Stella Dimoko Spontaneous Sunday....


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Sunday, August 12, 2018

Spontaneous Sunday....

#sundaz #churchdaz blessedday #ohhappyday #hasjtahmonitorsweyuna  #shorthashtagday #sundayrocksifyoumakeitpositive #goingbacktoday #its leathrandilove........

Una Morning!!!
Hope everyone slept in well?

The skills giveaway has been put on hold..The Angel behind the giveaway saw all your discouraging comments yesterday and even the ones calling me stingy and has put a stop on it - for now! #nasiddonlookidey.....I am trying to see if i can turn it into a giveaway that will be codedly done......this is the reason i don't really like announcing giveaways somethings......The attitude shown towards it is so wrong.........Nobody owes you anything,please get that straight.

Will try to convince her to do a cash giveaway to Nursing Mothers with the 200k instead...I hope she agrees!

Yesterday i saw something that kept me up awake ....A Nigerian woman,a very beautiful one invited her mum over for Omuguwo but has turned her into a slave...I saw them at the shopping mall and all the shopping bags was left for this old woman whilst the daughter cat walked,talked on the phone and all what not......The old woman who was abroad for the first time,kept making eye contact and when she had the opportunity told me ''my pikin you be from Nigeria?'' I replied and she aid ''abeg how i go return,I don tire,na Omugwo i come but na house girl i be now!'' ....IMAGINE!!!

Same yesterday i met two Ladies from Nigeria in an African food store.....They were from Italy they say but were on the run-Asylum things cos of how they were being deported from Italy.....they had kids and couldn't even afford to buy the right things for the kids.....I gave them nmy number to call me for the kids if they need was a really pathetic sight but i knew that they would rather die than be returned to Nigeria.....
These two scenarios had an effect on my day....

I hope to have a good day today!

Stay positive !



  1. Good morning beautiful people of God and a happy Sunday to us all. In the presence of God there is always, always fullness of Joy. Let's go to Church.

    1. We will not go to church.

    2. Good morning bvs!
      Stella we the hashtag readers are here o.
      Not sure that woman is the lady's mum, how can someone treat her mum like that, may God have mercy.
      Happy Sunday blog family.

    3. I saw insidious part 3 yesterday and I wasn’t even scared for a moment, they better stop making new parts cus it’s becoming a comedy rather than horror

    4. I was wondering if you couldn't have slipped the old lady your phone number whilst madam was catwalking, phoning, etc then read further & saw you did for the ladies from Italy. Since you are charitable-minded, you could perhaps print or write your phone number on little cards (with or without your name in case it falls in the hands of the wrong person) that can be passed quickly & quickly hidden in situations where saying, repeating, writing down would be too noticeable or take too much time. Some people also get phone numbers that are ridiculously easy to remember. I was also wondering if the Nigerian embassy where you are is one of the ones that actuakly work. I thought you might perhaps contact them to tell them about the old woman & find out whether in situations like that they could help. If so, next time, you could quickly ask for an address & pass on to the embassy officials who could then pay a 'friendly' visit, do their investigations & ensure the daughter sends her mother home immediately. All kinds of pressure can be put not the daughter not least reporting her to the local authorities. It's the same as when you read these stories of Nigerian couples abroad arrested for mistreating their Nigerian domestic help & who are usually of school age. She's turned her mom to her servant/slave & is maltreating the old woman. Or, maybe you could just give the address directly to social services. I am very, very, very angry to hear this story.


  2. When he came near the den, he called to Daniel in an anguished voice, "Daniel, servant of the living God, has your God, whom you serve continually, been able to rescue you from the lions?

    Daniel answered, “May the king live forever! My God sent his angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions. They have not hurt me, because I was found innocent in his sight. Nor have I ever done any wrong before you, Your Majesty.” Daniel 6:20-22.

    This morning I pray that you will come out strong in every projection of the enemies where you have been falsely accused, sentenced and condemned. May your mouth be filled with new songs of praise and victory. In your hands, nothing will ever die but grow and multiply. Every caged destiny be opened and set free. You shall fulfill your purpose on earth Amen.

    1. Each time a guy asks me out, they just cut me off for no reason without any quarrel. Like this is the 2nd time this is happening this month
      We didn't talk the whole of yesterday and he's been updating his WhatsApp status. Like I don't get it and me I won't say hi. What could be the reason for this disappearing act?

    2. Don't work yourself up, you do not know what those guys have in mind. They probably having a rethink of playing you or just letting go,the main person will come and will be all over you.

  3. Good morning lovelies and happy Sunday

    As the day breaks today, your glory will shine. The blessings of God will locate you and release His grace and mercy upon you. Your wounds shall be healed, your tears shall be wiped away. A day never breaks without a bird singing. I decree that there will always be a joyful song for you to sing each day of your life. Miracle shall take place in your life and testimonies will not cease in your home in the precious name of Jesus Christ - Amen. 😇😇😇😇😇😇

    1. Amen, thank you olori for this

    2. I can boldly say Amen to your prayers Olori. I am your big fan but I decided to go anon so that other so-called prayer warriors will not come for me in my dreams. They use their hand to type prayers and use that same hand to cuss people and their children's. They don't even know play sef.
      Ehn ehn, shebi it's the blog I read one of them that said she was witch in her secondary school. I am sure that she too will be a prayer warrior.
      Someone cannot announce good news in peace again. Announce that you just got a job, hahahah, when you resume the job, they will start telling stories that the job is no more available. Na here I siddon dey look o.

    3. Loud amen to this,thanks ma for checking up,God bless us all

    4. Olori dearie. Sunday kisses to you & yours.


    “I am the living bread which came down from heaven.”
    A reading from the holy Gospel according to John (John 6:41-51)
    At that time: The Jews murmured at Jesus, because he said, “I am the bread which came down from heaven.” They said, “Is not this Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? How does he now say, ‘I have come down from heaven’?” Jesus answered them, “Do not murmur among yourselves. No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him; and I will raise him up at the last day. It is written in the prophets, ‘And they shall all be taught by God.’ Every one who has heard and learned from the Father comes to me. Not that any one has seen the Father except him who is from God; he has seen the Father. Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes has eternal life. I am the bread of life. Your fathers ate the manna in the wilderness, and they died. This is the bread which comes down from heaven, that a man may eat of it and not die. I am the living bread which came down from heaven; if any one eats of this bread, he will live for ever; and the bread which I shall give for the life of the world is my flesh.”

