and others follow.
For all pap lovers, yum yum pap is fresh and made in a clean environment.
It comes in different flavours,
Mixed grain with ginger
Mixed grain ( banana flavour)
Mixed grain ( vanilla flavour)
A pack goes for 500naira.
Contacts: 08170685664, site A, satellite town Lagos.
Investors are also needed please.
We are industrial tailors that take tailoring stress off ready-to-wear retailers. Let KGWEARHOUSE wow you with excellent detailing plus perfect finishing, and in such great return time. Kindly contact 08025279186.
Shiloh Photography studio in Ado-Ekiti is offering two free shots to SDK bvs and also 10% discount on all events booked till 25th December,2018
Shared Office Space Request
Please I need a small space in an office environment where there is constant light. I am tired of working from home and can't afford to get an office for myself yet. It is just me and my laptop. I won't disturb any activities you have going on as I'll be almost invisible :)
I would want somewhere around Okota, Amuwo Odofin or Festac. I have searched for Co-working spaces in these areas but found only one in Festac which is not really conducive.
I am willing to pay a token of N10,000 monthly. I know it's nothing but I'll be really grateful if I can find someone here that can help me.
Please reach me on leslieburkhart01@gmail.com
I have some medical equipment for sale at a reduced price and they have been used (not brand new equipment) but are in perfect condition. So for anyone looking to start a new private practise or looking to add some equipment to your already existing hospital/clinic, this is your opportunity. They are as follows
Two Surgical Operating Tables (Foreign Hydraulic Operating Table)
Big Medical Autoclave
A Defribrillator
Complete Operating Forceps
A Tianshi S-2000 Luxurious, Blood Circulative Massager
Seward Operating Lambs (Four in One Lamb) and other hospital equipment.
If you are interested call 07060885766
Happy new week to us all. IHN just landed.
ReplyDeleteGood afternoon Bvs!
DeleteLike we can't read 😎😎😎😎
DeleteIHN came loaded
DeleteFoin you look good
Sdk dear keep up the good work.
@Shooter gal I saw where you Called me mumu. Hmmmm. I won't reply you by cussing you back. You know what life will humble you and teach you how to choose your words wisely. I'm glad you finally came out of your anon mode. Keep it up girl.
Unintelligent fake princess, so when your hands where scratching you to type and insult people at will you dint know life humbles people ..�� �� I laff in Swahili
DeletePublic service announcement.. 😂 😂
DeleteAnon 14:43 continue to laugh your way into yaba left you this schizophrenic irritant. One thousand of you cannot bully me out of this blog. So take your miserable psychotic maggot infested life far away from me if not I will deal with that you will ever regret crossing my path.
DeleteOmo ale jati jati.
Oloriburuku akosibaro.
Un-intelligent princess. You insulted me about a year ago even though my comment had nothing to do with you at all.
DeleteI thought then that you must be schizophrenic to pour so much venom into a nameless BV’s comment. I find it funny that you’re now calling other people schizophrenics and acting like a better person when they are only paying you back in your own coin.
Hopefully you have learnt a lesson and will exhibit better manners from now.
Most life changing decisions usually make us to doubt ourselves and to become scared. But we can’t just sit around and wait for the perfect moment when we can become ready. There is no such thing as being in a completely “ready” mode. The future is full of possibilities and it is up to us of how to handle them and what we make of them. All we need is to step outside of our comfort zone and just go for it. The best way to succeed is to go and do it as we are the only one who is responsible for our own success. We are the only one who can make it happen.
DeleteYen yen yen where did you copy this one from?
DeleteJust popped in to say Hello to everyone.. Okbye!
ReplyDeleteLemme take ur space anti aging ponyor. Please pals who can help me with the name of the dread that tboss is currently rocking. Please help ooo that stuff is the real deal. Hi lady bug my own person, hi iphie dearie...love u all
DeleteEnjoy your Pop corn😎😎😎😎
DeleteAunty have you finished with that your Abuja story? I no see the end ooo.
DeleteOh! You stopped writing? Are you done with Abuja hustle?
Hi yourself dia
DeleteGod's not dead.
ReplyDeleteHe is alive.
It doesn't matter the matter; just know that God is not dead.
