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Saturday, July 07, 2018

Saturday In House Gists - Open Finances Between Spouses.

Hmmm what we are about to discuss has caused rift and break up in many homes and relationships......

Are you of the opinion a couple should be open about finances and investments?Each one knowing what the other has?

Do you share accounts or dont you believe in that?What works for you and your spouse?

Or are you one of those that has had an on-going battle in your home because your spouse has refused to tell you how much they have and what they own and you have been tagged gold digger for wanting to know...

How do you think couples should handle finances?
What if one of the couple comes to the Marriage without anything on the table?

This topic may seem just like a topic to you but many homes are going down because of this same topic on finances....

Have you ever ended a Marriage or relationship cos of Money?

My hubby and i both share cards to all his accounts,we know everything about each other financially and investment wise,i can take his money whenever i want but he cannot touch mine...LMAO...
That is what works for us and must not work for you...


  1. Replies
    1. We have separate accounts but hubby knows what comes and goes out of my account. It's no big deal. It's working for us.

    2. It depends on your partner, if your spouse is the one you can trust with your money, fine for you but if your partner is the one that likes seeing you below him, pls don't bother. But relationship is all about openness on everything, finance, investment, properties etc

    3. We have separate accts, but we each kept each other's no to receive alerts. So when ever he is paid or makes a transaction i get the alert. So those he when i do mine. Have each other's pins and we are signatories to each other's acct. I no all his investments because they are in my name. What i don't like is when he gives me his atm to use. Then am cautious about spending much. So prefer transfer. My hubby is stingy to himself, will hardly buy things for himself. But the children and i,we should not just say we want something.

  2. If he can't touch your own and you can touch his own, that sounds like greed on one part. What do you think?

    Shouldn't the two be one even in finances?

    1. i said what works for me will not work for u so what are u asking questions for? Did anyone come to complain to you?

    2. Stella so many bitter people on this blog you know. Always looking for drama. SMH

    3. Thank you@ Anonymous.
      The our money, my money crew.
      This is why guy's don't trust, even their wives, with financial statements and would rather avoid it if they can

    4. Look at this compound fool called Tj, what is bitter about that 14 : 06 comment? So someone cannot say his/her own opinion again without one cretin coming out to yarn dust. This is how that your predecessor used to lick ass and defend blindly before nemesis caught up with him. Jobless thing

    5. @Stella, you sounded cross. I did not mean any of that
      Just expressing my views. Thanks for your response.

    6. Stella, I love your reply on this one... lol
      Go dearie!

  3. What works for A might not work for B due to partners

    My hubby and I share one account, I am even the accountant.He earns more than I do but he prefers I be the planner because I know how to cut cost better.
    We know about all our investments and plans.Our parents did same and it worked,it may not work for another.

    1. Right from our dating days, my husband realized i am a better than him in planning, saving and investing.

      He is a very busy go-gether but cares nothing for the money he makes so he feels just blessed that i can take care of him. H ejust makes the money and i take it from there. I simply run ideas by him then go ahead to do things for us from buying our house, to buying his under wears. If i dont buy his under wears he wont even notice they are due for change. To buying is parents medications and up keep even to donating to charity and family vacation. I make good money too and he has never asked. I handle our entire income as one so there is no mine or his; its simply ours.

      Trust is the key.

  4. I'm open to having joint accounts with future wifey...To me it helps in spending because if my wife don't know how account balance is, it can make side chick business becomes attractive as there is extra cash to waste

    1. 'become'

    2. I think you're very honest and that's such a turn on. Reminds me of when I heard on the radio once, a guy said he's been a hundred percent faithful to his wife since they got married, but he'll readily admit that it's largely cause he's barely got enough to keep them afloat as a family, so he can't say for when there's plenty money to go around and then some.

  5. Everything is all about understanding if you ask me. I don't see anything wrong about opening up to your partner about your finances. Its always good to let each other know should incase of any eventuality. A lot of money of people who died without their family member knowing about it is lying down there in various banks. Most time those managers end up withdrawing it.

    Always share information about financial dealings with your partner it is so beneficial.

