
Dear Madam Stella,
I hope this fits in as a chronicle. I need the views of BVs urgently. I don't want to take a wrong decision.
It was some minutes past 11pm on the 20th of August, 2018, I met this lady beside the entrance to my apartment. She was stranded and had no place to spend the night. When I spoke with her, she said she was ejected by the people she was staying with and that it was already late so she couldn't go anywhere. I am seeing her for the first time that day so she is a total stranger to me.
I told her she could spend the night in my room and we would talk the following day. BTW I'm a male living alone in a single room apartment.
I took her in and the following day I ask her questions about who she was, why she was suddenly ejected and what work she was doing. When she told me she wasn't working, I asked her what she was doing in Lagos. She could just go back to her home town. She said she was looking for a job and she has plans to go to a catering school. She was working as a cook before now.
At the end of our talk, I realized that (according to what she told me) she has no one to put up with here in Lagos. So I told her she could stay with me for some time while she tries to fix herself up. I told her that being a man she can't stay with me for a long period of time.
I am a low income earner and I tried my best to make her as comfortable as I could.
For few days, she was a good girl. She rarely go out, cook and do chores. Later on when she began going out, she would return late at few minutes to 12 midnight or few minutes past 12 midnight.
On the 11th of September, I spoke with her nicely about her keeping late nights. I asked her why she was doing that. She answered and said nothing. Her responses to all my questions were short. So I dropped the discussion and let her be. Although I don't like her keeping late nights, I can't stop her from going out since I can't provide all her needs. I may not even be able feed her the way she would have wanted.
The reason for my chronicle:
The following night after I spoke with her about her keeping late night, she didn't return home. She only told me she was going out and that was around 7pm in the evening. In the morning as at 8:30am when I was leaving for work, she hasn't returned and didn't call too. At 9:25am I called her. After a long ring she picked but didn't say anything, I was saying hello repeatedly but she didn't respond for 11 seconds so I dropped the call. Then I sent her a text message stating that she could longer stay with me, that since she didn't come home I believed she had found a place to stay. She didn't call back and didn't reply my message too.
I closed early that day and went back home. At 3pm she came in. I told her that I had called her in the morning but there was no response and that I hope she saw my message. She denied seeing any call or message. I told her to check her phone right away. She did and said she didn't know I was the one calling her that she has several contacts with that name. After telling her to check her messages too I repeated what I sent in the message. She responded that she went in search of accommodation and that she didn't plan to spend the night there, that it was because of traffic. Then I said she should have called me to explain herself and she answered that she had no call card on her phone for few days now.
Hmm... long sigh
Should I believe her?
Should I allow her to continue to stay with me?
Meanwhile, she has stayed with me for 23 days now. Although we sleep on the same bed, I never had sex with her and never made any romantic gesture towards her. Whenever I have any sexual urge I just controlled myself. My reasons are: first, I don't want her to feel I'm taking advantage of her situation and secondly, she is not my girlfriend.
I apologize for the long epistle, I left out some details though.
Thank you for your platform.
*How can you be so careless?It is obvious she has a 'Job'..sounds like she is a Night worker that got even put your life at risk.
what if she is a ghost?
Please be careful and ask her nicely to leave your house!
She might even be working for armed robbers around giving them info...if they are arrested you are going down with them,this is how niceness gets people into trouble...
Please do the needful ASAP!!!
At this juncture I think your humanitarian help has ended. Please be careful.
ReplyDeleteSir please, ask her to leave your house today. Be careful!
DeletePoster,abeeg free the babe. I am very sure you're mad at her because she has refused to give you kpomo. Don't help and carry chair sidown on top.
DeleteI know we should be our brothers keepers but what if she was a witch? Uncle please it’s time to let her go, it’s not fair but that’s what you have to do for your own safety. She should go and sleep where she slept that night
DeletePoster you are housing a prostitute. Just pack her stuff out of your house while she's away, send her a text,leave your house for a while so she doesny meet you at home when she omes. You sound like a really soft person. If you do a face to face with her, she might go all cry baby and emotionally black mail you to keep her.
