Guess what?I have not had breakfast!!
Dear mami, Jadesola is back as FOIHN
Babe geh,your smile is everything!!!
Shout out to Blog owner Madam Stella. Let me be your cover photo for IHN again. Have a beautiful and fruitful day BV's.
Makeup artist at your service! I do clean, breathtaking and affordable make up too. For all events.
Contact :08081870839, glam_train on instagram.
Nice one

Good day Stella, Nwunye Korkus
I hail you Maami
I say make I grace In House News today as it aff tayed I appeared
Keep up the good work Stells, may God richly bless you
Amen your eyes!!!
Good day SDK.
On reading sp this the morning I came across an anonymous comment asking to know where to get an ostrich with a black neck and I remember an encounter I had with one.
About 2+ years ago or so, I was surfing the internet when I came across some testimonies of some married women and single ladies and even some side chics of how a certain baba did this and that for them and they were able to tie down their men and made the men abide by their rules.
After assessing every testimony and details of each babalawo's contact, I decided to contact one tokumbo something something can't remember the full name.
Actually I just wanted to confirm if the testimonies were true or some fabu sha.
I contacted the Tokumbo complained of how my hubby beats me always and never listened to anything I said.
Hmmm, Tokumbo asked me to bring a tooth of chameleon or crocodile can't remember which, white hen and some host of weird things I have no idea of where to get.
Told him I didn't know where to get those things from and he asked me to bring #30,000 that he was going to get them for me and do the things and I will come and testify how very effective the charm was. If I had such amount of money will I be worrying myself about hubby not doing things the way they should be?
Anyways I promised to send the money to him, such things don't work in my place so I won't even take such risk.
What got me was when he demanded I send him hubby's phone number, birth date, all our children's names and dates of birth, hian!
Why will I even risk my children in a juju house? God forbid!
A thought came to me and said it should be a form of setup from the guy.
I think he was going to use the details I gave to him, contact hubby tell him my motive with the proof of every detail.
Anyways I told him I was going to send them to him. That was how I blocked his number mehn.
And I'm beginning to wonder if that's how all these women that does jazz to tie down their men put their children's names and every details of them in juju house in the name of controlling their men.
Why risk your children's future just for your selfish interest.
God! No matter how desperate I am/maybe to get something, be it money or whatever, once it involves my children, I won't ever try it.
Now I asked women, do you actually risk your children's tomorrow cos of your own interests.
Of recent too I came across one that was urging me to allow me do something (not jazz in his tone) for me that will make only guys that have money come my way.
Told him it's jazz and he knows in our part we don't do such things cos once you do you run mad immediately, he said no, that his isn't jazz cos he will not have to call any juju, that all I needed was just olive oil, powder ........
Asked him if it won't have any effect on my children later on in life, he said no that it isn't jazz that he's been doing it for some girls and they are enjoying it.
Told him point blank I won't do it.
Don't want anything that will condition me please.
He even told me it doesn't have after effect that the only condition is that I will make sure nobody sees it while I'm using it. I said and then comes the madness right? He said no that it will only not be effective anymore .
And he also said I can discard it if I'm no longer in need of it and I can even go to church with it. I just yimued at him.
Actually, nothing good comes easy likewise nothing bad comes easy either.
What I want to ask is, why put yourself in danger where you have to pay for it tomorrow.
I'm a big fan of Queen and boss oo and I enjoy reading her crazy comments but I can bet you you cannot continue renewing any jazz for life.
A day must definitely come when the devil will demand for your own head. So why risk it?
*you are very very curious just like me..please it isnt worth it oooooooh.if it doesnt work out fine,why tie yourself to one man with juju?
I also wonder if men Jazz women too..
Never regret over anything that has once made you happy in life. Never worry yourself over things you can't change in life. Don't be desperate for anything life. When you are too desperate people knows you're weak, its human nature to take advantage of the weak. Never break a promise you make to yourself. Never allow people's judgement to put your life on hold. Anyone who cannot feel your sadness has no right to define your happiness in life. You become wise when you stopped living your life for people's attention and you become matured when you stopped reading meaning or paying attention to everything people say about you. Those who live for people's validation may die seeking their approval.
To see how old you look don't look at the mirror but go and see an old friend you haven't seen in 20 yrs. To discover yourself you must know your nature. To know your power, you must find your weakness. To get the answer for your future, try and compare your past with your present. To have a friend you must be a friend. To be easier to forget is to be easy to get(if u know, u know). To know a stupid liar they always have poor memory. To frustrate your enemies, put them in suspense. To be heard, learn how to listen. To be a good listener, never listen to reply but listen to understand. The best dialogue is the one you have with yourself. The greatest war in life is to be your own enemy, fighting against yourself. The first rule of love is to love yourself. You can't give what you don't have, until you love yourself It's hard to love others.
Show me your best friend and i will ask you if you've ever had any problem in life, because real friendship is never in laughing together but in crying together. Happiness is an inside job, never give or expect too much of it from an outsider. Learn to be your own best friend and you will never be lonely again. Learn to make your own happiness and you will never be sad again. Your happiness is your sole responsibility.. Never raise your expectations too high on anyone in life. Sometimes the person you are willing to die for is actually the one behind the trigger. Always take a moment to appreciate those who go out of their way to do SOMETHING for you because that SOMETHING could be their EVERYTHING.
#Bv Adeniji#
#courtesy of Akin Al-Ameen
Who is Akin?Is this copied?
e I need business ideas,something marketable with a capital not more than 300k.
I am slowly getting frustrated by this relocation thing,I need to get myself back on track and not focus on just one thing.
Accommodation needed in Ibadan
I am in need of a self contain apartment around Alakia Ibadan for 6months.
If you know any landlord that has a vacant flat.Please call 08050983462.
Miniflat At Abraham Adesanya
A room self contained at Abraham
adesanya *a room self contain at Thomas estate. call:08029772884
This brand new ELEPAQ generator is for sale. It has 2200 running watts. All parts intact. Price is 50k. Location is Lagos. 07065368582. Thanks.
Attachments area
The "L" shaped Accoboard cubicle is Detachable and neat. It can be used for wardrobe, for demarcation in office, homes and shops. Also suitable for doors and windows etc. Price is 30k. Location Lagos. Call 07065368582.
I'll be travelling to Dallas in Mid November and I would be needing accommodation for the 10 days I'm staying (Not free, I'll pay). I'm Dee, 30, Yoruba, Female. Anyone that can give me accommodation and probably take me around should contact
We are looking to fill the role of Graphics Design and Digital Marketing Officer.
The person MUST be goal oriented, time conscious and versatile in the various graphics design tools.
