
Thursday, July 19, 2018


#almostfriday #thursdayisthrowback #summerholidayrockingitslf #hashtagwillnotmakesensetoyouunlessyoufreeyourmnd #lovemesomexirtedp #idontknowaboutyoubutyourbiznessisinmyface #positivevibesrock #throwbackanything #needafaceah 

Gute Morgen Leute....Alles OK?habt ihr alle gut geschlafen?

Teaching your a foreign Language free of charge....Some of you already know what i asked up is as easy as ABC and five seconds away from

(Gute Morgen Leute - Good morning people)
(Alles OK? -Everything OK?)
(habt ihr alle gut geschlafen? -Did you all sleep well?)

That reminds me!...Those of you who studied foreign Languages in Nigerian Universities but are still jobless,what are you doing about it?
Approach embassies and offer to do translation jobs for them as a private translator...offer them cheap services and take it from there....

An American BV Tee,read about Mama Nnuku's predicament and has sent her Western union to add to her rent money...We like to openly appreciate those who give on this Blog to show that we have a family thing going on here...Whether some of you like it or not,Mama Nnuku is one of the blog celebs we have around here and we care about her just like we care about everyone else....

Thank you Tee.....When you do get to read this,know that you mean a lot to me!

What else?

Today,right now,i take a walk down memory lane Blog wise and i wanna thank those who have stood on here thru thick and thin.....and I also wanna welcome the newbies...I wanna use this time to urge you if you are new on this Blog to avoid drama cos i stay away from negative drama these days..If you are trying to catch my attention with any of that ISH,you will get me to notice you but i will never acknowledge you the way you want....

 I am still very sleepy so let me round up here.

Shout out to my one and only Blog Boyfriend Krix........No one will ever take your place oh but if they have taken mine,no yawa,soldier go soldier come.....

Have a nice day and share the food,love,hug,gist..........whatever is share-able!!



    1. Amen in Jesus name.

    2. Good morning bvs
      Congratulations mama nnuku and thanks to the giver.
      Blissful day to us all

    3. Good morning everyone!
      I'm happy to be alive and what a lovely day it is
      Blessed day ahead everyone.

    4. Crazyhornywife19 July 2018 at 08:37

      Pastor Emjay๐Ÿ˜

    5. Amen.. Wishing Stella and all blog visitors a wonderful day ..cheers

  2. Good morning everyone. Wishing us a blessed day today #TBT

    Good morning Beautiful Boss mi, I dreamt about that your D&G watch.๐Ÿ™†๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

    When you see Favourite Celeb posts with over 70 comments; just know that the Queen herself graced the show. Ijele Nwanyi--Apuna-anwu. #swarovski #DG #Authe #Assurance #wireless ๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿ’ฆ

    Hi Anon ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    1. Good morning, I noticed the D&G on IG but Stella as usual try to make us think it's all about the phone case ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜… SDK I love your complexion

    2. Good morning BVs,yesterday was very tiring and annoying. The tankers around apapa had extended up to Cele bus stop, the traffic yesterday was really crazy. I just heard the tanker drivers are on strike so they left their tankers to protest. Naija which way. Anyway, have a great day today everyone. Bless up Stelz.

    3. Good morning everyone. Today shall be fruitful for us all. Have a great day ahead

    4. Stella say what you are sure of...I DONT SHOW OFF..the wristwatch is over a year old and i was actually showing off the ohne case....Why would i even show off a DnG watch when i can do same with my Rolex watches?..I dont show off cos its not worth it please....


  3. You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better. --Sega Awosanya.

  4. Thankful cause in the midst of it all he has been faithful!

  5. Somebody shout Halleluyah. My son is 10 months old today. Thank you Jesus for the priceless gift of an amazing child. To you alone Baba God be all the glory.

    Dear Lord as you have blessed me, bless everyone woma on this blog looking for a baby. Hear their cries O Lord! Open their wombs and make them joyful mothers of children. Amen.

    1. Wow see how time flies. Happy 10months to your son.

    2. Hallelujah
      Thank God for him
      Kisses to the cutie๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜

    3. Hallelujah
      He will continue to grow in God's love
      Amen to your prayers

    4. Amen to your prayer...

      Good morning everyone.

    5. Happy 10 months birthday to your son. More grace to him. @Princess Tever

    6. Praise be to God Almighty for making you smile and praise Him today. May your cutie continue to grow so strong and make you happy always. Amen.

