Stella Dimoko Amnesty International Says It Is Investigating Arrest Of 114 Women In Owerri..


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Friday, August 24, 2018

Amnesty International Says It Is Investigating Arrest Of 114 Women In Owerri..

There is viral report that 114 IPOB women are currently in Detention is Owerri and this news is disturbing............

They tweeted.....

''Amnesty International is investigating disturbing arrest of 114 women peaceful protesters in Owerri,Imo state,Nigeria: #ProtestIsNotTreason #ProtestIsAHumanRight''


  1. 114 women in detention? For what offense? Unbelievable.


  2. One of the statements of facts as made by Confucius and I quote "The superior man acts before he speaks and afterwards speak according to his action."

    Understand this fact,  it takes an acts of heroism for one to be hero.  It is not by the willingness of a majority that propels or ignites rebellion but the determination of few individuals.

    Nigeria was built on falsehood and disception and the reason it has never worked out after the contraption of almaganation. Firstly we weren't supposed to be  one as a people with diverse culture and beliefs, with over 250 ethnic groups. Who does that? I believe Frederick Lord Lugard didn't died a happy man for this crime committed against indigenous people.

    If Nigeria had ever worked, there wouldn't have been an agitation in the first place that brought in the war to us by the Nigeria government in connivance with their foreign allies. Successive government has came up after independence and all failed including the whole 33years of military dictatorship. Another 19years of democratic rule in shamble. Which way forward?

    Wasn't life better before the coming of the whites in the Africa soil that end up in colonizing us? And when leaving they created a more divisive system to further control and rule us indirectly by our own greedy political criminals.

    All what reasonable Nigerians are asking is for a referendum. Return power to the people to chose where they want to belong. If they want restructuring, disintegration or united Nigeria. This can be achieved via referendum. What are the government afraid of? A call for referendum is never a call for war. The Brexit is as a result of referendum so also is Scotland that went for referendum and I asked is Nigeria better than this two countries? Until the WILL of the people prevailed, Nigeria will never know peace.

    1. You woke up this morning to type your historical fallacy again right? I love to school you on the things you have up here but it struck me that there is no need to engage you with superior intellectual premise of thought. Why? Because you will still do the same. One example is clear from your tagging together of the Brexit with Scotland’s call for independence. Let me take Brexit as a point of reference to you. Do you realize, if at all you are aware of it, that most Brits, who voted for Brexit started having a regret for over their votes because the clamour for the exit was based on lies and propaganda. Even the pro Brexit ministers are not finding it easy but had to leave their positions after putting the UK in a difficult situation. Mind you, Scotland that seeks exit from Britain wants Britain to remain in the EU. Does that not strike you? Let’s use Catalonia and Spain as example. Tell us what happened there.
      The US is a colonised country. People were there before the whites arrived there. US is super diverses and extremely multicultural but the country lives on and survives despite the hiccups here and there. Who says that the progress of a country is determined by less ethnic group as you want to paint it. One question, before 1914, did the Ndigbos live as a uniform entity? Did they live as one and had the same kind of boundaries they have now, recognized as Igbo lands? The Igbos fou guy themselves like every other groups. They were not a uniform group. Igbos sold Igbos as slaves to other people.
      You are here talking about reasonable Nigerians asking for referendum. No, not reasonable Nigerians asking for referendum. But some crazy ignorant people talking about referendum. The same people who cannot challenge their governors to give them good service and provide their needs. The same people who shout about the productions of Aba yet Aba is the dirtiest city in Nigeria. Hills and mounts of dirts in all corners of the city.
      Nigeria wasn’t built on falsehood and disception. And it is not the amalgamation of Nigeria that is making Nigeria not to work. Nigeria is not working because the first crisis it experienced was caused by military men of the same ethnic group who are now crying victimization and marginalization. Only if these people didn’t massacre prominent Nigerians, the civil war wouldn’t have come up. They were the first democratic and military heads of state of Nigeria yet they didn’t do anything. Only destroy the country with coup and massacre. I’m sure Fredrick Lugard died a happier man than Nzeogwu. The blood of Nigerians spilled because of the war caused by Nzeogwu and others will make them sleepless in their graves.
      Your clamour for referendum will make you like another South Sudan. Or Bangladesh. With the kind of leaders you have, there won’t be any good. As for these old women who unfortunately spend their time protesting for a useless course, I feel sorry for them. Protesting for the absence of a criminal failed DJ like Nnamdi Kanu who is busy in UK enjoying the money of poor Ndigbo boys contributed for his consumption. Yet one young man is here commenting about referendum when the only leader they have: Nnamdi, is the same kind of person that does not even know the concept of heroism you mentioned above. I feel sorry for this your nonsense. Most hurtful is that, you suffer us with this grammatical engineering of yours.

