Hmmmmmm....................No be today Nyansh face back at all....
Wer hatte das gedacht?
Today is Ngozi's birthday and this to wish her a very good day with lots of Blessings from God...have a fun day babe.....
Happy Birthday to you...
I am looking for my Friend Mr Ola..........Mr Ola is the kind of person who impacts you with so much positive energy that when they go away,it feels like the Sun travelled...I have missed so many calls from you that i dont know what else to do........
Please forgive me and call when or if you read this........I love you sir!.
What else?Leave amebo to know who Mr Ola is and have a nice day *tongue click*
Please the BV who say she stole pepper and pure water should please mail me as a BV contact me and wants to pay for what she stole.
I am also willing to help out with m widows mite.
Please do not be ashamed,i will not reveal your identity and will collect the money from the other BV on your behalf OK?
Just me
Some people are yet to come to grips with their bodies and the way it works. They are often left wondering why they experience difficulty gaining weight, while some wonder why they hardly shed weight even with strict adherence to weight loss guides and some have it so easy shedding and gaining weight.
The lack of knowledge about our body types have left so many depressed, unhappy and less confident in their own skin. This little research which I carried out will give you an insight into your type of body and why it works the way it does.
There are basically three body types; Ectomorph, Mesomorph and Endomorph and though it is very possible to fall in between categories, one body type will still be predominant.
The Ectomorph : This type of body are on the skinny or lanky side. The men hardly pack on muscles, no matter the number of hours they sacrifice in the gym while the women still look slim no matter the amount of food consumed. They even experience difficulty eating. They are the set of people who do not like food, they only eat food because they need to be alive and healthy, they hardly crave food and rarely indulge in binge eating. If you are married to a man who is an ectomorph, the saying that "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach" will not work. lol.
The Mesomorph: These are the people who are genetically blessed with what can be termed the perfect body. The male easily builds up muscles and the female has a body to die (figure eight kinda things). Unlike other body types, they can easily gain weight and also lose it with very little effort. They are born athletes and maintain a good Body Mass Index (BMI) without trying so hard.
The Endomorph: This body type from an early stage struggle with weight gain and difficulty in weight loss. The female are soft and well rounded while the male are also on the round side but with regular work outs may take after a mesomorph. This type of body enjoys eating food a lot. In fact, they may use eating as a form of stress reliever. No matter the diet they are placed on, exercise they carry out, they realise it's not yielding the desired result as fast as they thought it would. But worthy to note is that endomorphs have good tolerance for pain.
In cases of starvation and lack of food, they are the most likely to survive because of the stored fats in their bodies. One disadvantage though is their excess weight will make them prone to certain health challenges.
It's also worthy to note that no body type is ingrained in stone, with regular exercise, the endomorph can become a mesomorph, while the mesomorph who is not disciplined in eating can become an endomorph. The only difference is while the mesomorph can easily lose the excess weight, the endomorph gains weight easily but experiences difficulty in shedding the weight. Even the ectomorph Is not spared, with advancement in age, the fast digestive metabolism that makes the body look trim slows down and the skinny ectomorph may appear to be a mesomorph as they get older.
Hmmmm i could not place my body type with this cos my body weight varies....sometimes i look like i need food and sometimes i look like i been eating too much...maybe its in my eyes but my dear i dont agree with this your body types,i think there are more.....otherwise where do i fall into these three?
After we got married, I found out that MIL had snatched FIL who was a married man with wife and kids before having hubby, BIL and SIL. I also thought MIL and FIL we’re together because they posed a united front during the trad wedding. I discovered after that he just upped and left her one random day after the last of the kids entered university. This discovery leaves me with different fears, concerns and emotions. I love hubby but definitely wouldn’t have gone into a relationship with him if I knew all this beforehand talk less of marriage. I don’t know if hubby has any of his parents’ traits hidden somewhere.
We live overseas so I never got to see them but I spoke to them on the phone a lot while we dated. Even MIL used say things like “daddy has gone to bed now or I would pass the phone to him”. Later I started wondering if they were trying to get back together during those times or if she was just putting up a front for me. She’s also the materialistic type who would turn cold to you if she’s not getting things or getting her way. Everybody is stingy, tight fisted or selfi. She’s even called FIL “tight-fisted” in my presence before.
