Hmmmm this is a very sensitive subject so please do not come in here running your mouth if you have not been in harm's way or seen anyone who was................
I heard a lady passed cos her hubby refused to sign the Papers for CS to be performed on her....They wanted to take out the child and save her but the hubby wanted the child and did not believe in CS or so.....So she bled and bled and passed!
I am wondering ...women who are in emergency situations and need CS,why don't they allow them sign for themselves?I am referring to the Nigeria situation cos a lot of people seem to think that a woman who births via CS is a disgrace...
What are the possible options open to women who find themselves in such situations? Seen any real life situation as described above?
Interesting topic to learn
ReplyDeleteWomen sign for themselves in Nigeria. My mum signed for herself because my dad wasn't around.
DeleteI will opt for CS. Hubby is cool with it. Thank God my family is too Educated to think it's a bad thing.
I had an emergency C.S when I wanted to have my baby. My husband was running around trying to buy additional things on the list doctors gave him for the surgery and they couldn't wait for him to get back so I signed. This happened in a teaching hospital. I think the women can sign if there is no relative or husband around to sign. Women should also be given the opportunity to sign if the husbands refuse to.
DeleteI signed my CS form even thou my husband was present... I told d doctor to give my hubby to sign he refused stating since am nt incapacitated by law am to sign.
DeleteI signed for myself in Europe while hubby was on his way to the hospital, he had gone back home to get ma baby bag.....when he arrived I was already in the theatre and I saw him among the doctors while they were busy with me, like I was in a dream...
DeleteThe woman can sign ooo. There was a time I was talking to some people about pregnancy and all, I now said I wouldn't mind an elective cs if I want to birth any child, hmmm come and see how those people were doing God forbid God forbid. I Was now wondering if that was a curse for them to be rejecting it for me, And these are educated people ooo.
DeleteI have an aunt that did cs for her last pregnancy and she started keeping malice with her mum and siblings that her pastor said they were the one on her case that's why she didn't deliver "normally" like she termed it.
It is well ooo
That hospital can be successfully sued by the girls family, joining the man as co defendant for manslaughter. A woman can sign for herself if she is not comatose and where she is and her next of kin or the person with the power of attorney refuses to sign, then the hospital has to undertake their primary duty which is to ‘save life’. Don’t think that story is real. No hospital al would let this happen. And if this is true, the state should investigate and prosecute!!!
DeleteEven in cases of children being refused blood transfusion by the parents nowadays, as at when I left my hospital, the protocol is to file a police report, get an quick injunction from the judge divesting the parents of the eights to decide for that child and vesting it in the hospital so the hospital can do what it is supposed to do - save a life!
I had an emergency surgery recently and the doctor couldn't wait for any of my family members because it was urgent so as to save my life. What they did was even while I was not too conscious, held my hand in a video coverage to sign the papers and it was done. If not I won't be alive today
ReplyDeleteI get the feeling the hospitals that wait for husband’s consent might be thinking of payment. They might be thinking that if the hubby (who’s usually the one they foots the hospital bills) says he doesn’t want a certain procedure for his wife, and they go ahead with it anyways, he might refuse to pay at the end of everything saying he told them not to + it’s against his belief blah blah blah. Whatever the reason, it’s quite sad. Women’s lives should important enough especially when they’re bringing a new life into the world too........ Just Me
ReplyDeleteI had a C/s for my second baby and I signed the consent myself. My husband was not there and the baby had to be brought out. Did I even read anything they wrote on that paper?
Run a story ("my CS emotions") of a "celeb" that had a c/s and come next day and ask this question and you will see every lady here hail c/s as the in thing.
That was what happened with the Serena's "Post-partum emotions", even when such a diagnosis does not exist in the medical lexicon.
Naija babes too dey follow follow.
These sheeple!
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteWhen I saw that Serena's story, I knew Nigerian copycats will follow suit.
