Stella Dimoko Thursday SPONTANEOUS Post


Thursday, July 05, 2018


#weekendslowlycreepingin #thursday #throwbackthingsonthesocialmedia #atallatallnaembadoh #sunnyday #wonderfulday #everythingpositive #everythingood #hmmmmm #gistsflowingeverywhere #rhinotloading #shockinggist #ifyouknowyouknow..

Good Morning everyone!
Today is gonna be a good day,just be positive minded no matter what you are/ going through!

Blog PA is still going through the comment section to fish out someone that will be blessed from yesterdays Spontaneous post...........Babe try to be fast with this,i have noticed you have slowed down........You will be sent on indefinite suspension if you dont get back to me before today ends on this......

Please today lets make it a point of duty...If you know any BV here personally that no longer makes a comment with the ID we all know,try to reach out to them to find out if they are OK....I am also including the proud ones  who thought that this Blog would collapse without them...Please reach out to them and tell them we care to know if they are OK......No we are not begging them to come back,we are just showing some care......Say hi to them from SDK Herself!!!

To all BVs who have died without us knowing may they all RIP.......

Have a Blessed day and God bless us and our hustle...




    1. Yes,some people wld have died without us knowing, it is well. May their souls RIP.... Amen

    2. I felt sad reading the sad news of that bv's demise on yesterday's IHN. She once did a coconut oil giveaway here like two or three years ago. May her soul rest in perfect peace.

  2. Martins, how do you do it? Whenever  your name is mentioned, you just appear. Even if you have been absent for a long time....  was it Chike or someone else that said "you must be a ghost"? But for real yo, is it an App or something that brings you timely here when your name is called ..😂😂😂.... This is just an appreciation comment to say thanks for what you do for all of us and the way you are so professional and polite even when you don't have to is off the hook. You must be well brought up!

    How y'all doing people? Almost the end of the week oh. This week ran by so fast.

    Too many shootings and protests going on around here. Pls, stay safe wherever you find yourself. Don't underestimate the power of intuition and prayer.

    God bless you 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

    1. Good morning @Same Girl and thanks so very much..
      It really means a lot to make people happy and also smile in my own little way..

      Do have an awesome day and may God bless us all!!


    2. Martins is really a good man. God bless him.

    3. Yes Martins is well brought up. Husband material, lol.

      I nominate him for the SDK Spontaneous Comment give away.

      BELOVED pls take note.

      Do take care bro.

    4. I think he always read comments without commenting. The guy is really trying. The day I had to explain something on WhatsApp to someone here,na then I know say the thing no easy.

      Martin's weldone. God bless you

      Stella biko the him the title MVBV(Most Valuable Blog Visitor)

    5. @Samegirl, i think the same way too. To Martins, God bless you greatly. I have learnt somethings from you. Thank you.

    6. He is our very own Genie. I lurv him. And smart comments too. God bless you Martins.

    7. Martins is BAE
      Very sensible and intelligent young man. Someone said yesterday that he is the only man on the blog. Funny bvs

    8. Martins and Isaacson appear like very well brought up boys. Have not read comment from Isaac in a while.

    9. Remove that Isaac guy jo... na coded niggar, if u know u knw

    10. He is our very own Genie. I lurv him. And smart comments too. God bless you Martins.

    11. How does he do it?

      Let me tell you how he does it.
      He reads the blog DAILY but doesn't feel the need to rush and type out everything that falls through any crack his his brain.
      No struggling for 'first to comment'.
      No stealing other people's work and rushing to present like a child.
      No forming woke and ITK on top of NOTHING.
      No formulating daily irritating nauseating fabricated stories.
      No woodpecker rantings for him.
      Dude is just chilled.
      He's just chilled y'know.
      His fingers are not itching.
      His throat is not dry.
      I know many cannot relate, but that is how he DOES it.


      This one is not a boy.
      This is a MAN.

      When you see boy, you will know.

    12. Choi see Plenty accolades
      Martins you have made it.
      Take mine are a very very good person.

      Hi Same girl

    13. @anonymous 09:49 true all that!!
      He should change his name to Martins

    14. Thanks to each and everyone of you!!
      I really appreciate the compliment and encouragement;and would always try my possible best in my own little way just to put a smile on BV's face..

