Stella Dimoko Mama Tee Series - Giving Milk Validates A New Mum


Friday, August 10, 2018

Mama Tee Series - Giving Milk Validates A New Mum

I think breastfeeding validates a new mum in Nigeria.

When a woman delivers, well-wishers and relatives 'codedly' lookout for a breastfeeding session. If the baby cries, they will shout 'give am breast, give am breast' lols. If she doesn't do it, they will start murmuring, from murmurs, rumours will start flying. Lmao

I breast fed my baby for a year before weaning her. I would have done it for longer but she would not eat anything else, it was always war trying to feed her with any other food. So I stopped.

One of my friends breast fed all her kids for two years. She said her hubby did not allow her to stop on time because he was also enjoying the breast milk. She said every night, when baby was not sucking, hubby would suck her breasts very well. He enjoyed the breast milk and didn't want it to stop. He sucked even during pregnancy till another baby arrived. I opened my mouth and couldn't close it when she was telling me. Hehehehehehe

Hian! Breast milk that tastes somehow? It is well with them oh.

I have a sister in-law, a cousin's wife who did not breastfeed any of her kids, she gave them baby formula. This caused arguments in the family back then, some said she has HIV that is why she did not breastfeed her kids, some said she wanted her breasts to remain firm and perky so she will keep 'doing sisi' and probably have boyfriends too. A few others were of the opinion that her children refused to suck, they said in rare occasions, some babies reject their mum's breasts right from birth.

If not for the fact that her mum in-law was present in the hospital during her first two deliveries, they would have said she didn't give birth to the children hahahahaha.

So my people, any breast feeding story?

Mama Tee


  1. I breastfed my babies exclusively for 6months,then I start to introduce formula and cereals eg Frisogold rice cereal to them. Weaning is between 9months to 1yr.After that you're on your own... Hehe. Breastfeeding is a thing of choice, if you want to breastfeed till they enter university, na you sabi. Mothers that couldn't breastfeed their babies because of one thing or the other shouldn't worry, it doesn't make them less a mum

    1. .....till they enter university got me laughing hard 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  2. No be small thing...I don't know why people enjoy this too much, they will always tell u to 'give her breast' once the baby starts crying...they don't even know if its hunger that is worrying the child.

    Mama Tee, I love your series.

    1. The thing dey tire me sef. Even in public transport they'll be shouting 'give am breast, give am breast'. They never talk wetin they wan see. I just ignore them jare.

    2. And If you refuse, they will be like, u sure say na u born this pikin? Me, Nooo. I thief am. Mtcheww.

  3. I breastfed my babies for one year and five months.

    1. Yes it's not easy at all. My 1st took for a year plus 4/1/2 months 😂. It was war to stop her, but I have already told hubby her brother will take till 2years guy man come dey give me side eyes 😂😂.

      Mama Tee well-done.

    2. Breastfed my son for a month,now my daughter is still on it...she's 1year getting to 3 months now.

  4. Mama Tee, I dey always gbadun your series.

    I think breastfeeding should be a thing of choice. Some people don't even lactate,some are working mum's,some want perky breast Luke Amanda..........

    I must give my baby formula alongside sha. I can't fit do exclusive

    1. Same thought i have been having @ya last line. Cant shout. Lol

    2. My dear don't even bother with exclusive.

  5. after having my baby.... I wasn't producing enough milk at all... had to substitute with formula... there was nothing people did not advice.. drink pap drink cranberry massage the breast etc... the only thing I gained always adding the whole weight in the world... till date people still make you feel less of a mother for not breastfeeding... I have developed such a thick skin to their analysis

    1. Don't mind all those oversabi people.

    2. Some will even say you won't bond with your child if you don't breastfeed.

      Don't mind them.

    3. But your own is better. How about my mil that was complaining everyday that I should stop giving breastmilk and start giving formula. From the day my boy was born, she started saying she gave all her children formula from day 1.

      Ok mama, fine but me I choose to breastfeed exclusively. It is my decision, my milk was wasting and I wasn't going back to work anytime soon so what is the issue?