      I say Amen to your prayer.

    7. Crazyhornywife19 July 2018 at 08:38

      Wow see how time flies!!!
      Enjoy ya lil boo ! Cheers

    8. Hallelujah, Glory to God. God will preserve your baby, and hear our prayers.

    9. Happy birthday to your son. Many more happy years for him๐ŸŽ‚๐ŸŽ‚

    10. Like play like play.. Happy 10months to your baby.

    11. How time flies! I'm sooooo happy for you dear. God that remembered you will remember all of us in Jesus name.

    12. Wow. They grow up so fast. Happy 10th month to your son. May God keep him in good health .

  6. Good morning lovelies ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜

    Happy birthday to my one and only brother,baddest DJ of our time.May your days be long and may you continue to make us proud.

    I am super proud to be your elder sister. Bigger and greater you in Jesus name. I love you bro๐Ÿ’Ÿ๐Ÿ’Ÿ๐Ÿ’Ÿ

    1. Happy Birthday to your brother. May God bless his new age

    2. Happy birthday to your brother
      God's blessings and Favour locate him now and beyond...

    3. Happy birthday to him, long life in good health and prosperity

    4. Happy birthday to your brother. More grace to him. @Princess Tever

    5. Person! Happy birthday to your brother, God bless him always.

    6. Happy birthday to your brother dear,may he continue to excel above his equals and he shall always be known for great things in life in Jesus name.

    7. Happy birthday to him

    8. Happy birthday to your bro, Olori.

    9. Thanks so much much family
      May joy never cease from our Homes ๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜‡

  7. Happy birthday to me! Thanks Baba God oo

  8. Good morning my beloved people of SDK.

    I decree divine guidance and supernatural security over our lives and family today, all that we own is secured in God's hands as we journey through the day in Jesus name.

  9. Kizzes๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  10. I woke this morning seeing a new bright day;
    Thanking the creator for a new nice day
    I let out my hand to feel the new day dew
    Smiling for his grace that made this true
    I looked out of my window seeing the early morning sun
    Never hesitate to sing the "THANK YOU" morning song
    The breeze blew, making my warm skin cool
    With a heart of joy i said i love this too
    With ease i heared the sounds of nature;
    I realized you engineered all creatures.

    Ⓜc pinky

  11. So, I'm new in this city..
    I stay with a male friend and his girlfriend in a self contained apartment, we sleep on the same bed. ..
    I woke up this morning to his (my male friend) body curled on the bed still sleeping and his hand inside my shorts cupping my vaginal area or should I say crotch, Hian!!!...
    Apparently! Dude in his sleep thought I was his girlfriend...thats how he sleeps most nights..(his hands on her crotch) I weak........

    Damn!!!.... Why is it taking so long to find a good apartment?

    1. Three of you on the same bed? That’s not nice ooo. You can sleep on the floor nau.

    2. Hahahahahahaha

    3. Why will you be sleeping on the same bed with them? You can sleep on the couch or floor while you await your own apartment. 'body no be fire wood' @Princess Tever

    4. I'm sure you enjoyed it. Don't go and look for your own apartment, be there inconveniecing other people mtchewww

    5. Crazyhornywife19 July 2018 at 08:40

      Why can't you sleep on the couch or better still floor

    6. Is it a crime for you to sleep on the floor?. What you see in such situation is what you get.

    7. Yea.. With time @ Adeniji Bisi.

      @Sally, Unknown and CHW...
      Sleeping on the floor is a No No...its a very cold city, He and his girlfriend refused that I sleep on the floor, because of pneumonia and the likes. There is no couch, because, like me, he is in the same stage as I am,and will leave the town once he is done.

      @Shooter.... Why so much anger? And so what if I enjoyed it? Abi you've never had sex in your life...
      I'm sure your brain failed to process the last part of my comment.

    8. wheres your brother??
      Tell him we miss his sick mind

    9. why are you the one sleeping beside him...hmm this ur story na wash..and ur giving excuses for him? that's how he sleeps most times okwaya

  12. Good Morning One Big and Happy Family, hope we all had a good night rest?
    Malaria please leave me alone cos my body is the temple of God, wokeup to a very strong headache this morning, maybe because I did not eat before going to bed last nigh.
    have a nice day guys, one love

    1. You are healed in Jesus name. Amen. @Princess Tever

  13. Please someone should tell my husband to stop being lazy. He needs to get up and find ways to meet the needs of our family. Laziness in a man is a complete turn off. Lord help him o!!!