DeleteIn the next one week, you go see someone abandon movie wey them don almost finish...
"my baby cried in the womb and I miscarried... I'm having miscarriage emotions"
Nothing wrong with women all over d world relating to smthn.sm discussions r nt allowed esp in africa.so what is wrg with them speaking up nw?
DeleteWomen are allowed to sign for themselves here in Nigeria.My cousin singned the consent form herself in FMC Abeokuta when her husband refused.He is a Tebliq and claims his faith frowns at CS,the lady signed herself and she is alive with her baby today.
ReplyDeleteI think the best thing is for women to invite their close family members to the hospital when labour pains starts,if your hubby refuses to sign I'm sure your mum or sisters won't.You can only be a wife to your hubby and mother to your child if you are alive.Also I don't know which part of Nigeria sees cs as a disgrace because the part where I live ,it is encouraged greatly if V birth will be risky.And moreover I don't think I have to discuss my mode of birth with my distant friends,neighbors or colleagues ,because mostly these are the people that condemns cs.
Yes oo.
DeleteThe law was changed recently. Women can sign for themselves now. Being that they are d ones that bear d consequences and the husband also takes a new wife in no time if she dies.
Yes. Women can sign for themselves now in nigeria.
Wise up people!
In igboland it's forbidden but they won't speak it out.
DeleteTell any igbo mama, that you did CS, she'll be looking at you with corner eye. Next time she sees you she will be answering your greetings well. #Fact
DeleteUnless the person is completely unconscious by law the doctor has to ask them for their consent. A doctor cannot defer to a spouse for consent if the patient is alert and lucid. Even if all they can do is mark Xbox on the line the patient must be consulted first if they are aware.
ReplyDeleteThat a husband would put a baby over his wife's life is telling.
I did surgery once and I signed the papers by myself. The surgery was as a result of gun shot wounds, though. I feel women should be allowed to sign papers for their caesarian section too.
ReplyDeleteWhy did you have a gunshot wound? Are you an armed robber?
Deleteanonymous 7.57 this is the kind of backward thinking we have in Nigeria that makes people with gun shot wounds bleed out and die at hospitals. Is it only armed robbers that can have gun shot wounds? between the robber and the people they rob who is most likely to be shot is it not the victim? how many times do police arrive in time accost said armed robbers and shoot them? how about people caught in cross fire and with stray bullet? Please adjust your mentality and educate yourself. Learn this lesson today #nigeriastaywoke
DeleteAnon 7:57- your foolishness knows no bounds!
DeleteStella i missed this couch...
ReplyDeletePlease check for bugs oooo. My butt is 2M at grandville.
Well Cs or Vaginal are both normal delivery.
I cant wait to finally be a mom
Werey niee 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
DeleteLolo 2M butt
Hahahahaha the beautiful lolo. Nothing do you.
DeleteI see no reason why women should continue to wait for the husband or families.
Sign and save your life. Life has no duplicate
I think its plain stupidity to place a persons life in another's hands. Why should a human being die because someone wants something or feels differently.
ReplyDeleteWho says women are not allowed to sign C-section consent form? I gave birth in Warri last month July, and the doctor gave me the consent form to sign. It was an elective C-section and i signed the forms a day before the surgery. My husband was supposed to sign but he had to leave urgently for a meeting. When he asked the doctor, he was told either of us could sign, and so my husband left as the person who went to get the forms was delaying.
ReplyDeleteHad my surgery the next day with my hubby at my side and gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.
I'm guessing that the hospitals who insist on only the husband signing do so because they're probably scared they won't get paid if something goes wrong. In the hospital I used, the fees are paid upfront before surgery, so either of the couple can sign as the hospital has already got their fees.
my mum and sister almost ate me raw because I said cs is not bad
ReplyDeleteThis is one topic that needs more sensitization in Nigeria. I personally signed my c.s paper. You are the person undegoing the surgery, so only you should have a say about the surgery. It was an emergency c.s though. Whether vaginal or c.s all of them are natural delivery. You choose whoever you want to tell about which ever way you had your baby. It is confidential.
