Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative....


Friday, September 07, 2018

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative....



Hi Stella,
I just want to share my story with blog visitors and probably decide what to do after reading the comments.......

I started chatting with my supposed bf January this year. I went to
his office for a job interview. I wanted to change my job.
Unfortunately, I wasn't successful with the interview. Boo got my
contact and we started chatting. I didn't have any interest in him
romantically when we started chatting but along the line I discovered
we had a lot in common so after our first date in March we mutually
decided to begin a relationship.

I work and I am earning averagely well. Boo earns twice my salary so I
was a bit free to talk about money with him since I least suspected
even guys who earn well could be gold diggers.

Unknown to me, Boo had shared my contact with two of his friends and
told them they could have me.

The two friends chatted me up on whatsapp. I wasn't initially
responsive to both of them but one of them kept persisting.
Eventually, I and boo friends started talking but I clearly told him I
have a bf and that I would never cheat on my bf.

Little did I know that boo had shared every details of our
relationship with him.
Along the line,he realised I was not the kind of person boo painted me
to be so according to him, he fell in love with me and genuinely
wanted me. Boo told him to leave me alone, but he refused.

In other to discourage him from pursuing me further, boo began to say
very nasty things about me to him. He told him I have a wide vayjay so
if it's the sex he is pursuing me for he should forget it that he
won't enjoy it.

Even after all this talk, boo friends refused to give up. He was
willing to travel to my location to see me.
When boo discovered we were trying to meet, he decided to confess what
he had done but he didn't tell me how deep he had gone.

I kept picking boo's friends call without letting him know I was aware
of the game. After like 3 days, I decided to let boo friend know that
boo has told me what he did.
Then boo friends out of trying to paint himself as the good guy opened
up all boo said about me to him. Boo friend told me boo was simply
with me because I don't ask him for money.Even when I visit, I don't
ask for transport money.It's in my nature not to ask men for money. I
plan myself around my monthly income and don't exceed it for any

I try to be contented.

Boo's friend told me that boo's plan was to keep acting like he really
loved me, then eventually ask me to support him so he can relocate to
Canada and then when he is stable i can join him. When he gets to
Canada, marry a white lady for papers and dump me. I had in one of
our conversations told boo I was giving my sister 2 million naira for
a business and that she will return the money with interest.

I shared my financial status with boo because I thought he was better
off financially and so can't be a gold digger. Little did I know that
even guys earning well can be gold diggers.(I am sure of his monthly
income because I have seen his income statement and know where he

I have ended the relationship with boo and blocked him on whatsapp. He
is however apologizing and begging for forgiveness.
Meanwhile, boo friends has apologized and is asking I give him a
chance, that he wants a loyal girl like me and promises never to break
my heart.

Boo and his friend are currently fighting. They no longer talk. I am
honestly confused about what to do. I am 26, boo is 29 and boo's
friend is 31.

I have however learnt my lesson though. Men are very selfish people
and are not loyal. Acting all independent tends to bring men who are
interested in you because they don't have to spend and not because
they really love you. I don't think I can ever trust any man ever
again because you can't really tell their motive.

This is my second bad experience in a space of 2 years. My ex started
giving me attitude when I started having issues with my job and was
about to be sacked. Thankfully I scaled through and wasn't sacked. He
came back begging but I refused and decided to move on to yet another
yoruba demon.
It is well..

*Tufiakwa for this kind of men...WTF!!!

My dear,forget your boyfriend and his friend and move on....Do not accept him back,he is bad news and his friend is a hand grenade waiting to explode in your face.....


  1. None of them deserve you and the earlier you remove yourself from their childish games the better. Be glad you found out before things went south, block his friend too unless you’re desperate for a relationship because you sound like you want the give his friend a chance. You’re a grown ass lady stop getting involved in secondary games from teenage boys in adult bodies.

    1. Next time use the word 'eager' rather than 'desperate'.

    2. Linda has told you girls several to stop acting independent around guys. Una no they hear word. Pls leave those small boys alone biko. Your own man would discover you and love you for you.

    3. And who is Linda again? The promiscuous fetish lady? Lol

    4. What you guys fail to get is that not everybody is wired to ask guys for money. If you give fine if you don’t fine it’s not about acting independent. Poster leave all of them alone. Do not consider the said friend. It won’t end well. I find it disturbing that you still refer to the ex as boo.