      It really makes me happy when i see other people happy..
      Wishing everyone a happy and blessed day!!


    15. Heiress Fitables, the person only spoke the truth.

      Lucille, he deserves every one of those accolades and more.

      And not like he just quickly assumed one garment to impress people, dude has always been chilled like this right from 2014 when I noticed him here.

      I want to say something in my native language, but I don't want some agbalagbas here to die from shame especially in this era of suicide.

      Keep it up Martins.

      Remove that ABOY from your name, you be MAN.

    16. I'm reading SP now and just said I should appreciate you Martins. You actually deserve all the accolades and even more. You deserve a gift from me and I hope I will be able to gift u something soon no matter how small. Even if na your data for the month. Keep being you and may God make you better

  3. Good Morning My Neighbors!!!!!!!

    No work for me today, congrats to those passing out..... May y'all find good jobs, Amen!!!

    Please how do you collect your money back from someone owing you without being rude?? This person earns waaaaaaaaaaay higher, has two jobs but would rather spends money on unnecessary things while owing someone else that's hustling , Na was!!!!

    NYSC biko, what's delaying our money??? We need it mbok!!!!


    1. From engagement to strippers to cab story,now it's debtors,let's see what story you will have for tomorrow 😎😎😎😎

    2. Hahaha.... Lady Bug whatever Cookie did to you must have broken your heart so badly lols. You no dey give her breathing space.

    3. No worry, allawee go soon show. Just relax

    4. Bug, , , have been searching around for ur disturbing comment...enjoy ur day

      Mc pinky

    5. yori yori
      Don't mind the stupid insect, I'm sure she and Cookie had a bitter fight with one of her numerous blog ids. Ewu

    6. Someone is owing me n every new month he sends a message to tell me he has not been paid. last Sunday I was sitting quietly in church during tithe call. I saw this same person went to drop tithe. I clean my eyes to make sure I was not dreaming. Bvs is tithe not 10 percent of our income again? Or did the church change rules. You see why people are wicked. I have just decided I wont ask for that money again but will never give this person a kobo again. No matter how urgent they need money. ...

    7. Lady bug looking for whom to bug.

    8. wait patiently @cookie alert go show

    9. Cookie just ignore the person. Someone close to me(family) is owing me,she blocked me on IG,Facebook and from viewing her WhatsApp status. She even insulted me last week when I asked for my money. She said I'm ranting like a market woman because of 25k. Me I don chill but I get my plans.

  4. This is a very sad story. My friend travelled out on an official duty. She was expected to spend 5 days, but as fate would have it, the program only took 3 days and she could not reach her husband on phone because her phone was dead so she decided to return home unannounced. When she got home, her children told her that their father had a female visitor the moment she left and the lady has been with them since then. She was already infuriated and inquired the lady's whereabouts. They told her, the lady was in the visitor's room. She went and pipped, lo and behold the lady was there and was even using her wrapper. She quietly went to the kitchen and boiled water in her very big kettle. As the water was boiling, her husband drove in and when he came into the house, he went straight to the visitor's room calling out 'my love I'm home' unknown to him that his wife was home. My friend was even more angered when she heard his voice and said to herself 'today, God must receive uninvited visitors at His doorpost'. She took the boiling water and made garri for them (herself, husband and her mother in-law) to eat😆😙😂😂😂 I know you like stories, especially the ones that touch heart😂😂😂😂. I am in my office drinking tea, please come and join me😆😆😆😂😂

    *Larry was here*

    1. You nor well. See as my antenna flew up, mtchew. Suspension dey hungry you abi? BELOVED take note.

    2. U try shaaaaa...but as i dey read am go, the thing be like one nollywood movie wey i don watch before

      Mc pinky

    3. What a waste of a boiling water.

    4. Stopeeeet! My heart was just Doing 'gbim, gbim, gbim' until I got to the last part.. Ah-ahn I dont like it at all.

    5. I kinda envisaged that it's all a small joke.

    6. I didn't even bother to read.

    7. I knew it was a joke. I've seen it before

    8. Starry harry how come you never gave us update on what happened to your little nephew that hit his heat on the table abi floor??

