Stella Dimoko Chimamanda Adichie Reveals Why Sexism Annoys Her More Than Racism Does


Saturday, October 20, 2018

Chimamanda Adichie Reveals Why Sexism Annoys Her More Than Racism Does

Nigerian author, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, has revealed the reason, she is angrier about sexism than about racism.

She made her reasons known at an Esquire UK annual event, titled Esquire Townhouse. The video of the event was on the verified Instagram handle of the media outlet.

In the video, Adichie was asked why she’s angrier about sexism than racism.

She responded, “I said that because in my very own personal space, the people I love, the people I’m close to, my family, my friends, all get race. So, I have never with them have to make a case, for why something was racist. So, I’m in my circle of friends, White people, Black people, Asian people, Hispanic people and when something happens to do with Blackness, immediately, we all get it.

“But with gender, I find that with the people I love, I’m constantly being expected to make the case, the ways in which, women are reduced, the ways in which authority in women is judged much more different than authority in a man.

“And I’m constantly being asked by the people, I love. So, I’m not talking about anonymous people, to make that case and it gets emotionally exhausting. Because, I don’t feel like I have the kind of effortless support that I have, when I talk about race.”
From punch.

*I dont always agree with her but its all good,she has a right to air her views...I hope the Ladies who misunderstand the things she says can see how she applies it in her life?Probably what she says and does are two different things...who knows!


  1. Another deluded character.

  2. This is straightforward. Just hoping everyone reads,assimilates and understands this oneπŸ™†πŸΎ‍♂️

    A Dad will not isolate a girl child due to race cos common, you all are same color, But same father might relegate a female child to the background while the males in the family are sent to school. This is the only way I can explain her answer.
    Ndewo nu.

    1. No matter how you try to explain.....
      Already Stella has cast doubts over her words versus her actions, someone up there has called her deluded even though she is talking about her personal circles which I very much doubt that anon is part of.

      For a lot of Nigerians,Chimamanda is the face of their personal Bogeyman and they would ofcourse interpret all her words and actions against that.

    2. lphie,your explanation is brilliant. You simplified it well. I cannot figure out Stella's comments,compared to what she said.l cannot even see how what she preaches clashes with her lifestyle. Blogging is literary. Let us go through feminism as a concept,,lest we become embarrassed for some of our comments after learning about it!

    3. Iphie, Kami Kaze and Feyifunmi wisdom, knowledge and understanding will never be far from you all.

    4. Kamikaze, well-stated!!

    5. @Iphie spot on. Every comment on Iphie's thread shows a lot of understanding.

  3. She's right about this. People are more familiar with raicism than sexism. The sad part is women are more ignorant of this. You see it everyday in the comment section.

    A classic example is the perception that female bosses are emotional, cranky and meaner than their male counterparts. In fact, some men find it demeaning taking orders from women regardless of her achievements, hierarchy or experience. We see this everyday in our society.

    Women have to constantly defend their positions and this sometimes requires them to be more assertive. But alas, people tend to construe assertiveness as autocracy.

    Some women may not understand this until they attain a level of position where they are constantly second guessed.

    1. Nicole you just gained a fan here. This is my challenge right now. Who cares? Work has to move on.

    2. Another intelligent sister. πŸ‘Œ

  4. Until I know what this feminism is all about, then no comment

    1. At ur age, u don't know what feminism is all about?????

      Don't spend ur all life watching just zee world, expand your knowledge as well

    2. My dear,your decision is the best.

      People who don't even understand what feminism is, talking thrash on social media and having other ignorant people believe them is part of the reason feminism has a bad rap today.
      So instead of spreading misinformation to other people like you who have refused to research,your decision is wise.

    3. Eka πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

      The “love” between Yori and you is one of a kind.

      Kami you are right though. It’s better to be mute than talk amis.

  5. We buy bad/condemned solar inverter battery contact us 0814139511320 October 2018 at 14:12

    Good for her

  6. Wareva rock yah boat chi..

    My September to remember.. God came through for me .. Too happy to type .