He's got you, got your back, and working it all out for your good.
Stay believing.
Some men can be reckless and stupid. How do you cheat without protecting yourself?
DeleteMadam you better drag him to the hospital to get treated, afterwards he should get be tested again and when certified clean, you can let him sleep with you with a condom! I cannot risk my life for any wandering dick..
ReplyDeleteyou ma sef take ✋ ✋ ✋ ✋ ✋ ✋ waka
DeleteStella allow me vent
ReplyDeleteYou frustrated cloth washer. Kindly stay off my name on this blog. I am not the cause of your brokenness
Anywhere you see Lolo being mentioned you bring your stupid negativity. Stay off me
Chioma might be the most foolish on earth, but her account balance will buy you and your generation. Bombastic element
Okokobioko. Sky oya take your time and leave our sister for us
DeleteHuh? Reduces cholesterol? I want that Halogen Oven
ReplyDeleteWhy d announcement abi you did not see their contact dia? As if you don chop bellefull 😂 😂
DeleteBeautiful day...May we be favoured this week. amen
To vote @stelladimokokorkus as BLOGGER OF THE YEAR
Text sma18 stella to 33352
That's all? Let me scroll up again. Like something is missing somewhere
ReplyDelete..good afternoon Stella & BVs.
Keep waiting for shoki till you turn grew hair 😂
DeleteOffice space, you should be specific. Is it space in a container or kiosk you need? Cos I don't understand that price up there.
DeleteDo you know how much an office space cost in those areas you mentioned? And from your request, you need a conducive environment.
Working from home isn't a bad idea (if you ask me).
Perky whatever, are you alright at all? The you see the usual sign out meme today?
Delete"Grew" hair kee you there for coming under my comment.
Good day all.....
ReplyDeleteLove your new ID. Grace will surely speaks for us all.
DeleteGood afternoon lovelies
ReplyDeleteMonday's always moving on a fast lane
Ijeoma, you are beautiful 😘😘
Teejay, what about people that are addicted to helping others.
Will soon start ordering Susen bags from Dubai, every body must patronize me ooo💃💃💃
Yea just like Stella said, there are positive addiction but again any addiction be it positive or negative might not be good. Haven't you hear people say too much of everything is bad? I think the key word here should be moderation.
DeleteJust order original and not knock offs 😎😎😎😎😎
DeleteMumu bug, Suzen isn't expensive enough to have knockoffs. Educate yourself while you're being an irritant.
DeleteHello everyone 😊
ReplyDeleteHello yasef
DeleteChi, the aju mbaise/chebe powder lady, I am in Abuja. How much for delivery of chebe powder and karkar oil to Abuja.
ReplyDeleteLol... Brb stells to anza..
ReplyDeleteYinmu 😎😎😎😎
DeleteSprays mortein*.. Not enough.. *sprays sniper*.. *lights mosquito coils..
DeleteI don't understand Nigerians and their irritating mentality.
ReplyDeleteYou want an office space and you want to pay a 'token'?
Are you doing the person a favour?
If you were using a shared Co working space, would you go in and ask to pay a token?
You want to enjoy someone's AC, electricity and other amenities and you are boldy offering 10k for a month. Lolll.
The cheapest co sharing office space charges 1,500 per day, I'm sure you know.
Use that 10,000k go and buy fuel for your generator so that you can focus on your work inside your house and save on transport money too.
That way you won't have to mouth this balderdash.
Are you minding that fella, nonsense talk,very cheap entitled mentality, she's even asking for a place with constant electricity, mtsheeeeew 😎😎😎😎😎
DeleteJust passing 😂 😂 Oshofree gbakwu ute
DeleteCan you imagine?? Looking for a place with constant electricity so you can charge your multiple phones and laptop. And enjoy chilled 'conducive' air.
DeleteBecause it's urine they will use to top up the generator for your comfort and cowries they will use to pay PHCN bill.
Some of you are beyond narrow in your thinking.
Haba,that's the amount he/she has,when did it become a sin to ASK/TRY????
DeleteLagos shopper. Ever heard of cutting your cloth according to your size?
DeleteTry and exhibit some sense when trying to act like Mother Theresa please.