    2. I thought you were enlightened about the war? So to you Nzeogwu brought the war? Tell me more about the Aburi accord please. Did you know Gowon betray that accord that led to that war you are misquoting? With the absence of Nmamdi Kanu, has the agitation stop? Have the Nigerian government win any case against them even in their own court? Have you ask yourself why the federal government were too quick to proscribed IPOB who haven't fire a shot but are reluctant to do same with the Fulani herdsmen even with international condemnation.

      Do you know according to world record, IPOB was reckoned as the most peaceful mass sessonist movement with chains and methodology of command and control over 88 countries. Why didn't those countries chase them away if truly they are terrorist?

      Do you know 10 count charges was given to 16 among those 114 women abducted but in yesterday ruling they still won the government and granted bail unconditionally. So then where is the treasonable charge on them?

    3. Again I want to ask you, how have the Easterners being living before the almagamation? Tell me.

    4. Teejay keep quiet please. You have been buried and from dust to dust rites have been carried out on this your epistle this morning. Save us all abeg.

    5. Teejay I trust you not to pass on this! Both of you have made valid and interesting points. I have surely learn a lot from your discussion but pls let's respect each others views and opinions without insult. May God Bless y'all.

    6. Just in line with Amnesty International, a famous journalist who had covered Boko Haram operations have spoken out and I quote him

      Mr. Salkida also took to the micro-blogging site to condemn Kanu’s disappearance, saying the “official terrorism” in the country must stop.

      He tweeted: “In a supposed democracy, and his family just disappeared and we, as citizens, can go to sleep because we feel we don’t agree with him or his politics? This official terrorism must stop, . ‘his crime is not overly big for the courts to handle”.

    7. Now I get it. You are really suffering from a disaster of understanding. Should I school you again or let you be? Look below. I have punctured two of your claims with real evidences. But you are still giving me no proof to debate on. World Record? By who? Which world record considered IPOB the most peaceful secessionist movement? World record printed in Aba or your village in Enugu? Is that how you deceive yourself? The same idiots who were claiming to have weapons of destruction on their network and spreading fears among people? Idiots using cultlasses and matchetes to fight soldiers with guns? World record indeed.
      As for Nzeogwu, it was their coup that laid the foundation for a counter coup which led to mass killings and war. Look up your history. Ask yourself, why did those Igbo soldiers plan a coup and murdered prominent Nigerians from the North and West? Why? Did that not happen before the civil war?
      Talking about the Aburi accord. It was Gowon who promulgated the decree 8. Which means he was ready for the implementation of the agreement. But your power hungry Ojukwu did what? Stubborn to seek position. Tell me what Ojukwu did for the Igbos. During the war, he ran out of the country to relax. Then back after the war. Already, millions were dead. The same example Nnamdi adopted. Put the lives of innocent boys in danger then ran to the UK. Criminal DJ. Ojukwu wasn’t a hero. Muammar Ghadafi remained in Libya and died there. He fought those who fought him till he died. Saddam Hussein didn’t run from his country or those who fought for him. He remained there till he was killed. Ojukwu ran away to another country then came back to marry a younger bride. Such a hero!
      You have not read anything about the Aburi accord. You just keep talking about it without any reference to its content. That’s why I said it is no use engaging you in a constructive debate. You can never provide details to substantiate your premise of discourse.
      Another shallow argument of yours is saying that the arrested women won because they were given bail. Is getting a bail winning a court case? Is treasonable offence not bailable? Did Nnamdi not get a bail? Did Dasuki not get a bail? Did your thief brother Oludamini Metuh not get a bail? Did it signify winning their cases? This argument of yours is a clear sign of your ignorance of jurisprudence. Treasonable offences are bailable. And are based on the state of the cases presented by the prosecutor. Know that now!
      Because they got bail doesn’t mean nothing. Even thieves win cases in courts. Murderers also win cases in courts. That is law for you. It is not a clear cut thing. It is about the cases put forward by the lawyers.
      You ask about the state of Ogbos before the amalgam of the two regions. Let me help you as usual. There was no uniform entity known as one Ndigbo as we know today. They were clannish people fighting for power and dominance. The ohafias fought other Igbos. Took them as slaves. Married of their wives. Even till today, you people still see some Igbos as the inauthentic or cursed Igbos. You see the Ebonyi people as less of Igbos. You still have caste system: Osu people. Igbos have never being one known entity until recently. The Obi of Onitsha was never a position that existed before the Amalgam as the most senior Igbo monarch. Every monarch to their community. They were all separated. Please, read works by early Nigerian historians such as Kenneth Dike to learn more. Read from J F A Ajayi. Grow your knowledge of Nigerian history. Don’t continue this ignorance. I leave you now. No need exchanging with you.