DeleteIntelligentsia shoro niyen? How many complete strangers of the opposite sex have you housed for weeks before?
DeletePoster go and make silent entry in the police for future reference
DeleteIntelligentsia princess,the man that did this kind of thing to you that made you think all men are same no just try. Free yourself. There are a lot of GOOD men out there.
DeletePoster please send her away. How can you even house a stranger?
If her name is PREYE, comment under. I will send her story to Stella for you.
DeleteThe above is always ejected and looking for men to prey on. She is also into catering.
Delete1. Report to the police what you did now that there is no fight (for the future).
2. Tell her you need to travel home to see your mum and you will spend 3 day (she won't expect you to leave her in your house na). That you will call her when you return if she still doesn't find a place
Delete1. Report to the police what you did (your help to her), now that there is no fight (for the future).
2. Tell her you need to travel home to see your mum and you will spend 3 day (she won't expect you to leave her in your house na). That you will call her when you return if she still doesn't find a place
Intelligentsia.There are lots of good men out there.They help without asking for anything in return.Poster kindly send her away.May your goodness not cause you trouble.
DeleteWhen she leaves don't also forget to change your locks. U need to be really careful, you don try reach
DeleteIs dz d only tin u can vomit?
DeleteSwaglafresh,I really really like you ooh, believe me I do. Forget our past altercations on this blog I really do like your personality. But pls next throw that your advice down oesophageal opening. Tankio .
DeleteFABUlous Princess, tuale mama!!! Always thrilling us with her FABUlous IQ. Buahahahahhahahhahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Delete@Intellingenta your comment doesnot reflect your name. So unfortunate .
DeleteIncredible. You pick up a stranger and sleep beside them. You are either really nice or really Stupid. Or konji don nearly kpai you.
DeleteI can’t belive the comments I’m seeing what if she is a ghost what if she is a witch. Later they will say buhari is the problem. Nigerians don’t have any brain
DeleteFor real poster, you just shagged a ghost...π¨π¨π¨π± *dose sign of the cross*
You have tried by taking her in the first day she was stranded. So if she had genuine intentions, she would have made her way home or she could have sought alternative being a stranger in town. She could be a fugitive hiding from the law or a demented missing person and the family might be looking for her. Question her properly and if possible get the police involved. Do whatever you can to get her out of your place else she gets you into trouble
Delete@Goody...God bless,you voiced my exact sentiments, plus the possibility of something happening to her and she dies in his do you explain that "these days of ritual killings and strange happenings"
DeletePoster, besides the fact that she's a "lady of the nite" ..your gesture can lead to very ugly circumstances..God forbid police case..9ja police lack any sense of conscience.
They can acquit the guilty and vice versa..
Poster don't waste your life and future on a frivolous being..
As advised let her know you're travelling, change your locks, stay away from your place for a few days and possibly drop a line or two at your nearest police precint..just in you'll have some type of legal documentation.
Also ask friends/neighbors to be "witnesses" when she's moving out..
In all, cover all safety grounds/procedures..people don't remember your kindness when something bad happens..a lady of the nite is HIGH RISK..she's of a very risky population and won't mind dragging you down to nothingness as well..
Please do the needful asap..infact tomorrow.
Exactly.. True story;
DeleteA 'relation' (same community), accommodated a girl like this late Dec/Jan.. tho they also had sex and all. After she left, unknown to him, she was still coming around the compound to say 'hello', uptill she stole his neighbours baby and he was arrested and his horrible ordeal began...from jail, to state CID (Port Harcourt) to DSS and even human kidnapping cell at Akwa Ibom.
Thankfully, it's over now after her kidnap ring was caught at Eleme ( it was in the news in August). Lady in question is the Joy Olaka mentioned in the article.
Dude, be wise. Common sense should be common
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
ReplyDeletePart ways with her!
Hmmm...very true o
DeletePoster what if she dies in ur house? Let her leave. You have done your best.
DeleteLet me borrow space here.. Poster u did well for housing a total stranger. It could be you tomorrow you know but i don't understand d last part of ur chronicle
DeleteWhat is she screams RAPE??? Nobody will believe you oo.send her away now
DeletePoster please kindly send her packing. And be very careful.