    The Gospel of the Lord.

    1. Praise be to you our Lord Jesus Christ. By the reading of this gospel may our sins be washed away.

    2. That is today's Gospel reading, well done Emjay.


    There are wickedness you do unto God,your fellow humans and the one you do to yourself.
    Do you give your kids quality things and give the other child who is not yours,less quality things?,do you say to your neighbour i don't have why you do?,that's wickedness to your fellow human. The wickedness you do to yourself is when you know something is disastrous to your life but you go ahead and do it,thereby destroying your soul, spirit and body. Then wickedness to God is when you're stingy with the things God needed to benefit from you, when you put your interest first before God.
    We are so quick to say that person is wicked but you don't know that if compared,your own wickedness surpasses that of the person. Probably you see a man who doesn't comprise and you call him a wickedness person not knowing that before God,he is justified and you're a wicked person for judging him.
    I want to tell you this morning that if there is a person God opposes so much,it is one with a wicked heart and it can hinder you from entering Heaven.
    Can you subject yourself before God and tell Him to search you,can you?
    We all have wickedness in us but we're so shortsighted to see it.
    Our heavenly father has never withhold any good from us, both righteous and unrighteous; He gives air,sun,rain etc to all.
    Do you have wicked thoughts,Before God can have dealings with you,He will see your heart first. Most of our prayers are not answered because it centers on wickedness. Do you wonder why your village people are not yet dead even with all die,die prayers,its because its a wicked prayer and God does not wish for a sinner to perish and that's the reason Christ came,Luke 6;28. When Jesus was persecuted, all He said was "father forgive them" and that should be your prayer,in so doing you're heaping coals upon their heads. Infact any church you go and you're told,the person will die on so and so date,then know God is not the one answering that prayer.
    In life there is no one that can say I've had it enough because even in your secret life you keeping sinning against God yet His mercy stills endureth forever.
    Do you pray for someone to die so can inherit their land, are you are bitter towards any Proverbs 6:16-19.
    You have the right to present your case to God but not to tell Him what to do,He knows the appropriate judgment for the wicked. You don't have the right to pray for the death of anybody, David understood this in Psalm 23.
    Read the following to see the end of the wicked,are you a wicked person desist from it.
    Isaiah 57:20-21, job 15:20,ecclesiastics 8:13,proverb 24;30, 10:27.

  6. Remember if you don’t nurture your faith, it will slowly weaken and leave you grappling with doubt. Satan will jump in at the slightest opportunity & create havoc in your minds, leaving you heedless. So protect yourselves before your hearts harden.

    Have a bleseed Sunday guys

    I'm outtie

    1. Nice one Eesah. Happy Sunday to you too.

    2. Teejay trying so hard to be friends with Eesah.

    3. And what is wrong about that?

    4. If at your age you see nothing wrong in forcing a friendship with a person who prioritizes his morning shit over you then I must say you’re dimmer than I imagined. Good luck Mr Kissass.

    5. Now I understand why Don jazzy tweeted that common sense should have been taught in the school. So unfortunately we have educated illiterate in the society today. The fact Eesah and I have different view on political matters, does that mean I should develop hatred on him or his comment? Even when the comment are inspiring and educative. I don't do argument of bitterness or hate dear anonymous. I see everyone here entitle to their opinion and can't force mine on anyone.

      This world will only be a better place if we learn to live without hate and bitterness. My last response to you.

    6. Boo hoo hoo. Cry me a river. Mr T.J Kissass there is a marked difference between being friendly and groveling for approval. Sit back and ask yourself which category you fall into.

      By the way if you had some common sense you would have ignored a seemingly senseless comment. I guess you also need lectures on sensibility. Lol

  7. Morning beautiful people, just when i think God is about making me independent by learning a skill if God wills here,it is well with everyone,do have a lovely day

    1. Giveaway "scavenger".
      You hear giveaway den started commenting.
      What is the difference between you and new big id

    2. And if Stella’s blog wasn’t in existence you not be independent? I sorry for you.

    3. You love free things. Go and get a job woman.

    4. You will continue to wallow in poverty with this disgusting lazy behaviour! Be waiting on Stella ooo till you drop dead

    5. Haba! Why so much hate on this woman? Stella may just send you people to early graves by gifting her a free training

  8. But that is the idea of omugwo for 97% of Nigerian women naa...the mom of about 60 to 70 years will bathe baby,cook,clean house, arghhhh....such stress for an old woman

    1. Not really oooo, she is to help with the baby and her special food but clean house? mba oooo, my sister in law's mum will tell you that she came to rest. She will allow her(her daughter) to cook then when she finishes cooking, she will now tell her that she did not have an appetite for that particular food and will tell her what to eat.

    2. Na wicked people dey do that one. Why would an old woman clean the house or run errands. If the new mom is not capable, what of the husband? Some people are heartless.

    3. @Lucile🤔I think we share the same in-law😂😂
      My sister in-laws mum showed her shege in the UK last year,OMG!!!she went about telling everyone she cane to rest but that her daughter wants to turn her to househelp,she refused to be left at home with the baby so the mother can go to work,she was so picky with food and slept all day,heard she had headache from her first day till the day she left,I asked recently if her mom was coming this year,she screamed NO😂😂

  9. Good morning everybody... Still on bed.. Body no be firewood... Countdown to eid adha... Have a beautiful day.

  10. Good morning here.
    Martins aboy, please help out;
    How do I know or untap my phone just incaseit'been tapped?
    it's a new phone and was bought for me by hubby but I just keep having this feeling they did something about it before bringing to be. I've not sign in to any account cos of it just opera mini.
    No I don't have any cockroach in my cupboard, just want my privacy while chatting. Thanks a lot.