Once during omugwo in our home, she boasted that she’s travelled all over the world because she used to fly everywhere with FIL before he lost his high profile job. He later started his personal business and now has couple of offices but got stingy and tight-fisted because he now runs a personal office business. In my head, I just imagined the poor wife and kids he would have left at home while flying all over the world with another woman who eventually married and started having children for him.
My own father used to travel and enjoy all over too while leaving my mum with us at home so it silently irritated me to hear her boast like that. Only thing is my dad always cane back home and eventually got tired and settled at home.
MIL’s materialistic ways and home wrecking history concerns me, also hubby’s possible inherited traits from FIL scares me. I just wish I never had all these to worry about. Maybe other ladies declined marrying hubby due to his parents’ history and characters and so they put on a front for the next lady to avoid him losing again. I felt I shouldn’t judge hubby by what his parents did before he was born but I can’t lie, it is a constant worry.
I also cover the children with the blood of Jesus. Anybody that had sinned will carry the consequences alone, not me and my offspring IJN. Because I never destroyed anyone’s home, neither did my mother. I can’t tell anybody around me so I’m just unburdening my heart here and I’ve asked God for protection of family and peace of mind. you also might learn from this. If it unsettles you right now, please don’t go into it. Peace of mind is very important.
My dear face your marriage!!! does all these concern you na?you see eh,if everyone was to do investigations before getting married,no one will marry oh..I am married to a very very stubborn man and it runs in his family..proud and stubborn...I didnt know all these as well and i keep saying if i had known and he also tell me that i am too
Everyone has something...please enjoy your Marriage and let those who should worry,worry!!
Just prepare your mind for whatever you thin has been inherited
So Sad My Family And I Has Been Thru Alot.11th June 2016 My Mum
Died.It Was A Clear Assassination....Mums(police Officer) Was Cajoled By
A Close Friend Who Visited Home 2 Go Wit Her 2 D Market. Mrs H(close
Frnd) Told Mum To Stay Outside D Market Claiming She Was Pressed.In Less
Than 10mins A Gunshot Was Heard Everybody Flee 4 Safety.
After Awhile Pple Gathered,To See Wat Had Happened A Woman Was Shot Dead.My Cousin Who Was In The Market Then, She Also Tried If She May Know D Lady Den She Saw Her Aunt(my Mum)Lifeless Body. She Called Home We Went Nd Took Her Body Away,Burial etc.Investigation Was Carried Out The Murderer
Was From A Police Parole Van A Recruit 4 That Matter Who Later Confessed
Who Sent Him.He Was Arrested Ran Out Of Cell Twice Mrs H Fled. Naija
It Hasn't Bin Easy Bcuz Am In School Mum Was D Breadwinner Of D Family, I
Suffered Depression 4 6months Ryt Now I Am Afraid Of Making Frnds Am
Always Alone.I Can't Start My Project Bcus It Is So Well. I Believe As
Long As Deris Life Deris Hope.Will Not Give Up
*Na wah!!!!!...looks like a movie script....Why do people get away with committing crimes like this in Nigeria?that is if this narrative is true oh...
Hello Stella
I really enjoy reading your blog especially LRD and CHRONICLES. Please i would like you to post this story on your blog.
Recently i read a story here about ladies also giving to men but what of cases where some men are the ones taking ladies as a fool. It seems once a lady is independent some guys sees it as having pride or an opportunity to use the lady.
I met a guy online we were chatting i was really plain with this guy and i felt he was plain to me too. we started dating but we haven't met because he his not close by. i knew he will b chatting with other ladies too but i didn't have a problem with that since relationship nowadays is about competition. I am the type of girl that dn't know how to ask, if you give me fine, if u dn't i am cool. so i didn't bother this guy with any request moreover it is online we haven't even met.
He started with a story that he his owing someone money in Nigeria that i should give him the money. i felt that was not cool but i told him i can't give him all i can only borrow him part of the money which i did but i felt stupid after that because there was this lady i felt he was closer to and it was her birthday. My mind told me probably the money was for her i told him to send the acct he wants me to send the money to and it happens to be her acct details.
I confronted him he denied that the money was not for her that he only used her acct details because the money was not complete yet and he trust that the lady will not spend the money. The mumu part of me believed the story but the part of me that was alright concluded that, that would be the last transaction between us until we see since my mind was not clear about giving him money but i was still giving the guy suspect card.
