Stella Dimoko Motherhood With TeeWhy. - The Intro


Friday, July 27, 2018

Motherhood With TeeWhy. - The Intro

If you loved 'Fatherhood with Ibe'.. Motherhood with TeeWhy is gonna knock you off your feet....

Hi BV's!!
It's me your Mama Teewhy, writing from the land of Port Harcourt with my 4 beautiful princesses.

Sarah, Naomi,Esther and Deborah, {they all got Native names though!!}
Sarah is 15, bossy and loves being the 1st, Naomi is 13, quiet, and helpful, My batch 2 as I fondly call them Esther and Deborah are 8 and 6.
Deborah is the 'baby' and has everyone wrapped around her finger except MOI, Esther is loud , boisterous and really brilliant.

Thank God for holidays! A little more time to sleep in before dropping batch 2 at their dance and music classes, By the time they get back, they are tired and less noise at home.Whew!!

The big ones sleep in every morning, but I give them a kick to help prepare the smaller ones while I enjoy more peace and solitude.

Oga @ the top is at work now, and the weather is cold o!! Just imagine, no one to snuggle up too. Anyways that's story for another day.

I am committed to making sure that the big girls stop using their phones during the day for chatting and the likes till 7.30pm and for just 2 hours, well Naomi, submits her phone after phone time, but my darling Sarah just has to sneak hers under her pillow and keep chatting sweet nothings with her plenty admirers and friends, Whew!!! Teenage hormones!!! 

(Singing ...I shall overcome one day...). Both of them have devised a very wicked means of running down my data too, Every time I see that message from Airtel, that I've used up 75% of my data, my heart jumps, wetin sef!! They will download their videos from YouTube and say they are not using my data, Na their grandfather data dem dey use🀨 . Long hiss. Anyway me too dey watch them as dem dey watch me, once they grab their phones, I switch off my hotspot, u then hear their sighs and hisses and conniving from their room, how they will get my phone , who will go and distract me, who has the fastest fingers to turn on the hotspot....

I laugh in Chinese... they never jam!! Me.. that is James Bond,
Till next time , have a great week ahead and I pray for every woman trying to concieve , Just like I got my miracles from God, you too will get yours,
Exodus 23:25-26 is yours!!


  1. Amen to your prayers. This is interesting.

  2. I love this
    Mama girls keep it coming oh

  3. This blog is the truth!
    Motherhood with TeeWhy 😍...madam please keep up with this vibe you started with abeg 😊.
    I will surely experience motherhood in Jesus name.

    1. I tell you dearie
      No blog like sdk blog
      Motherhood is our portion in Jesus name

  4. Awwww, so sweet.
    There is so much fun parenting teenagers. I get a kick when they are trying to outsmart you. Been there, done that abegi. I know their psychology like abc, because me sef went through those teenage hormones wella. I peppered my parents, but also passed through rigorous discipline. By the grace of God, I came out a better person.

  5. Interesting, motherhood hnmmmm, I will share my own experience one day. It's just that the experience is on ending as they grow.

  6. You did not write anything about your husband; which makes a complete family?
    What does he feel about all girls kids?
    Typical Nigerian men begin to give attitude and play away matches with all girls and this is wrong.
    Just asking.

    1. Oh Lord. And see how you want to turn the post to something else. What's your business with how he feels about his kids? Didn't you see where she said he rhubby has left for work and no one to cuddle? She's not here to tell you about her husband's attitude towards his kids. She's here to share with you the joy and pain of motherhood I believe. And not to give you a sad story seeing you people thrive on bitter tale.

    2. some people will always be negative even in the midst of positivity... I never see.. Please, take several seats πŸ”™.. Don't bother to read next time except to get more disappointed from your nonsense expectations.

    3. Olodo trying to ruin good vibes.

    4. Why do you want to turn this beautiful post to a bitter post?

      Did she tell you her husband is complaining?


  7. Kids and their wahala. Ain't easy being a working class woman and a mother. Thank goodness mine don't know how to chat or surf the net yet, i just hand over my iPad to them to play candy crush,word puzzle or pin balls. The eldest tboy is 5 and ella is 3 years old. Ella is calm and reserve and tboy is the gragra type but super smart and too intelligent for his age. He can ask question for Africa and learns very fast. I don't know how I am gonna feel if ella grows up and begin to see a boy or when tboy will bring his galfriend home. Wooo i can't wait even deal with that now.

    1. STEFFY, I thought you're single oh, I never knew you're married let alone being a mom

    2. Amanda Favour, she's mothering her nephew and niece. She calls them her babies.

    3. O.k @ rubbynnia. Now I understand. Thanks

  8. This would be interesting...I hope this becomes weekly. 4 girls? Madam you are the real mvp...How do you do it? I have just 1 and I am always on my toes.

  9. Replies
    1. Yes, where is it, were was it posted?

    2. Fatherhood with Ibe featured in Hints magazine in the 90's.
      If you are indomie generation you wont have come across it. He had a girl called Nkem and two boys. I don't remember their names. Stella I heard Ibe Kachikwu is the same Fatherhood with Ibe. How true is that?
      If he is..then he tried with writing a column for someone in the oil and gas sector.

    3. If you read Hints Magazine back in the days, you will certainly be familiar with the column "fatherhood with Ibe". Great write-up. I beleive he is the same Kachikwu Ibe of NNPC.

  10. Very interesting.
    Is this gon be a daily series?

  11. Who is teewhy again? Is this the same morherhood series that debutted?
    I’m freakin rusty🀦‍♀️

  12. Stella don from Teejay enter Teewhy! Issorait. Greet Mama Tee for me o. AmeboTee signing out on SDKtee. Tee issagoal!

  13. Having an amazing experience from my kids#My strength........ the funny aspect of it all is the way they act at times as if they are older than me lol... my daughter is the life of the party in my home,never a dull moment with her. The brother calls her Drama queen while he is calm and gentle.

    Loving the series already

  14. motherhood is not an easy task. you have to be very intelligent to answer their question without divulging some certain details they are not suppose to know at certain age. my kids are so inquisitive different questions every day.
    the other day my 4 years old some asked me, mummy why is it some time my penis we raise, when you are baffing me? i was still thinking of the answer to give oh , then my 3 years old son just said, so you dont know .it means the penis want to wear socks na. really at what age should one start sex education

    1. Lol @ the penis wants to wear socks, how did he come across that

  15. This is nice,will be reading to learnone or two things πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  16. This first episode is not bad, we hope it gets sweeter & hotter in here. Kudos

  17. Looking forward to more write-ups from you Mummy Fantastic four.

    God bless your family and home.

  18. It's gonna be an interesting column.

  19. SDK blog is sweet oh, always upping the game; so interesting. I always check for anything eye-catching and have never been disappointed.
    Me, I am a new mother of a sweet baby boy, to God be the glory, and am anticipating all the developmental stages. Learning daily.
    May God grant every woman the ability to be called a mother.

  20. Hmmmm,nice!enjoyed reading it

  21. Haaahaaahaaahaaa!
    I was smiling as I read through.
    Your home is fulfilled just like mineπŸ˜‚
    Never a dull moment except they are sleeping .
    Can't wait to read another from you.


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