    1. Why his he lazy, does he not have responsibilities to cater for. If you are helping him shoulder too much responsibility I will advise you stop, so that he will know that there is no food for a lazy man.

    2. Lord help him oh. But he needs to stand up first. God help those who help themselves abi

    3. Crazyhornywife19 July 2018 at 08:41

      Big hug!
      Dear oga Anonymous horseband, pls goan find work!!

    4. Oga, your wife asked us to tell you to stop being lazy.

    5. Husband don't be lazy, go out and hustle.

    6. You that you have mouth, what are you using it for? Sebi he has 'prospects and ambitions ' ehn manage am like that. Half buns is berra dan nothing.

    7. Hope you've told him before coming here to tell us? Nothing pisses me off than a man who is broke and is comfortable with his situation especially one with responsibilities like a wife and children. End time men!

  14. Today issa cool day.
    Thursday be good to meeee

    Good morning all.

  15. I made sp for the first time this year *whoop whoop*

    Kids end of session party in a bit.

    Una good morning

  16. Stella please also write as it sounds, let's learn from there.
    I don't think anything can take me away from this blog......
    Good morning lovelies

  17. Good morning everyone

  18. I'm a newbie and I'm not going to stay away from

    Oya come and beat me

    Good morning everyone and my God bless all the cheerful givers

    1. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ Iwu ewu nno ๐Ÿ˜‚

    2. 'blog celebs' buahahahahahahahaha
      Nothing I won't read.
      Nigerians, always introducing their razzness to everything in every shape, size and form.
      Like CELEBRITY on a blog, A BLOG???
      Moths do think themselves bird.

    3. Anon...Please next time, keep your fingers away from clicking on this blog.
      Is it your blog? Are you us? Are we you? How is our blog language and banter disturbing your empty life...oh and you obviously thought that your "moth and bird" yen yen yen made you sound tush & classy? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  19. Congrats momma

    Count down to 1 amazing year

  20. Goodmornin all
    This is an appreciation to those who has contacted me one way or the other after my ongoing accommodation brouhaha ..
    Bv tee thank you so much for the whooping sum you helped with as regards my rent , I pray that God in his infinite mercies will never cease to bless you ..
    Olori Orente thank you for your constant care you are one of a kind
    Bisi adeniji , thank you so so very much for all the calls and care . I am in love with yah voice **clearsthroat*
    Bv chidima, Mr Michael, bv Linda crayfish and lot more that won't tell me their handle thank you all for offering me a place to rest my head that night when I had nowhere to go.
    Thank you to all those who reached out to me via comments I see it all and I really do appreciate it . thank you to that annon who didn't want me to mention her name if you see this you know I am talking bout you. I appreciate you cabin . *winks
    Lastly Stella thank you so very very verrrrrrrrrrrrrry big much. In the 20 something years I have spent on earth no one as helped me like you do . God bless you immensely . Thank you all. I am entirely grateful.

    1. Vera darling, this is just the beginning
      More to come your way in Jesus name
      Like I do tell you, it will end in praise.....God is going to turn things around for you for good.

    2. All thanks to Almighty Jesus.. Give thanks to the Lord always and dont forget that you are created to be an achiever come what may๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

      Ⓜc pinky

    3. God bless the Angels on this blog. God bless SDK.

      @Mama Nnuku; May God continue to meet you at the point of your needs.

    4. Congrats.I am happy for you. May God please bless all the givers and those that reached out to you one way or the other. May God bless you all. To you mama nnuku I pray that you will never see shame in Jesus name, Amen. @Princess Tever.

    5. Awwwwww. God be with you dear.

    6. Hang in there dear. God has massive plans for you okay. You will be fine. Hugsss

    7. May doors be opened unto you in pleasant places ma'am,hold on tight!!

  21. we buy dead,scrap or faulty inverter battery call me.08117903918/0814139511319 July 2018 at 08:13

    I so much love German language so much

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. You sef. You are anon nau. You could have completed the story.

      Where is my cane.. .come young man stop taking up our space for nothing.

    2. Crazyhornywife19 July 2018 at 08:43

      Ahhhhh! Is that y d space???
      Abeg my ears wan hear the reason, pls come and tell all!