Not long after that another story came up that his mom was sick and he needs funds, bros never pay for the first money he borrowed o. The mumu part of me was like the story could be true and maybe all of this could be a test the JAPA part of me started wondering if the sickness story was even true probably it could be a scam. i had to set up a breakup story too because we haven't seen and there is all this headache, what if we meet? sometimes i wonder if that was the right thing to do.
Although we still chat and he still tells me about his moms sickness but i do press ignore button i cannot come and be another persons MAGA.
This thing is both ways oh,Ladies are also guilty of this...
"Lolade,thank you for all that you're to me.." Gladys said softly to her friend..
'You're welcome";Lolade replied and smiled..
They hugged each other warmly with tears rolling down their faces..
Lolade and Gladys were visiting that year again..
Year 2008;year of the whirlmill of the gods; a phase when Gladys almost crossed over to the greater beyond..
Spouse and loved ones deserted her like a leech..Her sanity was questioned;she almost lost it all in a fraction of seconds.
The centre could no longer hold; and just when she thought She had experienced living hell; She waited patiently for death to come..
A flicker of hope beamed her way; her childhood friend;Lolade who resides in Ireland came across her profile on Social Media
She made one or two enquiries about Gladys from another friend.
Lolade took it upon herself to locate Gladys 's home when She came visiting to Nigeria..
Her friend was a shadow of herself;poverty stricken And suffering from malnutrition.
Lolade knew from the moment She saw Gladys in that state;She would do everything within her means to ensure She gets back on her feet..
Eight months later;Gladys and Lolade took a visit to an urbane interior design studio which will serve as Gladys 's source of income albeit honing her skills as a top notch creative designer..
They took their seats in the office space;each sipping a chilled glass of 33 Export Lager beer amidst different thoughts on each mind..
Lolade was glad she could help her friend find her feets again...
Gladys was deeply grateful for the gift of true friendship...
I don't understand this story..I know it talks about friendship but the details are not enough for me to conclude that it really is true.....
And i don't believe women stand up for each other like this anymore..too much jealousy,gossip,malice,strife and back biting going on these day.
Stories like this only exits in movies and novels..EOD.
Or is this a novel extract?Anyway until then.
Please , I need a nanny either male or female to stay with my dad in the hospital..He's in coma and my siblings and I are not around.
Please contact me ASAP 08167373302
Rice Cookers for Sale
Emel 2.2 litres rice cooker in perfect working condition goes for 10k & open for small discount. Location is Oworo/Gbagada, Lagos. Contact 08034139103
Brand new Master Chef Crown star 3Litres rice cooker for 9,500. Location Oworo/Gbagade, Lagos. Contact 08034139103
I'm in need of 2 bed room flat in osogbo,my budget is between 100k-150k.pls i have no agent fee,and i want an area with light,thanks i can be reached on 080-668-71099.
Oshogbo in Osun state?You dont need more than 50k to rent a place there na...
Anyone one who did national youth service and was posted to the Barracks will relate to this story . Personnel use corpers as their ready made prey for s#x.
Immediately they bring them to the barracks , the sharing process will begin. From the Oga at the top to the most junior officer even soldiers are not left out. Most of these corpers are always willing to be "chicks" to personnel because of the supposed "prestige" in dating an officer.
However, there is this young , fine-looking and single officer who turned corpers to s#x object within the Barracks. There was a particular batch that this man slept with almost all the girls except those who are supposedly decent( the S.U's and Alhaja's). He slept with them promising them marriage/serious relationship.
If one corper leaves for their lodge another will arrive. Without exaggeration, at least 4 corpers will visit this Oga in a day.
Everyday for the thief and one day for the owner. There is this fine girl whom we had been advising Oga to stay with ( he also liked the girl but wasn't ready to commit) she was in his house when another corper came in unannounced. That was when gbege burst.
The fight this sad day was too much, before the arrivals of barracks soldiers the second corper has used a bottle on the girl she met . she was rushed to the hospital and the second girl was arrested.
Oga also faced panel and he was protected so he faced minimal punishment but was sent to the North East where they were sure he won't see girls to roll with.
*Story,i heard na their them gbensh pass and do it codedly
Hello Stella,
I read yesterday's chronicles..the one about a divorcee being afraid to marry a man born out of wedlock. There were a lot of comments saying the poster doesn't have a problem. This issue can be a big problem o! Well it depends on the man's mindset. Let me share my Story.