    1. If you have no skeleton then why being worried? Unless there is something you are doing wrong or intend to do wrong.

    2. Dem call Martins but na Akpan appear.

    3. Just reset the phone. I don't think they did d tapping thru hardware. Nigerian men are too lazy for that.

      if any tapping was done, then it must b a software thingy and doing a complete factory reset will delete any of such. Thank me later 😁

    4. @teejay,having her privacy means she is doing something wrong....what about chats with families and friends,bank alert etc

    5. @Shakiti she said hubby or you didn't read it clearly? Firstly to suspect hubby of such act speaks volume or don't you think so? I learnt in this blog that so many things here are hyped, faked and all what not. The same women I saw shouting their men aren't a cheat, not all men cheat which I know is true where the same women begging Rhoda to teach them the App to read whatsapp chat of another person obviously their hubby or fiancée. Isn't that the height of hypocrisy?

    6. Hahahaha anon. You just reminded me of 'Akpan and the smugglers'. Una no get joy for this blog.

    7. 😭😂😂😂😂😂😂.. Una no go kill person for this blog,, which one be Akpan again..😂😂😂

    8. Kwakwakwakwakwakwa
      Them call Martins na Akpan appear. SDK bvs are too mouthed including moi. We badt like that.
      Sorry o Akpan Teejay

  11. Good morning my mama stella and bvs
    hmmm turning ur own mum to slave becus of abroad and omugwo? The woman quiet mum will carry some of the stuffs and leave some 4 u.inukwa
    mummy yori yori happy sunday

    1. Now that's a better prayer point

  12. Beautiful bright sunday morning.
    I am excited to be counted among the living..
    Midnight prayer is everything..
    I'm getting there.
    I must possess my possessions dis yr
    Its will end in praise.
    I really pity that old woman that her own daughter has turned into glorified housemaid. I pray she meet people that will take up her case and report the daughter to the appropriate authorities. What nonsense..

  13. Good morning good people, happy new week.
    Kai! That old woman's story is so pathetic, just imagine only God knows the work she does in the house and the daughter will tell everyone how she took mama to 'obodo oyinbo'.SMH

  14. Beautiful morning to you all, Do have a lovely day ahead.
    I am just imagining that woman with plenty of loads, it is well.

    1. What did I just read? Stella is 200k that u wanted to use for the skills of two people, both payment for training and for setting up of the trainees? You are pathetic. You wanted to use 50k to pay for each of the training and settle them with 50k each, you were even mentioning transport fare 5k for each month, as in they will be trained for months? With 50k? Osalobuwa
      You should have Just come out and say you want free training for two people, then use 100k to empower them each. Am just coming from the post, no negative comments there. Just say you saw that it won't work

    2. I didn't see any negative comments too

  15. The village people sat on that giveaway table. The giver should please consider the nursing mums. God bless you Stella and the giver.
    You saw so many things yesterday oh. I really feel for that mama that came for omugwo. Why can't she employ a maid instead of slaving her mother away. I know that she won't come back for another omuguwo.
    God will make her return home safely.
    Hmmm, I feel for those two ladies, and feel more for their kids. There is no place like home they say, they should come back home if that place is "hot" for them.

    I saw one Bob risky post last night. She asked us, the original women how many days our period flows because HIS is always for three days. Nigerians gave her epic responses.

    Happy Sunday!

  16. It's all good,A beautiful morning to everyone, thank God for the dawn of a new day,some people are users sha, imagine your own mama, abeg sdk make them dey abroad it's better than coming to naija where to get one square meal a day Na war, God bless me beyond human comprehension I Don tire.

  17. Happy Sunday everyone. Have a blessed day.

  18. No matter how dark it gets, the sun is going to rise again. . Good morning and happy Sunday.

  19. Happy Sunday bvs.....

    wicked daughter in law...,namsense.

  20. Wait o, which negative write ups? And where did they call u stingy? Abi was i reading the wrong spontaneous post? I can't remember any wrong vibes o! Wait lemme Goan check again

    PS: I can still teach people how to grill, so pls put me in mind... Pple like us Na we go rush them

    Kelvin Dat Edo Boi (Stellz Cousin)

    1. Hi Kelvin, how much does it cost for you to teach people how to grill?

      I just bought this outdoor grill, but no matter how I grill my meat or fish, it doesn’t taste like those ones you buy.

    2. I thought I was d only one that saw no negative write up.

    3. Lol Stella sef. No negative comments at all..

    4. Reasonable doubt, I charge 10k but I can still come a lil bit, as in lil bit lower o! U can hit Stella up for my email, thanks and God Bless!

      Kelvin Dat Edo BoiDa

  21. that one even better den...give nursing mothers or give anyone u want codely so that anon go comot mouth for my matter.I say I wan learn how to sew that anon dey call me hungry greedy n pig when I no even say make Stella give me money o.imagine dem still even call person wey wan do d giveaway stingy.nothing wey u go do fit satisfy dem.make Stella kuku ma give nursing mothers.una goodmorning

    1. But you actually are a hungry, greedy, pig.
      There's no lie about that.
      The money you got from the US BV, did you use it to rinse your clothes?
      Oh, you had 'issues' you need to clear up.
      Yeah, the same way other people have 'issues' to clear up.
      So shift that bottomless begging bowl in your hand and let people have a chance to learn as well.
      Some of you are ogres with your never ending greed.

      Having said that, I would like to learn how to fix individual eyelashes properly.
      The ones that look uber sexy and natural.
      I am not interested in the giveaway.
      I will pay.

      Please leave your deets with Stella if you are a THOROUGH PROFESSIONAL.

      Now that I have a bit of time on my leave, I really want to learn some soft skills. Beyond this giveaway period,if you train even in other areas, ie Graphics, Internet Marketing, Masseuse, send a mail to Stella. I'm sure I'm ot the only one who wants to learn soft skills and is willing to pay. If she uses it to cook, Efo Riro, well at least you tried.


    2. Ever since you started commenting, its been one sob story to another which is a red flag.

    3. 10:22 Extremely nauseating I tell you. As in, some people just get IDs to beg.
      Just begging.
      One irritating, nauseating, contrived, pus filled story after the other.