U have tried ao just send her away
DeleteYou've tried let her go before you put yourself in trouble..
ReplyDeleteLet her go before your blessing turns too curse!!
Maybe she has a gf/bf that pushed her out so she became stranded..has she been standing under a tree since she came to lag..
I usually sympathise with people easily but feel no sympathy for her,i smell trouble instead.
Unless you are already falling for her thats why you are confused if not oga LET HER GO to avoid had i known!
Ya head dey there. Poster don fall yakata for the babe. Afi 'she did not come home', 'she was a good girl who was homely and didn't go out' *in Genevieve's voice* You try ooo, good Samaritan. Remember sey na Naija you dey. BTW you write very well. I expect you to have more sense.
DeleteYour kind dikwa rare. You are really nice.
ReplyDeletelisten to that your instinct, I know it's telling you everything aren't right, nicely ask her to leave before it's too late. Make sure your valuables are safe. Get ready for the worse because she might actually tell you she's not leaving.
I don't get it, she will refuse to pack her things and move out?
DeleteIs she so heavy that the man can't carry her and throw her out?
You just never know, people are crazy in different ways.
DeleteYou are a good man for taking a total stranger in but please you don’t know her family or anyone who knows her if God forbid something bad happens to her or if she decides to pay you back with evil.
ReplyDeleteGive her an ultimatum for when you want her to leave. Surely she must have some relatives or the other maybe outside of Lagos at least she couldn’t have fallen from the sky. Give her transport money but tell her you’re not comfortable living with her and you don’t want to be held responsible if something happens to her since she leaves and comes in anytime. The world is full of evil o, also ensure a close friend or family is aware you let in a total stranger into your home.
Nawa ohh!,,
ReplyDeleteSee how you want to control a young girls life because she is staying in your house!,..
So you want her to stay all day in your one room apartment,cooking and doing house chores for you?...
Oga,you have issues!...
If you want to help someone,do it without complaining!...
I pray she gets her own house and leave!,..
Who knows if you have been trying to have sex with her all these while!,..
I don’t trust men like you!...
Drop her number make I ask her!...
Jesu ππππ
DeleteHe he! Kolo queen, he should drop her number so you can ask her! You too funny.
DeleteCome to think of it. Someone is helping to accommodate you and you are coming back around midnight not that you have a job to your name. What type of cock and bull story was that explanation up there
DeleteYimu. Lesbo alert
Delete@ queen and boss, she no longer cook. She is rarely at home in the evening time. I buy my food and myself at weekends. At times I see her cook Indomie and I just ignore her
Deletecan u acomodate her if u were in his shoes?controlling her indeed
Delete@queen you are free to accommodate her since you won't ask her where she was or why was she coming home late. Back to poster, kindly ask her to leave before she put you in trouble, their lot are good at tarnishing image. If you have money calmly call her that there is an emergency you need to tend to and can't leave alone because you don't know much about her and you want her to be safe also. Tell her to go. Change your locks, move out for sometime and probably change your number. Abeg do this before another chronicle will happen.
DeleteNigerians are the most wicked people in this world!...
DeleteSee them telling the poster to chase her away!...
On Sundays they would be the first to go to church!...
Most single girls goes out in the night including those of you shouting here well except some introvert!...
So what’s the big deal about her coming back in the night or sleeping out?...
Poster,nobody knows tomorrow!..
You don’t know how this girl might be of a help to you in the future!...
I’m talking from experience!..
If the girl is a witch or she is planning to harm you like most people are saying,she would have done it since!...
Well,send her out like they told you..people that suffers like her always end up successful!...
All hail the Queen.π
DeletePoster one nke oma congratulations ooo..
ReplyDeleteEven if you don't care about your self at least consider your loved ones should anything bad happens to you. Besides from your narratives that girl is not a good person.
Fan wetin you yarn there??
Delete"One nke oma?"
E no be Igbo
E no be English
Not even pidgin?
Abeg girl tell us wetin you dey do dey type these days.
Me I come confuse o.
