Stella Dimoko Spontaneous Wednesday....



Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Spontaneous Wednesday....

#midweek #hustleweek #saywhatsaywhat #youaintgotnothingifyouaintgotlove #womancrushwednesday #thoseswingingbothwaysbecelebratingloversandcallingthemmentor #fakeorphanageseverywhere #shakingmyheadseriously #nocalloutnecessaryplease #positivemindedkindaway #stoplookingbackatyourmistakeslearnfromthemandmoveon #iloveyou

Good Morning Eeeeeeeeh............

I hear its cold in Nigeria?As in are you people for real?Yesterday we had the worst heat waves ever and i became so weak ad almost fainted eeeeh...Yesterday I understood what 'Ajebotas' go thru when sun touch their body!......I honestly cannot wait for the Winter to come....This heat is nothing like those in Nigeria have seen......HOT HOT HOT  *side eyes at madam hot hot hot*

Here,there is something they call 'Zeugnis geschenk' when your child does well in School...I promised mine and when they brought their results home,i knew i was in trouble and i have not had breathing space since....I promised them Samsung S8 at 400 euros each oh.....I was sleepy when i agreed but they were recording me in case i denied as usual.
Yesterday i bought two new phones and i have decided to 'bone' them today..These boys are a handful i swear..I hear i was something else when i was their age...I wish my mum was alive so that i can apologise !!!..OMG!

Who else bought Zeugnis geschenk in Germany or in Nigeria?When you make a promise to your child and dont fulfil it,do you get hurt when you hear them discussing ''Dont mind Mama/Papa and dont waste your energy getting a promise,she/he doesnt keep promises''.

Sorry oh i seem to be talking about the Bambinos a lot this week,its cos i am somewhere alone with them whilst hubby works so i don hear weeeeeen!!!

End of rant!.
Have a nice day and wish me same oh cos I need am......Dont know what they have planned today!.

Kisses to everyone!


  1. Yesterday after reading the post of Mrs Tinubu ordination, it became so obvious to me that a lot of persons on this blog often comment from a place of hate and bitterness. I said this in respect of what I read. No insult intended.

    First let me state it that there is no perfect church on earth with saints as worshippers. Every church has good and bad worshippers just like some of us here representing various churches.

    Understand this, God can use any one for His purpose irrespective of their past just like Saul that became Paul. So who are we to question God.

    Salvation is an individual calling and has nothing to do with ones husband or wife. So we shouldn't judge people by their family, spouse or even past deed. Most people called by God often don't have a good past but God still find favour in them.

    It will be so wrong to generalize things as a result of an act by a single individual. So much frown seeing Christianity being ridiculed. We have bad Moslem if not worse but have you seen them attack their mosque or Imam? No!

    Criticism is good but should be done constructively, only God knows the heart of men. 

    1. Redeem is just a gathering of singers n dancers to me...

      They need spirit filled leaders

    2. Good morning bvs!
      Stella have a beautiful and blessed day.

    3. Teejay,I love the way you write on spiritual matters,you talked with wisdom in this your write up ooo,nobody is to be condemned if God has not written one off. Nice piece,once again!

    4. Nice post Tj. Gdmorning to all and sundry. Stella i dey hail ooo✋.

    5. Thanks lyn Whyte. Only few persons understand that piece.

    6. Brunette and O.Y.O thanks for the compliment, I am touched with your kind words.

    7. Teejay hate speech shouldn't bother you. When Jesus Christ was in the world they hated Him too and nailed Him to the cross...

    8. Nice piece Teejay πŸ‘Œ

    9. wow weldone Tj nice one

    10. I wonder why this Teejay in his write up, seems so different from the regular TJ.

  2. Replies
    1. Yeah.....the day has finally come. I've bn singing and dancing since 2am this morning. God am grateful for adding another year to my years on earth. Thank you for making me a blessing to my generation. Thank you for making me a blessing in my family.
      Thank you for your grace that found me.
      Thank you for the success you gave me in my exams.
      Thank you for restoration of all what was stolen by my enemies.
      Thank you for coming through for me when its seem all hope was gone. May your name be highly exalted forever more,ameeen
      Grateful heart
      August born, greatest of all
      Proudly Leo
      We're the most beautiful
      We're the pacesetters
      We're the pathfinders
      We lead
      Others follow
      Sai Godiya
      Am born to lead
      Am destined for greatness
      Success is mine.
      Am the best among my equals.
      Anon that asked me to join them for celebration today, sorry for not replying,I was very busy that yesterday. I really appreciate your nice gesture, may God bless you greatly. I could have grab the offer but I am currently in jos not Lagos. You guys should enjoy yourself.