    3. ๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜’

    4. You are a gigolo. Keep giggling while ur destiny is being used.

  23. Do we still have BVNs here or its now Bvs only?

    1. Why are u coping my id. HIan. Hv been using love lydia for years now. Is ok.let me change to aloh

  24. Good morning all
    Hw una dey?
    Stella hw ur body?
    Lady bud hw r u?
    Cutest pat what sup?

    Sipping my vinegar and original honey with squeezed face. Those of u intending to loose weight, vinegar is d answer even if na belly fat o pls try vinegar boiled leaves very healthy. If u have elderly pple who leave with and are suffering from arthritis pls introduce vinegar to them mbok. ....e dey pursue pain and cold too.
    All things now local and natural...if u have sever dandruff my dear look no further. .worry less cos kernel oil is ur answer. I will write on most of these natural things that has worked for me and still working whenever I have time until then pls do have a day filled with goodness and mercy. Amen.

    1. Which is better on the skin? Palm kernel or palm oil.
      I'll be back to read your response, I wantu practice my blog celebrity skills.

    2. Goodness and Mercy my darling, am very fine. thanks for remembering me.

  25. Good morning bvs.
    Today is my daughter's end of session party, and princess came to wake me and her lil sister up by 4:00am for us to start preparing for the party. Which kind party is that naw, I just left the in the room to another to continue my sleep. Still on bed now, this vacation will be sweet oooo.

  26. Good morning all.

  27. Sunny day..

    I have red cross exams today..๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

    First Aider toh jawo๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹

    Will definitely pass it OO, I no get choice๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•

    Would like to use the certificate for UNICEF, WHO, USAID.. AND other humanitarian organization..

    So help me God.

  28. Thanking God for his blessings

  29. Good morning all. May God be there for us always. May today be fruitful for us.

  30. The Word for Today! Let your life contribute to instead of becoming a detraction for others pursuing and fulfilling destiny. Good Morning, have a fabulous day...... Ahead

  31. Good morning everyone.

    God bless you Bv Tee for your love and care, may you have all you desire. Well done Stella, God bless you as well.

    Vera, it is well with you dear. God bless you as well.

    Thank God for life and everything. It is well.

  32. Good morning everyone!!! This week shuo it's a fast week. I miss some old bvs who have been missing in action. James, atheist, villager, krix and one funny lady bvs were tormenting then that she always has carry over can't really remember her blog name. Best wishes to you all. Whiteberry you don run finally? Abi u still dey? Lovely day everyone!

    1. Whiteberry is now cutest pat.

    2. @Nwa Ada, cutest pat is another bv entirely. Not "whiteberry".

    3. Pat,tell that lie to another person not me.
      I know you well enough.

  33. Good morning house... Make una help me thank GOD for saving my life yesternight. I was stung on my bombom by scorpion last night... The pain is unimaginble... I am a bit traumatised right now and still recieving treatment.. Cant type much... Am really grateful. What if it was snake or something deadly. Na so my enemy for don die so... God is so merciful...

    1. Crazyhornywife19 July 2018 at 08:50

      Omg! Thank God for you

    2. Devil is a liar. U are heal dear

    3. Thank God for you
      Scorpion pain is so bad
      Sorry dearie

    4. Scorpion on your bum? Jesus, thank you. Sorry Posh, u will live long. Amen.

    5. Thank God for you. Speedy recovery love.

    6. Jesus Christ. .why bombom Biko, we're you naked? How? I wish you quick recovery.

    7. Chai...sorry dear.
      The pain of scorpion bite is out of this world, speaking from experience. It bit me on my leg and I couldn't walk with that leg the whole day. You'll be fine eh..

    8. A scorpion sting can make you dance awilo and shaku shaku at once ๐Ÿ˜ข very painful something.

  34. Has Ask employed her new PA yet? Pls I'm interested o. Who knows the recruitment process? Good morning Fam

  35. How can people be so heartless, wicked and selfish? You sleep at night,wake p,wat whatever you want to eat while you are happy oweing someone that is managing life money and still feel comfortable. If the person is calling you,you will be pressing busy,forming you are busy on top my money. When God start punishing you, you will say is someone that has gone to do juju for you, I know you have the money to pay me but you have refuse to pay me,you kept on asking e for my account number as if you have not seen it,God is watching you, soon God will speak for me,if not for condition I will not sell my stuffs to you,you and your wife and kids are eating three times daily,you buy your wife gift,you change car,you travel and come back to Nigeria but yet you have refuse to pay me back my money,me that is managing my life to feed and pay my bills.