    5. @ Kik as in ehhhhh
      Boo thus boo that
      Poster pls leave both, the other guy too is coming for your money

      Why do u expose your money to guyz

    6. Boo=❌❌❌❌
      Boo's friend ❌❌❌
      The End.

    7. Doppelganger you are always on point with your advice how do you do it? You must be a very wise woman.

  2. Stella has said it all, delete ALL of them. They are all the same.

  3. Break up with him before the end of today

    1. Please poster, stay away from both of them, they might still be playing the game with and pretend as if they are quarrelling.
      There might be a bet on you. Please run away from them biko.

    2. My dear run far away from those guys, don't even venture with meeting up with any of them to work things out.
      These are sick adolescents, not even men. They are the type that can carry out gang rape with their friends. After he is done with you, one friend after the other will come in to take their turn.
      Iv heard it happen.

  4. Why are you still referring to him as boo? Someone this Evil?
    Please do not accept any of them! Both 'boo' and his friend.

    1. God bless you 🍬 candy crush. She almost got me confused with "boo this, boo that"
      The 😈 devil is a boo.

      Both of them are kids. Drop them both and move on with your life. You deserve better.


    2. Toh! I commented without seeing your comment. It’s disturbing.

  5. they ain't worth it jorh. don't worry, the right man will come. stop worrying yourself about those demons. stop talking to both of them. infact block them asap. birds of a feather. his friend might even be worse. tueh... I don't know why some guys are like that. my dear move on jare. you just dodged a bullet

  6. U still dey call ham Boo sef.

  7. I don't trust your boos friend,They are Birds of a feather.
    Move on abeg
    Ndi uchu!!

  8. you even have time to chat with people you don't know. once I see an unknown number on my WhatsApp, i don't even bother to reply back when they start talking trash especially if I know I didn't give you my number. but it's still a good thing you found out on time. pls don't go back to that guy. don't even talk to his friend again. they should fight and kill themselves if they want to

    1. One sent me a whatsapp message out of the blue.
      Said he was a pilot blah blah.
      Someone that looks like he feeds on guinea corn and raw pap only once in 3 days. (his dp picture was up)
      Maybe he is a pilot of a bycicle sha, I adjusted my wig very well and blocked the niccur.
      If I waste one syllable responding to things like that, my spirit will not be happy with me.

    2. LMAO....
      Chai! This got me laughing like mad at work!

    3. Anon 15:58... LMAO!!! U just killed me with this comment.

    4. Anon 15:58. Chai.... Lmao

    5. anonymous 15:58 is mouthed 😂😂

    6. 🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 feeding on what 🤣 chai Nne you is mouthed with a PHD certificate 😄😄😄

    7. Anon15:58 pls who are you😭😭😭😱🤣🤣🤣🤣. I need to be your friend abeg, this world will hear it kai. You sabi pass me

  9. Forget those two bed breakers abeg.
    Next time code ur bank account, even if he's earning more than u.

  10. The first red flag was him calling you from the information on your cv, that was unethical. I am sure you saw other red flags but ignored them. You shared a lot with him in a very short space of time, too much actually. Let this be a lesson to you for the future, all you lost was a little pride and peace of mind, many have lost way more, so thank God for looking out for you and protecting you.

  11. This is so sad. So which do we do now? Ask them for money for every little thing or play miss independence? I'm really confused here. Please tell me what we should do and tell me why you think so.

    1. Actually when you are in a relationship with a person who places value on you, the person automatically anticipates your needs.
      You won't have to always ask like a whining child in need of one thing or the other.
      The same way you anticipate the needs of people you love.
      If your boyfriend is ill at the hospital, obviously the first thing you think of is what type of food, fruits you can bring.
      If he would like books, magazines etc if he is a reader. If you can sort out any pending tasks of his whileincapacitated.
      If he is not working, you won't sit back on your haunches waiting for him to beg, if you have, you contribute to paying his hospital bills.
      If he is a good person, he will do the same for you in a split minute.
      The moment when you have to start begging asking, gosh, especially when you are a generous giver...
      You are dating a stingy, greedy parasite and you are the host.
      Of course, there may be time when you need a huge loan for a project, by all means ask.
      Even if you don't get the entire amount, you will get something.
      Giving is an intrinsic part of Love.
      The reason why it's so absent these days, is because people are operating on the frequency of lust not love.
      And make sure you repay on time as agreed. Being in a relationship does not mean we disregard basic manners.

  12. Waooooooh. The hearts of men. Congrats girl, God saved you. See how he threw confusion into the camp of your enemies in guise of friends. You are still young girl, concentrate on having fun and being happy, the right guy who will appreciate you for who you are will come and pray too.

  13. kirsten coconut oil Abuja080352397977 September 2018 at 15:21

    My dear move on with life, the right man is coming

  14. Choi! Wetin dis world sef dey turn into! Aunty nor gree any of dem again o! Fit be another roller ride of deceit! Na people like dat God dey bless with plenty beautiful female daughters with plenty high blood pressure! Jump and pass biko! Nor worry God go do you better!You hia?