    1. Lying down as in how?
      You never still enroll for night school?

  6. My husband and I have same accounts and same cards to them. If any withdraws or pays online or pos beyond a certain amount, it reflect on the other's device; that's how the account was set.

    For more than a decade of marriage, we've never quarreled about finances or any issue.

    I will tell about my colleague whose work makes him fly about a lot. One day, he was calling his wife on phone that he was flying to another city for work and that by morning when he reaches his destination, he will transfer money to her account to settle the kid's school fees. I asked him this very question, your wife can't access any of your accounts? And his answer was "don't trust women with money". I told him that he thinks he is wise, if he flies up and does not land, what will happen to his kids and wife, he claim to love more than any other thing. . . He quickly rejected that as "not his portion".

    A year later, he was divorced. His wife left him with the kids due to financial issues that so bedeviled their marriage.

  7. my husband and I had a common "account" from the moment I accepted to marry him. He decided to put me in charge of every financial spending. He makes contributions and there is no issues about that. There is no account that we have had since marriage that bears one person's name and the mandate is "either to sign". WHEN YOU TALK ABOUT "HIS MONEY" "MY MONEY" hasn't the purpose of marriage been defeated?
    Finances usually breeds quarrel among couples and the taste of the pudding is in the eating. Married for more than a decade an NEVER ARGUED is our testimony by the grace of God. When there is concealment of finances, the lady makes demands, suspect the husband of keeping a concubine etc. But when the two are open to each other in the way described above; thee will be no room for mutual suspicion!

    A couple I know lived financially apart. The man is reasonably well to do but the wife dared not ask or "take his money". He gave her "handout" of money from time to time; monthly allowances etc. All his businesses were solely in his name. He took ill and his doctor gave him a damning health verdict and he had a surgery fixed. He knew that he may not come out of the theater alive. He quickly summoned his wife and took her to all his accounts and made it Joint and she could sign. Made his kids 'next of kin" in all the accounts and re-registered all his businesses with the wife's name inclusive. Even the financial aspect of the surgery and bills, the wife was in charge. He told her, "If I do not come out of the theater alive, sell all the exotic cars and keep just two" etc. IT WAS NO LONGER AN ISSUE OF THE WIFE TAKING "HIS MONEY"; THE WOMAN WAS IN CHARGE. He confessed certain misdeeds to the lady and they prayed together and he got into the theater. AFTER 9 HOURS OF SURGERY, the news came . . . he survived it! It was this singular experience that changed his attitude towards family finances as concerns his wife. She knew about every penny that dropped or left the "family business" as it became.

    Then he said to them, "Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions." (Luke twelve vs. fifteen)

    1. Read this story here before like a zillion times

    2. Chi- squared, that is the copy and paste abortion blog visitor

    3. Is it relevant to the discourse? yes
      Have you read it before? Yes; then scroll past
      Is abortion a virtue? No, it is a vice;
      So someone has to preach against it? Yes
      Have ever read the scripture; "they hated me without cause?"
      Check your conscience and take stock.
      On the day of judgment, these are the words that will condemn you
      and not the "abortion blog visitor", it is the word!

    4. Oga/madam
      Is abortion the only sin?
      Is there a special place in Hell for abortionists and liars, thieves, etc?
      You have a mental issue

  8. One of pastorial mentor told me that the moment he started looking at what his wife was bringing, and/or trying to use that income to pay bills.... God increased him exponentially. She was once the breadwinner, but now he wins the bread, butter, yam, garri and gbogbo e sef. No be person tell the woman make she resign chop life. And NO!! Its not church money cos his church isnt even up to 100 people and he doesnt even intend to grow it beyond that cos he doesnt believe in numbers alone.

    So all the men looking at their wives money, maybe God is using it to test your trust in Him and grow bigger. But you have resorted to limiting yourself to her income. Ehn... she will be the 'head of the house'. Shikena *picks teeth*

    I would like to be open about my finances with my husband and vice versa. And i know God will give me a man who won't depend on my income to grow in life. Lets know for planning sake but dont forget you are the breadwinner and I will assist as I can. Anyway, I havent had it differently in my dating days sef, so I have rehearsed well. Lol.

