Stella Dimoko Pregnant For No One...



Friday, September 21, 2018

Pregnant For No One...

The Christian sister got pregnant and the Church decided to discipline her since she was not married.

When the elders of the Church met and interviewed her, she told them that she has stayed and remained in the Church for several years and no one is marrying her and she is getting to and approaching the age of menopause where she can't get pregnant even if married.

So after reading some Christian medical journals on this issues, she decided and did artificial insemination since she too wants a child. She tendered both the medical journals and the medical documents that showed that she has done the artificial insemination from a reputable hospital.

The Sister is pregnant without committing fornication nor adultery with any man.


Kindly give your reasons for your answer and if possible back it with Scripture, so that we can learn.

What's your position?


  1. Replies
    1. No is not a sin

      God said
      Go into the world and multiply

    2. I know of a lady who did this. She is my friend's friend. She had twins, both boys.

  2. To me, she has done nothing wrong.
    I like to be realistic about life so i don't even have/know any scripture to back it up
    She did what she felt was good for her.. The Church won't fill the void in her life when she's old and lonely

  3. SHe did not commit sin however she went against the natural plan of God for a child, as God intended a child to have and be raised by 2 parents. single parenthood isn't God's plan for man, that's why He asked Joseph in a dream not to put away Mary, His bethroted.

    1. Nope even Jesus was born through artificial insemination so biko what are you on about?

    2. That means if she later marries and raise the child with a man, she's now working according to God's plan?

    3. Anon 14:02....that's stupid and foolish. Where did u get that from?

    4. And where the husband dies before the child is born? God is bigger than all our situations. A lonely single woman who stops waiting for a man to legitimise her womb will not lose God's love.

    5. IF we go by what you said, then IVF is wrong, plus said go into the way world multiply but never said by what means, the Bible never stated only one means of taken in, at a point a man was even meant to sleep with husband brothers wife at one point in the Bible so she can have a child of her own, so what are you saying?

  4. Stella everything mustn't be biblical to be right or worthy, this is one misconception we must correct. Having said that I think it wouldn't be recorded as a sin to this sister since there was no sexual intercourse in the picture. We must understand and know this one thing that intention override actions just like I wrote in one of my article some months ago. If the intention is pure and from a good place then the action often time is immaterial and unnecessary to dwell on. If artificial insemination is perceived to be sin then blood transfusions and body parts donation should as well be seen as such since they are all artificial in the first place.

  5. What is a sin? Who defines what a sin is. Who is the one who judges or determine who or what makes someone a sinner?

    Bv Sugarcassie

    1. Intercourse or No-intercourse is her body and Life, the church will not feed and take care of her when she's Old and Again brothers in church this days go for a younger women because they believe those ones can give birth... She doesn't need to explain herself to anybody...Am very Sure God Understand

  6. some churches re their judgina doctrines.

    In my opinion based on some messages I've heard and my personal convictions. God searches the heart, your reasons for doing what you did. To the church it might be morally wrong but to the lady she meant well for herself.

    For instance satisfying oneself is morally wrong to some people but a Christian who has been doing all things right, observing the scriptures carefully one day gets the urge to please himself or herself not because he corrupted his mind with worldly pictures or sites but he just wants to kill the urge which is normal with the human body so he touched himself and felt OK. would that be sinning too. After the act he still felt clean and holy still in control of his body and mind.

    So you see its the intent behind the act that makes it sin not the act itself.

    #Gracefull #Exceptional

    1. Your last paragraph is it.

    2. Take this from one who enjoys self pleasure when my man is out of reach..... Masturbation to a point of release is impossible without one painting those sexy pictures in one's head/mind. Sometimes with her/his legit partner or just some fantasy scenes....You cant 'arrive' without this..... If this was possible, then we could just stick a finger in our mouth and derive ecstacy even in public! Masturbation needs complete concentration, and vivid imanigations..... and most times, this leads us to deviating into fantasies that will be a sin in the sight of the lord.

      We are weak, but we mustnt cover our sins with logic.