If she tries taking u for granted again, boot her out, u don't owe her jack...unless u have pressed breast only....anyway for ur safety... Let all man find their way.
ReplyDeleteHe nids 2 let her go now n not wait any further
DeleteSee mumu man. You saw someone near your apartment and being Mr. Goodluck you accepted.
ReplyDeleteWhen the Bible says be Wise. No be for foolish people.
You are lucky she no cut your prick as una dey sleep.
My friend send the girl out if you love yourself. If your mama hear this, she will be asking God what wrong has she done that made her son to be mumu
Very risky something. Oga, your life may be in danger o. How can you harbour a total stranger? Who does that? You have mind sha. She's still giving attitude on top. Send her packing abeg.
DeleteMy dear thanks jare. Too risky
Delete@ queen and boss, I should probably send the address so that u can come and interrogate her and also take her along with u, she may not want to admit over the phone that I'm sleeping with her.
DeleteAh, this is very risky, and she's a great pretender and liar,shes even giving you attitude.poster just tell her your travelling let her find her way
ReplyDeleteThis woman is taking you for a fool. I just got angry reading this post. She should leave biko before she puts you in trouble.
ReplyDeleteAt this age, you are taking risk. Let her go before she implicate you
ReplyDeleteSend her packing! You self,what if she's deeply involved in crime? That's how you'll be arrested as accomplice. So damn careless!
ReplyDeleteThis isn't bible times. Nobody accomodates strangers that have no forwarding address. What if she or her bf (trust me she has one) are into illegal stuff. Do you want SARS to pick you and languish in jail?remember if you don't have money you will be on awaiting trial for yrs before they even release you. This will affect your job and your future.
ReplyDeleteYou don't even know if it's a ghost squatting with you and you sleep on same bed.
Pls give her some money towards getting a place. Even if it's 10k you can afford, just tell her people have been calling you and telling you it's not proper you are housing a full grown woman. It was meant to be temporary.
Call her from time to time and send what you can. But this your arrangement isn't ideal.
Not now whey good deed dey land person 4 whr person no want.......operation see danger n apply caution u beta activate now!!!!!
DeleteOga, kirikiri dey hungry you. What if she sleeps one night and doesn't wake up,this is the Mumu story you will narrate at crime fighters Abi? Auto correct leave me o.
ReplyDeleteDon't mind him. Na mumu and for midnight he dey accept stranger.
DeleteIf you think I will call you a good man or nwokoema na lie. .
Poster, if what you stated here is true then your kind is rare and special. You must be a very nice home trained guy but she does not deserve this kindness. Tell her today to find her square root. You don't act irresponsible when you are under someone's roof. Please let her go and stay with those people she slept over in their place.
ReplyDeleteThank you ma'am. That's my present situation,its not a past story. When I was a growing up, there were other children staying with us. All the children shared the same room, both male and female. I have also lived with relations too.
DeleteSo I never had a problem sharing a room or bed with the opposite sex. It's just that the world has turned to something else.
You're a very nice Person and your time is rare but it's time to let her go!
ReplyDeleteYes o! There are many people is prison for crime they didn't commit if anything happens who will believe him
DeletePoster you are good person and you've done well. Now let her out of your ASAP before you regret your action. She's a pathological liar and will continue lying to cover up her lies. She obviously didn't tell you the truth, why she was thrown out. That's even if she was thrown out of anywhere. Please send her packing.
ReplyDeletePoster as Stella has rightly said you are putting your life in danger. The world is a wicked place, tell her to leave. All the stories she told you about not seeing your calls or message are pure lie.
ReplyDeleteAm surprise to read this though, with the way Nigeria is now.. evil here and there and someone is still being careless.. Somebody you don't even know from Adam. What of if she made away with all your properties??? Be careful and be wise.
If you have a wife and she agreed to her staying with you, you would have been home and dry.
ReplyDeleteBut in this case, as a single man, you are taking a huge risk.
Do you feel free in your spirit or at peace with yourself in this?
Do you know for sure what she is involved in at nights?
so if someone goes to "look for accommodation" and gets stranded at night, who does she sleep with or in whose house does she sleep?