Interested candidates should forward their CVs and portfolio with the appropriate title to
Only successful candidates will be contacted.
Hi Stella, please hide my email while posting. I am pregnant and going to be due by the end of this month.
Now to the point of this chronicle, I am afraid of labour, like super scared of labour. I literally pass out anytime I think of what will happen on that day. I have tried confiding in some mothers, everyone shut me up by saying God will be with me. I believe that totally because I am a child of God and a practicing Christian. But I want someone to address my issue of fear. Like am I normal, does this happen to other people?
I spoke to my doctor about elective cs and she said it is not advisable to have cs when it is not medically called for, considering this is also my first. Please I want to know if there are other mothers who have done elective cs for their first birth and how they went about it. Can I damn the doctors advice and still demand for it? I can't even draw courage from my hubby bc he does not understand what I am passing through. Please have anyone also gone through this phase before? Encouragement will help a lot now.
We are a reliable agency based in ajah.we are capable of providing
:Drivers :maids :cooks :nannies :sales girls etc.
Note: Maid with ssce qualification needed in AJAH age 18-21 must be very articulate and Hope to further her studies. call 08029772884.
Note.applicants registration attracts 3,000 naira.. your full salary and other incentives goes to you directly. thanks.
There's vacancy for a good Diction / Elocution teacher.
Work hours Monday - Saturday.
Full time.
Location : Woji Port Harcourt
Call: 08068109470.
A bmw, 1.8L engine, 4cylinder. Very economical. Good for uber/taxify business too. Car already passed uber&taxify inspection test.
Outright sale- 700k
Instalment payment- 500k cash and 350k to be spread. (850k). Call 08028249290 for details"
We stock the best, most beautiful and most stylish Ankara fabrics for wholesale, bulk supply, asoebi for weddings, marriage ceremonies, burials, campaigns, pilgrims, other events, export and retail. Prices start from N2000 for 6 yards.
SDK BV's PROMO is ongoing. Buy up to 100 pieces and get FREE DELIVERY to your location (within Nigeria)!
Follow on ig @ankarakulture
Call 07033486793
Whatsapp +2348034301704
Shoki for the house ----- MTN 49155365585964844
Complaint of Inability to get Results
I want to you to please post on your blog,I gained admission into the University of Ibadan to acquire a Master's degree in Adult Education in 2016.The program was supposed to span over a period of 18 months.We wrote our final Exams in January 2017 and it took the department of Adult Education a whole year to have our project defense in February 2018.The crux of the matter is other departments have gotten their results, We are yet to get ours and no one is listening to us .
Majority of my classmates need this result to move up the career ladder,we seem stuck, please help us bring it to the attention of the appropriate authority and keep me anonymous please ...
Why don't you people approach the head of department
Grab this opportunity to enjoy over 50% discount on our 1 month makeup/gele training this September in Abuja.. We do this discount only once yearly,don't miss this opportunity to learn a skill and make extra income..
Date: 10th Sept - 7th Oct 2018.
Venue: Suite fb 54 New Banex Vom Plaza Aminu kano Crescent Wuse 2 Abuja..
Price 30k
Limited seats available
For Registration call /whatsapp 08068908005
Free delivery nation wide!!!
Contact no:07035248134
For our abuja bvs who are having celebrations and will be in need of cake ,small chops, should contact me on 09083769475and WhatsApp me on 07039625634.
It's my wedding anniversary and husband's birthday month,so I will like to gift 3 bv whose birthday falls between 20-25th cupcakes and a lucky person whose birthday is on the 24th a size 8inch birthday cake....thanks madam korkus
Also discount cakes are available for the month.
IG : Emerald bakes
FB page: Emerald bakes
We hereby look to hire a professional pastry Baker with a minimum of 5 to 10 years experience on the job. Accommodation is available... Qualified persons should send CV to
I am in need of one bedroom flat in Abuja around Kubwa area. My budget is 250k. I can be contacted on 08039555819 or through mail at
Dear mami, Jadesola is back as FOIHN
Babe geh,your smile is everything!!!
Shout out to Blog owner Madam Stella. Let me be your cover photo for IHN again. Have a beautiful and fruitful day BV's.
Makeup artist at your service! I do clean, breathtaking and affordable make up too. For all events.
Contact :08081870839, glam_train on instagram.
Nice one

Good day Stella, Nwunye Korkus
I hail you Maami
I say make I grace In House News today as it aff tayed I appeared
Keep up the good work Stells, may God richly bless you
Amen your eyes!!!
Good day SDK.
On reading sp this the morning I came across an anonymous comment asking to know where to get an ostrich with a black neck and I remember an encounter I had with one.
About 2+ years ago or so, I was surfing the internet when I came across some testimonies of some married women and single ladies and even some side chics of how a certain baba did this and that for them and they were able to tie down their men and made the men abide by their rules.
After assessing every testimony and details of each babalawo's contact, I decided to contact one tokumbo something something can't remember the full name.
Actually I just wanted to confirm if the testimonies were true or some fabu sha.
I contacted the Tokumbo complained of how my hubby beats me always and never listened to anything I said.
Hmmm, Tokumbo asked me to bring a tooth of chameleon or crocodile can't remember which, white hen and some host of weird things I have no idea of where to get.
Told him I didn't know where to get those things from and he asked me to bring #30,000 that he was going to get them for me and do the things and I will come and testify how very effective the charm was. If I had such amount of money will I be worrying myself about hubby not doing things the way they should be?
Anyways I promised to send the money to him, such things don't work in my place so I won't even take such risk.
What got me was when he demanded I send him hubby's phone number, birth date, all our children's names and dates of birth, hian!
Why will I even risk my children in a juju house? God forbid!
A thought came to me and said it should be a form of setup from the guy.
I think he was going to use the details I gave to him, contact hubby tell him my motive with the proof of every detail.
Anyways I told him I was going to send them to him. That was how I blocked his number mehn.
And I'm beginning to wonder if that's how all these women that does jazz to tie down their men put their children's names and every details of them in juju house in the name of controlling their men.
Why risk your children's future just for your selfish interest.
God! No matter how desperate I am/maybe to get something, be it money or whatever, once it involves my children, I won't ever try it.
Now I asked women, do you actually risk your children's tomorrow cos of your own interests.
Of recent too I came across one that was urging me to allow me do something (not jazz in his tone) for me that will make only guys that have money come my way.
Told him it's jazz and he knows in our part we don't do such things cos once you do you run mad immediately, he said no, that his isn't jazz cos he will not have to call any juju, that all I needed was just olive oil, powder ........