I happen to have a child for a man born out of wedlock. Now our child was born out of wedlock. Not because of lack of love on both sides but just because this man has an absolute disregard for the family unit. His parents were never married. His mother has two kids for his father, both born out of wedlock. I think the mother got tired of this situation and left. He stayed with his father who later remarried. I don't really know about his mother as he does not speak of her. But he has a younger sister that their father has not spoken to in over twenty years. So many complicated details like that.
Now my own family is not perfect either but my parents have managed to stay together for over forty years. We are a close knit family. So naturally this doesn't sit well with me or my family...'This absolute disregard for family'
Just imagine having a child and no one in your family knows the man responsible. No one in his family knows about the child too.
I see a lot of similarities between what happened to his parents and what is currently happening to us. I never fail to point this out but this Man is hell bent on repeating the mistakes of the past.
*It is people like you that encourage this kinda behaviour with these knew all these and still became his baby mama?what were you expecting?
It's a size 16 wedding gown at a giveaway price 35k. Interested persons should contact 09062151801.
Location : Lagos
I just recently started a mini import business. I have unisex slip on sneakers and slippers for sale.
The sneakers is available in blue and grey. Only size 39 and 42 remaining N5000
The slippers is available in black and nude. Only sizes 38 and 39 remaining for N4000
Below are the pictures, anybody interested should call or whatsapp me on 0808841932.

Which way Nigeria?? Which way Lagos??? See trailers parked everywhere from Apapa down to Iyana-Itire, blocking the express and service lane!!! How do they want people to go about their businesses?? Why is the government quiet about this??? Buses do not ply those route again cos of the crazy traffic and those that do, charge exhobitant fees..... People full road, no transportation, this is so not fair!! Where were these trailers parking before??? Imagine the number of activities on standstill cos of this!!! This is a huge shame..... I really need to 'Escape' all of these abeg, I'm tired!!!!
Traffic/situation report by radio cookie πππππ
DeleteEven Ikorodu road is a menace. Ambode is sleeping mehn!
DeleteWelcome in
DeleteCookie it's terrible this morning police was spraying teargas at Cele bstop, I still do not know the reason for it, instead of them to send those container and tanker drivers away.
Anyone that lives in Lagos for more than 3years and still complain about traffic must be joking. As casino joint is to Las Vegas is the same way traffic is to Lagos.
Delete@skywhite can anyone get used to sitting in d car for over 2hrs on a journey of not more than 15mins?I feel really sorry for the people going back and forth these routes to work!
DeleteIkorodu road is crazy too. I tried to get to Apapa from Ilupeju, got to Ijora bridge was stuck and couldnt enter Apapa. I came back ooo... I had hopes to make small money from the business i was going for at Apapa. Stellz, kindly gift me N20k na... I really dont understand why Ambode is quiet. The state government presences isnt felt in amenities at all. Bad road, Pile of dirt, blocked drainage. Miscreants having a field day. Ambo ooo Ambo!
DeleteLagos Shopper I used to complain alot when I came to Lagos newly and people inside the bus will be looking at me like I was some kind of alien π½..overtime I just realized it's a normal here.
DeleteI remember the day I was coming from Alaba to yaba, my cousin that left Alaba to onitsha the same time got to onitsha before me who was going to Na so e be for Lagos o.
An orange tree does not produce mango fruit, it must produce oranage.
DeleteGod bless the givers
*it's a norm
DeleteAzin i tire...going to marina from mainland now is a long tediuos journey,haba!
DeleteThe tendency of men cheating on their spouses would reduce by 89% if they had no access to internet enabled phones.JUM
DeleteIt is easier for women to cheat and be discreet via internet than men. Without internet Men can still catch be today!!
Deletekinda true π
DeleteLMAO you must be a tata. All the men who were cheating before phones came into Nigeria was it through their spirit??? Mtsheww.
DeleteNot necessarily true. As long as he has unpadlocked mouth, roving eyes and stirring loins, he's gonna cheat like a thief in the night
DeleteYou're so right. Internet and social media increased cheating.
DeleteBack in the days when there was no analogue phones, men still cheat, women still cheat so how has phone influenced it?
Delete“No one has the right to judge you, because no one really knows what you have been through. They might have heard the stories, but they didn’t feel what you felt in your heart.”