      But then I also ask myself how is this my business???

  22. Imagine turning one's mother into a housemaid! Na wa!

    Good morning everyone.

    Happy Sunday beevees!

    Ensure you go experience God today.

  23. hapi sunday nd a very goodmorning to ye first de kingdom of God nd any other thing will be added onto you..leave whatever you plan to do today nd seek God first.

  24. Stella Good morning! How are your boys! Hope they are doing fine! Stella we see a lot of nigerians here in Sweden seeking asylum. What they don't know is that when you see asylum in another country you can't go back to visit your home country till you are a citizen of the country that granted you asylum. I have a Nigerian friend here in Sweden with 3 kids. She was given asylum stay when she came to Sweden from Greece she claimed that her husband beat her and left her to die with the kids and that her life was threatened by the husband she was given residents permit to stay in Sweden fast forward few later her husband wanted to join his family he was refused by the immigration because his wife used him to lie to immigration so now she is a single mother living in Sweden with 3 kids! About the woman that used her mother as a slave. A Nigerian woman in Sweden invited her mother for omugwo after the omugwo she applied for asylum for her mother she was refused 4 times and asked to leave Sweden after 9 years of appealing. The woman took her mother to old people home where she became sick and eventually died after 9yrs of coming to Sweden to do omugwo! Stories plenty Stella. After her omugwo duties the woman should have returned her to Nigeria because the cold weather here is not easy for elderly people to cope with! Giveaway wey never come see negative feedback I fear Nigerians ooo!

    1. Nigerians that seek asylum in Sweden and got United nations passport can still travel to Nigeria if they really wants through neigbouring country like Ghana, Cameroon and Beni republic then take a bus to Nigeria though it's stressful. After five years of having UN' passport, they can apply for Swedish passport and can travel to Nigeria direct.
      Then woman that accused her husband of abused should have waited after five years and then marry him as a new man with new name. Or relocate to another European union country and marry him.

      They lady that dumped her mother in old people's home is wicked though. Mother's are supposed to help but turning them to slave bad.

  25. that woman wey turn her mama to slave nah idiot..u say make your mama con obodo oyinbo con do omugwo instead nah slave u turn her too.your child self go do u same shikena.n for dos ladies, Stella me no blame dem o nah who wan com naija? if nah me self I go do d same because naija no b am atall

  26. I'm back with d rejoinder, I decided to confront my friend about d messages,I told her I will be paying her a visit, my hubby said he will drive me to her house, on d way I developed cold feet but i managed to sit down till we got there, she was excited to see me, she greeted my hubby, instead of him to wait let me break d ice, he just said "please tell my wife d truth", my girl looked shocked, she looked at me, I opened d phone n read out everything, beevees were right o,btheres more tobd gist,she showed me her own phone, I saw d undiluted messages, I was happy I didn't tell her fiance o, haaaaa. From d SMS, she made d first move, my hubby flirted back, they actually fucked from her own SMS, I wondered y my hubby had d guts to follow me to confront her, I faced him, n he said he did it once but she wanted more that's why he blocked her, I told both of them to continue o, she begged me to forgive her, I told them her fiance will fuck me too, my husband flared up,y friend flared up, I told them to dare n stop me, my girl faced my husband n abused him, he abused her, she slapped him, he pushed her, I went out side n watched d drama through d door, the fought like men,see punches,I then stepped in after few minutes asked them to stop, no body did, I hurled myself at them, everybody fell down, hahahahahahaa, I went out, took a taxi n went home, my husband showed up later, next thing was police at my door, she arrested him for battery, I didn't say a word, I was glad in my heart, I haven't gone to bail him, he too didn't call his friends or family, he called me, I said I will bail him on Tuesday, let him stay there a bit, my girl has apologised countlessly, I have forgiven her, but I enjoyed d drama, I am not divorcing anyone pls.

    1. Glad you followed reasonable advice. Please go bail him out o. Tuesday far. The girl is wild sha. If l were you, l will stay away from her.

    2. Love you already.....forgive your friend but dont ever forget cos she will do it over and over again....infact,she is evil.

    3. wow! This is some serious sh*t. Ur husband has guts o. so after sleeping with her, he still accompanied u there. lol

      u should probably just bail him and go relax somewhere for d atmosphere to cool down b4 u come back. as for ur friend, her own go worse. just sit back, relax and catch ur fun. but u sef fit go arrest am for assaulting ur husband na. Then on Tuesday u go bail 2 of them 😁

    4. I knew there was more to the story
      Please go and bail him
      Now you know the truth

    5. What!!! Your friend is crazy o.
      The part you told both of them you will f..k her fiance got me 😀.
      I don't think he will try such rubbish again and like you wrote do not divorce him.
      Please go and bail him and forgive him too.

    6. Did I not tell you to be prepared mentally before you go there?

      This is how men mescalate women's brains. Especial married women.

      Thank God, your erm 'friend' had text evidence, otherwise you would not have believed abi.

      Lolll, you are doing victory dance? Lolll the journey is still far. That is not the only girl he is fucking. Tame that wandering mongrel you married.

      Before he gifts you giant sized Christmas hamper with HIV and STDS and STIs.

    7. Hahahahahaàa 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
      Correct girl, shey I told you if you wanna hear the whole gospel truth that you should confront your bestie.
      Your husband is so densed and damn stupid.
      Sorry ooh.

    8. Leave him there for at least one week.

      Certain things in life need to happen to people to reset their brains, other wise they will never learn.

      Beyond your 'enjoyment of the drama', have you asked yourself what about the soul ties that have been established that will also affect you? You do realise sex is spiritual?

      What if when fighting, she collapsed, went into coma and died? You are not aware that some people are walking around on the threshold of death, waiting for somebody, anybody to nudge them over?

      What about if anger had clouded her senses and she brought a knife and stabbed him? Do we not hear stories of people stabbing others over 50 naira?

      What about if he has infected you with a disease?

      How many other women is he sleeping with?
      Why is he sleeping around?