    Many women aren't open because many men would be sneaky about it if they know, and become stingy/lazy overnight. Many men too arent 💯 open because some women will never talk about investments or future plans... its asoebi and competition and emotional buying they will do. And men aren't wired that way.

    1. You have said it all

    2. The guy I am dating now I can never let him know my worth because he won't drop one kobo again. I once revealed my worth to a guy I dated as I inherited mullions. This guy kept pestering for loans. Since then I decided never to let a man know my worth.
      My current only knows my salary. But he is an akagum and if he knows my worth he wont do anything for me. Because when I tell him I am broke next thing is you just collected salary have you finished it. You don't know how to manage money. So I decided never to tell him I am actually worth 40m.
      Even with that I believe he still has to be the provider when we marry. I will only assist.My savings is for a rainy day and future investments.
      I have no plan on telling him I have money.
      I can't even be bothered he should continue being stingy. I have an older guy taking care of me. I keep telling him a man that doesn't takecare of his woman will have another man do it.

    3. Anon 14:49 you are worth 40m yet u still need an older guy to take care of you? Why?

    4. Sorry. I meant *the moment he STOPPED looking at what his wife was bringing in*

    5. Sis your head is there..
      Me am managing nd grooming my 1 million naira business,only for me to meet nd be dating am looking unto God kind of brother.Opened up to him nd that's when brother started asking for loan.I refused giving nd he changed.Me I just move on....

    6. Wait. But its just N40m. Hmmm.... There are MANY young men who have far more and won't bat an eyelid over your money. Yes, it is much but not insurmountable in one good deal. Its a pity the guys have made you this paranoid, but I'm sorry to say the money is not that type that you should be hiding with so much effort, if you were with a certain type of guy.

      I am not saying you should talk oh, I am asking if it is possible to look into your association again. Try and attract guys that dont think such money is the end of their suffering. You may not tell him but it will help you feel safer around him. Before you will have headache and then you start thinking its cos hubby is after your money, cos he has found out and doesnt want to tell you. In trying to be 'humbly wealthy' you might be short changing yourself. Good luck!

    7. What is 40m now. You can just buy a car with it. I have invested it and rarely spend it except for pending issues.
      Salary doesn't do much. So I definitely need help from time to time. Since the one I am with decided not to do it. Someone else is doing it.

    8. Hmmm my own is the opposite. I don’t like to discuss finances because I’m insecure about it. I know I should be making way more than I currently do and I always feel some type of way talking about it to guys. Like maybe he’ll think I’m after his money or I’m gonna be a leach. I don’t even know if men feel any way about a woman making less (not just less but below what she should be earning). But it has been crippling for me. Not that I don’t survive. I do, I pay my bills etc and have a little left over but it’s barely anything. Any advice in terms of opening up to a man?

    9. 14:49
      You are still dating him? And dating another man that is taking care of you? What is the essence of still keeping the stingy goat since he doesn't give or is it the sex? If he marries you tomorrow now and leaves all the home expenses to you, you will start complaining, you saw all the signs now and yet you are still with him. This is how you ladies open your eyes and enter fire. Mscheeeew

    10. I forgot to add
      14:49, a stingy boyfriend will graduate into a 'stingier' husband. They don't change. I saw where you said when you marry he will be the provider, let me tell you, he won't provide anything. If you marry that one, you will just be marrying yourself. Why can't you marry the older guy? Is he a married man? Why is that akagum sleeping with you for nothing and another person is taking care of you? Do you have sense at all? Dump the goat abeg. If you like don't listen. Thank God I don't have an unmarried sister, so you are not my sister. Keep planning for future depression

    11. Anon 16:13 You're such a selfish and insincere person. So you're having sex with both men and loyal to non.

    12. Are men loyal to anyone? Abeg. Let me live my life how it works for me. My days of being loyal to a man is over.

  9. My hubby left the atm card to his savings account in my care. That's where we get money for feeding cos he's not always around. I bring a certain portion of my salary out every month to take care of bills, and then generator and car servicing every three months, then I save the rest. He pays house rent and I pay school fees. We save a certain amount together for our investments. That's how we shared the responsibilities and everyone is happy...