Deleteπ π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π
DeleteHappy birthday, NGOZI. LLNP
ReplyDeleteOluwa bless everyone. Stella hipsy hello.
DeleteNgo baby, the face of IHN, are you single? My heart just felt at peace with you. My younger brother is looking for a wife and I would like to introduce you both.
DeleteNgo shine your eye o! Dem don come. How many pictures Stella don post for IHN this week? You nor introduce any of those ones. You see girl wey dey obodo oyinbo, come remember say ya brother dey find wife. #Golddiggeralert
DeleteAll these family people always looking for wife for their brothers π€£ Chaai! See pet name 'Ngo baby' #issabribeπ€£π€£
Deletelmao, dey obodo oyibo! I live in London while my brother lives in the US. What's the deal about obodo oyibo? My dear Obodo oyibo is no biggie in my family, because we all live there.
DeleteOn this blog I know:
ReplyDelete1. My Mates
2. My ancestors
3. The Methuselahs
That anonymous that was very sure I'm still a student,which category do you belong πππππ
Life is good and beautiful when you are stress freeππππππ
Maybe you are not a student but you are extremely childish and myopic. Ms. Categories. Grow up.
DeleteAlso try and know when you'll have sense.
Foolish anonymous,you must be one of the ancestors,take your grandma mode out of my mentions ππππ
Deleteππππππ,kolo girl,you are just a case, anybody that takes your matter to heart ehnπππ
DeleteVery Childish...Grow up my dear
DeleteYou know how to troll people. Little troll you can’t take......foolish anonymous. Silly child.
DeleteUseless and stupid anonymouses,na my matter go kill all of unaπππππ,na me fit all of youππππ
DeleteHappy birthday @ Bcos I
ReplyDeleteAge Gracefully dear.
Good afternoon Bvs.
ReplyDeleteGood afternoon mummy G.Oππππ
DeleteHappy birthday @ Ngozi
ReplyDeleteAge Gracefully dear
Happiness is letting go of what you assume your life is supposed to be like right now and sincerely appreciating it for everything that it is.
ReplyDeleteBefore you go to bed this night, close your eyes, smile and be grateful for where you have been and for what you have.
Talk is cheapππππ
DeleteGood talk!
DeleteGod bless u Stella, you are kind
ReplyDeleteIHN ti dee. Happy Birthday dag NG and those fine sneakers cost a finger. Mo nboo
ReplyDeleteMarrying as a virgin does not make a woman a saint; some women who married as virgins are hard hearted, unrepentant and boastful
ReplyDeleteAbi oππππ
DeleteWhat is it with you ladies and virgin ladies? is it your virginity?
DeleteContinue in your promiscuous ways and leave the virgins alone. Any small thing virgin this, virgin that, kilode gaan?!
I married a virgin wife after dating and flinging with around 21 ladies; its kinda true. JUM
DeleteLols...Stella you must be a comedian. Laughing at your reply to the comment about house in osogbo.
ReplyDeleteThe importation guy your number is incomplete.
Deleteont mind her, maybe she think Osogbo na village or some sort of settlement,she needs google to view the new osogbo and the population.
Deletefor 2bed room flat in agod place, she should be ready for 120 above depending on how new the house is.
The IHN meme is so true. The kind of people you surround yourself with influences your state of mind.
ReplyDeleteGood afternoon all, happy birthday to the beautiful lady celebrating, God bless all business owners and provide my own too.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry, your cake shop is loading..... πππππ
DeleteAmen oh I claim it in Jesus name,thanks lady bug, thanks beloved, olori orente and cutest pat, I saw your replies on spontaneous post this morning to the anonymous asking me there's make up class but I don't know if they offer fixing of nails and eyelashes, it's a redeemed church in my area ikotun.
DeleteYou are welcome ππππ
DeleteIhn welcome, happy birthday pretty lady. Sign out meme is so true
ReplyDeleteThe was Stella make assumptions about house rent is so funny,good houses are expensive even in small states.My sister lived in Oshogbo before she left Nigeria and they were paying 300k for three bedroom space,this was three years ago. I'm presently in bauchi and paying 400k for rent,there are houses of 800k in this same bauchi so please stop with your assumptions.
ReplyDeleteHouse get class,even in this Lagos,there are houses of 20k and there are houses of 3m per year πππ
DeleteDon't mind Stella,she thinks that houses are costly only in Lagosππ
DeleteBauchi? How much is land there? God forbid no matter how beautiful it looks!