Asked him if it won't have any effect on my children later on in life, he said no that it isn't jazz that he's been doing it for some girls and they are enjoying it.
Told him point blank I won't do it.
Don't want anything that will condition me please.
He even told me it doesn't have after effect that the only condition is that I will make sure nobody sees it while I'm using it. I said and then comes the madness right? He said no that it will only not be effective anymore .
And he also said I can discard it if I'm no longer in need of it and I can even go to church with it. I just yimued at him.
Actually, nothing good comes easy likewise nothing bad comes easy either.
What I want to ask is, why put yourself in danger where you have to pay for it tomorrow.
I'm a big fan of Queen and boss oo and I enjoy reading her crazy comments but I can bet you you cannot continue renewing any jazz for life.
A day must definitely come when the devil will demand for your own head. So why risk it?
*you are very very curious just like me..please it isnt worth it oooooooh.if it doesnt work out fine,why tie yourself to one man with juju?
I also wonder if men Jazz women too..
Never regret over anything that has once made you happy in life. Never worry yourself over things you can't change in life. Don't be desperate for anything life. When you are too desperate people knows you're weak, its human nature to take advantage of the weak. Never break a promise you make to yourself. Never allow people's judgement to put your life on hold. Anyone who cannot feel your sadness has no right to define your happiness in life. You become wise when you stopped living your life for people's attention and you become matured when you stopped reading meaning or paying attention to everything people say about you. Those who live for people's validation may die seeking their approval.
To see how old you look don't look at the mirror but go and see an old friend you haven't seen in 20 yrs. To discover yourself you must know your nature. To know your power, you must find your weakness. To get the answer for your future, try and compare your past with your present. To have a friend you must be a friend. To be easier to forget is to be easy to get(if u know, u know). To know a stupid liar they always have poor memory. To frustrate your enemies, put them in suspense. To be heard, learn how to listen. To be a good listener, never listen to reply but listen to understand. The best dialogue is the one you have with yourself. The greatest war in life is to be your own enemy, fighting against yourself. The first rule of love is to love yourself. You can't give what you don't have, until you love yourself It's hard to love others.
Show me your best friend and i will ask you if you've ever had any problem in life, because real friendship is never in laughing together but in crying together. Happiness is an inside job, never give or expect too much of it from an outsider. Learn to be your own best friend and you will never be lonely again. Learn to make your own happiness and you will never be sad again. Your happiness is your sole responsibility.. Never raise your expectations too high on anyone in life. Sometimes the person you are willing to die for is actually the one behind the trigger. Always take a moment to appreciate those who go out of their way to do SOMETHING for you because that SOMETHING could be their EVERYTHING.
#Bv Adeniji#
#courtesy of Akin Al-Ameen
Who is Akin?Is this copied?
e I need business ideas,something marketable with a capital not more than 300k.
I am slowly getting frustrated by this relocation thing,I need to get myself back on track and not focus on just one thing.
Accommodation needed in Ibadan
I am in need of a self contain apartment around Alakia Ibadan for 6months.
If you know any landlord that has a vacant flat.Please call 08050983462.
Miniflat At Abraham Adesanya
A room self contained at Abraham
adesanya *a room self contain at Thomas estate. call:08029772884
This brand new ELEPAQ generator is for sale. It has 2200 running watts. All parts intact. Price is 50k. Location is Lagos. 07065368582. Thanks.
Attachments area
The "L" shaped Accoboard cubicle is Detachable and neat. It can be used for wardrobe, for demarcation in office, homes and shops. Also suitable for doors and windows etc. Price is 30k. Location Lagos. Call 07065368582.
I'll be travelling to Dallas in Mid November and I would be needing accommodation for the 10 days I'm staying (Not free, I'll pay). I'm Dee, 30, Yoruba, Female. Anyone that can give me accommodation and probably take me around should contact
We are looking to fill the role of Graphics Design and Digital Marketing Officer.
The person MUST be goal oriented, time conscious and versatile in the various graphics design tools.
Interested candidates should forward their CVs and portfolio with the appropriate title to
Only successful candidates will be contacted.
Hi Stella, please hide my email while posting. I am pregnant and going to be due by the end of this month.
Now to the point of this chronicle, I am afraid of labour, like super scared of labour. I literally pass out anytime I think of what will happen on that day. I have tried confiding in some mothers, everyone shut me up by saying God will be with me. I believe that totally because I am a child of God and a practicing Christian. But I want someone to address my issue of fear. Like am I normal, does this happen to other people?
I spoke to my doctor about elective cs and she said it is not advisable to have cs when it is not medically called for, considering this is also my first. Please I want to know if there are other mothers who have done elective cs for their first birth and how they went about it. Can I damn the doctors advice and still demand for it? I can't even draw courage from my hubby bc he does not understand what I am passing through. Please have anyone also gone through this phase before? Encouragement will help a lot now.
We are a reliable agency based in ajah.we are capable of providing
:Drivers :maids :cooks :nannies :sales girls etc.
Note: Maid with ssce qualification needed in AJAH age 18-21 must be very articulate and Hope to further her studies. call 08029772884.
Note.applicants registration attracts 3,000 naira.. your full salary and other incentives goes to you directly. thanks.
There's vacancy for a good Diction / Elocution teacher.
Work hours Monday - Saturday.
Full time.
Location : Woji Port Harcourt
Call: 08068109470.
A bmw, 1.8L engine, 4cylinder. Very economical. Good for uber/taxify business too. Car already passed uber&taxify inspection test.
Outright sale- 700k
Instalment payment- 500k cash and 350k to be spread. (850k). Call 08028249290 for details"
I have this vacancy for the position of a nursery class teacher. The person most be staying around gbagada, ogudu, ojota and enviro
Contact: 08067826631(WhatsApp/text only)
We stock the best, most beautiful and most stylish Ankara fabrics for wholesale, bulk supply, asoebi for weddings, marriage ceremonies, burials, campaigns, pilgrims, other events, export and retail. Prices start from N2000 for 6 yards.
SDK BV's PROMO is ongoing. Buy up to 100 pieces and get FREE DELIVERY to your location (within Nigeria)!
Follow on ig @ankarakulture
Call 07033486793
Whatsapp +2348034301704
Shoki for the house ----- MTN 49155365585964844
Complaint of Inability to get Results
I want to you to please post on your blog,I gained admission into the University of Ibadan to acquire a Master's degree in Adult Education in 2016.The program was supposed to span over a period of 18 months.We wrote our final Exams in January 2017 and it took the department of Adult Education a whole year to have our project defense in February 2018.The crux of the matter is other departments have gotten their results, We are yet to get ours and no one is listening to us .