    9. Lol... You are something else o

    10. chai larry u no well ooooooooo i just the read the smile the go, abeg which kind early joke be this

  5. Why is it that these people turn their invitation to church to another thing. I already told you the first day that I don't attend Deeper life programmes but you kept talking as if you're feed, clothe or gbensh me, just because I work for you. You owed me two months salary and paid yesterday just for you to have mouth to nag me for your conference. Inasmuch as I don't want to be rude, she's pushing me. Even my mum that is a woman coordinator in your church never forced her invitation on me, she knows that I won't go.
    I told her I have a wedding to attend that day, she told me to cancel it and stop attending weddings of those that their lives are already better, and come to pray for me to get married, so that my own life can be better. So marraige makes one's life better? Nonsense woman. I am not even close to 30 years. I will lock myself inside the house that day and off my phone because I don't want to say what will make her hate me for life. They won't come for your programme but be shining teeth for you to attend their boring services. She said she's not converting me but wants me to come and learn how to "arrange" my home when I eventually married. I simply told her to make records of the messages for me abi what else can I tell her?

    1. Just wear full face make up, pop a gum, carry ur bag n awing ur waist when entering....since its a conference, bare ur hair or wear a face cap, polo n

    2. Since you've told her you not going for the program, Ignore her.

    3. hahahahahaha na wa. One man business is a no no for me. It is well with you. Dont mind her, it is not compulsory you attend the boring service.

    4. Some bosses and out of line authority in private life,hian!😎😎😎😎

    5. That's how my colleague too invited me for the conference. I think it's world wide thing, I should use my Saturday that i sleep until 12pm to go sit with deeper life that won't use ordinary body spray, kolewerk.

    6. Poster, you can't tell if God is speaking to you through her. You may attend the program and your needs will be met. Why not give it a trial....

    7. some haven't remove the pin in their hair. Nah so my previous boss was telling me, i shouldn't date any married man bla bla bla i just looked at her smile in my mind. meanwhile she was nd still is dating a married man a billionaire like that.

  6. Good morning BVs.


  7. You can not solve a problem with the  same level of awareness that created them. 

    When the call for state policing came up as a move for devolution of powers, a lot of political pundits and analyst kicked against it on the notion that states governors will abuse the use of powers and use it against perceive opponent.

    My humble question this morning is, aren't the federal government  abusing the said 'powers' already by using the police and military to harass and intimate the opposition. Killers and perpetrators of crimes are being covered and protected from arrest and prosecution.

    When are we going to reason as people with functional brain? State policing will put an end to this herdsmen gruesome killings and clash with farmers since state will put measures in place to safeguard her people at a time the government at the federal have become incapacitated and irresponsible to act.

    1. Teejay you and mc pinky don't you guys have something doing? Please this is an innocent question.

    2. 9:08 If you have work, give them na, Innocentus abi Innocentia.
      You see someone on every post every day harming trash you are asking JAMB Question. Mtsheew.

    3. teejay don come again ooooo, kudos though

    4. Teejay, no be you write this thing. You copy am from person.

  8. Replies
    1. We already know😎😎😎😎

    2. You must be lonely and sad @Lady bug.
      Symptoms of depression is so glaring in you.
      Stop before you enter market with plantain leaves on your waist. Taaarrrrrh.
      Any words from you concerning this post is back to you in a trillion fold. Anumpama.
      Stella kindly post this. Why is she intimidating people here with her rascality? Creating nuisance on a sane blog.

    3. Foolish,I can see you are so pained,conti with your frustration on my comments,deal with it because I will continue unapologetic and unrepentant in doing so!😎😎😎😎😎😎

    4. hahahaha 😁😂😀Anon 09:56,Lady bug needs to undergo series of deliverance.

  9. The peace of GOD which surpasses all understanding, will guard our hearts and our thoughts in Christ Jesus.. amen.

    Good morning my beloved brethren. May God bless us beyond our imagination in Jesus name.