    8. Thanks deenity Sealord but I haven't been insulting in my comment but if you notice any, please call my attention to it and I will apologize. In argument we learn and that is the beauty of it and not to create enemity.

    9. Deenity, look below for the other exchanges and see how Teejay’s argument was flawed. He requested examples, he was given, but he didn’t accept them.
      As for Salkida’s tweet, it doesn’t change anything Mr Teejay. Few days after Nnamdi’s disappearance, his own brother confirmed that they knew where he was and were not going to disclose it for security reasons. A month later, they start accusing the military of abducting him. Who is playing who? Was that done to get sentiments and sympathy from vulnerable Nigerians? Check vanguard newspaper, the interview with Nnamdi’s brother is still there. Stop playing politics.

    10. @Deenity, no, the both are not on the same page. One person is mixing up history. The other is speaking with evidence and references.

    11. I apologize for my harsh words. But they are not directed at Teejay. I used third party in reference to that, not to Teejay. Don’t mind the words. I want Teejay to engage, focus on the points rather than dragging things from outside to the inside. Focus on the inside. @Deenity, most of my comments here are part of longer exchanges with Teejay outside this particular post. His style of argument pisses me off. He uses sentiments and emotions. We don’t accept his inobjectivity. He has to be real with sound arguments. No debates.

    12. anonymous if in deed you know what you are saying why do you hide your identity all the time. This country need referendum or division let us break and find peace if need be marriage is not by force, there is so much hate on Igbos and they wish to go, but people like you anonymous wouldn't let them go. Every time your response is usually contradictory because of your hate for Igbos there's nothing TeeJay say or write that goes down well with you.

      Are you really reasonable.?

    13. @beauty, I don’t have an ID on this blog hence my anonymity. But that doesn’t change my arguments. Point out the contradiction in my arguments please. I would like to see that. Just point out one to show my inconsistency. I’m saying things based on historical facts, not fallacies. I flawed Teejay’s arguments when he asked me for proofs twice. Read the comments below. I gave him proofs. Then what? He digressed to something else. I’m not just making claims. I based my premise on facts. The next narrative, which is the usual narrative is, they hate us, they hate Igbos. Stop such nonsense. You can’t be playing victims always. It is nonsense. We have gone past that. You want referendum by wanting to claim Delta, Rivers, Cross River. States that don’t even support your so-called referendum. If we leave you with your five states, you will all suffer. You think Aba will be funding your lives? Aba that is clinically dirty and dirty and dirty.
      You guys should first fix the hatred among and within Igbos before you talk about people hating on Igbos. Destroying our names internationally with drug smuggling and other kinds of crimes. Igbos are not safe to own their businesses in Eastern states. They go establish outside their states. Yet you talk about people hating on Igbos.
      As for your question, yes I am reasonable. Highly reasonable. But are you reasonable? I doubt.

    14. @Teejay, let me burst one of your lies again without proof. You claim the Owerri women arrested were given bail and won the government in the case put forward against them. But the fact is, they have been remanded in jail until September 3rd. So who is deceiving who? Stop false information and using lies to make arguments.

  3. I said it yesterday 'only in Nigeria' protest by the people are seen as treasonable felony. Isn't this disgraceful and ridicule to the international communities that Nigeria is so clueless to know what treason is? Shame to courts who entertain such cases. It is a slap to their face and disgrace to their academic qualifications.