      Why would he sleep with a close friend, embark on a needless charade, descend into a physical fight...what kind of man are you married to? Do you know?

      Are you sure you have genuine friends? Maybe you need to do a quick evaluation again.

      You can add to the list of questions or not.

      You seem to be a good person, willing to give benefit of doubt, otherwise you would have cut her off completely without seeking to find the truth... paid for your friend's wedding gown... stood by her in preparation for her wedding...this must be a big blow for you...

      But it's good you find out what is on ground NOW, so if children from another woman spring up someday, or something even more unsettling happens you are already prepared.

      I will always and forever be 'Team Snoop'.
      In fact I don't call it 'snooping', I call it 'Keeping abreast of current happenings in my household.'

      Some may choose to wallow in ignorance, but it NEVER ends in praise.

      I wish you strength and next time move in SILENCE.


    9. People will chat dirty, delete their part of the message and leave the part that makes them spotless. That was how one brought one whatsapp chat here where a man was 'chatting alone' and 'insulting himself.' It's okay!
      Madam, your husband is a cheat. Best believe your friend isn't the only one he's cheating on you with. Good you found this one out, but how many will you confront? Just protect yourself against diseases.

    10. I will buy gala and canned coke n go give him today, he will be there till Tuesday o, I will even buy malt for d police behind d counter n whisper to them to knock his head small, useless man.

    11. Chocolate, not just people fucking their selves. Even colleagues. Be care of what you discuss via whatsapp with your colleague especially when it concerns your boss or other colleague. Sooooooo many people have been set up like this.

      Me? I don't even chat on whatsapp except with family. Satan can never dine at my table.

    12. We told u now....but I can smell lies in this ur write up....abi u don fuck d fiancé

    13. See drama. Sis i love you already oya chop kiss💋

    14. You have the only Scriptural grounds for divorce. And yet you said no? A 'man' who could have sex with your close friend, has had/will have sexual partners that are strangers to you. A 'man' who can lie, deceive, manipulate, is so stone cold-blooded to that extent, accompanying you to your friend & telling her to tell you the "truth", what can he not do? What has he not done? that you do not yet know? A 'man' who could beat & fight a woman, AND "like two men fighting", as if fighting another man, you were "enjoying watching" you said. Strive to find that same enjoyment when yiu are no longer watching but a participant for the days and days must surely come. A real man would have walked away when she slapped him. THERE ARE SUCH MEN. YES, NIGERIAN. YES, COMPLETELY HETEROSEXUAL.You MUST tell her fiance & whilst he is still her fiance not when he has already married her. You ENJOYED watching your husband fight a woman. You ENJOYED watching your husband beat up a woman. Maybe you fit each other & deserve each other after all.

      By the way, what if she had died? Or, he had died? Did you ever think about that? About giving her larents the news, ALL of it? your part? About being a widow? About being charged with being an accessory to murder?


  27. that woman wey turn her mama to slave nah idiot..u say make your mama con obodo oyinbo con do omugwo instead nah slave u turn her too.your child self go do u same shikena.n for dos ladies, Stella me no blame dem o nah who wan com naija? if nah me self I go do d same because naija no b am atall

  28. Goodmorning Beautiful People
    Happy Sunday Remain Blessed

  29. Stella I Think U Should Turn Deaf Ears To What Some Say Abou Your #giveaway
    Remember Anything U Do People Will Surely Talk Either Negative Or Positive
    Keep Up Positivity, Godbless You

  30. Good morning.
    Pls what can I do for my husband to stay at home, its work work work all the time. He doesn't have anytime to stay at home or for himself, no attention at all. Na travelling all the time, even when he is Nigeria , his too dedicated to his work, no leave, no vacation. He keeps promising vacation year in year out and something comes up again that carries him to another country. I don tire, He wasn't like this before, he was promoted at work few months to our marriage, so I didn't get to know this side of him. Whenever he is around, he goes to office early and comes back very late tired, no time to communicate, he doesn't show affection or take us out. We have a 6yr old son and he isn't even ready for any child, not like I am interested because even our son doesn't get to see him, he feels dropping money and buying gift for me and my son is everything. I am just tired. He doesn't even have time to eat at home, can't even remember when he ate at home. I have snooped, nothing and asked if he has another family but he said No. His family have called meeting on this matter, he said this is the only time for him to work and rest later, I understand but not having time for us is just baffling.
    To even think I was the one praying for promotion, the more blessings ,the more he is far away from us. Even when someone ask for my husband from our son, his usual answer is dad is working, he doesn't have time. Even if he tries to bridge the gap, na disturbance with phone call from work all the time and we end up not having sex or communicating. No attention, care or affection. He is Ajala the traveller, or on his laptop, i try to sit with him when his back and gives me the phone to help him read his msgs to his hearing and reply them back with his phone calls as well, I just wish I can tell them to leave my husband alone to have time for us. He gets the most dedicated and hardworking award every year at work.

    I don tire, what can I do. I am sexy and looks good,so it isn't because I don't look good ooo.Let me stop here.

    1. Sorry, I can’t imagine how this must feel. Are you working too?

      Maybe you should find a project or hobby to occupy your time, that way you won’t feel it too much.

    2. lol.... go n visit him at work every week na. when he sees you're serious abt spending time with him, he'll adjust.

    3. Hahaha...ur husband get another woman...he should have another phone

    4. Quite true @Curious Cat. I think dropping by at his workplace with a nicely & well prepared meal once in a while will go a long way to show how badly you want him around. Know when he'll be on seat, I mean at work and just pop in with a lovely surprise.

      It is well!

  31. Stella I don't blame those girls at all. Naija is harder mehn!
    I rather suffer abroad than to suffer in Nigeria. When is buhari coming back sef?

    1. Abi,@least they have opportunity of taking their children out for shopping....

    2. Coming back to do what exactly?
      I'm sure he too is even looking for asylum.


  32. Good morning Stella and blog visitors.
    Poor woman! she must have been happy that she was going abroad to relax only for her to meet this. I doubt if that lady can try that with MIL.Later some ladies will say MIL this, MIL that, but their character is zero.
    Trust my mama, none of her children can try that with her.
    I wish you all a great day ahead.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Madam pidgin writer I saw your comment to me yesterday and you are very stupid for thinking that.