ReplyDeleteUntil we all begin to see that the important thing is that the mother and child are alive and well at the end of the day, this feeling towards CS won't stop.
ReplyDeleteMy sister had CS for all her kids because she had pregnancy induced BP anytime she becomes pregnant. The first time, when it became obvious that the BP wasn't coming down inspite of the drug (one tiny tablet normally placed under her tongue) the doctor said CS since the baby was becoming distressed, her husband was scared and said he was afraid she will die, you need to see the speed our eldest sis used in collecting the consent form and signed it 😁.
Thank God she did because the baby had the cord wrapped around the neck. Today he's a strapping boisterous healthy teen and my sister is alive and well.
The subsequent forms were signed sharparly by the husband even though the hospital said she can sign it.
Some men never seize to amaze me..... My mom said when she had me, they just park to our new house and the area was very new, it was still under renovation, so they were just few houses around, so she was in labour for three days no body to help, until her mother came over to check on her, and met her struggling with her life, she quickly rush her to the hospital and that's when they finally found my dad and he came to the hospital, the doctor told my mom she has lost too much strength that she will not be able to push anymore that they will watch her till evening if she can't give birth, they will have to carry out a c-section my dad agreed, that's how he waited in the hospital getting to the evening he told the doctor he want to buy water, that's how he left and never came back, the doctor was very angry my grand mother was wailing, then my mom started begging the doctor by 11pm that he shouldn't let her die and please save her life as she still has three children who still needs her, that about 11:45pm the doctor sign the papers himself and told her the baby might not survive any more, my mom started crying oh,the doctor left to get ready for the operation and a nurse came to get my mom ready that when she started feeling pains and told the nurse the baby is pushing , the nurse shouted that she should close her leg, when she couldn't bear it anymore she spread her leg when the nurse saw my legs were already out he quickly ran to her aid before they could put on the hand cloves my mom just push a bit and I came to this world at 12:03am four days after labour. Came to this world on my foot a situation that was both a miracle and wonder to all. Whenever I remember this story eh, I always give God thanks for my life.
ReplyDeletePlease pardon my long story and typo. Puffin will not kill me oh.
Oh!, what a life testimony, I'm so happy for the miracle God performed for your mother. Bella you are the true child of grace, child of testimony. Some men sha, what about your dad how did the story later play out. Chei! Na wah!
Delete@ anon 15:22, wetin consign u with d dad, so u can use it to abuse her later abii...mtshew
DeleteWomen sign their forms themselves now. Our lives should not be put in the hands of another human being as long as you are able to sign or thumbprint.
ReplyDeleteWhy should the decision about my life be entrusted into someone’s hands?
Thank God all that has changed now.
If her hubby didn't want to sign, why didn't she sign herself?
ReplyDeleteI signed mine while in active labor and my husband was around, they didn't even bother to ask him as it was an emergency situation. It is my life, no one has the right to decide the kind of medical treatment I should get, except I'm not conscious at the time.
My sister did cs and I signed for her because her husband was at work, initially her husband was against it, but when her situation became worse I had no option than to save her life and that of her baby.
ReplyDeleteI Lost a SIL about 7yrs ago too. She has had CS twice and decide to try natural birth in a traditional birth center. She was in labour for 3 days without informing any family member except the husband.. The midwife refuse her informing people about her condition. She died on the way to BMH leaving behind 3 kids
ReplyDeleteWHAT? Who ever advised her or told her to do such is EVIL. You can only try natural birth after first CS and is for a period of six hours after which you will be taken for Emergency CS. After the second CS, the third is an MUST and COMPULSORY CS. No doctor or hospital will give you 1 minute of virginal birth. MAY HER SOUL REST PEACE. As for me is CS all the way, two down and one more to go. I shall deliver like the HEBREW WOMAN, has taken a lot of women to the grave. My scars only is A SIGN OF GREATNESS. At the tail end we all go through pains be it VIRGINAL BIRTH or CS.