If you have a girlfriend, is she at peace with this arrangement?
Kudos on your "self control" but it is a matter of time especially if you take anything alcoholic.
Take time to think and act.
Dear poster,it is good to help.......but no one said you should be stupid about it!
ReplyDeleteYou have done your bit bros,let her go.
To be forewarned...
This poster knows the right thing to do which is to push her out but it seems he is thinking with his dick rather than his brain. Just wait till SARS pay u a visit. Mumu
ReplyDeleteLet that girl leave your house immediately. See how you used your hand to invite a very big security threat. What if she strangles you at night? Send her away immediately, you should have done that the next morning sef. Be ready for a fight because she can twist the story and claim she is you gf(people will believe her because how can you harbour a stranger for 23 days). Also think of it this way, if anything happens to her while in your house who do you call? Send her away ASAP before you get into trouble.
ReplyDeletehmmm...oga you seriously need to develop a "strong mind". this is your niceness will put in trouble o..u will end up learning the hard way. please follow your instincts it can never be nicer than you. the babe na ashawo
ReplyDeleteThank you. My niceness has cost me some things in past. In fact, it made me fall as I was climbing up the corporate ladder and it partly ruined my reputation. The work I'm doing now is not related to my carrier.
DeleteI don't know why it is difficult for me to stop being nice.
Poster, it is not that you should stop being nice, if that is who you really are. It is that you need to learn to apply wisdom to your actions. Bible says be gentle as a dove, but as wise as a serpent. Be wise, that's all.
DeleteOga kind gesture, you are taking in someone people deemed fit to throw out late at night. Wehdone sir! I find it hard to believe you are not sleeping with her for you to still be keeping her after how many days, with the attitude she is giving you. Is her own catering school in the midnight? It's obvious the job she does if you don't know I won't spell it out for you, but she seems like someone that will soon put you in trouble.
ReplyDeleteHmmmm ππ yanga dey sleep, trouble wan wake am...
DeletePoster, you are a good man, but please dont allow your good Samaritan put you in trouble, you have done your part by accommodating a stranger. Just kindly ask her to leave, because you dont know anything about her, nor her family.
ReplyDeletePoster, you have done well by accommodating her for good, God bless you for dat and also for not taking advantage of her but at this stage please tell her nicely to live.
ReplyDeleteIf she has keys to your apartment,no need to ask her to return it..Simply change all the locks while she's out on one of her outings... Since,you already told her to move out. then it's only logical..You are obviously no longer comfortable with her late nights.
ReplyDeleteI hope it is as you portrayed in your chronicle...cos i can't imagine a man living with a lady,sleeping on the same bed without having sex,at least once.
He can change lock,report dz 2 d police now b4 tinz get out of hands n she go lie 4 hin head n dr wldn't b any1 2 either bliv him or save him 4rm d shit hole he will land him sef in.
DeleteEven the Bible say wisdom is profitable to direct
ReplyDeletePlease tell her to go in a nice way coz she could be what Stella wrote
Thanks for the help, but try and discharge her sharp, sharp. If you don't know what to say, tell her your relation is visiting soon. Let her keep off.
ReplyDeleteShe has overstayed her welcome. To even think that you allowed a total stranger stay with you for this long period. No wa o! Did you even bother to find out from the people that ejected her what happened before accommodating her for this long period. Oga, you try no carry your hand bring trouble to yourself.
ReplyDeleteYou are a rare type of MAN. 23days is fine she can take her leave now after her attitude. I have all my benefactors number in my brain. That is how important they are to me. People who have been there at my lowest ebb in life. Just imagine her answer to your question. Dont give her much time, inform her on a friday that she has the weekend to leave your home. May God reward your act kindness. Please let her go before frames you for pregnancy or money owed or something drastic. Goodluck.
ReplyDeletePlease let her go oooo cos she has overstayed her welcome and also, man and woman no dey sleep for same bed when they are not married: odikwa risky. Sometime in 2014, a guy came to visit his friend and he came with his girlfriend; obviously, the friend did not want him around so he switched off his phone and went to sleep somewhere. I came back late and saw two people lying down outside and I was scared so I asked who they were and they narrated their story so I took them in for the night but I did not sleep a wink and I also hid a knife under my bed in case of nonsense; I gave them my second foam cos I had too but there was no incident and they left the next morning.