Majority of my classmates need this result to move up the career ladder,we seem stuck, please help us bring it to the attention of the appropriate authority and keep me anonymous please ...
Why don't you people approach the head of department
Grab this opportunity to enjoy over 50% discount on our 1 month makeup/gele training this September in Abuja.. We do this discount only once yearly,don't miss this opportunity to learn a skill and make extra income..
Date: 10th Sept - 7th Oct 2018.
Venue: Suite fb 54 New Banex Vom Plaza Aminu kano Crescent Wuse 2 Abuja..
Price 30k
Limited seats available
For Registration call /whatsapp 08068908005
Hello President Stella, I have a few items to give out to any BV who is resident in Kaduna. I am doing this as an act of faith to unlock my dream job(tired of being unemployed)... The native wear is a size 14,so also the blazer. The brown and blue pairs of Shoes are a size 40 and 37 respectively. The others are size 38. The first caller (09057202266) gets it.
Free delivery nation wide!!!
Contact no:07035248134
For our abuja bvs who are having celebrations and will be in need of cake ,small chops, should contact me on 09083769475and WhatsApp me on 07039625634.
It's my wedding anniversary and husband's birthday month,so I will like to gift 3 bv whose birthday falls between 20-25th cupcakes and a lucky person whose birthday is on the 24th a size 8inch birthday cake....thanks madam korkus
Also discount cakes are available for the month.
IG : Emerald bakes
FB page: Emerald bakes
We hereby look to hire a professional pastry Baker with a minimum of 5 to 10 years experience on the job. Accommodation is available... Qualified persons should send CV to
I am in need of one bedroom flat in Abuja around Kubwa area. My budget is 250k. I can be contacted on 08039555819 or through mail at
Some reasons for marriages packing up these days are so flimsy..
ReplyDeleteI remember one incident that happened few years ago in my villa.This marriage packed up on the wedding night because of
After the wedding the bride was asked to make yam for her hubby.So while peeling the yam she was cutting out a lot of yam with the peel and the hubby said "Nawa! Why are you wasting the yam is that how your mother taught you to peel yam?"
Bride responded:"You must be stupid to mention my mums names". Battle of words ensued and she left that night and never returned.
Hmnnn...we were in the village for Christmas celebrations at the time this happened so the gist circulated fast.I laughed so heard when i heard it but after a while i kept wondering if its enough reason to break up and a lot of maybes came to mind.
Maybe the hubby is always talking down on her and she couldn't just take it anymore.
Maybe her sense of humour is low(Angry bird things) I'm assuming the guy meant it as a joke.
Maybe she was irritated that she's stressed out and was asked to make food.
Maybe she was hurt her hubby mentioned her "mum".
Maybe she felt the effort she made to cook wasn't appreciated.etc
In my opinion i will say that it's either the devil is out to destroy marriages or people don't put in enough work to make their relationships work these days.
Stella maybe we should have a topic on IHG : Reasons why marriages fail so that people can learn.I believe some are unavoidable but i also believe some peoples marriages would have been salvaged if they did things differently.I know its a sensitive topic but i hope some people will find closure and most of us will learn too from their experiences.(Well for those that read to understand and not reading to judge or cuss.)
God help us.
Beautiful faces of ihn, sign out meme is dope.
DeleteThe husband can actually tell her politely without involving her mum. Marriage takes alot of patience. It is well
Some that are married wish to be single and some that are single wish to be married.
Hmmmmm, it is well with us all
Deletehow can you copy someone and boldly append your signature? bvadeniji and co-copier #spits #prudestitute
DeleteThe way some of you think can be depressing. So you think the husband is joking by insulting her and demeaning her mum and she is an angry bird but if she insults the husband's mom, she is not well trained and lack manners.
DeleteMy goodness!
It is not enough to break a marriage but the husband needs to be well trained too.
The hubby shouldn't have mentioned her mother.
DeleteHahaha @XOXO of all the "maybes" you chose to cling to the angry bird part.
DeleteThere's a probability that the guy didn't mean any harm but the statement was taking south.
I believe nobody has jokingly said to you "na so them teach you?" or "your father" typical warri slang we hear on the street everyday and laugh it off.
The guy said it in my dialect and i heard he meant it to be a joke but it turned out as a bad joke.
Not making a case for the guy,I wasn't there its just "maybes" and her reality might not be any of the case above.
At the end of the day marriage is not WAR.
Very insulting, the man actually deserves a dirty slap.
DeleteThat is how he will continue to refer to her mom over irrelevant issues, what an idiot. Meanwhile, why is she even cutting yam after her wedding? Someone that should be resting? Nonsense!!!
Hi una day dey go. 😍😍😍
ReplyDeleteHi Davido, OBO Copa...that reported to camp in iyana-ipaja and quickly redeployed to the UK abi na US. Lol. Only you na you. 😝
My Abroad FAM. How una dey. Any better for that side.
Ana mu abia
Maami, hope u dey kampe
DeleteU self noticed OBO waka waka,Nigeria i hail thee
DeleteSign out meme is so true and on point. The jazz story, this line got me happy "but I can bet you you cannot continue renewing any jazz for life.
DeleteA day must definitely come when the devil will demand for your own head. So why risk it?"
Nice piece from you @Bisi. An interesting read. That car is so good and fair enough with the price. May God bless all advertisers with sales. It's a cold Wednesday here.
1 bedroom flat (room and parlour) in Kubwa for 250k. Just go and live under the bridge because that's where your money can afford.
DeleteGood afternoon bvs!
DeleteMy babe's in town... My babe ddnt come empty handed 😂.... My babe brought goodies... My babe is grooming me to have a shoe collection oh 😍... My babe looking fresh and silk everyday...lovely Girl's night out... some people think I'm in my babe but I don't care, I low-key like it😂... my babe keeps popping while meeting her goals... my babe is the definition of boss lady 😊... Always fun time with my babe... Be like my babe... Be like CHIKITO 😍😍😍!
ReplyDeleteHave a blessed day People
Same girl I'm jealous. Chikito well done o. Won't you just stop by Ekiti and say Hi. 😎😋😋😍
DeleteEnjoy with your babe 💕💕💕💕
DeleteI read with deep pain of the death of Cassie. So sad. May God comfort the family she left behind and teach us how to number out days... sleep ok beautiful one...
DeleteBranding and packaging is very very important in buisness advert. Without bringing anyone down, I see some jobs and I'm out off. sadly, that might not even be the best of your jobs. Pls, let's try to look at our adverts again. Don't forget to state location, contact and prices (where applicable). Not everyone has that patience with so much competition. Most importantly, you are your biggest advert. You can't be making her while yours is unkempt or make-up while yours is like an amateur 😏. Blessed day people
Same girl where have you been? Is been a while I saw your comment.