  7. Indeed, a worthy perspective. Issues of sexism are more pervasive and complex and though,they stare us, in the face, many societies including governments, especially, Nigeria's, are unwilling to take meaningful steps towards the innumerable injustices that, trail the lives of the girl child/woman from cradle to grave. Maybe, with Adichie's illumination, the discussions at least, will start to shift, for better. WINGS

  8. Honestly, women are getting the end of the stick treatment more than men. Society also tends to forgive men on certain crimes than women eg adultery. It is worse in Nigeria. Even when a person is driving badly before even without knowing the gender, they will say na woman. You dey not talk to a man in a way that doesn't agree with him. "Who are you"? They will add "see woman oo "

  9. Sexism is very difficult to address in Nigeria. Actually I do not even reckon that sexism is in Nigeria. Nigeria women and men level the playing field with each other. A country that a whopping majority think a "man is the head of the home" regardless of his IQ can never having sexism. Why? Because they already follow a stipulated set of divine law(biblical junk and quoranic Bull shit) which they are very comfortable with. So pray tell how does one hope to achieve a feminist ideal in such a society. A country that women think it is their birth right to be taken care of by a man in the name of "I am the helpmeet" or is it neck they say. In what world would it be possible to acheieve so called equality??? A country where women see sex as their duty both marital and relationshipwise and the men are supposed to "pay" for the women performing their duty. Where in the world does that fly?? No single Nigerian woman with any of these views above should ever open their mounths to mention feminism.Most of you guys are anti-feminist actually. When somebody provides and takes care of you because he is man, there is no way in hell you won't be treated like a child. The Nigerian law actually stipulates mandatory care to wards or children under the age of 18 AKA dependents!No wife on the list, no girl friend, yet you bash these men when they feel entitled and disrespect you people. You hound them when they decide to sideline women at work when y'all know that come hell, come high water you'd still expect them to provide regardless of what they ear because they have penises. There is zero rationale to the way Nigerian women reason. Zero! When you lot already give yourselves pre specified roles because you have a vagina and expect the other half that you have given pre specified roles to sit and watch and not reap the benefits of the toxic masculinity you women imposed on them. If a man wrote a chronicle on this blog that he came home and his wife did not prepare food, you people would scream at the top of your lungs with your semi functional brains that he should go make his food this is 2018 (which is true by the way. No one is obligated to cook for anyone,except they are children under 18)but if a woman came here and said "he doesn't drop food money" then name calling and irresponsible man tag starts flying everywhere. The average Nigerian women(majority of Nigerian women are average based on simple stats distribution) can never be a feminist. There is heavy cognitive dissonance happening in their minds. They cannot handle the responsibilities of feminsim, yet want the perks, how jokes is that? Nigerian men and women deserve each other tbh. Oh I am a woman by the way. One who loves and cares for Nigerian as it it the country of my birth but I call out Bs when I see it! I guess it is the colonialist religion that caused this. What a shame!

    1. You have said it all
      Nigerians are not just ready for feminism biko

    2. I wanted to heave a sigh of relief that the comments today,on this topic ,reflected more depth and critical thinking ,in spite of Madam Stella's lead,but the Sealord's comment was perplexing. Feminism has been in Nigeria as far back as Fela's mother's era :it actually began the moment girl started going to school. You,particularly need someone to read this concept to you,while you listen. You don't have to read it.

    3. Airat I hate to sound demeaning but sealord most times acts like he shares the same IQ with fishes.

    4. Anon this your comment hits so close to home. So close.

    5. You took all the words out of my mouth, oya chop πŸ‘Š. Nigerians are not ready for feminism. 80 percent of women today have this sense of entitlement that it is men responsibility to take care of them, until we start seeing thing differently, nothing will change.

    6. Anon 15:60, stop lying! You’re male and full of b.s. too. Congrats on twisting everything against the woman while ignoring the full picture but taking things out of context. You say women imposed masculinity on men?! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. I now know you can’t exactly be taken seriously. That’s why a lot of people have been saying it of recent; The biggest cry-babies you can ever meet are Nigerian men. You’re a pure example of one.