  10. Good morning all. May we have a blessed and peaceful day.

  11. What does it mean to give birth and take care of a child in the dream.#SCARY

    Off to my prophet on sunday

    @ADALAGOS reply yout mails... are you game for the private beach hangout tomorrow evening. A 2 day thing

    1. It means your ovaries are shouting, singing and shaku-shakuing

    2. You may not need a prophet afterall. It could mean something new is about to be committed into your hands by God. Something joyous,breaking new grounds sort of.

      You will need to pray very well for it to manifest physically.

      Except of course if you've been fantasizing being a mother recently. So in this case it could just be what occupies your thoughts mostly.

      Do take care.

    3. It means, you might find it difficult to get pregnant.

    4. I believe you ageless t. I kept forgetting the baby at odd places at home...

      I truly believe you. Im venturing into something new and maybe now i need to be extracareful.

      Holyghost fire you zoe zapata. Daughter of negativity

      Blackky i will run tests by monday when i'm free.


    5. Zoe, it may not be. Let her jam a strong and stubborn sperm, you will know that all na wash.

    6. @Lolo let no one deceive you, is not a good dream, it means you have a spiritual child. Pray and cancel it because spiritual control physical.

    7. If you are single it means you will soon get pregnant, so you just be careful to avoid unwanted pregnancy cos it has happened to me before. Mine was just scary cos few months before i had that dream, my bf dreamt of where he was applying white powder on his face and he woke up from the dream with his hands on his face. He eventually asked his mum the meaning of the dream and she said it means celebration/good thing to come which translates to celebration of child birth in igbo land where people apply white powder when a baby is born.

    8. @ Poster, i might be wrong though, you just pray against any negativity in your life.

    9. Na Tabitha get am jare.
      Ooh her ovaries 😂😂😂😂😂😂

    10. You go girl!

      So get down on your knees and pray. Forgetting the baby here and there means you may lose that dream if care is not taken,if you are not serious.

      Then get closer to God, RUN from sin.

      You may want to join THE HALLELUYA CHALLENGE 😂

  12. Good morning lovelies 💕💕💕💕💕
    May the peace of the Lord be on us all
    Stella Biko don't give beloved indefinite suspension oo
    Gist loading, ear hitching.... Bring it on ooo

    Bvs who stopped commenting,just peep in and say hi oo

  13. Hi Elena her majesty
    Hi Sexiest Mum of the blog
    Hi Olori Isis or Olori Shoe.
    Where una dey?

    1. I miss sexiest mum too, have lost means to communicate with her. I really do miss her wise comment

    2. They are repairing their beds...took longer than expected

  14. May the souls of the faithful departed rest in perfect peace .Amen
    We live today n tomorrow we die...that's life!

    This na GnM wishing all bvs goodness and mercy in all legit hussle today.Amen
    Stella u r blessed!
    Lady bug u r blessed!
    Tee jay u r blessed!
    Anonymous u r blessed!

    1. It shall be well with you GnM. Have a nice day dear.

    2. I think 'Doctor' Elena had problems with some bvs here before disappearing

  15. Good morning. Wishing us all a fruitful Thursday.

  16. Good morning great people...

    God over everything...

    Enjoy your day...

  17. Good morning Beautiful people all the World. Hope you all had a good night rest.

    Yesterday was a selah moment for me following the death of Dear Bv Adunni...May her soul rest in peace.

    I wouldn't give myself a 100% in terms of keeping up with friends/ acquaintances despite the fact that I have everyone in mind, most of the time. In fact, in my mind I worry a lot, about if everyone is okay. But often times, due to not wanting to appear too inquisitive or prying; Instead of picking up the phone to call, I will rather do a silent prayer.

    Hi Princess Rx, Hi Angel Handsome; Please call or text me if you see this.

    Chi Momma ...I trust you and baby are doing well.

    Hi Fam 2, I know you are all fine.

    Hi Yoo Hwa

    Hi Chikito, You have been conspicuously missing from the comment section too.

    Hope everyone else is Okay. Please be.