  15. You don’t want to be with a man who is solely interested in your earning power. Even when you have pretend that you don’t to have him stand on his feet. Personally,I don’t spend a dime on any man. If he wants to see me, fuel my car or pay for my cab.

  16. Pls stop talking to both men they are losers & Pls stop showing madam independent to our Nigerian men they always feel inferior with it, learn how to collect money from your man stop giving them free osho in the name of bea & boo Pls, when you collect money the man treats you with care cos he has something to lose if you dump him, ekwuchakwam

  17. It's a pity things turned out this way for u. Pls ,I suggest you forget about boo and his friend. Don't ever tell any man that is not ur husband how much u are worth. Pray and ask God to send u a good man. I leave u with a prayer that God will give u joy and peace.

  18. They are both trash. Keep away from both of them and never lose hope. Those two bad experiences do not define all men OK?

  19. Don’t dare his friend, u would regret it if u do, I don’t have strength to say more than this

  20. Delete him and his friend from your life, a better man will come your way dear.

  21. You had better leave them both..
    They will try everything to reck you..

    Just leave them
    Leave them
    Leave them
    Leave them oooooooooo

    Leave them..
    Please leave them
    Just leave them.
    Leave them both...

  22. Please dearest don't accept any of them, both are bad news. You are not too old, the right man will come around trust me.

  23. Oba Awon Oba thank you for throwing confusion into the Camp of her enemies.

    Do same for me

  24. The two men are birds of a feather. Let go of them and next time keep your financial status to your self.

  25. They are both bad news, pls stay away from them and stop showing men you have money, keep that information to yourself alone. God will guide and help you

  26. Some men are really Silly.Na wa o. Thank goodness that his plan was exposed. Poster, please, block the friend as well. Your ex might want to use another person that you do not know, please, be careful. This kind of a man can plan for you to be gang- raped. Never mind, you will get a good man soon. Pele.

  27. And you are still calling him boo ontop of all his rubbishing,it shows you still love him. Please dont ever date that his friend cos they are birds of same feather. Cut ties with both,avoid them..that's if you can o but for your own good.

  28. Babe forget the two efulefu men and pray to God to connect you to your missing rib.. The two of them are birds of the same feathers.. You now the rest..
    Ladies seeking for life partner should pray and seek God's face for direction becos him alone God build a perfect home.

  29. I just kept reading boo boo boo, hia. Untop of everything you are still booing. Okay let me gently advice you,madam please boo away from boo and boo friends. they are all boo boos immature boo boos I mean.

  30. please forget about the both of them and in your next relationship stop doing madam independent,men actually likes it when a woman asks them for money it helps Thier ego, Pls ask for money next time.

  31. Am I wrong or is Boo not supposed to be an endearment?
    How can people type things like “Boo beat me up,Boo stole from me, Boo is a beast”
    This one should not even get the promotion of an Ex.
    At this point his name should be MF.

    Kindly throw both of them away. Cut all ties with them.

    1. hahahahaha Iphie I was wondering myself, Boo indeed. You were not in a relationship my sister, it was just a game between friends.

  32. So sorry dear. I know how betrayed you feel right now. It can be so heart breaking. Let his friend go, you can never tell it can also be his own way of getting you, it might even be a game n tactic of his friend tasting you too. You will be so shock that the fighting is not real. And you will also be amazed that it what they have been doing n succeeding at it. And there might also be money at stake. Your boo and his friend are bunch of nonsense people. Block all of them n pls move on. God will compensate you soon.

  33. You are still calling him boo. issor

  34. If should hook up with Loser 2, he will use you to get back his friendship with Loser 1 because he broke their smelling bro code.
    That is how their smelling bro code works.
    He will tell you that the reason he told his friend that your vagina is like a borehole is because he didn't want his friend to pick interest in you.
    All na wash.
    Either way, make sure you are not loser 3.
    Some of you when you get ito relationships your common sense becomes like tissue paper.
    'Love' with your eyes and your head wide open. Men on the prowl can sense desperation,neediness,fear, low esteem in a woman and no how to manipulate these type of women to feed their pocket and ego.

    Thank God your 2M did not enter voice mail. I'm sure he already made plans for it. You would have been paying for one strange sickness or one fake cancer report or kidnap attempt mean while he is chilling in loser number 4's house.
    My dear, since it is love you wat to give,buy a puppy or a parakeet, while you heal and work on yourself

  35. Useless men everywhere! if you ask, wahala you nor ask double wahala! Lead the boo friend on and dump him. Even the boo sef, forgive him, collect him money too and fuck him up. No be only canada him wan go no Afghanistan! Birds of a feather they are!