DeleteSo you came here to announce Chikito is visiting Abuja and brought you shoes?
DeleteHow old are you again? Grow up
20:15 Lollll don't be mean.
DeleteWhen people make you feel unwanted, don’t leave to make them feel sad or guilty, they won’t. Leave because you no longer have a reason to stay. Sometimes you have to be strong for yourself. What’s meant to be will end up good and what’s not – won’t. Love is worth fighting for, but sometimes you can’t be the only one fighting. At times, people need to fight for you. If they don’t, you just have to move on and realize what you gave them was more than they were willing to give you.
ReplyDeleteNice word!!!
DeleteI had unprotected sex with a man but he didn't release at all, its been two days but as still scared that I have contacted HIv cos this is my first unprotected sex. Pls house is it possible to contact HIV when no sperm was released
Delete15:34 why not go for a test?
DeleteAnon 15.34. To be on the safe side I suggest you go for a test and you know the window period is 3months. Then in order to stop worrying about if you have contracted HIV or not,Go to a renowned pharmacy that sell antiretroviral drugs for AIDS patients(when you are buying the drugs, you need to keep a straight face cos there is this weird look the attendants would give you). By taking the drugs during the first few days of having sex with an AIDs patient the chances of getting the virus is really slim or non existent. On a final note, you need to be really careful after this because you have one life, be wise.
DeleteWesternization is gradually, gradually removing the humanity from us. It's really so embarrassing to see people support that horrible monster called a bride and frankly, if the story is true, I hope the husband never takes her back.
ReplyDeleteWhere did we throw the talk about respecting our elders to. I mean, yea, that mother in law was really out of line by slapping that lady but come on, to slap ur husband's mother in retaliation???
Personally, I know what I would have done. I don't even need to wait till I've experienced it. But I know I'd have held my face and stared hard at her, then I would have hissed and walked away and then I would later report the shit out of her and make sure her son talks to her.
But let's even look at the origin of the whole issue. Some guests at the party had not gotten food (doesn't matter if it's cos they were late or not, they are still guests), it's their right to be fed at your party. It's a different case if there was no more food at the event, that's a totally different case.
The woman showed u enough respect by coming to ask for permission for the food first, you know. Total respect cos you don't even need to be told that guests need to be served food. The worst part is that ur parents would have understood (OK, that's if u have parents like mine sha). Food can be prepared for them later, that's if you don't already even have reserves at home.
But no, ur ego, ur oversabi, ur I won't let any mother in law ride me attitude totally took away your sense of reasoning. You should have just agreed to have them give the guests the food. And this would never have happened. Your mil decided to go against ur wish and serve people that came to UR WEDDING food from your cooler but the ogbanje in u, actually pushed u to drag the food from her hand and pour it back into the cooler.
OMG! What level of lack of upbringing do u have? Or maybe u were trained but u are one of those people so disrespectful to ur parents that they would be so glad to see u go. Seriously, u collected the food and poured it back. Tsssk tsssk tsssk
And some people have the guts to defend the bride's actions. Oh God!!! Westernization has finished us.
Abeg, poster, if this thing true true happen and you know the groom, tell him to never take that woman back cos her agidi will put them both in trouble eventually.
Eka u stupid oo
DeleteHave you thought of :
Why did d mother in law not approach the brides mother for permission??
Why was it the bride?
Why approach her abt your hungry visitors when u know her parents needed d food or when she was suppose to be close to her husband for D night mood?
The truth is its not ordinary. The girl don see something and both family sides had issues to d wedding ceremony
I am not sure the bride is brought up in Nigeria
DeleteThank you o. Well said
DeleteTruth is that the problem between them didn't started that day, it was an accumulated grievances if you ask me. Madness doesn't just overblown, it has already formed overtime.
DeleteDon't mind them jare. I know it's super wrong for the MIL to hit her...very wrong. But for her to hit back? Unacceptable! But then, like I said yesterday, it shows there's bad blood b/w the two. It didn't just start that day.
DeleteWell said
DeleteTeejay, na "ed" dey rush you
SWAG LAFRESH I didn't eat your meal ooh lolzx...
DeleteDear Eka Joy
DeleteShe is not supposed to hit the mother-in-law and the mother-in-law is not supposed to hit her. Being well trained does not mean you should allow someone to hit you because chances are, if they hit you once, they will hit you again and again. My take is, she should have walked away and put an end to that marriage or address it right away in the presence of people without hitting her mother-in-law back because the mother-in-law will hit her again if that issue is not addressed.
White wedding and reception is still part of the westernization, maybe we should go back to traditional marriages and eating yam and oil, African salad and kolanut, then everyone will be happy, at least two pieces of yam can fill the tummy and more will be left to guest. Since white wedding which is part of westernization has come to stay, we have to do it and do it the western way now...abi.
Xoxo, the truth is we all know our right from wrong, we should know the cultures to pick and the cultures not to. I'm not even sure it's totally ideal for u to even hit your mil abroad in retaliation..
DeleteAnd u are saying in other words that she did right by refusing food and even taking it from the mil and pouring back into the cooler. Is that what u are saying cos I see u conveniently left that part out
That office decider from Ikorodu, from 60k you don reach 30k????
ReplyDeleteI pray you find a buyer.
I would would bought it from you but I'm in Abuja.
Anon, you know its worth more than 40k. It's detachable. If you want it, I can detach and package it and send to you in Abuja. Then you couple it back over there. Call me let's talk.
Delete@Cubicle, you don't understand, what I meant is. You've brought down the price so much, I pray you now find a buyer.
DeleteThat was why I said I would have bought it, if not for location. I'm not in anyway saying you are cheating or anything. It is very fair for that amount.
Let me place a call to GUO and find out how much they charge to deliver.
Will call you.
Ok. I understand. Amen.
DeleteI had to bring the price down drastically because of school fees. Schools resume on Monday and they don't listen to stories. Lol
I normally use ABC cargo express. What they normally do is they will weigh it and price it by weight.
Hi Wednesday.
ReplyDeleteI Always enjoy reading your in House NeWS
ReplyDeleteHey guys,thank you for replying. I finally repaired my phone. It is working perfectly.
ReplyDeleteI really appreciate the responses.
I want to buy crownstar hot plate, Pls will it last long ?
Anon u are welcome o.yes d hotplate will last even wen u hit am for ground it will still tomorrow come ask us say u wan buy pant whether it will last.
DeleteHahahahaha anon. It is well
DeleteHey Ms.A i interpreted your SP this morning to mean you are expecting a baby.Congrats Ahead!!!!