    #C'est la vie
    #LoveLivesHere #Assurance

    Hi Boss....I'm coming 😍

  18. Good Morning One Big and Happy Family, hope we all had a good night rest?
    The only good thing MTN has ever done is to double my data the last time I sub because I did not allow my data to expire before subscribing, but ehh me still they reason how 2.5g no they last 3weeks.
    Wizkid and Duncan Mighty song on replay, love that song like kilode.. please let's try and reach out to those we know, RIP to all the departed Soul amen.
    Have a nice day guys, one love

    1. 3 weeks??????? How? Hahaahahahah my own 2.5 doesn't last a week!

    2. Anon, I shock o, My 5gb lasts two weeks. I kid you not.

  19. My BELOVED in whom I'm well pleased! I saw your comment on the in house meme around 11pm yesterday, and I was just laughing.

    My dear the thing tire me me o. A whole one trillion fold? Lol. And stella had to munch it.

    Empress O, babe take it easy o. Are you our missing "End Time One Trillion"? Lol. Kisses.


    1. Choi She don add hashtag join am 😂😂😂


      Where's Bv One trillion sef

    2. I guess One trillion is now bv st Frankool.

    3. 😂😂😂😂


  20. we buy dead,scrap or faulty inverter battery call me.08117903918/081413951135 July 2018 at 08:10

    Ok seen

    1. Battery charger 😎😎😎

    2. This guy what do you see that you always shout seen.

  21. Good morning everyone. Who started this calling of Pastor DADDY and Pastor's wife MUMMY?
    Who started putting pastor's picture on the billboard and mount it in front of the Church?
    I can't deal.
    @Princess Tever.

    1. My sister, that thing annoys me too.

    2. That shouldn't be your concern. But as for me I find it hard to call any pastor Daddy and his wife mummy.

    3. When you call some pastor, they will look at you as if that isn't the name they were been called before all this calling of Daddy mummy thing. Anyway thank God I am not close to any pastor. God help us.


    *BY Mfon Offiong*

    I keep appealing to my Christian brothers and friends who send me inciting articles & messages which are "false and fake" via WhatsApp to beware, reminding them of Rwanda & the fate of Christianity there after the 1994 genocide.

    Rwanda is 96% Christian.
    Half of that Catholic.
    However, the pulpit was used as a platform by Christian Hutus to spread ethnic hate against Christian Tutsis.
    "The devil knew that the hate has ripened",
    no thanks to the activities of clerics so he brought down their President's helicopter.
    When the Hutu President & some of his Ministers died in the helicopter crash in 1994, it set off the genocide.

    800,000 people, 95% of the Christians were massacred in 100days.
    That's a Christian Country.
    So we shouldn't assume that because we are Christians, that we can keep sowing hate & not reap its fruit.
    Hate is a precursor to murder.
    Hate has no place in Christianity.

    After that, what happened in Rwanda?
    Paul Kagame took over.
    He is Tutsi.
    He has been ruling Rwanda since 1994 & has removed term limits.
    What happened to the dream of enthroning a government dominated by Hutus which led to the hate speech in Churches by Christians against Christians that resulted in the genocide?
    Rwanda is now Ruled by a minority Tutsi.

    Again, the Church in Rwanda no longer has the freedom it had in Rwanda before the genocide.
    In March this year, a move by Rwanda to shut down more than 714 Churches in its Capital City, allegedly for building safety, hygiene & noise violations,
    is prompting accusations that the government of President Paul is trampling on Religious freedom.

    On Tuesday (March 6), Police detained six Pastors, accusing them of conspiring to rally other clergies in defiance of the government’s shutdown orders.

    What do Christians and the preachers that urge them on want by spreading Religious & ethnic hate by sharing lies like the Police recruitment was done in Arabic,
    that NUC directed that Arabic should be one of the general studies courses in all Nigerian Universities.

    Permit me to paint this grim picture.
    The helicopter that took VP Osinbajo to a function in Gwagwalada, Abuja was reported to have malfunctioned.
    It was said to have taken off & could not go above the height of a tree & landed.

    Assuming he has entered it & God forbid, it got bad mid-air & crashed,
    these same set of so-called Christians and their Pastors who don't see anything good in PYO will claim Islamic religious conspiracy.
    I hope they have the army to fight the religious war whose drums they keep beating week in, week out.