      If he cries, give him formula, he sneezes give him formula, he coughs give him formula.

      I just ignored her and breastfed him exclusively for 6months and I thank God I was able to do it. I dont know what she was afraid of , mayb she felt he will be too attached to me cuz i dont understand what all that drama was for.

    4. Story of my life. I felt like a failure as well.
      Up till date, I don't like to think about it. Although I feel much better now than then.
      My husband on the other hand, knows how I feel about it, so whenever we have squabbles, he foolishly tries to bring it up.

    5. As for bonding, that one na lie. A child will bond to whoever feeds him, whether breast milk or formula.
      So far say you give am something to fill up em belle, he'll bond with you.

    6. I experienced the same damn thing, it was a big family issue of which they concluded i was very stubborn, my friend later told me they are acing that waý cos they feel helpless knowing they cant assist you nurse, they mean well, bla bla.

    7. @ Chy, very annoying and No it wasn't because she wanted to help. She felt my baby was "shacking" me. You know like will you be the first to give birth? I gave all my children formula from the day they were born. I have no issues with you suggesting or advising me to do something but don't try and impose it. I am not a child and to think her own daughters breastfed their children exclusively, why didn't she force them not to ? Na for my side she wan exert authority? Mtchew.

  6. When I get to that bridge, I will cross it, until then na to read comments sure pass

    1. I breastfed all my kids alongside baby milk and other baby foods till they walked

  7. Either you breastfeed or not, it doesn't make you less of a mother. You breastfeed, people will talk and if you don't they will still talk. So go with the one that is suitable for you and your child. And some are of the opinion that breastfeeding makes a child intelligent and smart, that's a big fat lie. A child that will be intelligent will be intelligent. God help us.
    I guess that man that is sucking her wife's breast milk isn't easily irritated, breastmilk that has one kind smell like that and taste like what I don't know🙄🙄🙄🙄
    Mama tee kudos to you👍👍

    1. my dear, take your time and read about the benefits of breastfeeding not just to the child but even you as the mother.

    2. Anon 12.23, I am one person who doesn't like stress. I bought Aptamil because I had a planned csection and already knew when my boy was coming.I didn't want the stress of breastfeeding.

      When the midwives and doctors highlighted the benefits of breastfeeding, I just looked at my son and I knew I wasn't going to give him formula. Thank God I had enough milk so I breastfed my little prince and he was so chubby and fresh. A lot of people didnt believe it was just breastmilk.This colic thing that a lot of babies have my son didn't have it.

      Breastfeeding is not easy at all because there were times I will cry , is it when my breast was engorged like stone ? My nippes nko? But it got better with time and I started enjoying it.

    3. @merciful, obviously you don’t know the benefits of breastfeeding. Even the manufacturers of formulas for babies know which is better. Stop deceiving yourself.

  8. I dated a guy that still sucks and play with his grandma's breast, dude can suck boob's for Africa sha while we were dating.I didn't see it as anything then, until we broke up dude will call me and request if we can see so that he will suck breast 😦. Then anytime we meet anywhere he will be seriously begging "please can I ask you for one thing, can I suck your boobs just small" and I kid you not, he is almost in tears when asking. Our mutual friends don't understand why I always create a scene every time we meet.

    1. What is this??? Please avoid him

    2. Hahahahahahahaha
      This one is a disorder o. His people should take him for treatment

    3. lol, maybe yahoo plus things.

    4. Kikikikiki🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️

    5. Haha haha, this one weak me 😁😀

    6. 12:24 you may be right. It might be yahoo plus. Poster start avoiding him like a plague

    7. Lols..poster are you my ex girlfriend??

  9. I breastfed my son exclusively for 5months because it got to a time he was not full from breastmilk. So I added pap and milk for him till 6months when he started solids. Stopped him breastfeeding completely a year and 3months. Exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6months is very good for babies. I recommend it for every mom. It makes them healthy and immune to any type of sickness. He never fell I'll till he was 5 and that was malaria. Even teething problem didn't break him down. My baby was so big and healthy he won baby of the year at the hospital we were using.