ReplyDeleteChange your locks ...she is hiding something
ReplyDeleteWhy should you sleep with a complete strangerof the opposite sex on the same bed. Oga nawa for you
ReplyDeletei now understand y she was sent out of where she was coming guy please b very careful(i bliv she b typical igba keji esu),she no tell u any truth abt whr dey send am from & i also bliv she b lady of d night(road side tnz).....she is trouble n tank ur stars 4 not even trying 2 sleep wit her cuz she go di ekun eja.
ReplyDeleteYou are a good man with a good heart. Pls its time for her to leave your house. You don't even know any of her family, what if she sleeps and doesn't wake up anymore, what will your story be or if she shouts that you kidnapped her or she talks about you raping her since, what will you justify yourself with. Pls there is a limit to kindness, make you no use your hand do yourself ooo. What if she is one of armed robbers giving them info, hmmmmm.
ReplyDeleteThere is a lot of things attached to it ooo. She is not even a good person at all. She ought to be answerable to you in everything, she is acting like she is the one doing you a favour. God will help you but you need to act fast and be wise about it, make she no lie on you ooo.
Please ask her to leave.
ReplyDeleteDear poster, you can tell her you'll be away for some days and you don't know how soon you'll be back, so she should find her way ASAP.
ReplyDeleteBro. you get mind. Housing a stranger and even sharing your bed with her. What if you wake up one morning start looking for both the babe and your blokos
ReplyDeleteNice guy! God bless you for your kindness, may your goodness atone for your sins.
ReplyDeleteAmen o!
DeleteThis One Nai Bible Call 'the Good Samarian' Lol
ReplyDeleteUncle U Tried
Poster u get mind ooo!! You housed a total are really a nice guy but that a very big risk you took... please tell her you are traveling and can’t leave her in your house...just got to a friend’s house and stay for 3days... the babe is obviously a night worker before she lands you in gbege
ReplyDeleteMadam Stella God bless you for the advice given to him. I've not even read what bvs wrote, but was just shaking reading his chronicle. It's better for him to ask her to leave asap. He is not even afraid for his life! A similar case happen to my friend, just the same technique this lady used to gain access to his house, but in my friend's case, it was a son that open the door and asked her to get away from there or he will shoot her, I'm sure she and her gang never knew it was a military person 's house. That same week, robbers where caught around the area and this same lady was among them, operating with some guys. I feel like slapping this guy here, who does that! With everything happening in the country now! IF that girl should kill him while sleeping who will know! Who do you arrest? Is he a weaker!
ReplyDeleteGuy! u get mind o.. accommodating a total stranger in your house. let me even ask you if it was male would you have accumulated him in your house? So because na woman she be dats wh u let her into your house .This your story pass me o, first is wrong for you to accommodate a stranger of the opposite sex into your home when you leave alone. What if she is possess she go just bewitch u. Guy if you love your sef better tell that girl to leave your house because from your write-up that girl is not ordinary,she is on a mission and you only helping her complete her devilish mission by leaving her in your house. A word is enough for the wise
ReplyDeleteI once accommodated a male too, an old school mate. He own was even worse. One night he got drunk and sexually harassed our neighbor; a elderly woman.