    How will you hold a normal Church Service during a war?
    The clerics who were preaching ethnic hate and conspiracy theories in Rwanda didn't see the genocide coming.
    They didn't believe such a thing could ever happen.
    Keep cooking for the devil by spreading lies and hate from your pulpits and Churches in the belief that nothing will happen.

    This needs to be read by everybody preaching hate through religion especially Christians...
    Imagine someone posting dat d match btwn Russia 🇷🇺 and Saudi Arabia is a clear depiction of the war between Islam and Christianity...
    If God forbid war breaks put in Nigeria or Something relating to that of Rwanda happens in Nigeria Christianity in Nigeria will never recover from the blow it will receive.
    As such, there is no Imam or Sheikh dat preaches hate against Christianity but if you attend a Church function today even if its FCS in Schools you will sense the hate in their sermons even if you listen to it for just 15 mins!!!
    *We need to change our ways.*

    1. Shut up, if you don't know what to say EESAH. Which one is hate sermon? All the hates speech from Miyetty Allah what do you have to say concerning that.

      Save your utterances advice your senseless brother's (Herdsmen).

    2. Eesah, be very careful with what you post here! The so called Miyetti and his cohorts preach hate messages every time, you don't see anything wrong with that.
      People are being killed everyday by Fulani herdsmen; you don't see anything wrong with that. You come here running your mouth like a leaking tap. I don't need to stupid advice, save it for yourself.

  23. Beautiful morning to all Bvs. May we receive merited and unmerited favour today.

  24. Yesterday's IHN was something else. Thanks to TEEJAY and co. Stella na where you dey get all these BV's?
    RIP Adunni,may you rest in the bosom of the Lord.

  25. Quick update on the student that was being maltreatment by her uncle.

    You know I mentioned last time that her mother said she would come take her on Wednesday after her last paper on Tuesday. Her mother didn't actually go yesterday. Instead, she went on Tuesday evening, lied that her dad was sick and wanted to see his daughter, took her away, hopefully never to return again.

    It was when we didn't see the girl in school yesterday that we asked the man's daughter. She said her mum said she would be back next week.

    I laughed inside. I'm just so happy one horrible chapter of her life is closed

    1. Thank you, you did a really good job.

    2. God will reward you for removing that girl from bondage

    3. God bless you boo.

    4. God bless you for this action you took. Every child deserve happiness. No child is more than the other.


    5. You see! Your job is safe.
      Thank you Eka for coming back to us.
      .......not those this give us half story and bolt.

    6. Every child deserves happiness, it’s a strong word, I love that .
      Eka more grace to your life

    7. Just reread. Definitely 'maltreated'. Thanks

  26. Guys pls recommend a good lightening lotion and serum. I'm light skinned already but want to change my cream. Thanks

    1. Yinmu,just say you want to bleach 😎😎😎😎

    2. I need this too..And good soap.

      what serum can i mix in my black soap pease? one that's without HQ.

    3. Check Instagram, that's the business everyone, mostly light skinned are into now. You will see hundreds of them .

    4. Makari is very good but expensive. Why seeking for lightening lotion since you are already light skinned.

    5. Use natural products. Check out anike or ghunueffects on IG,they sell good organic products

  27. Stella you're so on point, just last week I got to know about the death of a friend on Facebook. Heard she died since last year December in a car crash.... And to think that I never knew till just last week. This life eh.

    1. You weren't a 'FRIEND'.
      If it takes you one year to know when your friends DIE, then you weren't a 'friend'.
      She was just someone you once we're aware she was alive at a point in time.
      And yes, I say it as it is.

  28. Good morninggg.
    No, I'm not asking how y'all night was. Wishing you a blissful day.

  29. Good morning my people.

    So many ain't commenting anymore. I miss Bloglord and TGW.

    Have a blessed day.

    1. Omomo go dem house na. You no sabi where dem dey stay??? You know dia office? Twitter, Facebook Instagram handle nko? No? Buahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahaha

    2. hahahahaha una no get joy


  30. One right step @ a time can make your affront wheel to become front wheel while a wrong step @ a time can frustrate the settings and privacy of personal potentials.