    2. Happy birthday Princess
      Bigger and greater you in Jesus name
      Have a fabulous year ahead 😘😘😘😘

    3. Happy Birthday Princess. May all your lines fall in pleasant places. Age gracefully. Where is the venue for the celebration?

    4. Happy birthday Princess. I came because of you. May God Almighty meet you at your point of need as you celebrate and enjoy today.

      Make I begin waka

    5. Happy Birthday Beautiful! May all your dreams come true. I wish you many happy returns of the day.

    6. Thanks guys..
      Pls who is watching channel sunrise daily going on now? The argument is hot. In fact them dey roast Mr Ojodu inside hot charcoal. Channel TV is truly the best.

    7. Happy birthday to you Princess! Wishing you the best of God's blessings, grace and peace πŸ₯‚πŸΎπŸŽ‚πŸ˜˜

    8. Happy birthday Princess...stay winning!

    9. Happy birthday Princess. Live long and prosper

    10. Happy birthday princess. Live and prosper.

    11. Happy birthday, best wishes

    12. happy birthday dearer

    13. Princess Happy birthday to you. @Princess Tever

    14. Happy Birthday to you, Princess. May God perfect you. Congratulations.

    15. Happy birthday princess,God bless ur new age

    16. A happy birthday to da only princess of SDK blog

    17. Happy birthday Princess of SDK blog

    18. so glad all of you celebrated me today. May God Almighty cause men to celebrate you all in Jesus name. It is wttten I will bless those that bless you,so therefore, I decree whatsoever you all lay your hands upon from today henceforth shall be permanently blessed.
      ESE gan
      Unu deme.
      Thank you all.
      @My fellow princess Yori yori,am glad you came specially for me. Weldone mami,may God continue to increase you.

    19. Happy Birthday. I wish you long life and prosperity. Have a blessed day

    20. Happy birthday Intelligentsia πŸ’ƒπŸΌπŸ’ƒπŸΌπŸ’ƒπŸΌ Whooooop whooooop 🍾🍾🍾πŸ₯‚πŸŽ‚ #itsthequeensbirthday

      Countdown to mine tomorrow #prettygirlsrock πŸ˜›πŸ˜

    21. Happy birthday dear.

      Yes oo tomorrow is my BFF birthday 🎊 . Congratulations sugar πŸ˜πŸ·πŸ»πŸ‘Έ

  3. Good morning lovelies πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

    If a rose smell better than tomatoes,it doesn't mean the rose can make a better stew.Dont try to compare yourself to others. You have your own strength,look for it and build on it.

    All animals that exist where in Noah's ark. A snail is one,if God waited with much patience;his door of grace won't close you reach your destination.Never look down on yourself, remember that broken crayons still color....

    1. The last paragraph is the word! Thanks for this wonderful piece!

    2. Thanks Olori Orente. You just spoke to me... Words on Marble!

    3. Thanks olori, you just made my day

    4. Kisses to y'all 😘😘😘😘

    5. Awwwwww thanks Γ€lot dear. You just made my day πŸ’–πŸ’œπŸ’›πŸ’–πŸ’œπŸ’›πŸ’–πŸ’œπŸ’› and I will never forget this. God bless you.

  4. Good morning beautiful people, I just missed my period, pls mothers in the house what should be my dos and don'ts, I feel pain like menstrual pain sometimes in the evenings, pls help a sister.