  10. True,this topic is important, I was discussing with 2 colleagues last week about this, that am of the opinion of joint account if hubby earns more or we have an account that each of us contribute a certain percent and they flare up, that it shouldn't be o

  11. My husband and I have joint account with the mandate of either to sign. That was how we began since we got married. He earns twice more than I do. We do every investments together and use our kids as next of kin.

    My friend's marriage crashed because of this issue. she earned more than the husband and never contributed anything to the house and still wanted the man to buy everything she craved. If you see her now, even with all the money she looks haggard and 10 years older. Very bitter and nonchalant. She is always treating one sti or the other.

    1. Haba! You sound like u are mocking her and happy things turned bad for her and you called her friend. May God save us from friends like you o.

  12. This post is about to go south. I hope people will not follow sdk way. That s**t is hard for naija men to do

  13. Very dicey situation that has caused a lot of problems in marriage! I have access to my husband money I take his atm card at times to go grocery shopping! I know how much my husband earns! We are open about our finances. He opened a business for me so am cool with that but am also a content person. I like to look good and my children are okay am happy with what I earn thanks to God for providing!

    1. Oh sister! It seems you like exclamation marks! Oh yes! I noticed you like exclamation marks! Exclamation marks like this! They are wonderful! I agree! Thanks to God for providing them. Oh great exclamation marks!

  14. I swear there's no way am gonna be part of that shit,talking from experience,it's gotta be bring problem in the long run,Bette to avoid it,keep your money,i keep mine,no joint account shit*ENNJAY

  15. First, I want to clear the air on the common misconception that a spouse who isn’t engaged in secular work brings “nothing to the table.” That is so wrong. Homemaking is an important part of any successful family, and if one spouse has to do it full time, they bring a great deal to the table.

    That being said, each family is unique. Even Solomon in all his wisdom said he couldn’t understand the way of a young man with a maiden. For me, I prefer shared finances, a common purse, so to speak. So far, it has worked for us. We are accountable to each other, our family’s needs come first, before those of in-laws from either side or friends.

    Of course, it came at the price of my in-laws tagging me witch. It’s a price I’m willing to pay.

  16. I can't do joint account. His money is ours, my money is mine. When it gets to major investment, We raise the money together but I have my own investment, I pay for the kids clothings, snacks for school and the little stuffs around the house. He provides money for feeding Ad school fees. I can't do joint that I will save and he will be spending. For peace sake in my life.

  17. Hubby and I share every financial details about ourselves. He brings ALL his income home while I bring part of mine😁...i am the financial manager as he leaves every penny under my care. Everyone is happy as there is no unnecessary secret. The other part of my income I do with it what pleases me and he doesn't bother 😁😁😁. This is what works for us.

  18. I married a gold digger that was all about my money, he will be sitting down at home watching TV and playing game while I go out to work and pay all the bills, I started hiding my income from him before he runs me dry

    1. Why not help him get a job or even encourage him to do so rather than indulge him in his laziness. You have started growing a feeling of resentment towards him and it might push you to do something stupid one day. Don't encourage laziness at all.

    2. You should never have let him know you have money. How I loathe lazy men. Don't even tell a man your exact salary or investments you have. You can sparsely tell him but not the actual value. If I were you i wont be feeding him again or pay dstv either. When he has no food or no super sports to watch. He will go out and get a job.

    3. Correct!!, some men are so lazy and indulged by being spoilt by their spouses

  19. I don't see anything wrong when couples invest jointly. An account should be open for such purpose(s). Be it house project, getting a new car, kids education, any major expenses. I don't believe in couples operating a joint account. Let me have my account, have yours and you can control yours as you like. However, like I said earlier, a family account should be available for major family's expenses, in which husband and wife save a certain amount into every month. This type of account is NOT which either of them can access anyhow. If you want to do saara (gifts), withdraw from your personal account bikoo.