    Though the journey is hectic but we arrive safely . Hmmm ! The 'Power and Politics' of within and outside is allocated by HIM.
    Oh God! I seek for your guidance all through our days here on earth, I seek for your divine connections and abundant provisions in all our daily proceedings and be prodigious of your handiwork.

    I seek for peaceful coexistence in this country Nigeria. I seek for healthy living, fairness and spiritual steadfastness on our parents, friends, families and loved ones. I seek for break through and glory for all our siblings. I seek for His truth and true governance over our country. I seek for spiritual and economic successes over my state. I seek for mutual control over my friends and retard successes over our foes.

    Peace, Prosperity, Power and Progress I Prayed.
    Good Morning and God Bless Nigeria...........
    Yah Sallam. Yah Rahman. Yah Allah.
    # Sannukuruqah Falahtaashah#
    # Warafahnah Monqannah Allaehyah#

    Mc pinky

    1. Jazakallahu khayran Adebisi

  31. #YAWNING#...all i need now is delta banga soup n starch

    1. And I still have some banga that I made on Sunday freezing away. I use it for white rice instead.

      Have some🥘🥘

  32. Beautiful morning all. lets have a good day. It is good to always be on God's side.

    Pick a hustle if you want to continue to showcase your hustle on IG or facebook, you have to be strong either for God or for the devil so that when monitoring eyes follow you, you will know your stand.

    This morning, saw one Papa mmadu that allowed his prick to be dangling left and right and the man was just doing shakara on the road. Why will you allow your penis dangling left and right and you could not put on your boxer. Stop corrupting people's mind going to work and seeing that thing.

    Let me go and work jare

    1. Wetin ur eyes find go there? Is it ur prick? Is it ur dangling?...spoilt shild

      Mc pinky

    2. hahahahaha Pinky i was driving and he was walking towards my direction ooo, na so my eyes go see as the thing dey dangle.

      TJ he is stable oooo. He was on pyjamas

    3. Ayori yori plincess doff me yeye
      You were driving? Osheyyyy!!

  33. This life is but a market place. Rip to all departed bvs.

    Pls that anonymous under my comment on Sp yesterday who talked about scholarships in Lagos, pls contact me via mail on my profile and give me the names of some of them and how I can reach them. I need to touch at least one of those children's life in an unforgettable way. God help me.

    1. I just commented about thea scholarship people too down there. I really need them. If they contact you pls forward to me too.

    2. May God bless you in advance @meena and Mrs Gee.

  34. Martins i still cant read more than 200 comments. It stops at 200 comments. I have downloaded all you told me to do, still it wont be less than 200.

    what should i do again to start reading more comments. Stella used to have new, newer icon before but i cant find it again. Stella what happened or I should throw away my N80k phone

    1. Thought you have sort this out? I think this could be from your browser.

    2. @Yori-Yori;if you have downloaded "Uc-browser or puffin browser" and still cant read more than 200 comments;then you need to get another device if you can cos the problem is from the one you are using..

      I would have given you the name of a device which is worth 28k if you didnt have already..

      when it comes to gadgets like mobile phones;its not by the name of the company or by the amount it is being sold..its the quality and features and there are new mobile companies that are giving the old names a run now...

      Sorry for the inconveniences.


    3. I have downloaded puffin browser. If i want to read more than 200 what should i do. NO vex

    4. Martins please what is the name of the device mbok...i need to get a new phone.Thanks.

    5. @Yori-Yori,just scroll down to the last comment..
      Under the last comment;you would see "Load more" then click on it..
      Once you click on it and comments are more than 200+,it would change from "Load more" to "Loading" then after few seconds it would load few more comments again and return back to "Load more"

      As long as you are still seeing the "Load more" under the last comment;then it means there are more comments you havnt read or loaded..
      Keep clicking the "load more" after few seconds until it vanishes completely then scroll up and read more comments cos this time around the comments appear according to replies..

      For example if i reply under this your comment now,you wont see it as you do on your desktop;rather you would see it under this particular comment after you have clicked the "Load more" and come back up here...