ReplyDeleteI am not expecting a baby my dear but, I'm pregnant with success.
DeleteThank you for the congratulations.
White Enchantress, Bibire and Ken,
ReplyDeleteThank you for responding to my enquiry about Tamarind yesterday. I appreciate it
Thank you.
Sorry dear. I saw the post very late at night when I woke to breastfeed. I didn't reply because I thought you'll not come back to see my response and BV white enchantress was kind to reply. I hope you got the tsamiya (pronounced samia). I don't use it in making my zobo but I make tsamiya juice with it. It's very good in zobo though.
DeleteHave a nice day.
Thank you so much Castle for responding.
DeleteI do appreciate this.
You guys are so kind.
Anytime Castle 🙌🏼
DeletePls how do you identify a member of a secret society/wizard? Ive been suspecting my landlord after a revelation I had
ReplyDeleteSince you had the revelation, cover yourself with the Blood of Jesus. Check how the house is. What type of sign did you see.
DeleteWhen I see some buildings and look well I see the sign, then I know.
Check the floor how was it constructed. Did you see any sign there.
Also don't collect food, money from him. If you want to pay your rent, annoint your money or you ask your pastor to pray for the money before giving it out to him.
Are you going forward or backwards. The neighbours any progress.
Kai thank you Yori! I've been having nightmares since i moved into that house. I occupy the bq and I'm only the tenant there, it's a family house
DeleteThe floor outside is made of inter locking blocks while inside is tiled and I haven't noticed any sign but there is a huge tree planted in the compound like very huge
Would've moved out since but I'm a corper and I'm passing out in a few weeks time. He's extremely philanthropic to outsiders but stingy to close relations and his kids. He never misses church every Sunday and he seems religious but...
DeleteI know what you are trying to say.
I once stayed at a place that despite the plenty church church of the landlord, preaching etc, my mind wasn't settled.
My mind told me something wasn't quite right with him.
And unfortunately, he lived in the compound, occupying the second building so we would see often.
I stayed downstairs in the second building while a young man and his wife stayed upstairs. 2 flats.
I got so bad that I started avoiding him.
But when we do see, I always greet respectfully and ask of his family.
Mehnnn, after 1 year, I ran.
Sold all my furniture, generator etc to the person he found to take the flat and fled. Only took my clothes and accessories. I feel so much better now, without that very uncomfortable feeling surrounding me.
If your intuition is telling you something, trust it. It doesn't have to make sense, just as trust it.
That signing out memo is everything. I've been glowing from the inside since July it's visible outside from everything I's do beautiful.
ReplyDeleteGood afternoon... Let the comments roll in. Beloved, well done o, you beat Teejay to it today. Awon first commented. lol
ReplyDeleteHahahaha.... Beloved and Same girl uses a special network that you can't beat them on that spot if they really want to compete for that. I don't usually come early here on IHN but on Spontaneous.
DeletePregnant Bv, Fear Not
ReplyDeleteIt's been awhile I met IHN...sannun ku...I've so missed been faithful to this blog
ReplyDeleteBeautiful Ladies 👆 there 😘😘😘😘
ReplyDeleteNo matter how long it takes, Jazz has expiry date
I used to know a lady in my neighborhood,she was very beautiful....All of a sudden, she started dating one agbero guy in the neighborhood.She was working with a bank then. Someone everyone looks up to. Her parents refused the guy but she insisted that is the person she want. Even their pastor couldn't convincd her.
After 5years and 2kids, she came back to her senses
The man was always beating her, and she lost her job.
She was cleaning their room one day when she saw a calabash with her name and money tied together....She said that agbero can never be her husband.Now she is back to her parents house and yes some useless men do jazz....
wow 😱😱😱😱
DeleteSee something!
DeleteThat's why sometimes when you see a lady or man saying that it's either this man/woman or no one else even after the family have found out that the person isn't of good reputation, then you know something might be wrong somewhere.
If it's God you know or it's baba you know run for the person's sake.
Save a brother /sister from becoming a scapegoat so had I known wouldn't be at the end.
This life is very deep.
things dey happen
DeleteFine ladies 👆there
ReplyDeleteGood afternoon all.
ReplyDeleteWho else dreads night like me?
ReplyDeleteI dread night so much cos it comes with almost every bad things.
Ranging from armed robbery to assassination to rape and lastly witchcraftry(if there's any word as it shall).
IN as much as I love sleeping at night, I don't just like Night.
I'm with you. I dread it so much that I pray as if it's my last. God help me.
DeleteI love the night.
DeleteI love the dark.
I can stay in a dark room comfortably for days BUT put one person in that dark room, even half of a person and I'm super uncomfortable, I'll flee.
Good things happen at night too. Do not fear.
The good lord will see you through .You should have known you will give birth when you were receiving the Dik skin to skin and it was sweating u
ReplyDeleteNo be only sweating u na sneezing you.itibolibo.
DeleteMadam afraid of labor, I understand your fear. At a time I felt that way. Do u know why? I was reading and hearing so much stories about abor that it made me cringe. I became afraid anytime I think about the D day. I wanted to watch the video of a woman giving birth on YouTube but I cautioned myself and didn't watch it, if I had watched it, who knows? I might have been too afraid to continue.
DeleteI just removed everything concerning labor from my mind, concentrated on taking each day as it comes, ate, took my drugs, walked and had my rest.
Anytime I remember the fear about labour, I will also try to remember the fact that I will see my baby at the end of it so that it what matters.
I don't know if u still have your mum, she is in the best position to talk to you( if she is enlightened). U don't need those that would hush you down( believe me thaz what a lot of people will do ), just someone who will discuss with u and lay your fears down.
I won't lie to you dear, labor ain't easy but at the same time, it's not same for everybody. Some stay in the labor room for hours, some just for a few minutes( mine was 30 mins including the stitching et al).
So my dear, remove the fear from your system, stop listening to all the horrible stories, watching horrible videos etc, just tell yourself, I Can Do it. My mum did it, my sister did it, my friends did it so YES, I CAN. At least this was what I did.
I don't fancy having blog friends as a lot of things happen here but if you are a good person who doesn't like drama, u can mail Stella for my email address, we can progress from there. I'm only doing this cos I'm seeing a lot of me in you, u just being afraid just like I did, but guess what dear, my baby is fact, today made her 6 weeks. All those so called pains and all I don't feel them anymore.
Jisie ike my dear, remember, tell yourself You can do it.
Stop listening to people telling you how scary labor is. I had to delete all app on pregnancy &delivery I downloaded, it can be overwhelming at times. Believe you can do it and pray for God's help.