      Nigerian women expect to be taken care of by men because that’s all that has been asked of men. Aaaaalll other things are piled on the woman. Taking care of the home, kids, food, domestic chores, even working too to “support the mane, you name it. Yet, a lot of you men still flunk and put the the financial obligations on their women in the name of one thing or the other. The single ladies who are dating try to avoid ending up with such husbands so they start making the guy take up financial responsibilities in the relationship to know what kind of husbands they would be. The “Miss independent” clan members are insulting when they cry in the future that their hubbies are leaving responsibilities to them. So you can’t blame the single ladies or even married ones for pushing financial responsibilities on their men by all means. Nobody wants to die abeg! I know this too well because I was one of the Miss independents and I know what I had to cope with at first in marriage before I hit “reset”. If the men don’t want to be financially responsible, they should start doing all those things they force their women to do. You can’t willingly jump into the river and then start complaining of the cold!
      I can’t believe you just publicly claimed that men were given “pre specified roles” by women. How?! Where?! When?! By whom?! The same ones who are being oppressed by you people? You men determined the roles eons ago the same way you determined a lot of other things that benefited you men alone because it’s way easier to just go out to work and come back home and not lift a finger, you didn’t have to cook, clean, take care of and run after the children. Now you’re finding even that hard and you’re bellyaching all over the place.
      You claim that men would be chastised if he said his wife hadn’t cooked when he got home etc. Yes, because both men and women are working now, the men still put everything else including financial obligations on the woman. How fair is that? Men are now gold diggers in relationships and even marriages but they’re still crying all over the place and trying to demand respect. They’ll now “drop something” for the house upkeep even though they know it not even close to being enough and then make their wife cover the rest along with all other responsibilities while they run around with girls outside and then try to blame the wife for their actions saying “it’s because she nags”, “it’s because she’s no longer exciting” “her v is no longer tight” “she doesn’t have a male child” “the. House was dirty”... and the list goes on. All of which is not actually the woman’s fault but men are too self centered to see things that way. They just want to have their cake and eat it too. Worst still, they’ll then impregnate the girlnoutside and run far, saying “she should have closed her legs”. Some other people too will support them. No sense of responsibility whatsoever! It’s always the women and not them. You’re talking as if we don’t read about all these things everyday on this blog. What you need to do is start taking up your responsibilities, not only financially but in other aspects too because your wives do the same and they’re not spirits or slaves but humans like you. Stop whining like toddlers, handle all your responsibilities, go above and beyond what is expected because 1, women already do. 2, nothing should be too much for you to do for your family especially your children. Stop leaving it all in the hands of your wives just because they’re women!

    7. Stop vomiting trash all over the place. This is an example of women spending just one dime and letting the whole world knos they have spent a dime. I have been with Nigerian women and women from other parts of the world and I know the difference in their mentality and maturity. Moreover, if you only date or marry ogogoro drinking kind of men, what would you expect? So, I would advise ladies thus; from the onset, show your worth, define your values and date your match.

    8. Joke is on you because I am a woman! That is exaclty what my birth certificate states. Sex:female and I have never felt differently. Again you just proved my point. Why should you expect a man to foot the bills and still meet the house dirty when he comes back. Both men and women work but you women still expect the men to foot most of the bills at least that's what I read here. A society can never be equal if one gender expects the other gender to do ANYTHING by virtue of their gender. I listen to Nigerian women talk and I am appalled. Feminism can never thrive in a country where religion takes precedence so I know our problem is beyond feminism talk however, common sense dictates we start from somewhere. I have never seen a man disrespect a woman he is not feeding or who is dependent on him. When he does,the woman does not take it. oh I have a lot to say about Nigerian men, a lot worse actually but a lot of them don't read these posts so I would wait to unleash on forums they frequent. Raise your children to be adults. Men and women are not suposed to do anything because of their genitals. Every developed society realized this years ago!

    9. Anon OP, it didn’t start with imported religion as you called them. Go research your traditional
      Religions and culture then you’ll realize that a religion like Christianity is even a life-saver for women

  10. If it is personal, talk am inside your compound.


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