      Hope you understand what i mean now?
      You can go to yesterday's IHN and try reading the comments using puffin and the "Load more" ok..
      It works perfectly and that is what every BV that makes use of a mobile uses..

      Hope this helps..


    6. Martins ooooo please what is the name of the device mbok...i need to get a new phone.Thanks.

    7. Exactly Martins. The same way I read mine without stress. My browser is Opera mini.

    8. @Anon,i cant post the name here cos it would be an advert and might not be posted...

      Kindly Contact Stella for my email then send a mail ok..


    9. Thanks my dear. You are a darling

  35. Good morning house. Have a wonderful day... Lady bug A special good morning to u ma o

  36. I want to rant eee. This OUR country probably has no remedy again. We keep clamouring for change, meanwhile whatever change we want starts from us.
    Imagine going to pay for PHCN Bill, got there by 8am and there were already people waiting. We waited till 9am before the guy resumed Work, at 9am for crying out loud. He showed no remorse, no apology for resuming late and when people tried talking to him, he opened his gutter mouth to say it wasn't HIS FAULT, that he forgot the office key and had to go back. Chai, I weak. It is well with Nigeria.

    1. You are not happy he came by 9.00 a.m. Better just take civil servants as you see them.
      My office they come in by 10.00 a.m. self, what will you do, nothing

    2. Lmaooooo, he carry OFFICE GO HOUSE???

    3. @Anon, you have an issue and the issue is, you don' control your tongue. He explained to you the hiccup on his way to office and you still open your mouth to abuse him.

      I pity your life.

    4. *OFFICE KEY

  37. Pls I saw a comment on scholarships on yesterday Spontaneous Post. Pls anyone who knows the organisations that awards them in Lagos and how to go about it should pls contact me. Pls I beg of you.
    Thanks once again to that angel who blessed me and my kids with 10k. God will continue blessing her too.

  38. The Word for Today! And in the end it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. May your life count for God. Good Morning, have a blissful day........ Ahead

  39. Yori yori you can lie for Africa. From over 200k job to 80k phone.

    1. Shebi na my lie abi. I hope my lies has brought alert into your accant? If it has better thank God for the lies i said just now.

    2. @Anon 09:06, because she receive more than 200k as salary she should use all the money for phone. May sense fall on you.

  40. Please who knows about alata samina super toner. Will it clear my childhood spots. Pls it is very urgent. What are it's side effects. Stella pls post. I didn't get any reply yesterday. Thanks

    1. Dunno about it's side effects, but it's a very nice soap i will recommend.

    2. Thank you

  41. Yesterday night was a sad one... see the Facebook post of my cormer flassmate who lost his wife.the to cold hand of death Very young couple. T#toocoldforcomfort

    1. Good morning... Beautiful day to us 😘 😘

  42. Good morning beautiful people. Hope your night was good

  43. Who are those 'proud people who thought the blog would collapse without them'? Please mention names. Or are we afraid? The truth is that many who may not be commenting are still here but with different monikers. Some also have multiple monikers so they are commenting with one while the other is 'resting'. It is very difficult to maintain commenting with different monikers at the same time which is why Jayem/Goldscent Diamond quickly fizzled out, aside from the fact that there was too much shitting in the church. There are even some who started commenting quite recently and switched monikers. Don't think it's a issue. Abeg life is not that serious yo!

  44. I just read online that a Corp member meant to pass out today was shot by a policeman in the early hours of today(3 am).

    She was rushed to the hospital, but they refuse to treat her, she gave up the ghost.

    What's wrong with humanity?

    What's wrong with the Security personnel of this country.

    What has the citizens of this country done to this Trigger happy police, Sarz.

    The hospital also rejected to treat her, where's the empathy?

    She was accompanied by the police man, yet, you are still demanding for police report until she passed away.

    I know the Country is hard, let's try to be our Brother's keeper.

  45. Good morning boobaes

    I don't know any blog visitor personally.

    I sure miss TGW, BLOGLORD.

    Let's be our Brother's keeper.

    RIP to all our fallen BV.




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