DeleteUnknown what a very silly thing to say, even with your level of intelligence.
DeleteWelcome ihn
ReplyDeleteUnu good afternoon
Today faces of IHN are faces of super models! You are all beautiful ladies....
ReplyDeleteI am grateful for all the things that I have and things I'm yet to have.
I am most grateful for life and good health.
Use your time wisely people, nothing on earth lasts forever except your personal relationship with God.
the poster with delivery scare,its totally normal to feel that way,theres nothing wrong with you,you can also choose whatever youre most comfortable with,if you want a ceasarean please go for it..
ReplyDeleteOlubukola u is very not normal.she is allowing the devil to taunt her with d spirit of fear.And she claim to be a Christian.
DeleteAll thru my 4 pregnancies never for once that I was afraid and its not as if I'm that Jim Jim christain o but I never gave room for she saying she always pass out cos of fear is abnormal.she shld go for deliverance abi she kill somebody ni.
Good afternoon everyone
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, it is not right for employment agencies to collect money from job seekers. They should rather charge employers making use of their services. I always advice job seekers not to pay money to anyone in order to secure a job. They should run away from such people.
ReplyDeleteNa wa oh. Someone cannot run his business the way he wants again. Let me tell u, there's a website I'm keeping that I can use to search for work here, when the time comes. And it's actually a paid website. You can view the jobs but can't access contact until you pay and it's totally okay. It's business and the sole purpose of starting business is to make profit.
DeleteI'm glad the person put it up there. So it's either u contact him or u don't. And if it's guaranteed that you'd get the job, then 3k is a small price to pay.
It's not guaranteed OBVIOUSLY.
DeleteIf it was, the person OBVIOUSLY wouldn't be charging 3k.
Eka Joy, God blessings will not depart from you. Even mc pinky that is a man is blaming the groom outrightly, not the bride for her ugly, unbelievable attitude and character towards her mother inlaw on her wedding day, yet he writes columns about characters and way of life. You can see some BVs don't know what they write, they are two faced, living differently from what they potray here. I have never seen an adult who is not even related to you, slap a younger person and he/she retaliated, even if the person was right. It has never happened. Now we are talking about your mother in law? She was not trained at all, won gberana rara. The whole village people of that guy suppose to stand in unity and ban her from marrying any man from their state.
ReplyDeleteMy worries are why did the bride got herself involved with the food on a day supposed to be her happy day? I thought there are usually committee of friends handling such? I blame the bride in all this even though I will also condemn the mother in law. I won't tolerate it for anyone to slap my mother, not in my presence. If she can do this to the mother in law, then I doubt if she have love for the husband. I guess she will treat the man more badly.
DeleteBeautiful ladies on the cover today,jazz might work but later on it will stop working, it sure doesn't last forever.
ReplyDeleteI know we focus a lot on make up, but trust me, there's no amount of make up that will take away attention from a wrinkled neck, wrinkled hands/ sand paper palms and turkey feet.
ReplyDeleteSadly ladies don't seem to pay even one tenth the attention they pay to their face to these parts.
Too many ashy knees and wrinkled feet and hands attached to brightly made up faces.
I wonder why most people take definition out of context?
ReplyDeleteThe word ‘feminism’ in Nigeria has a totally different concept. For those arguing blindly please check your oxford dictionary or google before opening your big mouths to argue blindly.
It means advocacy for female rights on the context of equality. Unless you feel that females are below males then you do not believe in the context.
If you believe that men and women are equals then you are a feminist(both male and females).
Those who believe in equality of sexes and still argue on feminism please pick a struggle because you early are contracting yourself and do not fully understand the meaning of the word.
Enrich your mind and brain and please stop arguing blindly.
So I had a late breakfast because i'm watching my weight only for me to over feed. Who is after me?
ReplyDeleteThe lady that refused to do jazz, you have sense.
Haha haha Your food is after you. I did lemon and hot water and the rate I lost weight, God forbid o. Nobody told me to stop. Abeg I need the fat you guys are running from
DeleteYen yen yen .@Same girl👆 up there. Don't you get tired😲😤
ReplyDeleteOne week one lie. Ahhhhh
Anon don't mind her.same person claiming 2 persons.
DeleteBig babe in lag and church rat that hide remote in pant in ABJ.
I think I know this anonymous, the person usually used that yen yen yen often with her ID most times. Yes she is a lady. I won't be surprise if she comes up to claim she is a man.
DeleteTeejay be looking for trouble u hear.when they open ur page now u begin suck ur thumb crying with kelebe running down ur nose.Eka no mind am u hear
DeleteWow!!! So I have a page in SDK? This is wonderful and I like that. So you see nothing wrong for a bitter person to sit at the comfort of their house and spew thrash on people they don't know, calling them liar.
Delete@ Teejay,
DeleteI know you are referring to Eka Joy but you are so wrong even though I'm neither the anonymous above nor Eka Joy.
That person isn't Eka Joy cos I have seen other Bvs use 'yen yen yen'. Besides, Eka Joy doesn't have monopoly over 'slangs' so, why would you think she's the one? More so, I do not believe she would go anonymous for anyone.
Learn to mind your business with your dirty grammar and try not to pit heads together.
Even if you ain't a normal person, can you just pretend to be normal by pretending you actually practice all the religious Bs you write about?
Nwanyi Afikpo.
TeeJay lols. You love trouble sha
DeleteIt's so funny and laughable that you guys are mentioning them when I didn't even mention any. The person you are all calling why are your minds running towards her? Is she the only female in this blog? I don't just understand how some people start calling names up and down. @Nwanyi Afikpo or Abakiliki I think you need medical evaluation, I doubt if you are normal. What made you certain of the person I have in mind? Can you prove that if call upon? Please get a life.
DeleteCan someone recommend a long lasting lipgloss?
ReplyDeleteI don't use lipstick, so gloss is pretty much all I can stand. I've tried Sally Hansen, it's really good but doesn't last long. *sad face
And I hate Classic products.
Any recommendations appreciated.
Tried Colour Pop?
DeleteI use sleek . It stays on a long time.
DeleteI use Sleek pout polish. It's really nice and lasts.
Delete@Shooter Gyal, I have a severe reaction to matte lipstick so I avoid Colourpop. Not sure their matte lipgloss will be any different.
DeleteI love their bold colours though.
Chocolate and Castle Windsor, will check for sleek tomorrow.
Thank you ladies so much!
try shea butter, yes you heard me, ori...its peels the dry skin on your lips and leaves it very soft, thank me later
DeleteHeyy you can try zaron lipglosses, they last long
Delete17:54 My lips are not dry, just sensitive. Thank you.