    1. Miss Ess
      Breastfed my baby

      Ayam confused.

    2. Miss Ess you lie
      I did not do exclusive for my twins, they took infant milk from birth but they lead their class mates in school. Always 1st and 2nd position. Very smart too. They don't fall sick too. A child that will always fall sick or be a dullard will be, whether they breasts feed them for one month or 6 months

    3. I am confused myself anon, should I have said I breastfed my goat? Mbok tell me something....

    4. agree with you on all the benefits cos to the glory of God my children have been very healthy. the issue here is for those who are not as lucky as some of us..people should stop making them feel less of a woman or a good mother like some insinuate. only a small % of women in my opinion refuse to breastfeed for selfish reasons. i had twin girls and i hated breastfeeding but just had to do it. i had to give them formular alongside breastmilk cos they were in the neonatal unit and i still had to go and express milk everyday... I did not even know breastfeeding could make you that hungry sef. i was in the UK with them for some months before i came back to naija so i had no amebo people around except my mum who would want to annoy me sometimes with some old wives of my girls sha stopped breastfeeding at 8 months and the other 1yr 2 weeks. thinking someone is less of a woman or mother cos they dont breastfeed is utter bullshit

    5. And 12:04, please quote my lie(s) and show me. What did I say that contradicted yours? Did I say a child that was not fed on breast milk would be dull and carry last in class, or did I say they would not be smart? Hian! I just tire for una. One first say na goat I suppose give my breast milk instead of human being.

    6. Exclusive breast milk has tons of advantages over formular, research has shown that children on EBF do better and are healthier compared to their formular fed counterparts.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. Exclusive breastfeeding 9 months straight saved me some cash.... otherwise I don't recommend it coz it can be stressful for the mom. My baby is still on breast milk over 1 year +... very stressful I tell u

    9. @Miss Ess, ignore that ignorant anonymous for her ignorant comment. Obviously, the ignorance of the person is what made her to post ignorant comment. Even manufacturers of formulas cannot deny the benefits of breast milk over the formulas. Breastmilk has always been better than formulas. I’m sure her twin children are less strong than children who breastfed. Bones, skin, etc.

  10. Most things in life are not by force but by choice. From getting married, having kids, the manner you decide to have them, their sex, number etc but in Nigeria people want to teach you how it's done. Those days who knew about exclusive but these days if you don't have a vaginal birth or breastfeed, you have failed. I stopped mine at a year and some people were screaming I no kuku send them. People should stop allowing people guilt trip them about their choice!

    1. I tire o. Most of our mothers and grandmothers did not do exclusive, we no die.

  11. See me grinning while reading. Mama tee, the way I look forward to your post, you would think I get paid for reading and loving it. Keep it up maami

  12. breast feeding is good.i breast fed my son till he was 8 months,my daughter stopped on her own at 6months.2weeks..for my last baby, I’m doing exclusive till 6 months,his expiry date on my breast still remains 8 months...I duff my cap for mothers breastfeeding toddlers, like how? I no get this kind patience abi tolerance

  13. My husband also loves sucking my breasts. My big and long nipples are not even helping matters. Sometimes he will suck for more than one hour and the thing will be paining me, I will just push his head away. When is too much like that, no enjoyment again,the nipples will be sore. I use to hide my breasts from him except the day I want us to fcuk cos if he sight them like this na fire in the night

  14. I breast fed my babies for 1year 6months. The plan was for 2years. But somehow I take in every 18months after delivery. I just had my 3rd and last baby and intend to do same. But do something so I don't get pregnant after 18mobths. I do born finish.
    One of the benefits of breastfeeding for me is that it acts as a form of birth control for me(its not reliable it just works for me. )
    I had my first baby 2013 and till now I have only seen my period 4times. Infact the last time I bought Always it was being sold for 280. Was shocked that it's now 500.
    Breastfeeding is no validation for having a healthy child fa. It is the best. But if you can't formula feed your baby's.
    You can comman be drinking garri and eating bread 3tines a day and say u are doing exclusive. Your baby is what you eat.
    Eat rightly and do the exclusive.
    Ehen if you are doing exclusive your baby don't need water.
    Breast milk contains all the water a baby needs.
    if you are doing formula hygiene is top priority.
    Mama Tee abeg talk about family planning..
    Abeg all the kids that we been used for products advertising. Do parents apply or their papa get the company.
    asking for my kids😜