Hello everyone 🖐🖐, welcome IHN
ReplyDeleteHappy new week people, typing from my desk at kasm**** school. God bless us all.
ReplyDeleteYou are using office hours for private business😎😎😎😎😎
Deletegrow up. nobody cares were you typing from!
Delete😂 lady bug, perky whatever I don notice you, oya run along.
DeleteHating on privileged kids, na mumu naa, cos hating on them wont make ur life easier, its not easy, if you dont have plenty mulah, dont litter kids everywhere that will hate on other kids, work hard so your kids will be privileged.
ReplyDeleteWhat you just typed does it make sense to you?
DeleteCarry your mama dash me bra leave here osiso.
DeleteHahahahahahahahahaha.... BB oooo
DeleteThe lady that was bold enough to tell her aunt and mum about the fine boy's Peepee, i hail thee ooo. How can i tell my people that i don dey fuck???
ReplyDeleteIHN welcome jare.
Times have changed.. People are not as old schooled in thinking as you and ya people.. Scratch that.
Deletebabe wey don pas 30yrs, what do you expect? i don date one guy like that too. i feel for am, he no get dick at all. e just be like thumb ,only e fat. i no fit marry man wey no get dick no matter how i love you. i love deep fucking. #walksaway
DeleteSagging boobs you are an illiterate. scratch that. Buzu.
DeleteToyota Yaris for 1.8m?
ReplyDeleteWhen ure ready to sell let us know.
Those that sells cars here thinks everybody na oteh, mtsheeeeew 😎😎😎😎😎
Delete😂 😂 they thinks people on this blogs all have shares in dangote company
Similar pattern in both errors. Ok.
Deeza, because it's the same senseless person.
DeleteInvestors inside pap kwa? @princess Tever
ReplyDeleteAs she sef dey hear investors all over the blog,she sef catch am,for this blog,na everything dey reign,na investors dey reign now 😎😎😎😎😎
DeleteModified pap.
Delete@princess tever, she's better than you, keep laughing at her very she'll hammer and coman do giveaways, while you on the other side will be begging her to consider you .
DeleteHehehe ola Don open new one for this blog now na investors things them go soon line up now
DeleteIrritant @ Perky boobs.
DeleteMadam, tell ur husband to use CD on his side piece cos that side piece has a bf who is also cheating, cheating is a circular thing.
ReplyDeleteIjeoma you are beautiful! The poster about the finger battery dick, I have been there. The guy I would have married is a 100kg 6ft3" hunk. Ideal husband material. But the bedroom was wack! I am 5ft 11", 75kg. His p...s was just not there. Till date though we are both married to other people, he still thinks I regret not marrying him. I couldn't bring myself to give him a reason for the break up. I just disappeared. His siblings hate me till date. But there are things one cannot disclose. The girl he dated after me also disappointed him. I'm sure it's same reason. His wife is tall and big and I wonder how they manage. Small dick-not me for me. I will not cheat in a relationship so i'd rather go for what I like.
ReplyDeleteI once dated a very tall fresh fine yellow pawpaw, rich and intelligent but mehn his dickolas was thin and small like kwuli kwuli. If he's erect i no go know. If he's fucking na with all him power and he will be busy asking JAMB question asking if i like it and if i am enjoying it, nibo. I couldn't deal so i dumped his sorry arse.
DeleteSmall dick mba at all. Ladies no gree at all. If is men, they will run
Deletesome women dont care about sex oh, if u can lick their clit very well theyd orgasm & be satisfied
DeleteMaybe d wife likes it like that, it satisfies her, some women need a digger that will plow their insides like farmland, some just need it small, no stress.
Deletesorry dear, NO WOMAN likes a tiger "tripple-AAA" battery for a dick.
I dated a delta guy like that one time with the smallest D u can imagine! Very fine looking bobo. i stayed as long as i did cos i honestly loved him but when i consider sey i be real calabar babe wey like bedmatics, i just knew i wasn't gonna say yes to him when he proposed. One other babe was dragging him with me & i GLADLY left the guy for her. They both got married & on their 1st year anniversary, the guy found out she was cheating on him. 6 months after that, she divorced him & moved on. Till date, the bobo neva still marry & he's 47!