    1. In Uganda, Bobi wine, a former musician turned senator is now in court for gathering people who protesting against Museveni, their president. Bobi, despite his position as a senator was arrested by the military, beaten to pulp. Immediately the military released him, he was arrested by the police and taken to the magistrate court. Do you know the charges brought against him? Treason. Why? For organizing people to protest against the president. This is a 36 years old man who talks about sanitizing the system, not supporting the course of a thugs and criminal like Nnamdi. Check BBC and other news to see why Bobi wine is charged to court for treason. So when I told you that your understanding of ‘only in Nigeria’ is not only problematic but full of fallacy. Like I mentioned, you don’t even know about things happening outside Nigeria so don’t comment about them. Limit your knowledge to Port Harcourt, Enugu and your bedroom. I just gave you one example now with Bobi Wine and the treason charge in the court for organizing protest against the president. After you check that, I would appreciate it that you keep quiet and calm and don’t speak about something you have no knowledge about.

    2. Look at the country you mentioned. Is Uganda any different from Nigeria? Isn't the same madness affecting the whole Africa continent? Give me a country outside Africa that protest without violence and was charged for treason.

    3. You see yourself. I just gave you one example but you claim to equate Uganda with Nigeria. I will give you another example from Europe and hope this will shut your ignorance. What happened to Catalonia secessionists in Spain? What happened to Catalonia’s president, Puigdemont? Why did he run on self exile? Why is the Spanish court seeking extradition from the EU countries he has been running to? What are the charges against him in Spanish courts: Barcelona to be precise. Himself and other secessionists that were arrested by the Federal Government of Spain? Treason is among the charges. Because he sought referendum and exit from Spain, allowed illegal protests which led to many clashes between police and protesters. So I have given you a Spanish example. European one. Tell me Spain is the same with Nigeria then I will conclude that your head needs some screws.

    4. Don’t forget, thΓ© Catalonians did not engage in violent protests. They were very peaceful. The Central Government of Spain used their power to crush them through military police from different provinces of Spain. The president Puidgemont didn’t even protest but charged with treason. Maybe you don’t even know the meaning of treason hence your insistence on that word. IPOB world record my yansh. You want another example?

    5. Now let me tell you this, do you know an oppressor will never want to let an oppressed go but at the long run they will have no choice.

      Firstly, you haven't answer my question about the Aburi accord held in Ghana where late Ojukwu and Gowon singed the treaty.

      Is self determination to you a treasonable offence? What then did you call treason?

      Do you know self determination is enshrine in the UN charter act in which Nigeria is a signatory to?

      Do you know UN and EU on their invitation to label IPOB a terrorist movement by Nigerian government bluntly refused but they did that to Boko Haram. What does that tells you?

      When have peaceful protest becomes treasonable according to the constitution? An unarmed people for that matter. Do you know according to Nigeria constitution we have every right for self defence but we have chosen not to react at the moment.

      I haven't seen you condemn the executive rascality of this government but you claimed to be fair and not a buharist. Please I crave your indulgence what name will I know you with so I can always call on your attention for issues bothering on this nation, for there are many anonymous but I want to know you with something.

    6. Hahahahahahaahahahahahah.

    7. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

      Joro jara jaro
      Joro jara joro

      One mo time for the ones sleepin' at the back.

      Joro jara joro!!!!