DeleteWhy did you not tell the whole story,so you seem blameless right?ok to start with something is wrong with you whichever way for housing a stranger,based on your write-up,you need to show her the exit door quick because trouble is looming,and by the way you don't seem new to housing or living with strangers,be safe
ReplyDeleteOga oo, I raise handsπππππ for you,I was like you,years back, and I learnt my lessons, I had allowed course mates whom just resumed for the semester to stay with me pending when they'll complete their registration and get the school hostel accommodation, because I lived off campus,first mistake, I tolerated all their shit because it was for a while and I knew them,then one night a girl went from door to door telling all my flatmates her sad story, she came to write exams (extension) and no where to stay,the guy she was staying with tried to rape her and she ran out,the guys in my hostel just directed her to my flat, I was watching from my window, she walked to my door and went over her sad tales again, I said to myself this my neighbors must be very wicked,come in dear, my worst biggest mistake, as soon as it got to midnight she started making incantations, demonstrating with her hands, like she had evil powers,if she noticed I was awake, she stayed calm, off course I wasn't sleeping,,I couldn't take it anymore and I asked her what she was doing, and she said nothing,deep down I was crying, and I took this book by Bishop Oyedepo-Releasing The Supernatural,I was reading and praying,let me not bore BV's with what went down that night, but that ready to open my doors to stranded persons, part of me, left me that night, as a member of Sanctuary Unit I usually leave my house 5:00am to clean the church, come back and get ready for lectures, as soon as I got to Church I told our leader what happened and she called her name and said may God help you, send her out immediately, that was her 'modus operandi', she was well known in her area,once you ask her to move in,she initiates you into her evil cult, if that fails, she would accuse you of stealing huge sum of money from her bag and she gets you arrested,then you 'll pay for money you know nothing about, my people na race I take reach my house that early morning,I told her straight away, my dear you can't stay with me anymore,see quarrel,insult, cry,for where?I no send,for all I cared about was that God just rescued me from destruction, sorry people for this long epistle but poster the girl has to leave your house asap for the heart of man is evil.
ReplyDeleteE go hard to chase this girl on the long run ooo. She fit change am for you sef, the earlier you do something about her the better.
ReplyDeleteCome this guy are you a fool? Did you at least verify all the answers she gave you about her predicament before you took her in? You don't sound like a prudent and wise person at all. This isnt being kindhearted, this is plain foolishness. How can you just believe a stranger hook line and sinker? At this point, it's pretty clear even to a blind man that she is and has been lying to you yet you're still here asking us if you should believe her??? Come how old are you?? I'm stupefied!
ReplyDeleteDon't mind the Mr nice man. The girl has phone, goes out and comes back very late or days after but she claims to have nobody and you believed her. I just hope this is not a spiritual matter and she's not working for the principalities of the darkness. You have to pray and act your way out of this mess. Next time don't use your heart but your head. Na Nigeria you dey
DeletePoster from all indications you avoid confrontation and offending people.Your being overly nice has led you to this situation and if you don't take drastic steps now it will eventually result to sorrow and regrets. Since you are obviously too nice to a fault, tell the girl you are travelling,then go stay with a friend for the night.she would code that you are indirectly sending her away also make sure she packs every pin she owns, then come back the next day. However, if she is too stupid to come back, you need to be firm and tell her to go.
ReplyDeleteYou got me @ "you avoid confrontation and offending people.Your being overly nice has led you to this situation"
DeleteMay God help me.
Oga, I cannot it it to you that you carry this girl as ashi.... do am finish, she perceives your personality and begin de yarn you...
DeleteYou fall Yamaha, come de few like you get girlfriend, forgetting that you no fit turn a shawl to wife... now, she’s going back to the life she knows and you’re stuck for you’re liking her so much already....
May your niceness not put you in trouble.I have learnt from my mums experience,I am not a wicked person but I don't go out of my way to accommodate people.I don't please people to displease myself.If God only blesses people because of how nice they are,my parents should be billionaires.I help people from afar,I don't do too much familiarity with anyone.Send that woman out of your house,you have accommodated her and you have tried.You don't owe her anything.
ReplyDeleteThe poser is a weak man that has no girl friend and is unable to chase the opposite sex due some insecurity concerns. So he saw this total stranger and knows exactly what she is and took her in to give him free sex and companionship while he gives her a roof over her head.
ReplyDeleteThis has nothing to do with kindness it is STUPIDITY, FOOLISHNESS, WEAKNESS but know that if you have not learnt from doing this in the past you are about to learn a lesson that will reset your BRAIN for life. So why didnt you give her money and discharge her after a few days if there was nothing in it for you....You have become canadian or american immigration that admits refugees and put them on welfare. At least those ones even punch computer to get the history of their refugees. Do the needful please.