    God is watching us all,if you are comfortable treating ople that don't be anyhow,no worry someday your family I'll face problems n life,keep on doing what you feel like,you are feeling ke one mini God cos you have little change,don't worry you don't know tomorrow.

    1. You want to get your money back?

      Tag him on all his social media accounts...Facebook & IG. Make sure you open multiple accounts that is following him before he does that so that if he blocks you on one, you can use another to continue the torment.
      Go to his church and ask to see the pastor. Tell him what is happening and that he should tell the man to please pay you. If you wait a week and nothing happens, go to the church on a Sunday morning and wait for him and give him the embarrassment of his life demanding for your money at the top of your voice; let the tears flow down your face.
      Last and not the least, continue to beseech God that he either pays you or have no peace.

  36. And yesterday my bf was denied u.'s visa. He was sad and his mom was too pained.though I had missed feelings.let it be God's will and let start planning next step in this shot hole country.

    1. Was he the idiot that couldn’t explain why he wants to visit America?
      U be evil sha, because u wished him bad luck. Only if he knows!

    2. Sometimes things happen to us cos God is trying to delay something for us at that time. It could be from danger or blessing which we can not manage properly cos we are not ready or matured enough and blame him later for our mistakes.

      Take your time, evaluate everything in and around you. Then seek his face, ask for his will, tell him to perfect all for you, be very ready and grateful even when it is not done yet.

      Kisses to you swwesweeth. The surffering in this country is much. But untill we all take the bull by horn by being United and confront this old thieves nothing will happen.

      God won't come from heaven to change things for us. He will give us the grace, wisdom, knowledge, and power we need. But we all must first ask and be ready to carry it out first.

      Then he will make a way for us. Isreal had to matche to the red Sea first, he wouldn't have parted the red Sea for them to cross over if they didn't get there first.

      I have stated telling people around me even in my WhatsApp no too cos I'm not any other social media platforms, the benefits of being United as a people and as youths.
      Let us start there first. Tomorrow it will born progress. Mathew Luther King Jr did it. Today blacks are free born.
      It lays in you and my hands.

      God bless Nigeria....

    3. ๐Ÿ’– ๐Ÿ’œ ๐Ÿ’› ๐Ÿ’– ๐Ÿ’œ ๐Ÿ’› ๐Ÿ’– ๐Ÿ’œ ๐Ÿ’› ๐Ÿ’– ๐Ÿ’œ ๐Ÿ’› ๐Ÿ’– ๐Ÿ’œ ๐Ÿ’› ๐Ÿ’– ๐Ÿ’œ ๐Ÿ’› ๐Ÿ’– ๐Ÿ’œ ๐Ÿ’› ๐Ÿ’– ๐Ÿ’œ ๐Ÿ’› ๐Ÿ’– ๐Ÿ’œ ๐Ÿ’› ๐Ÿ’– ๐Ÿ’œ

  37. Good morning. Was going thru a post and someone mentioned ROK had nice movies. I decided to give it a try yesterday after not watching Nigerians movies for a very long time and oh God the one movie I watched I laughed and laughed. The name is my sugar. But I don't know why they didn't do the second part of the movie as the one I watched didn't end well. I want to know what happened to all the couples. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐ŸคฃQueen nwaokoye is a good actress. I heard she's hot cake now.

    In a different note, the rate at which jazz is sold on Instagram is now alarming. Went to someone's page and I saw things like attraction oil, back to sender oil, never lack soap, fortification oil and soap and many more things ๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿคค. I was just shook. I had to run out of the page.

    1. Fab mamma, I saw it too
      ROK rocks oh......Mary njoku is doing so well

      Jazz on I.G, it's everywhere oh
      And they have followers ehn

    2. That's why I hate investing my time to see their movies. They only do Part 1 and expect You to go and buy the part two From the market. Lol

      Good morning Fab Momma

    3. The oils "shook" you out of the page.

    4. You can watch the other parts on YouTube.

    5. Olori orente my inlaw
      Good morning. I really enjoyed the movie.
      Thr girl actually has followers o. Ah ah, native doctors now on Instagram. Oh I remember another one, favour oil ๐Ÿคฆ‍♂️

      Beloved, are you serious? So I'll have to start looking for the other part? Now I'm pained.

      How are you sing love? What's happening in your zone?

      Anonymous 09:10, Yes, it shook me out of the page. Had to backflip outta there

  38. Crazyhornywife19 July 2018 at 08:36

    Abeg who has watched celebrity marriage, too much throwing of shades!!!