Delete17:56 I've tried Zaron lipgloss once, didn't like it. Thank you.
You can try oriflame lipglosses, even their lipsticks because they moisturise very well. Guaranteed 12 hrs
DeleteSeriously Kemi?
Delete12 hours???
Will add that to Sleek then.
Even 3 hours for a lipgloss is super impressive.
Many thanks!
Sorry, not to misled you, the 12hrs is for the lipstick, although I carry my lipgloss for almost 7hrs i.e I don't lick my lips AT ALL
DeleteGood afternoon mummies and daddies..💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
ReplyDeleteMy Passing Out is around the Corner💃💃💃
This sun is so so ozonicating
Good afternoon people .
ReplyDeleteI ask yet again, BTW Got2b gel and gorrila Sunot gel which is better and longer lasting? Having in mind that my hair/edge is 4C hair type.
please I need your answers. Thanks in advance.
Gorilla snot gel.
DeleteThanks Choco Baby 😍😘.
DeleteMy hair is 4c too and gorilla snot gel didn’t work. Got2b is way better for me.
DeleteBeautiful faces up there
ReplyDeleteMs A are you really expecting another baby?
ReplyDeleteHave you reconciled with hubby.
I'm so happy for you
I am not expecting a baby o....
DeleteI am expecting success in my endeavours.
Thank you.
Pregnant poster with fear, my dear I was worse than you,but trust me,when labor comes all you would want to do is to push out your baby and be free. .And of course dear you can have a CS, it's your choice.. Very soon it will be a thing to look back and laugh about...God be with you
ReplyDeletePregnant Poster, fear not, though I am going to tell you the truth. Labour is painful, extremely painful; especially if it is augmented,but it is worth it.
DeleteYou have to prepare your mind for the pain and at the same time remind yourself that you're going to go through pain to bring forth life. Believe me, the pain is worth it.
If for some reasons, you feel your threshold for pain is too low, you can insist on C Section. I had my baby through C-section but it wasn't by choice.
Whatever route you take, God will go with you and guide every hand that is going to work on your delivery.
Beautiful faces of IHN. Una fine die.
ReplyDeleteThe pregnant lady, don't worry yourself too much, you will give birth when it is time. I think you allowed fear to overwhelm you and this is not good. You better pray against fear. It doesn't matter if it is CS or not. Kill fear.
The lady that wanted to do jazz, thank God sense fall on you. I pity people that do jazz, they are enjoying now but the end is very bitter and brings death. No gift is ever free at all.
Wonderful afternoon all
Thank you Stella for posting my accommodation request. God bless you
ReplyDeleteWow God bless the givers
ReplyDeleteThank you Adeola Ofodum for the creche you recommended.
ReplyDeletePlease I need more recommendations. Does any one know of very good creches around yaba? Thanks
Wow God bless the givers. For business to start with 300k, what do you have passion for 2. your locatioN, what is missing that needs to be sold 3. food stuff is not a bad idea, daily needs,4. Dont invest all d money at once, start really small and expand gradualLy 5 pray for divine direction
ReplyDeleteTo the pregnant BV,please go with what you are comfortable with.Elective CS doesn't need any health issues.My sister did it for two of her kids,my SIL did same,they both didn't have any health issues. I'm sure your Dr is one of those holy holy women who is judgmental.Doctors say CS is the best for delivery,it's just in Nigeria we attach so much sentiments to CS.Wishing you a safe delivery
ReplyDeletePregnant BV it is people like you who deliver sharp sharp. I was like you. But guess what I entered labour room 4:05, by 4;45 I was at home sipping hot tea while my baby was being bathed. No cs, no tear no bleeding. The next day I was jumping bikes. Don't be scared OK.
ReplyDeleteJADE..... Pretty lady
ReplyDeleteJUDITH...... Lovely lady
Olivia... . Beautiful lady
Shakiti y u dey like this bvs no remember u come they type their names here to remind them abi.take ur time o.
DeleteJade no mind shakiti na only u get all those descriptions she listed. I know she's just being sarcastic
I've always wondered what is the differnc between these terms. Sometimes i will just jumble everything together and use. Loll.
DeleteIf you need a biz proposal that can multiply that money by DEC, drop your. Number under this comment. It should be your biz line, I will check back later.
ReplyDeleteTo the person who needs business ideas, why not split the money and try out two different business to see which one works out better, this way you don't have all your eggs in one basket and lose it all. If they both take off and are equally profitable then all the better for you. Good luck!!
ReplyDelete@eka so it is right for her mil to still dish the food even when the bride said no? BTW it is not OK for anyone be it mil or dil to hit anyone in the abroad.
ReplyDeleteThat kaduna Aunty with be every thing them dey give na.those stuffs are sets of neat rags..give those almajari for magajingari...
ReplyDeleteHello people, I had a terrible day today, my direct supervisor gives my surbordinates higher allowances than me, a senior officer,I asked him what I did wrong, or what I wasn’t doing right, he told me if I dint want the money I should return it. I reported him to the HR and accountant, please note this has been going on for so long. I hate hostile work place.
ReplyDeleteMy husband quit his dehumanizing job. I need to rant about SMC - standard metallurgical company located in Sagamu, it is run by foreigners who are racists, they treat the Nigerian workers no better than slaves, some Of the Nigerian workers have died as a result of the foreigner’s non chalantness, one time my husband got hit by a hot machine that swung too fast. No health care plan, they accuse all the Nigerians of theft, sometimes they blow an alarm just to make head count, if you happen to be in the toilet when that alarm comes on and can’t make it to the muster point, you automatically get sacked, and oh not forgetting that they are paid twice in a month, less than 60k in total..I am sad and happy he has left, I can’t tell anyone about him quitting. I am sad because he is swimming against the tides and almost giving up, happy because he gained a lot of experience and skills. I am almost giving up too, thank God I have a job, all I do is pay bills upon bills, I started an online business selling thrift items, no body has ordered anything yet, I am almost broke and salary doesn’t come till end of this month,
I'm sorry to here this.
DeleteIt can be very painful when you are not treated with respect in the work place.
But hold on.
Whether this season out and be optimistic.
The universe will bring you what you deeply focus on.
I'm committing you and yours to prayer.
Sorry to hear, dear. At least you and your husband have each other's shoulders for support. Where love abides only good with thrive. I am happy your husband has left work that did no good for his spirit, no man should be broken just to survive. Many outsiders hate Africans, they will come to Africa because they see the enormous opportunities to gain wealth, but they despise the ppl and this is something that has been happening for hundreds of years. Just remember God is in the midst of it all and when you are down there is no other place to go but up.