DeleteDon't mind sdk she is a drama queen BIbire. I know a one room apartment in rafin zurfi that is 200k.
DeleteAnonymous 14:36,you can get land of 100k and also get for 5million,our taste differ.
DeleteCountless cases like that in Nigeria, sorry dear May God comfort you. Know it that if the law of man fail on the culprit/culprits the law of God won't.
ReplyDeletePls I need loan lenders, scammers don't bother pls.
They should afraid of you being a scammerπππ
DeleteLady Bug, everything is not a joke.
DeleteWatch what you write except I've scammed you or anybody
To the woman worried about her husband behaving like his father I don't know what your problem is. In all the years you guys have been together has he behaved like someone with that tendency? What about men whose parents are clocking 60years in marriage behaving like a dog and having 3 marriages under his belt before his 45th birthday?
ReplyDeleteMarriage is tasking enough, I'll advice you to concentrate on his good behavior and don't judge a man by the sins of his father. His father's behavior can even make him swore not to allow history repeat itself in his case.
Poster that willing became a baby mama for a man that she knee hates marriage you have no one to blame but yourself. You didn't see a man who wants a wife, kids and the proverbial white house with a picket fence but you with your eyes wide open threw in your lot with a man who has been damaged with the mistakes of his parents. Don't blame him oh....we have men who have learnt from the mistakes of their parents and past and are determined to get it right because of the future generations ok? I have a friend who was born out of wedlock and he DETESTS/HATES the word divorce/ even seperation except when domestic violence is involved. The issue has so conformed him in doing his best to keep his marriage.
Almost Maga...but you don fall the mugu naa. Shebi you sent money to his gf account for the babe to flex with. Cut your losses and move on rather than waste time with a time waster like him.
If you were in my shoe what would you do? I went to the gynae with my husband as we were TTC, the gynae asked if I was pregnant before and I said yes that twice and I terminated them of which I had been pregnant 8 times and did away with them all. Should I have told him the truth?
ReplyDeleteGo back to your gynaecologist without your husband and say the truth ππππ
DeleteGood help us. I can't even judge you dear, you did what you felt what right by you.
It's in a bid to avoid similar stories when I get married I have been team mermaid ooooo.
Imagine having toe-curling and knee weakening sex in my youth only to regret them all in my marriage.
Good please give me the grace to stick to my guns on this, sex is indeed over rated. The heartache it leaves in it's wake far outweighs the pleasure.
BVS please I intend to go for a general body checkup.
Whatelse should I check for in addition to infections?
How do I conduct a breast check?
Don't go back and say anything again o! That one you admitted to self is enough for your husband to use against you except he's the person you had those abortion for. I pray you get pregnant very soon otherwise you've given the man excuse to misbehave towards you. Whether you did 2 d&c or 10, if you go born you go born. Except na quack doctor perform the thing. My friend did more than fifteen! She's married today with three kids. Ask God for forgiveness. He is a merciful God
DeleteJust reading. Poster, take the advice of this Anon 15:33. You should’ve just said once. And do not ever go back to say anything more. And do away with the guilt, it is a tool of the devil. Confess your son to God alone and believe you’re forgiven. You will carry your babies, no be by number of wetin you do...
DeleteUna do o
ReplyDeleteBefore you start over pricing yourself, check your market value.
ReplyDeleteBV Chikito 18/7/18
Chiki, you've been a blessing to me on this blog and I want to sincerely appreciate your wise words.
This statement brought back tons of memories which I can't share right now.
I can't agree less. I'm a living witness to that statement.
He that has ears, let him hear.
We hear you ππππ
DeleteAwww... Thanks boo. Peace and love ππ
DeleteKabo daadaa lo de.....
ReplyDeleteEnjoy the rest of your u all
Ⓜc pinky
Stella, Osogbo rent pass 50k ooo depending on what you want Sha
ReplyDeleteEnter your comment...Martins help me
ReplyDeleteI use G** for browsing and I found out that most times, I can't open the blog with it and commenting is a different battle all together.
Please Kindly go to playstore and Download "puffin browser" and everything would be sorted out for you..
DeleteOr alternatively;Download "TouchVPN" from Playstore then after installation,switch your country to Germany then minimize the app and open the blog on any browser..