    1. My dear go the hospital.
      We don't run Pregnancy test here.

      Good morning bvn

    2. My sister, you don carry belle be that.
      Congrats to you.


    3. Congratulations darling, lemme be an E-aunt to the baby.😍

    4. Hehehe! Congrats in advance. Don't be afraid,just go and do blood test so you can be sure of the outcone

    5. Congratulations babe
      Go and register for ante natal

    6. Congrats. Make sure you dont stress yourself too much. May the Lord be with you.

    7. But some of you, the way your brains are set up baffles me.
      "Ehn I just missed my period. What are dos and donts.
      ARE YOU DAFT???
      Don't bother responding
      When you were fucking why didn't you ask for dos and donts??Mtshewww
      So irritated.
      Use your brain and Google mbanu. "I prefer to use it to fetch matter Ma".

    8. Congratulations dear, you are pregnant but still buy pregnancy test kit from pharmacy and do the test. If confirmed positive, Stop taking painkillers asides paracetamol. Don't take any herbs anymore. Beware of green tea and the rest. Buy pregnacare or any other good antenatal supplement and start taking. Day good food with plenty fruits and vegetables. Go to the hospital and register for antenatal.

    9. Missing period doesn't mean you are pregnant oooo, anyway go and run a test in the hospital.

  5. Good morning bvs.Its a cold morning here. I wish you all a great day.

  6. Good morning and Happy Wednesday to us all. The Lord is our strength.

    1. Stella, have a nice and wonderful day.

    2. Lol the hustle for giveaway is real.

  7. I hate sleeping without light


  8. "All this noise cannot stop Buhari from winning in 2019. He will win overwhelmingly. The noise has no impact" - Oba of Lagos

    Good morning good people of Nigeria


    1. Ive seen worse things happen in this country, that wont come as a surprise... its all bent n twisted out of shape in every institution, just yesterday i read Tinubus wife being ordained the assistant pastor of RCCG by their GO Adebole... congregation of sheep clapped, so u see not just the political sector.

  9. I havnt slept with the AC on or even fan for over a month now, cold nights, im loving it.

  10. Goodmorning... I have been awake since and I'm not happy about it. Really planned to sleep in.
    Hmmm, it's cold here o @Stella.. This morning is even doing like harmattan except no wind and dust.
    I need a boo.
    Have a nice day Stella, have a nice day everyone.

  11. When you hustle well, you spend your money well.. 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎


  12. When I talk or write about the woes of the APC government, it shouldn't be seen as an attack/hate on them nor acceptance of PDP by me after their misruled of many years. It's from a place of total abhorrence and distastefulness that I write over the failures and many lies of the ruling government to delivered on their electoral promises. For how long should we continue this way? This goes beyond personal interest, sentiment and political affiliation. This act of recklessness by government must be stopped at all cost.

  13. Good morning SDK blog BVs!
    I thank God Almighty for all He has done for me and I believe He will always go before me to remove every stumbling blocks and make smooth the crooked road.

    Stella know something we don't know, spill please. Our ears been itching for RHI.

    Kids are fun to be with, it's a fulfilment to have them in our lives.
    So Stella, S8 is 400euros in Germany? I think I will start ordering for anything electronics/phone from Germany. My friend that lives there always tells me that they are cheaper over there.

    Stella is not only Germany that is hot, the heat wave that visit Europe this year, is on another level.

    I don't know why some Nigerians will experience Nigerian hot sun and still decide to come to Europe for another burnt offering during the summer. Come during spring/fall or autumn

    May our day be blessed.

  14. Good morning stella and bvs
    with the love that was showered on chikichike two days ago,i've decided to have blog boo,bestie,mentor,mummy and general mama.
    i hereby nominate stella as my overall blog mum,yori yori na u be my blog mummy (oya comman carry ya geh),errm olori orente and skywhite una mentorship are needed #straight face#
    biko blog boo and blog bestie na una go find me come and if i no see,blog p.a martins u will be my
    ngwanu have a nice day everyone

    1. Hahahaha chidera you are funny. Good morning to you. Hope you will do giveaway like funny princess tever said. Very funny.

      Thank you for making me blush hahahahau

  15. Good morning everyone. I hope to have a great day today.

  16. What happens to us when we die does not depend on the number of Bishops or Imams that attended our funeral. It does not depend on the number of people in the crowd that came to wail or the number of cows that our family slaughtered to feed the multitude. It does not
    depend on how many masquerades danced at our funerals or how many prayers were reverently offered. Most of the things we do for the dead are actually actions aimed at serving and soothing the living.