    Also, when getting property/properties jointly, their names should be written on the documents, NOT Mr. And Mrs. But their full names ( All names should be written). Nobody can cheat anybody 🙂🙂🙂

  20. When we newly got married, my hubby was very open about everything, i know his atm pin, he drops his atm, i know his phone password, infact we were very open about everything. No secrets at all. Everything was so so peaceful! I do not work for now, tho i have a little business i run from home but limited customers. He doesnt mind that i am not bringing much. Infact he does not care. He gives me a reasonable amount of money as allowance every month.
    Now God has blessed him more. When i say more, i mean very very well. But now i notice he changed d password to his 2phones. He cant even leave the phone with me for a second. His atms are always with him. Tells me nothing about his finances. Hides everything. Tho he still pays my monthly allowance, buys everything buyable in the house. Buh i am just worried how someone who used to be so open with me has suddenly started hiding things.
    Should i be worried? Or its nothing?
    P.s i am very prudent. Even when he was still giving me his atm to hold, i dont take any money without telling him first. Infact sumtyms he yells at me that’ why cant u take it, is it not our money, must u ask everything? ’
    So i am kinda worried.

    1. Side chick alert!

    2. Why not have a talk with him when he is in a very good mood. After good sex or a very good meal,lol.
      Tell him calmly the things you have noticed and you just want to know if everything is okay etc. If he's not ready to talk don't push it or make an arguement out of it.
      Just simply pick another time and bring it up again. My sister if he isn't willing to still talk. Just let him be. So far he is taking care of you and his responsibilities. These men can turn someone into nags.
      My husband also doesn't like answering my questions or concerns and I use to force questions of is something wrong bla bla and then we kept fighting.
      When I see he is in one of his moods I just ignore him also and concentrate on my baby. When his head is correct he will be the one to come meet me.
      This thing called marriage. I am married to a very immature man. I am slowly learning patience.
      Finances, that is another story for another day. Thank God I have a job.
      The greatest mistake any woman can make is not having a little of your own money. Some men take advantage of it and you have to always dance to their tune. If this one keeps malice with me, I don't have to beg or starve I spend my money.

    3. New chic in da hood more open phones.

    4. I am sorry to say I hope your husband hasn't started tasting another soup outside. Why not discuss your fears with him in a peaceful manner.

    5. Have you spoken to him about this? No? Did i hear you say No? 👀

    6. Of course you shd be worried women are wired to think with their hearts not their heads and 100% of time they are right,my dear u can an investigator to help find d obvious truth if your have d heart to withstd d truth and still be in ur right senses. If not, get wise and begin to build financial muscle for ur self and children systematically without stealing asap. A word is enough for d wise!!

    7. I am sorry but it sounds like he has someone on the side.. sit him down and have a heart to heart.

    8. Thank you very much guys. This issue has been bothering my mind. Buh i feel very good now letting it out. Thanks for the advice guys. I Will try and find a cool way to talk to him about it.
      Side chick? I reject that in Jesus name. I cant bear that pls. I don't think so. He is not a womanizer.

    9. I have told you guys, if you don’t spend it someone else will e spending it for you, oshey o Mrs prudent, why weren’t you even taking and saving somewhere else, the business you say you are running could be bigger, you can even start another one. I know what my hubby makes but he can’t know what’s I make, cus I put my money back into my business, plus I do little things around the house so what does he need to know

  21. Oh,my husband is very open about his financial status,I know how much he earns,I know when it comes in,and by the time we spend, I know what is left n what isn't.. Actually not all men r open about their finances.Am glad mine is and I make sure I don't take advantage of that cos he is very open and giving financially

  22. We are open about finances. We have a joint account with the mandate "either can sign". I have the banking app and cheque book. He doesn't know how much I have but he knows my card pin and I have his card too.

    I don't use my money for anything concerning the house. Maybe when kids start coming I will pick a struggle.

    Financially we're cool.