You are good to go!!
Happy to meet IHN, Learning alot from this Blog. I wish everybody here more open doors.
ReplyDeleteIHN doesn't disappear, you'll always meet IHN πππ
DeleteI am Mr. Ola ooooπππππ
ReplyDeleteI missed you darling...
In other news!! I still dey write redcross exam oooπππππ
Oga oo
You for redcrossππππππππ
DeleteNa red cross CDs you dey??? Na there me sef deyππππ
DeleteYes ooo.. We still dey write exam ooo cookie.. Hilungry don wire me
DeleteGood afternoon all.
ReplyDeleteNkozi happy birthday! Enjoy your day jare.
Good afternoon all.
ReplyDeleteNkozi happy birthday! Enjoy your day jare.
We don hear π ππ
Deletegood afternoon everyone, I need jollof rice with goat meat and fried plantains...
ReplyDeleteRemove money from your wallet and waka go mama put or restaurant go buyπππ
Deletelady bug buy for me now, as per blog friends πππππ
DeleteSign out meme so on point. Happy Birthday to you Ngozi, wishing you best of life. Love me jeje Princess hope all is well with you? Raining here in the garden city.
ReplyDeleteYea..I noticed Yoriyori is missing in action. I trust all is well with her.
DeleteRowland, where art thou?
ReplyDeleteHe's busy farming in his villageπππππ
DeleteLmao. Lady Bug for president!
DeleteHello everyone! Poster who lost her mum accept my sincere condolence. It is well with your family. God will send help your way. This is one reason I recently stopped having friends because so many trusted friends have sent their friends to early grave. A friend's mum was killed by her friends who believed she didn't deserve promotion at their place of work. They lured her into travelling with them, the next thing the family heard was her death. Corper barrack life nawaoh. So some corpses dey hustle to go dey become officer sex object? Sneaker seller why you no get size 41 naaa I was already imagining how I will rock it. Pls when you have size 41 let us know here. More customers fall on you.
DeleteAnon 14:45 corpses ko, mortuary ni
DeleteHey Kidjo..
ReplyDeleteIt's been a while..
Kidjo is busy piloting Edo airππππ
DeleteA very goofafternon God bless every bvs,am new in commenting ooooo,not new to the blog though ,so hope am welcome? hello to all the beautiful ladies/Men out here. To you Stella I wanna say God bless you and keep you for the beautiful work you are doing. You are comic and real mehnnn, you just dish out words so me not everyone will always agree with you,buh pls continue being you. Love you freshly. Always remain the best
ReplyDeleteHello there, uwc. Am new too
DeleteHappy birthday Ngozi, more grace and favour add up to your years, sign out memo na ebano
ReplyDeleteIn house News don shele
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday dear, have a blessed birthday.
I'm MESOMORPH, you perfectly described it. To lose weight no dey hard me at all. To gain day hard me shaa. I only gain around my hip region ie Figure 8 thingsπ
Stella, you should be MESOMORPH too because you get hip pass other body part.
(From inbox) Some Friend's are just wolf in sheep clothing. Why would a friend set you up to be murdered if not for of jealousy. Nawa... Dear, God is your strength.... Naija police no dey help matter at all...
If that FRIENDSHIP story is story, it's indeed #Friendshipgoals
Stella, House rent no be here ooo for naija.
Corper tales, Our camp commandant was on my neck like ...... Thank God, i no give him brake light. Corper dey see things shaa
This 'egg debate' is funny and it's still trending on my timeline.
ReplyDeleteSee,if you have the misfortune of dating an angry,poverty stricken Nigerian guy who lacks emotional intelligence then you have to manage him like that. Simple.
After all you chose him na, didn't you?
So don't complain.
If someone slaps you because of 4 eggs, he will put you in a wheelchair for life or even kill you if his bedsheets are not washed to his satisfaction or if you do not greet him with soprano voice.
Same person who will chill on Friday with 3 bottles of chilled 'odeku',grilled catfish and nkwobi wants to use you for Kung Fu practice because of 120-160 naira eggs. Lmaooooo.
If a guy wanted to eat those 4 eggs would he have been slapped?
You see how Nigeria men treat you women like utter rubbish when your body is always trembling like earthworms under hot salt with desperation?
Where you women see these little malfunctioning toys you date and marry is beyond me.