    Goodmorning to you all

    Ⓜc pinky

    Good morning Stella Nwunye Dimokorkus and BVNS.

    This is me BV JENNEX saying a happy belated birthday to my one and only CHIKITO.
    To you Chikito, I am so happy to witness this special day in your life. As you celebrate your birthday,I pray and wish you all the good things life has to offer.
    May good health, peace, joy, and love find you today and always.

    I met you when I was in a BAD PLACE, and you affected my life POSITIVELY in more ways than you can imagine. You are indeed An Angel. Words will fail me to say how I feel right now.
    God will continue to bless you. May the rest of your years be as BEAUTIFUL as your HEART.
    From the bottom of my heart, I wish you a Happy Birthday, Long life and Prosperity.


  18. Good morning all. Wow, Chikito has a gift for my baby *dancing* Thanks Chikito,your wish is my command, your pockets shall never run dry. Yoriyori,thanks for always encouraging bvs,you have a good and kind heart, you prophesied into my life yesterday in SP and its becoming a reality. Truly as you said,a closed mouth is a closed destiny! Happy Wednesday to us all!

    1. So happy for you. God is giving you a new song.

    2. So happy for your courageous move
      Olowogbogboro will turn everything that concerns you around for good.

    3. So happy for you. Abeg no make me cry with your write up. I was only doing what I know. I am trying to have a bad heart but God has refused even when I try to hurt, I become more guilty. That is why my family don use my mumu button finish

    4. Yoriyori is a prophetess...ngwa come prophesy for me nwanyi oma.

  19. Good morning Everyone
    The weather here is so cold since three weeks now,

    God bless us all

    Have a fruitful day Everyone and you too Stella.

  20. Good morning my people. May we have reasons to glorify God's name today and forever.

    Where is Lady Bug?? is been two to three days now have not seen her comment.

    1. She's on maternity leave πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    2. Hahahaha data has finished. She is owing network providers. Na joke oo

    3. @ED was she pregnant? Augustina good morning.

    4. She's choking on her hateful words mtchewwww

    5. Data haf finish.

  21. Good morning good people.

    Have a blessed day.

    1. You too dear,

      My little daughter's tooth fell off two days ago. She told me she will keep it and pray to her fairy godmother to come pick it and drop coin for her.

      I planned taking it and dropping money for her but forgot. This morning she woke up and shouted mummyyyy....
      I ran upstairs thinking she was hurt and found her crying.

      Mummy, my fairy godmother didn't come again, mummy why? I'm I a bad child? Did I do anything wrong? Mummy I'm sorry....

      I just smiled and told her she will come tonight, that I will join her to call her fairy godmother.
      I pray I remember to play that game this night.

    2. Better don't forget if not we will report you to her Papa

    3. Lol @ yori yori, I will try not to oh! The cry this morning was on another level. Kids are so adorable... May God open our wombs again @ all my TTC sisters.....

  22. A very goodmorning to you all,anty stella you nd these your boy will not kill me,funny mother nd children,am still is cool nd a good morning,is the 3rd day of wofbi..God of oyedepo bless nd guard me nd my love once.

  23. BVs abeg make una reason this matter
    I met an old friend that I've been looking for since on Facebook, I was so happy that I chatted her up. We exchanged pleasantries and I told her how I've been looking for her and she simply asked why was I looking for her that much?.. I was surprised because we used to be very close. I told her it wasn't that serious and she simply said "Ok then" and stopped chatting.. Honestly I feel insulted.

    1. ...10 friends cannot play for 10yrs on 10 diffrent playgrounds..

    2. ohh I can understand your plight cos it has happened to me but you know what,Move no longer how it use to be.

    3. You should have simply said because I missed you.
      People are not inside our heads to read our minds.
      Maybe you saw her as a friend.
      Maybe you did not inspire the same love and trust within her.
      Shining teeth upandan and doing gossip and party is not love.