  23. my husband and I opened up a joint account since when we were only boyfriend and girlfriend. that's where we save for things like vacations and future plans. we live abroad so there's even no way to hide anything. we still maintain our individual accounts as well. what I was really looking for once someone that shared a similar vision with me because money no be problem, once we plan something we both start working on getting it done. he knows all my investments and I know his. so far so great

  24. my husband is a millionaire but I can't boost of 100naira of my own . I don't know anything about his income or his account . About seven hundred thousand he put in my account, I have almost finished it, because he doesn't take care of my toiletries or makeup. people see me as a big man wife but I have nothing to show for it, no monthly allowance, no pockets money. If I want to go to market I will make a list with prices attached to it. infant let me stop here for today , flirts of cars but I still trek with three kids

    1. Madam begin to take his money then. It's not stealing coz wat belongs to him belongs to u. I started stealing from hubby last yr and currently I have about 2.5m in the bank. That's excluding the ones u spend not send to my smart.

    2. Go and learn how to drive if you don't know how to, then you collect car key and start driving.

    3. So he put 700k in your account and it didnt occur to you try and start business, since (as you said oh) you cant BOAST of N100.

      Truth be told, some of us women arent calculated at all. We have turned husbands to babysitters who should do EVERYTHING for us. Madam, your husband isnt stingy. He takes care of the house, he isnt obliged to take care of even your toiletries. As a functional adult, do somethings for yourself without overburdening the man.

      Oh please! 🤚

    4. Better dont follow useless advice cos if you spoil this one, e don be. Stop asking for allowance and start asking for capital and ensure you put that capital to profitable use. Show him you are smart and he will seat up. Have you gone to driving school and he didnt give you car keys? Or youre waiting for him to pay for that too? Stop this pity party and assess your situation very well. Then plunge in!

    5. chikota, u will not understand, I am very hardworking, but my husband refused me for doing anything, he said he will open a shop for me once I am done with child bearing. consigning the driving aspect, I have want to driving school three times but he didn't want me to drive, I know he just bought the car for me because people have started talking and gosippin why I should be tracking while 4 cars are parked at home. I know how make most type of snacks but he won't be me do anything,

    6. No naw @ the part of fleet of cars yet you treck? Should we help you pray God to humble him and let him learn to threat you nice the hard way? Or send Stella his contact lets cuss him out or something. Infact you are allowed to entertain attention from where ever to make u feel good and get him worried for a bit. Mtcheeeew...i am so pissed off.

    7. My husband knows what he is doing, I know he might be thinking that because my parents are poor, they don't even have a bicycle I will come to his house to drive car. because there was a time I confront him on why he doesn't want me to drive after he has sent me to driving school three times and he just got angry and question me if it is a must that I will drive car. that he didn't marry me to come and drive cars.

    8. Wonders shall never end. Did he marry you to come and drive car???
      Why are some men so egotistical like this. This man just wants a wife that will be under his control that is why he won't even allow you work.
      I just pray for longlife for your hubby
      I had a neighboyr when I was younger. The man was much older and married her as a teenager. Very beautiful woman. This woman was not allowed to work or even have friends. She can't go out too except to kids school and market. She had to sneak to come visit my mum and she has to be back home by 6 when the man comes homes.
      This man now died unexpectedly, he left some properties but they had to leave that beautiful house they lived in VI to a much smaller house in yaba. They rented it out to pay school fees and bills. Let's say she was working they would have been able to remain in that beautiful house.
      She never worked so never had a clue what to even do. All they do is live off rent of the man's two properties. They can no longer maintain the lifestyle they had or the expensive schools.

    9. Okay, if you say so. Because you lost me at the N700k part vs. not having N100. Just ask God for wisdom, sha.

      Ehen.... So what if you are from a poor background?? Were you born to remain poor? Madam, please take a risk. Get a loan, start a business, pastry business if you may, pray to God for increase, ignore the man. When he sees you achieving things without him he will be shamed into seating up. Try it! People are making millions from cake only. Partner with event planners and all, up your skills with youtube. He will buy gas abi? Use the oven!! Dont allow any cunning man rub his wealth in your face to a point where peoole begin to notice and talk. He has two hands and so do you. Good luck!

    10. What happened to the 700k? Why dint you use 500 and start something, I started my business with just 200k cus no one believed I could make it what it is today, I used the last salary I had and started and that’s what made my hubby contribute when he saw I had customers so you should have started something no matter how little, how can you be broke and be thinking of makeup? Do you know that with 500k you can start a hairline? My dear na you no ready

  25. I can't have a joint account with my hubby coz he's a free giver. To his people, my people, friends, acquaintances and evn strangers. I call him 'ask and u shall receive' I'm scared he'll rundown somday and all those hanging around him now will disappear and I'll be left behind to pick the pieces. So NO. He shd handle his finances alone while I save for the rainy days ...