    Them never born the person for this blog wey go make me go anonymous to comment, no body reach.

    You wey poverty wan kill, also no reach for that kind thing to happen.
    You think I sleep here? I actually have something doing, not going around on coded begging spree.

    You better address me directly if you have something to say next time, I will never come for anyone in anon mood, that’s a waste of my comment. Ode!

    All of you forever begging here won’t come and take the opportunity to learn and sustain yourself o, you people are waiting for giveaway that you can chop with your mouth, you don’t want to learn to use your hands.

    @Rhoda Rex for example, I am talking to you.., forever living off others, see opportunity to go and learn work.

    1. Hian! Na your money!? Why e dey pepper you?? Go baff jare!

    2. Reasonable doubt, I guess those ones Stella gives free money every month, would be the ones to condemn this project "let's teach you how to fish" in anonymous mode, cos they are afraid the free money will soon stop.
      Quote me, they are the ones condemning it and Stella, but will use their handle to praise Stella. Ndi uchu.

    3. Can you put me through on the Canadian Immigration process?
      Or better yet, just direct me to the site so I don't take your time.
      Thank you.

    4. From this your write up you are a lady i guess... I dont understand this your rant... You have never contributed to this blog before trust me we would have know cus i see u arrongant... U call almost those who apply giveaway beggers... Scavengers nd all sort.. It not people here d giveaway is for?. . Is d giveaway for the grass in ur compound?. . Aha.. . All this bashing of people once u see dem apply for giveaway should stop... Scammers usually meet their waterloo so b calm nd stop being envious... If u didnt contribute to the give away...keep shut nd stop dis notice me trolling.. .. Peace

    5. No wonder your grilled meat or fish never tastes right, with this amount of bile in you..... Madam take 10 big spoon of honey and also 10 tablets of chill pill!! Crying over money that isn't yours...Shior!!!

    6. @cookie the beggar, I know you’re worried that your means of livehood May dry up that’s why my comments give you sleepless night.

      @Danny, you are very stupid your comment up there. I have contributed to this, but you won’t see it because it wasn’t monetary.

      Did you give me money to keep for you? Is it your father that wakes up early to go to work in this Lagos for me? Don’t be unfortunate.

      @Anon 10:13, asking about Canadian Immigration please what specifically do you want to know? We can start from there.

    7. Hahahahahahah Cookie you noticed too. I can imagine how the burnt offerig will be. Always so aggressive in her comments as if she's fightig spirits in her head. LMFAO.
      Too many angry birds around. Make unu calm down na. E ro ra.

    8. Well how to properly begin the process so I don't make mistakes and where to begin the process.

      I don't want to make mistakes when filling the forms.

      I'm a professional with extensive career experience.

    9. I made a post that Stella posted here on the blog, so you may want to check it out.

      I am migrating via express entry. The one for professionals with work experience.

      It favors people :

      -That are young
      -Have at least 1yr work experience (professional work, not customer care, or tellering) that can be backed with documentation, and falls under the NOCs on the Canadian immigration website.
      -people that have the required proof of funds
      -people that have one or more educational qualifications that can be evaluated by a body accepted by Canadian immigration
      -people that can pass the IELTS English test.
      -pass the medicals

      This is just a brief out line. On the Canadian immigration website there’s something called a Crs calculator. Use it to simulate what your score might be if you’re eligible.

      Please google the post I made on this blog about the process, or google Canadian Express Entry, for more in-depth explanation.

      Nairaland, Canadian visa has support groups that can provide guidance.

      I am willing to answer questions you have have, after you have read up.

    10. @Reasonable Doubt

      Will do as advised.

      Many thanks.

  35. #At the end of the day, people will let you down, they will label you as something you are not, it is all to make them feel better, it is about them not you*

    1. Loud it bro!!! But they aren't your maker so they are bound to fail.

  36. Good morning and happy Sunday to us all. To the giveaway angel,don't be annoyed at those who don't appreciate good things,there are some people that sincerely needs the giveaway. As you give,may your pockets never run dry,higher you I pray and for Stella,may all your wishes and aspirations come through. Happy Sunday all!

  37. I am SO MUCH interested in that paint making training, will appreciate it alot. Thanks(just came online now)

  38. Hello darlings!!! 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
    Firstly, I want to apologize that this is coming late 🙏 I had a busy week. Work was right in the middle of two birthday dinners, my visit to the orphanage and friday turn up that resulted in a hangover on saturday with enough purging..... i no know who send me 🤷‍♀️

    Thank you @CynthiaIyede and @Aeegurl for your e-mails. Thank you @Jennex for your phone call. Thank you @Cookie, @DRoyalty, @Lucille, @pidgin writer, @Aya Williams @Swaggie @MadamB @intelligent Princess @Chocolate @Ijay (abeg who be the friend?? Lol) @push up @CherishD @Ageless T @Deenity @Sucre @Ed (former co-wife) @Obianuju @Isaacson @ShooterGyal @MimiLove @RhodaRex @ChyAdaJesus @LilySimple @Angel'smummy @Bv Choice @PrudentTabitha @Yoriyori @LoloIdeato @OYO @nkirunwachuku @jelly @kidjo (HideAndSeek mamalawo 😋😋) @OliviaSilk @LagosShopperm @NnukuSexyPant @Olori @Nadine @GreatLady @Merciful @PrincessTever @Iphie dearie @EstakoPearl @EllenPraize @ShakitiBaby @Teejay @AmandaFavour @MissEss @Duchess @JustGlamour @NonyeUju @Shinyboss @StellaMarisBaby @MadamEstateowner @Brunette @DebyBaby @Oluwadarasimi @Blessed @LaDonna @Lipstick @Nemerem @Anonymouses and those fighting hard to admit that they have fallen in love with me 🤣🤣🤣
    I really appreciate the birthday wishes from you all.