    4. forget about her that what happend to me and she came back forming friendship me no give her face

    5. Eyah it happened to me. I had to abandon Facebook when even the ones we used to chat before saw what happened to me and started ignoring when I chatted them up. I deactivated my fb account, no social media for now until I get my life back on track

    6. Do you know if she is passing through some challenges. I will still like you to tell her you missed her but if she is still aloof, then block her.

      Friends like these are everywhere

    7. No need to block her,it will be like you have scores to settle. Just ignore her and let her be.

  24. Good morning good people
    Lmao Stella your children are so smart they had to record it, so many unfulfilled promises from my mum while we were growing up, she will even collect your money and say I will buy you top bra but money I won't see, top bra I won't see lol but my dad acts otheriwse.
    Kad-Los W3-660 for 2:10pm by 3pm I will be speaking from Lagos insha Allah. I'm so happy.

    1. Oya now
      Safe landing 😁😁😁😁😁

  25. I'm enjoying the motherhood gist oo. Hahahahahahaha. I'm learning. No child will catch me unawares. Amen! Lmao
    Good morning!

  26. Oh lord pls take charge of my journey today... Bless my hustle oo... Some nigerians are d most wicked st of people u come across....

  27. Good morning everyone, lol πŸ˜πŸ˜€ @ Stella and her boys. my husband promised my daughter and son bicycle and a dress, they did well and he got them for them. I rather not promise them anything than promising and not fulfilling it, they never forget a promise

  28. Hehehehehe, sorry for the heat. While growing up, I thought it was always cold abroad like 24/7 until I started hearing peeps complaining of heat and I was like WTF! , so heat still dey do them in the abroad? Some of the abroadians(mostly those in the UK) will come here and start forming that they can't stand the heat in 9ja, let them come and form shit for us this December when they normally come,na konk I go put for their head😁😁😁. πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

    it's so cloudy like it's gonna rain,chai, see cold o, lemme go get my cardigan.😝😝😝

    1. Excuse....We here in the UK haven't had this kind of heatwave in a very long while. Summer used to come for a few days and disappear but it's quite different this time, that's why everyone is shouting heatwave heatwave. Besides, the sun is here is not as scorching as Naija's.

  29. I wish my husband would be more supportive of me in pregnancy. No sweet surprises or care, I've been carrying everything myself. I know he's not here but there's so much he could be doing to make an impact and I feel he takes me for granted because he knows I will somehow scrape by.

    1. Talk to your husband about it and if he doesn't listen just don't stress your self do the little you can do and rest.

    2. Discuss this with him and know that stress is not what you need this period. No go wound yourself trying to form superwoman, better take things easy. Do what you can do and leave the rest for another day nothing will spoil.

    3. Thanks guys. I'll try talking to him

  30. Good morning Stella and BVs.
    All I saw was the sixth hashtag. Oriegwu really.
    I watched the 1980 horror movie 'The Shining' last night. I read the reviews afterwards and was surprised when the director said the little boy didn't know he was in a horror movie throughout the shoot. He thought he was just in a movie about a couple and their child who went to spend winter at the hotel. I also learnt same apply to most kids in horror movies. Wow. I'd often wondered how people act these horror scenes. Even Russell Crowe turned down the lead role because it freaked him out. Oh well...
    Have a lovely day y'all.

    1. I dislike horror movies 😳 but animations are 😍😍😍

  31. Yes ooo stella, it hurts to hear them say it ooo... whenever I promise to buy something for my kids or to take them outing and don't fulfill, the side talks breaks my heart...kai!!! The oldest will be telling the others, don't mind mommy... lie-lie mommy, promise and fail mommy and all that. Just don't make the promise at all... these kids ehhh...

  32. And my second to last comment, please where can I buy tamarind fruit? The one they add to Ghana soap? God knows I've never seen it in my life. But I've Googled the picture though.

    1. Visit any Indian supermarket like BJ’s in VI or Bazaar in Ilupeju. Better still go to Hausa spots and ask for Samia.

  33. Good morning everyone
    May our day be blessed. Stella your boys are funny.

  34. If my parents promise me anything I will just you at them because it will enter voice mailπŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

  35. And my second to last comment, please where can I buy tamarind fruit? The one they add to Ghana soap? God knows I've never seen it in my life. But I've Googled the picture though.