Errrm I boiled 2 eggs this morning, in the evening I will have at least 1 or 2. That's what I feel like eating. I don't eat 4 eggs everyday. But even if I did, it's my money and my life. Most importantly, I don't move with poverty-stricken scum who feel the only way they can express themselves is through violence.
*meanwhile I'm sure the girl is back at Ogbeni Eggs house scrubbing toilet as a good wife material that she is. Ikwawawawawawawawa
Stella, ah ah, 50k. 50k is too much na. There are houses for 10,000 naira a year in osogbo. They even give land for free and give you 60% of the building cost I'm telling you ππ
ReplyDeleteBought wig for the 1st time in my life and I loved having to put something and take it off when I was tired. Hmm, is this what yall have been enjoying? Let me use it more and see if it's something I'll keep doing. Made cornrows before buying the wig. I haven't made cornrows and just carried it like that round the house without fixing on it since I left secondary school. I currently look like I'm in ss2 with my hair without weavon or attachment. Life is good πππ
same here fab mum, I just discovered the wig life and I've been enjoying it since last month. I wish I started earlier. The comfort it gives is priceless....
DeleteWith your size 8, secondary school boys go dey toast you if dem see you for road,not knowing you be after 3πππππ
DeleteFab momma, you have been missing in action
DeleteI don't know when last I went to a salon
Wig has been a lifesaver since oh
Amanda, with the little I experienced, I'm also feeling bad I didn't start earlier. Ah ah. See life. Jesu
DeleteLadybug, lmao. That one will not be nice o secondary school boys keπ€£π€£π€£.
Olori, I really have been missing o. Wig life is the truth people. And I have just worn it once o. Life is good best believe
Good afternoon BVs! To the matters arising. Happy birthday BV Ngozi, you are fine. BV who wants to assist the pepper thieving BV God bless you, Mr Ola come out of hiding a BV is looking for you, article on body type why don't i understand your write up. BV looking for evil traits from MIL and FIL why are you like this. Has your husband displayed character flaw, why are you looking for things that are not missing, are you are not happy in your marriage abi why are you looking for w hat is not broken. Remember that fears can give rise to what's not there be guarded and pray for your marriage, relax and enjoy what you have not looking up and down into peoples past that should be non of your business. BV who lost her mother to gun shot, may God heal you. πBV who almost fell Maga thank God you woke up, the guy wants to use you shine. You did the right thing don't let your emotions mislead you. Re-chronicle of yesterday while i admit you are right a bit sometimes parental behaviors impact a child but my problem with yesterdays chronicle was the fact that she also had a bigger flaw. Don't forget that single parents were not all product of single parents do you understand, so where do you place that. I have met friends who were products if broken homes and yes they are excelling in their marriages cos they made it a point of duty to not fail. So why would you think because a guy was raised by a single parent means he must tow the same line. The fact that it happened to you is just to show that it can happen but not that it must happen in every case. Let me stop here i don tire.
ReplyDeleteNooooo,no stop here, continue now,you write epistle on top wetin,why you no go tire ππππ
DeleteAt least you read from top to bottomπππππ.
DeleteOk seen
ReplyDeleteGood afternoon BVs, does anyone know where one can rent or hire a car in Nigeria without a driver ?
ReplyDeleteA young man paid or financially supported by a woman,typically an older woman to be her escort or lover is called....., you love older women because you receive gifts in lieu of payment for 'gbensh' services rendered ,lazy youth,when she's done with you,she will move on to the next one that has brighter destiny to enable her African insured ministry move forward,man-whore.
ReplyDeleteMartins Aboy please how can I edit my profile to be displaying picture? I have been editing my profile but the image is not reflecting infact it even changed my profile name to black colour like plastic Id instead of its normal ash colour. What should I do Martins?
ReplyDeletefirst time comment God say I fit comment today love you stella
ReplyDeleteReply to the (Almost someone’s Maga) hope you no fall into the hand of one mumu uk guy?na so he claims his mum is sick to get money...better ignore the mumu
ReplyDeleteReply to the (Almost someone’s Maga) hope you no fall into the hand of one mumu uk guy?na so he claims his mum is sick to get money...better ignore the mumu
ReplyDeleteTo the almost maga thank God ur eyes has cleared. Mother is sick indeed so u are their financial secretary baa. some guys sha... i wonder y u are still chatting with him. block the idiot before he starts brain washing you again