  36. This has been posted before...I think. But then you've got no boo please. Men like boys..mtchewwww

  37. Why not give the friend a chance? I think he is more sincere than your "boo". Also, it's a way of getting revenge on your "boo". Just keep your money and your p*ssy well.

    1. Take this advice at your own peril.
      It is not borhole they will call that you thing, it is GP tank.
      Meanwhile, the man in questions will be parading around with preek like cigarette stub.

  38. Read my lips 1..2..3 run run run useless men .don't worry my dear your prince charming is coming .never give up in cos God is love.

    1. Had she made herself a princess? Don't you think prince charming deserves a 'princess decent'

  39. Pls dump and block the two of them. Never you discuss your salary and income with anybody, don't feel sad about it, just thank God that your ' boo secret was revealed to you. Next time, be secretive and open your eyes well.

  40. This was already share somewhere else, is it that the poster is going about sharing this story everywhere?

    Because I'm sure I read this on Nairaland some days back.

  41. Stop following Yoruba demons una no go hear now he don chop you clean mouth. Look for those unromantic Igbo men who are not interested in your money or those scammer south-south men.
    Good men dey sha but you must be careful of the men you roll with and again i say, close your legs ladies, again I say, close your legs. If he wants sex, let him marry you.
    I am a man and made a decision never to marry anyone I ever slept with, 21 of them. God sha forgave me and gave me a brand new non-tested machine. Lots of men these days are out to deceive women so before you agree for a man, observe, watch, pray, snoop, bookmark and do all researches before agreeing to date or marry him.

    1. "God sha forgave me and gave me a brand new non-tested machine"
      So who will make do with all the ones who have been ejaculating inside?
      Bastard animal, piss of a dog with the sense of a millipede. It is people like you that have soul ties with 33 demons. I feel so sorry for your wife.

  42. Please why are Yoruba men like this?
    Like I've always written on this blog, I have had them as friends and acquaintances
    and I am yet to see an exception. The worse part is that their ladies confirm this
    quite often like in this case probably. I always wish it is not the case and I prefer to
    get along with people from other tribes than mine.
    Please I am asking this question to Yoruba ladies as they seem to understand this better.
    Why are Yoruba guys very demonic in behavior and schemes?

    1. Many ladies have had very horrible experiences with them but I can't really say why. There are bad guys everywhere but it seems to me that they may suffer more from narcissistic personality disorders and that's why they leave a very nasty taste in your mouth after you're done with them. Relationships and breakups with NPDs and normal guys are very different. This is just an assumption.

    2. not all yoruba men biko man na man. it could b igbo, hausa, Nupe they are all the same

  43. Please dis BOO and block both of them, they are both the same.

  44. Why are u still saying "boo?" Girl delete both their numbers, the friend is planning the same thing "boo" planned just that he didn't say his own out. Be wise.

  45. You're still asking questions. Please delete Boo and Boo's friend contacts from your life straight to recycle bin and also empty the recycle bin fast. Bad eggs. God will comfort with a wonderful man dear.

  46. Poster,they are both the same,block and delete their numbers. Move on.

  47. Run run run with speed on.make your legs reach your ears as you dey run from those guys.

  48. Dear Poster. Sorry for your disappointment but it is actually a blessing in disguise. Trust me, those guys are bad bad news. Please don't even consider dating the idiotic friend for any reason no matter how genuine he presents himself to you. The old saying - show me your friend and I'll tell you who you are might be cliche but it still holds true.

    I've also had 2 bad experiences simultaneously with yoruba guys that left me with major heartbreaks, but you know what, I've healed and don't regret a thing plus I know that there are good men out there so we must continue to believe that to attract it.

    Don't trust people too quickly by opening up your life to them without them first earning your trust. Recovering from damaged trust isn't tea and roses so you must guard and protect your heart. The best ways to do this are to listen to yourself, trust your instincts, watch actions and not just listen to words, have solid boundaries and high moral values and of course above everything else, pray to God before you agree for any guy or enter into a relationship so He can reveal to you who a person is (motives and character) because demons can pretend for as long as possible just to get what they want.

    Take care of yourself and keep being the strong, independent, smart woman you are.

  49. Boo and his friend are pussy nigga. Run for ur life girl!!!

  50. My dear just move on your own man will show face soon. leave the man and his friend they are both cooperate fraudsters that are willing to waste your time . I was once a victim of this sometimes i wonder if it is a crime to be independent


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