    3. Kiki, just because that’s the way it is gir you doesn’t mean it is that way for the rest of us. I don’t need vivid imagination to do all that and not always complete concentration either. Our minds and bodies are different, the way you’re wired isn’t necessarily the way other females are wired. Sometimes, some of us just need to get it out of the way so we can concentrate squarely on things and that is that. By the way, I’m also a married career woman who’s hubby lives in another part of the country we live in. I have a child and professional issues I deal with everyday, sometimes the sexual frustration gets in the way of your creativity and just need to get it out of the way. I don’t have all the time to be imagining and concentrating like you described so o just do what I have to do and keep it moving.

    4. Yaah Madam Anony..... next you'ld tell us you achieve orgasm from just brushing your teeth.....Enjoy!

    5. Kikik, you’re chatting rubbish. Some people actually orgasm without masturbating or even being touched at all due to intense sexual frustration. Google is your friend. Broaden your mind and horizon. The whole planet doesn’t consist of people exactly like you. You cannot therefore judge people according to how things are with you.

  7. What do we really call a sin? Well I didn't see where they said she broke any of the Ten Commandments🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️.

    1. Exactly....let her without sin first cast a stone!

  8. We'll leave it to God to decide if it's a sin or not.

  9. Is masturbation a sin?

    How did they get the sperm that was used for the procedure again?

    1. If the man had to have a fertility test done and his sperm was needed, would the act be a "sin of masturbation"? I just asked o, I know no book o...

    2. Masturbation is seen and regarded as a sin for the thought associating the actions are impure which is always lust. It leaves one with guilt after it is been done so automatically you can understand it isn't healthy spiritually.

  10. Lmao.. . D one is strong... Well biblicaly speaking.. Its a sin...

  11. Only God knows the correct answer abeg..

  12. I think it's a sin to practice artificial insemination.

    Adoption is OK

    1. Where is it written in d bible?

    2. Artificial insemination,invention from pit of hell to discouraged Christians from holding unto God for child/children like Abraham, Hannah,Rachel and Elizabeth.

    3. keep quiet there, infertility can also be regarded as illness. Sometimes something isn't working right, maybe fallopian tubes are blocked and they need to inseminate.
      Do ppl not have surgery when something is not working right ? Do they not put in heart valves or whatever instrument to aid the blood being pumped.
      Pls leave matter, you can reject medical help when you are sick and leave people to go through medicate route if they wish.

    4. HOw can it be a sin when God is all knowing, the medicine of today, it’s God that put that knowledge in man that’s why medicine was made to cure man, when you have malaria why don’t you wait for the healing of God and hold on without medication weda you no go die. If God did not want man to get to this level of medicine he would have stopped it but just like everything He created which can be used for good and bad, it all depends on choice,
      Medicine can be used for good and bad and giving a woman a means to carry her own child is definitely a good thing, plus you should know that no matter then level of insermination if God says fertility will not take place there’s nothing man can do, it all belongs to God, so yes we still hold on to God even through the artificial process

  13. By using another man's sperm to impregnate a woman is not morally wrong because there is no physical act of adultery involved and there is no intention of adultery.
    But God has ordained that husband and wife, a married couple, be the bearers of children within that covenantal bond of marriage. Whether or not the physical act of adultery has occurred or not does not excuse the fact that the sperm of another man has entered the body of a woman to whom he is not married to.

    1. Not everyone will get married. And that is the hard trust and they may desire a child.

  14. I researched this once cos my friend was asking. Any sperm not of the spouse shouldn't be introduced into the womb if not they were to be cut off from the assembly. It is considered adultery. Lev 18:20

    1. Really? Isn't that about sexual relations? The bible did not tackle sperms because there was no anticipation of situations like this. Technology never reach them.😁

  15. Foremost, a believer has to ascertain like Jesus taught if she is among those appointed to marry: Matthew 19:12
    The options:
    Romans 12 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his GOOD, PLEASING and PERFECT WILL.