    A special appreciation (again) to @samegirl and @chike. May God bless your hustles, my dearies. Thanks for the S/O Stella bae (and the scolding too 🤣). You know I will always love you 😚😚


    I have decided to start putting effort into making money off the things i naturally love to do, this new year. Not just trying out what sells, seems more attractive or what everyone else recommends. So help me God 🙏

    1. And if I mistakenly forgot to mention your name, sorry. And thank yoooouu 💕💕💕

    2. You are welcome chiki
      More amazing years ahead 😘😘😘😘

    3. You're welcome darl.... 😘😘😘😘

    4. You welcome hun! Yes, Leos rock♌♌♌♌♌♌

    5. Ahn ahn! See list!!🙌
      You're welcome Chikito.

    6. You are welcome.
      Thumbs up for the roll call. 😀

    7. You really tried. You're welcome.

    8. You are welcome our wife 😀

  39. good morning everyone

    Raining ☔ cats and dogs here in Port Harcourt....

    happy sunday to you all

  40. Positive mood activated

    It's a good day to be alive, 💯🎵🎶

    Na waa for the daughter that turned her mom into a glorified maid. Hmmmm.

    I trust my mom shaa... she will kukuma leave the bag for you.hahaha 😇😇

    My Mom has already said that when she's coming for omugwo, that her role is limited ooo, that we should get househelp o, that sufferhead no be her name.

    Stella, how's our bambino? No gist. ... say hello to our blue eye bambino
    I want a cute bambino too.

    May God bless the Angel that's responsible for the giveaway, may your pocket never run dry .

    I no see any negative comment about the skill empowerment in the comment section.

    May God turn all our lemon to lemonade.


  41. Why are human beings like this? And I was happy that I will finally get to learn how to produce paint. Pls bv Danny can you teach me for free? I'm in Lagos

  42. Stella please tell the giveaway person to read @fittight's comment again, on yesterday's SP. That training will sepereate the wheat from the chaff, because (in the first place) if you arent an intelligent person who understands the application, you cant learn it. Also, it equips both job seekers and entrepreneurs.
    My friend who works in a corporate communications department in a major bank, had to go pay someone to learn that seperately. The babe and i did our masters together, but she still needed that skill to make herself more marketable. Not everytime buying and selling crayfish.... sometimes skill that you can apply globally. This is the 21st century and ideas that can make one stand out are the best.

    Happy sunday peeps!! ✌

    1. Even bv Danny that said he can take paint production... .it's a very lucrative business if learnt properly. And they will work hand in hand with painters. Before you know, you become an employer of labour .

    2. What is happening here? Eka correcting Chikito

    3. @11:02 See wahala oh 🤷‍♀️ when you give them space and overlook their drama they start looking for a way to get your attention. *hiss*

      @Olori exactly! Me i hardly see ideas that wow me on here. We need such unique things that even the peoppe going for the training will know its not business as usual.

    4. Chikito you ought to Know most of my fellow anons have one goal- stir confusion and watch. You should have ignored the anon and eka together.

    5. Okay. Now that i did not ignore nko? 😋😋😋😋

  43. I woke up to two messages on my phone, one was from mtn, i wanted to delete it, but then i saw congratulations and decided to read all, turned out they gave me free data. I've exhausted it immediately before they change their mind. Inukwa mtn i dashi nmadu data, the world must be ending indeed!😀

  44. Some people are users Sha. I am sure th a woman is her mother in law, because she won't use her mother like that but Stella you should have let her know that what she is doing is wrong in subtle way.
    Nursing mother giveaway ,we are present o!

  45. We buy faulty/spoilt inverter battery:08117903918/0814139511312 August 2018 at 09:56

    HAPPY Sunday

  46. So sorry about the negativity Angel and Stella.
    I'm a fashion designer. I will still train the one person that I talked about yesterday. I will do it for free, I would have trained the two people you wanted to train free of charge but the space I'm using is very small. Hoping for a breakthrough to get a bigger space. I'm happy I will be touching a life here positively. The person should live close to Mile 12 Lagos where my place is so it will be easy to learn, the stress of traffic and getting transport fare will be less.

    1. People who said fashion designing should come here...

    2. Any bv in Ketu, Ojota, Maryland, Owode, can apply. My place is Kosofe, not far from Mile 12 and also close to Ketu

    3. Well done Heiress.

      This what I expect from people who have been empowered on this blog.

      The adverts Stella runs for free here, you know how much other blogs will charge for it.

      If the only thing you can do is teach people how to make coconut oil, dryclean, bake cake, grill, sell ankara, sell bedsheets, function in real estate, make up training, etc.

      The person does not even have to come to you, so many whatsapp trainings are ongoing.

      If you teach one person FREE and mandate that person to teach one person, will you die?

      I ask, will you die?

      But no, you will run here when you need something from Stella and run to Nairaland when you want to post advert for 'freelance marketers' for your drycleaning outfit.

      Run here like antelope when you here the magic words 'giveaway', when it's time to give, epilepsy will do your mouth. Hand strong like aradite. Only you want to gather 300 million customers in your pocket.
      Ask yourself, what skill can I teach someone, this crayfish business can I show someone? This hair, makeup, ankara, drycleaning, grilling fashion, gasoline, web management, rabbit farming, beading, pop corn, driving etc, can I teach someone, can I show somone the way?

      Not every time stretching mouth and hands like an epileptic leper.

      Sometimes empower others with your knowledge gained.

      You will not die.

    4. God will enlarge your coast!

    5. May God bless you mightily.

    6. We are here @ Olori. God bless you Heiress ,I live in Ajiliti Mile 12. How can I reach you? My own email is on my profile

    7. Thank you Fitables

      Wish I was n Lagos

  47. madam reasonable doubt wots your stress for my matter abeg?? did I ask u for money for goodness sake? why r u so bitter lik this say anon US gimme money madam??? please get off my matter woman.u talk to much for a married woman..if I disrespect u now dem go say person no get respect for agbalagba.nah only u knw people wey poor just because person never get.I am very sure if Stella say make u send your account u go rush send am n u say u not here for giveaway?madam mind yourself this is d last time I am telling u o abeg make una help me tell her or else she won't like me..just go baff like sky tell u..dem send u to me abi wetin happen sef?nah una dey make person talk

    1. God will punish you there! You used your dirty fingers to accuse me of insulting you in anon mood, and you’re wondering why I have replied.