    8. Teejay, ASA is the name. Drop your phone number or email here if you want us to talk outside of this platform. I requested for it yesterday but you didn’t pass it on. I can continue the exchange with you but you don’t want to engage. You are not focusing on the issues we are raising. You asked for evidence, I availed you with one. Then you requested for a country outside Africa, I did. I expected you to accept that you got it wrong after that, but no. You started a new thread completely different from what we were debating about. That is why I’m upset with your style of argument. The Aburi accord you are talking about here is mentioned in the other comment, not this one. But you want to run away from the main subject. From your observation, you will notice that only one anonymous has been debating with you for some days now. The anonymous who typed hahahahahahaha and joro jara joro is not the same anonymous that has been responding to your comments. Please stop mentioning Nigerian constitution and Aburi accord if you cannot point out to the exact reference you are talking about in the both of them. Firstly, you talked about one World Record. I asked for it, you couldn’t produce it. You just keep making bombastic claims here and there. I’m not a hater of Igbos or a Buharist. No, I will never be. But I raise these issues that make it seems as if I am one because you guys are just clouding your judgements with sentiments, bias, and emotions. Because you didn’t support Buhari doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give him credit for at least one thing good that he did. As for Igbos, i keep challenging you to the cry of victimization and marginalization because they never do that whenever they are in power. Immediately they have no central control, you hear them bringing back old stories. What about other ethnic groups in the country that have no major positions and will never get any based on the kind of structure we have in Nigeria? Choris, Bassas, Kwales, Idomas, Tangale, Gwaris. These ethnic groups do not get to the kind of positions Igbo people get but they don’t cry marginalization like Igbos. Igbos have been two times president and head of state in Nigeria. What about other ethnic groups? Yet, you guys keep talking about 2019, 2023, etc and saying it is your turn now. What does that mean? Why is it not the turn of other people? Yet we know Igbos will never come to a conclusion to field a consensus candidate because they always try to bring themselves down. You too agree with me on this point. You mentioned it in one of your comments in a post about Rochas statement. Which you were very objective about.
      I don’t need to support this administration to make my statement. But tell me or point out one place that I supported this government. Or because I said the president has the right to hire 40 SAN? Which is true. If I see the need to point out the errors of this administration I will do that. I won’t do it based on sentiment or without objectivity.
      If you want us to talk outside of this then leave your contact here. I will call or email you. Trust me! ASA is the name. But know that as long as I find your comments cumbersome or irrational, i will surely follow it up with mine. I won’t let you go. We go just dey exchange words. So keep your thoughts alive and focused. Don’t make bombastic claims like that “world record” claim or that your slogan “only in Nigeria” because i will shatter them the way I did with the Spanish and Ugandan examples. I be senior student of history. A professional! I know my stuffs o. Take care my friend. Stick to facts sand be focused. Chao!

    9. I just like sound so objective and

  4. You think say Bubu care? That wan nor 'consign' long as his cattles are not affected.

  5. Rochas will never get anything right in his life, how can you order for the arrest of peaceful protesters.

  6. what is wrong in protesting for their own right,why detent them?.Nigeria is a lawless country you cant even feel safe as a citizen.

    1. They were not protesting to protect their rights.They were arrested for belonging to a proscribed organisation i.e IPOB. No matter how saddening their arrest is,They broke the law.Besides the nnamdi Kanu they are fighting is a fugitive and gives no damn about them.Next time they should look for a lawful aproach to air their grievances.

    2. You sounded myopic about what you just said above there. I believe you are a graduate but if not pardon me for calling you one. When has self determination becomes a crime? Do you know it is enshrine in the UN charter in which Nigeria is a signatory to. Do you know your President went very far canvassing for independent state for Palestinian and Western Sahara but can tolerate same in his own abode? Isn't that the height of deceit and hypocrity.

      If they are proscribe as terrorist, why did the international communities refused to acknowledge them as one?

      Why have they always win their case in courts against the federal government? To show how tribal you are, why haven't you clamour for the proscription of herdsmen that has done more harm in Nigeria. Has IPOP kill anyone to get such treatment?

    3. Deji proscribe Boko Haram fast
      Proscribe shitees too
      I have never supported ipob but in the name of whatever God you worship why will the people you support proscribe an organisation from just one section of country?

      Anyway whatever they worship will punish them all soon

    4. Adedeji, thank you o. These people just let their sentiments cloud their judgements.

  7. TeeJay please don't mind those senseless people arguing with you on this issue. They have a very tiny brain so they will not understand what you are talking about

  8. Just passingπŸ˜“πŸƒπŸƒπŸƒπŸƒ

  9. TeeJay please don't mind this people arguing with you on this issue. They have a tiny brain. Everything you said is on point very correct

  10. Teejay God bless you, anonymous please go and sleep.

  11. Teejay please dont mind the anonymous. And at Anonymous i put it to you that you are igbo man benefiting from Buhari hence everything he does is good. But one thing I want you to know is this, The blood of all the innocent people both old and young killed by fulani herdsmen in nigeria will be on buhari and anybody supporting his evil deed.


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