    1. THE GOOD WILL OF GOD is what this sister applied. The only thing she did not do is to alert those leaders of the congregation which she hopes to keep attending the step she was about to take. If she were to wed, she would have informed them. For the sake of the weak believers who look up to her and might copy her thinking she had indulged in sexual immorality, she ought to have informed them. Like the scripture says, we should not allow our good to be evil spoken of (Romans 14:16, Titus 2:5, 1 Peter 2:12). The church ought not to have disciplined her for assisted conception except the discipline is for "not informing them". There are prices to pay for doing the good will of God and not putting stumbling block on a weak believer's way; Romans 1:13-23

    GOD'S PLEASING WILL -is for her to wait for her time to marry. Patience is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit that dwells in a believer; Galatians 5:21-22

    GOD'S PERFECT WILL - is for her to adopt -give a home for less privileged children and wait for God to fulfill her in marriage.
    James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

  16. Who cares about what church says? Its what God says that matters,and he says...go ye into d world,be fruitful and multiply! Who is d church to judge? Rubbish.

    1. Just look at the way you are turning the bible upside down. So, when God said go ye into the world, be fruitful and multiply, did He say it should be done through artificial insemination? The word of God is complete and perfect. God who created mankind already knew that a time would come when people would want to opt for artificial insemination and if there is nothing wrong in doing so, God himself would have made that clear in His word. Getting pregnant through a man whom you are not married to is wrong!. Let's not deceive ourselves please.

    2. Anon..So all the medical inventories we enjoy now were all written in the bible?
      Sometimes make una dey try use una brain abeg

  17. I met a God-helped self-fulfilled Lady. In fact, she is a doctor in a church service one day. This doctor felt she's gotten all, is well made but no husband and was tired of waiting. She approached a fertility clinic and started the process of IVF. She was to have the surrogate fathers' sperm collected on Monday, she came for our usual Prayer Meeting on Friday without telling anyone what she was doing. She had it all planned out, once the transfer is done, she jets out to the US. No one sees her until she puts to bed. Then came the prophecy that stopped all. God said don't do it. Wait for me.

    She broke down and cried profusely. She came out to say she was the one and that she has never muted it to anyone. She doesn't know the sperm donor,the sperm donor also has not met her. It was part of the agreement only the fertility clinic knew both and all the plans. So for the prophecy to be that exact she accepted her fate and discontinued with the procedure.

    It is a most challenging issue. If you are not married how would you get the donor sperm. The sperm is from a man. In all of scripture only Christ birth came without mating of the two individual concerned and that is because He is DIVINE. Every other was through copulation.

    My prayer is that God shows mercy and come through for every lady in this situation. Everyone needs a child if not to take care of you, also to take away your loneliness. Nobody understands you and will take care of you like your own children. Whatever you do for your siblings children, they will still call you Aunty even if your older than their father/mother only your own child will call you MUMMY or MOTHER. You may consider Adoption if the Church is against Artificial Insemination. May God grant us illumination. This topic calls for deeper illumination and understanding for any Lady in this situation. May God bless us all.

    1. Artificial insemination, invention from hell to discouraged Christians from holding unto God for child/children like Abraham, Hannah, Rachel and Elizabeth.Whether married or single

    2. @ Innocent Umeh, let me also use ur line here. Aeroplane, invention from hell to discourage Christians from holding on to GOD like Elisha, Philip and others who flew in Bible times. Iranu.

    3. Sparkle, GBAM!!!

  18. This is a very sensitive matter. I think the best thing to do in such situation is just to adopt a child. God is the best judge.

  19. is well. It is only God that can judge if it is a sin or not

  20. She committed no sin. If you can receive blood from another person, then there is no reason you cannot receive sperm through artificial insemination. She did not commit fornication to get pregnant, so she is free. And there is no where in the Bible God said being a single parent is a sin. She desired a child and she got one without breaking the ten commandment. Or in her old age, will one of the church elders dash her their own child?

  21. Having a Child out of wedlock is sin.

    1. That has to do with sexual relations mumu!! When you have a child without sexual relations, the Bible didn’t say anything about that one. Besides, marry got pregnant out of wedlock too. Joseph married her after she fell pregnant. As we were all told, it was without sexual relations too because it was an immaculate conception and I don’t see you screaming it up and down that it was a sin. So get off your dum high horse and actually use your head instead of following rhetorics like a blind sheep


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