    1. Only watched a little part of it that irokotv used to water our throat on YouTube. Dyu have any idea where one can get the full version, other than irokotv

    2. Crazyhornywife19 July 2018 at 08:54

      No dear! Watching it on irokotv .

  39. Good morning everyone. @yori have not seen your comment for some time now. Hope your okay. @Princess Tever

  40. It's hurting me real bad that I'm gonna wear a block heeled shoe on my wedding day. I won't be able to rock those fancy tiny heeled shoes I'm seeing all over. Such a pity.

    Or is there any method to mastering how to walk on heels? Let me quickly start learning

    1. They have very cute short heels u cn buy na. U will wear it self without feeling u are on heels. There is a brand that have a lot of it. try them. Abeg block is a no no๐Ÿ™„

    2. Lmaooooo so someone can open eyes and actually marry a Rottweiler like you?

      Ha, thank God, there is hope for us then.

      If you like wear brown Dunlop slippers size 50, nobody genuinely gives a shit.

    3. My friend used trainers o.. As in white sneakers!! I had no idea cos she was wearing a ball gown, imagine my shock when she took it off after the reception and I was like this is what u were wearing??
      But guess what ? She was married.
      Morale of the Story- be comfortable.

    4. Anon 09:11 speak for only yourself next time

    5. It may not really be heel Ekajoy.

    6. 10:07 Oversabinus microsccopbia won't have the time or inclination to waste on nonsense 'next time. Have a ball!

    7. Ha!!!!!!!!! @Anon, 10:07. Na weytin na? My ears... You want to kill am?

    8. Anon you're indeed a bitter soul!

  41. Good morning people,its a brand new day, Thank God for the gift of life, am glad my former colleague and friend invited me to her church program where you can learn different craft, I choose to learn baking and guess what it's so cheap,200 for registration and everyday you come with 100.i was there yesterday and I learnt about measurement in baking.

  42. Olivia silk... I got boots rosewater and glycerin and it has a watery texture will it cause breakouts?
    good morning

    1. I've used it since 2006 and no single breakouts. Yes it's in watery form, looks like water sef but the feeling when applied ๐Ÿ‘Œ. You can mix it in your cream also.

  43. Busy morning here.
    Morning all.

  44. Una good morning for this yard oooo

    Yesterday, I got saved by the whiskers. I went for my injections & got to the office a bit late. That was what saved me from being sent home on indefinite suspension.

    My office is hot & volatile at the moment. Anybody wey do anyhow, na house e dey go. It's not easy but I still the need the money.

    How do people have the mind to defraud a company to the tune of over 7m?

    1. 7m what in this economy
      Is there no Audit department in your company??
      Just be careful at this time and do your job well

    2. You are asking such question in this shit hold country. Fear human being, they don't mind to silence you for life and take everything you have ever worked for.

  45. good morning beautiful people.
    I'm having sore throat after giving my boyfriend bj.
    I don't understand the guy sef, forming relationships coach but too busy for his own relationship.
    Stella mama, don't chop my comment oo

    1. Na you wey dey do suction pump I just dey pity.
      If he is 'too busy for the relationship' it means he is not into you.
      Basic something that even an imbecile will know. Be sucking sucking as you go, maybe when you are tired of swallowing sperm you will gather small sense.

    2. Sore throat? Hope you haven't swallowed something other than sperm? ๐Ÿ˜’

  46. Martins, please teach me how to type a reply under comments. I can't seem to get it because my comments always comes out as a stand alone.


    1. Martins abeg teach her how to eat food and wear panties too. So you no Sabi click on reply and wait for the box to show up before you type? Keep eyes like Obojo fish

  47. Love me Xhrted p also she is a fine sexy Maami with coolest voice.
    Mama Nnuku it is well there is love for you

  48. I checked out this blog in 2015 after I saw a comment made about it on LIB. Since then I got stuck even if some times they all can be boring. I remained anonymous reader,laughed all I could & didn't comment until I created my ID this year. Thanks aunty Stella, thank God for mamaNnuku's helpers, all the angels helping people out here, even if I have never had any freebies here. Several times tried dancing to the shoki rain but haven't been lucky enough. maybe it's cos I'm not a good dancer๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜
    Anyway it's a beautiful day & sending positive vibes to all BV's,all yes cursers' easy o๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ nice day sdk family members fans.

  49. Una good morning and fruitful day


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