      You stupid thing, better come for me, who wants your dirty respect?
      See you wey don baff wey be bigger for this blog.

      I will continue harping on all you professional beggars on this blog until you either change and find something doing, or you disappear, because you people are shameless.

      If everybody sat down to beg, I wonder who will have to give others.

    2. Oh my God you got me laughing with that line "just go baff like sky tell u". You people are just funny on this blog.

    3. Ikwawawawawawawawakwawawawawa @10:31

      Oshey Almajiri Police.
      Bambialla Detector.
      Anti SDK Beggars Activist
      Defender of the Bank Accounts of the Royal Lineage of SDK Blog.

      Kwentinue aunty, na you go still come back dey find ajumbaise for your bp.

      You sound like someone plugged an adult sized electric tooth brush up your anus. Chill ehn, even the owner of the blog who has been scammed a hundred times more than anyone else, no dey do pepper body like this. Ikwawawawawawawawakwawawawawa

    4. So u can write without pidgin. And tj is now a canvasser of beggars, one day alarm will blow and you all will be unmasked, u only started commenting this year, it won't take long, mark my word.

    5. 11:28 I think you aren't happy to yourself else you won't be fill with hate. What canvass did you see me do? Are you sure you know what you wrote? Go back again and read my comment maybe you will understand better before you speak next time.

  48. Any bv in Ketu, Ojota, Maryland, Owode, can apply. My place is Kosofe, not far from Mile 12 and also close to Ketu

  49. YOU DIDNT SEE NEGATIVE COMMENTS COS I WENT BACK TO DELETE AND DIDNT APPROVE SOME........When the giver Angel Stephanie asked me about the feedback i told her the good and the bad and she decided to reach out to people she knows with her money.......The giveaway initiative amount and all was her idea,we live abroad,how are we supposed to know weda 50k will be enough for a training or not or for how long?Anyway she has collected back her money and i know better than to annonce a personal giveaway again...hehehehehehehe oriegwu....
    Those of you saying i took back the giveaway are pathetic...those cussing,go on please whilst i continue deleting.

    I have said it before i will never allow anyone insult me on this blog again and approve the comment...THOSE DAYS ARE GONE OH

    1. As if they gave you money to keep for them.

      50k is too small, but you people don’t have it, it’s to beg that’s forever your mission.

    2. Ikwawawawawawawawakwawawawawa

    3. 200k is a lot, 100k is a lot, 50k is a lot, 20k is a lot . Stella, just don't mind the hate. They keep hating, you stay winning, they keep going down. It's a natural law.

    4. To those saying they never saw any negative comment on SP yesterday regarding the giveaway;its probably because they were all deleted and YES i saw all of them hence no need of calling Stella a Liar.

      Do you know the amount of negative comments that very post gathered which were even more of insults to Stella and the purse from which the money is coming from?
      Even some saying 50k is too small and that the giver is very stingy for bringing out "Just" 50k? seriously?

      I feel really bad remembering all the negative comments and i wish the comments were approved by Stella for you all who really doubt.

      It is all well;but all i can say is that calling Stella and the giver a Liar in all this isnt fair before God almighty and the world.

      I rest my case here and may God help us all to always do that which is right.

  50. chikito bae are welcome Jare..when u r happy for people u self go dey happy naso life be

    1. Now now now, you don dey gum body? Ikwawawawawawawawa

  51. Aww... Am based in delta dear... Would have loved to... Doh major production days are wenesdays.. Thursdays nd saturdays cus of our schedule

    1. People in your environ can still benefit
      Well-done dear

    2. How many days is your training? I can come Delta.

    3. Hmmm nice of you Danny

  52. Is there any explanation to why milk will always finish before Milo or Bournvita? #Copied.

    1. Cause I dey lick mine atimes even when I'm not in the mood to drink tea. Lol

  53. Please can someone help me out.

    I want to send someone to the pharmacy that opens by 4 to buy Perfectil and castor oil.
    I have no idea how much they cost. And I know if I give this girl I'm sending 5k and it is 2k. I will not see one kobo of change.
    Does anyone have an idea of how much these cost?
    The castor oil is the normal one pregant women take in the small slim bottle with silver cap.
    Perfectil is for Hair/Nails/Skin.


    1. Google. They're probably sold on & & others.


    2. Castor oil is from N700.00

  54. madam talk talk keep talking nah u go tire me get wetin I dey do.and anon 11:06 I no gum body o.shey u no see where chikito mentioned my name up there? ??abeg no b like that bitter leaf woman oooh.pidgin writer get respect nah dat bitter woman wan make I look like bad person

  55. Castor oil is less than #700. Use google to get a rough estimate of the prices.

  56. For people looking for digital marketing skills and other skills, you can check out skillshare, Udemy, Coursera, edx and the likes, even LinkedIn learning.

    Some of the skills I had to learn for work I learnt from them, even skills for UI/UX. As I’m almost done learning Figma on Skillshare.

    People have taught them self fashion designing, catering and all just by using google to search.

    Access to the internet is a great tool, please use it wisely.

  57. True.

    There are literally hundreds of thousands of free courses online on everything you can imagine. EVERYTHING.

    Graphics Design, Digital Marketing, Coding, Content Writing, Interior Design. Baking, Beading, How to Make Paint,Yoga for Business, Fitness and many many more.

    Education has faaaaaaaar transcended table/chair/formal setting.

    Online is the new school.

    99 percent of the things that people are requesting tutelage here for, are right there on the internet. At least the basics.

    If some people spent half the time coming here to tell stories of what their father's mother's daughter's sister's cousins did to people who genuinely don't give a fuck to actually improve themselves, or half the time they spend in constructing childish clapbacks and trolling to actually improve themselves and the value of the quality of output they give...imagine the possibilities.


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