  36. Your hashtag...."those swinging both ways be celebrating lovers and calling them mentors".

    Ha! See nyash opening....Stella, SPILL this gist in the name of the lord!!

    1. Hahahaha you too like amebo. Stella will not spill unless she is provoked by theme

  37. And before I forget, has anyone had any negative reactions to Apetamine?

  38. Goodmorning lovely people.It's a beautiful day,be positively minded and you will enjoy it.#Peace#

  39. teejay nice write up, I don't know if they live with her to know her level of spirituality,i t is written in the Bible that thou shall not judge,so let's leave the matter

  40. please I need someone to tell me about flawless foundation,a bv mentioned it yesterday , please which shade will someone using Mary Kay 504 use. thanks

  41. Happy birthday Intelligentsia princess. May you continually grow in intelligence & may the protection of the Almighty God never depart from you.
    Happy birthday to every other person celebrating today.

    Stellz, your boys are sooo smart.. good one.

    Some Nigerians are kind when you meet them in person but'd be left to imagine the bile, disgust & hatred that flows in some people's veins.

    May God meet us at the point of our needs. Amen

    1. Thanks @Odun..and ameen to all your prayers for me.

  42. An assassination attempt has been made on my cat. Someone is trying to kill my cat ooooh, woke up and saw it breathing helplessly with broken ribs,tail and legs.

    Omg!!! How heartless can people be? What has my cat done to warrant such inhumane act. Bvs please pray for my cat we are at the vet waiting for the vet Dr.

    1. Your cat is a Cat went to work and got wounded.

    2. OMG. Much as I don't like cats but what that person did is bad. I know you are hurt, please don't let it get the better side of you.

      Cat receive healing and comfort

    3. sorry oh, but are we talking about the animal Cat that walks on 4?

    4. You mean catfish? Berbecue things...πŸ˜‚

    5. @oxygen Yes cat as in pussy cat. @sky see you, where u see cat fish?

      Ooooh this my neighbor will surely see the other side of me I swear on the life of my cat. How can she tell me she mistakenly step on it while reversing? Seriously? How stupid does she really think I am? Do u know how fast cats are? You step on it while reversing and the weight if the car din't crush the two years old cat and it still survived really? Even the vet doc confirmed it was hit with an object, I din't tell her a word oooooh, I don't want to loose my cool. I just want to nurse my cat till it gets better then she will see the demonic part of me that I hate to see. For her sake I hope it survives.


    6. May God heal your cat. Sorry about what happened

    7. HAAAAAA!@ queenJezebel demonic part of you ke???? No wonder your neighbours must crush your cat. Like pet...

  43. My sister is currently in the "abroad" courtesy of the promise the husband made to their kids πŸ˜€. He told them if they come out top of their grade not class oh then he owes them a fantastic summer holiday and guess what? They did. Overall best in their grade and popsy had no option than to fulfill his promise to avoid "the daddy can lie" statements made with side eyes πŸ˜‚

  44. Stellz, Your hashtag. Please spill on the fake orphanage. I was smiling reading about your boys.. They are intelligent. Recording you and the promises you made. Why are people crazy about S8. I have 2 friends saving towards buying that and i'm like Samsung? Nah!

    Happy Birthday Intelligenstia Princess. The good Lord creator of the Heavens and Earth prosper you, guide and protect you in Jesus name. Amen. You share the same birthday with my mum, she is 8/8 too. She is headstrong as an Isoko woman *side eyes at Iya boys* but very caring and loving. Enjoy your day.

    1. Thanks @Nigerdeltagirl. Happy birthday to your mommy,and amen to all your prayers.

  45. Wishing you Stella dear a great day,much love.Great day to BVs

  46. Hi
    Happy Birthday Princess

  47. πŸŽ‚πŸΎ Happy Birthday Intelligentsia. God’s grace and favor upon you always. Many more of today shall and will continue to be celebrated into the future πŸ₯‚πŸ’ƒπŸΌ #haveablasthun 😘 #BMMforlife πŸ’ πŸ’•


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