  15. I breastfed my boy 2months and its not exclusive, I added similar, he was so big and never fell I'll till he clocked 2 when he fell down n bruised his elbows n we has to visit d clinic. My current baby is 3months n I've stopped kids doesn't mean d kid breastfed for 2 or 3yrs, if u don't train ur kid well, if u like bf for 5yrs, breastmilk ain't equal to health or smartness else Africa would be d smartest continent.

    1. All these defense mechanism and weak arguments all because you did what was best for you. Are you feeling guilty ? Abegiii.

    2. The smartest minds have frequently been found in africa, and people abroad actually breastfeed their kids, theŕes a lactation nurse and breastfeeding support booklets and help lines and groups. Breast pumps, and other devices. Paediatricians abroad even canvass for EBF more, but there are close options if you chose not to or cant for whatever reasons.

  16. So my breast feeding journey was a rigorous one, i had decided on exclusive for 6 months, which i did, was constantly judged by my family n in-laws for not giving baby formular, of which i had even returned with tons of similac formular from the US and i even had to show my sis inlaw when i heard overheard her saying she will buy my baby formular, thinking maybe i was being a cheapskate, lmaoo!, i heard it all, baby isn't fat enough, baby will grow skinny, mothers die on exclusive breastfeeding! Hian i tried to educate them but was constantly told I'm a new mum n knew nothing, for my own sanity i nursed my baby alone. Reaping the benefits, she's as smart as a whip, beat all her milesstones months before, at 9months she was running round the house already, shes never been ill asides mild flu and Malaria. Just started weaning her off at 15 months , would have liked to do till 2 years as recommended by WHO, But its gonna be funny her standing and sucking, plus I'm back to work and she should soon start preschool. All mothers should do what works for them as long as its available and affordable,baby friendly is the best undoubtedly. but there are also good options

    1. Was your baby not given formulae in America?

      Similac has everything in breast milk

    2. Milestones ke...ok

    3. Nops opted for exclusive breast feeding even after CS and nops similac doesn't give you all the antibodies from mothers breast milk, which is physiologically specifically formed for each baby.

  17. Interesting topic. Waiting for family planning gists mama tee

  18. Lovely writeup mama T.
    When I had my 1st baby I did exclusive bf but she wasn't fat.whenever u go for routine immunization I see her mates fatter than her.I wasn't happy.thou she was very strong o & never I'll but I was worried.I feltlike I wasn't doing something right.Even in church they'll be calling her wen I had my 2nd baby I refused to do exclusive.was giving him formula and mehn he was big.each time we are going for immunization I'll bottle feed him so I won't carry anything.when other mother's ask me what he was eating I'll say "na breast o" with wide smile.And I was happy.when we go to church he doesn't stay with me cos pple love carrying him.And he never fell sick in fact he's the smartest among his siblings.

  19. So what will happen to people that adopted and can't breastfeed or people that gave birth through surrogacy as a lot of people are doing now for one reason or the other... They are not new mother's abi??? Naija na wah..

    1. Don't mind Naija women with their hypocrite selves.
      Many of them here are in similar situations but would prefer to keep quiet in order not to be looked down on.

    2. Who said they are not mothers? If you understand this post at all you will know that what a lot of people are saying is yes breastfeeding is better and beneficial to baby but in the absence of that and based on circumstance/choice, formula can be given as well.Breastfeeding is not do or die!!!

    3. Those who had their babies through surrogacy can breastfeed if they chose to. The clinic usually prep them for breakfast feeding if they indicate interest, so that they can start breastfeeding as soon as the child is handed over to them.


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