    1. No one ever gets poor by giving

    2. Correct babes we have learnt a lot from these men. My husb is like tht too nice guy outside but without d tiniest allowance for me.

    3. I really get your point

  26. I Dont support any joint anything abeg
    Make everybody save their money differently .
    I can't shout

  27. Hubby and I have separate accounts and we have access to each others cards and pins. He hardly touches my account and I only touch his when needed which is every other day. We are a team and money has never been an issue between us. When he doesn't have, I know and I support without been asked. It's all about understanding but do not try this at home if your husband or wife has financial parkinsonism o.

  28. Now everyborry is say "my husband and I have one account". Women and suffering in silence...5&6

    1. Gbam. So so lie lie!! Most people are typing what they want us to read not how it happens. Naija man know your salary? You will finish spending it before he adds 10kobo, hehehe

  29. well my and my husband dont have joined account . He runs the family affair and takes care of me . I don't know how much he has or warth. all I know is that he made me his next of kin. and I am OK with that. most women on this blog will be forming and deceiving other that they had a joint account with they husband why they are lieing. I pity some coconut head woman that after reading all this bla bla bla they will believe it and go and start fighting they husband that they must have a joint account. U better borrow your brain

  30. I’m sorry o..women are really not to be trusted and there is no guarantee that a woman will be with you forever because of change so in my opinion,I think the solution is for a man to make enough money to not worry about how much his wife earns,take care of your wife like she’s not working at all and if she wants to contribute fine if not na she get wahala.i will never show my wife what I’m truly worth o,never.Women that can go from 0-1000 in one second.

  31. Thank God I did not marry a loser. My hubby is in charge of the money cos me I ‘gats to’ buy luxury stuff so he opened an account seperate for me for just that, school fees account is different, traveling account is different, we maintain and fund these accounts for different aspects of the home. I can’t imagine marrying a loser(a man that collects money from his wife)

  32. Hmmm this finance issue threatening to tear this marriage apart. I can’t go in to details

  33. Learnt early in marriage not to let finances cause us issues. We run our accounts differently. I pitch in when I need to and that keeps the peace in my home. Follow your own custom made recipe.

  34. We don't run an official joint account but we spend
    I have his card and mine,run things from my account and his,I know what he earns but he doesn't check what I have unless I tell him,the way to spend has never been a problem,we know what we are worth and we no dey do pass ourselves!!

  35. Our marriage is about to pack up due to our financial stand. I work and i earn well. Oga is a business man whose money had no timeline . we were comfortable in our first year while i take of petty things in the house and he handles the rest.
    Children came in, his work is down and i took up the responsibility of the house. Oga knows my atm pin but i dont know his. He borrows money without paying when he knows i am the only one facing responsibility for two children, nanny, school and house rent.
    Now i gave a mandate to oga not to borrow money from me , and let me continue with my burden jeje till things get better. Oga started showing his colour. He will have small change and not let me know, or better still use to to drink.
    He has always been a reckless spender while i am the saver.
    Now i cant cope anymore , and everyday na quarel and fight. I have access to his emails so when money drops i push small responsibilty to him, but now he fights me immediately money gets to his hand.
    I now know for sure that he married me cos he knew i had a good job.
    I am paying rest, school fees , house help ,run the house etc and i am honestly weak and tired. I am pregnant again o, yes i am a fool but i cant bring myself to abort cos with my two eyes wide open, adding another responsibility to the one i have.
    I have stopped talking to each other for 2months and i feel at peace, i just want him to bring divorce papers or move out of the house for me. Atleast if people know i dont have husband , i will have help. But the man refused to leave and stay. I just tire.
    Upon all these, he has pride and ego and never fails to remind me at every fight that he will send me away once his money comes and that i am treating him anyhow cos i have more money which is what led to our last fight two months ago. i have told him to go and make the money and leave me out of it.


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