My sister na so o. follow wetin go make you happy.i love them huge, i cant wait this long and marry to regret, God forbid
DeleteCalm down, who told u NO woman? I don't like all these heavy peepee abeg...if the guy issa money bag, forget it, even if he's peeless, he will have a boo.
DeleteI runs one married guy with pee like small pikin finger. The day we did the do I was moaning like he was doing something good but it was only his weight I was feeling. I moaned because of the cash and he paid wella. Anytime he calls I run there, moan,collect money and go and use my pink rabbit to give myself multiple orgasm.
Delete@ anon 16:58 lmao you made me laugh out loud seriously. with the way my boss take look me ehn, i sure sey na query get me dis afternoon...hehehehe
Deleteanyways, abeg care to share the guy? me sef need easy ATM: operation moan & pay...hehehehe
Oga/madam looking for office space,you are very funny,tell me where in Nigeria that you have constant power supply,so you will use their power, generator and space for a month and pay 10k and yet you have mouth to be saying a place is not conducive.
ReplyDeleteYou better continue working from home or you think to maintain an office come cheap 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎
She never ready.
DeleteDear Poster if you dont mind working from Ilupeju, i could assist you to get a shared office space for N10,000 monthly.You can drop your number.
DeleteNo matter what you are going through, just thank God for everything
ReplyDeleteYes oo
DeleteLord I thank You.
I am Grateful and Thankful Lord for life .
Happy new week to you all... I felt bad for the guy, your niece should pick his calls....
ReplyDeletePick his call for what?,for pity sake,it's better she ignore him and move on...😎😎😎😎😎
DeleteOk oh.... You're right sha
DeleteBeautiful day all
ReplyDelete65 days to christmas.
I have 5 weddings to attend (all in lagos)and my bank account ain't ready for the stress.
I think I will just wrapped my neck with bandage and skip the weddings. But I need them girls to attend my convocation ceremony come December... What I do?
Yawns.abeeg park one side with your stupid question.
DeleteGood afternoon people
ReplyDeleteStella I sent you a mail yesterday night Please Post here
Good afternoon everyone.
ReplyDeleteAfunun *inmygrandmasvoice*
DeleteWiffy Rant, Metronidazole aka Flagyl works for yeast infection (if that is the diagnosis). You can contact your doctor for the dosage.
ReplyDeleteWell, guys with biro cover things are usually innovative in bed because they know that's the only thing that can save them, so if he has small dick and he is still waiting for someone to tell him to learn how to suck Kuntus, all I can say is that he is not serious.
ReplyDeleteEiyaaaa.. She should sha pick and tell him her mind, like not dwell on the size but let him know you did not enjoy it and would like him to step up. That's if she even likes him. Not all tall hunks are tall there..
All these suck suck causes cancer.
DeleteNot everytime una go dey suck. Men beware
@Yori Yori Tell me something!!!!! @Princess Tever
DeleteHappy birthday ijeoma God bless your new age
ReplyDeleteOmu paki abi kilon peyin. Epele atiriyin setigbo. Nonsense and ingredient. Awon attention seeker.
ReplyDeleteBIG AMU anytime yo. not horse size sha o. and dont come telling me you have big Amu without sense. keep your thing
ReplyDeleteThe lady with the infection, I advice you consult a Dr. For my home remedy, I used garlic. A friend told me this and I was hesitant but decided, to give it a try,and I'm glad I did.
ReplyDeleteA lady I follow on twitter gave birth on Saturday,I was so happy for her like she is my sister or friend.We got married the same year and seeing she posted her baby picture gave me hope. I'm not barren,I'm a fruitful vine.
ReplyDeleteLady with infection I feel your pain because I have been in similar situation since. My husband infected me last year. Men are wicked and everyday I feel like cursing him. Is it too much to use protection if you go out and cheat?.I don't know the kind of worms some girls have in their vagina because this thing has refused to go. No foul smell, its just itching and pain. I have used all kinds of drugs antibiotics,flagyl, probiotic seen doctors, vaginal creams, I get relief for a few days then it starts again. My doctor sef is tired. I have tried home remedies aloe Vera, garlic, kola, violet, reduced sugar and carb foods but no relief.