DeleteThe problem is bigger than you think Stella, my sister in-law had CS less than a week after they went to do naming ceremony as per Yoruba culture. So pple will not know she had CS. I just they vex for my mind. What if the stitches rupturs?.who are they trying to impress. Do vaginal birth babies do better in life than CS? Cos I am not understanding the stigma of CS
ReplyDeleteHey God!!!
Deleteif the husband fail to sign,they will still provide the option of parent, siblings and etc. The world has evolve so much that the learned will even suggest the cs in other to avoid story that touch......Thank God for my life too
ReplyDeleteI had an emergency CS. Baby was in distress, plenty things was happening I was also placed on oxygen as I was wheeled into the theatre. It was really scary. Bp went very high. I saw my husband prayed and cried like never before. All he kept saying was baby plz come back, am waiting.
ReplyDeleteAnd I signed my form.
I have heard both vaginal and CS birth. No one is easy.
Every woman who has had a baby deserve an accolade. No matter the process.
Thank God for His saving grace
DeleteThis was exactly my case; distress baby, placed on oxygen after taking two bags of Oxytocin.
DeleteThings to check before choosing a clinic for ante natal care
ReplyDelete1. Proximity to home and or place of business.
2. Affordability: know how much a cs will cost there
3. Functionality: how efficient are they in performing c-sections
With regards to signing for a c-section it’s best done once you get to your 3rd trimester, this is because in labor things can happen so fast and you dont want lack of consent to cause any delays.
I advocate women should do “double-booking” one in a government hospital the other in a private clinic.
If you have pregnancy induced hypertension or pre-eclampsia please by the 3rd trimester buy magnesium sulphate, labetalol and diazepam and put it in your delivery bag especially if you have to travel.
If you have gestational diabetes melitus, buy insulin and keep in your delivery bag.
Don’t be caught unawares pregnancy is a 9 month old journey.
Avoid traveling in your 3rd trimester and if you must make arrangements just in case you go into labor on the way or in the new location.
No oh!!! Do not buy or take medication when pregnant without checking with your doctor!!!
DeleteI love CS, had all my 3 kids through CS. Hubby was always too scared to sign but each time, I just grabbed the paper and pen and signed. Less than 20mins later,my babies and I are out from surgery, safe and sound.
ReplyDeleteMy wound hurt for the first 3 days but from the 4th day, I was fine. I never experienced any post partum depression abi na wetin dem dey call am cos my mum was always there to help.
I love Cs cos it is so easy and I don't get to stretch my v-jay at all. I will choose CS over vagina birth over and over. I may even have a 4th child and its going to be CS all the way biko. I hate pain abeg,just cant go through the labour ish.
Have had 4 C S. I signed three myself cos hubby not arnd. Mtcheew I don’t even read anything I just sign. Some hospital even ask if u ve a will. As long as Mum n baby r fine I don’t care. Never judge a woman for having a C S birth.
ReplyDeleteIts lack of exposure and enlightenment that make some people see c,s in a certain way,safe delivery is coming out alive with your baby irrespective of how the delivery happened,I was allowed to sign for myself when I had ectopic pregnancy over ten years ago in a Lagos hospital
ReplyDeleteAll of a sudden everyone is now an advocate for CS? Where are those who crucify women on this blog and tell them to do whatever they can to make sure they don't do CS for them? please show up, your Christmas food is ready.
ReplyDeletehmnn anon i just tire oh. maybe they are keeping quiet and learning. we can only hope
DeleteThat’s not true. Every time this story comes up in this blog, we always have lots of people share their experiences of CA. I haven’t ever seen a group of trolls going about telling them they’re better because they had vaginal birth. So don’t try to start that BS